Sir i gan jIaiitg Editorials Ileilp The Student Lending Library ... Woodman Spare That Tree ... ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS River Valley Action Asked By President Plan Calls For Blanketing Of Country With Seven RegionalAuthorities Bill Is Introduced By Senator Norris WASHINGTON, June 3.-()- President Roosevelt asked Congress today for legislation giving every ma- jor river valley in the nation a TVA of its own. While Republicans and the organ- ized public utilities denounced the plan, and Administration adherents came to its defense, Senator Norris1 (Ind., Neb.), called the "Father of the Tennessee Valley Authority" in-1 troduced a bill to make the proposalj effective. With a plea for conservation of the Nation's natural wealth and for protection against dust storms, floods and droughts, Mr. Roosevelt proposed that the country be blanketed with seven regional authorities ,to have charge of the work. Suggested Territories He suggested that the territories assigned to them be the Atlantic Seaboard, the Great Lakes, and Ohio Valley, the drainage basin of the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers, the basins of the Missouri River and Red River of the North, the basins of the Arkansas, Red and Rio Grande Rivers, the basins of the ColoradoI and Rivers flowing into the Pacific south of the California-Oregon boundary, and the basin of the Co-' lumbia River. To those he added, the existing Mississippi River Com- mission, which would be left undis- turbed:. With the exception of the Ten-' nessee and Columbia Valley Authori- ties, Mr. Roosevelt said ,the work of these authorities "at least in their early years would consist in de- veloping integrated plans to conserve and safeguard the prudent use of waters, waterpower, soils, forests and other resources of the areas entrust- ed to their charge." Comiprehenslve Flodd Plan, Dust storms, floods and droughts, the President told Congress, are na- ture's warning that the nation must act while there is time to preserve natural resources for the present and succeeding generations. "A comprehensive plan of flood control must embrace not only down- stream levees and floodways, and re- tarding dams and reservoirs on ma- jor tributaries, but also smaller dams and reservoirs on the lesser tribu-' taries, and measures of applied con- servation throughout an entire drainage area, such as restoration of forests and grasses on inferior lands, and encouragement of farm practices which diminish runoff and prevent erosion on arable lands," the Presi- dent said. Senior Editor Will Purchase INation Weekly Publisher, Editor Disagree On Support Of Supreme Court Reorganization Attenpt To Banish Rahoi From House LANSING, June 3.-(IP)-Rep. Jo- seph E. Warner, (Rep., Ypsilanti) drafted a resolution tonight which would bar Rep. Philip J. Rahoi from the House of Representatives for the rest of the session. Few legislators took seriously the announced attempt to punish the Iron Mountain Democrat because of a quarrel in which Rahoi and Speaker George A. Schroeder engaged today. Local Picketers Get Civil Rilits League Support Kambly, Christman Cases To Be Argued By O'Brien Or Associates The Michigan Conference for the1 Protection of Civil Rights will pro-1 vide financial backing for the jury trials of Arnold Kambly, '38, and Pa" Christman, local resident, who werej arrested for using immoral language at a strike-demonstration in front of the Ann Arbor Recreation bowling al- leys April 8.c Either Patrick O'Brien, former at-s torney-general of Michigan and Michigan Conference lawyer, or one of his associates will try the casesc of Kambly and Christman.t Indications were last night that Christman will be tried Wednesday or Thursday of next week and Kambly Friday. Edward Magdol, '39, night editor on The Daily staff, arrested for immorall language, remains to be tried. Ralph Neafus, '36F&C, one of the, seven arrested at the demonstration withdrew his Circuit Court appeal Tuesday and paid his fine and court1 costs in Justice Jay H. Payne's court.- Rafael Haskell, '38E, pleaded "noo contendere" Tuesday and paid fine and costs in Justice Payne's court. Myron E. Slater, owner of the Col- lege Book Shop,charged in a warrants issued April 22 with using indecent language at the demonstration, will be tried after those arrested April1 8. Joseph Bernstein, '39, and Tom Downs, '39, president of the Student Workers Federation, have been found1 Compromise 00 Court Plan Is Indicated Senator Robinson Declares He Is Not A Candidate For Judiciary Vacancy WASHINGTON, June 3.