THE MICHIGAN DAILY II IE MICHIGAN DAILY A ~ Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or niot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All 'rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier. 94 00; by mail, $4.5. REPR-SENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEw YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO-OSTON .SAN FRANCISCO SLOs ANGELES PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors IANAGING EDITORr..............ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR.......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN Cleorge Andros Jewel Wuerfel] Richard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Departmental Boards Publicatloi3 iitepartment: Elsie' A, Pierce, Ciharmann; Jam es Arnd S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. fReortorial Depa;x; in:e t: Free Warner Neal, Chiairrman,, Ralph 1hird. WillmY' .. akleton, Irving S. Silver- -man, Wiiaim halierehard 0. Hershey. ' Editorial Department: M~varshiail D. Shulnman, Chairman; Robert Cumnins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: Gcrge J. Andos, Chairman; Fred Delano ai.zd Fred Bu esser associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Mares., iWomen's; Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth %. Andercon, Eizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore. Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ... . ...JOHN R. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM BARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINE S MANAGER......JEAN KEINATH BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshal Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill' Newman, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes. Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet. Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crawford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. )Departmental Managers lack Staple, Accounts.Manager: Richard Croushore. Na- tional -Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- iled Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM SPALLER gerous to export any commodity while owned by Americans, why is it less dangerous to let any commodity be transported by Americans? This contradiction can only be construed as a concession to the shipowners. Shipowners as a class, as well as their employes, would be injured by such legislation. Compensation for this loss should be forthcoming. If legislation for keeping this country out of war cau es an economic loss, the entire nation should bear that loss. This is not all: through oversimplification, the complex problem of transshipment to bellig- gerents of materials originally exported to other neutrals is handled merely by declaring such procedure illegal. It is practically impossible to prove whether or not materials shipped to other neutrals will be forwarded to a belligerent. If, however, the volume of trade with a certain neutral increases substantially after war has begun there can be no doubt. Thus the only way to prevent transshipment is through some sort of quota system which would restrict exports to other neutrals to a peacetime basis. Is such a quota system practicable? This is the point upon which turns the entire value of a policy of isolation. For a quota system must also be applied 'to trade with belligerent nations- even though such trade is based upon a "cash and carry" system. One of the most powerful influences that drew America into the World War was the well- based fear that financial panic, followed by a severe depression would result from the interrup- tion of our booming trade with the Allies. The famous telegram to Wilson, from the ambassador to England, expressing these two alternatives- entering the war or experiencing a depression- is sufficient evidence. Moreover whether this country is drawn into the war or not, depression is sure to follow upon the cessation of hostilities. Thus we see that- upon the success or failure of a quota system lies the success or failure of isolation. To enact an isolation policy before this prob- lem has been solved would be to invite destruc- tion through a false sense of security. WEEK IN REVIEW NATIONAL The Court Fight OUT OF THE FOG of debate over President Roosevelt's juldiciary reorganization plan came the first promise of action when the Sen- ate Judiciary Committee announced that hear- ings on the bill would begin March 9. New Deal members of the House promised the President that his measure would find adequate support in the lower chamber. In the Senate the forces appear more evenly matched, but supporters of the bill are content to have it meet its most severe test first. This week's compromise suggestion came from Senator Borah. The Idaho veteran asked an amendment which would remove from the states restrictions imposed by the "due process" clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, and guarantee freedom to legislate on social and economic mat- ters. After a group of progressive senators had conferred with the President last week-end, however, observers gathered from guarded state- ments that the White House was little inclined to compromise. music Bennett Recital A RECITAL from the vocal com- positions of Richard Bennett, of Ann Arbor, will be presented in the Michigan League Monday evening at 8:15 p.m. Mr. Bennett is a former student in advanced composition, of the School of Music, and a number of his compositions have