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March 05, 1938 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1938-03-05

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Edited and managed by students of the Universit of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Studen+ Publications.
Pubnsyed every morning except Mondy during the
ttniverity year and summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatchesscredited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication, of all other matter herein also
En red at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
cOnd class mal matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
.0O: by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
Business Departthent
It is important for society to avoid
the neglect of adults, but positively
dangerous for it to thwart the ambition
of youth to reform the world. Only the
schools which act on this belief are ed-
ucational institutions in the best mean-
ing of the term.
Alexnder G. Ruthven
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
T HE DEATIH of Gabriele D'Annunzio
removes from the world the only not-
able fascist apologist in the field of letters. D'An-
nunzio's eccentricities are as well known as his
literary works, and his war-time exploits have
rendered him in the popular imagination the
modern Cyrano, surrounded with the romantic
aura of the soldier-poet. The real D'Annunzio
differed considerably from the fictional Cyrano,
however; the famous memoirs and billets-doux
which he so carefully saved for publication re-
flect the compensatory egotism of an insatiable
inferiority complex.
D'Annunzio's writing began with a volume of
poetry published in 1879, when he wa's 16 years
old. Three years later two more collections ap-
peared, and D'Annunzio took his place beside the
youthful prodigies of that precocious age of re-
volt in art forms. In a short time D'Annunzio
found himself lionized by the entire continent.
His novels created a sensation; his verse attracted
the attention of every man of letters in Europe;
Bernhardt and Duse found their greatest roles in
his dramas.
His life became a series of escapades, his ex-
penditures were so extravagant that even the
prodigious revenues he drew from his royalties
failed to maintain him. He described his gaudy
and often soiled adventures as "the struggle .. .
between the archangel that I am and the beast
that I am," but the archangel in D'Annunzio
was seldom apparent beneath the mantle, not of
beastliness, but of vanity, which was the key
to his character. He was extremely sensitive on
the subject of his personal courage, anid yet com-
mitted a number of acts of dubious courage i'his
personal affairs. For the eyes of the world, how-
ever, D'Annunzio always played the hero. When
the war broke out he was living in Paris. Pre-
senting himself at the war office, he solemnly
offered the sword of D'Annunzio to France. The
astute French politicians recognized his value as
a propaganda agent, and in return for paying
his Italian creditors to whom he owed a large

sum, induced him to "intervene" in the war.
On May 5, 191 , a Garibaldi anniversary, he
began a 20-day campaign of literary and orator-
tcal activity which aided greatly in bringing the
Italian people into war May 25.
The war was the culmination of D'Annunzio's
life. It gave him the longed-for opportunity
to indulge in martial glory, to gratify his in-
feriority complex by living the "life of danger."
He entered the air corps and served in a division
commanded, interestingly enough, by Gen. Bad-
oglio, the recent conqueror of Ethiopia. In Oc-
tober of 1918 he flew over Vienna and dropped
poetic propaganda leaflets composed by himself.
Immediately after the war occurred the most
memorable incident in D'Annunzio's life, when,
at the head of a body of patriotic volunteers,
he seized the city of Fiume on the east coast of
the Adriatic for Italy and refused to evacuate
the port to League of Nations authorities. The
exploit was doubtless inspired by Garibaldi's
career. D'Annunzio ruled Fiume for 18 months,
until the Italian government itself ordered the
nMare helledo In and the embarrassment of the

