The Weather
Generally fair today and to-
morrow; rising temperatures.
liig tan
Federal Food
And Drug Regulation...
May Settle GM
Labor Trouble
In Four Days
Representatives Of Union,
Corporation In Recess
After 13-Day Session
Knudsen, Martin
To Return Monday
DETROIT, March 4.-(P)-Final
settlement Monday of General Mo-
tors strike issues with the United Au-
tomobile Workers of America was de-
scribed as "possible" by a Corpora-
tion official tonight.
Representatives of Corporation
and Union who have conferred for
13 days in efforts to agree on union
demands adjourned their sessions
until Monday and said the four-day1
recess was designed to permit them,
to catch up with accumulated busi-
ness affairs.
They announced, however, that
William S. Knudsen, executive vice-
president of General Motors, and
Homer Martin, U.A.W.A. president,
would return Monday to the confer-
ences which they left soon after dis-
cussions started Feb. 16.
Tentative Conditions Set
For days the negotiators have
argued on the union's demand for a
national minimum hourly wage.-
Union officials said today the Cor-
poration offered $5 a day for men
and $4 for women, but a General
Motors spokesman said these figures
were used only as illustrations. The
union has claimed some workers re-
ceive as low as $3.20 a day; the Cor-
poration contends differentials in
wage minimums are necessary be-
cause of varying continuity of em-
ployment, cost of living, and com-
Tentative arments have been
written on other union demands such
as methods of handling grievances,
seniority rights, the 30-hour week,
abolition of piece-work, and speed of
production. C. E. Wilson, General
Motors vice-president ,said "it is pos-
sible" a final agreement will be signed
Body Workers Return
The U.A.W.A. was negotiating to-
day with two other automobile pro-
ducers-Chrysler and Hudson-and
preparing to bargain with more than
half a dozen parts manufacturers
whose plants have been affected by
More than 20,000 employes in body1
plants of the Briggs Manufacturing
Company and the Murray Corpora-
tion of America returned to their
jobs today after sit-down strikes
ended. They evacuated occupied
plants last night and this morning.I
Additional sit-downs in Detroit
Automotive parts plants affected 1,-
200 workers in three plants of the
Bohn Alumnium Company and the
Michigan Smelting and Refining Co.,
and 1,050 in three units of the Pen-
insular Metal Products Corp. whichj
supplies mol4ifigs for automobiles.
General Motors employes were told
in a message from Alfred P. Sloan,
Jr., Corporatlon president, today that'
G.M. "will continue to negotiate with
any group, or with any individual1
employe desiring to negotiate indi-
vidually, in any or all parts of its
plants," adding that the company
"has no intention of discriminating'
between organizations by which its
workers may wish to be represented."
Labor Unrest
Hits England's
Arms Prograti1
LONDON, March 4.-(AP)-Labor
unrest and reports of sabotage cast
shadows over Great Britain's great-
est peace-time armament program
The nation, digging deep into its
resources to perfect an all-inclusive
defense. plan, faced three develop-
1. The army estimated its 1931 ex-
penditure would be $410,870,000. This
was added to the navy's estimate of
$525,325,000 for a huge construction
program. Estimates for the air force
have not been announced.
2. Labor leaders were reported
ready to take advantage of the in-
dustrial boom accompanying the pro-
gram with demands for a five-day
week and higher pay. A strike hit
the Derby Rolls Royce aircraft en-
gine plant.
3. A secret service investigation of
conditions at several aircraft factor-
Vacuum Tube 'Shoots' Million
Billion ProjectilesPer Second
10 Million Atoms Blasted
Into New Forms By Gun,
Crane Declares
A High potential vacuum tube,
which "shoots" one billion billion
projectiles each second with a speed
of more than three million miles per
hour, is now being used by Dr. H. R.
Crane of the physics department to
bombard atoms and study their struc-
Two types of projectiles are being
used in the tube, Dr. Crane said yes-
terday, protons-the nuclei of ordi-
nary hydrogen atoms-and deuterons
-the nuclei of heavy hydrogen
About 10 million atoms are blasted
apart each second by this "atom
gun," Dr. Crane indicated. But he
pointed out that the number of atoms
in a gram of lithium, which is now
being bombarded, is so high that even
that rate it would take about 30 mil-
lion years to split all the atoms in
one gram.
The number of atoms in a gram of
lithium may be represented by a one
followed by 22 zeros, he said.
The main part of this machine,
which is known as the "high poten-
tial," consists of a vacuum tube 16
feet long to which is applied a dif-
ference of potential of about one mil-
lion volts. The source of the protons
or deutorons, which come from a gas
discharge, is attached to the positive
terminal of the tube.
