THE AMICHiGAN DAII PtYE~ hird Odonto Ball To Be Held March 19 At Union CT-L League Board Petitioning Set For Tomorrow Three Positions Open; Student Interview To Be Held March 5 Petitioning for offices on the As- sembly board will be held tomorrow through Friday inclusive in the Un- dergraduate Offices of the League, Mary Andrew, '37, president of As- sembly, announced yesterday. The 'positions open for petitioning are president, vice-president and secretary-treasurer, Miss Andrew said. Interviewing of all women who have petitioned will be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, March 5, in the Council Room of the Undergraduate Offices, Miss Andrew said. All ap- plicants must be interviewed, accord- ing to Miss Andrew. Non-affiliated women with one grade of B or A and no mark below a C may petition for the three major positions, Miss Andrew said. Assembly is the official organiza- tion for non-affiliated women on campus. The dormitories and all league houses have representatives who attend the regular meetings of the board. The organization is sim- ilar to the Panhellenic Association for sorority women, Miss Andrew said. Sale Of Frosh Frolic Icets Starts Monday The tickets for Frosh Frolic, to be held Friday, March 12, will go on sale tomorrow at the Union Desk, Robert Mix, '40, general chairman, announced yesterday. The tickets can be obtained from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily. The sale will last through Wednesday, March 3 and will be open to fresh- man only. Those buying are limited to one ticket and must present their identification cards at the time of purchase. As there will only be 325 tickets, Mix advises all freshmen to buy them as early as possible. The price per couple will be $2.50. List Faculty Wives To Pour At Union The faculty wives selected to pour at the Union coffee hours this week were announced yesterday by Fred- erick Geib, '38, chairman. Mrs. Preston W. Slosson will pour tomorrow and Mrs. Earl C. O'Roke' Tuesday. Mrs. George M. McCon- key, Mrs. Walter B. Rea and Mrs. Burton D. Thuma will officiate .Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday re- spectively. Coffee, hot chocolate and cookies are served from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily in the small ballroom of the Union. These coffee hours were started this year and have been well at- tended. They are part of the plan the Union is starting to foster good- will and friendship between faculty and students. The Sunday buffet suppers are also a part of this plan. Mu Phi Epsilon Alumnae To Hold Musical At Union Alumnae of Mu Phi Epsilon, na- tional honor music sorority, will hold a dinner and musical at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Crofoot Room of the Union. Those participating in the musical are Mrs. John S. Worley and Mrs. A. C. Case, pianists and Mrs. Helen Dunlap, contralto. League To Preseiti Detroit Style Show All women interested are invited to attend the style show to be spon- sored by a Detroit shop, which will be given at 3:30 p.n Thursday at the League, according to Harriet Heath, '37, chairman of the social committee. Several undergraduate women and professional models will model all varieties of spring clothes. The en- ire second floor of the League is to be used and tables will be set up on which tea will be served if desired. Reservations for tables are 25 cents each and should be made as soon as possible at Mrs. Twila Clark's office at the League. Stanley Chorus will sing before the modeling begins and Charley Zwick's orchestra is to play during the show. Michigan Club To Hear Talk By Journalist The women's branch of the Mich- igan Club will present a talk by Miss Helen Bower on "Adventures in In- terviewing" at their meeting to be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. All women students interested in journalism are invited to hear Miss Bower's talk as well as attend the subscription dinner which will pre- cede the meeting. Reservations for the dinner may be made at the of- fice of Mrs. Albert Loring Clark, Jr., League house director, until Wedne- day morning. Tickets for the dinner are priced at 75 cents. Miss Bower, who is a member of the editorial staff of the Detroit Free Press, is a member of the Alumnae Council. She will be introduced by Mrs. Irene B. Johnson, president of the club. Members of the board who will serve as hostesses, are Mrs. Fred- erick Arnold, Mrs. Alfred O. Lee, Mrs. Evans Holbrook, Mrs. Harold Tros- per, Mrs. Carl Dahlstrom, Mrs. James F. Breakey, Mrs. S. Beach Conger and Mrs. William C. Walz. WomanStudent Group Initiated Into Kappa Phi Annual Banquet At League Follows Ceremony Held At Methodist Church Thirty-one students were initiated into Kappa Phi, Methodist college women's organization, yesterday at the First Methodist church. Pledg- ing took place at 3:15 p.m. and was followed by initiation at 4 p.m. The annual banquet. at the Grand Rap- ids room of the Michigan League followed the ceremonies. 