THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, FEB. 27, 1937 -Associated Press Photo The Century wallpaper plant in Decatur, Ill., closed by a sit-down strike, prepared to resume operations after the last 47 workers evacuated the plant and submitted to arrest for contempt of court. Shown is Sheriff Emery Thornell (right) distributing the contempt citations to strikers as they emerged from the plant. CAMPUS ::;LIFE: By J. A. B. These days everybody stops HomerI Caldwell, '37, on the street and re- peats the question: "Where's Sandy?" When they learn that he died of distemper, that he lay for a week,E his big tawny body stretched on ant old rug, trembled when he attemptedN to rise on his legs, and then died,t they tell Homer they're sorry.1 Sandy was one of the most widely- acquainted dogs on the campus thef past year. He was a three-year-old St. Bernard, stood three feet high, and weighed 155 pounds. He was1 Homer's inseparable companion. Homer lives with Prof. William H.: Hobbs out on Hill Street, and to that1 eminent geologist, the death of Sandyc brought back memories of the pass- ing in 1930 of a beloved Collie of the same name. Professor Hobbs didn't go to his classes for three days. Homer's Sandy lies buried in the back yard beside the Sandy that went along on a Greenland expedition. Homer, clad in his forestry school khaki, and Sandy with a package of meat in his mouth-his supper- was a familiar sight. The huge St. Bernard went along on surveying trips, on hikes through the woods, along to every class. And after a; day of such scholarly pursuits, slept at the foot of his master's bed. Sandy had a lot of friends but, he was a one-man dog. It doesn't seem natural, somehow, to see Homer striding across the diagonal at dusk with no Sandy, running gracefully, close at his side. for discussion groups will begin at 12:15 and the groups will be closed, as soon as they are filled. Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Prof. S. A. Courtis and others are assisting in the program. The Student Fellowship of the Con- gregational Church, Sunday, Feb. 28: The Devotional Group will hold its meeting at 5 p.m. The discussion, concerning the, "Present Day Ob- servance Lent" will be led by Mrs. John Luther. First Baptist Church, Sunday, Feb. 28: 10:45 a.m., sermon by Rev. R. Edward Sayles, on "What is Reli- gion?" Roger Williams Guild, Sunday, Feb. 28: 12 o'clock Mr. Chapman will con- tinue discussion of "The Prophet Amos and His Message." 6:15 p.m. Prof. Howard Y. Mc- Cluskey will speak to the students on "If -I Were A Student ; . . " Questions and discussion invited. A social hour with refreshments will conclude the evening. He Believes Position Is Simpler Than In Time CopelandHeld Office By EARL GILMAN Prof. Walter Sadler of the Engin- eering College contradicted yesterday the recent opinion of Senator Royal S. Copeland, (Dem. N.Y.) who said that "being mayor of Ann Arbor is a 'tough job'." Professor Sadler, now seeking Copeland's- old job, said that the office of mayor would not be in- compatible with his present position. Professor Sadler pointed out that the duties of the office are now much simpler than in the days of 1901 and 1903 when Copeland was elected on the Republican ticket. Copeland gave out the above quoted statement when he was recently approached to run for mayor of New York City under his present Democratic allegiance. 52 Persons On Committees "At present," Professor Sadler said, "most of the actual work here is done by the 15 members of the city council and by 11 city commissions. There are 52 people who make up the commissions, which are also part time jobs and which draw their members from business people, professional men, workers, and the University fac- ulty." He added that the only full- time elective offices are those of city clerk and city assessor. Professor Sadler said that the only professor ever to hold the office of mayor was the late Dr. Cyrus G. Darl- ing of the medical and dental school, who was elected in 1894. For a sum- mary of the other incumbents since that day he showed that the mayors were respectively: merchants, lum- bermen, doctors, attorneys, an organ manufacturer, a wagon maker, a judge and most recently an oil dealer and at present former controller of the University, Robert Campbell. Several Professors In Service "There is no reason why a profes- sor would not make an equally good mayor," Professor Sadler asserted. "There are several faculty men now who are in city politics." Professor Sadler currently is the president of the city council. He said the reason he went in for politics was because he thought everyone ought to take an interest in his community and be "civic conscious." He stated that he felt that he qualified for the position which he will seek in Mon- day's primary because he is trained as both