The protons or deuterons, having
positive electrical charges, are then
New Concepts
Of High Court
Are Demanded
Basis Of Judicial Duty Is
Emphasis On Human
Needs, MacAllister Says
A new conception of the Supreme
Court, with remphasis on human
needs, was called for last night by
Thomas d MacA:sterof Grtnd
Rapids, Democratic candidate for
justice of the State Supreme Court,
in an address before approximately
300 persons at a Roosevelt "victory"
dinner in the Union ballroom.
Although he did not specifically
mention President Roosevelt's plan
to increase the membership of the
Supreme Court of the United States,
Mr. MacAllister asserted that "a new
conception of the judiciary must be
based not on the old formalism, not
on legal technicalities, but on the
people's forward march.
Murphy's Role Praised
"With regard to the Supreme
Court," he said, "we see that there
is a new philosophy, to distribute the
benefits equally among the people.
And there is also an old philosophy,
formalistic, narrow and holding back
on progress.
"It is as important to have men
with a new philosophy on the court
as it is in the executive."
Mr. MacAllister refused to say, af-
ter his address, whether or not he
favored the President's court plan.
Gov. Frank Murphy's role in the
recent General Motors strike was
commended by Mr. MacAllister, who
said that the governor's methods
were in accordance with this new
National Emphasis Changed
Mrs. William Haber, leader of a
study on social security for the local
branch of the League of Women Vot-
ers, praised the change of emphasis
in American life, which, she stated,
could be credited to the Roosevelt
"In these four years of the Roose-
velt administration, the national
emphasis has changed. Its real con-
tribution has been in recognizing that
the frontier of the future is the so-
cial frontier. The public has been
aroused, not about products and
banking and technical matters, but
about how these affect the life and
work of our 125 million people."
Join With Labor Class,
Eby Tells Cooperatives
The cooperative movement in the
United States, in order to be success-
ful, must concern itself with the or-
ganized labor class, emphasized Ker-
mit Eby, Ann Arbor High School
teacher, speaking last night in Labor
Hall to members of the Ann Arbor
Cooperative organization.
Mr. Eby, storm center last year
when the administration of the Ann
Arhor -Tigh Shno1 conidered his
proposelled toward the negative ter-
minal of the tube, to which is at-
tached the material to be bombarded.
Extending through the floor of a
room in the first basement of the
East Physics Building to the second
basement below, the "high potential,"
looks like a vision out of H.G. Wells'
"Things to Come."
It is the "little brother" of the
cyclotron, which is different in con-
struction, but used for much the same
purpose. Although it gives more cur-
rent, the "high potential" develops
only one million volts in comparison
with the seven million generated by
the cyclotron. Therefore, it is used
mainly for bombarding the lighter
elements, Dr. Crane declared.
All the elements lighter than flu-
orine, whose atomic weight is 19, have
already been used, he added.,
He said that two things occur when
(Continued on Page 2)
Senate Passes
POllock's Civil
Service Law
Bill Goes To Lower House;
Will Probably Go Direct
To Committee
LANSING, March 4.-The State
Senate moved today to take patron-
age out of politics when, by a Vote
of 23 to 7, it passed Prof. James K.
Pollock's civil service bill.
The bill was sped to the House of
Representatives, where it will be con-
sidered tomorrow and probably will
go to committee. No open hearing
in the House was anticipated.
Professor Pollock, who, as chair-
man of the Civil Service Study Com-
mission, hailed as "a great victory"
the passage of the bill which would
place the State's 13,000 employes
under a permanen merit system. Al-
though some opposition in the House
has been apparent, it is not organized
and it was felt in the capital that the
overwhelming majority the Senate
gave the bill will be of benefit to it
in the lower house.
The bill, as passed by=the Senate,
is more stringent than as written by
Professor Pollock. The original bill
allowed the head of a department to
choose among the three highest elig-
ible contestants to fill any position.
This was amended to make appoint-
ment of the highest man mandatory,
after Senator Charles C. Digges, De-
troit Negro Democrat, had contend-
ed that it might make way for race
Senator George P. McCallum,
Ann Arbor's Republican member in
the upper house, defended the "rule
of three" provision, arguing that
civil service was more to obtain men
fit from office than to rule out poli-
23 Support Measure
The Senate also struck out the pro-
vision prohibiting State employes
under civil service from engaging in
politics. They may not, under the
amended measure, however, con-
tribute to political party funds. Sev-
eral other amendments were offered
Ten Republicans and 13 Demo-
crats supported the measure. The
opponents of the measure were
Senators Miles H. Callaghan, Flex
H. Flynn, McCallum, Elmer R. Porter
and Samuel H. Pangborn-Republi-
cans; andSenators Carrol B. Jones
and Henry F. Shea-Democrats.
