The Weather Snow flurries; cloudy and colder today, Y Ap Ak Ad6w mow ifitr A461wr att, Editorials The Double Standard And The Triple Standard... I I VOL. XLVIII. No. 111 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 1938' ____________ a PRICE FIVE CENTS France Votes Defense Fund; Britain Offers To ConcIliate Chauteinps Denands Huge ' Bond Issue Be Floated For Military Expenses England's Envoy Sails For Rome Without dissent, the French Parlia- ment today laid the foundation for a 10,000,000,000 franc ($325,000,000) defense fund, and Great Britain, the vastness of her armed might pro- claimed to the world, prepared to make concrete conciliatory gestures to Italy and Germany. Addressing the Chamber of 15ep- uties, the Radical-Socialist premier Camille Chautemps called on the na- tion and parliament to unite and carry French economic, financial and military power to its highest point. He asked the nation quickly to over-subscribe the first 3,200,000,000- franc ($104,000,000 loan) to be float- ed "within' a few days" to show the people's readiness to support military force. The Senate adopted the bill without dissent but with minor textual mod- ifications which necessitated cham- ber reconsideration. The lower house promptly and unanimously approved. Gratified, Chautemps said the ac- tion indicated that "many billions of francs which have been retired from circulation for various reasons will be invested in work and destined to assume the security of our frontiers." England The Earl of Perth, British Ambas- sador to Italy, left for Rome with full instructions from Prime Minister Ne- ville Chamberlain and Viscount Hali- fax, the foreign secretary who suc- ceeded Anthony Eden. The groundwork also was laid for parallel talks with Cermany through a conference yeste day of Sir Ne- vile Henderson, British Ambassador to Germany, with Reichsfuehrer, Adolf Hitler and German Foreign Minister Joachim Von Ribbentrop in Berlin. At the same time Prime Minister Chamberlan has shown that the gov- ernment may spend even more than the 'Qriginally-planned 1,500,000,000 pounds ($7,500,000,000) for the five- year defense plan instead of trim- ming rearmament sails in anticipa- tion of the success of his foreign policy. Meanwhile, the need for haste was emphasized to peace-seeking diplo- mats by rumblings in central Eu- rope's powder keg because of post- war frontier revisions. - - Czechosolvakia, regaining her con- fidence after French assurances of continued protection, has warned Hitler that she will not submit, like Austria, to Nazi interference in her internal affairs. The Czechoslovak Republic, through the speech yester- day by her premier, Milan Hodza, has served notice that she expects'to be counted in on any general European settlement.- Chinese, Japs Both Announce New Victories SHANGHAI, March 6.-(R1)-Jap- anese asserted today 200,000 Chinese defenders of Shansi Province were in complete rout, while Chinese report- ed new successes in North Ionan province to the East. The Japanese claims were on top of earlier reports that 20,000 of Gen- eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek's soldiers were captured ' in northwest Honan and another 1,800 wiped out in Shan- Actors Charge 'Double Cross' Of 'Stage Door' "When 'Stage Doors' collide, pickets result!" So goes the war-cry around Play Production where irate students sense the "double-cross" in the showing of "Stage Door" in a local theatre be- fore the opening of the student stage show Wednesday night.r Two members of Play Production, therefore, will rise up tonight in pickets' arms against the "subversive" action of the theatre. The two, How- ard Johnson, '39, and Bernard Ben- oway, '39, representing the students of Play Production, will picket again tomorrow night. "Play Production'had first call on 'Stage Door,'" claims Morlye Baer, Grad., a member of the stage cast for the play and counsel for the plaintiff. "When we decided to give 'Stage Door' we found no conflict. The movie was scheduled to arrive in Ann Arbor several weeks following Play Production's presentation. But the shift in dates on the part of the theatre, we believe, is the double- cross, and a threat to the ligitimacy of the stage," Baersaid. Larry Munn, manager of the the- atre, representing the defendant, told the Daily last night tht the motion picture, "Stage Door," was scheduled to appear several times in Ann Arbor before the Play Production presenta- tion, but no print could be obtained to coincide with the dates. Thus, the picture was finally scheduled for a showing in about two weeks from now, he pointed out. When a Jane Withers' picture billed for the the- (continued on Page 2) Lecture Series On :Economics Opens Tuesday Swedish Authority To Talk On Post-War Tendencies And Economic History One of the outstanding scholars of European economic