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March 04, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-04

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- -.~-,- -- -- Ji
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press:
The Assocated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or
Rot otherwise credited in this newspaper. 'All 'rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class snail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier.
$40~0; by mail, $4.541.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADiSON AvE. Nw YO-RK. N.Y.
Board of Editors-
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publigation Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Wee.1cs.
Reportorial Department: Fred 'Warner -Neal, Chairman;
Ralph. Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. "Hershey.
aditorial Department: Marshall D. GShulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
Delano and Fred Guesser, associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl .Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard 1a-
Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshal Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
Newman, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe,
Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes.
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty
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Departmental Managers
sack Staple, Accounts Manager: Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.

tization which the dimmest wit among the com-
pany accountants will hardly pass by."
In fact this tax would encourage a pre-war
boom (after Europe has gone to war but before
we are involved), which would not only "make
our continued prosperity dependent on the con-
tinuation of warfare," but defeat the purpose of
the tax itself. That is, a company may boost
its average income for the three years previous
to the United States' entrance into a European
war by supplying belligerent England and, at
ffirst, Germany (for example). If in this pre-
war boom it builds its trade to capacity, during
the years of our participation in the war, it
will have to pay no tax. By this means "the
du Pont Company would not have paid a penny
to the government in 1917 or 1918."
Moreover, "after a war is over, and the depres-
sion is on, companies can and do plead poverty
and avoid taxes in that way."
"Meanwhile the draft of men is not subject to
behind-the-door evasion. It is to be taken out
of the hands of Congress in 1937 and given to
the President. A declaration of war against
Mexico for example, would automatically permit
the President to call four million men to the
colors. The draft is something the boys can-
not dodge. It is as real as death and far more
real than taxes."
Although the bill already gives the President
the right to fix "compensation" it is likely that a
wage-fixing provision will soon be added, since
Bernard Baruch has recommended it. What
this means is simply that "anyone refusing to
work where he is told to work could be 'cut
off from rations, transportation, fuel and sup-
plies' . . . The Munitions Committee held that
under this principle, combined with a draft (to be
used on strikers) this country will have for all
practical purposes a draft of labor."
But over and above this is the simple "legal"
weapon this bill would put into the hand of "a
hard-boiled President" permitting him under the
pretext of a war against "Ruritania" to rule the
nation completely by establishing a military dic-


The Hill-Sheppard
Conscription Bill. *

W ITH THE CLAIM of eliminating
profiteering and inequality of suf-
fering in the next war, the chairmen of the
House and Senate Military Affairs Committees
have introduced a bill (Hill-Sheppard H1954-
$25) which purports to draft capital, industry,
and man-power with equal service for all should
the United States go to war.
But Stephen 'Raushenbush, in the Feb. 27
issue of The Nation, cries out that this con-
scription bill should be killed, for "it does nothing
of the kind." This bill, he points out, not only
"lets capital make a larger profit in war time
than it does in peace time," but actually in-
creases the danger of our being drawn into a
war because of a swollen war trade. Moreover it
gives to the President powers which would make
the establishment of a military dictatorship a
simple process.
According to Raushenbush," the bill provides
that immediately after Congress has declared
war the President, without any further legisla-
tion by Congress, can draft the several millions
of men between the ages of 21 and 31. He can
control business by licenses, priorities of ship-
ments, priee-fixing, and by inducting managers
into the service as civilians. He can appoint
all the agencies he deems necessary to carry out
his orders and rules, and the fine for disobedi-
ence of the rules is $100,000 or a year in jail.
Lastly there is a tax of 95 per cent 'of all income
above the previous three-year average.' "
Raushenbush makes no technical objection to
this plan as a proposal for military efficiency. He
admits that "once we have entered a major war
we must expect something like this whether we
like it or not." He does prove that despite this
bill, capital will not be drafted in the next
war and decries the use of a false slogan-"to
equalize the burdens of war"-to help pass the
"If a draft of men for service overseas is to
be voted on in advance of war, or if a silencing
of labor is to be voted on in advance of war, let
those proposals stand on their merits, and let
the country think a little about what a hard-
boiled President could do with these powers in
"Capital was not drafted during the last war.
It cannot and will not be drafted during the next
one. The war department is not equipped to do
it, does not want to do it, and will not do it.
Capital will be coaxed and flattered and given
what it wants. It will be treated with behind
closed doors because the war department's duty
is to win the war rather than save money. The
powers to put a company out of business-licens-
ing and priorities--will not be used because the
government cannot afford to put a non-luxury
company out of business. They will only serve
to silence a hostile press."
Raushenbush points out that the price-fixing