remaining years were occupied in mixing per-
fumes, in planning heroic suicides and other non-
D'Annunzio's poetic genius was great, perhaps
the greatest of his day. The rest of him, however,
his patriotism, his stature and his spirit, was not.
Joseph Gies.
The Fight
Against Cancer.
the time of Roosevelt the disease of
cancer has plagued the human race. For three
thousand years humanity has knocked on the
door of science, but for three thousand years the
door of science has remained closed to humanity
whenever it has inquired about cancer. Now,
however, spectacular researches indicate that it
is not so much lack of knowledge as insufficient
funds that permit the yearly harvest of this long-
known malignant growth. Annual expenditures
for cancer study, it appears, scarcely equal the
proceeds from a top-flight heavyweight prize
Dr. James Ewing, of Memorial Hospital in
New York and well-known expert on the disease,
said last summer that the establishment of
six $10,000,000 cancer institutes in different sec-
tions of the country would virtually insure the
control of cancer by science. So far the six have
not materialized, but Yale University has one.
And the outlook is optimistic with the Rockefeller
Institute and the United States government both
taking an active interest in the study of the dis-
ease, but more funds are needed.
The advantages of an endowed institute for
cancer study are twofold. Initially the salaries
of endowed institutions are sufficient to hold the
gifted men and attract new blood into the field.
Today men of promise in the cancer field look
with envy upon the stipends of their fellow re-
searchists in commercial laboratories and yearly
there is a migration from the cancer clinics and
universities to the laboratories of Mammon. In
the meantime 144,000 sufferers die annually from
the disease. Secondly the several fronts upon
which cancer research is progressing, appear as
isolated as Maine and Vermont. Physicians work
with surgery, clinicians work with X-rays, physi-
cists work with the cyclotron, and the chemists
work with hydrocarbons, but there appears an
amazing lack of synthesis. Disjunctive research
could scarcely occur in an institute created for
the sole purpose of systematizing the researches
in the field.
Much has been said of the automobile toll. It is
34,000 lives annually. Much has been said of war
deaths. They total 244,357 lives in the United
States since 1776. Too little has been said about
cancer deaths. In a single year they total 144,000
There seems no more fitting field for federal
expenditures than cancer research. Sen. Homer
T. Bone of Washington and Rep. Maury Mav-
erick of Texas have proposed a national cancerI
center with a $2,400,000 original endowment and
$1,000,000 yearly in addition. Doctors, under the
proposed bill, would be paid $10 a day to study
cancer in Washington, radium would be lent to
hospitals throughout the country and an annual
prize of $1,000 would be posted for the person of
the year credited with doing most for cancer
Such a bill deserves support. Three thousand
years is too long for a killer to be at large.
Robert I. Fitzhenry.
Irresistible Icebreaker
In a recent one of its celebrated competitions,
the New Statesman and Nation of London offered
prizes for the best new conversational openings
its readers could send in. The contest editor
wanted icebreakers to replace such bromides as
"Lovely (or beastly) weather we're having" and
"Read any good books lately?" He received some
gems. "I wonder when beards will come into
fashion again" received a prize, and so did "Do
you have interesting dreams?" Other sure-fire
openings were, "Have you been ill lately?" and
"You're like someone in a film I once saw."
Flattery was the motif of another, "Have you
begun to write your autobiography yet?" And
surely few could resist such a provocative state-
ment as "You remind me of my great-aunt, the

These are well and good to dissolve the sol-
emnity of our British cousins' parties, but we in
America need no such artificial formulas to start
things off. A line is available here that never
fails to launch the most laconic into eloquence,
and to touch off a lively debate that lasts until
time to go home. It has the added beauty of
being capable of use time and again, and in
any group. We offer for sure results the remark,-
"Well, what do you think of F.D.R.'s latest?"
--St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
The Golem
"The Golem" playing at 3:15 and 8:15
p.m. today at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater. Produced by A-B Film studios in
Prague and starring Harry Baur.
Even if you tore yourself away from studying
this past week to hear Thomas Mann and Nor-
man Thomas, take your nose out of the books
for another two hours and see 'The Golem"
today, for so unique and interesting a film may
not' reach our cloistered walls for quite a while.
Based on a medieval Jewish legend of a clay
figure brought to life to protect the Prague
ghetto from the persecution of the imbecilic
Emperor Rudolph II, the picture out-Franken-
steins "Frankenstein" for mystery and tension,
but more important it depicts the life of an op-
pressed people and their devotion to their tradi-

