THE MICIIGAN DAILY Hughes Is Awarded Aviation Trophy H Of The DAY [ (By The Associated Press)" Finaxnciers Are Reported l' To Approve Lewis' Unions NEW YORK, March 4.-M-The World-Telegram said today "two fi- nanciers closely identified with Mor- gn interests" spoke approvingly of the the John L. Lewis C.I.O. labor organ- Ite ization program and "made the flat Ip prediction that in the near future be the American worker would be or-one ganized completely along industriala lines.g piv>: oat Michigan Political Parties-sh o learred Of Misuse Chargernssplis WASHINGTON, March 4-R-ato Se'nate campaign expenditures cor- giv mittee in a report to Congress today whi cleared the Republican and Demo- to critic organizations in Michigan of has complaints they used excessive cam-'M paign 'funds or misused congressional':.:fc franking privilges in the 1936 cam- ~ ato] paign - Associated Press Photo ing L,___________Hcward Hughes, motion picture producer and famous speed flier, ene is shown at the White House receiving the congratulations of President is g eporR Shows 128 oosevelt who presented him with the Harmon International Trophy like St de ts S t Home for being the world's outstanding aviator during 1936. Others in the en picture are, left to right: Col. C. W. Kenwood, W. Burke Harmon, nephew Ht nuc of the donor of the trophy, and J. Monroe Johnson, assistant secretary of mu Continued fromn Page 1) mumre.b ________commerce. by hat in addition to the depression - Cra the importance which account for the Revelli To Tour West Old Chimes To Keep ofe comparatively, low number of dis- missals in the specialized under- In MUSkC Cinic Series Rin ino Out Hours sta graduate schools. "To apply for en- prof William Revelliadirectorgofg trance to the education school," Pro- The University Band, will add about H fessor Davis said, "students must 1,500 more miles to his rapidly grow- The chimes in the clock tower of whi ave at least 25 per cent more honor ing travels when he will direct all- the West Engineering Annex will "Th addd "han comartivey lo pe star bands this month in California, continue to ring until notice is re- the added, "a comparatively low per- Oregon Oklahoma and Washinton ber ientage of our students are fresh- O ceived to stop them, Edward C. Par- alc men." He will_ leave March 19 for San don, superintendent of the building liqu Francisco where he will lead the and grounds department, said yester- the Western Conference High School ath band. At the Northwestern Confer- at: Sence, which will be held March 21 It was previously announced that a 22 and 23 at Portland, Ore., he will the chimes would be allowed to run ee be guest conductor and will hold mu- down, although the clock would con- tra sical clinics. March 29, 30 and 31 tinue to be used. A new set of eler he will lead the 250 all-star South- chimes synchronized to the clock in the - I western Conference High School the Burton Memorial Tower now said band and will hold clinics. He will rings out at the hour and quarter H also hold clinics in Tacoma, Wash., hour, 'providing a double set of two and Sacremento, Cal. chimes. like -_one I ingi fori ROOM for irent League house at 814 Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. Church. Meals served. 409 The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. VERY NICE ROOM double or single. Box numbers may be secured at no Very reasonable, 606 Catherine. LIeCash in advance Ile per reading line Plone 6740. Mrs. Crull. 408 for one or two insertions. 10c per read- (on basis of five average words to line) ing line for three or more insertions. Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line " ESfor two or more inertions. Minimum three .ines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. LOST AND FOUND SET of keys in small black leather Have You case. Reward. Gordon Potter. heard 2-1831 407 that the ::;.:?":::::NOTICES ANTHONY BUDNIK, till recently at is now at his own place, 806 South --"- s State Street. Ferry Field Barber Shop. 387 LAUNDRY spe S 0 5U 0 e -LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sx darnd. DIPL OMA T Careful work at a low price. 6x at WANTED RL ACSHEEP CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, A M $5, $8, $25. LADIES' FUR COATS * 0", ° 7.WTYPEWRITERS, OLD GOLD, and aa musical instruments. Phone Sam. IlN rrIi6304.78 MAAFFAIRS 0 His Outstanding Achievement FOR RENTi s v u.