THE MIC HIGAN fAILY FRIDAY, I - ',~"'---'-'.~-.''.'.'-~'--.m "----.----~--.-'~.--'--,' TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY I A i W3 Member 1937 PwCocdd Oeia Pr$ Distributors of Published every morning except Monday dUting the University year and Hummer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entity* to the une tar republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited iii this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also tesetved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann ArborMichigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4 A; by mail, $4.50c. RyPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ACVEAtISINGsH OY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * Bo'Si *' - SAN FRANCISdO6 Los ANGELE ' .'ORTLAND «*tAttLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.............ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE-EDITOR...........RED WAlNER ,NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR....MARSHALL, D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Riahard Hershey Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins Depattmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. ierce, ,chairman; James B~o~er, Arnold S. Daniels, Josetph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. !Reportorial Departmezt: ?lred "Wiarner iNeal, haliffan; Ralph Hurd, William 4,.Shackieton, Irving S. Silver- man, William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey.. Editorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George "J, Andros, Chairman;. Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond GOod nian, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairnan: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickrojot, 'Theresa Swab, Business Department BUSI4ESS MANAGER ........... .JO f B. PARK ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER . WILLIAM ARNDT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......JEAN KFINATH Business Assistants: Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil tu- chen, Tracy Buekwaler, Marshall Sampson, Newton Ketcham, Robert Ld~ge, Ralph Shelton, Bill. NeWv- nan, Leonard Seigelrnan, Richard,, Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layhe, J. D. Haas, -RuisCale. Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane Steiner, N'ancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, 'etsy Crawford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Manag'er Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na- tional Advertising and Circulatiofn Manager; Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT CUMMINS of formulating a unified policy for all China. Particularly in the last two years has the de- mand for resistance to Japanese invasions be- come articulate. Student mass demonstrations, protest strikes of workers, urgent advocacy in many forms by business men for a *.clearly de- fined anti-Japanese policy have occupied the at- tention of the government in this period. If we study each of the communist proposals we find that there are justifications, underlying reasons and facts for them. 1. Half a million men and bombing planes have been poured into futile anti-communist campaigns since Chiang Kai-shek split with them. As an effort to unify the nation this was 'wasteful of energy, materials and spirit. 2. The lack of freedom of speech, press and assemblage we showed in an editorial on Dec. 17, presenting Lin Yu-tang's account of a police attack on anti-Japanese meeting, the account of which failed to find a place in any of the following day's newspapers. 3. A national congress with a broad basis of representation will enable large groups of cur- rently opposition groups to the government to voice their opinions and aid the consolidation of -policy. In this respect China, a republic, will have truly great representative government. 4. Immediate preparation for national de- fense means the cooperation of the Red Aimie with the National Armies and all their facilities in active resistance to Japanese incursions. A series of successes in November and December of last year should prove the capability of Chi- nese forces to meet Japan. " 5. Immediate adjustment of the living con- ditions of the masses of Chinese people may be a proposal with no meaning. It may merely be that kind of proposal which we know in this country as an election promise. On the other hand it may have serious and determined support. What must be constantly remembered in this situation is that the anti-Japanese sentiment of the largest groups of China is so great that if it is not recognized in one form, it will manifest itself rapidly in more evident forms. The government has wisely exhibited its de- sire to consider Chou en-lai's proposals, ren- dering increased