-UP)- Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, the majority leader, strongly indicated after a White House conference to- night that the Administration may propose a compromise on the Su- preme Court reorganization bill. Robinson at the same time said he was not a candidate himself for the Supreme Court vacancy created by the retirement of Justice Van De- vanter and that it had not been dis- cussed with the President. The Arkansas senator said after the two-hour session at the executive mansion that the bill to add new jus- tices to the court if incumbents over 70 do not retire would be pressed for action at this session. He quickly added, however, that some amendments would be sub- mitted and that he- might offer one himself. Robinson would not disclose what the amendments would be, saying "You will have to wait and see." State House Passes Labor Relations Bill General Mola Dies As Plane Crashes Grants Government Righik To Seize, Operate Strike Threatened Plants Measure Approved In Form Demanded LANSING, June 3.-(P)-A labor relations bill, endorsed by Governor Murphy as a method of preserving in- dustrial peace in Michigan, received approval of the House of Representa- tives today by a vote of 63 to 31. It goes to the Senate for concurrence. The measure, granting the State power to seize and operate major plants threatened by strike, and pro- viding machinery to avert or quickly settle labor disputes, through control in the form demanded ay Democratic floor leaders. Two Amendments Carried Only two important amendments carried. One would forbid strikes by state or municipal employes whose work affects public welfare or safety. The other would increase the salaries of members of the State Labor Rela- tions Board from $4,000 a year to $5,- 000. Attempts by Rep. George C. Wat- son, (Rep., Capac), to attach amend- ments which would have outlawed sit- down strikes and picketing which barred egress to strike-affected plants were voted down by narrow margins. He also lost in an attempt to pre- serve for the courts the power to issue temporary injunctions in labor dis- putes. The bill takes away that au- thority. Rep. Ellis E. Faulkner, (Rep., Del- ton), criticized the measure as "fair neither to employers nor employees." He demanded that it be killed and substituted by Governor Murphy's original "model" labor relations bill, which was rewritten in the House Labor Committee. Governor's Bill Rep, Joseph C. Murphy, Democratic floor leader, asserted in reply: "Don't let anybody tell this is not the Gov- ernor's bill. He has said it is a good bill, acceptable to both the employer and the employe." A ser-comedy by-play marked consideration of the bill after Rep. Philip J. Rahoi, (Dem., Iron Moun- tain), and Speaker George A. Schroe- der' came to the verge of blows. Ra- hoi, disgruntled because he had failed to eliminate a section of the bill yes- terday granting the State power to seize plants, forced the reading of the bill, word for word, in retaliation. It required a full half hour, not counting time lost in debate. Duke An~d Duchess Of Windsor Leave For Honeymoon LAROCHE - MIGENNES, France, June 4.-(AP)-The Duke and Duchess of Windsor boarded the Simplon- Orient Express at this small station in the department of Yonne early today and sped away on their honey- moon journey to Austria. The world's most famous couple, nlaing motored here from the Cha- teau de Cande where they were mar- ried yesterday, boarded the train a few minutes after midnight. It was 12:11 a.m. (6:17 p.m., E.S.T.) when the brightly lighted train pulled out into the night toward Italy and Austria. The shiny special car attached at Paris was made ready for the couple's occupancy before it reached this sta- tion. In FogNear Burgos His Bill Passes (By Associated Press) Steel strike leaders intensified their efforts to force three producers to sign contracts yesterday (Thursday).a Philip Murray, chairman of the Steel Workers Organizing Committee, said an effort to "shut off the source; of supply" was being made through r Ij ment of iron mine workers in Minnesota and northern Michigan. Representative John Bernard, (F.L., Minn.) was appointed to direct the campaign. Republic Steel Corp., largest of the strike-harassed steel firms, continued to operate several plants in spite of the picket siege. Planes flew food over the enemy lines to two factories in Ohio. A rush of workers attempt- ing to enter the Warren, O., plant re- sulted in one picket being wounded slightly. Two loyal workers pierced the line; four were repulsed. The Calumet area in Illinois and Indiana was quite. Unionists gath- ered for a mass funeral service for some of the victims in last Sunday's bloody battle. The seventh picket died during the day. More than a, score still were in hospitals. Representatives of three quarters' of a million railroad workers met in' Chicago with railroad operators' spokesmen to negotiate demands for (Continued on Page 2) Stout considers Present Budoet; Outt Of Balance House Ways And Means Head Says New Form Of 'Taxation Needed LANSING, June 3.-(P)-Rep. M.