T HE MIC HIG AN D AILY THUR SDAV, MARCH 4 Eddy Featured As Next Guest Of Choral Union Announce Standing Room Only Is Now Available After Ticket Rush Nelson Eddy, famed concert and screen baritone, will offer the tenth Choral Union concert of the current series on March 25, in Hill Auditor- ium instead of on the date previously announced. First brought to Ann Arbor to sing in the 1930 and 1931 May Festivals, Mr. Eddy has since become famous through his concert and screen per- formances. His concert here will be given before a capacity audience', Hill Auditorium being sold out with only standing room available. Mr. Eddy will be accompanied at the piano by Theodore Paxson. The program which Mr. Eddy has pre- pared is as follows: Air: "Bois Epais" by Lully; Scene: "Gloire a Vanna'' from "Monna Vanna" by Fevrier; "None but the Lonely Heart" by Tschaikowsky; "The Old Corporal" by Dargomizk- sky; "Child's Evening Prayer" by Moussorgsky; "Fruhlingsreigen" by Fleischmann; "Der Tod, das ist die kuhle Nacht," by Paxson; Air: "0, was ich mich betrube !" from "The Bartered Bride" by Smetana; "Zur Johannisnacht" by Grieg; "The Bell- Man" by Forsyth; "Bone Come A- Knittin" by Wolfe; and "Serenade" by Carpenter. Mr. Paxton will offer Handel's "Chaconne" and Scarlatti's "Capric- cio in E major." Woolworth Sit-Downers Try A Slide-Down Fraternity Men To Hold State MeetApril 29 Discussion Of Problems Is The Chief Purpose Of Regional Conclave The Interfraternity Council of Michigan State College is planning a gathering of fraternity men April 29 to May 1 in Lansing to "consider problems facing the American social fraternity," according to George Cosper, '37, president of the Interfra- resnietyonf interfiaternity coun- cils, alumni and fraternity presidents wili meet to discuss the solutionf of these problems, according to the in- formation received by Cosper. The idea of holding a regional conference of fraternities was taken from the recent convocation of fraternities of eastern schools held at Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y. First Such Meeting Though this- is the first time such a conference has been held in this state, according to Cosper, there has been need for it. "In the past, fraternities have been characterized by an attitude of an- tagonism between them, particularly in rushing," Cosper said, "And per-- haps this meeting will be able to ef- fect a better understanding among them." Cosper also expressed the hope that the meeting might be helpful in raising the public's erroneous con- ception of the social fraternity. It is possible that such a meeting can do as much toward improving the status of the social fraternity as the abolition of Hell Week has, Cosper declared. Will Discuss Rushing Plans for the meeting are generally similaT to those for the National In- berfraternity Conference, according to the plans that have been sent Cos- per. Among the topics to be dis- cussed at group meetings will be rushing, fraternity-institution rela- ;ionships, financial problems and fi- nancial aids, scholarships, pledge :raining and analogus subjects. Cosper plans to attend the meeting, but Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs- ley said yesterday~ that he did not think he would be able to attend. Michigan Men Like Samson Don't Want Short Hair Cuts Saturday Is Most Popular Day For Gtting Cuts, Union Barber Finds By JOSEPH FREEDMAN Michigan men lose their temerity and become submissive when they are seated -before a barber, the man at the second chair in the Union shop said yesterday. The result is a typ- ical Michigan conservative cut. Freakish trimmings including the famous crew cut, brand the student as too conspicuous, the barber point- ed out. No More Crew Cuts "And men on campus don't want to be that. They don't even go in for crew cuts in the summer any more. It takes too long for their hair to grow back and besides, many of the fellows haven't a correctly shaped head. "Once in a while you'll find a bar- ber who feels experimental and be- comes a little bold with the scissors, but most students don't want their hair cut short on the sides or on the top, and they're emphatic about that." One of the popular superstitions that the barber is the one who does all the talking, is untrue, he said. Customers Begin Conversation '"6ur rule is generally to keep quiet unless the customer begins the con- versation. Some of our better cus- tomers talk about nearly everything under the sun, though football and the weather hold the spotlight. "But of course, we've got to know who our customers are."