Senator Callaghan has been the most
vigorous opponent of the bill.
Steel Prices
Go Up After
Pay Increase
Carnegie-Illinois Makes1
Higher Rates Effective
Showdown Impends
Over Lewis Control
PITTSBURGH, March 4.-(P)-
The nation's largest steel producer'
increased the price of its products $3"
to $8 a ton tonight to finance a gen-
eral wage increase and 40-hour work'
week for its 120,000 employes.
The Carnegie-Illinois Steel Cor-
poration, largest subsidiary of the
U.S. Steel Corporation, made the
price advance, effective immediately,
two days after ordering a 10 cents an
hour pay raise for the workers under
an agreement with John L. Lewis,
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
The announcement came while the
company's so-called "company union"
was preparing for a showdown with
Lewis' forces for leadership of the
men in the mills.
The corporation's wage and hour
schedule, effective March 16, will trail
the price increase by 11 days, but the
company explained that present or-
ders on its books could not be com-
pleted before April 1, depriving it of
mlch immediate benefit from the
higher prices before that date.
The company announced the new
prices would remain in effect until
June 30, and pointed out:
"The advances in their delivered
prices are necessary to cover in-
creased cost of production due to
labor advances."
Typical hikes in 'the schedule in-
luded sheet bars, from $34.50 to
$37.50 a ton, and standard rails, from
$39 to $42.50 a ton.
A movement in defense of the em-
ploye representation plans centered
in the Chicago and Pittsburgh district
mills following President Benjamin
F. Fairless' recognition of the Lewis
union organization committee.
Organized steel labor received Fair-
less' recognition as granting a year's
"breathing stell" in steel labor strife,
but battle lines were forming for an'
iatensifled contest between the in-
durial union and the representatives'
Shells Imperil
U.S. Embassy,
Kill Spaniards
MADRID, March 4.-W)P)-Insur-
gent shells screamed into Madrid's
residential districts tonight, causing
casualties among civilians.
Two big missiles landed in a plaza
six blocks from the American em-
bassy building. (A large percentage
of the Americans in Madrid live at
the embassy).
Official reports said the govern-
ment's southern army, trying to keep
the insurgents away from the sea-
port of Almeria, had cut a road be-
tween Orgiva and Velez Benaudalla,
lying just north of Motril and occu-
pied by insurgents operating out of
The government soldiers also
gained possession of heights dominat-
ing Orgiva and were pressing toward
Velez Benaudalla in an effort to cut
the main Granada-Motril highway at
that point, these reports said.
Fighting in El Pardo and Univer-
sity City areas materially improved
government positions, official reports
declared tonight.
Students Like
Drinking, But
Abhor Drunks'
American college students admire
the man that can drink like a gentle-
man, abhor the drunk and drink
more hard liquor than lighter bev-
erages, according to a survey recent-
ly completed among 1,475 colleges.
One third of the colleges replying
to the questionnaire reported a great
increase in beer drinking, but two-
thirds saw an even greater increase
in cocktail and highball consumption.
Other findings made by the survey,
which was conducted by the Literary
Digest, were: "Everywhere, teetotal
enforcement in colleges appears to be
crumbling. The average undergrad-
uate does most of his tippling off the
campus. Women students have lost
their moral revulsion toward drink-
Student editors and leaders also
received questionnaires, the magazine
states, and most student editors
agreed that repeal has aided tiem-
perance, the majority favoring edu-
cation for drinking, not against it,
as a solution for the liquor problem.
"Because liquor can be gotten so
(Continued on Page 6)
Huron Parley
Will Hear Talk
By Dr. Ruthven
Improvement Of Valley Is
Aim Of Meeting Opening
At 9 A.M._Today
President Ruthven will open a con-
ference on the general subject of "The
Improvement of the Huron River
Valley" at 9 a.m. today in the UnionI
with a talk on the topic of "The
Huron Valley."
This conference, which it is hoped
may result in a movement to improve
the Huron River Valley, is being
sponsored by the Huron River Im-
provement Commission. and the
Washtenaw County Road Commis-
sion in cooperation with the exten-
sion division of the University. It
will feature speakers, Dean Henry
M. Bates of the Law School, Prof.
Willett-"F;Ramsdel of the-forestry
school, Alex M. Dow, president of the
Detroit Edison Co., Arthur M. Stace,
managing editor of the Ann Arbor
News, Prof. William Hoad of the
sanitary engineering department and
Prof. Lewis M. Gram, chairman of
the civil engineering department.
