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June 05, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-06-05

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= .^i-. 7 ..
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the author ity of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
,:sEntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Mentber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS: Harold Garn, Joseph Gies; Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, Saul Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert Mayo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SP ORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsey
Anderson Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman;
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen 'Cuthbert; Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holden, Betty Lauer, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis
Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Har-
riet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and
Virginia Voorhees.
- Business Department
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Philip
Buchen, Contracts Manager; Robert Lodge, Local
Advertising Manager; William Newnan, Service Man-
ager; Marshall Sampson, Publications and Classified
Advertising Manager.
Jerome Davis
Meets Capitalism . .
,.succeeds in seeing Jerome Davis
on the outside of Yale's historic halls after June
a humiliating defeat will have been handed
to the cause of academic freedom.
From the very beginning of its short life be-
fore the public the case has never seemed other
than a clear and indefensible violation of ac-
Odemic freedom. Ostensibly, Professor Davis' 12-
year stay at the Yale Divinity School was termi-
nated because:
- 1. The Yale administration asserted that a
"pressing financial situation" existed.
2. The administration held that the Yale Cor-
poration ended Professor Davis' contract be-
cause, in the opinion of the Board of Permanent
Officers of the Yale Divinity School, Professor
Davis lacked "those qualities of scholarship,
judgment and poise which we justly expect in
members of the professorial staff." Also in rela-
tion to this charge Professor Davis' work as a
teacher was criticized.
Two entirely separate investigations of the
case were undertaken by a committee of the
American Federation of Teachers and one of
the American Association of University Profes-
sors. After careful consideration of the evidence
amassed by the two groups in recently published
reports the conclusion that Professor Davis is the
victim of a violation of academic freedom is
abundantly evident. However, the two groups
differ in their tones and in their choices of those
guilty for the professor's dismissal. In terms
amazingly subdued for so serious a denial of
rights the AAUP places the blame on the Board
of Permanent Officers of the Divinity School.
The AFT, in its extensive presentation of evi-
dence conclusively in favor of Professor Davis,
unequivocally names the banker-industrialist
controlled Yale Corporation.
Evidence was uncovered to show that at the

same time Professor Davis' contract was termi-
nated in order to decrease the budget two Di-
vinity School associate professors were promoted
to full professorships with salary increases. It
was also revealed that his work is done in
the endowed Stark Chair of Practical Philan-
thropy, that the Chair is to be continued, and
that "at least one effort has been made to
secure a successor."
Also offered as evidence is the favorably im-
pressive list of the names of some of the nation's
great scholars holding Dr. Davis in high esteem,
praising his work as definitely above the aver-
age, one member of the Columbia University
faculty fearing for the tenure of other teachers
less certain of their records in scholarship. Of
158 students in the Divinity School who were
approached for their signatures to a petition pro-
testing the action to remove him, 146 signed.
Why, actually, was Jerome Davis' contract
terminated after having served Yale for 12
years with a widely commended record?
Wealthy alumni, perturbed by Professor Davis'