~ Most of his patrons have their hair cut on Saturday, though, until recently, Friday led the other days. "The only way I can explain the change is that most of the fellows go to the Saturday night dance, rather than on Friday night. Through the week, we average 125 haircuts, about 20 a day Btthere's a lot of varia- "Most of those who come in shave themselves,"' he said, "and I don't try to talk them into anything more than they want." The man in the second chair has practiced his tonsorial art in the Union for 15 years, and is second only to the manager, who has been there for 23 years, since the shop opened. There are usually a few student bar- bers, but they're hard to find now, he expiamned. "Sometimes we have as many as five, but now we have only three. It's tough to find a student who has passed the state examination." "Next," he cried. Sophonore Engineers Propose Class Rings Pns fon~r a special class ring fsor by the sophomore engineering class at their last meeting. Tim Hird, '39E, was named chair- man of a committee on the subject and he is now endeavoring to find out the opinion of the freshmen, jun-. icr and senior engineers on class rings. He asks that all those inter- ested call A. E. Warner, '39E, at 3807. City Couneil Hears Fire House Petition The City Council will hear the propoa for contructionof an eat side fire station on Granger Ave. at their regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the City Hall. Petitions asking for a public hear- ing on the location of the station are expected to be heard at the same time. The petitions will have between 200 and 300 signers, it was reported yesterday. Petitioners do not want the station at the proposed location because of the number of school children that will cross the street near the proposed location. POLICEMAN FOUND GUILTY Frank Kiehl, 44 years old, former member of the local police force, was found guilty of a fourth-offense drunk and disorderly charge yester- daymby ancircuit court jury of three STAT ION ERY 100 SHEETS 100 ENVELOPES $1 Printed with your name and address TH E CRAFT PRESS 305 Maynard Street Phone 8805 - Associated Press Photo There is no rule in the biggest Woolworth five-and-ten-cent store in Detroit that prohibits girl clerks from sliding down bannisters, but it just isn't done. So when the girls went on a strike, that was one of the things they did to pass the time, and here are four of them on a non-stop bannister trip to the basement. Meanwhile their sit-down strike spread to another store. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN - , (otnued rom Page 4) dentistry. The meeting will be ad- dressed by Dr. R. W. Bunting of the School of Dentistry. This will be the second meeting of the vocational series designed to give information aratio fo0r thenvarious professions. The next meeting, to be addressed by Dean J. B. Edmondson of the School of Education, will be held on March Zoology Seminar: Miss Margaret Liebe will report on "Inheritance of Epilepsy and Waltzing in Peromys- cus," and Mr. W.,.C. Frohne on "An Ecological Study of the Insects of Certain Emergent Aquatic Plants" at the next meeting of the Zoology Sem mnar today at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2116 The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 p.m. this afternoon in the Observatory lecture room. Mr. Ralph B. Baldwin will review his work on Nova Cygni III (1920). Tea will be served at 4 p.m. NeelyReading Hour: The pro gram for this afternoon at 4 p.m., Rtoom 205 Mason Hall, will consist of a reading of Channing Pollock's, "The Enemy" to be given by Profes- sor Hollister. Persons interested are cordially invited to this program. Varsity Glee Club: All new and re- instated members meet today and Friday, at 4:30 p.m. Full rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. The Intramural Riding. Class for men