attracted se- rious attention for their finish and originality. He will be assisted in the program by Virleen Morns, so- prano; Marguerite Creighton and Hope Eddy, contraltos; Maurice Ge- row, tenor; Frederick Shaffmaster, baritone; Marian Marshall, dance mime. The program, to which the public is cordially invited, is as follows: Song from the Latin, "Rex Henri- cus, sis amicus nobis in angusta" Four songs from "The Ski King." (a). "The Morning Glory" (b). "The Dragon Banner" (c). "The Pond-Wheel" (d). "The Gourd" "Sea Sorrow," for soprano, contral- to, dance mime, and piano. I "Kolkhoz March," for mixed quar- * * * * DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to al members of the University. Copy received at the office-; the Assitant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 amn. on Sat~w'day. RADIO By TUURE TENANDER YEHUDI MENUHIN will make another ap- pearance tonight on the Ford Sunday Eve- ning hour. It seems that some of the artists make more appearances while they are allegedly in retirement than they do in the busy season. With apologies to no one, however, the program will be different tonight, for Yehudi's 16-year- old sister, Hepsibah, will acpompany the youthful violinist on the piano, the broadcast originating from Detroit. Pittman ee Bill, II.. . * . * * * N A PREVIOUS EDITORIAL, the Pittman resolution (or Peace Act f 1937) was outlined and its departure from a raditional "neutrality" policy of insistence on freedom of the seas" applauded. The bill makes. no attempt to realize peace hrough "collective security"; it consciously ne- lects "neutrality" in its abstract international egal sense; it says that we are basing our hopes or peace on isolation and nothing else. Yet it is lot a fair test of isolationism. It is incomplete; t shows the ravages wrought by various "inter- sts" in composing a compromise measure. If an isolationist policy is to prove conclusively vhether or not isolation can keep America out if war, it must be built along three lines. These hree aims, derived from the sad experience of he World war, are: (1) to prevent the loss of kmerican life and property on the high seas; 2) to prevent the linking of American financial nterests with the victory of one side through he extension of loans or credit;' (3) to prevent Wartime boom in trade, which makes our con- inued prosperity dependent on the continuation f warfare (in which case any threat to the var boom means a panic and depression). Of these three, the Pittman resolution attacks he first two weakly and neglects the third. The bill attemrpts to build a "bomb proof .c1- ar" and leave it roofless: For example, section three of the bill provides hat no loans or extension of credit 'may be nade to belligerent governmenuts but no .men- ion is made of extension of credit to the na- lonals of belligerent nations. In view of the act that most of the loans of the period 1914- 917 were made to private individuals and not overnments, the concession to "the. money enders" is almost unbelievable. Even if it were not more important to preventA xtension of credit to Krupp than to the Ger- nan government (for example) this provision nakes evasion of its ruling exceedingly simple. ?or what is to prevent nationals of belligerent ountries from borrowing money from Americans ,nd in turn lending- that money to their govern- nent? The resolution purports to embody the so- alled cash and carry principle in Section 2, thus reventing the loss of American life and property in the high seas. The "cash" part of the act is certainly included vhen provision is made that export or trans- ort of All commodities to belligerents shall be inlawful until all right and interest therein as been transferred out of the hands of Amer- can nationals. But what of the "carry" provision? There is o mandatory prohibition of the transport of oods to belligerents in American vessels, manned y American seamen. Materials like cotton, oil, teel, and others. which will iundoubte~dly be de- The second of the "Let Freedom Ring" series will be on the CBS network at 10:30 p.m. tomor- row with a dramatization of the fight for trial by jury. - Next week the program is scheduled to present a portrayal of the early struggles con- nected with the issue of freedom of speech. "La Traviata" will be presented by Metropol- itan next Saturday afternoon. Bidu Sayao and Charles Kullmann will be heard in the major roles and that old standby, sonorous-voiced Mil- ton J. Cross, will be on hand to do the announcing. * * * * Jack Benny will try to sneak into Ben Bernie's studio Tuesday night with a violin under his arm and play as much of "Love in Bloom" or "The Bee" as he can before the Old Maestro catches him. Over NBC at 9 p.m. * * * * FOLLOWERS of the old Sinclair Minstrels will be glad to hear that Gene Arnold, the popular interlocutor on that ,program, will be back on the air with another edition of the same show every Wednesday night, starting this week. Arnold built up a tremendous following on the Sinclair Minstrels but was dropped from the show about a year ago in a manner that baffled everybody. He also used to advertise some kind of crystals. LABOR DEVELOPMENTS-Chrysler agreed to meet representatives of the United Automobile Workers in a collective bargaining conference to begin next Wednesday . . . Railroad manage- ments, while pondering the demands of the fouI great railroad brotherhoods and the switchmen for a 20 per cent wage increase, were confronted Tuesday with