Madison Square Garden in behalf of recognition
of the Soviet Union,
4. Writing a letter to inquire about the wages
paid to janitors in the Union Theological Sem-
5. Inviting Ferdinand Pecora who had just
made a public investigation of J. P. Morgan's
banking activities, to speak at Yale, and later
inviting Senator Gerald P. Nye, and finally
6. His publication of the book Capitalism
and Its Culture which was praised by scholars
in this country and in England. In it he was
critical of financial organizations directly related
to the Yale Corporation.
Only by vigilance to protect academic freedom
can there be an appreciable amount of it. This
principle we have emphasized in the past. We
also repeat with special emphasis, teachers must
organize in groups of their own choice to protect
their working rights. Public condemnation of
the Yale Corporation's purely unsportsmanlike
action may change their view of Professor Davis.
We place our faith in these types of direct
MikeNeeds AJob..
MIKE KATOPODIS is out of a job.
Mike is one of the pin boys who
went on strike at the Ann Arbor Recreation
Center in April and subsequently was dismissed.
He has been working for Prof. Earl L. Griggs
of the English department recently and both
Professor Griggs and Rev. Henry Lewis of St.
Andrew's Church, who is acquainted with Mike
and his family, guarantee that he is a good
worker at any sort of job.
Although he is only 15 years old, Mike is de-
scribed by Professor Griggs as "better than most
college boys who have worked for me, abso-
lutely trustworthy and reliable." Professor Griggs
is going away for the summer and Mike needs
Has anybody got a job for him?
Rugged Collectivism
To the Editor:
I would like to know why, in a free and
democratic country, where opportunity has al-
ways been presented for self-help and self-ad-
vancement, a university must offer free text-
books to students who haven't guts enough to
earn their own way.
This University is not a charitable institution,
and this is not a country for weak-spined indi-
viduals who can't earn money in this, the wealth-
iest nation in the world.
I know there are those students who will whine
that they have tried to earn money by washing
dishes, waiting on table, or performing some other
similarly menial task, and have not succeeded.
This is balderdash! There is a way for them to
earn money and buy books. Every student on
campus can earn money, instead of letting own-
ers of bookstores, who represent all that Amer-
ican financial democracy has come to mean, take
away' from them the little money they have. And
its not lowbrow to earn money this way, either.
It's a lot better than sitting back and letting a
paternalistic university kindly let its sheep use its
And the means of accomplishing financial in-
dependence and steering clear of charity is
simple. Students in some of the country's larg-
est, wealthiest and best schools are doing it now.
It is not Utopian and it is not new. It is the
cooperative bookstore,
The cooperative book store will offer students
books at reasonable prices within the means
of all-and will pay dividends, actually earning
money for its patrons. At the end of each school
year, Harvard students collect a check from their
bookstore and not a bill, as do so many of us here.
This system is so obviously preferable either to
the one which we now have or the one which
would, in a spirit of charity, give us books, that
I don't see why the campus does not rise up and
demand it, instead of thinking sweet thoughts
about how very kind it is of the University to

give books to its students.
-Arnold S. Daniels.
Pertinent Facts
To the Editor:
Last fall a group of men, inspired by an in-
tense sense of school spirit, sponsored a drive
to obtain funds to construct freshmen dormi-
tories. Such spirit is to be commended. It is re-
grettable that such a noble spirit had to be
manifested in deceit.
At the time of this proposal there was much
discussion among fraternity men concerning the
probable consequences of such a project. The
need for dormitories was clearly recognized by
all but they were a little hesitant in endorsing
such a movement in the fear that it would be
detrimental to them. Realizing that the move-
ment would in all probability result in failure
unless it had the organized support of the fra-
ternities behind it, the sponsors promised that
freshmen would not be compelled to eat in the
Believing themselves to be protected by this
assurance, every fraternity gave its whole-heart-
ed support to the project.
And now, several weeks after the Michigras was
brought to a successful conclusion, it has been
revealed that these promises had been scattered
to the winds. Freshmen living in the Union dor-
mitory will eat in the Union! They will eat in
the Union or they won't live in the Union dormi-
tory! This was known by those in charge of the
campaign before the Michigras was held. It was
not known to those who turned out to be its