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Propaganda In Reverse Gear
To the Editor:
It was good to see "Realist's" letter the other
day. Shows he has been thinking about this
problem of war and peace, and what this world
needs more than anything else right now is peo-
ple who will think about it. And "Realist," if I
disagree with you, it is because your opinions are
worth disagreeing with.
You say you see no answer; that we can mere-
ly keep pace with a mad race for armaments, and
hope for something better "afterward." I am con-
vinced there can be no "afterward," not for the
countries that fight. Our only chance is to
stay out entirely.
Armaments we must have, since the world's
a madhouse, and we must be able to use them
effectively. But it seems to me that perhaps
there is an answer-for America. For Europe, I
agree with you, there seems to be none. Not only
because of economic pressures and dictatorships
and the rest, but because of something far
worse. Hate. Hate and fear. All up and down
the borders it takes you by the throat. They
can't forgive or forget, and so they will fight and
bleed themselves to death. But that is no rea-
son why we should. When they fall to again, as
they certainly will, we can sit tight at home and
cultivate our garden.
You say we shall be attacked. Yes, probably
we shall. We need armaments enough to repel
attack, and no more. We can do what European
countries cannot do, and that is arm for defense.
In Europe any step toward armament is ipso
facto aggressive, because they all distrust each
other. On this side of the world it is not so;
Brazil doesn't lapse into screaming horror every
time Mexico buys an airplane. Canada had a
standing army of revenuers, armed and formid-
able, on her borders during most of Prohibition,
and thought it really funny. So we can arm
enough to keep safe, and still keep the peace.
And because any attack must come from over
the sea, we need not join in an armaments race.
Our safety level is much lower because of the
blessings of geography.
Our problem is, it seems to me, not so much
that of repelling attack as that of staying out of
a scrap begun on the other side. Last time we
managed to hold out for two years, then the pres-
sure became too great, and in we went. Can we
stay out another time? Keep our money and our
pride at home?
You asked for concrete suggestions, "Realist,"
and here is mine. Let us educate this our people
to think about war, think and not merely emote
about it. To see America is a different story
from Europe, and need not play "follow-the-
leader" into hell. Propaganda, in other words.
Political pressure where possible. An attempt
to neutralize the war fever before it starts, and a
steady pull against it when it does. If people
can talk themselves into war, there's no reason
why they shouldn't talk themselves into peace.
-Law Studeit, '39.
Partisanship's Foe
The following paragraphs are taken from
the speech of Yale's President James B. An-
gell at Alumni Day last Monday.
IN A TIME of profound and rapid change, such
as we are now passing through, the universities
hnir nin r.,a 4 ,nan- . nh 'lnor.4 fn , nin'., *Tnn hafnr

