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June 04, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-06-04

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lajor League
Banned Bean'

Greenberg Hits
Twelfth Homer

13al In 19321But Tiers Fall

CHICAGO, June 3.-(MP)-For the
information of letter writers and
others who think the Major Leagues
hould do something about the "bean
ball"-the American League did it
nearly five years ago.
Since one of Bump Hadley's pitches
cracked Mickey Cochrane's skull at
the Yankee Stadium a week ago,
President Will Harridge of the junior
circuit has learned by mail and in
print, that an almost general belief
prevails that the "bean ball" has
been overlooked by league heads.
Anything but, for legislation against
deliberate firing at a batsman's head
was adopted by his league July 14,
Added To Rules
The action was not taken, however.
as the result of a "bean ball" inci-
dent, Harridge said. Rather, it grew
out of a war like episode involving
Bill Dickey, Yankee catcher, and out-
fielder Carl Reynolds, then of Wash-
ington. At a special meeting in
Cleveland that July day, the mag-
nates approved Harridge'ssrecom-
mendation of a long suspension for
Dickey, and the accompanying dis-
cussion worked around to the "bean
The result was the addition of the
following to the League's book of
"The American League is unan-
imously agreed that the so-called
"bean ball" has no place in baseball,
and passed the following legislation
to forever surpress it. This legisla-
tion will be strictly enforced.
'Dusting' Is Part Of Game
"It will be the duty of the umpire,
in the event of a ball pitched close
to the batsman's head, to first warn
the pitcher. If he fails to heed the
warning, and, in the judgment of
the umpire, pitches another such ball,
he must be immediately removed
from the game and the American
League offices notified." 4
A second offense means an auto-
matic 10 day suspension, and a third
one, 30 days-both suspensions to be
without salary.
The section has been sent as a
bulletin to each club at the start ofI
each season since 1933, to be left post-
ed in the club houses. Umpires have
been instructed in the same manner
never to relax their vigilance in
watching for incidents which might
lead to friction between pitchers and
batters, with possible "bean ball" re-
Harridge said "dusting" off batters
who crowd the plate is recognized as
a part of the game, but that throw-
ing at the batter's head goes far be-
yond "dusting" requirements.
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Wildness Of Wade, Sorrell
Presents Senators With
54 Victory
DETROIT, June 3. - (P)-The
Washington Senators took advantage
of the wildness of Jake Wade and Vic
Sorrell, Detroit pitchers, to even the
series with a 5 to 4 victory. A pass
issued to Buddy Lewis by Sorrell in
the eighth inning forced Joe Kuhel
across the plate with the winning run.
Hank Greenberg, Detroit first base-
man, smashed his 12th home run of
the season over the center field score-
board in the fourth inning with Ger-
ald Walker on base.
The defeat dropped the Tigers to
fourth place. They wind up the series
with Washington tomorrow.
CLEVELAND, June 3.-(P)-The
Indians pulled up to three games of
the American League lead today by
whipping the pace-setting New York
Yankees 6 to 2 behind Mel Harder's
effective pitching.
Although touched for 11 hits, three
of them by Lou Gehrig, harder held
the Yanks scoreless through the first
six innings.
BOSTON, June 3. --(P)--Rookie
Lou Fette, the Boston Bees 30-year
old right-hander, stretched his per-
sonal winning streak to four straight
today as he handed the Pittsburgh
Pirates their first shutout of the year,
6 to 0.
CHICAGO, June 3.-(P-Homers
by Zeke Bonura and Tony Piet and
the wildness of four Boston pitchers,
enabled the White Sox to make their
fifth straight victory an 11 to 4 romp
over the Red Sox here today.
Vern Kennedy went the route for
his season's fifth victory, yielding only
six hits and fanning seven, but
walked nine. Pinky Higgins, Bos-
ton third baseman, drove in three of
the four runs off him with a first
inning single and a fourth inning
homer after Eric McNair trippled.

Kim Williams Successfully Comes Back
By BETSEY ANDERSON I home since his arrival in February likes to play football and swim. He
With slight variations, a new ver- and claims that his increase in weight came to Michigan because he had a
sion of "Local boy makes good" has has been largely due to Mrs. Fisher's' lot of friends here and he had heard
just been enacted out on this cam- excellent cooking. that the baseball coach here was an
pus. A Cardinal Fan especially good one.
Michigan's Kimy Williams-the boy His biggest thrill in baseball came Likes Prize Fights
who surprised the entire sports de-,from playing a no-hit, no-run game Eating and sleeping are his hobbies
partment by coming back after doc- and he enjoys playing against the and his favorites in the "eating" line
tors had said he couldn't-and not Illinois nine the most. He picked the include Italian spaghetti, ice cream
just coming back, but acting as cap- St. Louis Cardinals as his favorites in and brownies cooked by Mrs. Fisher.
tam of the 1937 Wolverie squad asBig League baseball and Dizzy Dean Wallace Beery is his favorite movie
- is the personality he admires most in1 star and he likes to go to prize fights.
The curly haired blond catcher the sport. He's travelled more than 15,000
weighs 155 pounds now, 20 pounds Born in Asbury Park, N.J., on Jan. miles to play in baseball games and
more than when he came back in 10, 1914, the 5 feet 10 inch backstop prefers automobiles to any other form
February and 40 pounds more than ace plans to go into coaching when of transportation. And New York is
when he left last year. During the last he finishes next year and is major- his favorite city, he claims.
season, he practiced an hour or so ing in physical education for that
each day at Ferry Field and also reason. In fact, his highest ambi.. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION
played in several of the Southern tion at present is to get a good job Toledo 5; Milwaukee 3.
games during spring vacation al-las a coach. Louisville 1; St. Paul 3.
though he had to give that up as he He lives in Katonah, N.Y., now and Indianapolis 8; Minneapolis 10.
found the exercise too strenous toI------- ----------__.-_-
continue throughout the season. hAF a

Goes Through Season
With the pluck and grit of a true
champion, Kimy has gone through
this season's games and kept up his
school work with flying colors. This
summer he plans to just rest in order
to get back some more of his lost
strength and weight. And he plans
to come back next fall and be ready
for next year's baseball season-his
last as he will graduate that June.
"And we ought to have a pretty good
club," the smiling (or indomitable)
"champ," predicted, "especially with
the improvement of this year's jun-
iors and sophomores."
And the valiant Wolverine claims
that Coach and Mrs. Fisher have
been largely responsible for his suc-
cess through the inspiration and aid
they've given him.
Kimy has been living at the Fisher

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