history, Prof. Eli F. Hecksher, president of the Ec- onomics Institute of Sweden, will give a series of five lectures on ec- onomic history here next week under the auspices of the University. Professor Hecksher has been called the greatest authority in the field of mercantilism and has written a wide- ly-known and standard work on that subject. He hais made an intensive study of Scandinavian economic con- ditions, and his work in this field is also a best-known source of reference. He is a member of several Swedish learned societies and has served on many government commissions. He is one of a group of scholars in the United States this year in con- junction with the Tercentenary Cele- bration of the landing of the Swedish colonists in Delaware in 1638. Mem- bers of this delegation are now tour- ing the United States under the spon- sorship of the Scandinavian-Ameri- can Foundation. Professor Hecksher is coming here under the direct au- spices of the history and economics 'departments. The first of the five lectures which he will give is intended primarily for popular interest, with the others more specialized for persons interested in history or economics. This first lec- ture will be at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Natural Science Auditorium, or the subject, "Some Post-War Ec- onomic Tendencies." On Wednesday and -Thursday he will give two lectures on the subject of "Mercantilism, Theory and Prac- tice," in Room C, fMaven Hall, _ Toronto Stifles Hockey Team; mW' w 1 61 Math Stars May Sport cM'Letters Afther Competition Rackham Fund Sets Aside $100,000 In Scholarships T rI Pl f5 n I "M" letters may soon grace the - ~chests of campus mathematics stars,r judging by the announcement that Michigan Takes Individual an intercollegiate contest "designed to stimulate a healthful rivalry in Illinois Relays Honors ; the undergraduate work of, mathe- Gedeon Ties U.S. Mark matical departments in the colleges .__and universities of the United States Al~ ier Takes First and Canada," will be held April 16. The competitions will be based on, In Tbhe o High Jump work in calculus, higher algebra and geometry, requiring at least three Toronto proved too much for Mich- years of mathematics college, igan's greatly weakened sextet last according to the announcement re- night at the Coliseum and stifled a ceived by Prof. T. H. Hildebrandt, last minute gasp in the third period chairman of the mathematics depart- to win 3-2. ment. En h hn nl will hb rnr teA d fAR by For Undergraduate Men Hayden Says Japanese Cabinet, Parties Not Split On China War I Gib James and Johnpy Fabello! scored Michigan's goals. Both came in the final three minutes of play, the last with but 15 seconds remaining. Janes took a pass from George Cooke after moving in fast and tallied through substitute goalie, Bud Black- hall. Johnny Fabello followed on a lone sally through the Toronto de- fense to score unassisted. Michigan played without the serv- ices of its stellar hard-hitting cen- ter, Ed "Smack" Allen. Confined to the University Hospital, Smack had furnished the spark to the team and without him they lacked it. Toronto completely outplayed the Michigan aggregation and did it in a' cool, easy-going manner. Coach Ace I Bailey, substituting his, Torontoans freely, had a continuous stream of fresh replacements entering the game. James was far and away the (Continued on Page 6) Trackmen Show Power CHAMPAIGN, III., March 5.-(Spe- cial to the Daily)-Michigan's track team made its pre-Conference meet appearance in the revived Illinois Re- lays tonight, dominating individual competition and placing high in all relay events. One world's record was broken, an- other tied and six Carnival marks equalled or bettered in the meet which drew representatives from nine of the ten Western Conference schools. Michigan's Elmer Gedeon was re- sponsible for the tide world's record (more properly a "best listed record"; as the event is not passed upon by (Continued on Page 6) Doty Appointed Dean At Texas To Assume Duties As Head Of Fine Arts College Prof. E. William Doty of the School of Music yesterday was named dean of the new College of Fine Arts at the University of Texas; to be opened next fall. As a student here, Professor Doty received an A.B. degree in 1927, a Master of Arts degree in Philosophy and a Bachelor in Music in 1929 and became instructor in the School of Music in 1930. In June 1935, he was appointed Assistant Professor in Organ and Theory and in February, 1936, re- ceived his Doctor of Philosophy in philosophy. Professor Doty will assume his new duties April 1 in the college, the for- mation of which, he says, indicates a growing trend in American universi- ties toward the establishment of sep- arate colleges of' fine arts. The new college will have departments of fine arts, dramatics and music. ea se