~##~#IT ALL
ml---Bonth Williams
Here's some stuff collected by one of The
Daily's prize nuisances, a tryout. If you can
use it, we beg a credit line to show Uncle Si
back home in Ann Arbor. Otherwise have it say
hello to the floor, which it probably will anyway.
JIM MacDONALD, new Washtenaw caucus czar
for the class of '40, made the prize under-
statement of the week at Tuesday night's meet-
ing at Sigma Nu. Said Mac to the assembled
brethren: "Dean Bursley thinks our scholarship
is a little low because three of our class officers,
the two Frosh Frolic chairmen, five other Frosh
Frolic committeemen, and the old caucus pres-
ident and secretary were ineligible." . . . Another
of those endless rushing stories took place at Mil-
ler Sherwood's N. Ingalls St. hotel, Sigma Phi,
last fall. An ambitious Sig was showing the
rushee through the house, extolling its merits
and particularly the unmatchable beauties the
boys had corraled. Finally they reached a soph
omore's room. Smirking from the desk top was
the picture of a swell-looking Detroit honey. The
rushee stopped, gulped, took another look and
burst out: "My god, my girl." The Sigs swear
it's true.
weren't, the best story to come out of the
flood zone concerned a Chicago chap fresh from
journalism school. Sent to cover the catastrophe
by one of the tougher city eds, his first story
ran: "God sat on a hill this afternoon and
watched the mighty turbulent waters of the
Mississippi thunder down . . ." and so on for
a thousand words. The reporter waited anx-
iously for nevs of how the effort had been
received. Came the dawn and with it a telegram:
"Forget original assignment Stop Interview God."
A chief figure in one of 1932's juicier murder
cases spent a week-end in Ann Arbor this month
without a single local scribe tumbling to it. Oh,
Fred Warner Neal, where is thy sting.
It was Noel Coward who was responsible for
the top retort discourteous we've yet heard. A
London actress had just set up house keeping
with a Duke and was feeling the weight of her
position. While walking down the street one
day Coward shouted a greeting to her from the
other side, which she ignored. Undaunted, Dear
Noel rushed across the street, slapped her on
the back, and said: "Congratulations, Maizie, I
just heard you've become a Duchess in your own
THE not-too-enthusiastically received concert
that Artur Schnable, world's greatest pian-
ist and ne plus ultra Beethoven interpreter,
played in THil Aud. a few days ago had an in-
side slant. Seems that one of the School of
Music instructors who knew the maestro slightly
wrote him and suggested that the program
planned was too heavy. By return mail came a
five-page scorcher that suggested that Instructor
X probably hadn't ever seen the scores he
planned to play, couldn't understand them if he
had, and undoubtedly was possessed of the only
negative IQ in existence.
When Schnable reached town the instructor
started in again. After the concert, which wasn't
any wow to the average listener, the School of
Music faculty pulled in for the usual after-con-
cert tea-guzzling brawl, grim-visaged and just
too aesthetically inclined. Schnable sent the
conversational gear into high by a pointed com-
parison between music teachers and trains roll-
ing across barren wastes.
In self-defense Instructor X broke in: "Well
at least, Mr. Schnable, my train hasn't stopped!"
There was silence for a moment while Schnable
mentally scrawled an X on the Prof's out-
stretched chin, broken by the reply: "My dear
Professor X, your train has never even started."
Hoping both for your health and a nice rejec-
tion slip for my collection,
-Stan Swinton.

to become embroiled in the political and social
controversies of the passing hour; but it is its
business to train men to think, and think soberly,
to inculcate, if necessary, the bitter lessons of
history by familiarizing them with the malign
consequences which often flow from yielding to
ignorant and ill-formed impulse, especially wher4
this derives from fear, from malice, or personal
vanity and lust of power. And especially in a
democracy like our own, must we drive home
again and again the solemn truth that good in-
tentions are often doubly dangerous when un-
supported by thorough knowledge and trained
IN THE DEEPEST and most significant sense
of the term, the universities must always be
conservative, they are the protectors of the great
intellectual and spiritual traditions of the race.
In them, thought must move freely and unham-
pered by edict. Teaching must be faithful to
the facts and unbiased by political threat, or
social pressure, then the investigator must be
free to utter and publish his thoughtful findings.
To recognize in the universities the conservators!
of these great values in civilization, is not to
write them off as obstructionists much less to
suppose them utterly hostile to new ideas or to
the discovery of new horizons, whether intellec-
tual, social or political. Quite the contrary is
the case.
The very characters which make them con-
servators of the enduring values in human life,
make them also centers of light and truth, hos-
pitable to every new insight, for they are free
to move wherever pure intelligence and creative
imagination may lead. They are actually the

