. .
irst Semtester's NewsEvents In Rveview
'iles Of Daily
Furnish Data
For Calendar
orld Affairs,
On Campus Contribute
To Chronology
Following is a tabulation of the
significant news events that occurred
during the first semester as found in
the pages of The Daily:
Sept. 22-Orientation Week opened
for more than 1,600 freshmen.
Sept. 29--Classes began as first se-
mester started.
Oct. 1-Charles Baird Carillon bells
hoisted to top of tower.
Oct. 3-Michigan defeated by Mich-
ivan State, 21-7.
Oct. 5-Italian lira devalued by Mus-
Oct. 6-New York Yankees defeated
New York Giants in sixth game
for world baseball championship.
Oct. 7-Russia announced her inten-
tion of intervening on Spanish re-
volt unless Germany and Italy
withdrew support from the rebels.
Oct. 10--Indiana defeated Michigan's
football team, 14-3.
Oct..13-Gov. Landon visited Mich-
igan and demanded, in his Detroit
speech, an explanation of New Deal
Oct. 15-President Roosevelt toured
state. Pointed to .improvement
during his administration in De-
troit address.
Oct. 16-George F. Drasin, Grad, 23,
Grand Rapids killed in explosion in
. East Engineering Building.
Landon defeated Roosevelt in
Daily campus poll, 1,849-1,823.
Oct. 17-Minnesota defeated Mich-
igan on gridiron, 26-0.
Oct. 20-Nearly 6,000 attended Band
amateur night in Hill Auditorium.
Earl Browder, Communist can-
from speaking in Terre Haute, Ind.:
for second time.
Oct. 22-Sen. James Couzens died
after long career in public service.
Oct. 24--Michigan defeated Colum-
bia, 13-0.
Oct. 27-Student drive for men's dor-
mitories opened.
Oct. 31-Regent James Murfin de-
manded dismissal of 10 faculty
men who voted for Earl Browder in
Daily poll.
Illinois defeated Michigan, 9-6.
Nov. 2-Shipping strike tied up ports
and 145 vessels on West Coast.
Nov. 3-President Roosevelt carried
all but Maine and Vermont to win
Presidency, 523 electoral votes to
eight. Frank Murphy elected gov-
ernor of Michigan and Prentiss M.
Brown elected to Senate. Wash-
tenaw County went Republican.
Nov. 7-Michigan lost first intersec-
tional football game in 10 years to
Pennsylvania, 27-7.
Nov. 12-More than 200 newspaper-
men convened for 18th annual con-
vention of the University Press
Nov. 14 - Northwestern defeated
Michigan, 9-0.
Nov. 17-President Roosevelt left
United States to attend Inter-
American Conference in Buenos
University announced new train-
ing program for municipal officials
in conjunction with the Municipal
League and the State Board of Vo-
cational Education.
Nov. 18-Germany and Italy formally
recognized rebel government of
Spain headed by General Franco.
Nov. 21-Ohio State defeated Mich-
igan, 21-0.
Nov. 23-Supreme Court upheld New
York Unemployment Insurance Act
as constitutional.
Nov. 28-Russia declared pact be-
tween Japan and Germany will
lead to war.
Dec. 1-The Daily urged adoption for
training table for athletes.
France offers to pay half-billion
on war debt.
Dec. 4-Charles Baird Carillon ded-
Dec. 7.-Michigan basketball team
defeated Ypsilanti in season's
opener, 61-12.
Dec. 11-Edward VIII abdicated Brit-
ish throne to marry Mrs. Wallis
Warfield Simpson. Duke of York
succeeded him.
Two "sit-down" strikes called in
Detroit automobile plants.
Representatives of United States,
Brazil and Argentina signed secu -
ity pact in step toward peace.
Dec. 13-Chiang Kai Shek seized by
rebel troops led by Marshall Chang
Hsaio Liang.
Dec. 14-$1,675 raised by the Mich-
igan Daily Goodfellov/s for local
welfare authorities.
University announced appropri-
ation of $175,000 for building of
two units of mens' dormitories.
Dec. 15-Erroneous report of Chiang
Kai Shek's death is broadcast
throughout China.
Dec. 16-Twenty-one American re-
publics agreed to stand together
against outside aggression. Ap-
proved plan of President Roosevelt.
Dec. 18-University closed for Christ-
mas holidays,
Jan. 4-Classes resumed.
Sit-down strike at Flint entered
second week.
Fielding H. Yost reported dissat-
isfied with coaching situation.
Jan. 6-Jane H. Higbie, '38A, 19, Ann
Arbor, killed in gun accident in
"playroom" of her home.