*,a Wi the pay . 9 ROOMS for girls. One block from ouc- by -Neiint campus. Modern. Facing park. Very Diroctedr Directedby erbe Man desirable. 111 Park Terrace. 404 1 SUITE with private bath and shower. ;.. ;..; Also single room. Phone 8544. 422 (3 2 - A E Washington. 406 . 8 8 S State) Also ATTRACTIVE suite for two. Inquire CARCH of TyIEs209 South State Street over Chubbs Carton -Novlty ewsRestaurant. Mrs. F. S. O'Connor. Cato oet es406} Last imes Today AN N I A n rGIL*T WGENE SOTHERN SMAlPRTEST IRL in T WN RAYMOND STARTING SATURDAY! e and 0 <'~~~' ~Five New Sgongs1 Decou eit with/ @!er Dn BingF SAS - SUN- .° Mischa Auer ' F- -. , I nR 5, 6' igh Potential 7acuum Tube Used By Crane ilion Billion Projectiles' P~er Second Are Emitted By 'Atom Gun' (Continued from Page 1) nucleus of an atom of one of se "light" elements is struck by )roton or deuteron: first the atom aks up forming a simpler element, of lower atomic weight; second, tremendous amount of energy in form of gamma rays is given off. Lithium Atom mAn atom of lithium," Dr. Crane tinuedk "when hit by a proton, ts to form two helium atoms; an in of boron giyes three helium es; while an atom of beryllium es a boron atom' and a neutron en struck by a deuteron." A neu- - is like a proton except that it no electric charge. lore important, however, is the :that when the nuclei of these ms disintegrate asa result of be- struck by a proton drdeuteron, rgy in the form of gami rays tiven off. Gamma rays are much e X-rays except that their wave ;ths are much shorter. his discharge of gamma rays from lei that have.been disturbed is ch like the giving off of light rays atoms that have been excited, Dr. ne explained. He compared it to emanation f light from atoms neon in a neon tube when their to has' been disturbed by the pas- e t of an electron current. Action Of Gamma Rays [e then described the process by sch these gamma rays are studied. he rays hit electrons which are n propelled through a cloud chain- containing alcohol vapor. The mhol vapor condenses forming id alcohol all along the paths' of Selectrons. These liquid alcohol .s are photographed by means of imera in the top of the chamber." 'he photographed paths of these ctrons are known as gamma spec- d serve to identify the various tens and give information about ir nuclear structure, Dr. Crane d. 3e indicated that there are but other high potential machines ethis one in the United States, at Carnegie Institute in Wash- ;on, D. C. and another at Call- nia Institute of Technology in adena. i d EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS CKLW--1030 Kilocycles P.M. 6 :00-" Magic Island." 6:15-News and Sports. 6:30-Lane Prescott's Ensemble. 6:45-srhumba Rhythms. 7:00-Phil Marley's Orch. 7:15-Dave Schooler's Orch. 7:30-Trans-Radio News Bulletins. 7:35-Melody. Interlude. 7:45-Musical Echoes. 8:00-Mario Morelli's Ensemble. 8:30-C~esare Sodero Directs. 9:00-Raymond Grant Swing. 9:15-Horace Heidt's Orch. 10:00-Vincent F York's Orch. 10:30-Alfred Wallenstein's Impressions. 3.1:00-Canadian Club -Reporter. 11:15-Jimmy Dorsey's Orch. 11 :30-Freddy Martin's Orch. Midnight-Tonmmy Dorsey's Orch. 12:30-Michael Zarin's Orch. 1:00-Hugo Mariani's Orch. 1:30--Weather Forecast. WJR--750 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00-Stevean News. 6:15-Envoys of Melody. 6:30-Vocal Varieties. 6:45-Renfrew of the Mounted. 7 :00-"Mortimer Gooch." 7:15-Vocal Varieties. 7:30--The Allen Family. 7:45-Boake Carter. 8:00-Broadway Varieties. 8:30-Hal Kemp-us Orch 9:00-Hollywood Hotel. 10:30-Musical. 10:30-Favorite Melodies. 10:45-Vocsls by Verrill. 11:15-Favorite Melodies.* 11 :45-Wismer Sports. 11:50-Jay Freeman's Orch. Midnight-Marvin Frederic's Orch. 12:30-Meditations. 1:00-Sign Off. WWJ-920 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00-Ty Tyson's Sports. 6:10-Dinner Music. 6 :30-Bradeast. 6:40-Odd Facts. 6:45-Musical Moments. 7:00-Amos 'n' Andy. 7:15--Voice of Carelessness. 7:20-Evening Melodies. 7:30-Dudley Brothers. 7:45-Caballeros. 8:00-Lucille Manners. 9:00--Waltz Time. 9:30-True Story Hour. 10:00-First Nighter. 10:30-Pontiac Varsity Show. 11 :00-Webster Hall Orchestra. 11r:30-Dance Music. 