1-y eywood Broun
New York City has set up a new governmental
structure, and it ought to find a show window in
which to display it, because the innovation is ex-
Proportional representation in the City Coun-
cil has been under heavy fire. It took a long
time to count the votes and
an even more protracted pe-
riod to organize the body.
And the stir of life has not
quite yet animated the keel
of the experiment.
But New Yorkers ought to
be patient, since they have
achieved potentially a truly
representative body, which
will in time serve as an ex-
ample to all the urban communities in the coun-
try. The old Board of Aldermen was pretty
quick on the .trigger, because the leader of the
majority merely had to raise an eyebrow as a
signal and the ordinance went over. Now there
is extended debate.
But that isn't invariably a waste of time. It
actually serves to bring out the truth through
the clash of intelligent opinion. That is why I
think the Council should move out of its old-
fashioned setting and provide a large and com-
fortable gallery for visitors. Certainly voters
could exercise their franchise with more discern-
ment if they could be induced to go and watch
the men and women who represent them go
into action.
On The 'Must' List
And it would not be an ordeal. In my own
opinion the Council is far more interesting than
the top of the Empire State Building or the
ferry trip over to the Statue of Liberty. During
the course of years both the Senate and the
House of Representatives have built up quite a
following of fans. Many honeymoons are built
upon the notion that the solons of Washington
are more engaging than Niagara Falls. I would
suggest that in the case of home weddings oc-
curring on Tuesdays it might be an excellent
idea to go straight from the church to City Hall
and to the chamber where the Council sits. For
one thing, the bride and groom might have an
immediate object lesson in the matter of the
ugly nature of strife and nagging.
But for all tne squabbles of the City Fathers I
must admit that they stick a little closer to the
issues than the more toplofty legislators of Wash-
ington. The Council is a better cross-section of
the community than either the House or Senate.
There is a wider spread between the left and
right. In fact, I think there is almost an in-
ternational significance in the coalition ("united
front" to you) which has been temporarily set
up in the Council.
As a rule, such co-operation proceeds from the
left to the dead center, but not one inch further.
In New York the cooperating groups go all thej
way right-wing Republicans to left-wing laborI
leaders. No member of the Communist party
succeeded in being elected, but one came close,
and I have heard that he was counted out. Never-
theless, there are certainly Councilmen who fall,
under that broad label of being "Communistic,"
and it is a thrilling sight to see Joseph Baldwin,
of the Republican-Republicans, going up to Vla-
deck, a fugitive from the Czar's Siberia, and say-
ing, "Charney, tell me how I ought to vote on this
labor issue."
Turn The Radicals Out!
Of course, the common ground of agreement
has been that an intelligent conservative like
Baldwin can stand with Vladeck' and men to the
left of him on the proposition that honest and
efficient city government is better than corrupt
inefficiency. As to details, there are likely to be
splits. Some already are apparent. In fact,
instead of having a house divided into two
cmps there might well be a center row into
which recruits from either side could stray upon
The coalition contains within its ranks a few

who are probably less equipped to pass on vital
issues than the most indolent old-line Tammany
leader. Councilman Surpless, from Brooklyn,
looks and talks exactly like Cotton Ed Smith,
of South Carolina. By some error in his com-
pass he is seated with the reform wing of the
Tammany has never liked the new system. It
may learn to appreciation, because under pres-
sure the organization is sending up much more
alert young men than were ever seen around
the City Hall in the bad old days. I think of
Councilman Spellman specifically.
And let me repeat again, for both native New
Yorkers and visitors, that the, new Council ought
to be listed among the sights of the city. In my
opinion it puts on a better show than the
seendants of these medieval Jews do not pray
for deliverance from an emperor; today an ex-
Austrian paper-hanger has taken the place of
The symbolism of the Golem, created, like the
machine, to serve man, but threatening his very
existence, holds its own through the scene of
the wreckage and destruction wrought by the
Golem on corrupt imperialism.
In "The Golem" particularly the great French
actor uses his hands to express every mood-
he plays moronically with his lace ruffles when
he tries to cajole the Golem into friendship, he
claws and clenches his fists when his insane
rage overcomes him and he caresses sensually
in the bedroom scenes with his mistress, clad
or rather unclad in a style that Will Hays would
kill in the ensois cutting room.

