AETWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY NEWS Of The DAY (Biy The As~octate4 Prea) UW 'Appeal Decision ,In Poniac Rent Strike' f PONTIAC, Mich., June 4.-W)--A! ~United Automobile Workers comm~it- tee directing a "rent strike" here an- poniced today that a verdict =for the landlord in the first eviction trial would be appealed. Odin H. Johnson, at orney for the unon, sai~d he would ontend thQt the case was improperly in court because the property owner, Mrs. Ada A. ,Cook, had not conmplied with a state law requiring periodic fire and health in- spections. "The state law provides that land- lords cannot bring actions for rent or for possession unless they have complied with the housing law," .. - _ _.___. Sponsors Pf Wqge-Hour Measure Johnson said. The appeal will be to circuit court. Johnson said it would be filed Mon- day. In the meanwhile, Wilber Jen- nings, who was found guilty of illegal ,possession in yesterday's trial, was looking for other quarters. He was ordered to move because he refused to pay more than $11 a month for a Maur-room partly' furnished apart- mernt in a remodeled dwelling. --Give To Tlfie Student Book Fund- FIND SEVEN BODIES REDDING, Calif., June 4.-(AP) - The bodies of seven men who burned to death in a Greyhound bus which, cracked up unaccountably and in- stantly became a funeral pyre were recovered late today. Last Times Today at 3:l5 and 8:15! "Aroused an enthusiasm far in excess of anything that has gone before." -Detr oit Times Second Group of NOEL COWARD'S "tolnight at 8:30" "Fam ly _Album" (. "Fumed Oak" ".Sh adow Par'I starring Jessie Royce Landis, with Charles Romnano Opens Monday "Toyarich" Lydic Mendelsohn Theatre Nights: at 8:15 -- 75c, $1.10 and $1.50. Mats: at 3:15 - 50c and 75c. Box -office Phone 6300 fIIII * ; ' IClssJfie4 Directory II Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. -Tecasified columns close at five o'clock previous 'to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Casl in advance llc per readinig line for one or two isertions. 10c per read-' ing lin~e for three or more insertions. (on basis of .five aveake wordso line) ~Minimum thire lilnes per insertion. (elepbo~ne .rate - 15c per read)lng line for two or more insertions. inimum three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last =insertion. LAUNDRY LAUNDR'Y 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at a low {price. ft NOT CES SUMMER play group for pchildren,: 21.2-4 .years. Hours 8-1 . Call Frances Ma c agton. 5837. TYPING : Neatly and accurately .done. M~9rs. H'oward, 613 Hill VStreet. %Pbox~e 5244. 568 R'ANTED C;IWTIN'G WANTF.D O -BUY: Any old and new suits, ucverc(ats,,at $3, $5,0~, $25. LADWES' FUR COATS, TYPWITERS, OLD GOLD, DIAMtONDS and musical instru- ,ments. Phone Sam. 0304. ?8x WjNTgEp: Gr~,duAte students desire 3 r r more room apartmnent for Summ~er school. Reply (Box 960) FOR RENT ,ROOMS for girls su~mmer session. L*arge yard, trees, garage. 1511i WVahenaw. Tel X851. FOREST-928: For summer, fur- nished 3-room apartment. Light an4d airy. Private bath. Adults only. $40 per .month. Phone 2-1767. THE MONROE (522 Monroe) ?f- block west Law Qjuadrangle offers furnished 2-room apartments, pri- vate baths, murphy beds, electric refrigeration. $35, $40, $45. Phonie 2-2839. WE HAVE several nice apartments near the campus becoming vacant after June 15th. Included in these are 1, ;2, 3, and 5 room apartments. 1Prices range from $20.00 to $90.00. Trisinger Apa rt me n ts. Phone 2-2087, night 8360-2-3081-4901. LARGE double room, newly-f ur- nished, clean. 811 Sylvan Street. Phone 2-3867. 587 FURNISHED bachelor apartment with private bath and shower. Also large double with adjoining lava- tory. Continuous hot water, shower bath. Gatrage. Phone 8544. 422 E. Washington. 589 FOR RENT : My home in Ann Arbor Hills, furnished, for yea~r from Sept. 1. A.- R. Morris, 2815 Wash- tenaw. 598 SIX-ROOM nicely-furnished apart- ment. Call 6323 for appointment. 599 FOR SALE TWO NEW Electrolux kerosene re- frigerators, cheap. Ideal for that cottage without gas or electricity. Electric Service Co., 330 S. Main. Phone 3514. 508- The course of P'resident Roosevelt's wage and hour bill, as it passes through the legislative channels, will be directed by these two men- Rep. William P. Connery, Jr. (left), of Massachusetts, and Sen. Hugo L. =Black, of Alabama,. They head the House and Senate labor commit- tces and sponsored the bills, on which :hearings have been started. . A I EVENING RADIO PROGRAMSI " r CKUWI-1,030 Kilocycles P.M. 6 :00-Turf Reporter. 6:15-News and Sports. 