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March 03, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-03-03

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-. -
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
Published every morning except Monday during the
UlniVersitvy year and Summer Session by the Boad in
Control; of Student Publications.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it=or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
E ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mal.matter.
Subscriptions during,. regular school year by carrier,
$('OO: by mail $4.50.
National Advertising Service Inc.
College Publishers Representaie.
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel- Richard Hershey
Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
Departmental Boards
Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairran;
James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure
Tenander, Robert Weeks.
Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman;
Ralph Hurd, Wiliam E.Shacketon, Irving S. Silver-
man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.
Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman;
Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague.
Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred
Delano and Fred Buesser associates, Raymond Good-
man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La-
Womens Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza-
beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas,
Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine
Moore, Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab.
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshal Sampson, RobertLodge, Bill
Newman, Leonard, Seigelman, Richard Kj owe,
Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes.
Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adako, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha_ Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
Armaments . .
O BSERVERS of foreign affairs are
reporting that Europe is breathing
more lightly today than for many months, be-
cause of the quieting effect Britain's rearmament
program has had upon Hitler especially, but
Mussolini too.
Complementary tidings come back from the
East, with Walter Duranty reporting that Japan
would hardly dare to attack Russia today; from
Ethiopia, which may keep Mussolini busy for
some time; and from Washington which expects
the enactment of neutrality legislation soon.
In an optimistic story by the New York Times'
Frederick T. Birchall from London there are two
paragraphs which bring the reader back to real-
ity and to pessimism, because they suggest how
ironically inadequate and superficial British re-
armament is asa basis for peace.
First, Birchall writes that "Eow fast the*
British.preparations are going on is illustrated by
Sir John Simon's unexpected announcement il
the House of Commons that a single day's pro-
duction of gas-masks had reached a total of 100,-
000. Reports from the aircraft industry, from
armament factories and for other test centers
are growing better daily. So there is reason
for British optimism."
"Yet optimism has its bounds," Birchall says
later. "None of the important issues out of which
a war might be expected to develop has beenI
The experience of 1914 should have shown
that armaments are no guarantee of peace.
British armament cannot be expected to alter
the fundamental foreign policies of Germany
to any great degree, because Hitler's policies
have not been directed at Britain. Instead he
has sought to gain her neutrality or friendship

toward his other adventures. Britain agreed to
his rearmament, to the abrogation of collective
peace agreements, and her timid response toward
his enterprises in Spain have served to encourage
rather than to deter him.
Whether or not one accepts the thesis that
an imposing British military array would not
only postpone her entrance to a European war,
but would- prevent it, the armament program
cannot be interpreted as having pacific effect be-
yond British shores. What has so long been ur-
gently needed, the participation of Great Britain
in collective peace action, has not come. In-
stead it appears that Britain's committment to
rearmament is meant to take the place of collec-
tive security, and that the Baldwin government
is staking its hopes on the possibility that it will
be able to keep out of war, and the others may
shift for themselves.
And so Hitler may be expected to fix his eyes
more firmly than ever on the East, from which
they have strayed but momentarily in unsuccess-
ful colonial demands. And Britain, with $7.-
500,000 worth of anxiety about her coasts and
empire, seems little disposed to extend her con-
cern further.