TIl ulaI,
Tallulah Bankhead in REFLECTED
GLORY, a comedy by George Kelly.
Settings designed by Norman Rock, the
play staged by Mr. Kelly. Presented by
Lee Shubert in association with Homer
Curran. At the Cass Theatre this week,
matinee Saturday.
THIS IS supposed to be the best
play Miss Bankhead has had
since she returned to this country
from her successes in London. Her
plays are usually described as "ve-
hicles" and the word will do for Re-
flected Glory. You would hardly im-
agine it to be by the same George
Kelly who wrote The Show-Off and
The Torch-Bearers. It utilizes one
of the plots used in The Royal Fam-
ily-the one about the famous actress
who toys with the idea of giving it
all up for a home and family. Since
The Royal Family it has been diffi-
cult to write about the home life of
actors because George Kauffman and
Edna Ferber did it so well. And
this particular theme isn't even the
best part of the earlier play. Anyway
just why can't Miss Flood in Mr.
Kelly's play have both family and
career. If we can believe the feature
sections Helen Hayes seems to man-
age it quite well. But this is only one
of the points in which the play lacks
conviction. Mr. Wall, the man, or
rather one of the men, Miss Flood is
'willing to marry turns out at the end
of Act II to be already married. We
will waive the fact that this revela-
tion is entirely without conviction, is
one of those turns of character that
are not explained by the author. But
in this play it's worse than usual be-
cause it leaves nothing, for Act III.
However, in spite of the defects of
the play ,the evening is far from lost.
Miss Bankhead manages to make her
part continuously interesting. She
unleashes her lively personality and
imposes credibility onto the part. .
The best comedy writing in the
play is the part of Hattie, Miss
Flood's maid. There is the same kind
of reality that Mr. Kelly put into
the mother in The Show-Off. And
Elizabeth Dunne takes full advan-
tage of the possibilities in the part.
Her scenes are the best in the play.
'Nine Days A Queen'
N THE MIDST of the goings-on
Pr and about the British picture,
Nine Days A Queen, the fact is al-
most lost sight of that three of the
most important English actors ap-
pear in more or less important parts.
Just as so often happens in Holly-
wood pictures, they appear in "sup-
port" of less able stars. They are
Dame Sybil Thorndike, Sir Cedric
Hardwicke, and Gwen Ffrangcon-
Dame Sybil last appeared in this
country in the chief part in The Dis-
taff Side. Her first appearances here
were with the Ben Greet company
in which she played over a 100 parts
in 25 of Shakespeare's plays. During
the seasons 1903-07 she played many
times in Ann Arbor. Some of her most
important parts in England have
been Joan in Shaw's Saint Joan,
Phaedra in Hippolytus, Katherine in
Shakespeare's Henry VII, the name
part is Major Barbara, Mrs. Alvin in
Sir Cedric Will open this week in
New York his second play in this
country, the name part in The Amaz-
ing Doctor Clitterhouse. His first ap-
pearance on the stage here was a few
weeks ago in Promise by Henri Bern-
stein. In England he has played
Caesar in Caesar and Cleopatra King
Magnus in The Apple Cart, Captaine
Shotover in Heartbreak House, PrinceI
Mikail in Tovarich. He was the prin-I
cipal actor at the Malvern Festivals]