12:00-Northwood Inn Orch. Midnight-Northwood Inn Orch. 12:30-Weather, y WXYZ-1240 Kilocycles 7:15-Ford Bond. 7:30-The Lone Ranger. 8 :00-Irene Rich. 8:15-Singin' Sam. 8:30-Death Valley Days. '9:00-Universal Rhythm. 9:30-Twin Stars. 10:00-Sammy Dibert's Orch. 10:30-Lowry Clark. 11 :00-Harold Stern. 11:30-Phil Levant. 11:45-Earl Hines. Midnight-Morrey Brennan. 12:30--George Greece Orch.' Accuirate lecture notes assure higher examirna- tion grades . . . 2:-,000 students now use ABC SHORITHAND) for taking complete notes-easily learned in 12 lessons-price $1. Examine a copy of ABC. SI*LORTlAND by 0 W. A. Brooks at your bookstore now. National Library Press, 110 W. 42 St., N. Y. C. Gadget To Amuse, A nd Also Exercise, Devotees Appears A new gadget which should be ex- tremely popular with physical cul- ture devotees has just appeared in .Ann Arbor. It succeeds in harnessing the energy which is ordinarily expended in ris- ing on your toes and breathing deep- ly, and uses it to get you some place. This is a sign of culture. If you don't want to go any place you can ride around in a circle, and you will still have done some deep breathing. In appearance it is like a bicycle. In fact, it probably is a bicycle, one reminiscent of the kind they used in the gay nineties, turned back to front. Its applications should be legion., It should be very valuable for reduc- ing, for, unlike bicycling, you have to stand up and work. Then, too, the up and down motion is very much like being tossed in a boat on a calm day, and everyone who feels a long- ing for the sea could own one. TNine Days i Queen' To Be Given Today "Nine Days A Queen," the Gau- mont British production starring Ce- dric Hardwicke and Nova Pilbeam in the story of Lady Jane Grey, will be given at 8:15 p.m. in the. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre today and to- morrow by the Art Cinema League. The film, which will also be shown at 3:15 p.m. Saturday, depicts the events following the death of Henry VIII when Lady Grey unwillingly be- came queen, reigned nine days and then was imprisoned. A madrigal composed by Henry VIII is sung in the production, which was directed by Robert Steveson. The supporting roles are acted by John Mills, Desmond Tester, Leslie Perrins, John Laurie and Martita Hunt. iV Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY March 5 and 6, at 8:15 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 3:15 All Seats Reserved - Tickets 35c Hitler Insulted By La Guardia, Nazis Complain Mayor Of New York Calls Dictator 'Brown-Shirted Fanatic' In 'Talk WASHINGTON, March 4.-P)- Germany complained to the United States today that Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia of New York had insulted Adolf Hitler. A few hours after a representative of the German embassy lodged a vig- orous protest at the State Depart- ment, Secretary ull voiced anin- formal expression of regret over such incidents.g The protest, made on direct in- structions from the Berlin Foreign Office, was prompted by an address yesterday in New York by Mayor La- Guardia. Speaking to the women's division of the American-Jewish Congress, the Mayor suggested a "chamber of horrors" at the 1939 New York World Fair. He declared it should contain "a figure ofthat brown shirted fa- natic who is now menacing the peace of the world." When he learned of the protest to- day, La Guardia said: "They ought to protest. For I know of no artist or designer who can adequately paint or carve anything that will ade- quately depict either the personalities of the Nazi government, Hitler him- self, or the type of government he ,is giving." Secretary Hull, after receiving the German complaint, promised an im- mediate investigation. He indicated that a formal expression of regret would be conveyed to the Embassy after published accounts of the New York Mayor's address are officially verified. SOMTHINGWONDERFULGOESON INSIDE PILIER c|ooLEo MEDICOO '4 I . . + . i wlw l w r 9 *w . '' *. x a. ,--. - U I IS EARLY - - BE SURE TO SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAYS - SELECT YOUR SPRING SUIT TO PCOAT Now! -That's why we are all ready to show you the new styles and fabrics for spring. SPRING SUITS TOPCOATS Now! Suits or Topcoats Custom Made to Your Own Individual Measurements -$2950 - ma I - - - - --0