115 mem- bers and guests were present. Those who initiated include Eileen Ashby, '40; Eileen Crandall, '4Ed; Alice Curtis, '37D; Ellen Cuthbert, '39; Virginia DeLong, '39; Blanche Finkbeiner, '38; Ruth Greiner, '40; Frances Mubbs, '40; Norene Jadwin, '40; Louise Mars, '38; Elizabeth Reed, '40; Frances Roseboom, '40; Katherine Schultz, '40; Barbara Summers, '40; Hilda Van Tuyl, '40. Muriel Bremer, '39Ed, Virginia Evans, '37, Bernice Page, '39, Agatha Fegert, '37, Verna Franklin, '40, Margaret Goodrich, SpecEd, Jose- phine Kift, '40, Agnes Lloyd, SpecEd, Jean McCutcheon, '40, Helen Lou Mosher, '40, Hilda Otis, '40, Josie- phyne Pierce, '40, Mary Louise Quaife, '38, Marion Ranger, '38, Mary Jean Sanford, '40, and Edna Wies- ner, '39. After the reception the sorority joined the Wesleyan Guild in a re- ception held in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Bollinger. Dr. Bollinger is the national director of Wesleyan foun- dations 5th In Series Of Ruthven Teas To Be March 3 Special Invitations Issued To 7 Chapter Houses, Mosher Hall, Zone III President and Mrs. Ruthven will receive Michigan students on Wed- nesday, March 3 in the next of the series of Ruthven undergraduate teas. To be honored as special guests Wednesday will be Mosher Hall, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Kappa Delta, and Zone III, as announced by Betty Gatward, '38, who is the member of the League social committee in charge of Ruthven teas. The fra- ternities to be invited are Sigma Chi, Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Kappa Nu, and Kappa Delta Rho. All stu- dents of the University, however, are invited to attend. This is the fifth of this year's stu- dent teas and the first one to be held after examinations. As is customary, the Ruthven home will be open from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Of particular in- terest to the students who have at- tended the recent teas Miss Gatward said, have been the, collections of Egyptian and Oriental art treasurers and pottery to which President and Mrs. Ruthven have devoted an entire room. The list of those who will have been requested to pour will be an- nounced later, according to Miss Gatward, adding that usually four people preside during the afternoon. Supreme Court To Be Subject Of R..Aigler Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law School will give an informal talk on the Supreme Court at the third grad- uate luncheon of this semester at noon Wednesday in the Russian Tea Room of the League. Professor Aigler was originally scheduled to talk on this subject at the last graduate luncheon, but was unable to appear because of illness. He will discuss the history of the Su- preme Court, the effect of the recent- ly-passed Sumners Bill on the power of the Court, judicial review and President Roosevelt's suggestions in regard torchanging the number of Supreme Court justices. These weekly luncheons are di- rected by Miss Jeanette Perry, and are open to all graduate students in- terested. Those attending may pur- chase their luncheons in the cafeteria and carry them across the hall to the Tea Room. Dames To Hold Annual Style Show At League The annual style show of the Michigan D a m e s' Homemaking Group will be held at 8 p.m. Tues- day in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. The theme for the style show will be the coronation in London, and ,the models are now at the Grand Hotel in London, according to Mrs. H. M. Krueger, general chairman of the affair. U I GAGE LINEN SHOP NICKELS ARCADE "ALPHABET" 54'lure :: A B C D The A'lure wearer knows how completely comfortable it is! It never slips, binds, or drags on the shoulders -it always holds and molds the breasts into softly rounded, youthfully uplifted contour. Here's a brand new edition! The "Alpha- bet" A'lure of figured Lastex batiste and Lastex mesh - designed in one style to fit all types perfectly. Come in and let us fit your figure! A - for the small, youthful bust. B - for the average bust. C - for the large bust. D - for the pendulous, heavy bust. $3.50 Others at $1.00 and $2.00 NEW SPRING SHADES in ADMI RATION COSTUME HOSIERY . VASCIDTE BRASSIERES The Curvature of the "CORDING" Separates and Supports the Breasts M3137-For Average (B) Bust The modern silhouette em- phasizes uplift and separation, of the breasts. This import- ant -~- I et1.nt s hInn1h CARIB PLAZA BEIGE NOONDAY SPRING DAWN BLUSH TAN KONA I i III ...r.. AM . Am 1111 i