engineer and a lawyer. He stated that he does not know of anything at present that he intends to do in the way of a platform. He declared that he is in favor of the present commission system and thinks that it is an especially good organ of government for a town in which there is a combination of university and business men who are willing to offer their voluntary services in municipal activities. Mayor's Job Not A 'Tough' One Says Sadler, Seeking Position double quartette. Dr. Robert Shaw will be the guest speaker at the Westminster Guild, student group, meeting at 6:30 p.m. He will' speak on the subject "Im- pressions of Lands and Peoples." A supper and social hour will preceed the meeting at 5:30 p.m. All stu- dents are invited. Church of Christ (Disciples), Sun- day, Feb. 28: 10:45 a.m., morning worship. Rev. Fred Cowin, minister. 12 noon, Students' Bible Class. H. L. Pickerill, leader. 5 p.m., social hour and tea. 6:30 p.m., discussion program. Pro- fessor Kermit Eby, a prominent mem- ber of the Ann Arbor High School Faculty, will address the Guild on "Academic Freedom." Opportunity will be given for discussion. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, C. A. Brauer, minister. Sunday, Feb. 28: Lenten service in German at 9:30 a.m. Regular morning worship at 10:45 a.m. Sermon by the pastor on "Places of Honor in His Kingdom." Prof. D. V. Baxter of, the School of Forestry and Conservation will give an illustrated lecture at 6:30 p.m. His topic will be "On and Off Alaskan Trails." Lutheran students and friends are cordially invited. Fellowship hour and supper at 5:30 p.m. Lutheran Student Club, Sunday, Feb. 28: The speaker for the evening will be Dr. Carroll Rockey, who has been pastor for Lutheran Students at the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Rockey will tell us of some of his experiences on the University campus. Fellowship and supper is at 5:30 p.m. and the forum hour is at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend our meetings. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, Feb. 28 : 409 S. Division St. Services at 10:30 a.m., subject, "Christ Jesus." Unitarian Church, Sunday, Feb. 28: 7 p.m., Mr. Marley will speak on "Man Controlling His Destiny." 7:45 p.m., Student discussion on "Twelve Points of Humanism." 9 p.m., social hour. Sigma Delta Chi will hold a lun- cheon business meeting, 12:15 p.m. Tuesday, at the Union. Members and pledges who cannot attend the meet- ing are requested to communicate with the president before Tuesday. Ann Arbor Friends' Group, Sunday, Feb. 28: The group will meet at the Michi- gan League. Meeting for worship will be followed by a discussion entitled, "What's Ahead for Youth?" The dis- cussion will be led by Ray Johns, director of the Youth Study carried on by the Council of Social Agencies of Metropolitan Detroit during the past year. Mr. Johns is a member of the staff of the Michigan State Y. M. cussion under the leadership of Mr. Bollinger. 6 p.m., Wesleyan Guild meeting. Mr. H. D. Bollinger of Chicago will be our speaker. Fellowship hour and supper following the meeting. First Methodist Church, Sunday, Feb. 28: 10:30 a.m., morning worship. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "Mind or Motion?" C. A. . Everyone interested is cordially in- Trinity Lutheran Church, William vited. at S. Fifth Ave. Rev. Henry Yoder, I i Westminster Guild: Members and friends are invited to 'an informal dance tonight at Lane Hall from 9 until 12. Music by Jacob's Wolver- ine orchestra. Specialties. Refresh- ments. Wesleyan Guild: Semi-formal re- ception for Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Boll- inger at the Michigan League in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room at 9 p.m. today. Mr. Bollinger is the Na- tional Director of the Wesley Foun- dation. All Methodist students and their friends are cordially invited. Stalker Hall, Sunday, Feb. 28: 9:45 a.m., Student class and dis- I pastor, Sunday, Feb. 28: Lentenuserviceswill:be held at 10:30 a.m. Theme, "The Martyr's Crown." Lenten devotions are held each Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. A series of meditations on "Teach- ings We Surely Believe" is being de- veloped. These services are for the students. First Presbyterian Church, Sunday, Feb. 28. Meeting at the Masonic Temple. "For Spiritual Security" is the topic upon which Dr. Lemon will preach at the morning worship service at 10:45 a.m. This is the third of a Lenten series on "Letters on Life." Special music by the student choir and i TYPEWRITERS All makes and models, Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchanged, Repaired. 04 D. Morri! 314 SOUTH STATE SRE I "'. qkVALUE KEYto'3Z K roPerty Of y Mich19an vertiser is in the advertisement's of the MICHIGAN DAILY. 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