Light Sentence
For crimes of such enormity as
those of which he was originally ac-
cused, the Rev. Martin Niemoeller
has received an exceedingly light sen-
The charges against the coura-
geous Protestant pastor when he went
on trial early last month were tan-
tamount to treason: malicious attacks
upon the Nazi Government; disparag-
ing leaders of the Reich; misuse of
the pulpit; arousing the populace to
civil disobedience; authorship of se-
ditious documents' The penalty coulds
have been death. Lesser figures in
Germany's religious war have beenj
sentenced to 10 years or longer in
prisons and concentration camps.;
That the charges against Niemoellerj
were reduced and that his punish-
ment was fixed at seven months' im-
prisonment (already served) and ^a
$600 fine indicates how formidable
the movement he led had become.
If the Nazi Reich were actually all-.
powerful and wholly united, as Hitlerc
boasts, there tvould have been nof
scruple about removing his opponent1
forever from the scene. It was out
of respect for Niemoeller's influencet
among the people and the size and7
weight of his following that the court
tempered totalitarian "justice" with
Niemoeller has not retracted'a wordt
of his eloquent sermons against thel
regimentation of religion. Instead,
the Nazi state has been compelled to
back down, both in modifying thet
charges and in imposing a sentenceD
lighter than that visited upon manys
mere complainers and rumor-mon-e
gers. The result increases the pas-E
tor's influence among his followers
and makes him a world figure amongc
the historical number who have daredI
speak out their conviction in the facer
of tryanny.i

(Continued from Page 2)
1. Adoption of the minutes of the
meeting of Feb. 7, 1938, which have
been distributed by campus mail
(pages 400-412).
2. Reports.
a. Executive Committee, by Prof.

PUibication in the Bulletin is contr uctive notice to al members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

men and Counsellors who attended
the camp last fall to be held at Lane
Hall tonight at 8 p.m. Professor Mc-
Clusky will speak. There will also
be movies, songs and refreshments.
Men's Glee Club: The following
men have been selected for the Sat-
d rnrn ; if ht rfo l-aT~i


uruay nign concert at Lne union
Campbell Bonner.
b. University Council-no meeting Dance. Those names marked with an
in February. asterisk (*) must check their eligibil-
c. Executive Board of the Graduate ity first. Any other club member. in-
School, by Professor Louis I. Bred- teested in going call the manager
vold. at 5844. Members must be at the Glee
d. Advisory Committee on Univer- Club table by 9:45.
sity Affairs, by Professor Arthur S.
Aiton. Fennell Gillis*
e. Deans' Conference, by Dean E. Holt Hendrick
H. Kraus. Miller" Karpus'
3. Consideration of recommended Silfies" Kent"
changes in certain of the concentra- Tyrrell* MacArthur
tion regulations as set forth in the Vandenberg, E. Ons
February minutes, page 401. Brooks Reizenk
4. Statement concerning defec- Collins Sklarsky
tive English, by Professor Louis I. Draper Yaman
Bredvold. Epstein* Berris*
Gibbs* Brown *
Students, College of Literature, Meek Dunks
Science, and the Arts: No course may' Moore* Fromm
be elected for credit after today. Roberts* Jacobson
______Swann Kamm
School of Education Students, Tuttle Manley
Changes of Elections: No course may Vandenberg, R.:I Pratt
be elected for credit after Saturday' Anderson Tibbetts
St ll iCashinViehe


marc mo. Uiku aen s enroneai n tnis
school must report all changes of
elections at the Registrar's Office,
Room 4, University Hall.
Membership in a class does not
cease nor begin until all changes have
been thus officially registered. Ar-
rangements made with the instruc-
toors are not official changes.
L.S.&A. Juniors now eligible for
Concentration should get Admission
to Concentration blanks at Room 4,

St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Hitler Vs. Press

f t,

The Outdoor Club: The Outdoor
Club will meet in the lobby of the
Intramural Building at 8:00 o'clock
this evening to swim and play bad-
minton. We will retreat to Stalker
Hall later in the evening for games,
radio dancing and refreshments. All
students who like to swim are in-
vited to attend.
The Congregation: Student Fel-
lowship will hold a Fourth of July
Party Saturday evening from 9 till
12. Dancing, games and fun!
Junior Girls Piay: The makeup
committee will meet at 4 p.m. today
at the League.