President Roosevelt urged lib-
eral interpretation of the Consti-
tution in his annual message to.
Jan. 7-President Glenn Frank of
the University of Wisconsin ousted
by the Regents.
Jan. 11-Violence broke out in Flint
when police charged sitdowners.
Charles Mattson, 10, Tacoma,
found dead, a kidnap victim.
Jan. 12-National Guard ordered out
at Flint.
Betty Baker convicted, given life1
sentence for murder of Clarence
Jan. 15-Fifteen-day truce declared
for strike negotiations.
Jan. 16-Harry Kipke retained as
football coach at University.
Jan. 20-Franklin D. Roosevelt inau-
gurated as president of the United
Jan. 21-Ohio struck by floods.
Eighty thousand fled homes.
Jan. 22-Five thousand attended
Michigan night broadcast in Hill
Jan. 25-Half-million left homeless
by floods.
Sloan refused to confer with Sec-
retary Perkins.
Jan. 27-$913 raised on campus for
flood relief.
Jan. 31-Gov. Murphy resumed du-
ties as mediator in strike.
Examination period of first se-
mester began.
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 15.-( P)-
Natie Brown reiterated tonight his
belief he can stay 10 rounds with Joe
Louis again when they meet here
Wednesday night,
(Continued from Page 4)
Michigan Union. For reservations,
call Mrs. Rufus, 9660, or Mrs. Ran-
om, 4121 t 81). Informal.
Varsity Glee Club: Very important
special rehearsal, 8 to 9 pm. today.
New music to be assigned. Eligibility
lists checked for the Dearborn Inn
concert Sunday. Special make up re-
hearsal at 4:30 p.m.
Tau Beta Pi: There will be a regu-
lar dinner meeting at the Union to-
night. Very important business and
Sigma Rho Tau: Business meeting
today 7:30 p.m . There will be a dis-
cussion of older men's circles and
seccnd semester plans in general. The
election of a new recording secretary
will be held.
Polonia Circle: There willbe a
meeting today at 7:30 p.m. at the
Faculty Wonen's Club: The Book
Shelf and Stage Section will meet
with Mrs. Arthur W. Smith, 1008 Oak-
land Ave., today at 2:45 p.m. Mrs.
Geo. E. Myers is assisting hostess.
Christian Science Organization
meets 1 ht at the chapel of the
Mi . n gue at 8:15 p.m. Stu-
tulty members are in-
ice. Bring tray across the hall. Pro-'
l'essor Lawrence Preuss of the- Politi-
iad Science department will , peak
iuformally on "The Spanish Revol -
uon and International Law."
Alpha Nu will hold open house on
Wednesday evening, Feb. 17, 1937, at
7:30 p.m. At this time Professor
Harold Dorr of the Political Science
department will speak on the sub-
ject, "Some Observations on the Pres-
ident's Plan to Enlarge the Supreme
Court." All members and friends of
Alpha Nu are invited to attend this
meeting. The meeting will be held in
the chapter room on the fourth floor
of Angell Hall.
Dealers in Death; war-peace talkie,
will be shown under the auspices of
the Peace Council at the Natural Sci-
#,nce auditorium on Wednesday, Feb.
17, at 4:15 p.m. and Thursday, Feb.
Gypsies: This coloiful and dra-
matic Soviet film has complete Eng-
lish titles. It was selected by the
critics as one of the five best foreign
pictures of the year and it has been
considered by many as the finest pic-
ture ever to be produced by the
Soviets. The box office will be open
the following hours: Wednesday,
10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, 10:00 a.m.-8:30
p.m. Art Cinema League
DETROIT, Feb. 15.--(P)-Employ-
ers' contributions to the State Un-
employment Compensation Commis-
sion total about $30,000 to date,
Frank A. Picard, chairman, an-
nounced Monday as the commission
opened its accounting offices here.
1' 'z
" Mr I 1^
CKLW-1030 Kilocycles
6:00- Magic Island."
6 :15-News and Sports.
6:30-Enoch Light's Orchestra.
7:00-Shadows on the Clock.
7 :15-Skeeter Palmer's Orch.
7:30-Trans-Radio News Bulletins.
7:35-Freddy Berrens' Orchestra.
8:00--Music for Dancing.
8:30-Echoes of the Stage.
9:00-Gabriel Heatter.
9:15-The Charioteers.
10:00--Wallenstein's Sinfonletta.
10:30-Cab Calloway's Orchestra.
11:00-Canadian Club Reporter.
11:15-Lennie Hayton's Orch.
11:30-Freddy Martin's Orch.
12:00-Horace Heidt's Orch.
12:30-Count Basey's Orch.
1 :00-A1 Kavelin's Orch.