o wai m e ieprepizes oy Ti c teams of three men, with prizes. of $500, $300 and $200 for the winning teams. This competition will mark the first time that mathematics will be the basis for intercollegiate competition. The examinations will be admin- istered by the Mathematical Associa- tion of America, under the auspices of the Lowell Putnam Intercolle- giate Memorial Fund. Churches Hold 4 i i 1 I Maintaining Constitutional Government Is Issue Of Strong Dissension By S. R. KLETMAN The conflict over the National Mo- bilization Bill now raging between Japan's two leading political parties on the one hand and the Emperor Hirohito's Cabinet on the other is not due to a fundamental split over' the war with China, according to, Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the po- litical science department. The partyleaders, he said, are merelytry- ing to maintain constitutional gov- ernment and the power of the pop- ularly-elected Parliament. "The Japanese people are united in support of the Chinese venture," he said. "The industrial and finan- cial interests, the big land owners, the mass of laborers and the peasants are all behind the Army now." Although in 1936, when Profes- sor Hayden was last in Manchuria, there was talk of forcing the indus- trialists and financiers to back Ja- . t i f # 't t 1 J t ll1 i !1 A 1 s 4 7 4 1 Lent Services,' Forums Today Varied Musical Programs< Are Special Offerings; I Carrothers Will Speak>t Discussions of war and peace, spe- cial Lenten sermons and music will 1 be featured in Ann Arbor churches, today. Prof. George A. Carrothers of the{ School of Education will lead a dis- cussion on "Serving With What We Have" at a Metholist Student meet- ing at 9:45 a.m. in Stalker Hall. ' "War and Peace" will be the sub-' ject of the Rev. Dr. Charles W. Bra- shares' sermon at the 10:45 a.m. worship service of the First Metho- dist Church which will be held at the. Michigan Theatre. "War and Peace" will be the topic of the symposium of the Liberal Students' Unicix at 7:30 n.m at the Unitarian Church. "Shangri-La-Man's Search for His Lost Horizon" will be the Rev. H. P. Marley's subject in his sermon at the 11 a.m. service of the Unitarian Church. Rabbi Bernard Heller of the Hillel Foundation will be the first of a group of clergymen to speak at the Episco- pal Student Lenten meetings at 7 p.m. in Harris Hall. His -topic is "Influence of the Hebrew Prophets." SMrs. Rosa Page, prominent Negro musi pan of Chicago, will address the 'student group of the Church of I Christ at 6:30 p.m. The subject of her talk will be "Spirituals." Chrysler Head 1To Open Series On Job Placing Dr. James S. Thomas, president of the Chrysler Institute of Engineering, will open the week-long series on vo- cational guidance sponsored by the Bureau of Appointments and Occu- paon.v ..n.ine.:iiihfln icuur n1 panese imperialism, he said that to- day this is no longer necessary. Dur- ing the past year, he explained, there has been a rapprochement on their part with the Army. Professor Hayden. believes that the revolt of the two political parties (Minseito and Seiyukia) indicates their growing strength and indepen- dence. "It is a very remarkable thing," 'he said, "that the political parties should resist the Government at a time when intensely patriotic Japan is in the grip of a war psy- chology." He explained that under pressure from the militarists, Japan, in, the ast few years, has gone a long way towards totalitarianism and some form of a fascist state. The mobili- zation bill would practically carry that process to its conclusion, he said. (The pivotal articles of the bill, each beginning, "if in time of war it is found necessary," are:! (" . ..the government may, in accordance with provisions of an Im- perial ordinance, expropriate sub- jects of the Empire and cause them to be engaged in a general mobiliza- tion of business." (" . the government may use or expropriate goods for a general nobilization." t" the government may pro- hibit the establishment or increase of capital, mergers, the flotation of debentures of business and indus- trial companies or issue the neces- sary orders concerning the disposi- tion of profit, depreciation, or issue orders to those handling finance con- cerning the use of capital.". the government may re- strict or prohibit export or import, order export or import, assess ex- port or import tariffs, or increase or decrease export or import tariffs." the government may sus- pend newspaper publication in cases where newspaper sale or distribution has been prohibited twice or more by the government within 30 days.)" (Continued on Page 3) California Flood Fatalities Mount American Citizens Eligible To Renewable Awards Based On Rhodes Plan Regents Committee To Draw Up Plans An endowment fund of $100,000, the income of which will be used to provide a new type of undergraduate scholarships patterned after the Rhodes scholarships to Oxford University, in that several similar qualifications will be taken into con- sideration in awarding them, has been set up by the Horace H. and Mary A. Rackham Fund, it was an- nounced yesterday by President Ruthven. The scholarships are to be given to men who are candidates for the bachelor's degree in the University, citizens of the United States and, preferably, residents of the state of Michigan. They will be awarded, as far as possible, on the basis of: 1) Moral character and good citi- zenship. 