PAC~E EIGCHT THlE MICHIG AN h V f'-fiiiiAV, MARCIIH 4, J92IF1 Diabetes Takes' A Half Million Victims Yearly Dr. Earl Kleinschnidt Reports Number May Double In A Few Years PuN1ic Hcealt Helps Diali:tes claims approximately half a million victims in the United States a year, according to estimates made by D. Earl E. Kleinschmidt of the Depariment of Hygiene and Public Health in an article appearing in the curren. issue of Public Health Re- views, 'university publication. This number will double at the present rate of increase within 10 or 20 years, according to Dr. Klein- schmimdt. The great increase is ex- plained by the fact that many more people are reaching the age period of 40 years than did in past times. Diabetes, the article points out, is twice as prevalent in the period fol- lcwin' 40, as in the period preceding it. California Institutes Lethal Gas Chamber Italian, British Democracies Must Unite New Housing P CAid SelvesMan sayP Pact IsCaled rrT Mt7 ann SaysPlan, Praised { i t. r auii, whose son-in- H ope orPeate o t Ae n.outstandingEng- (Continued from Page 1) poe has been actively partici- ______ 'rng in the struggles of the Spanish He cautioned the audience not: t nd Chinese peoples, declared that he "underestimate the extent of the ofld lay down no general principle, cd that individual action must be Italian threat to British control of Itrined by individual men. the Mediterranean." "A first chs "'As for exchanging the pen for the "or entrenched in Siain and un," he said, "I do not know what control of Spanish Morocco and h I would do myself were I younger." Balearic Islands would make GIbzraann is 63 years olde tar exceedingly uncomfortable," h: In connection with the principle of said= cliefive security, Dr. Mann assert- Gibraltar, nossessin no air bas c dthati inspite of the "confusing in- is particular vulnerable to attack t rnal situation in the U.S.S.R.," that plane, he said. In addition Fascisi :atIon could be depended upon as an control of the Balearic Islands w)u3 influence for peace. "I believe so- be a threat to the French route 'o Jial sm is essentially a doctrine of her native African troops, c .ace," he stated.I proved so invaluable during the World Dr Mann praised the Progressive War. (Majorca, the larger island is Club for its activity on this campus already in the hands of the Rebels, in connection with peace and democ- Minorca is still held by the Govern- racy. When told of the club's aims, ment forces.) he smiled enthusiastically and said, Professor Carr traced the pre-nt "Das ist schoen, das ist schoen." Mediterranean crisis back to the Ethi- opian invasion. "Until October, 1935, New Diocese Is Created he said, England was the Mediterran-I can power . . . The Italian possessions in Saginaw By Pope Pius were neither as extensive as the! French nor as well placed as the WASHINGTON, March 3.-(1I)- British, which controlled both ends." Cleation o fa new diocese of Saginaw, Although Italy proceeded in Abys- ViCh , by Pope Pius Xi was announced sinia after a tacit agreement the prev- t'night by the most Rev. Amleto Gio- ious January with Laval in Frence ainni Cicognani, Apostolic delegate Professor Carr pointed out that it was ;o the United States. the first time a Mediterranean power Changes in the territory embraced had undertaken an armed move by the Archdiocese of Detroit and the against the potests of Great Britan Diocese of Grand Rapids and Lansing since the War. also were announced. But Italy's challenge to British su- By FHA Manr 'It's The American Way,' Staff Evaluator Contends Of New Amendments "It's the American way of doing business," was the way Harry M. Steffey, field representative and staff evaluator of the Detroit insurance of- fice of the Federal Housing Adminis- tration, characterized the plan set up by the 1938 amendments to the National Housing Act, last night be- fore the University extension course in building. Mr. Steffey emphasized that "Ann Arbor banks lend Ann Arbor money o Ann Arbor citizens for Ann Arbor houses." He further explained that .he Federal Government merely in- ;ures or guarantees the loans from the local lending institutions, and provides a well-planned budgeting prograin to aid the borrower in in- telligcntly systematizing his pay- ments e These new amendments which give the borrower a larger loan, an un- biassed appraisal of his property's worth, a long term in which to repay, and a scientific budgeting plan for re- payment, should "give the American citizen a new incentive to live in his own home, which is the best way to live," declared Mr. Steffey. Predict More Labor Strife With Bridges WASHINGTON, March 3.