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February 15, 1938 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1938-02-15

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Ii ____________
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E 1 ',:% i. L Y I is . .! ! iY I

Loyalists' "Iidoiuitable Courage'
Impi _ : kAim .%Viiii-



),y the 3trade t2.tIlw=---tlM' ec1UI .f faltlt 1cihx.Li~~~ttitojt ~
was that there was no glass in the 1 allitug abkott thietri; then taking Lip
rindows. Alc1o there was no place to position~s for the attack, then attack-
iarvn the laundry but in the corridors. ing superbly. That was a sample of
"The city was everywhere de~orat- the people's~ army that is growing in
d in honor brth of the year" of its numtbers and experience every day. It.
)uccessfu.l de "ensec and the 20th birth- was an unforgettable sight. Because
3<^.y of thei Soviet Union. Although that long Line knew that many among
,r"tillery; , and in the still early hours it were living the last 15 minutes ofR
f morning, machine guns can be their lives, but there was none who'
Zard, th'e streets hum and there is a chd not subaordinate that thought to
;ay cafe and theatre life, of which I hi determination to save his people
rank deep until sugar candy mixed from fascism.
lvith Spanish cognac forced me to a "Tell Tuure that one of the firstj
;ed of pain my last night. things I'm going to do when I get
"We have had lots of rain this back is go and listen to some of his
ntenth, and now it is getting colder. records, without the towel stuffed in.
Cam reluctant to warm myself be- We're not going to use the towel even
're the kitchen fires for fear I won't on that record by Bix and the gang
e able to take it the rest of the day where Trumbauer, I think it is, really
end the days to come. But I really toes to town. We're way behind here
lavebecme ued o liingcontnu-on popular music, still living in the
u~ly in a temperature never better'TeMscG sRouda 'on"
Alan 50 degrees. era. Has anyone been down to the
"Movies and books on war themes Whitney lately to see "The Big Pa>-
eem the most popular in Spain to_ rade?" Ugh! What a scare that bat
lay-at least I have encountered gave tne that night.
;hem in unusual proportions. That is "This morning we got some bul-
iatural. letins in Dutch and newspapers hi
"After a month, what battle scene French. That's why I'm asking you
.o I remember best? to send some Dailies.
"It was the long line of men of the "Please write a long letter soon, and
t4h Brigade, unrenowned, moving urge others to. 'Thanks..
up, just before dusk of a cloudy after- "BOB."

daly at 4:06 m.inl U001-11108R.L.
The program, will be as follows:
Professor Thieme : Report on a new
collection of dramas.
Mr. Eddy: A French original for
arte mayor?
Chemical and Metallurgical En-
;ineering Seminar: Mr. Alan Foust
will be the speaker at the Seminar
,or graduate students in Chemical
tnd Metallurgical Engineering today,
it 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng.I
Bldg. His subject will be "Coeffi-
,ients of Heat Transfer in a Natural
Circulation Evaporator as a Func-
tion of Circulation."
ldner Testimonial Dinner: There
vil be a committee meeting today at
1 p.m. 303 University fll. All comn-
.nittee members are urged to be pies-
ent. Final arraingexments will be

Graduate S "1,t h ere will hr I _
iparty for 1 : ;' T, si~t'defltw ai - -
ifl4I Ui 1> A :1
p.m. D~r. :c vis S. 1atsol will
speak cn "Derivation of t.!2 14 space
Cercl e F. anca is : There will be a
meeting of the Cerele Francais Wed-
nesday evening at 8 o'clock at the
League. Members are reminded that
tthree cons;ecutive absences automa-
tically caiv-.es their name to be drop-
ped from the membership list.
S Phi Sigma Meeting: Wednesday,
Feb. 16, 1933 at 8:00 p.m. in Room
2116 N.S. Buiilding .
Dr. W.' J. Nungester, associatec
.1professor of bacteriology, Will speak
on"Experimnental Pneumonia."



Fri 3 i 4 Ffyyi'T
4 J



.. ........ .


m"WC ,-AN

Lu ch eon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, Feb. 16, at 12 o'clockip
in the R~ussian Tea Room oaf the.

S ..RI

IMichigan Lea gue Building.
Junior Girls Play: Tryouts forI Professor James K. Pollock of the
avomefl's parts will be held from 3 :30I Political Science Department willj
;0o 5:30 p.m. today, tomorrow and ispeak informally on "Recent Gov-1
rhursday in the Lydia MendelssohnI ernmental Changes in Germany."


theatre at 'the League.j
Women with names A through 1
ire to come today, J through P to-
norrow and Q through Z Thursday.
Tryouts for men will be held from
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. today and tomor-

Junior A.A.U.W. Interior Decora-
tion Group, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 8
p.m., at the Michigan League.
Speaker : Mrs. Mariquita Dygert,
Home Lighting Director, Detroit Edi-
son Company, Detroit. Open meet-