2) Scholastic lability and intellec- tual capacity and achievement. 3) Physical ability, vigor and vi- tality. 4) Capacity and promise of leader- ship and success. At the coming Regents meeting, a committee will be set up to study methods of making awards, and some scholarships will be given for the coming school year, President Ruth- ven said. The scholarships, at the discretion of the donee, will be renewable. The new scholarships will make up one of the largest endowment funds for the scholarships which the University has. The latest University financial re- port lists among others, the follow- ing large scholarship endowments: The Levi Barbour Oriental Girls' Scholarships amounting to $624,308.- 88. NL.oted Engineer I To Give Speech At Convocation Mrs. L. Gilbreth To Deliver: Chief Address At Honors' ProgramHere April 29 Mrs. Lillian M. Gilbreth, of Mont- clair, N.J., eminent consulting engi- neer, educator and psychologist, will deliver the principal address at the annual Honors Convocation to be held April 29 in Hill Auditorium, it was announced yesterday. President of Gilbreth, Inc., con- sulting engineers in management, Mrs. Gilbreth was a member of the President's Emergency Committee for Relief and the President's Organiza- tion on Unemployment Relief. She was graduated from the Uni- versity of California in 1900, received a master's degree from that institu- tion in 1902, took a Ph.D. degree from Brown University in 1915 and a doc- tor of science degree from the same institution in 1931. She received the degree of Master of Engineering from Michigan in 1928, and took a doctor's degree in engineering from Rutgers College in 1929. In 1933, she was awarded a LL.D. degree by the University of Cal- ifornia. Mrs. Gilbreth was a member of the New Jersey Board of Regents from 1929 until 1933, is a member of the American Management Institute, the Institute of Management, the Taylor Society, the Academy Masaryk, the American Psychological Association, the Association of Mechanical En- gineers, the Institute for Scientific Management of Poland and Phi Beta Kappa. She is author of "The Psychology of Management, "The Home Maker," and "Living With Children," and papers on education, management, psychology and re-education of crip- pled soldiers. With her husband, Frank B. Gilbreth, she wrote "Time Study," "Fatigue Study," "Applied Motion Study," and "Motion Study for the Handicapped." Mrs. Gilbreth is the mother of' Frank Gilbreth, former managing ed- itor of The Daily. Invite Press Strike participants To Talk Employers in the Ann Arbor Press and workers striking against the company have been invited by the Progressive Club to send representa- tives to a meeting at 8 p.m. Wednes- day in the Union, at which the strike will be discussed. The Progressive Club was incor- rectly listed in yesterday's Daily as i f i I a The Cornelius Donovan scholarship fund of $124,783.95. The Simon Mandlebaum scholar- ship fund of $60,000. The University's total of trust funds for endowment and other spe- cial purposes totalled .$11,021,931.31 at time of the last annual report of the University in June, 1937. Of this amount, more than a mil- lion and a quarter dollars was for fellowships and scholarships. Other funds making up the $11,000,000 were professorship and lectureship funds, prize and student aid funds, library funds, publication funds, hospital funds, buildings, lands and improve- ments for student loan funds, invest- ment reserves and miscellaneous funds. Damage Is Estimated SixtyMillions At .1' / si. Both these reported successes were behind the lines of Japanese advance columns. Japanese said that the unit of 1,800 Chinese was destroyed in the rough country between Fenyang and Taiyuan, Shansi capital captured months ago. Chinese said their advances were on the cross-line railroad between Paoi and Taokow, slightly north of the: Yellow River, and was a prelude to a counter-offensive. Their troops were advancing on Sunhsien, six miles north of Taokow, northeastern ter- minus of the line, they said, while ir- New Argentina * Drive To Olig By ROBERT I. FITZHENRY The recent inaugtration of Roberto M. Ortiz as president of Argentina, though hailed as a return to civilian government in that country, actually caps