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February 16, 1938 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-16

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy today and to-
morrow; snow tonight or tomnor-
row; no decided change in tem -

YI r



The Commerce
Committee's Investigation
Professor Schaper
Is Exonerated ..



Eight Hundred
Road Experts
Convene Here
In Conference
Van Wagoner Sees Double
Auto Traffic Volume
Within Next 20 Years
Tax Problem Topic
Of First Meeting

Peter I,' Soviet Film Venture,
Hailed As Cinema Art Triumph

Coming Picture At Lydia
Mendelssohn Praise ( By
Russian Instructor Here
"Peter I," the Soviet film that
will appear this week-end at the
Lydia Mendelssohn, was hailed yes-
terday as "an artistic and fascin-
ating presentation of Russia's first
modern Czar and his times" by Mrs.
Lila Pargment of the Russian de-
With an historical accuracy and
an entertaining touch the picture
tells the story of the progressive des-
pot. Peter the Great, who brought to

By WILLIAM J. ELVIN the feudal, oriental Russia of 1700
Eight hundred highway engineers the culture and industrial organiza-
and traffic experts gathered yester- tion of Western Europe, Mrs. Parg-
day in the Union to hear opening-day ment said.
speeches in the thee-day meeting of
the Michigan Highway Conference Peter's reorganization of the no-
held under the direction of the Col- tlligenaccordather withaenergy blood, he
lege of Engineering Iellignerahrhnbo, she
Legesof Engineeringpointed out, was bitterly resented and
With Prof. Lewis M. Cram of the opposed by the nobles, as shown in
engineering college presiding, the con- the picture. This democratic Czar
ference heard Federal and State high- who chose a peasant for his prime
way experts, including State Highway minister, an African Negro (grand-
Commissioner Murray D. Van Wag- father of the poet Pushkin) as a
oner, discuss the present and future
costs of the State's 120,000 miles ofl
streets and roads. , T
Costs of highways constructed and Tro ps T w rt
maintained in order to handle the
double volume of traffic nredicted for M exican M ob's
the future, Commissioner Van Wag-
oner said, will be limited only by "the Lh At te p
continued willingness .of motor ve- 1(
hicle, owners to pay the shot."
Expects Increased Volume
The Highway Planning Survey,Ravisher0 g 1t ear
Commissioner Van Wagoner said, es- Old Girl Rescued By
timates that within the next 20 years, L,.a.
when traffic volume will double, aver- Local Military Officials
age annual revenues from the motor
vehicle taxes will increase possibly TIJUANA, Mexico, Feb. 15.-(/)-A
one-third, frenzied mob of 800 men and women
The trend in collection of highway demolished a jail, fired a federal
revenues,:he continued, has been away building, threatened jailers with
fromlocally-collected property taxes hanging. and exchanged bullets with
to state-colleted motor vehicle rev- soldiers today in a futile at tempt to
enue's and federal aids. Local sup- lynch the man who ravished and
port for Michi'an highways, he de- killed an eight-year-old gil.
clared. has almost entirely disap- Nearly 1.000 shots were fired be-
ered .' 'ween the rioters and soldiers of a
.H.S. Fairbank, chief of the division, einforced garrison. Six persons were
of information, U.S. Bureau of Public wounded and six others injured by
Roads, declared that most highway trampling.
movenleins are very short. "The kind General Manuel Contreras, coin-
of traffe for which our road system nander of the military zone here,
hould be designed,' 'Mr. Fairbank fried out repeatedly to the mob that
stated, "is a traffic that moves short "justice will be meted out to this
distances, not long-a traffic that prisoner!"
moves in great volumes in and out of He referred to a young soldier,
cities. but dwindles to much smaller ue'tioned with several other men
proportions as cities are left behind." 'fter the body of Olga Comacho, 8,
The financial support of every road vas found yesterday. General Con-
and street, G. Donald Kennedy, dep- 'reras said the man confessed.
uty commssioner in charge of bus- Police headquarters and the tem-
iness administration in the State >orary jail were all but demolished by
Highway Department, declared, "must he mob, and the federal building
be consistent with the amount and vas extensively damaged.
kind of service which it renders. Al- Rioters usd battering rams, then
lotment of funds must be on the basi ossed flaming fireballs into the build-
of use and need and not mere extent." ings. Gasoline was poured onto floors
Major Construction Needed nd slashed on walls.
"We are now at a point," Mr. Ken- The mob sped through the streets
nedy asserted, "where major highway n automobiles, firing pistols and
construction and reconstruction are ifles. Martial law was declared last
demanded. Adding a lane here and ight to cope with the growing throng.
there to an existing poorly aligned w General Contreras promised he
roadway has got us by, but at con- would make a personal request to
siderable cost in accident production President Cardenas for a special or-
and loss in revenue and industrial ac- der of execution for the accused
tivity." slayer. Mexican law does not provide
C. C. Burdick, bureau manager of death for such a crime.
the Highway Planning Survey, ex-
plained that the wok of the Highway.
Planning Survey "is more than mere- Boom In oo s
ly getting the facts. In addition to
getting them, it is compiling them, in-S u
terpreting them, and even more im- uts Ex chaiig1 e
portant than that .it is using them
in the day-to-day highway problems
which are perplexing the highway ad- Founders See Rosy Future
ministrator and the highway engi- For New Cooperative
The planning survey came into be- Prompted by the unexpected de-
ing, Mr. Burdick stated, because of mand on their books, the student
the insistent force of the obsolescence book excsange yesterday began to
of-our highways, because of the trend bok ehan straypeannto
in accident production with its enor- formulate plans for a permanent co-
mous attendant human and economic operative setup in conjunction with
costs, and because of the present-day campus organizations, its founders
choking of our arteirial highways and Already most of the 1,200 books it
streets in populous centers. received have been sold, leading the
Today the conference will break up store to issue a call for the more
into a traffic group and an engineer- sor t eacllfkh.o
ing group. The engineering sessions popular textbooks.
will be held at 9:30 a.m. in the Union 'We realize that a permanent
Ballroom and at 1:30 p.m. in Room group along the line we have estab-
348 West Engineering Building. The sed is definitely a. campus need,"
traffic sessions will be held at 9:30 Meyer Goldberg, Grad,, one of the
a.m. and 1:30 p.m., both meetings to founders, said yesterday, "and we
be in Rooms 319-325 of the Union, plan actively to support all organiza-
Gov. Murphisex-pecteUon.be a tions that recognize this fact"
(ov. Mur y i ed tonPae2 The store charges a 15 per cent fee
- on the sale price, which the student
Independents Begin sets for himself
Petitioning Today highway Commission
Petitioning for president and secre- Displays Photographs