prestige to the Chinese Soviet government. Some elements in the Koumintang will object to union with the Communists, the strongest anti-Japanese force, but the major.ity of its elements are capable of seeing the beauty of unity. THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Wanted: Concrete Suggestions To the Editor: I happened to see a film last Thursday eve- ning in N.S.A., the purpose of which was to ex- pose the perfidy of the munitions trust, and so arouse the student against war. The film was sponsored by a rather what seems to me fanatical portion of the student body, whose emotions out- run their logic. They proposed to show that wars of today are incited by schemes of the ammunitions plants, and that the cure for war consists simply of doing away with the duPonts, Remington, Ajax, Hercules and other subsidiaries whose chief pur- pose is to manufacture war materials, along with an equally impressive number of Continental allies. They assume that if the sources of war materials were destroyed, there would be no wars. Yes, very good logic, so far as it goes- but it must be remembered that all must do it to make the plan effective, and I do not believe it can be done. A careful examination of history and the con- ditions of today will make it apparent that the munitions trust is only a drop in the bucket so far as the causes of war are concerned. The schemings of the munitions ring are but reflec- tions of a most undesirable set of conditions, and I do not think that just because the mirror is smashed, the real object ceases to exist. Zaroff and associates are only incidental. While I do admit that the munitions industries do everything they can to foment international disputes to increase their profits, I can not help feeling that their attempts would be futile were not far more fundamental causes involved. Wars in the past have been . fought under many pretexts, but in the main they can be traced to lust for power on the part of some individual; jealousy of one potentate for an- other's money, 'land, or superior attributes, etc.; fancied insults or slights; and lastly economic pressure on the population of a territory as a whole. It is this last cause that is the most far- reaching both in damage done in a war, and the aftermath of bitterness. The Romans had lust for power as their guiding motive, and the more they got, the more they wanted. One king of France went out to kill a neighboring ruler because the latter called the king of France a pig-no mean insult to be sure, but not sufficient to cost the number of men it did. The Goths swooped down out of the north into Roman territory because there wasn't enough food to feed a rapidly increasing population. And there was war simply because the Romans could not see the advantage of surrendering any territory to a barbarous, un- ruly wave of outsiders. Hunger drove them on, and the Romans killed them off as fast as they came, but the pangs of hunger finally sent down too many of them for the legions and the latter were swamped by numbers and corruption within their own ranks. It was economic pressure that drove the Goths down and it is nonnmic nroeire that is imnac- BENEATH **** ** * IT ALL Aa-fty Bonth Wiiams-- - BENEATH IT ALL: Chuck Kocsis, 1936 Mich- igan golf captain and famous amateur com- petitor, is taking a crack at journalism under the tutelage of Professor Maurer with the idea that he may some day become a sports writer. If he ever develops into as great a spors writer as he is a golfer, he should really hit the, top ... Jean Keinath plans to attend Kathernine Gibbs before starting in on her career as a Latin teacher . . . Harry Wismer, who conducts the WJR nightly sports talk was sports editor of the Michigan State News last yer ... Asked about costumes for one of the JGP choruses, the powers behind it replied, "Shorts as short as can get by the Dean's office . . . Marion Saunders is spending most of her timres these days rounding up boys and girls whose poppas and mamas have enough spare sheckels to send them on one of those all-expense blingers lasting through the summer with Europe as the general locale . . . Johnny Park, Frank Dannemiller, and Torn Sul-1 livan have the best chance of copping jobs with General Electric is the word passed on by those in the know ... ADD BENEATH IT ALL: The Sigma Phi's plan to capitalize on their Miller Sherwood to make a success of the booth which they will sponsor at the Michigras. Miller sits on a platform over a tub of water and people throw balls at a mark. Every time they hit it the august Men's Council head is unceremoniously dumped into the tub . . . The name "Michigras" by the way was contributed by Herb Wolf, who 'did not known until afterwards that a literal translation would be "Fat Michigan" . . . Don Graves, roommate of this column