of 1928 to 1932. He was also in the
pictures Things to Come and Vanity

VOL. XLVII No. 108
To the Members of the University
Council: The meeting of the Univer-
sity Council for March 8 has been
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Apparatus Exchange: The Regents
at their meeting in March, 1927, au-
thorized an arrangement for the sale
of scientific apparatus by one de-
Spartment to another, the proceeds of
the sale to be credited to the budget
account of the department from
which the apparatus is transferred.
Departments having apparatus
which is not in active use are advised
to send description thereof to the
University Chemistry Store, of which
Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The
Chemistry store headquarters are in
Room 223 Chemistry Building. An
effort will be made to sell the ap-
paratus to other departments which
are likely to be able to use it. In
some instances the apparatus may be
sent to the 'University Chemistry
store on consignment and if it is not
sold within a reasonable time, it will
be returned to the department from
which it was received. The object
of this arrangement is to promote
economy by reducing the amount of
unused apparatus. It is hoped that
departments having such apparatus
will realize the advantage to them-
selves and to the University in avail-
ing themselves of this opportunity.
'Marsh and Mandlebaum Scholar-
ships for 1937-38: Students in the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts may now file applications
for the above scholarships, on blanks
to be obtained in the office of the
Dean of the College, 1210 Angell Hall.
Applications must be returned to the
same office before noon on Saturday,
March 6. Awards will be announced
in April or May.
Sophomores and prospective jun-
iors, College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: Students will not be
admitted to a program of concentra-
tion unless:
1. They have earned at least 60
hours and unless the average of all
the work is of C grade or better.
2. They have satisfied the re-
quirements inEnglish Composition.
Students who have earned 60
hours, and whose scholastic average
is below C, may be permitted to elect
a maximum of 15 hours, in addition
to the 60 hours, in an attempt to
raise the scholastic average to the
required minimum of C. When a
student is permitted to continue in
residence under this arrangement, he
must elect and complete a full pro-
gram of courses. A student who is
unable to raise his scholastic aver-
age to the required minimum at the
end of this additional period (with a
total of 75 hours) will be required to
withdraw permanently from the col-
lege (Announcement p. 39).
This additional period is merely to
give the student an opportunity to
improve his scholastic stnding, and
none of the additional hours, which
are required to bring the entire rec-
ord to a C average, may be counted
toward graduation.
College of Literature, Science and'
the Arts, School of Music, and School
of Education: Students who receive
marks of I or X at the close of the
first semester will receive a grade of
E in the course unless this work is
made up by March 15. Students
wishing an extension of time should
file a petition addressed to the appro-
priate official in their school with
Room 4 U.H. where it will be trans-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

Cootenmporary: Manuscripts for
the third issue should be left in the
English Office, 321 A.H., as soon as
Notice to Seniors L.S.&A.: Seniors
wishing to pay their one dollar dues
before the final list of names is hand-
ed into the Senior Announcement
Committee will have their last op-
portunity Tuesday and 'Wednesday,
March 9 and 10.
A table will be set up in Angell
Hall on these two days for that pur-
Senior Engineers: March 5 will be
the dead line for delinquent seniors.
For the benefit of those who have
not paid their dues, there will be
tables in both the East and West
Engineering Buildings from 8 until
12 p.m. up to and Including March
May I again remind youthat: you
will not be in the class picture; you
will not be permitted to rent caps
and gowns from the Engineering
Council; nor will your name be print-
ed in the senior announcements, un-
less you pay this fee?
Academic Notices
Make-Up Final Examinations in
German 1, 2 and 31 will be given
on Saturday, March 13, at 9 a.m. in
Room 201 University Hall.
Economics 53 Make-Up Final:
Room 207 Ec., Friday, March 5, from
2-5 p.m.'
Sociology 51, Makeup "final exam-
ination for the first semester of the
1936-37 year will be given on Sat-
urday, March 6, at 2 p.m. in Room
D, Haven Hall.
Political Science I make-up exam-
ination for first semester, 1936-37,
Friday, March 5. 3-5, Room 2037
Angell Hall.
Psychology 31: Make-up examina-
tion today, 7-10 p.m. Room 1121 N.S.
Philosophy 32: Make-up exaina-
tion, Friday, March 5, 4 p.m., 202
Anthropology 31: The make-up
final examination will be given Fri-
day, March 5, at 2 p.m. in Room 306
Mason Hall.
Anthropology 102: The make-up
final examination will be given Fri-
day, March 5, at 2 p.m., in Room 306
Mason Hall.
Zoology 1 Make-Up -Exam for all
those who missed the final exarnina-
tion in this course last semester will
be held Saturday, March 6, from 8 to
12 a.m., in Room 2091. This will be
the only opportunity to take this
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. pratt,
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Caril-
Ion in the Burton Memorial Tower,
this afternoon at 4:15 p.m.
University Lecture: Dr. George W.
McCoy, formerly Director of the Na-
tional Institute of Health, will lec-
ture on "Epidemiological reflec-
tions" on Friday, March 19, at 8 p.m.
in Room 1528 East Medical Build-
ing. The public is cordially invited.
The Meaning of Bernard Shaw is
the subject of a lecture to be given by.
Dr. W. P. Lemon at the Masonic
Temple this evening at 7 -p.m.
This is the fourth in a series on "Re-
ligion in World Literature." Stu-
dents invited. No admission charge.
Oratorical Association L e c t u r e