-( -- More labor strife on the waterfron~t. appeared probable tonight after Harry Bridges announced he was moving into Atlantic and Gulf ports with his CIO Longshoremen's Union. Seated in John L. Lewis' office, Bridges made that statement at a press conference he called rrim n riy to assail Senator Copeland (Dem., N.Y.) and the Senate Commerce Committee Copeland heads. Bridges accused Copeland of doing a job for the ship-owners in spon- soring legislation to restrict the right of seamen to strike. He said the Copeland Committee was disregard- ing all democratic procedure in re- fusing to hear the views of the CIO longshoremen of the West Coast. USED-CAR CELEBRATION Ann Arbor automobile dealers will celebrate the National Used Car Ex- change week which will be observed nationally beginning tomorrow. Na- tional Used Car Exchange week was established by automobile manufac- turers, dealers, suppliers and allied interests Should I Ever Borrow Money? * Intelligent borrowing is the common-sense way of smooth- ing out the ups-and-downs of income or expenses. There are two methods of self- financing: 1. Save first, then buy. (Savings Account) 2. Buy first, repay later. (Personal Loan) * Your choice of these two ways depends on your own sit- uation. But emergencies and opportunities seldom wait until you can save enough to take care of them. llbliC Health Is Helpful "Public health organizations, both official and unofficial, have shown their worth in the control of tuber- culosis," says the article. The de- cline of the tuberculosis mortality rate is the result of the work of these organisations, says Dr. Kleinschmidt, and he points out that similar or- ganizations can do a comparable piece of work in combatting and controll- ing diabetes. "There is an urgent need for mak- ing diabetes a reportable disease," the article states, "Present mortality statistics give the student of the sub- ject a very inadequate concept of the problem, and are unquestionably misleading. Were the public better informed of the extent of the problem the present situation would undoubt- edly be corrected." Many Suffer Needlessly While "diabetics should not die of diabetes," the -article declares, many do die needlessly. Others suffer un- necessary pains and acquire compli- cations resulting from ignorance, it adds. Lack of suitable guidance and education has led many of them to resort to drug-store "cures" and to harbor the disease or tendencies to- ward it unknowingly. Goem Legend Cited As Basis For Film (Continued from rage 1) were each credited with having cre- ated a Golem. The film concerns the huge, clay, man-like figure which Rabbi Loew of Prague brought to life to serve him, by writing the He- brew word for "truth" on its fore- head. After the Rabbi's death the Jews in the ghetto were persecuted by the crazy Emperor Rudolph II, played in the picture by the famous French actor Hurry Baur. The Golem Was revitalized by the Jews for protection, but as soon as the mechanical figure had routed the corrupt imperial court, it turned on the ghetto. It was then that the Jews reduced the Golem to dust oy ,erasing the first letter of "truth" which left the word, "death" on the brow of the monster. The Golem, Dr. Heller pointed out, is symbolic and applies with even greater force to today when man, like Dr. Fra:ikenstein, is threatened by the very machines and inventions he created. "The Golem," he said, "sym- bolizes a blind force acting without ethical and social aims; the legend has its contemporary counterpart- posed in the question 'Is man made for the machine, or is the machine made for man.' " Gas instead of gallows will be used for legal executions in California when this lethal gas chamber, which was built in Denver, is installed in San Quentin penitentiary. All California executions will be in San Quentin when gas legally replaces noose. Chemistry M ayProvide Answer To The Modern Cancer Pla orne periority in the Mediterranean as- sumed a niuch more dangerous form when it became evident that the Spanish Civil Wa omight never have occurred had Mussolini not promised support to France, Professor CarrI said. h h. FO LLETT'S 3c per Day BEST AUTHORS 1Oc Minimum LATEST BOOKS Dr. James T. Bradbury Tries New Hydrocarbons As A Possible Cure-All (Continued from Page 1) The obvious inference that the disease "As for exchanging the pen for the developed from chemicals or distill- ates contained in coal tar gave im- petus to investigations in laboratories the world over for the "hunted" chemical. Partial success came in 1915 when two Japanese scientists succeed- ed in producing a coal tar distillate capable, after long application, of Inducing a cancer on the ear of rab- bits. But efforts to track down the guilty cnstituent of coal tare were fruitless until the latter '20's when flourescence spectroscopy came to the rescue and revealed the characteristic spectrum bands of hydrocarbons to. be strikingly similar to those of the cancer-forming coal tar. Today meth- ylcholanthrene; 1, 2, 5, 6 dibenzan- throcene and derivatives of the two- all hydrocarbons--are known to be highly carcinogenic, or cancer induc- ing. Cancer, the scientists tell us, is a disease of the body cells. In the mul- tiplication of the normal cell there is a stopping point, a point at which cells grow no further. A piece of skin, for example, when taken from the thigh and placed in an arm abrasion, grows and keeps filling over the exposed area until its edges bump those of the surrounding skin. Then it stops. But cancer cells are out- laws who know no rules. Their multi- plication apparently has no limit and they pay no homage to the cells from which they derive their identity, hav- ing few of their original character- istics. Squashy pulp-like units, they elongate in all directons, enclosing the surrounding tissues, breaking