and also known as the FUrry Fellow, worked up a couple of suck- ers on that old "which two numbers of the dice come up the most often" racket until they were just ripe for the kill. With five bucks riding on the finale, the 5-4 odds on any two numbers crossed him up, and the lambs sheered the furry wolf in a most amusing reversal of form ... Agitation for a club car on Sunday's snow train to Cadillac is roaring and raging across the campus as more and more tickets are being sold for the big Sunday excursion. Indications at present are that the demand will be satisfied by the Ann Arbor R.R.which isapromotingethe trip. It looks like 'a real party at this stage of the game. yard of tillable land for each native. That land, it is easily seen, is taxed to the limit now, and something is going to break in the near future with the population increasing. Some propose that the excess population be drained off to another land. Well, we all know how the polite little people were welcomed here by the ban on yellow immigration. Similarly elsewhere. So, others advocate the industrialization of Japan. And she has done just that. But, be- cause her workmen have a low standard of liv- ing, Japan can undersell British, American, and Dutch goods, and it has nearly wrecked the British textile industry. Then, in an effort to save their own industries, Britain, Holland, and' America, set up tariff barriers, which defeat the purpose of industrializing Japan. There remain but two solutions-sitting down and starving to death, or the alternative of gambling with death in an attempt to wrest those materials so vital for human existence. In such a game where there is everything to be gained and nothing to be lost, the reader does not need to think twice which he would do. War is all that is left. Nominally, Japan was not at war with China, her weakest possibility, but in effect she was-the reason?-colonization to make it possible to support her population. Italy was not at war with Ethiopia nominally, bt the Italian colors float over that 'land. Whom G rmany intends to subdue remains to be seen, but the same forces are driving her to war too. And of them a population in excess of what the country will support is the chief trouble. The problem is made only more acute by the baby-raising contests of the two shirt-sleeve dictators on the Continent. Then to aggravate the situation, old hates, and traditional jeal- ousies. between nations are brought out of the closet and waved before the populations. Mus- solini has the revival of the Roman =Empire to entice his followers. Hitler hAs the Nordic su- periority complex to puff up the ego of the Ger- mans. Line up fifty Germans chosen at ran- dom, and you may find two or three that might pass the test for Aryans, but then he can not see that. Such stupid, malicious propaganda would only be hissed at and laughed at in normal times, but the pinch of hard times changes the focus of the outlook of a people so that a beautiful mirage results. The people of some means in all these coun- tries do not take it seriously, but to those in dire poverty, and they are by far the majority at the present time, such a mirage appears boun- tiful, and the dictator painting it a deity. The Jews in Germany serve as objects to distract the resentment of the general populace until such time that the military force will be built up to a point where it will be effective against real opposition, such as France. It is their bitterness over the economic situation that leads the pop- ulations of Germany, Italy, and Japan to pre- pare for war. We do not experience such hard- ships in this country and Britain, as we have plenty of resources, and our'population has not reached the limit which the land will support, and hence we look on others as silly sheep being led to the brink of a precipice called war. I think I know what every reader would do if he lived in such hardshin -H. would Tfa righti in i. SCREN Rainbow On The River AT THE MICHIGAN "Rainbow on the River" as a pic- ture does pretty well, in a slow and quiet way. For children, eight or eighty, it can be recommended as in- tensely moving drama, and whole- some too. For persons between those ages it is diversion in the lightest sense of the word. Bobby Breen is the child star who should appeal to the kiddies. Worked into the supporting story are two types of characters, those good-heart- ed and those hard-hearted. It takes time for the right ones to win out, and that time is consumed with some rather pleasant unraveling of compli- cations. Charles Butterworth and May' Robson provide some good fun, and, together with some ingeniously inserted trained mice, play the hero parts. The story shifts intermittently be- tween New Orleans and New York in the period after the Civil War when prejudices between the warring