will meet this evening at 7:45 p.m., at the Engirieering Arch. All men who are interested are invited to come. Carnival Committee meeting to- da oat 5 p.m, Room 316, Michigan The Art Group of the Michigan Dames will meet with its adviser, Mrs. G. Carl Huber, 1330 Hill St. today at 8 p.m. Harris Hall: The student "star- vation luncheon" will be served from 12 to 1 p.m. this noon at Harris Hall. All students are invited. At 6:15 p.m. there will be a parish fellowship supper followed by the third Lenten lecture* by the Rev. Henry Lewis, on the topic "Christian Fundamentals f o r a Confused World." Coming Events The Club il mee in "Room 36 on Wenesay, Marc 10, 19t37 Tp ic: "The Origin of Salt Domes and Their Gypsum and Anhydrite Caps, by R. Northup and N. Rockwood. Aeronautical Engineering Stu- dents: There will be an organiza-. tion meeting for an Aeronautical En-. gineering Seminar on Friday, March 5 at 4 p.m., in Room 1024 East En- gineering Building. The purpose of this Seminar will be to present sum- manies of research work being done in the department and reviews of technical literature. All students now enrolled in research courses are expected to take part in this work and should be prepared to present brief outlines of work already ac.-. complished and their plans for fu- ture work. Assignments of technical journals in connection with the re- view of literature will be made at that time. All others interested in attending this Seminar are cordially invited. .Esperanto: The Esperanto Class will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday, March 5. Faculty Women's Club: The New- comers Section will be entertained by Mrs. Ruthven at her home on Fri- day, March 5, from 3 to 5 p.m. Mr. Enoch Peterson, of the Institute of Archaeological Research, will show several interesting films. The Congregational Student Fel- lowship will give a party on Friday evening at 8:30 p.m. There will be dancing; also other forms of unusual entertainment are planned. Liberal Students' Union of the Unitarian Church presents a play of Tchekoff, "The Boor" Friday at 8:15 p m BOY HELD IN CAR THEFT Anslee Brown, 17 years old, of De- troit, was arrested early yesterday in Detroit in a car which he had stolen in Ann Arbor. TYPEWRITERS All makes and models, Exchanged, epaird 0.D. Morrill 314 SOUTH STATE STREET W catch Repairing: HA L LE R'S ~tate and Liberty S 0 Carole Lombar says POPULAThursday, Friday, Saturday CigarettesMac4-. Cart 6Three Big Days Of DeepCu D RUG SPECIA LS GEM 50c Kolvnos Tooth Paste 29c Blades squibb Tooth Paste 3 for $1.00 55c West Tooth Paste 2 for 25c 50c Lyon Tooth Powder 37c 50c Barbasol . . . 34c 35c Prep, . 17c, 3 for 50c t -350 1000 Ponds Tissues .. 49c Kaywoodie 100o 5-gr. Aspirin .. 19c 35c Vicks Voporub . 24c PIPES Full pint Alcohol 19e I - Fresh at all times! IALBERT'S and WHITMAN'S CANDIES 5 rainEASTMAN FILMS Aspirinat Cut Prices I9c One 5x7 Enlargement FREE with each roll developed and printed during this sale. 25c West Visit our LENDING LIBRARY T OOT H Newest Books at all times PASTE ___ ____WITHAM tn my new picture ~Swing High, C Swing Low' I sing a song for the first a time since I have been on the screen. To do this, I spent months taking singing lessons. And with this added strain, my throat was not in good ,.~. shape. Mvy singing coach suggested that when choosing cigarettes, select &.~a ligt smoke. Adso i changed oLuckies. Since then I've found s~ that a light smoke and my throat get along together' just fine." CURRENTLY STARRING lN PARAMOUNT PICTURES' "tSWING HIGH, SWING LOW" An independent survey was made recently among professional men and women-lawyers, doctors, lecturers, scientists, etc. Of those who said they smoke cigarettes, more than 87% stated they personally prefer a light smoke. Miss Lombard verifies the wisdom of this pref- erence, and so do other leading artists of the radio, stage, screen and opera. Their voices are their fortunes. That's why so many of them smoke Luckies. You, too, can have the throat pro- tection of Luckies-a light smoke, free of certain harsh irritants removed by the exclusive process THE "tIt's Toasted". Luckies are gentle on the throat. "tTHE F landers or lowers FINEST TOBACCOS- CREAM OF THE CROP"