off into carrier or lymph channels and finally setting up sub-stations in other parts of the body. If unimpeded the process continues until the organs of the body are completly shot through with diseased cells and death is a matter , days. Because cancer was already known to originate from a variety of sources -X-ray, radium, sunlight, soot and certain oils, the importance of coal tar and the hydrocarbons was at first discounted as incident only to a cer- tain type of occupational disease. Such skepticism was put to rest, how- ever, by investigators like Dr. Brad- bury who traced a mysterious connec- Mrs. Haber To Speak For Hillel Foundation Mrs. William Haber, wife of Pro- fessor' Haber of the economics de- partment, will speak on "Labor Trends" at 8 p.m. today during ser- vices at the Hillel Foundation. Mrs. S. G. Bothman will be hostess for the social following the service. Bernard S. Rubiner, '38 will act as cantor. tion between human sex hormones FIh Lab Code and methylcholanthrene. The phen- F 11 ( RENTAL LIBRARY 322 South State Street anthrene nucelus occuring in each further suggested a relation between' hormones and cancer. "This inference was substantiated,"' Dr. Bradbury said, "by experiment. In Dilue Brown Mice(a strain inbred for 40 or 50 generations) 90 per cent of the females die from cancer of the breast and none of the males ever contracted the disease." If the females' sex organs are re-+ moved, however, he says, the percent- age of cancer incidence is negligible. When, moreover, female sex hormones are injected into males a high per- centage of the latter invariably de- velop breast cancer. The key to the chemical explana- tion of the cancer phenomenon ap- pears near. Hydrocarbon research has pried open a new perspective in the field and new developments are tum- Is FinallyApproved PARIS, March 4.-(Friday)-) - The Chamber of Deputies early today' passed the first section of Premier Camille Chautemps' labor code after a five-day deadlock which had threatened a Cabinet crisis. The Chamber voted 424 to 134 for the measure on its sixth reading after accepting unanimously a Senate pro- vision excluding farm workers from its operation. This clause had been ' the bone of contention. bling into scientific journals with an unprecedented profusion. Given the cause for the plague scientists will mark little time in effecting a univer- sal cure. And the cause may be found in a little out-of-the-way Universit3 laboratory any day now. ,. r _ . - :- -- Sup erior MILK-ICE CREAM WEEKLY SPECIAL TWO LAYER BRICK: Vanilla and Almond Toffee Superior Dairy Company Phone 23181 0 ONLY REQUIREMENT for a loan here: your ability to repay small, regular amounts on the loan plan that's easiest for you to handle. ill * No endorsers required. Pri- vacy assured. Loans available to all university people except. students. PERSONAL LOANS Up to $300 Personal Finance Co. 376 Offices 10th Year in Ann Arbor Ground Floor Wolverine Bldg. 201-203 S. FOURTH AVE. 4 Phone 4000 R.W. Horn, Mgr. ----- . mw I L i --- _ . - _ - ".mar . _ _ - = ,Z$ _ . - el I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN {Continued from Page 41 Hall Saturday, March 5, 8 p.m. Pro- fessor McClusky will speak. There will also be .movies, songs and re- freshinents. Economics Club: On Monday, March 7, Professor Z. C. Dickinson will speak on the subject "In Search of Wage Principles" at 7:45 p.m. in Room 304 of the Union. Staff mem- bers and graduate students in Ec- onomics and Business Administra- tion are invited to attend. The Christian Student Prayer Group will hold its regular meeting- at 5:00 p.m. Sunday, March 6, in the Henderson Room of the Michigan League, Christian students are urged to attend. kSTR9EAMLINED rNI. I I . This is indeed a streamlined age. In the last ten years, great progress has been made along these lines, until at the present time, anything that moves with appreciable speed, has been designed in such a way as to reduce its resistance to the wind. BUSINESS, TOO, has a huge problem to overcome . . . the resistance of the buying public. To accomplish this end I Buffalo, N.Y. Men: Prof. John Wok- ley will show his motion pictures of "The Seven Wonders of the World"! at the smoker-meeting of Scalp and Blade at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the Union. All Buffalo Men are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served. ENJOY A REAL ITALIAN DINNER 1602 Packard Rd. at Marion St. Dinners served daily by reservation. Sunday from 12-8. Feeling like a millionaire This fellow with the shining countenance has just stepped forth from an invigorating session with one of the Mich- igan Union Barbers. While he was there, he was given every consideration which could possibly add to his comfort. What with haircuts and shaves; shampoos and .Rno rCvac.n~1rnd A n nn nmiri t-. 44 I' An 11.,nn flnntipr I the Michigan Daily offers to its advertisers increased facilities that find expression in the indidual servicing of accounts, the adaptation to the advertisers' needs of two exceptionally fine mat services, the Stanton and the Manhattan, and an increase of 350 over last year, bringing the reading public of the Daily well over 10,000. The Michigan Daily keeps 1 t". Isr Im II ,