factions were not very much erased. An orphaned Southern boy is living with his loving old mammy, poorly and happily. A priest of the neigh- borhood traces down the boys con- nections to a grandmother still living in New York. Whereupon he is sent to the grandmother, who cannot be- lieve that he is hers, and consequently the boy lives-richly and unhappily. To add to his misery are an ob- noxious niece and a "little brat" grandniece, conniving to retain their inheritance from the aging grand- mother. Back home is the old mai- my grieving her heart out to think that her charge is in Yankee claws. But just as inevitably as the Civil War ended, so do the warrings be- tween which the young boy is caught end. A to-be-watched-for shot is the trained mice breaking loose at a stiff children's party. Heroically funny is the timid soul of Charles Butterworth turning man for a moment. Pamphlets Hint At Horror War Air Raids Hold library Displays Booklets Offering British Civilians Advice And Cautions Large scale civilian training in rescue work and first aid in frantic preparation for approaching war and menacing air raids is the subject of a group of pamphlets issued by the British government last year and now on display on the second floor of the General Library. The pamphlets, collected by R. Webb Noyes of the library staff, are titled "Air Raid Precautions," and are divided into two groups, three memoranda for local authorities, con- taining information on the organiza- tion of rescue and "decontamination" squads, and several handbooks giving special instructions for individuals. A typical as well as significant ex- cerpt from a section of one of the "Memoranda" entitled "Rescue of Persons Trapped in Damaged Build- ings" reads, "It would also be part of the duties of rescue parties to re- cover the bodies of persons killed in the collapse of buildings." This mat- ter-of-fact treatment of anticipated horrors runs through the instruc- tions. The memorandum entitled "Per- sonnel for Casualty Service" cautions county authorities that "men under 25 years of age who might want to enlist should not be taken." Two other handbooks provide in- structions for "Air Raid Precautions in Factories and Business Premises" and "Anti-Gas Precautions for Mer- chant Shipping." Respirators are be- ing manufactured for the government to issue to the entire civilian popula- tion" in the areas exposed to gas at- tack," according to the writer. The instructions for merchantrshipping include "preparation at the outbreak of war," and "preparation prior to entering a danger zone." '- of force in the end. All the muni- tions industry will have done is to put a little oil on the slide and ac- celerate the slip to the bottom. Force will be used on us, and to resist force, we will have to use force. And to resist effectively, we must have suf- ficient force, military equipment in a quantity to balance that of those who might strike us. Military prepared- ness is a necessary evil. We can, merely hope to find means of re- ducing the profits of the nanufac- turers of death-dealing equipment to a point where they will still continue in business, and yet not cost us too, much for what we get. It would be most foolish to destroy our own mu- nitions industries until Krupp, Vick- ers-Armstrong, etc. quit business. And they will not quit as long as there are causes of war such as overpop- ulation, lust for power, traditionaj hates, racial animosities. And what can we do about it? Nothing. We can merely keep pace with a mad race for armaments, and hope that after the inevitable collision has occurred, something better can be (Continued from Page 2) fact that the banks of the city are open only during the forenoon of Saturday, payroll checks will be is- sued on Friday, Feb. 26. The onlyr exception will be the Buildings and Grounds payroll. Since the time re- ports on the basis of which this pay- roll is made up are as of Thursday night, Feb. 25, it will be physically] impossible to get these checks ready before the usual payment date of the last week day of the month, naiely, Saturday. Shirley W. Smith. College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Juniors becoming eligible for candidacy for the first time in February 1937 are urged to call for their concentration slips beginning Tuesday, Feb. 23, and have slips ap- proved by the adviser, returning white slip to Room 4 U.H. by March 6. Attention of Hopwood Contestants is directed to page 6 of the Bulletin, Rule 14. No petition will be consid- ered by the committee after March 1, 1937. R. W. Cowden. To the Members of the Faculties: Notice has been received that St. Mark's School, SJuthborough, Mass., is offering three prize competitive scholarships for boys entering the school in September, 1937.