THE READERS of this column-let us say all
8,000 of them-have been impatient about
the regularity of its appearance these few days.
It is kind of them to be so interested, but Dis-
raeli himself has been even more impatient with
the regularity of his exams. That is one thing
you can say about the University. It is reliable
When a professor says he'll give an exam, you
can always be sure that when the day comes
the exam is along with it.
That is why we have always looked upon the
absent-minded professor as nothing more than
some Utopian ideal. After taking two the other
day we sat in a dreamy daze while someone
told us about the prof who wandered down
to class in full regalia except for his trousers,
When he stomped into his class-an eight o'clock
-the students roared. Frightened out of his
daze for a moment he stared at them. Then he
looked down. He stared for an instant, then
angry, he glared at them.
"So what," he said, "I don't wear garters any-
last Astronomy class listening to the instruc-
tor review the course. For an hour we were lost
in contemplation of our own position in the uni-
verse. A moving, thinking body 'on the vast
earth, yet a fragment, a speck of human dust
on a continent and beside the earth nothin.
And the earth a mere fleck of drifting matter,
speeding through a system of fifty million stars,
a proton in one of the arms of the whirling spiral
nebula in which our sun is but a star of medium
And this nebula with its fifty million stars
and its hundred thousand. light years but a
twisting, wandering thing in space, coming
close to others like it, each with its own
fifty or a hundred million stars, perhaps
some crashing, others growing into each
other, stars growing brighter, others dying to
some dead lump, perhaps sometime later
to support others like ourselves, wondering
about the specks on their celestial sphere,
wondering because they could never know
that another world subh as theirs could exist.
The end of the hour broke off our more or
less sublime contemplation and the voice of
the instructor warning us that every student
was expected to keep his eyes on his own
paper, and please, people, don't cheat on the
WFE THINK that Bonth did a fine job of re-
viewing the year when he thirtied his last
column for The Daily a couple of weeks ago,
better than Disraeli could. It was Bonth's year
anyway, and what the Diz has to look forward
to is the next fall when all of you return who
will spend the summer tracking down culture and
adventure abroad or dollars and experience in
the cities and farms in this country. Perhaps
a couple of you will find a lonely duke. Maybe
a couple will find the back forty a damn tough
job to handle after a year in Ann Arbor. And
hundreds will stifle in the city while from some
shady spot others watch the sun dapple the lake.
The Diz will be at Arlington Park with the ponies
as much of the time as possible and Jim Lin-
coln will probably water his pa's draught horses.
One of you will sip a nice long tall one some
hot day in England, and the Diz will down his
plebian beer while chatting over some choice bit
of summer drama with the dean of Chicago hobo
college. But that is only two or three months
and then it is Ann Arbor and her chimes and
the Bell and the bells and Parrot psitticosisg
From the far-flung world we'll come and have
another year together. You too, Mr. Kipke.
In Appreciation
To the Editor:
In this final edition of The Michigan Daily,
I wish personally to express my appreciation of

the many agencies which have co-operated so
generously in the success of the current Dramatic
Season. This spring, all departments of the
festival have had of necessity to carry added bur-
dens. They have assumed these extra duties un-
questionably and tirelessly. May we also express
publicly our sincere appreciation to The Mich-
igan Daily, the other local papers, and state and
national papers who have given us such generous
Our patrons of the 1937 Dramatic Season, as
we are ready to enter the final week with the
production of "Tovarich," will be pleased to know
that through their enthusiastic support the sea-
son bids fair to surpass all previous records. It is
not generally known that three years ago, when-
through outside committments-the Ann Arbor
season was in serious financial difficulties, a
group of Ann Arbor citizens spontaneously and
immediately came forward ad personally con-
tributed a considerable sum of money to complete
the season. With last year's success and the suc-
cess this spring, this entire sum of money will
by June 12 be paid back and the Dramatic Sea-
son, as an institution will stand completely clear
of all financial obligations.
This generous support, coupled with the thou-
sands that each week fill the Mendelssohn The-
atre during the festival, prove, we feel, the
regard in which Ann Arbor holds the Dramatic
Season as an institution. Ann Arbor is the small-
est city, perhaps the only city, in America to
support, without subsidy, such a distinguished
professional season. This support is an achieve-
ment of civic moment. For this support, espe-
cially under the circumstances under which the
present season has been presented, I feel it fitting

