FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. JUNE 4, 1937 FOUR FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1ยง JA *}F Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the author ity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. 1 Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Enteredsat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representtive 420 MADISON AVE. NEw YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON + SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES PORTLAND SEAT'rTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR..........TUURE TENANDER CITTY EDITOR..................IRVING SILVERMAN William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor . Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS: Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore Saul Kieman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert May1,RobertaMitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsey Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman; Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Betty Lauer, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Mine, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Har- riet Pomeroy Maran Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voorhees. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER .............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER.................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER :.. . NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman., Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; Robert Lodge, Local Advertising-Manager; William Newnan, Service Man- ager; Marshall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT I. FITZHENRY Help The Student Lending Lirary .. O NE OF THE most worthwhile proj- ects to be attempted on this cam- pus for years is the plan for a text book lending library for the use of students in financial straits. For years the difficulty of obtaining ap education on the part of the student working his way through college here has been heightened im- ,measurably by the prohibitive cost of text books, second-and third-hand as well as new. This evil has always been a subject of agitation but until now little has been done to alleviate it. The committee heading the work on the li- brary plan requires the cooperation of every stu- dent who can help the project by contributions. As most students are aware, used books seldom get much return on their original investment at the book store; if they are given to the text book library they will be kept in circulation for a number of years in the hands of those who need them most. According to the committee's estimates, about 1,000 volumes should be available in order to put the project in motion Vext fall. Polls taken recently in classrooms indicate that this number can easily be realized, but only if the assistance of a large group of students in all classes and departments is forthcoming. This is an opportunity for practical demon- stration of service to the campus. Great care will be taken by the committee to ensure that the library is only available to those in genuine need; any student who contributes a book can feel cer- tain that it will be in the hands of someone who deserves help. The plan isn't socialistic; it isn't even cooperative; it is simply a sincere effort on the part of Michigan students to give a hand to fellow scholars less fortunate than themselves. A number of outstanding faculty men have already voiced their approval and support of the plan; The Daily can only echo their senti- ments in the strongest possible manner. Every student who feels a responsibility toward the University or who is grateful for the education he is gaining from it should be more than willing to make a small sacrifice for it. No Michigan student should be obliged to cramp an already reduced standard of living to make room for text books in his budget. Woodman, Spare That Tree. HE Michigan Liquor Control Com- mission has authorized Sheriff Ed- ward Walsh of Ontonagon County to "halt the sale of liquor if striking lumberjacks in the big woods become uproarious," the Detroit Free Press informs us. Since Dec. 5, 1933 we have been deluded into thinking that the 18th Amendment was repealed and that prohibition against drinking alcoholic beverages was null and void. Perhaps the Commissioners believe that a lum- hMripm r forfeits his riahts runder the Constitution THE FORUM Letters published In this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of 'he Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Disillusioned To the Editor: One more week of examinations and I will have concluded my third year at Michigan. Three years I'd like to forget-certainly three years I'd refuse to live over, had I the opportunity. Soon the formality of taking bluebooks shall be over and I shall be a senior-with less confidence and trust than when I entered. Fortunately, I have been rather well supplied with money-yet despite the easy life which col- lege is supposed to afford, I have had a rotten time of it. Beyond question, it has been my own fault. College, they tell us, works like a formula -you take out only as much as you put into it. Like all the nice theories I've swallowed, this one fails to hold water. I have devoted myself to my studies-and I have received a modicum of success. I have also made a few-though perhaps superficial friend- ships. Along the way I have chosen a