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
DMly. Anonymous contributions willa be .disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
tobe brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all lettersof more than 300 words and to acceptor
reject letters upon, the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the campus.
Why Pay Class Dues?
To the Editor:
We admire the interest which prompted R.H.N.
to write his letter. We might say we welcome
this opportunity of making plain to the mem-
bers of the senior class the reasons for class dues.
Although we commend R.H.N.'s concern "with
the important things of college life," we also
recognize the necessity of maintaining a sound
financial organization. This is accomplished by
the payment of class dues.
The fund that these dues make possible has a
definite purpose-to maintain class contacts
after graduation. This is achieved by sending
literature to the alumni of the respective classes,
and organizing class reunions, thus binding to-
gether the members of each class so that they
may continue to function as a unit.
To alleviate R.H.N.'s doubts as to the legiti-
macy of the collection, may he be advised that
it is authorized by the assistant dean of men,
Walter B. Rea, auditor of student accounts. Dean
Rea checks and audits all money collected; the
money, after collection, passes to the custody
of the Alumni Association, directed by Mr. T.
Hawley Tapping. This procedure is not neces-
sary, but has been the custom in previous years,
so that legitimate expenditures would be facili-
tated. The permanent class treasurer expands
these funds in advice and in conjunction with
Mr. Tapping.
Surplus funds from class functions, such as
J-Hop, are turned over to designated University
authorities for worthy objectives, among which
are the Union dormitories, hospital funds, stu-
dent good will fund, fresh air camp, and various
charity drives.
We, as duly elected officers of the senior class,
have been authorized to enforce payment of
senior dues. By virtue of this authority we are
empowered to use reasonable methods of effec-
tuating collection of class dues from any recal-
citrant members of the class. We urge the dis-
charging of this obligation by each and every
member of the senior class, because it is unfair
to those members who do discharge this small
financial obligation to carry along those, who
although able, refuse to pay their proportionate
We believe that the great majority, if not all,
of those who will be graduated this June do de-
sire to keep alive some small contact with Mich-
igan after they have left Ann Arbor. It is only
by the payment of dues that this contact-as by
letters from the Class Officers Council of the
Alumni Association-can be maintained. Those
of the Class of '37 who do want to continue this
relationship with the University will undoubtedly
understand the necessity for this minimum fee.
-Senior Class Officers,
per Arnold Gross, Treas.
The Constitutional Situation
To the Editor:
Unfortunately I came away from Dean Bates'
lecture on the President and the Supreme Court
with a much confused notion of the supposed in-
tricacies in the nature of the President's recom-
mendation for reforming the Supreme Court.
The most startling idea that struck me was
that no one who has not spent some years in the
study of the Constitution and constitutional law
may give a logical and anywhere correct com-
mentary. Forgetting for the moment that many
who know the constitutional field have both
logical and correct appraisals (on ne side or the
other!), may we not suggest that the question of
Supreme Court reform transcends not only poli-
tics but also learning? I was going to say that the
quality, quantity, and the intensity of craving
for economic security are the ultimate deter-
minants of individuals' opinions the one way or
the other. But I won't.
Certain other strange ideas were sounded. For
example, that the President's proposal is an un-

constitutional method of achieving the reform.
Perhaps this was a slip,,-but it certainly was em-
phasized. I remember when Candidate Landon
said that Roosevelt had unconstitutionally ob-
tained his power. Candidate Landon said that
he would get his power constitutionally-through
an amendment!
Or this: That by adopting the President's
proposal, the fundamental structure of the Con-
stitution would be weakened. The setting of a
"packing" precedent was implied here. Certainly,
the very next Congress may adopt different legis-
lation. But Dean Bates did not mention that the
adoption of this proposal did not invalidate
nor forestall the proposal of those who advocate
the really and truly constitutional method of
amendment. Perhaps two or three or four
years is a "hell" of a long time for those millions
of men, mothers, sweethearts, and children who
earn their bread above starvation by the sweat
of their brow. Don't we think so? Gosh, we ought
to. We ought to be taught to, too. This should
be one of the fundamentals of good citizenship. ,
Without further ado, let us agree to the fol-
1. That "packing may well be a two-edged
2. But also, that: "The history of the Su-
preme Court is full of cases in which Presidents
appointed men to the bench in the hope that
they would give effect to a certain point of
view. Such efforts were almost always disap41
pointing in their results. In virtually every
case the justice so appointed failed to do his
"duty" in- this regard and settled down to be
a judge and not a partisan.
3. Next: "We are under a Constitution, but
the Constittition is what the judges say it is."