the demands of 16 more transpor- tation unions for a flat 20 cents n hour raise for all workers . . . General Motors conferees reached agreements on seniority, speed of pro- duction, and methods of pay but terms were not disclosed. Cases of alleged discrimination against union members, the length of the work week, and minimum wage scales remained to be settled ... Waukegan's Fansteel strikers were driven from the plants after a gas barrage by police, who failed in a similar attack a week before ... Ru- mors persisted that steel companies would raise wages soon for the second time within a year in an effort to forestall threatening labor troubles. * * * * TWO OPPOSED views around which disagree- ment over a neutrality bill has centered since the Italo-Ethiopian war thrust the problem to the front were still the pre-eminent stumbling blocks to agreement last week as one neutrality resolution was reported to the Senate and an- other to the House. The Pittman measure, in the Senate, outlines a program of mandatory ac- tion by the President to prevent .war-time en- tanglements. The McReynolds measure would allow the President to chart a rather independent course. With sponsors of each confident of sup- port from their own chamber, an inevitable clash in the conference committee is seen, and no one can say what neutrality policy the President may be asked to approve. * * * * - WASHINGTON NOTES - Dr. Francis E. Townsend was convicted by a District of Columbia jury of contempt of the House of Representatives in failing to heed a House com- mittee summons . . . With collective bargaining provisions substituted for nullified wage-hour regulations, a revised Guffey Coal Bill reached the floor of the House . . . President Roosevelt, determined upon a stringent pure food and drug act, indicated dissatisfaction with the pend- ing Copeland measure . . . Twenty-five hundred delegates from the American Youth Congress were in Washington to urge passage of the Amer- ican Youth Act, which provides for Federal em- ployment and educational aid. FOREIGN Explosive Cigarettes THE BAN on volunteers to Spain went into ef- fect with the beginning of the week, but the Non-Intervention Committee is still struggling with provisions for the naval blockade of the Iberian peninsula which is scheduled for March 6. The Loyalist forces reported the only consis- tent gains in Spain last week as Asturian leftists, lighting dynamite fuses from their cigarettes, blasted their way into the far Northern city of Oviedo and sent rebels scurrying for shelter in the sewers of the city. Blocked in their attempt to sever the Valen- cia-Madrid road, fascists fell back into the Ja- rama Valley, so hard-pressed that General Franco summoned reserves from a third arena of the Civil War-the South. The insurgents had covered half the distance from Malaga to Almeria, a coastal city at the southweast corner of Spain, but the drain of troops to Madrid ap- pears to'have halted this advance. Fighting of increasing intensity was reported in Aragon, a fourth theatre of war, where the fascists are attempting to break through to the sea between Valencia and Barcelona. * * * POLAND'S MILITARY RULERS formed a new party last Monday. In hamlets and cities throughout the country the proclamation of this party's creed was spread by radio, pamphlet, and poster and the people were urged to join. Vaguely worded, possibly, some believe, to at- tract as many recruits as possible, the program provides for: (1) executive dominance, as estab- lished by the 1935 constitution, (2) preferment to the army as the nation's great uniting force, (3) privilege and protection for the Catholic Church, (4) tolerance of other creeds, (5) gov- ernment control of production when necessary for national defense and reemployment, and government control of employer-emploee rela- tions, (6) anti-communism, (7) recognition of the peasant problem, with vague promises of lan distlrihiiiinnapnl,~vr ~n1vtm, t in ,- *.c-,a tet. Two songs for soprano, (a). "Boats of Mine"- (b). "Scotch Song" Two songs from the German, (a). '"Barbarossa" (b). "Mein Vaterland" Two songs for contralto, (a). "Passer mortuus est" (b). "Our Father Who Art Heaven" "Dirge," for dance mime with piano accompaniment. THIEATR E Tatterman's 'Peer Gynt' William Duncan and Edward Mabley present The Tatterman Marionettes in Henrick Ibsen's dramatic poem PEER GYNT. Text translated by William and Charles Archer. Music by Edvard Grieg. Production designed by Terence Von Duren, staged by William Duncan, di- rected by Edward Mabley. Marionettes carved by Roy Patton. Music by the University Symphony Orchestra, Earl V. Moore, conductor. jBy JAMES DOLL WITHOUT any doubt the experi- ment of doing Peer Gynt with marionettes instead of living actors would seem to be well worth trying. After seeing it carefully produced by the Tatterman Marionettes it still seems to have been an experiment worth trying but one only successful to a rather limited degree. The play, though full of the sort of fantasy that puppets can usually do so well, is conceived on too large a scale for the puppets to be effective. One feels throughout the lack of living actors for which at best the ma- rionettes seem to be only a substitu- tion. This is partly due to the way the actor-puppeteers played their parts. They gave full strong per- formances, no doubt necessary to the play, but this always seemed to call attention to the fact that the actors one saw were only dolls. Also, the