profession and have picked up an attitude on life. Despite all this I feel college has for me been a failure. Development, I believe comes with experience, but at Michigan I have suffered only frustration, solitude, morbidness. If getting a degree means that one must indulge in meaningless pleasan- tries, suffer the chatter of overgrown high school children, conform to ridiculous ritual-then give your degrees to those who 'can endure such nonsense. With all the outward trappings of what seems to be a successful college career, it seems silly that I should be a quitter-I wonder why I am dropping out of school! -M.P.S. Orpheus, Nota Bene To the Editor: I should not presume to push myself forward as a musical critic, but I do have some ideas on the subject (I hope). The phase of the topic which is now claiming my attention is the question, "When is singing music and when is it disorderly conduct?" The statement, "When John McCormack sings a song, that is music," is of course superfluous. So also, to those who have heard me sing, is the assertion that when I sing a song-except in a wilderness or a vacuum--it is a crime. I believe, however, that the only distinction which can be made between music and misde- meanors must be made by the hearer. It seems that I have heard somewhere that without an ear, sound just "ain't." It's only air waves. And if these waves,must strike an ear before the thing that some of us call sound can be, it follows as surely as a policeman follows a pin boy or a custodian that only the hearer can determine the quality of sound. How many persons do not have an ear for music. Police officers are sometimes that way. Oh yes, they can hear noises (they are tested for that) but they have difficulty in distinguish- ing between a mother's lullaby and the "Sweet Adeline" of an intoxicated quartet. As I think of this it becomes a source of wonder to me that the Salvation Army has escaped this long. I am expecting any day to pick up a paper and read the following: "Group of Salvation Army Street Singers Ar- rested for Singing the Internationale. They had red on their uniforms. Four hundred bystanders testified that the lassies were singing "Nearer My God to Thee," but two patrolmen insisted that it was the Communist song they were war- bling. Each member of the group was fined $26.50 for aiding an improper diversion." -Will Canter. Put To New Use To the Editor: The "forbidden fruit" took on new significance with the advent of the modern student and his "apple polishing" activities. But now, we under- stand that the "red apple,' 'although it has re- tained its ."forbidden" connotation, has been put to a new use in the best circles. The ardent suitor of the fair maiden's hand slips her a "red apple" if and when he gets the cold shoulder. That is to say, the gentleman by so doing, acknowledges the jilt and consequent forbiddance of any more dates with her. This not only eases the girl's mind as she pursues her new romance but it also gives the boy justification to make use of another from his long list of telephone numbers. -F.E.H. A Contradiction (From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch) WHEN the British constitutional crisis was in full blast last December, one of the proposed solutions was that Edward VIII be permitted to marry Mrs. Simpson in his capacity as Duke of Cornwall, with the understanding that she would not rank as Queen. To which high court circles replied that this was impossible, since by tradition no such thing as morganatic marriage exists in England, and every Briton's wife auto- matically receives the full title proper to her hus- band's status. That matter having been settled by Edward's on~hrr.oa~tn nonthpr nmilpa rnsp RC to what tstip An Historic Session (From the New York Times) THE SUPREME COURT adjourned yesterday at the end of one of the most momentous sessions in its history. Throughout the greater part of this session attention has been focused, as seldom before in the whole life of the nation, on the powers and the functions of the court, on the role it plays in American society, on its philosophy of law, on its personnel and on its methods of procedure. This is the natural con- sequence of the introduction of the President's plan for an increase of the court's membership, and of the interest and the controversy which this proposal has aroused. At the same time, concurrently with this con- tinuing discussion and debate, the court itself has been called upon to pronounce opinions in cases of far-reaching importance. The present session has witnessed memorable and significant decisions: the court's deliberate overruling of its own earlier opinion in the matter of State mini mum wage laws; its decision upholding the con- stitutionality of the Social Security Act; its stanch defense, in the Herndon case and again in the case involving the Oregon Criminal Syn- dicalism Law, of civil liberties guaranteed to the humblest American by the Constitution; its im- portant ruling on the Wagner Labor Act, broad- ening all earlier interpretations of the power of Congress under the "commerce clause"; its opin- ions upholding the legality of a number of other enactments of the Roosevelt Administration-in- cluding the Silver Purchase Act, the revised Farm Mortgage Moratorium Law and the joint resolu- tion of Congress which abrogated gold payments soon after Mr. Roosevelt entered office. The Constitution is a living law; judicial in- terpretation of it is necessarily a continuous and unending