tary of each of the ten independent A State Highway Commission dis-
men's zones will open today, Coir play consisting of tinted photographs

statesman, and a former domestic
servant, Catherine, as his wife, Mrs.
Pargmnent said, was too modern for
the rather decadent nobles.
The Czar's efforts toshave the
nobles' beards, change their tradi-
tional clothes and foods and import
new customs, Mrs. Pargment said,
provide another illustration of the
social revolution that he wrought.
The actor Simonov has the massive
figure of the energetic Peter, whom
he portrays in all his moods, Mrs.
Pargment said, as reveler at cc 't
balls, as a worker in the industries he
was trying to develop, as lover and
as despot.
Peter's son, who plotted with the
dissatisfied nobles against his father,
she said, is excellently played by
Cherkassov as a half-witted and
sniveling paralytic. The role of
Catherine is taken by All Tarasova,
whom Mrs. Pargment called "a per-
fect Russian type."
The picture is based on the novel
and research of Alexei Tolstoy, who
produced what many critics have
called the best portarit of Peter I,
Mrs. Pargment said, stating that
Tolstoy is now Russia's greatest his-
torical novelist and dramatist.
Navy Abandons I
Publicity Policy
On Armaments
Official Report Muni On
Building Program For
First Time In 13 Years,
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.-(P)-The
United States Navy clamped a lid of
secrecy upon its warship building
progress tonight-reversing a public-'
ity policy of 13 years standing.
Whether the purpose was to keep
certain data from foreign powers was
net stated. Officials expained mere-
ly that the new policy was "in the
intere t of the public welfare."
Periodically, in the past, the navy
had made public percentage figures
showing how much progress had been
made with the hull and machinery of
ships under construction. Delays in;
construction were shown.
The monthly report issued today,
and dealing with three-score men of
war now being built, omitted these
details. Observers understood the
omission was part of a general tight-
,ning up on information.
The possibility has been discussed
that the United States may join other
powers in building battleship:; larger
than the present treaty limit of 35.-
000 tons.
(Japan has refused to comply with
a request from the United States and
Great Britain that she disclose whe-
her she is building ships larger than
35,000 tons.)
BIequests For Text Book
Lending Library Sought
St udnts who wish to make re-
quests for books from the Text Book
Lending Library may leave the titles
of desired books in Angell Hall Study
Hall, Prof. Erich A. Walter, chair-
men of the library committee, has
announced. The names of books
needed will be printed in the Daily
every week so that possible donoros
may be informed.
Recommendation of an academic
counselor is necessary in order to
borrow books from the library, Pro-
fessor Walter pointed out.