Course: Mrs. Martin Johnsorn, fa-
mous jungle explorer, will deliver
the concluding lecture of the series
when she will speak in Hill Audi-
torium Tuesday, March 16 at 8:15
p.m. The lecture is entitled "Jungle
Depths of Borneo," and will be il-
lustrated with outstanding motion
pictures. Tickets are now available
at Wahr's Book Store.
An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in-
cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and
peasant paintings, sponsored by the
Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi-
tectural building. Open daily from 9
to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the
months of February and March. The
public is cordially invited.
Exhibition, Architectural Building:
The Annual Big Ten Exhibit, estab-
lished to foster student interest in
art in the Big Ten Universities and
to provide an opportunity for student
artists to exhibit their work, is now
being shown in the third floor Exhi-
bition Room of the Architectural
Building. Open daily from 9 to 5
p.m. excepting Sunday, until March

jj' Juniors, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts, who wish to apply
Smartest Girl In Town for admission to one of the combined
SmarestGirlIn own curricula for 1937-38 should file the
AT THE MAJESTIC special application blank in Room
HERE is a light bit of entertain- 1210 Angell Hall as soon as possible.
e nti ta t m a bight use of e t r a n .
ment that make bright use of Students, College of Literature, Sci-
the fd mistaren identidev Ye Itillcrce and the Arts: No course may be
comn d y frm s tartn tfifnysu.dYmand in elected for credit after the end of the .
find it amusing if you demand no third week. Saturday, March 6, is
more from a program feature than therefore the last date on which new
an unbleievable plot, straight comedy electio'ns may be approved. The will-
characters, and well paced scenes. ingness oftan individual instructor to
A girl is a" commercial photograph- admit a student later would not af-
er's model-she mistakes the young feet the operation of this rule.
millionaire whose yacht she is on for *_
a male model, and treats him ac- S
coringy. e i tun bys phto- School of Education, Changes of
cordingly. He in turn buys a photo- Elections: No course may be elected
graphy agency, makes his valet (Eric for credit after Saturday, March 6.
Blore) its president, and the girl and Students enrolled in this school must
imself ,the principal models. The port all changes of elections at
girl, of course, wants diamonds and pr the Registrar's Office, Room 4.
Dusenbergs, but in a nice domestic University Hall.
scene, in which she is washing the MUn ersi Hcso.
pseudo model's hair, she discovers the embership in a class does not
real thing-love. There are a few cease nor begin until all changes
sealhnglos e . hegarend a hfewhave been thus officially registered.
scenes of speeding cars and a hotel Arrangements made with the in-
riot before actual love is declared. structors are not official changes.
Ann Sothern, since she has I____
changed her name and her screen Identification Pictures for student
personality, does very well and pho- entering in February are now ready
tographs excellently. Gene Ray- in the office of the Dean of Students
mond is always good for a millionaire Room 2, Uiversity Hall.
playbo. n d Eric BloRoor2, nivesityHall



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