process, and if new ground has been broken at the present session-particularly by the court's broadening of the "commerce clause" and by its reversal of itself in the matter of min- imum wage legislation-that is in line with the traditional doctrine that the reasonableness of any exercise of governmental powers can be properly determined only in the light of condi- tions currently prevailing. .The broadening of the court's interpretation of the "commerce clause" does not constitute a sharp break with the traditions of the past. Long ago Chief Justice Marshall said that the power of Congress under this clause is as wide as the exigencies which called it into existence, and to this Chief Justice Hughes later added that it "remains as wide as the modern exigencies it must meet in relation to interstate and foreign commerce." Writing in 1928, nearly a decade be- fore the present controversy over the court arose, Mr. Hughes observed that "Few lawyers, forty years ago, would have dreamed of the extensive schemes of Federal legislation which have suc- cessfully passed judicial strutiny as to their con- stitutional validity (under the "commerce clause.") He pointed out that in rapid succession Con- gress had passed, and the Supreme Court had upheld, such measures as the Interstate Com- merce Act, the Anti-Trust Acts, the Hours of Service Act, the Safety Appliance Act, the Pure Food and Drugs Act, the Meat Inspection Act and many others. As for the court's reversal of itself in the matter of minimum-wage legislation, this does not constitute the first such case on record, or a case to be explained only on the ground that the court has been coerced. In 1932 Justice Brandeis listed twenty-nine instances in which the court had reversed itself by overruling an earlier opinion. It had done so, Mr. Brandeis said, because the court necessarily "bows to the lessons of experience and the force of better reasoning, recognizing that the process of trial and error, so fruitful in the physical science, is appropriate also in the judicial function." This same point of view was expressed more than forty years ago by Justice Field, when, speaking for the court, he said: "It is important that the court should be right upon later and more elaborate consideration of the cases than consistent with previous declara- tions. Those doctrines only will eventually stand which bear the strictest examination and the test of experience. It is to this "test of experience" that the court has imposed the law at the historic session which ended yesterday. The conclusions it has reached in the many important cases brought before it validate once more the conception of the Consti- tution as a living law, flexible to the changing needs of changing times. A Changing Scene (From the Kansas City Star) THE ABANDONMENT of Topeka's old-type street cars comes as another episode in the narrative of city transportation. Ancient and rusted car tracks record the route of change in many.smaller cities throughout the country. In the larger centers, change takes different forms. It is on the way, but comes slowly. Like a befuddled, worn beast from another age, the old-type trolley car still clings to the streets of most of the larger cities, an anachron- ism in the most rapidly moving years in the, history of transportation. The street car thumping clumsily through the crowded thor- oughfares creaks and mutters of the good old days of 30 years ago, in fact, an ancient age of the transportation world. The narrative of city transportation moves on in Topeka and in cities throughout the country. Farley's Contribution (From the New York World-Telegram) N ATIONAL CHAIRMAN HAMILTON, through an error in his mailing list, asked National Chairman Farley for a contribution to the G.O.P. THEATRE j By JAMES DOLL Contests And Plays ANOTHER playwriting contest has been announced by the WPA Fed- eral Theatre. This one is open to anyone who has not had a play pro- duced with commercial success. They interpret a three week run as suc- cess. Plays must be full length and should be sent to the Play Policy Bureau of the Federal Theatre, 128 E. 42nd Street, New York. The contest1 closes Sept. 31. A cash prize of $250 has been con- tributed by the Dramatist's Guild and the Federal Theatre has promised a run of at least two weeks at the regu- lar royalty rate. They pay all play- wrights, including Mr. Shaw and Mr. O'Neill, $51 a week for the first three weeks, $75 for the next three weeks, and $100 for all ensuing weeks. This can add up to quite a sum for a play that is produced simultaneously by a number of projects. * * * For Student Writers POSTPONEMENT of the closing date of the College Playwriting Contest to Nov. 1 was announced this week by the jr;nt sponsors, the WPA Federal Theatre Project and its Na- tional Advisory Committee. This contest is open to students regularly enrolled in any American college or university and offers a guarantee of a production running at least one week. No reason appears why students should not submit scripts to both con- tests. The closing date has been extended to give students more time after the opening of school in the fall to get advice from playwriting teachers on the final form of their plays. Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe of the English De- partment was instrumental in having the closing date changed from Sep- tember to Nov. 1. Plays may be on any theme but "the direct observation of contem- porary American life will be pre- ferred." For this contest plays are to be sent to the Education Section, WPA Federal Theatre, 122 East 42nd Street, New York. * * * 'Threshold' Next Week The Hampstead Players, growing local group, will present Threshold by Mrs. George Brigham, at 8:15 p.m. on June 7 and 8 at Jones School Audi- torium. The production is in line with the group's plan to produce plays by local playwrights whenever possible. Threshold deals realistically with problems and incidents in the lives of a middle class American family since the beginning of the present economic crisis. It is being directed by Mrs. Lowell J. Carr with students, faculty members, and townspeople in the cast and working on the technical staff. 'The Fraternal Bond' PRODUCTION rights to The Fra- ternal Bond by John Caldwell, '37, have just been secured by The Dra- matists' Play Service who will also publish the play. It won a prize in Stage Magazine's one act play con- test and appeared in the June, 1936, issue of the magazine. This is just another evidence of Michigan's rapidly increasing im- portance among universities as a playwriting center. Although The Fraternal Bond was given a private performance by Play Production stu- dents last January, few such plays can be produced here because of the inadequate facilities and staff for lab- oratory productions. Gratuity (From the Baltimore Sun) A brief dispatch from New York states that the estate of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., is to be enriched by $20,000 through a voluntary con- tribution of $15 each by members of the New York Stock Exchange, "who will carry out a little-known pro- vision of the exchange's constitution of an early date." The idea of taking up a collection for the heirs of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. sounded so strange that we made inquiry. It's amfact. Stockbrokers' heirs do take alms. The trustees of the gratuity fund meet the third week of each month to consider the widow and children of the latest deceased member. The $15 each member contributes is not an assessment-they're very plain on this point-it is. a voluntary gift: charity. Paid in quarterly install- ments of $3.75; makes it easier. Half the $20,000 gratuity -is paid immediately following the first meet- ing of the trustees after a member's death, the rest nine months later. Half of it goes to his widow, half to his children; in the case of the late Mr. Rockefeller, it all goes to the sur- viving children. As there are 1375 members, the sum raised totals $20,625, of which the odd amount of $625 goes to the gratuity fund. Quite a tidy little sum has been built up by these left-over FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1937 VOL. XLVII No. 178 Notices University Commencement An- nouncement: The University Com- mencement exercises will be held on Ferry Field, Saturday afternoon, June 19. The gates open at '5 :15 p.m. Audience should be seated by 6:15 p.m., when procession enters thet field. The voice-amplifying service will1 be interfered with by outside sounds, and the audience is therefore re- quested to avoid conversation andl moving about. Automobile owners are asked kindly to keep their ma- chines away from the vicinity of Ferry Field during the exercises. Tickets may be secured at the Busi- ness Office, University of Michigan,{ Room 1, University Hall, until 6 p.m., Saturday, June 19. All friends of the University are welcome to tickets. There will be no admission without tickets. In case of rain, the exercises will be transferred to Yost Field House, to which the special Yost Field House tickets only will admit. These tickets are also available at the Business Of- fice, Room 1, University Hall, Univer- sity of Michigan, and will be issued 2 to each graduate. The -Ferry Field ticket will not admit to Yost Field House. If it becomes necessary to transfer the exercises from Ferry Field, out- doors, to the Field House, indoors, after the exercises have started, per- sons will be admitted to the Field House without tickets until the seat- ing capacity is exhausted. If it is decided, in advance of start- ing the procession, to hold the exer- cises in Yost Field House, the power house whistle will be blown between 5 and 5:15 p.m. on Commencement afternoon. H. G. Watkins, Asst. Secy. Senior Engineers: We wish those who expect to remain in town a few days during the Centennial Week of June 14-19 to assist in demonstrating the laboratories to visitors. If you have tworor three hoursitohelp will you kindly sign one of the notices on the bulletin boards or call at 22541. Plans for Commencement: Commencement, Saturday, June 19, 6:30 p.m. Weather Fair Time of Assembly, 5:20 p.m. (ex- cept noted). Places of Assembly: Members of the Faculties at 5:30 p.m. in Angell Hall, Room 1223 Rhet- oric Library where they may robe. Regents,Ex-Regents and Deans at 5:30 p.m. in Angell Hall, Room 1011, the Regents Room. Students of the various schools and colleges, as follows: Literature, Science and the Arts on Main Diagonal walk between Library and Engineering Buildings. Education on walk North side of physiology and Pharmacology Build- ing. Engineering on Main Diagonal walk in Engineering Court. Architecture on Main Diagonal Walk in Engineering Arch (behind Engineers). Medical on diagonal'walk between Chemistry Building and Library. Nurses on diagonal walk between Chemistry Building and Library (be- hind Medics). Law on East and West walk, West of the intersection in front of Li- brary. Pharmacy on East and West walk, West