- The se- lection will be based on scholastic achievement and qualities of char- acter and leadership, and the suc- cessful candidates will be expected to meet the entrance examinations for the first, second and third form (7th, 8th, 9th grades, respectively). This notice is published in order that the. sons of faculty members may be given consideration. The notice con- cerning the scholarships may be in- spected at 201 Angell Hall. Academic Notices Sociology 51, Sec. 3, Danhof, MF 10, meets 'hereafter in D Haven.. Economics 181: Final examination make-up will be held this afternoon,. 1 to 4 pm. Fine Arts 192: Those who missed the lecture on the Chinese Art Ex- hibit please meet at the Exhibit in the Architectural Building today, at 5 p.m. Chemistry hereafter in DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of.the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 aan. on Saturday. 47, Section II, will meet Room 27 East Hall. A Proposal For hinese U.ty . CHINA STANDS at the moment on the verge of performing an act which will be the most significant in her stormy 20th century history. Last week Chinese Com- munist leaders offered a plan for a united front with the Nanking government, its consistent and uncompromising enemy for more than ten years. Its purpose is anti-imperialist and pro-demo- cratic. Following are the five proposals which Chouen- lai, vice chairman of the Chinese Soviet govern- ment, presented to the meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang, sole legal political party in China: 1. Cessation of all kinds of civil wars and uniting of all the Chinese people to oppose Japan. 2. Freedom of speech, press and assembly in the Republic of China and freeing of all political prisoners. 3. Holding a national congress with a wide basis of representation including all parties, armies, and unions. 4. ' Immediate preparations for national de- fense. 5. Immediate adjustment of living conditions of the masses of the Chinese people. If the government accepts the proposals the Communists are willing to: 1. Cease all opposition to the Nanking gov- ernment. 2. Cease confiscation of all lands and proper- ties of landlords. 3. Promise "denunciation" of communism and arrange a special area for occupation in which a democratic government will 1eplace the Soviet system. On the surface the move appears to be a star- tling reversal of the Communist position. On the surface the whole line of the 1935 meeting of the Communist International in Moscow ap- peared to be a complete about-face, a denun- ciation of former revolutionary aims and ideals. France was one of the leading nations to fall in with the new policy of the People's, or United Front. Then Spain followed suit. And now Chinese Comnunists seek a People's Front. Actually, without attempting a judgment of the merits of the policy, it was in direct adher- ence to precedents set by Lenin, the leader of the Communists. According to him, and ac- cording to his writings at the time the treaty of Brest-Litovsk was concluded it was worth taking one step backward in order to take two steps forward. Any one who could not see the reason- ableness of such a thesis, Lenin asserted, was not a real social revolutionary. For those critics, right or wrong, who are prone to jeer at an "ob- vions reversa ''" faiihire. we offer this Mathematics 6, Tu. Thurs. at 9, will meet in Room 2300 East Engin- eering beginning Tuesday, March 2, instead of in 340 West Engineering. Botany I: Make-Up Final Examin- ation for students who were absent from the regular exam last semester will be given on Monday, March 1, from 7-10 p.m. in Room 2003 N.S. This is the departmental exam and none other will be given. Geology 11: The make-up final in this course for the first semester of the 1937-37 year will be given Sat- urday morning, Feb. 27, from 8 to 11. This will be the only chance to take this examination. Geology 12: The make-up final in this course for the second semester of the 1936-37 year will be given Saturday morning, Feb. 27, from 8 to 11. This will be the only chance to take this examination. History Make-Up Examination: The make'-up examination in all his- tory courses will be given' Friday af- ternoon, March 12, fromn3 to 6 p.m, in Room C, Haven Hall. All stu- dents who missed the final examina- tion in any history course must see their instructor before Wednesday, March 10, to receive permission to take this make-up. Written permis- sion from the instructor must be pre- sehted by the student at the time of the make-up examination. There' will be no other make-up examination in history. Concerts Faculty Concert: Arthur Hackett, tenor; Wassily Besekirsky, violinist; and Joseph Brinkman, pianist, will appear in a miscellaneous concert Sunday afternoon, Feb. 28, in Hill Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. The public, with the exception of small children, is invited without admission charge. Lectures University Lecture: Prof. Homero Seris, formerly librarian of the Cen- ter for Historical Studies at Madrid, will lecture under the auspices of the' Department of Library Science on the subject "Experiences of Wartime Spain" on Monday, March 1, at 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Auditor- ium. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Prof. Alexan- der R. Hohlfeld, of the University of Wisconsin, will lecture on "Richard Wagner, Dramatist," (in English) on Lectures in Mathematics: Prof. Otto Szasz, formerly of the University of Frankfort A.M., visiting lecturer in mathematics at the University of Cincinnati, will deliver a series of three lectures on topics in analysis. The second lecture will be given today at 4:15 p.m. in Room 3017 on "Ap- proximation of Continuous 'Func- tions." Prince HubertusLoewenstein, world reknowned authority on Modern Ger- many, will lecture on "Germany, To- day, and Tomorrow" today at 4 p.m. in the Michigan League ballroom. The lecture is sponsored by Liberal Students Union, League for Human Rights, Prof. Shepard's Committee, Peace Council, and Hillel Foundation. Tickets will be on sale at Wahr's Bookstore and the Marilyn Shop on E. Liberty St. Theosophical Lecture: "A Vital Ap- proach to Life," by Miss Anita Hen- kel, national lecturer of The Theo- sophical Society in America, dt the Michigan League chapel today at 8 p.m. The public is cordially invited. TheosophiceanLecture: "Making Life's Adjustments," by Miss Anita Henkel, national lecturer of The Theosophical Society in America, at the Natural Science Auditorium to- day at 4:15 p.m., sponsored by the Student Theosophical Club. The public is cordially invited. An Exhibitions An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in- cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and peasant paintings, sponsored by the Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi- tectural building. Open daily from 9 to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the months of February and March. The public is cordially invited. Oil Paintings by Xarl Hofer in Alumni Memorial Hall are showing an extra week through Feb. 28, af- ternoons 2-5. Events Of Today English Journal Club meets this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in the League. Prof. Earl Leslie 'Griggs of the Eng- lish Department will speak on the subject, "Humanitarianism as a Phase of the Romantic Movement." The public is cordially invited. Esperanto: The Esperanto Class' will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall from 4:30 to 5:30 p'm. today. Sophomore Engineers: There will be an important class meeting today at 3:10 p.m. in Room 348. Some of the matters up for discussion will be class rings, jackets and finances. The Chinese Student Club: The first meeting of the Chinese Club for the second semester is to be held at Lane Hall this evening at 7 p.m. Saturday evening, Feb. '27 at 8:30 there will be a reception for Chinese Consul General from Chicago at the Michigan League. Fencing: There will be an elective fencing class for women today at 5 p.m. in Barbour Gymnasium. The Disciple Students' Guild will sponsor a recreation program this evening, 8 to 11 p.m. in the recreation hall at the Church of Christ, Hill and Tappan Sts. Table tennis, shuffle board, darts, numerous otheractivity games, folk games, quiet games and group singing will provide a variety of 'entertainment. All students re- gardless of religious affiliation are cordially invited. Coming Events Faculty, School of Education: The regular monthly meeting of the fac- ulty will be held on Monday, March 1, at 12 o'clock at the Union. The Women's Research Club will' meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3024, Mu- seums Building, on Monday, March 1. Dr. Alvalyn Woodward will speak on the subject, "The growth of the rabbit's vagina during pregnancy." k The Third Inter-Faith Symposium will be held Sunday, Feb. 28, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Small ballroom of the Michigan Union. The subject will be "Is Life Worth Living?" The Honorable Tschou-Kwong R. Kah, of Chicago will present the Confucian view, Rabbi Bernard Heller the Jew- ish view, Prof. W.. McLaughlin the Roman Catholic view, and Prof. P. W. Slosson the Protestant view. Tatterman Marionettes will present Henrik Ibsen's Peer Gynt, matinee and evening, this Saturday, February 27, with the University Symphony Orchestra playing Grieg's Peer Gynt Suites, Earl V. Moore conducting, at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets are still available at the box office at the Michigan League. Phone 6300. Phi Eta Sigma: There will be a dinner meeting the Union, at 6:15 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 28.