playing of the Grieg mu- sic by a large orchestra threw- the production off balance-made the audience still more aware of the lack of human characteristics in the pup- pets. It was a delight to hear Grieg's music as played by the University Symphony Orchestra but it seemed separate from what was happening or had happened on the stage. It was successful, of course, in capturing mood, but failed when it accompanied action on the stage. For example, in Anitra's dance and in the conclusion of the Troll Hall scene, the action on the stage seemed puny and ineffec- tive because of the contrast between the force of the orchestra and the delicacy of the stage action. But this does not mean that the production was completely unin- teresting or that there were not ex- cellent moments. There were many effective bits throughout the per- formance. The last scene was espe- cially moving. So was Ase's death scene-due to the fine performance by the actress-puppeteer who played the part. The performances were uniformly good. It was not execution but con- ception, rather, that was at fault, and the difficulties inherent in the prob- lem. The scenery, costumes, design and execution of the marionettes was always effective from the point of view of what the producers seemed to be trying to do. There should have been more pure marionette treatment like the moment where Peer and the Green-Clad Woman ride away. on the pig. It seems ungracious to point out these faults in a production as sin- cere and as well-executed as this one. Some of the faults were due to the inherent difficulties in the experi- ment of transferring Peer Gynt to the puppet theatre and could not be real- ized until the transfer had actually been made. ESCAPE FROM WRECK COLUMBUS, 0., Feb. 27.-( )- Sidney H. Kubersky of Waterford, In I (Continued from Page 3) Hall at 12:30 today. Registration for discussion groups will begin atn 12:15 and the groups will be closed as soon as they are filled. Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Prof. S. A. Courtis and. others are assisting in the program.I The Student Fellowship of the Con- gregational Church, Sunday, Feb. 28: The Devotional Group will hold its meeting at 5 p.m. The discussion, concerning the "Present Day Ob- servance of Lent" will be led by Mrs. John Luther. First Baptist Church, Sunday, Feb. 28: 10:45 a.m., sermon by Rev. R. Edward Sayles, on "What is Reli- gion?" Roger Williams Guild, Sunday, Feb. 28: 12 o'clock Mr. Chapman will con- tinue discussion of "The Prophet Amos and His Message." 6:15 p.m. Prof. Howard Y. Mc- Cluskey will speak to the students on "If I Were A Student .. . " Questions and discussion invited. A social hour with refreshments will conclude the evening. Ann Arbor Friends' Group, Sunday, Feb. 28: The group will meet at the Michi- gan League. Meeting for worship will be followed by a cafeteria supper, after which there will be a dis- cussion entitled "What's Ahead for Youth?" The discussion will be led by Ray Johns, director of the Youth Study carried on by the Council of Social Agencies of Metropolitan De- torit during the past year. Mr. Johns is a member of the staff of the Mich- igan State Y.M.C.A. Everyone interested is cordially in- vited. Stalker Hall, Sunday, Feb. 28: 9:45 a.m., Student class and dis- cussion under the leadership of Mr. Bollinger. 6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting. Mr. H. D. Bollinger of Chicago will be our speaker. Fellowship hour and supper following the meeting. First Methodist Church, Sunday, Feb. 28: 10:30 a.m., morning worship. Dr. C: W. Brashares will preach on "Mind or Motion?" Trinity Lutheran Church, William at S. Fifth Ave. Rev. Henry Yoder, pastor, Sunday, Feb. 28: Lenten services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Theme, "The Martyr's Crown." Lenten devotions are held each Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. A series of meditations on "Teach- ings We Surely Believe" is being de- veloped. These services are for the students. First Presbyterian Church, Sunday, Feb. 28. Meeting at the Masonic Temple. "For Spiritual Security" is the topic upon which Dr. Lemon will preach at the morning worship service at 10:45 a.m. This is the third of a Lenten series on "Letters on Life." Special music by the student choir and double quartette. Dr. Robert Shaw will be the guest speaker at the Westminster Guild, student group, meeting at 6:30 p.m. He will speakondthe subject "Im- pressions of Lands and Peoples." A supper and social hour will preceed the meeting at 5:30 p.m. All stu- dents are invited. Church of Christ (Disciples), Sun- day, Feb. 28: 10:45 a.m., morning worship. Rev. Fred Cowin, minister. 12 noon,. Students' Bible Class. H. L. Pickerill, leader. 5 p.m., social hour and tea. 6:30 p.m., discussion program. Pro- fessor Kermit Eby, a prominent mem- ber of the Ann Arbor High School Faculty, will address the Guild on "Academic Freedom." Opportunity will be given for discussion. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, C. A. Brauer, minister. Sunday, Feb. 28: Lenten service in German at 9:30 a.m. Regular morning worship at 10:45 a.m. Sermon by the pastor on "Places of Honor in His Kingdom." Prof. D. V. Baxter of the School of Forestry and Conservation will give an illustrated lecture at 6:30 p.m. His topic will be "On and Off Alaskan Trails." Lutheran students and friends are cordially invited. Fellowship hour and supper at 5:30 p.m. Lutheran Student Club, Sunday, Feb. 28: The speaker for the evening will be Dr. Carroll Rockey, who has been pastor for Lutheran Students at the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Rockey will tell us of some of his experiences on the University campus. Fellowship and supper is at 5:30 p.m. and the forum hour is at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend "Twelve Points of Humanism." 