of the intersection in front of Library (behind Law). Dental Surgery on North and South walk in rear of North wing of Univer- sity hall. Business Administration on walk in front of Physiology and Pharmacol- ogy Building. Forestry and Conservation on walk in front of Physiology and Phar- macology Building (behind Bus. Ad.). Music on diagonal walk from Li- brary to Alumni Memorial Hall, near Library. Graduate on East and West walk West of Library entrance. Honor Guard at Waterman Gym- nasium. Line of March, State Street to Ferry Field. Weather Rainy The sounding of the University Power House Siren at 5 to 5:15 p.m. will indicate that the exercises have been transferred to Yost Field House. Students will proceed directly to the Field House and enter through the North doors. Members of the Faculties will enter through the north doors and take their places on the platform in the Field House. Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans and Candidates for Honorary Degrees will assembly in the office in the North end of the Field House. The 1937 Celebration of the Univer- sity of Michigan: All of the sessions of the Celebration are open to alumni, members of the faculty, students, and Ballroom. Topic: "The Fine Arts in Higher Education." Wednesday, June 16, 9:50 a.m. Third General Session, Hill Auditor- ium. Topic: "Higher Education in the World of Tomorrow." 12:30 p.m. Luncheons and Round Table Discussions. Topics: "Higher Education for Leadership (Union), 'Foreign Relations" (League), "Crea- tive Art" (League), "The University and Alumni Relations" (Union). 6:30 p.m. Dinner, Michigan Union Ballroom. Topic: "The College Man and Religion in the Future." Thursday, June 17. 9:50 a.m. Fourth General Session, Hill Audi- torium. Topic: "Higher Education and Scientific Progress." 12:30 p.m. Luncheon, Michigan Union Ballroom. Topic: "Achieving a Balance Be- tween Scientific and Social Progress." 2:50 p.m., Fifth General Session, Hill Auditorium. Topic: "The University and the Professions." 6:15 p.m. Alumnae Dinner, Mich- igan League Ballroom. 6:30 p.m. All-Class Dinner, Mich- igan Union Ballroom. Friday, June 18, 8:30 a.m., Break- fasts and Round Table Discussions by Professional Groups. 9:50 a.m. Sixth General Session, Hill Auditorium. Topic: "T h e University in Educational Progress." 12:30 p.m. Alumni Luncheon, Mich- igan Union Ballroom. 2:30 p.m. Closing Session, Hill Au- ditorium. Topic: "The University and the Enrichment of Life." No tickets are necessary for ad- mission to the sessions in Hill Audi- torium. All dinners are $1.50 per plate except the Community Dinner which is $1. All luncheons are $1 per plate. Luncheon and dinner tickets are now available in Alumni Memorial Hall. The Intramural Sports Building will be closed to activities Friday, June 11, at 6 p.m. Lockers must be 'enewed for the summer or vacated on or before that date. The School of Education is spon- soring an informal dinner in the Ballroom of the Michigan Union on the evening of June 30, 1937. This date is during the week of the Na- tional Education Association meet- ings in Detroit, which occasion will bring together many leading men and women from all parts of the United States, many of whom were formerly students at the University. Others who have been looking for just such an opportunity as this to visit the University of Michigan will be in- vited. The dinner will be open to students enrolled in the Summer Session, to residents of Ann Arbor, and specially to faculty members who are in the city at that time. Mark the date, June 30, on your calendar and watch for further notice of the place where tickets may be secured Varsity Glee Club: Arrangements are' complete for our appearance June 14, at the Community Dinner. There will be a rehearsal of all men who expect to sing in that appearance 'on the afternoon of June 14, at. 3:30 p.m. in the Union. Please remember that we are singing in summer formal and not tailcoats. The pictures taken of the spring trip are ready for distribu- tion. Members of the Michigan Wolver- ine: Cash refunds may be obtained by calling at the office of the Wol- verine at noon or at 6:30 p.m., Sat- urday, June 5. Transfer of member- ship to a membership for next year may be made at these times, and is strongly urged for those who wish to be assured of Wolverine membership in September, 1937. A representative of the Electro- Hygiene Company will be in the office to interview men for sales work this 'summer, on Tuesday, June 8. Kindly make appointments at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, or call 4121, Ext. 371. Summer Addresses: All students registered with the Bureau are re- minded that they should leave sum- mer addresses before the end of school, whether or not they are re- maining in Ann Arbor. It would be well to check up on records at this time also, to be sure they are com- plete. University Bureau of Appointments Academic Notices Mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, College of Literature, Science and the Arts. The examination in mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 will take place Thursday, June 10, 9-12 a.m., according to the follow- ing schedule: Anning-35 A.H. Coe-35 A.H. Copeland-205 M.H. Elder-205 M.H. Ford-1035 A.H. Karpinski-1035 A.H. Myers-231 A.H. Nyswander-231 A.H. Raiford-1035 A.H. Schneckenburger-3017 A.H. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Wavertty. Oopy received at the *VW* at the Amiftsat to the Presl&4 waW3=:3O;1104a jaL en Saturday.