VOL. XLVI No. 179
University Commencement An-c
nouncement: The University Com-
mencement exercises will be held on1
Ferry Field, Saturday afternoon,S
June 19. The gates open at 5:151
p.m. Audience should be seated by
6:15 p.m., when procession enters the
The voice-amplifying service will
be interfered with by outside sounds,l
and the audience is therefore re-
quested to avoid conversation and
moving about. Automobile owners
are asked kindly to keep their ma-
chines away from the vicinity of
Ferry Field during the exercises.
Tickets may be secured at the Busi-
ness Office, University of Michigan,
Room 1, University Hall, until 6 p.m.,
Saturday, June 19. All friends of
the University are welcome to tickets.
There will be no admission without
In case of rain, the exercises will
be transferred to Yost Field House,
to which the special Yost Field House
tickets only will admit. These tickets
are also available at the Business Of-
fice, Room 1, University Hall, Univer-
sity of Michigan, and will be issued
2 to each graduate. The Ferry Field
ticket will not admit to Yost Field
If it becomes necessary to transfer
the exercises from Ferry Field, out-
doors, to the Field House, indoors,
after the exercises have started, per-
sons will be admitted to the Field
House without tickets until the seat-
ing capacity is exhausted.
If it is decided, in advance of start-
ing the procession, to hold the exer-
cises in Yost Field House, the power
house whistle will be blown between
5 and 5:15 p.m. on Commencement
H. G. Watkins, Asst. Secy.
A representative of the Electro-
Hygiene Company will be in the office
to interview men for sales work this
summer, on Tuesday, June 8. Kindly
make appointments at the Bureau,
201 Mason Hall, or call 4121, Ext. 371.
Graduate S c h o o1: Registration
forms for the Summer Session are
now' available in the office of the
Graduate School.
House Parties: The following in-
formation concerning house parties
during June 1937 has been taken
from the minutes of the meeting of
the Committee on Student Affairs
held June 3, 1937.
"Since examinations and Satur-
day afternoon, June 12, house par-
ties shall be permitted to continue
until Monday noon, June 14, but will
not be approved for any later date
during the month of June.
"This action is without precedent'
for the ftiture, and permission will
be granted only under the following
1. No dancing shall be permitted
after Saturday midnight, June 12,
either in or out of the house;
2. All movements of the party out-
side of Ann Arbor shall be by a meth-
od of transportation approved in
writing in advance by the Office of
the Dean of Students;
3. All plans of entertainment for
Sunday shall be in keeping with the
spirit of the day and a program of
such plans shallebe submitted in writ-
ing to the Office of the Dean of Stu-
dents for approval not later than
June 7."
Summer Addresses: All students
registered with the Bureau are re-
minded that they should leave sum-
mer addresses before the end of
school, whether or not they are re-
maining in Ann Arbor. It would be
well to check up en records at this
time also, to be sure they are com-
University Bureau of Appointments

The Intramural Sports Building
will be closed to activities Friday,
June 11, at 6 p.m. Lockers must be
-enewed for the summer or vacated on
or- before that date.
Senior Engineers:- We wish those
who expect to remain in town a few
days during the Centennial Week of
June 14-19 to assist in demonstrating
the laboratories to visitors. If you
have two or three hours to help will
you kindly sign one of the notices on
the bulletin boards or call at 22541.
Plans for Commencement:
Commencement, Saturday, June 19,
6:30 p.m.
Weather Fair
Time of Assembly, 5:20 p.m. (ex-
cept noted).
Places of Assembly:
Members of the Faculties at 5:30
p.m. in Angell Hall, Room 1223 Rhet-
oric Library where they may robe.
Regents, Ex-Regents and Deans at
5:30 p.m. in Angell Hall, Room 1011,
the Regents Room.
Students of the various schools and
colleges, as follows:

Chemistry Building and Library. 1Iexpect to sing in that appearance on
Nurses on diagonal walk between the afternoon of June 14, at 3:30 p.m.
Chemistry Building and Library (be-) in the Union. Please remember that

hind Medics). V
Law on East and West walk, Westr
of the intersection in front of Li-
Pharmacy on East and West walk,
West of the intersection in front of
Library (behind Law).
Dental Surgery on North and South
walk in rear of North wing of Univer-
sity hall.1
Business Administration on walk in
front of Physiology and Pharmacol-
ogy Building.
Forestry and Conservation on walk
in front of Physiology and Phar-
macology Building (behind Bus. Ad.).
Music on diagonal walk from Li-1
brary to Alumni Memorial Hall, nearf
Graduate on East and West walk
West of Library entrance.
Honor Guard at Waterman Gym-
Line of March, State Street to Ferry
Weather Rainy
The sounding of the University
Power House Siren at 5 to 5:15 p.m.
will indicate that the exercises have
been transferred to Yost Field House.
Students will proceed directly to the
Field House and enter through the
North doors.
Members of the Faculties will enter
through the north doors and take
their places on the platform in the
Field House.
Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans and
Candidates for Honorary Degrees will
assembly in the office in the North
end of the Field House.
The 1937 Celebration of the Univer-
sity of Michigan: All of the sessions
of the Celebration are open to alumni,
members of the faculty, students, and
the general public. The various ses-
sions are scheduled as follows:
Monday, June 14, 6:30 p.m. Com-
ifiunity Dinner, Intramural Build-
ing. Theme: "The Relation of the
University to the State of Michigan
and the City of Ann Arbor."~
Tuesday, June 15, 9:30 a.m. Second
General Session, Hill Auditorium.
Topic: "Michigan Today and Yester-
6:30 p.m. Dinner, Michigan League
Ballroom. Topic: "The Fine Arts in
Higher Education."
Wednesday, June 16, 9:50 a.m.
Third General Session, Hill Auditor-
ium. Topic: "Higher Education in
the World of Tomorrow."
12:30 p.m. Luncheons and Round
Table Discussions. Topics: "Higher
Education for Leadership (Union),
"Foreign Relations" (League), "Crea-
tive Art" (League), "The University
and Alumni Relations" (Union).
6:30 p.m. Dinner, Michigan Union
Ballroom. Topic: "The College Man
and Religion in the Future."
Thursday, June 17. 9:50 a.m.
FourthsGeneraluSession, Hill Audi-
torium. Topic: "Higher Education
and Scientific Progress."
12:30 p.m. Luncheon, Michigan
Union Ballroom.
Topic: "Achieving a Balance Be-
tween Scientific and Social Progress."
2:50 p.m., Fifth General Session,
Hill Auditorium.
Topic: "The University and the
6:15 p.m. Alumnae Dinner, Mich-
igan League Ballroom.
6:30 p.m. All-Class Dinner, Mich-
igan Union Ballroom.
Friday, June 18, 8:30 a.m., Break-
fasts and Round Table Discussions
by Professional Groups.
9:50 a.m. Sixth General Session,
Hill Auditorium. Topic : "T h e
University in Educational Progress."'
12:30 p.m. Alumni Luncheon, Mich-
igan Union Ballroom.
2:30 p.m. Closing Session, Hill Au-
ditorium. Topic: "The University
and the Enrichment of Life."
No tickets are necessary for ad-
mission to the sessions in Hill Audi-
torium. All dinners are $1.50 per
plate except the Community Dinner
which is $1. All luncheons are $1
per plate. Luncheon and dinner
tickets are now available in Alumni

Memorial Hall.
Members of the Michigan Wolver-
ine: Cash refunds may be obtained
by calling at the office of the Wol-
verine at noon or at 6:30 p.m., Sat-
urday, June 5. Transfer of member-
ship to a membership for next year
may be made at these times, and is
strongly urged for those who wish to
be assured of Wolverine membership
in September, 1937.
The School of Education is spon-
soring an informal dinner in the
Ballroom of the Michigan Union on
the evening of June 30, 1937. This
date is during the week of the Na-
tional Education Association meet-
ings in Detroit, which occasion will
bring together many leading men and
women from all parts of the United
States, many of whom were formerly
students at the University. Others
who have been looking for just such
an opportunity as this to visit the
University of Michigan will be in-
vited. The dinner will be open to