The reason the untrammeled news- U.H., have properly signed by the
papers of the free countries get un- adviser, and return the white slip
der Hitler's hide so definitely is that before March 5.
they are giving the facts about Nazi Robert Williams
Germany. Sometimes they make mis-
takes, of course. But, generally speak- I Faculty, School of Education: The'
ing, the reports in the newspapers regular luncheon meeting of the Fac-
of America and Great Britain con- ulty will be held on Monday, March
cerning the doings of the Fascist dic- 7, at 12 o'clock, at the Michigan
tators can be relied on as substan- Union.
tially accurate. That, apparently, is Students of the College of Litera-
why Hitler raved about them in the ture, Science, and the Arts: A meet-
manner of a bedlamite in his address ing will be held on Tuesday, March 8,
to the Reichstag. He is in a rage, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 206 Dentistry
over his inability to control them, and Building for students in the College
to reduce them to the status of hand- of Literature, Science, and the Arts
bills-as he has done the press of and others interested in future work'
I Germany. in dentistry. Dean R. W. Bunting of
the School of Dentistry will be avail-
able for consultation, to give infor-
M U SIC mation concerning the nature of and
preparation for the profession of den-
By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER tistry. The next meeting in the vo-
cational series will be addressed by!
Professor H. B. Lewis of the School of
Pharmacy on March 10.


Intercontinental Concert from Aus- All students interested in the
tralia, Australian Music. 11-11:30ganization of photography club
tam.,ia, us.n Mthe purpose of mutual technical
a.m., NBC, CBS. and provision of developinga
Radio City Music Hall, Erno Rapee, other facilities, should call the Hi
conductor, Viola Philo and Jann Foundation office, 3779.
Peerce, soprano and tenor. All-
Wagner program of the Tannhaeuser A iN
Bacchanale, Love Music from Act I ACademic1otCo


of Die Walkuere, Prelude and Liebe-
stod from Tristan. 12:45-1 :30, NBC!
New York Philharmonic - Sym-
phony, John Barbirolli, conductor,
Efrem Zimbalist, violinist. Humper-
dinek's Prelude to Hansel und Gretel,I
Sibelius Violin Concerto in D minor,1
Schubert's Second Symphony in B-
flat, Polka and Fugue from Wein-I
berger's Schwanda, der Dudelsack-'
spfeiffer. 3-5, CBS.
University of Michigan Little
Symphony, Thor Jonhson, conduc-
tor, Alice Manderbach, harpsichord-
ist, Andrew Ponder, violist. Sonata
No. 5 in C minor of Loelliet, Con- 1
certo for Viola in B minor and "TheI
Harmonious Blacksmith of Handel,"!
Three Harpsichord Sonatas by D,
Scarlatti, Lekeu's Adagio, Op. 3,
Schubert's Fifth Symphony in B-;
flat. 8 p.m., Hussey Room, Michigan
Phiadelphia Orchestra, Eugene
Ormandy, conductor. Rossini's La
Gazza Ladra Overture, Dvorak's Lar-
go from the New World Symphony,
Interlude and Dance from de Falla's
La Vida Breve, the Dream Panto-
mime from Humperdinck's Hansel'
and Gretel, Brahms' Fifth Hungarian'
Dance, Johann Strauss' Roses From
the South Waltz. 9-10, NBC Blue.
Curtis Institute of Music, Fritz
Reiner, conductor. Eunice Shapiro,'
violinist, Virginia. Majeski, violist.
Beethoven's Prometheus Overture,
the Mozart Symphonic Concertante
for Violin, Viola, and Orchestra,
Tschaikowsky's Romeo and Juliet.
3:45-4:30, CBS. .
Cleveland Symphony, Artur Rod-
zinski, conductor. 9-10, NBC Blue.
Rochester Philharmonic, Howard
Hanson, conductor. "Milestones in
American Music." 8:45-9:30 p.m.,
NBC Blue.
New York Philharmonic-SymphonyI
Young People's Concert, Rudolph l
Ganz, conductor. All-request pro-
gram. 11-12, CBS.