****** IT ALL
« -By Bonth Wi "lias
WHEN THE PHONE RANG in the Delta Gam-
ma house during Hell Week the other day,
Betty Young picked up the receiver and was
greeted by a masculine voice which asked for
Alberta Wood, frosh frolic committee woman.
Betty replied firmly that pledges were not
allowed to answer phone calls during the pre-
initiation period. When the voice explaine'
that the matter was urgent, Miss Young got
up on her high horse and began to get flippant.
The gentleman was apparently duly impressed
with the significance of the occasion and when
about to hang up added as an afterthought,
"What if I were to tell you this was Dean Bur-
sley calling?"
"Don't be childish."
"What if it were Dan Rea?"
"Please stop wastin'g my time."
The whole thing was forgotten until later
in the day when Betty dropped into Burr Patts
to see Ruth Ann Oaks. The first thing Ruth Ann
wanted to know was:
"Which Delta Gamma was so nasty to Dean
Rea when he called the Delta Gamma house
this afternoon.' He was trying to find out about
chaperones for the Frosh Frolic."
CONGRATULATIONS to Harriet (Shacky)
Shackleton on her selection as Pan-Hellenic
head. She has the ideal temperament for the
job-shouldn't take things too seriously . . .
When Jimmy Stuart, little blond haired Scotch-
man of the Sigma Nu house, wants to bowl, he
doesn't fool. Caught down on the Campus in a
pair of leather shoes, Jimmy couldn't be both-
ered about going home, so he, stepped into Van
Boven's and charged a pair of rubber soled jobs
which would serve him well enough for the
afternoon . . . When Gil Tilles was intervieing
his new printer last week, Bill Reed, Free Press
correspondent, got hold of five little kids and
with the aid of some careful schooling and five
nickels got them to rush in and clamber all over
the Garg mentor with "C'mon pappa, C'mon
home now, mummy's waitin' dinner" . . . This
home now, mummy's waitin' dinner" . .. Ty Car-
lisle, Phi Delta Phi barrister and Michigan pub-
licity agent for the Dartmouth Winter Carnival,
is an "acordeen' manipulator of no little ability. .
* * * *
UP IN MINNEAPOLIS, where spring is still a
long way off, is a gent named Milt Woodard
who as sports editor of the Minnesota Daily
produces one of the finest college columns in the
Not only is Milt good, but he's as close to being
impartial as any loyal Gopher could be in these
days of mighty Minnesota football, basketbal.
and hockey teams.
It was Woodard who wrote the story of the
second Michigan-Minnesota hockey game last
Friday night, and it was he who called the Wol-
verines' Vic Heyliger the- greatest forward to face
the Norsemen all year in a schedule which in-
cluded games with Dartmouth, Alaska, and Man-
Here in Ann Arbor every one is willing to
concede that Vic is the top collegiate puckster
in the country, but for Woodard to name him
as the outstanding forward of the year was
really something. The Minnesota Daily of
Thursday which carried the account of the'
third clash of the series which Michigan dropped
3-1, called Heyliger the goat of the game and
put him on the pan in a terrible roasting.
Woodard covered the final game himself and
apparently- was completely convinced of the
Beaver's ability-which leaves Milt's subordinate,
who gave Victor such a ribbing, in a very em-
barrassing position.
All of which goes to prove what kind of an egg
Milt is. Besides being a sports scribe of no mean
ability, he is known to have proof read this col-!
umnist's inferior football stories, to have sat in a!
Chicago orange juice palace with a bottle of gin!
after the Northwestern game, and to continually
use poor Latin in referring to his Minnesotas as
Triumphus de Magnem Decemn. At any rate, one

swell guy.
ADD BENEATH IT ALL: At the banquet hon-
oring, Hunk Anderson, new Michigan line
coach, the conversation was all of Michigan's
brilliant cage triumph over Purdue. After the
banquet the inimitable Harvey Patton, now
snooping for the Detroit News, remarked to
Cappy Cappon? "You know, Coach, if it weren't
for your team, they wouldn't have anything to
talk about" . . . Jane Bierly can't understand why
even more people don't attend the Union Sunday
supper sessions. "Why you can eat just as much
as you want," Jane explained. "Last Sunday my
Arnold ate four pork chops, and it's only 50
cents . .
the demands of the 20th century. In this case
we may attempt to solve both problems by clar-
ifying amendments to .the Constitution. This will
not only modernize the Constitution, but it will
also narrow the field of judicial review by sharp-
ening the vague clauses of the Constitution
under which the Supreme Court is now engaged,~
almost of necessity, in the work of national
policy determination."
5. So, although we do not question the net
advisability of adopting clarifying amendments
to the Constitution (especially on such a graceful
or disgraceful issue as child labor; or freedom
of contract; or due process), we ought, if we are
at all realistic, to recognize that old man time
has a strong tendency to chat like an old woman,
when a Constitutional amendment which on the
face of it, without question or doubt, scratches
certain more or less ignominious vested inter-
6. Therefore, let us send Ernity as a van*