Varsity Tank
Team Battles
Revival Of Old Feud Seen
As A Test Of Nationi
Coach Mann Calls
Team 'Best Ever
A swimming feud of long standing
will come to a head tonight when
Capt. Ed Kirar leads his Michigan
tankers into Payne Whitney Gymna-
sium pool in New Haven, Conn. to
clash with a strong Yale squad.
Both teams are staking a brilliant
record in the meet. Yale, with its
string of 163 dual meet victories brok-
en only last year by Harvard, is plac-
ing its claim to national swim fame
on the block alongside Michigan's
long standing dominance of Mid-West
and National Collegiate aquatic
The teams last met in 1930 when
the Bulldogs whipped the Wolverines
44-20. They have not met since that
time mainly because Coach Bob Kip-
uth refused to bring his team west
and Matt Mann put his foot down{
at travelling east again.
Since the Elis would not come to
Ann Arbor and since the Michigan1
swimmers became annoyed at their
boasts of being the greatest dual meet
team in the country, Coach Mann fi-
nally agreed to go east again, al-1
though this time he had a great deal1
of difficulty in carding a meet with
the Yale outfit.I
Michigan has whipped Yale on
three occasions in the National Col-
legiate meets held each year but itst
dual meet record against the Bull-I
dogs does not reflect as much success.I
So the meet tonight will go a longI
way in settling the argument as toc
dual meet supremacy.t
Michigan will enter the pool rated
as the favorite, but not a top-heavy
one. Yale is unbeaten this year in
Eastern Intercollegiate competition
and boasts one of its perennially fine
aggregations. The Wolverines, on
the other hand have an outfit that
Matt Mann believes to be the best1
he has ever coached.
Headlining the evening's events will
be the clash between Capt. John Ma-
cionis of Yale and Tom Haynie oft
the Varsity. Macionis was a member
of the 1932 Olympic team and Haynie
was rated the most outstanding col-
legiate tanker in the country last year.
Haynie is rated the edge over the
Yale distance star, however, by virtue
of his victory over him in the 440-
yard event in the Nationals last year,
Another event expected to be close-
ly contested is the fancy diving in
Which Danny Endeweiss of the Eli
will be Fitted against Jack Wolin and
Hal Benham of the Varsity. Both
Wolin and Benham are untried in
tough competition but according to
Mann they are the equals of Ben
Grady, Varsity ace last year. who de-
feated Endeweiss in the Nationals.
Michigan's greatest strength lies in
he free style events and the relays.
Conutinueci on Page 3)
Alumni in Nebraska,
Iowa To H{ear Tapping
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association left.
Sunday on a ten day tour of Univer-
sity of Michigan Clubs in Nebraska
and Iowa. He will address the clubs
on the function of the Association
and advise officers of the clubs on
alumni affairs.

Leads Swimmers


Garg Cartoonist Wins
$50 Prize In Ad Contest

Capt. Ed. Kirar of the Varsity
swimming team will lead the Wol-
verines against the Yale natators
tonight at New Haven in the first
clash of the two squads since 1930.
De Madariaga
To Speak Here
Thomas Mann. To Follow
In Lecture Series
Salvador de Madariaga, Spanish
statesman and man of letters, will
open the second half of the Oratori-
cal Association lecture course Feb.
24, with a talk on "World Peace."
Senor De Madariaga will be fol-
lowed on the lecture program by
Thomas Mann, self exiled German
novelist, who will appear here March
3; Wendell Chapman, distinguished
photographer and student of natural
life, who will show pictures here
March 15, and H. V. Kaltenborn,
news commentator, who will speak
April 15.
Mann, considered by many critics
the world's greatest living writer, will
lecture on "The Coming Victory of
Democracy." Among his best known
literary works are the novels "Bud-
denbrooks" and "The Magic Moun-
Senor De Madariaga has made four
lecture tours in the United States.
and has also lectured extensively in
England and Scandinavia. He has
served as Spanish ambassador to the
United States and France, and a-
delegate to the League of Nations.
His literary activities have included
works on Spanish and English poetry,
and on politics. His latest book, "An-
archy or Hierarchy," outlines a plan
for a reformed democracy.
Floods Recede
Throwrh State
'Cold Wave Holds Michigan
Waters In Check