we are singing in summer formal and
not tailcoats. The pictures taken of
the spring trip are ready for distribu-
Volunteer Work Camp Fellowship:
Those interested in applying for a
fellowship to cover their expenses in
a summer work camp must apply at
Dr. E. W. Blakeman's office, No. 9.
University Hall, on or before Wed-
nesday, June 9.
Academic Notices
Mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, College of
Literature, Science and the Arts. The
examination in mathematics 1, 2, 3,
4, 7 will take place Thursday, June
10, 9-12 a.m., according to the follow-
ing schedule :
Anning-35 A.H.
Coe-35 A.H.
Copeland-205 M.H.
Eder-205 M.H.
Ford-1035 A.H.
Karpinski-1035 A.H
Myers-231 A.H.
Nyswander-231 A.H.
Raiford-1035 A.H.
Schneckenburger-3017 A.H.
Wehausen-3017 A.H.
Botany I final examination Tues-
day, June 8, from 9-12 in Angell
A-K inclusive 1025 Angell Hall.
L-Z inclusive, 25 Angell Hall.
Economics 51, The final examina-
tion will be held in Room 1025 A.H.,
Thursday, June 10, 2-5 p.m.
Economics 52: Rooms for the final
Thursday afternoon, June 10, are:
N.S. Aud., Anderson's, Danhom's, and
Luchek's sections;
25 A.H., Peterson's and Aldrich's
231 A.H., Dufton's sections.
Economics 54: Rooms for the final
Thursday afternoon, June 10, are:
348 W. Eng., A-M.
347 W. Eng., N-P.
311 W. Eng., R-V.
336 W. Eng., W-Z.
English I and II: Final examina-
tion schedule:
On Saturday, June 5, 2-5 p.m.,
English I and II classes will meet in
the following rooms:
Ackerman, 2203 A.H.
Allen, 18 A.H.
Baker, W. Phys. Lect.
Baum, 305 S.W.
Cassidy, 16 A.H.
Curtis, G Haven
Ford, 205 A.H.
Green, 1025 A.H
Greenhut, 2029 A.H.
Haines, W. Phys. Lect
Hart, 201 U.H.
Hathaway, 203 U.H.
Jones, 3017 A..
Knode, 35 A.H.
Leedy, 1025 A.H.
Meyer, 103 R.L.
Morris, 1209 A.H.
Ogden, 1025 A.H.
O'Neill, 3231 A.H.
Peterson, 3017 A.H.
Proctor, 205 M.H.
Rettger, W. Phys. Lect.
Roellinger, 2219 A.H.
Seager, 101 Ec.
Schenk, 3209 A.H.
Stevens, 205 M.H.
Taylor, 101 Ec.
Wagner, 225 A.H.
Walcutt, 101 Ec.
Weimer, 103 R.L.
Wells, 35 A.H.
Whitehall, W. Phys. Lect.
Woodbridge, 103 R.L.
Faculty, School of Education: The
regular monthly luncheon meeting of
the faculty will be held on Monday,
June 7, at 12 o'clock at the Michigan
Union. A number of very important
matters will be considered; conse-
luently a full attendance is desired.

Ann Arbor Friends Group: Meet-
ing . and a picnic at the McHenry
farm, Sunday, June 6. It is the first
large stone house on the right after
reaching the gravel on the Huron
River Drive extension of Ecorse Road
(one mile east of Ypsilanti).
Please call Arthur Dunham (7830)
if you can come and if you wish
transportation or can provide it for
Meet at the League, 3:30 p.m., Sun-
day. Arthur Dunham, Clerk.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 South Division Street.
Morning service at 10:30 a.m.
Subject: "God the Only Cause and
Golden Text: Genesis 1:1.
Responsive Reading: Job 36:5, 22,
24, 26, 29, 30; 37:14-16, 18, 23.
First Presbyterian Church, meet-
ing in the Masonic Temple, 327 So.
Fourth Ave.
10:45 a.m. At the morning worship
service, an interesting program will

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

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