New Composer's Recital
Recital of vocal compositions by
Richard Bennett. Student Recital Ser-
ies: Composition classes of the Univer-
sity School of Music. Soloists: Virleen
Morns, soprano; Marguerite Creighton
and Hope Eddy, contraltos; Maurice Ge-
row, tenor; Frederic Shaffmaster, bari-
tone; Richard Bennett, pianist; Mar-
ian Marshall, dancer.
Bennett's vocal compositions at
the League on Monday evening, one
could not help wishing that there
were prizes for musical composition
similar to the Hopwood Awards for
literature. Judging by this recital and
by the interest and enthusiasm
shown by the audience the composer
would seem to be a logical winner of
such an award.
Although the program was not of
uniform excellence a fair judgment
of the composer's abilities should be
based on the high point. It should
be kept in mind that there are diffi-
culties in any program devoted to the
works of a single composer and that
in this case it was further limited to
vocal compositions.
The first numberRex Henricus, is
an adaptation of the modern idiom
of the style of the 15th century with-
out losing any of the feeling of the
words. In passing from the sturdi-
ness of this number to the next group
one may realize the variety of Ben-
nett's compositions. This group, set
to translations from Confucius, is
rather a set of duets for voice and
piano with a fine relation between the
two. The group is uniformly con-
ceived with great delicacy and charm.
Each bit related closely to the rest.
One of the most ambitious compo-
sitions on the program was Sea Sor-
row for soprano, contralto, and dance
time, with piano accompaniment,
From the point of view of the com-
position there was an excellent re-
lation between the two voices to each
other and to the piano. But it seemed
unfitted for dance. It would have
been impossible for the dancer to
have had much variety in the chore-
ograquaphy and to have kept to the
spirit of the music. As Doris Hum-
phrey has said, the human ear be-
ing less sensitive than the eye, is able
to tolerate more repetition than the
eye. So movement must be more
varied than, a series of musical
phrases. This composition is quite
able to stand on the merits of the
music alone without the movement
to integrate it. It has sincerity, a
quiet monotony with, however, no
lack of interest.
Dirge, for piano and dancer, al-
though better adapted to the modern
dance than Sea Sorrow, would also
have been better-at least at this
recital-as a piano solo. As such it
would be complete and satisfactory.
It has emotion, climaxes, but never
sensationalism for its own sake.
Whereas Bennett's piano seemed in-.
definite in many of the numbers (due
perhaps to a nervousness that was
understandable), he was forceful and
commanding here. Miss Marshall's
dancing is graceful and easy with
many lovely bits of movement.
It was interesting to see composi-
tions with a great deal of humor, the
two settings to German poems, Bar-
barossa and MeinrVaterland. Senti
mentality seemed to intrude unneces-
sarily only at one point, in the
Scotch Song; but this may have been
somewhat due to the interpretation.
One of the most interesting num-
bers, both from the point of view of
the composer and the singing of
Marguerite Creighton, was Sea Fever.
It has dash and vigor and is thor-
oughly delightful. Here as in the
rest of the program there was no
sensationalism, no precocious orig-
inality, no labored striving for ef-
fect. He is not afraid to borrow from
the past but always applies his own.