3:30-Vincent York's Orch. 6:45--French Lessons-Prof. Leon Troyat. 7 :00-"Syrnphonic Strings." 7:30-Jazz Nocturne. 8:00-Hawyaiian Serenaders. 8:15-George Fischer'-Hollywood Gossip. 8:30-Old-Time Melodrama. 9:00-Federal Theatre-Negro Choir. 9:30-Harold Stokes' Orch. 10:00-Henry King's Orch. 10:15-Ted 'Weems' Orch. 10 :30-Gruff Williams Orch. 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 11:15-Happy Felton. 11 :30-Jack Denny's Orch. Midnight-Sterling Young's Orch. 12 :30-Tommy Tucker's Orch. 1 :00-Weather Forecast. WJR-750 Kilocycles P.M. 6 :00-Stevenson Sports: 6:12-Frank Morgan. 6 :30--Melody and Rhythm. 7 :00-Prpfessor Quiz. 7:30-Johnny Presents with Charles Martin-Phil Duey and Russ Mo- gan's Orch. 8 :00-Grace Moore, Vincent Lopez' Orch. 8 :30-Saturday Night Serenade. 9:00-Your Hit Parade. 9:45-Universal Rhythm. 10:15-News Comes to Life. 10;:45-Shep Fields' Orch. 11:00-Glen Gray Orch. 11 :30-Geo. Hamilton Orch. Midnight-Dick Courtney Orch. 12:30-To iBe Announced. WWJ--92;0 Kilocycles P.M. 6:00-Tyson's Sport Review. 6 :10-Dinner Music. 6:30-'Hampton Institute Singers. 6:45-Sports Review. 7:00-Saturday Night Party. 8:00--Snow *Vllage Sketches. 8:30-Joe Cook. 9:30-NBC feature. 10:00-Dance Music. 10:0-Dance Music. Ii :00-Westwood Gardens Orch. 11:30-Dance Music. Midnight-Webster Hall Orch. 12 :30-Weather. WXYZ-1240 Kilocyples P.M. 6:30-Club Deauville Orch. 7:00-Town Talk. 7:30-Meredith Wilson. 8 :00-B3arn Dance. 9:00-Ruth Carhart. R. Kirberry. 9 :15-Hildegarde. 9:30-To Be Announced. 10:00-Harold True. 10:30-Ruby Newman's Orch. 11 :00-Sammy Dibert's Orch. 11:30-Phil Harris Orch. Kidnight-T&M Gentry Orch. VI1RGINI[A BRUCE In 11 I I iorettaYOUNG \TyronrPOWER WI AdopheMENJOU "WHEN/ LOVE IS YO UNG") Sunday JIREDRIC MARCIH JAN I I"GA"YNOR' "A STAR. IS BORN" k% i GREGORY RATOFF (HARLES WNINNINGiER -- HELEN WESTLEY // "PERFECT SET-UP" C EXTRfA-, POPEYE NEWS OF CARTOON THE DAY U - ------------- P 7 k" Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads. [ ... DRIVE ~OME! WHEN SCHOOL CLOSES Ann Arbor Auto Dealert off er:- : , . 18,000 Alumni Can't Be Wrong. That's Why They Read The MICH IGAN ALUM u~s Cadillac-Olds UsedCarr Bargains 1930 Stutz G-wheel Sedain, good mechanical condition, tires like new..................... $95 1929 Seven Passenger Cadillac Sedan excellent condition. Take homne your friends and then sell at a profit...... Only $175 Recent Models of Fords, Chev- rolets, Oldsmobiles, Buicks, Pontiacs, and Dodges - all safety tested. See us before you buy. 1CADI LLAC-OLDS 214 West Huron Street ARE YOU DRIVING HOME? SEE THESE EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS FIRST: 1934 Ford Spt. Coupe .. .. $115 1932 Buick Sedan....... $275 1933 Chevrolet Coach . ... $295 1928 Studebaker Sedan :.. $50 1929 Ford Tudor.....$60 1930 Nash Coach......... $75 1931 Oakland Coach...... $150 1934 Plymouth Del. Sedan $365 1935 Ford Tudor......... $350 J. P. BOYCE Across from Masonic Temple Drive a car home. See our ex- ceptionally low priced cars be- fcre the semester ends. ASK TH-E MAN WHO3 BOUGHT ONE. LAST JUNE we sold used cars to several students to drive home. They all reached their destinations without trouble of any sort. One of the cars we sold went to the Engineering Camp in Wyoming, then on to the Pacific and back to Ann Arbor without any expense except gas and oil. The car cost only $125. Tell us what you want to do and we will see that you get a cad' that will serve you dependably -at a price you can afford to pay. GOOD USED CARS{ from $50. up PLATT-WI LTSE E, INC. DEPENDABLE MOTOR CARS Corner 5th and Huron A Better Car for your Money DRAPER-LE BARN MOTOR SALES USED CARS WHOLESALE and RETAIL 411 East Huron St. Phone 2-1818 i SENIORS ONLY-$2 If the subscription is dated before June 20. Order from Tug AlIIIIUi lAcctrIATInI CHEAP TRANSPORTATION Schaible Motor Sales offer.-. 1934 Ply noith 4 car Sed . .. $395 1933 Olds 5 pass Sed...... $325 1930 Chew. 4 dr Sdln. Mechan- ically Al, good tires, trunk and baggage compartment, newly sainted ........... Only $150 1930 Ford coach, very good $12.5 1929 Chev. ma~ich, excellent Cand., new pa int..... $125 1929 S1gucebaker 5 pass Sed $95 1928 Studebaker 5 pass Sed $75 1927 Studebaker 5 pass 'Sed $50 1934 1932 1932 1929 1929 1931 1929] Dodge Coach....... $375 Chevrolet Coach .... $245 Ford 4-cyl. Coiwh,... $195 Buick 4-Pass. Cpe. .. $85 Nash Sedan......... $75 Cord Sedan ........$175 Packard Sedan ......$150 C,, AlBLEMOTOR. SALES 310 EAST WASHINGTON PHONE 2-3511 i See Staebler's Baxgain Lot Excellent Sales Gn USED CARS Others as low as $35 D OwO% 1 11 1 11 I Ill! ,. " I fl tiewise -urJive one - i