9 p.m., social hour. Hillel Foundation: At 8 p.m. the Hillel Foundation will commemorate the Festival of Purim, the Feast of Lots, which is celebrated the world over. All students on the campus are cordially invited to attend. A short program has been arranged, a Purim Play will be presented by the chil- dren of the Hillel Sunday School. A social hour and refreshments will follow. Coming Events Faculty, School of Education: The regular monthly meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, March 1, at 12 o'clock at the Union. The Women's Research Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3024, Mu- seums Building, on Monday, March 1. Dr. Alvalyn Woodward will speak on the subject, "The growth of the rabbit's vagina during pregnancy." Junior Research Club: The March meeting will be held on Tuesday eve- ning, March 2, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2083 Nat. Sci. Bldg. Program: Origin of the Tertiary Igneous Rocks of the Front Range Porphyry Belt, by T. S. Lovering, Geology Dept. Electric Fields and Electron Flow in Vacuum Tubes, by W. G. Dow, Electrical Engineering Department. Luncheon for Graduate Students on Wednesday, March 3, in the Rus- sian Tea Room of the Michigan League Building. Professor Ralph W. Aigler of the Law School, will speak informally on "The Spureme Court." The Romance Club will meet on Tuesday, March 2, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 108 RL. The program will be as follows: Professor Merlino: Some special types of Italian research publications. Mr. Staubach: The Influence of Pierre Bayle on Feijoo. There will be three other meetings during the semester. Each will fall on the first Tuesday of the month. Graduate students are invited. Germaln Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held tomorrow at 12:10 in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members inter- ested in speaking German are cordi- ally invited. There will be an in- formal 10-minute -talk by Prof. Ernst Philippson. Varsity Debate: There will be a meeting of men interested in debate on Tuesday, March 2, at 4:00 p.m. in Room,4203 A.H. Anyone wishing to try out should come prepared to give a three minute speech on some phase of the proposition: Resolved, That Congress should be empowered to enact minimum wages and maximum hours for industry. Hiawatha Club: There will be a meeting on Monday, March 1, at 8 p.m. in the Union. All members and prospective members are asked to be present as important business must be settled. Adelphi meets Tuesday evening, March 2, at 7:30. Discussion of the Supreme Court issue will be led by three members of the society. The meeting, in the form of a smoker, will be open to all those interested in the work of Adelphi. Sigma Rho Tau: Freshman team will debate Ypsilanti women's team Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. at the Union. New members will be assigned to circles. Iota Sigma Pi: Business meeting to be held Tuesday evening, March 2, at 7:30, at Miss Virginia Heard's res- idence, 1020 South University Avenue. Michigan Union: There will be a meeting of all freshman tryouts for the staff of the Michigan Union, on Tuesday, March 2, at 5 p.m. All try- outs, whether or not they have pre- ; viously signed up, will please be present. Nine Days 'A Queen. Box office hours: Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. EuFriday, 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Art Cinema League. Faculty Women's Club: The Book Shelf and Stage section will be en- tertained at the home of Mrs. E. B. Mains, 1911 Lorraine Place, on March 2. Dessert at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Win: C. Steere is assisting hostess. The Annual Style Show of the Michigan Dames' Homemaking Group will be helT Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League. The theme of the Style Show is the Coronation in London, and the mod- els are now at the Grand Hotel in London. * * * * ~THE SCREEN}J Maid Of Salem AT THE MAJESTIC HERE IS A PICTURE that is out of the ordi- nary. It's scene is Salem, 1692; its prin- cipal characters, a puritan Massachusetts maiden and a Virginia rebel; its theme-witchcraft. These elements are combined with careful pro- duction and capable actors-the net result is a good motion picture, but not an epic. Barbara, a girl in the puritan settlement is living her routined life until she meets a fugitive from Virginian justice. Of course, love buds and the rebel leaves Barbara until he can come back to her with a cleared name. Then the .main action of the story develops-the witch scare is on. It rises in intensity until even Bar- bara is condemned as a practitioner of the art. But of course our hero from Virginia comes to the rescue. To me, there is a great deal of power in a certain portion of the picture-it is in the manner in which the witch hysteria is built up. There is a child whose participation in the story is similar to that of the problem child in "The Children's Hour." Watch for this child, and notice the excellence of the treatment of her psychological motivation. The bhacrouind fortwhe Atrv is icpriy wP1