coloring to these borrowings.
Interest was naturally in the com-!
positions rather than the perform-I
ances. But it is imperative to men-
tion Frederic Shaffmaster's definit-
eness and authority in Rex Henricus,
Virleen Morns' fine feeling for the
delicacy of The Morning Glory, Hope
Eddy's flair for the lilting line of
Barbarossa, Marguerite Creighton 's
fine singing in all her numbers.
Court Reform
Is Denounced
WASHINGTON, March 2.-1P)-
Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg of Mich-
igan, a leader in the Senate's regular
Republican wing, swung into the
battle against the Roosevelt Court
Reorganization Bill tonight. He de-
nounced the proposal as "a device
that can choke the life ouf of free
American institutions."
His radio address (over NBC) came
at the close of a day which saw Sen.
Marvel M. Logan (D.-Ky.) endorse
the presidential measure and Rep.
Hatton W. Sumners (D.-Tex.) as-
sert, in the House, that the way is
open for members of the Supreme
Bench to retire and thus be "coop-
erating with their government."
Aside from brief, informal state-
ment to reporters, the Vandenberg
address was the first statement of
position to emanate from the regular

Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

(Continued from Page 2)
Academic Notices
Economics 51 and 52: The make-
up final examination will be given
Thursday, March 4, from 3 to 6 in
Room 207 Economic Building. Stu-
dents intending to take this examin-
ation should leave their names with
Mr. Palmer or the secretary of the
Sociology 51, Makeup final exam-
ination for the first semester of the
1936-37 year will be given on Sat-
urday, March 6, at 2 p.m. in Room
D, Haven Hall.
Political Science I make-up exam-
ination .forfirst semester, 1936-37,
Friday, March 5. 3-5, Room 2037
Angell Hall.
Zoology 1 Make-Up Exam for all
those who missed the final examina-
tion in this course last semester will
be held Saturday, March 6, from 8 to
12 a.m., in Room 2091. This will be
the only opportunity to take this
English 127: The make-up final
examination will be given in my of-
fice, 3226 A.H., Friday, March 5, at
3 p.m.
Karl Litzenberg.
Anthropology 31: The make-up
final examination will be given Fri-
day, March 5, at 2 p.m. in Room 306
Mason Hall.
Anthropology 102: The make-up
final examination will be given Fri-
day, March 5, at 2 p.m., in Room 306
Mason Hall.
Twlight Organ Recital: E. William
Doty, Assistant Professor of Organ,
will provide a program of interesting
organ compositions at the regular
recital this afternoon, at 4:15 p.m.,
in Hill Auditorium. The general pub-
lic, with the exception of small chil-
dren, is invited without admission
charge, but is respectfully request-
ed to be seated on time.

recital on
lon in the
4:15 p.m.


Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
Carillonneur, will give a
the Charles Baird Caril-
Burton Memorial Tower,
afternoon, March 4, at

University Lecture: Dr. George W.
McCoy, formerly Director of the Na-
tional Institute of Health, will lec-
ture on "Epidemiological Reflec-
tions" on Friday, March 19, at 8 p.m.
in Room 1528 East Medical Build-
ing. The public is cordially invited.
Preston W. Slosson Lecture on Cur-
rent Events, Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, Wednesday, March 3, at
4:15 p.m.
The Meaning of Bernard Shaw is
the subject of a lecture to be given by
Dr. W. P. Lemon at the Masonic
Temple, Thursday night, at 7 p.m.
This is the fourth in a series on "Re-
ligion in World, Literature." Stu-
dents invited. No admission charge.9
An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in-
cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and
peasant paintings, sponsored by the
Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi-
tectural building. Open daily from 9
to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the
months of February and March. The
public is cordially invited.
Exhibition, Architectural Building:
The Annual Big Ten Exhibit, estab-;
lished to foster student interest in.
art in the Big Ten Universities and
to provide an opportunity for student
artists to exhibit their work, is now
being shown in the third floor Exhi-
bition Room of the Architectural
Building. Open daily from 9 to 5{
p.m. excepting Sunday, until March
10. The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Chemistry Colloquium will meet
today at 4 p.m. in Room 303, Chem-i
istry Bldg. Doctor Rihard C. Lord,;
Jr., will speak on "The Application of
Reman Spectroscopy to Problems of
Molecular Structure."
Seminar for Chemcial and Metal-
lurgical Engineers: Mr. F. D. Parker
will be the speaker at the Seminar
for graduate students in Chemical
and Metallurgical Engineering to-
day .at 4 p.m. in Room 3201 E. Eng.
Bldg. on the subject, "Plate Effi-
ciency in Experimental Bubble-
Cap Column."
Luncheon for Graduate Students
today in the Russian Tea Room of
th 14ichigan League Building. Prof.
Ralph W. Aigler of the Law School,
will speak informally on "The Su-
preme Court." .