Sociology 51: Make-up final exam-
ination will be given on Saturday,
March 5, at 2 o'clock in Room D,
Haven Hall.

Botany I make-up final
Lion Wednesday, March 9.
2004 N.S.

7-10 p.m.

Geography I. A supplementary ex-
amination for those students who
were absent froi the final examina-
tion in February will be held in Room
19, A.H. on Tuesday, March 8, at 2
Little Symphony Concert: The Lit-
tle Symphony Orchestra, conductedI
by Thor Johnson, made up of 14 as-
sistants and advanced students in the
School of Music, will give a recital
in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room
in the Michigan League, Sunday
night, March 6, at 8:00 o'clock. There
will be no admission charge.
University Lectures: Professor Eli
Heckscher, President of the Econ-
omics Institute of Sweden, will give
a series of lectures on Economic His-
tory under the joint auspices of the
Departments of Economics and His-
tory. The schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, March 8. 4:15 Natural
Science Auditorium. Some Post-War
Economic Tendencies.
Wednesday, March i. 4:15 Room
C, Haven Hall. Mercantilism: Theory
and Practice, I.
Thursday, March 16. 4:15 Room C,
Haven Hall. Mercantilism: Theory
and Practice, II.
Friday, March 11. 4:15 Room C,
Haven Hall. Economic History of
Sweden, I.
Monday, March 14. 4:15 Room C,
Haven Hall. Economic History of
Sweden, II.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Td
TresmanFound Table: Di. Ra-1

Progressive Club Social and Cul-
tural Committees. Meeting today in
Room 302 in the Union at 1:00, to
make plans for the Spanish Fiesta.
It will be a big affair and we shall
need a lot of help. Come early and
we shall get through early.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:00 in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. There will be an informal
10 minute talk on: "Die prahistor-
ische Kultur Italiens" by Professor
Henry A. Sanders.
The Women's Research Club will
meet on Monday, March 7, 1938 at
7:30 p.m. in Room 3024, Museums
Building. Speaker: Mrs. D. E. Adams
of the Clemens Library. Subject:
"Collecting Source Materials in Mich-
igan History."
Biological Chemistry Seminar, Mon-
day, March 7, 3:30 p.m., Room 313
West Medical Building.
"Detoxication - Conjugated Glu-
curonates" will be discussed. All in-
terested are invited.
Lydia Mendelssohn box office now
open for "Stage Door" ticket reserva-
tions. 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Phone
6300. "Stage Door" to be presented by
Play Production, Wednesday through
Saturday evenings, March 9, 10, 11,
Buffalo, N.Y. Men: Prof. John Wor-
ley will show his motion pictures of
"The Seven Wonders of the World"
at the smoker-meeting of Scalp and
Blade at 6:00 p.m. Sunday at the
Union. All Buffalo Men are invited
to attend. Refreshments will be
Acolytes: Prof. Paul Henle, of the
philosophy department, will read a
paper on "Verification" Monday eve-
ning, March 7 at 7:45 in Room 202
S.W. Those interested in philoso-
phical discussion are invited to at-
Iota Sigma Pi: An important busi-
ness meeting will be held on Tues-
day, March 8, at University House
at 7:30 p.m. At the close of the
business meeting, the president will
give a short talk on her research
work. Please attend.
The Educational Colloquy Club. We
wish to announce to the student body
the beginning of a new club for the
discussion of the problems and meth-
ods of education. Our first meeting
is open to all those interested in edu-
cation and will be held in Lane Hall,
on Monday, March 7, at 8:00,
There will be an open forum on the
question, Are our modern Universi-
ties efficient? The discussion will be
based on the views of Robert May-
nard Hutchins as presented in his
book The Higher Learning in Amer-
The Graduate Outing Club will

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