At least one Michigan student went
into his exams happy-Max Hodge,
'39, Gargoyle cartoonist, was notified
just before his first final that he was
the winner of $50 in a national ad-
vertisement cartoon contest for col-
lege students.
Hodge's award, which came from
the Ford Motor Co., was one of seven.
He submitted two entries. He was told
that the second may be purchased
next year. The winning advertise-
ment will be used as part of a nation-
wide campaign in college magazines.
Opera Singers
Head Festival
Progiram List
Other Features To Include
Philadelphia Orchx stra,
Spalding, Rubinstein
Seven Metropolitan Opera stars,
four singers, a world-renowned violin-
ist and a Russian pianist will par-
icipate in the 45th annual May Fes-
tival Series of six concerts from May
11 to 14. President Charles A. Sink of
the music school announced yester-
The Metropolitan Opera stars in-
clude Chare Baromeo, aid Richard
Bonelli, baritones; Hilda Burke, so-
prano; Bruna Castagna, contralto;
Marjorie Lawrence, Wagnerian art-
ist; Giovanni Martinelli and Nino
Martini, tenors.
Other singers are: Marian Ander-
ion, Negro contralto, Agnes Davis,
American soprano, Arthur Hackett,
chairman of the voice department in
the School of Music and Martin Van
Deursen, baritone, also of the School
of Music.
Albert Spaulding, violinist, and Ar-
tur Rubinstein, Russian pianist, will
also be present.
The Philadelphia Orchestra, con-
ducted by Eugene Ormandy, will play
for all the concerts, while the Choral
Union, directed by Prof. Earl V. Moore
of the music school will sing Rach-
maninoff's "Bells" and Bizet's "Car-
men." Juva Higbee will conduct the
Young People's Festival Chorus in the
premiere of "John Bunyan," by Dor-
othy James of Ypsilanti.
Bruna Castagna will close the series
when she joins the Choral Union and
the Phiadelphia Orchestra. in singing
Ships Near Rescue
Of Stranded Soviets
MOSCOW, Feb. 15.-()--Two ice-
breakers, one of which was in sight
of the ice floe refuge of four Rus-
sian scientists, worked feverishly to-
night preparing for the take-off of
planes to rescue the stranded men off
the coast of Greenland.
The icebreaker Murman, which the
scientists radioed was clearly visible
pushed huge floes apart with her
prow in carving a seaplane base out
of theArctic waters. The Murman's
captain advised he was within 12
miles of the drifting floe.
The Soviet ship Taimyr, some 14
miles from the floe, fought her way,
foot by foot through thick ice to a
position where her land planes could
be assembled and flown from an ice
Charges Withdrawn
By Theatre Ower

Charges of malicious destruction of
property which grew out of the Mich-
igan Theatre riot of Oct. 2 were yes-
terday withdrawn against Robert Gol-
den. '40, and Martin Messimer, '40.
Acting for Angelo Poulos, owner Ofl
the theatre, Attorney Richard lr.
Whitker asked Justice Jay H. Payne
to rop nthe charge. Pavne a--reed1after

Schuschnigg' s Conferei4ee
With Der Fuehrer Ends
Ini 'Friendly Relations'
Police Forces Now
Under Pro-Germhan
VIENNA, Feb. 15.-(P)-The cab-
inet of Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg
was revised tonight with the addition
of two ministers sympathetic toward
Nazi Germany.
Arthur Seysz-Inquart, who enjoys
the confidence of Adolf Hitler, was
named Minister of Interior, a post in
which he will control Austria's police
An exponent of pan-German ideas,.
Professor Ardamovitch, was made
Minister of Justice.
A third German sympathizer, Dr.
Edmund Glaise-Horstenau, was re-
appointed to the revised cabinet as-
minister without portfolio.
Unconfirmed reports German and
Italian troops were reinforced on the
aorthern and southern borders of
Austria had the effect of adding to the
jittery atmosphere around Schuscli-
nigg's headquarters, frequenty
termed "Europe's uneasiest chahcel-
'Cooperation' Predicted
(Informed Berlin sources predicted
,he Hitler-Schuschnigg conference
would be followed by a new era of il-
'tary and econdmic as well as plitical
,ooperation between the two Ger-
nanic powers,
(These sources predicted economic
measures creating in effect a custonis
anion and also coordination of tlie
Austro-German armed forces):
The ministerial appointments fol-
:owed long conferences between
Schuschnigg and his ministers and
?resident Wilhelm Miklas.
(In Berlin the official German news
%gency issued an official communique
from Vienna saying "certain meas-
ures" would be enforced immediately
is an outcome of the Schuschnigg-
Hitler , talk, but the nature of the
measures was undisclosed.) .
The cabinet and Miklas have been
n almost continuous discussions for'
36 hours, apparently without reach-
ing a complete agreement on the key
tuestion of how Nazi the Austrian
overnment shall become.
Further Demands Rumored
Schuschnigg in his conference with
.Itler at Berchtesgaden, Bavaria, ac-
iepted this view but President Miklas
As the cabinet shake-up somewhat
leared the picture of what transpired
tt the Hitler-Schuschnigg meeting,
here were reports of further German
temands including changes in the
lustrian constitution and control of
he official press bureau. It was re-
)orted a German sympathizer would
-oon be named to the latter post.
A new decision to create a national
'efense council, for supreme control
ver the armed forces, was officially
Members of this body would include
Schuschnigg and General Wilhelm
'ehner, defense secretary. Austrian
Nazis were jubilant that Seysz-In-
luart probably would be included in
:he nowerful council.
A meeting of Church forces at the
Vienna City Hall protested the de-
veloping nationalist course and
tlanned future resistance.
French, British Confer
PARIS, Feb. 15.-(P)-French and
British concern over the Austrian
situation today led Foreign Minister
Yvon Delbos to confer with the Brit-
ish Ambassador, Sir Eric Phipps, on
Germany's apparent view foothold in
Informed quarters said Count Dino
Grandi, the Italian ambassador to
Britain, had assured British Foreign
Secretary Anthony Eden last week
that Mussolini would stand firm for
Austrian independence.