Michigan Technic Tryouts: There
will be regular meeting of the try-
outs for positions on the staff of the
Michigan Technic this afternoon at
5 p.m. in Room 3046 East Engineer-
ing Building. Anyone desiring to
enter this activity but who can not
atte id the Wednesday afternoon
meetings should get in touch with
the Technic office as a new section
of tryouts will be formed if the num-
ber warrants it. In any case, they
will be informed as to the content of
every meeting if they are unable to
arrange another section.
Sigma Delta Chi will have a busi-
ness meeting tonight at 10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room at the Union,
for members and pledges.
Phi Sigma Meeting: Today at 8
8 p.m. in Room 2116 N.S. Bldg.
Prof. Shirley Allen of the .School
of Forestry and Conservation will
speak. Title, "Science, Prejudice
and Conservation," a very timely sub-
ject deserving factual. consideration.
Stanley Chorus: There will be a
regular meeting this evening in the
League, at 7:15 p.m. It is extreme-
: ly important that every member be
present, as we will announce the
officers for thefollowing year,atthis
time. Every one must be sure to
bring any music she may have bor-
rowed, as we need every copy. This
is the last rehearsal before the pro-
gram we are giving Thursday, at the
Style Show. Any one not attending
the rehearsal tonight may not sing
tomorrow, unless officially excused.
Contemporary: Meeting of tryouts
and members of the assisting staff
this afternoon at 4 p.m. in the Stu-
dent Publications Building.
Sphinx: A luncheon meeting at
12:15 p.m. today in the Union. Ernie
Jones will discuss "My own plan for
a workable campus dating bureau."
New Jersey Students: The New
Jersey Club will meet today at 8 p.m.
in Lane Hall. Election of officers fol-
lowed by dancing.
Peace Council: There will be an
open meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m.
in the Union. Plans for the, mass
meeting of April 22 will be considered.
Sophomore Engineers: You may
pay your class dues today at the
table on the second floor of W. Eng.
or to one of the following men:
Fred Osberg
Joe Anton
Don Beldon
Fred Eiens
Harold Spoden
Don Percival
We need money to pay our ex-
penses for this year. Please cooperate
and pay now.
Coiing Events
Zoology Seminar: Miss largaret
Liebe will report on "Inheritance of
Epilepsy and Waltzing in Peromys-
cus,"' and Mr. W. C. Frohne on "An
Ecological. Study of the Insects of
Certain Emergent Aquatic Plants" at
the next meeting of the Zoology Sem
inar on Thursday, March 4, 7:30 p.'m.
in Room 2116 N.S.
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday after-
noon, March 4, in the Observatory
lecture room. Mr. Ralph. B. Baldwin
will review his work on Nova Cygni
III (1920). Tea will be served at 4
Aeronautical Engineering Stu-
dents: There will be an organiza-
tion meeting for an Aeronautical En-
gineering Seminar on Friday, March

5 at 4 p.m., in Room 1024 East En-
gineering Building. The purpose of
this Seminar will be to present sum-
maries of. research work being done
in the department and reviews of
technical literature. All students
now enrolled in research courses are
expected to take part. in this work
and should be prepared to present
brief outlines of work already ac-
complished and their plans for fu-
ture work. Assignments of technical
journals in connection, with the re-
view of literature will be made at
that time. All others interested in
attending this Seminar are cordially
The University . Oratorical Con-
test: The Preliminary tryout will be
held Monday, March 22, 4 p.m., in
Room 4203 A.H. Contestants are
asked to speak for five minutes from
the oration and to hand in a copy of
the oration.
The Ann Arbor Independent Won.
en will have a table for tea in the
League for the Fashion Show, Thurs-
day, March 4, 3:30-5 p.m. Let Jean
McConkey know if you can come to
the tea. Phone 3300.
Hillel Players: Tickets for the Hill-
el play, "They Too Arise" to be pro-
duced in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, March 12 and 13 may h


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