University Girls' Glee Club. Try-. i ng.
>uts will be today from 4 to 6 p.m. All stuad&nts considecrin- religious
There will also be tryouts Wednes-
gay at the same time. Tryouts will work as lnho a vocat ion are invited to a a ae7,1,Wded ,i
e held at the League. Second luncheon atI 12: al00V.fl'Say
;emester freshmen are eligible, as Fb 6 t1:0
cell as all members of other classes-
vith a B average. Polon 'a LtrayCirc Organi'za-
______ionLion meeting for this semester at the
Tau Beta Pi: Regular dinner meet-1 League, Wcdnes.;day at 7:30 plm.
vg tonigvht at; the Union at 6:151-

Rounrd '$'. Trip
Leave 7:30 A.M. Return before I11


Tickets On Sale at

if You Write, We Have It
One of the largest and best
stocks of writing material in
the State.


).m. Important business will be
Alpha Kappa Delta Society will
nieet at the home of Professor A. E.
7ood, 3 Harvard Place today. Buf-
't supper at 6:30, followed by a dis-
?ssion on "*The Far Eastern Con-
~lct." Speakers: Professor C. F.
FRemer, and Mr. Ching K. Yang.
Mimes: There will be a meeting of
=rimes tonight at 8:00 p.m. at the
nion. The room will be on the
nion bulletin board. Those unable
o attend please notify either Jo:
graham or Dick Waterman.
Michigan. Dames IHomemnakino
Sroup meeting tonight, 8:15 p.m. at
Ars. A. F. Shull, 431 Highland Road.
Airs. G. Enss will talk on "Homne-
naking in Other Lands." Everyone
neet at South Door of League witfl
)r without cars at 8 p.m.
Wyvern: There will be a luncheon
neeting at 12 today at the League.
Quarterdeck Society invites all who
,re interested to the Showing of the
wo sound motion picture films, "In
prom the Sea," by Courtesy of Dodd
Shipyards, Inc., and 'Play Ball," by
2ourtesy of Fisher Body Corporation
it 7:30 p.m. at the Union, Room 321.
The Music Section of the Faculty
Nomen's Club will meet at the horn
,f Mrs. Max M. Peet, 2030 Hill St., to-
day, at 8 p.m. Husbands of the
members will be guests. The pro-
gram will be given by Janet McLoud,
jpianist, Hope Bauer Eddy, contralto
end a quartet consisting of Helen
Snyder, flute, Byrl Harrison, violin,
Eileen Icheldinger, viola, and Mary
Frances McDonough, cello.
Faculty Womn's Club: The Boo]
Shelf and Stage Section will meet at
the home of. Mrs. Geo. A. Lindsay,
2015 Day St., today at 2:45 p.m.
M'rs. C. L. Clark is assisting hostess.
Bibliophiles: Faculty Women',
club. Today, 2:30, Michigan League
Hostess, Mrs. J. C. Brier..

3 The lutes-(hiuild Mo irninig Watch'
Service will be held at the League
Chapel, .7:30 o'clock, Wedlnesday,
lmorn in;.
The Social Seascon of the Baptist
Guild will start atnl-w with an open
house at 8 p.m. Friday. All members
and their guests are urged to come.

12 Nickels Arcade

Phone 2-44-24





- 1

1 '

Chritian Science Organization:
8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students,
alumni and faculty invited to attend
the services.

Coming events

Research Club: Wednesday, Feb.j
16, at 8 p.m., in Room 2528 East
Medical Building.I
Speakers : (1) Prof. I. L. Sharf -
man, "Some basic issues in the
movement for public control of pri-
vate enterprise;" (2) Prof. M. H.
Soule, "Leprosy."
The Council will meet at 7::30 p.m.
A.S.M.E. Members: There will be
a regular meeting of the student
branch of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, Wednesday,
Feb. 16, at '7:30 p.m. in the Natural
Science Auditorium.
Professor J. Ormondroyd will give
an illustrated talk on the design of
she mounting for the new 200 inch
telescope which is now being con-
Women's Debate: There will be a
meeting of alh women ; tterested in
participating in the Women's Wes-
tern Conference Debate in Room
t003 Angell Hall Thursday, Feb. 17,I
at 4 p.m.


At the auction, Mr. Benedict hadn't raised
his hand more'n a fraction ... and now he
owned a lion! What would Miss Satterlee
say when he returned without the grand
piano for the Female Seminary? By the
author of Drums Along The Mohawk.
Mr. Benedict and the Madagascan Lion

Meet the mummy who tours under this banner:
BOOTH. He has been bought and sold, kidnaped
and seized for debt. He's been chased out of
towns for "not having a license," and threatened
with haninig by indignant G. A. R. veterans.
You'll find his strangc story in your Post this week.

r:Ayy' ' .

YOU NEED? What's
wrong With education,
and what we can do about'
it, by Dr. Robert M.
Hthins. AND stories




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