{ Clyde Stout of Ionia, chairman of the house ways and means committee,' said today he considered the state's budget $10,000,000 to $15,000,000 "or more" out of balance. "We will need some new form of' taxation," he warned, "unless we -can reduce the appropriation bills to con- form with the anticipated revenue." His statement coincided with the Senate's action today in approving a, $47,000,000 appropriation for state school aid, and his own committe's decision to add approximately $3,- 000,000 to the recommended approp- riation for state departments. The school aid bill adds more than $9,000,000 to the amount given schools in the year now ending. Stout declined to endorse any of a number of revenue bills introduced in the legislative sessions. Among them were measures to invoke an in- come tax, legalize gambling and li- cense it, to increase the sales tax from three per cent to four per cent, State Education Council To Hold Meeting 'Today Program For Last Meeting Will H a v e Quickstad, Miller, Browlell The final meeting of the year of the Michigan Council on Education will be called to order at 10 a.m. today at the Union by the chairman, H. C. Hunt. The program for the morning in- cludes talks on "TheTMichigan Con- gress of Parents and Teachers" by N. J. Quickstad, fourth vice-president of the Congress; "The Major Enact- ments of the Legislature" by Chester F. Miller, chairman of the legislative committee of the Michigan Advisory Commission on Education; and "The Michigan Study of the Secondary School Curriculum-Report of Prog- ress" by S. M. Brownell, chairman of the Directing Committee. At the luncheon meeting, Dr. Eu- gene B. Elliott, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, will speak on "Plans for the Future," In the afternoon, James W. Parry, Coordinator in In-Service Training of theaMichigan Municipal League, will talk on "In-Service Training among Official Groups;" and David D. Henry will speak on "Reorganizing the State Board of Education." The Michigan Council on Educa- tion is an educational planning body composed of groups wishing to dis- cuss rational positions in regard to current problems in education. Detroit Aluni Club Holds Sprin Outing One hundred members of the University of Michigan Club of De- torit celebrated their annual spring outing yesterday afternoon and eve- ning at the Forest Lake Country Club, with members of the Varsity coach- ing staff from the campus as their guests of honor. The annual golf tournament was the feature of the afternoon pro- GOVERNOR FRANK MURPHY f b 1,000 To Meet At Community f Dinner_Friday r Novelty Program Modeled After Gridiron BanquetF Will Be Presented More than 1,000 alumni, townspeo- ple, faculty members and students will gather Friday, June 14, in an Intramural Building decorated with hundreds of arbor vitae trees and i peonies to take part in the 1937 Cel-s ebration Community Dinner, Arthurv W. Stace, chairman of the Com- munity Dinner Committee and editort of the Ann Arbor News, said yester- day.a A novelty program modeled afteri that of the Gridiron Club banquetv in Washington will feature the affair,I Mr. Stace said. A unique seating ar- rangement so that all those attend-I ing will be able to see everything that goes on is planned, he added. Opening the program, which will start with the first course and run continuously, will be Prof. Carl G.k Brandt of the speech department, Director of the 1937 Celebration, who" will say a few words before intro-1 ducing the Rev. Frederick Cowin of the Church of Christ who will be the toastmaster. The theme of this first half of the program will be "Past and Present." Michigan songs by the Varsity Glee Club and Girl's Glee Club, "Music of the Years" by the Varsity band, "Merry Moments in University His-1 tory" by Play Production and, final- ly, "Pageant of the Presidents" will make up this earlier and lighter part of the entertainment, Mr. Stace said. President Ruthven is to preside, over the second part, which takes as its theme "The Relation of the{ University to the State and to the City," and includes three speeches. Edmund C. Shields, '98L, former re- gent and regent-elect of the Univer- (Continued on Page 2) Need Of Rooms For Celebration Limits Parties No fraternity house party may ex- tend beyond noon of Monday, June 14, the Committee on Student Affairs decided yesterday. Prof. Robert P. Briggs of the eco-! nomics department, speaking for the committee, said last night that this action was due to the necessity of clearing fraternity houses to accom- modate visitors to the University cel- ebration. The committee ruled, he said, that dancing would not be permitted be- yond midnight Saturday. He also said that all transportation out of Ann Arbor must be by busses or trains. Student Pitchers Show Pnl i ' fTingH aurlingy Officer Was Commander Of All Insurgent Armies In Northern Spain Pilots, Staff Officers Die In Same Crash Bespectacled Leader Was General Franco's Ablest Strategist And Assistant VICTORIA, Spain, June 3.