Legislators, park officials and news-
paper editors of five counties have
been invited to the conference, which
will deal with engineering, beautifi-
cation and stream pollution.
Following President Ruthven's talk
at 9 a.m., Mr. Stace will speak on
(Continued on Page 6)
Campaign Cost
For '36 Is Set
At 48 Millions
New Restrictions Urged
By Senatorial Committee
After Investigation
WASHINGTON, Marche 4.-(P)-
Senate investigators, reporting that
as much as $48,000,000 may have
been spent in the last presidential
campaign, urged Congress today to
clamp new restrictions on political
In its final report the Senate cam-
paign expenditures committee re-
vealed that it had traced disburse-
ment of $23,973,329 by candidates
and political organizations.
Untabulated expenditures by in-
dividuals and localgroups, it assert-
ed, would perhaps double this total.
Expenses of the Republican Na-
tional Committee and its related or-
ganizations reached $14,198,202, the
investigators disclosed, while the cor-
responding Democratic units spent
In the 1936 campaign-more than
twice as costly as any other on record
-an average of 52 cents was spent
for every vote cast.
Plant Reopens As
78 Are Driven Out
SARNIA, Ont., March 4.-(/P)-
Production was resumed today at the
Holmes Foundry, scene of violence
yesterday as 300 non-union workmen
forcibly ejected 78 sit-down strikers
from the plant they had held since
Nation Condemned
ToFutilityBy Court,
Roosevelt Declares
Kenny, Thom Made
Aides For Carnival
Either "Miss America of 1936" or
"Miss Chicago of 1937," as yet un-
named, may be brought here as an
added feature of the Michigras on
April 23 and 24 in Yost Field House,
Willis H. Tomlinson, '37, ,general
chairman, announced yesterday.
Fifty concession booths, all which
Yost Field House, the site of the
carnival, will accommodate under
present arrangements, have been
spoken for by 58 fraternities, soror-
ities and other campus societies.
Tomlinson also announced the ap-
pointment of two assistant chaimen,
Sally Kenny, '38, who will represent
the Women's Athletic Association,
and Jack Thorn, '38, a member of
the executive council of the Mich-
igan Union. Committee chairman-
ships have not yet been named.
Organizationsso far planning par-
ticipation in the carnival, which will
be the "opening gun" in the Univer-
sity's centennial celebration, are the
Union, the Varsity-R.O.T.C. Band,
the gymnastic team, which will give
several exhibitions, Mimes, Sigma
Delta Chi, 36 fraternities and 22 sor-
orities. Tomlinson said that in addi-
tion two orchestras will be obtained.
Dentists Have
ore Sueeess ,
Bunting Finds
Opportunities Are Better,
More Immediate Than
In Other Fields
Chances for success are better for
the dental school graduate than for
the student from any other profes-
sional school or college, Prof. Russell
W. Bunting of 'the School of Dentistry
said yesterday in a vocational guid-
ance lecture, sponsored by the dean's
office of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts.
Moreover, Professor Bunting said,
success comes much sooner after ma-
triculation for the student of dentis-
try than for the lawyer, doctor or
other professional school graduate.
The field of dentistry is rapidly grow-
ing, he explained, and will continue
to expand for some time, since only
20 per cent of the population of the
United States is receiving private
dental care at the present time.
Professor Bunting declared that
"in Europe American dentists are
recognized as the best in the world,"
and that the University dental school
was the best school in the world.
Discussing the work of the den-
tal school student, Professor Bunt-
ing said that because of the heavy
schedule which usually necessitates
classes from eight to five p.m. every
day, he would not advise students
who wished to engage in outside ac-
tivities to enter the dental school.
Tenth League
Model Group
To Meet Here
The tenth annual meeting of the
Michigan Model Assembly of the
League of Nations will be held May
7 and 8 in Ann Arbor, Prof. Howard
B. Calderwood of the political science
department announced yesterday.
The Model Assembly, Professor
Calderwood explained, is a conven-
tion, of delegates from various col-
leges and universities in the State of
Michigan representing different na-
tions at the conference. "These dele-
gates try to advance the viewpoint of
the country they represent rather
than advance their own views," he
The meetings are conducted, ac-
cording to Professor Calderwood, in
the same manner that the League of
Nations conducts its meetings. A
plenary session is held, followed by
meetings of committees.