a concerted drive toward oli- garchy, in the opinion of Prof. Ar- thur S. Aiton of the history depart- ment, who pointed out in an inter- view yesterday that Ortiz is a former cabinet minister and henchman of his militant predecessor. The face of constitutional govern- ment, hensaid, was saved by Justo's retirement, but actually the tradition of Justo's government lingers. His party still holds the reins. Popular government in Argentina, Professor Aiton said, suffered a tell- Organist at the Presbyterian 7:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Union. Church, Professor Doty conducted The conference series will be con- at the Centennial Smetana's "The t edcnte r da, erchbcon -er- Bartered, Bride." He has studied mu- tinued until Saturday, each confer- sic and esthetics at universites in ence covering a different phase of Leipzig, Paris and Salzburg. guidance, business and industry, with men well known in their respective fields as speakers. Advertising, social Election Caps and opportunities in criminal investigation" will be discussed Wed- nesday, There will be a talk Thurs- irchy Aton a yS day on personnel and industrial e- lations and a demonstration-of ap- plicant interview procedure. said, established the militarists firm- Psychological tests in employment ly in the "Rose House." The time- and guidance methods and programs worn "we gave you jobs and ended will be discussed Friday. The confer- the depression," is still a potent ar- ence concludes Saturday with ad- gument, he added for political success. Iresses on guidance procedures with The popular government move- individuals and "The Economy of ment, largely discredited by events of G idance." the past eight years, dates from 1912, An additional talk not previously Professor Aton asserted, when the scheduled will be given by Mary H. closed ballot was first introduced into S. Hayes, head of the guidance and Argentine elections. In that year placement division of the National the so-called radical party was ade- Youth Administration. LOS ANGELES, Calif., March 5.-[f (4)-Southern California's flood tollr appeared to be 158 as peace officers r rechecked dead and missing lists to-f day. Estimates of public and pri- vate property losses climbed to $60,- 000,000. With communications broken in many sections of the five counties in- volved, an Associated Press compila- tion indicated 62 identified dead, 22 unidentified dead and 74 missing. In Los Angeles county there were 31 identified dead, 11 unidentified dead and 17 missing. The Red Cross announced that 4,- 445 homes were demolished or in need of extensive repairs. This com- pilation did not include residences{ or families able to refinance them-1 selves... Hillel Speech Finals To Be Held Today The annual illel oratory contest will be held at 8 p.m. today at the Hillel Foundation with Arthur Secord, varsity debating coach, as judge. The winner will be given the Nathan G. Metzger Award of $10 and a trip to Chicago to compete in the inter- Hillel contest. This contest is being sponsored by the Hillel Alumni Association of Chi- cago. Awards will be given to the winning orator and the Foundation which he repersents. Foundations of Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio State and Northwestern Universities will com- pete in the Chicago tournament. Those competing in the local con- test are: Julius Epstein, '38, Ronald Freedman, '38 and Leonard Kasle, '38. Musical Sh ow PetitionDenlied University Theatre Group Calls ScriptInadequate Possibilities for a sophomore mu- sical show this year disappeared yes- terday when the classes' petition to the University Committee on Theatre Policy was denied. Plans for the show, which had been drawn up by a committee headed by Robert' Mix and Jane Nussbaum, were "sympathetically received," but disapproved because the script was inadequate. The committee believed also that not enough time remained for getting the prodiuction ready, since. it was scheduled to be showni April 5 and 6. The Washtenaw-Coalition party or- iginally thought of the musical, which was then planned as a min- istrel show. It used the idea as one of the planks in the platform which won it an unopposed victory. Tryouts To Meet For New Magazine Tryouts for the new campus lit- erary magazine will meet at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Student Publi- cations Building, F. Randall Jones, quately represented for the first time. The peoples' victory was, followed in 1916 by Irigoyen's election as the first popular president. The country pros- pered and Irigoyen kept it out of the World War. He was able, despite a post-war depression, therefore, to choose his own successor in 1922. 0 Maddy And Pratt On Air Over WJR This Morning Dr. Joseph E. Maddy of the music school will continue his radio course' in the "Singing of Popular Hymns"