-()- reneral Emilio Mola, Commander of all Insurgent armies in Northern Spain and director of the two-months )ld siege of Bilbao, was killed today in the crash of a fog-bound airplane. Two of his staff officers and two pilots died with him in the wreck near Briviesca, 25 miles northeast of Burgos, capital of Generalissimo Francisco Franco's Insurgent Regime early in the war and still a Franco stronghold. Mola's body was thrown 25 yards from the wrecked plane and was so adly mangled it could be identified nly by the tan waterproof coat he more. The bespectacled Mola was Fran- co's righthand mnan, accounted. the ablest strategist among all the In- urgent Chieftain's lieutenants. He was in command of the drive which had carried the insurgent forces with- n sight of Bilbao, Basque capital on he Bay of Biscay. Returning From Biscay Mola was flying from the Bay of Biscay front when he met his death. Only Gen. Gonzalo Queipo de Llano had a place comparable to Mola's in Franco's command. Mola was in charge of the north and even com- manded the Madrid front when Fran- o himself was not there. Queipo de Llano was in command n the South and was often Franco's spokesman in radio broadcasts. It was his men who swept most of the Southern seaboard in February, cap- turing Malaga. The loss of Mola was considered a tremendous blow to France's mU l- tary campaign at Bilbao's Wo would take command was not known; Insurgent radio stations shut down after broadcasting the first reports of his death. He was the second important figure in the Fascist revolt to die in an airplane smashup. The first was Gen. Jose Sanjurjo, who was killed last July 20-two days after the rebellion began-when he started to fly back to Spain from Lisbon. It was reported Sanjurjo, instead of Franco, would have been the choice of theinsurgents for dictator after the hoped-for triumph. Italo-German Parley ROME, June 3.--P)-Premier Ben- ito Mussolini today piloted Reichs- fuehrer Adolf Hitler's war minister through a realistic display of Italy's military power and then the two laid plans for Italo-German collaboration in the Spanish war and wars to come. The German visitor was Field Mar- shal Werner Von Blomberg. Here chiefly to confer on the Spanish crisis, he scouted the strength Italy can muster alongside that of Ger- many. Much of it Ile saw from an airplane with Il Duce himself at the controls. The conferences with Mussolini and Ciano were on the Spanish situation, afterward there were persistent re- ports plans for an intensified Italo- German-Insurgent drive against the government-held city of Bilbao had been discussed. Patrol Plan S ubmitted LONDON, June 3.-(P)-Great Bri- tain today submitted a three-point program for drawing Germany and. Italy back into the non-intervention patrol of warring Spain. Her proposals, sent to France, Ger- many and Itay were: (D that safety (Continued on Page 2) Hlampstead. Players To Give 'Threshold.' The cast for "Threshold," a social 'drama portraying the lives of a middle-class American family during the depression, by Mrs. George Brig- ham, wife of Prof. George B. Brigham of the Architectural School, was an- nounced yesterday. j The play will be presented June 7 r r r NEW YORK, June 3.-(P)-Maur- ice Wertheim, publisher of The Na- tion, who recently disagreed with the editors of the magazine in their en- dorsement of President Roosevelt's court reforms, today announced that the publication would be sold to Freda Kirchwey, its senior editor. Citing the instance in which he and Oswald Garrison Villard, former pub- lisher, took issue with The Nation on the court plan, Wertheim said, "It, has become increasingly clear that! group control is not effective and that absentee ownership creates an anamolous situation." After 11 years as a member of the magazine's board, Wertheim created the civic aid foundation in 1935 to buy The Nation, then in financial dif- ficulties, from Villard. Wertheim con- trols the foundation. i i ,{ < . Janitors Spend $130 Monthly To Live; Get $85, Budget Shows By STAN SWINTON University janitors receive an aver- age wage of $85 monthly, while it costs them an average of $130 a month to live on a subsistence level, a typical budget made up yesterday by two janitors, Frank Kunze and Will Canter, showed. "We appreciate the attitude of co- operation of Mr. Pardon (superinten- dent of Buildings and Grounds De- partment) and the way he has re- lieved us from fear of retribution for union activities, but much more im- portant to us than vacations or sick aid is the immediate need for higher wages," Canter stated. Cnnitr d tvnical.t h hudget The budget made up by the two men, one of whom is the father of one child and the other of three chil- dren, runs as follows: rent, $35; food, $50; light and heat, $17.50; clothing, $10; car, $15; emergency medical care, $2.50. Many of the men must live outside the city limits because rents are higher near the campus and the car therefore becomes an absolute necessity, Canter said. Not only will the newly-formed janitors union, which already has 40 of the 100 janitors in its member- ship, attempt to have wages raised, but there is a possibility that some- time in the future it will be used as a unit for cooperative buying, Can- ter hopes. Dues of one dollar month- Church Guilds Plan Inter-Faith Meeting An Inter-Guild Retreat and meet- ing will be held in the Arboretum from 4 t R n m. ,iinai mi - .,nc n,