Supreme Court Majority
Charged With Economic
Prejudice In Decisions
Denies Any Intent
To Seek 3rd Term
President Asks Immediate
Action To Free Policies
From Legal Doubts
WASHINGTON, March 4.-(P)-
President Roosevelt swung tonight
into the thick of the fight over his
proposal to revamp the Supreme
Court, with a charge that the trib-
unal's majority had condemned the
nation to be "a no man's land of
final futility."
Accusing the justices of rendering
Congress impotent to attack social
and economic ills, he called for ac-
tion "now" to "free from legal doubts
those policies which offer a progres-
sive solution to our problems."
No Third Term Sought
With an obvious reference to the
"dictator" charges hurled by his en-
emies, he disclaimed any intent to
seek a third term in office. And he
struck again at the tribunal's major-
ity with the accusation that some jus-
tices were letting their own economic
beliefs control their decisions.
He said it pleased the "personal
economic predilections of a majority
of the Court that we live in a nation
where there is no legal power any-
where to deal with its most difficult'
practical problems-a no man's land
of final futility."
The speech, his first utterance on
the courts since his message on the
judiciary went to Congress a month
ago, was delivered at a gigantic "vic-
tory dinner" here, featured event of
dozens of Democratic dinners
throughout the country celebrating
the 1936 landslide.
Pecites New Deal Effort
Mr. Roosevelt recited the New
Deal's effort to deal with the farm
problem by the Agricultural Adjust-
ment Administration, and of the ef-
fort to improve labor conditions
through the NRA.
Again and again, he emphasized in
short, emphatic sentences that the
conditions which his administration
seeks to correct by legislation are
conditions that exist "now."
New Tmult Found
The Democratic party, he con-
tinued, will remain the majority party
only if it solves "the pressing prob-
lems that perplex our generation."
He pledged that those problems would
be solved."
"After election day in 1936," he
said, "some of our supporters were
uneasy lest we grasp the excuse of a
false era of good 'feeling to evade
our obligations. They were worried
by the evil symptom that the propa
ganda and the epithets of last sum-
mer and fall had died down.
"Today, however, those who placed
their confidence in us are reassured.
For the tumult and the shouting have
broken forth anew-and from sub-
stantially the same elements of op-
Prosperous Nation Sought
"This new roar is the best evidence
in the world that we have begun to
move against conditions under which
one-third of this nation is still ill-
nourished, ill-clad, ill-housed.
His great ambition, he went on, is
to turn the Presidency over "to my
successor whomever he may be, with
the assurance that I am at the same
time turning over to him as Pres-
ident, a nation intact, a nation at
peace, a nation prosperous, a nation
clear in its knowledge of what pow-
ers it has to serve its own citizens,
a nation that is in a position to use
these powers to , the full in .order
to move forward steadily to meet the
modern needs of humanity."
21 Engineers Have
Straight 'A' Grades
Straight "A" records were attained
by 21 regular students of the College
of Engineering during the first se-
mester of this school year, a report
from . the secretary of the college
showed yesterday.
Those in the senior class who had
all "A's" were Thomas C. Hill, J.
Donald Hughson and Robert J. Tarte.
Tii in y wn - T- -Rd
128 Students Fell By Wayside,
Reports From Six Colleges Show
The terrors of mid-year examina-
ations have been dispelled. Reports
garnered from the offices of six un-
dergraduate schools indicate that a
total of 128 students, or slightly less
than 2 per cent of the enrollment,
were dismissed at the mid-years be-
cause of delinquent grades. How-
ever, the deans of the several colleges
seemed to concur in believing that
June would witness a decided in-
crease in the number of dismissals.
Casualties were greatest in the lit-
erary college, where, according to
Wilbur R. Humphreys, assistant dean,
169 students or slightly less than 4
per cent of the total enrollment were,
dismissed. Of the 169, however, 95
were reinstated immediately to begin
their second and last trial, Dean
Humphreys said. Actually then only
sophomores. There were only six
freshmen dismissed, according to the
office of Alfred H. Lovell, assistant
dean of the engineering college. The
small number of freshmen was at-
tributed to the leniency of the com-
mittee on student delinquencies, who,
it was said, are disposed to give first
year men a second chance if any po-
tentialities are shown.
The schools of forestry, music and
education came through the exam-
ination session with the highest rec-
ords, each reporting only one casual-
ty of poor grades. In the College of
Architecture 3 students were asked to
withdraw for academic reasons.
Dean Humphreys and Dean Sam-
uel T. Dana of the forestry school
agreed that the leniency shown in
their respective colleges toward the
delinquent students was due for the