In the light of this assurance the
French and British were described
as disappointed at how far Chancel-
for Kurt Schuschnigg had agreed to
go under Reichsfuehrer Hitler's pres-
sure which apparently was applied
at their Saturday meeting with Italy's
approval of knowledge.
.star Freshl an Fined
For Movie Disturbance
I-.... rlce

Austria Gives Nazis
Two Cabinet Posts
'At Hitler's Demand


I lraalov~f ~daUSA l~a /lc a~.

I5eniocII1UiJ s 7trongest -m -tL ime 1I


Of War,


Calling recent concessive foreign
policies of the democratic countries
merely efforts to avoid internation-
al troubles, Dr. William A. Robson of
the London School of Economics and
Political Sd< i.ce, yesterday declared
in a llnivei'sity lecture in Natural
Science Auditorium that the great in-
ternal strength of these nations gives
them a Practical advantage over ny
of the states engaged in bluff with
The great denmocracies, Dr Robson
explained, are weakest under normal
conditions, when political controversy
and national troubles boil on the sur-
face. War conditions serve to central-
ize and strengthen their power. Under
the aggressive dictatorships, howeker,
actual war tears away the mask put

British Lecturer
of democracy in that nation, the
subject of his talk. Political institu-
tions of democracy, including popu-
lar suffrage, representation and' the
party system, exist there, he de-
clared by way of primary analysis,
as well as the basic political rights
of individual freedom.
His third criterion, democratic
temper of the people, he said, shows
most completely the vitality of de-
mocracy in England today. 'This
temper is expressed in the tolerance
for minorities and ability of the
people to have great national unity.
International parties of the extreme
right and the extreme left are far,
overshadowed by the strictly nation-
al parties, he pointed out, giving as
an example of the country's national
unity, the support given to Prime
Minister Stanley Baldwin in the re-

steadily receding waters indicated
Tuesday night the danger point had
been passed in floods that have in-{
undated Michigan's lowlands since
Saturday night.
A cold wave that arrived Monday
night continued to hold the state in
its grip, checking for the time being
the rush of more waters to flooded
sectors. The weather prediction was
-ontinued cold acconpanJed by snow.
At Saginaw, declared by the United
States weather bureau at East Lan-
ring to be the flod's only "danger
point," the Saginnw River halted. its
rise a 10 a.m. Tuesday. Its tribu-
taries were reported declining at a
rapid rate.
At Grand Rapids Peter A. Kam-'
meraad, public service director, said
the Grand River was under control1
aind that tle cret of tie high water
would pa s d1ownriVer Thursday with
no further damage to the city.
F7inal.rryouts Today
For Magazine Staff'
Literary magazine tryouts will be
interviewed for the second and last
time from 5 to 6 p.m. today in Room
3218 Angell Hall, the committee ap-
pointed by the Board in Control of
Student Publications announced,
Positions are open to scholastically
eligible students, with experience not
a reauisite.
The four-man committee was chos-
en by the Board to submit a plan of
organization and a personnel for
some suitable campus literary mag-
azine to be distributed gratis from
time to time to Daily subscribers.
Several students were interviewed
I yesterday.
Progressives Plan Drive
For Spanish Amibulance

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