1:30-Weather Forecast.
WJR--75O Kilocycles
6:00-Stevenson News.
6:15-Envoys of Melody.
6 :45-Envoys of Melody.
6:45-Renfrew of the Mounted.
7:00-Poetic Melodies.
7:15-Diamond City News.
7:30-Alexander Woollcott.
7:45--Boake Carter.
8:00-Hammerstein's Music Hall.
8:30-A1 Jolson-Sid Silvers-Martha Raye
with Victor Young's Orch.
9:00-Al Pearce and His Gang.
9:30-Jack eakie's College-with Benny
Goodman's Band-George Stoll's
11:00-Scenes in Harmony.4
11:30-Wismer Sports.
11:35-George Olsen's Orch.
12:00---Marvin Frederic's Orch.
12:30-Happy Felton's Orch.
WWJ-920 Kilocycles
6:00-Ty Tyson's Sport Talk.
6:10-Dinner Hour.
6 :40-Odd Facts
6:45-C.Herbert Peterson.
7:00-Amos 'n' Andy.
7:15-Dramatic Moments.
7:20-Evening Melodies.
7:30--Dudley Brothers.
7 :45--Soloist.
8:00-Leo Reisman's Orch.
8:30-Wayne King.
9:00--Vox Pop.
9:30-Fred Asta ire.
10:30-Jimmy Fidler.
11 :00-Tonight's Hockey.
11 :05-Northwood Inn Club.
1:30--Dance Music.
12:03--Webster Hall Orch.
WXYZ--1240 Kilocycles
6:00-March of Melody.
6:15-The Fact Finder.
6:30-Day in Review.
6:45-Lowell Thomas.
7:00-Easy Aces.
7:15-The Original Jesters.
7:30-The Green Hornet.
8:00-Log Cabin Dude Ranch.
8:30-Edgar Guest.
9:00-Ben Bernie.
9:30-Husbandsiand Wives.
10:00-Armco Band.
10:30-Good Times Society.
11:00-Johnny Hamp's Orch.
11 :30-Frankie Masters Orch.
112:00-Les Arquette's Orch.
12 :30-Griff Williams Orch.
There is no problem before the world today, more important
than the elimination of forced unemployment. From the myriad
cures proposed, one plan will eventually emerge to prove itself
fundamentally sound and fitted to endure through the ages.
The writer subscribes to a plan and has sincere faith that it is
the plan.oThis plan is not Socialism, but it paves the way to a
perfect Socialism - requires neither more nor less money - upsets
none of our financial systems or institutions - decreases govern-
ment and taxes - releases rugged individualism allowing the fullest
self expression - prevents the exploitation of labor - and the plan
suggested operates through Capitalism.
It creates a condition where any normal average person, Man
or woman, willing to work, will be. able to earn from $50.00 to $100.00
per week, at present prices, the more capable in proportion, with
the weekly wage depending on the efficiency of the country's total
production. But absentee ownership will pay no return, for invest-
ments will be unprofitable, though they will always find a ready
market proportionate to their capital value. But personal effort
will be enriched at the expense of capital.
$100.00 in cash prices is to be offered for the most intelligent
comments on this plan, divided - $50.00 first prize - $20.00 second
prize, and six prizes of $5.00 each. The papers of 500 words each
must be mailed before April 15th and prizes will be distributed
before May 15th.
The contest is to be confined to 200 selected students. To enter,
simply mail a post card to the address given below, with your name
,and address, together with 'the signature of your professor in
economics,' indicating ,that you are reasonably able to understand
this problem. A booklet describing this system will then be mailed
to those selected together with notification that their name has been
entered as a contestant.
Arrangements will be made to give lectures at Ann Arbor con-
cerning this plan and bulletins will be mailed to contestants at
various intervals. Right is reserved to void this contest if less than
200 students reply.
25 n-
'New I-
Cis~co Va.
X. s.' ,' L...
'4 Events
J'i1 meet in room.
'uilding on Wed-
8:00 p.m. The
be presented:
'eer on Fran-
'o" by Pro-
me Appli-
,at Con-
by Pro--
fessor Arta
cations of
duction to Gi
fessor T. S. i
will meet at 7:
. Lunchton for Gr
Wednesday, Feb. 1,
the Russian Tea Roc
igan League building.
.. d ,
All makes and ml yls,
Bought. Sold,Retd
Exchanged, R I 1:-ed.
January 17th, 1937.
2630 Erskine St.,
Detroit, Mich.
and U SD
We Have Everything For the Student:
Fountain Pens
Michigan Pennants
desk Larmps
Laundry Boxes
Equipment for:
- - - -_- - - p