FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1937 FOUR THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1937 ,,-I,,,,,--,,-, ---- - ------ -- . ...... ... ........_. _..... THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authorlty of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. Au rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED'FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College4 Publishers Representati.e 420 fVADISON AVE. NEw YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATT-LE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.............JOSEPH S. MATTES E|DITORIAL DIRECTOR...........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR ....................IRVING SILVERMAN William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS: Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Oilman, Horace Gilmore, Saul Kelman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsey *Anderson, Art Baldauf. Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorsteln. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman; Betty Bonisteel. Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Betty Lauer, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Har- riet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voorhees. Business Department BUSINESS- MANAGER ............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER..................DON WILSHER ADVERTISINGAMANAGER . .. NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers 'd Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; Robert Lodge, Local Advertising Manager; William Newnan, Service Man- ager; Marshall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH N. FREEDMAN THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of TIhe Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. How About It? To the Editor: Ever since last fall, when I as a Freshman was introduced to the Michigan campus with my head still crammed with parental advice, I have been fuming and fretting over the exorbitant prices that I had to pay for my text books. To 1relieve the pressure within me caused by these pent-up emotions, I decided to take advantage of our Bill of Rights and indulge a bit in freedom of the press. My complaint is directed against the book- merchants situated on S. State Street. These few contriving business establishments seem to have a complete monopoly on Michigan text books sold in Ann Arbor and they certainly take advantage of this monopoly on a large scale. Last October I had to pay practically three dollars for a third hand Geography I and II book. Two more dol- lars slipped through my sweating fingers for a second hand Math. 4 text. When I had finally completed my purchasing my wallet had shrunk in thickness about one-half an inch and I came staggering to my room with the terrific burden of four second hand text books which had cost me ten dollars. I complained bitterly to my fel- low roomers and found to my surprise that I had been fortunate indeed, for they had been taken for a much larger sum than I had. If there were any other book-stores in town that did not prac- tice this legalized larceny, I most certainly would patronize that benevolent establishment. But alas, there are none. So, all of my brethren in the University who feel as I do about our friendly-service bookstores, let us pray not only for ourselves but for on- coming suckers, for the book merchants of Ann Arbor to cut their profits down to only 100 per cent and give us striving scholars at least a half-decent break. S -A Struggling Freshman. Time, Iicorporated, Marches On.. . R EADERS of Time, Fortune and Life who have not paused to re- flect upon the objectivity and the truthfulness of the news presented in these magazines could read to advantage Dwight MacDonald's series of three articles in the May issues of the Nation. MacDonald, who has contributed to Time, Inc. in the past, points out how Time's writers and editors, by a simple use of what they feel to be the "correct" words, give a biased and prejudiced account of news events. The foreign news sec- tion of Time, edited by L. S. Goldsborough, is one big offender, according to MacDonald. "His (Goldsborough's) treatment of the Spanish war must be read to be believed," MacDonald writes. "'The Spanish government, a regime of Social- ists, Communists, and rattle-brained liberals, had emptied the jails of cutthroats to defend itself,' he wrote early in the conflict. 'The gov- ernment's militia, largely composed of ill-trained and ill-disciplined shoemakers, cab-drivers, and waiters, who were only prevented from scattering in despair by their officers standing behind them with cocked firearms . . . '-such is his descrip- tion of the defenders of Madrid (Time, October 26, 1936)." MacDonald says further, "Next to radicals Goldsborough hates Jews. Leon Blum, being both, is abused in terms worthy of Herr Streicher. It is 'lean, spidery, Leon Blum, Socialist and Jew,' 'Jew Blum,' ' . . . the peculiar detestation Leon Blum is capable of arousing'-in peculiar, not to say pathological, people, one might add." These are only incidental quotations which Mr. MacDonald'has taken from Time magazine's own pages. His quotations are effective and show quite conclusively that the treatment of news from the other side of the tracks is not all that the editors claim it to be. Luce, who was the father of Time, Inc., and still is the active head of the organization which publishes all three of the magazines discussed by Mr. MacDonald in his series, is described as a man whose opinions "are those of the ruling business class to which he belongs and whose great mouthpiece he is, of the people he went to college with, the people he puts up in his streamlined guest cottages --- the people, in a word, who pay for the adver- tising which pays for his magazines." Luce appears to have forgotten the journalistic objectivity that he so proudly boasts of in the realization that news treated with color, sensa- tionalism and flippancy is profitable. Truth be- comes an incidental element. It must not stand in the way. The real danger in publications s'uch as Time is not in the subtle prejudice with which news and characters are treated but it lies in the fact that the majority of readers are not aware that they are being duped by the so-called reputable journals. Hearst is not overly dangerous for the treader with average intelligence because of the simple. reason that the reader is cognizant of Hearst's journalistic concepts and is, therefore, ready to take Hearstian reportorial tid-bits with considerable quantities of salt. Time, however, purports to be objective, high- Warriors Off The Campus To the Editor: Second Louie sounded very much like the typically "good" man. Bertrand Russell says that the "good" man, "apart from his professional duties .. . may encourage patriotism and military training." The "bad" man, on the contrary, may have some subversive opinions; "for instance, he may think that if you desire peace you should prepare for peace, not for war." Bertrand Russell says 'that "The rank and file, of course, are not virtuous: they try to practice universal brother- hood and mutual good will." And such practice, as we all know, is contrary "to the belief of all right-minded people." "Good" men abhor criticism and believe that the R.O.T.C. is actually beyond criticism, except, of course, in its pathetic inefficiency-since, among other reasons like desertion, as is almost unanimously admitted by both "good" and "bad" men, the constituents of the R.O.T.C. tend very strongly to become human but inhumane auto- matons. Perhaps our "good" men and students are both so tragically misinformed on the R.O.T.C. (we shall grant them the virtue of honesty, wrong though this be), because, as an Army man has said, "It is the one educational sphere in which the military man can propagandize un- hampered." "From the students' viewpoint, (after the War) anyone who was willing to spend a good portion of his college years undergoing military training was not held in high esteem." In November, 1922, however, "College authorities, army officers and educators were invited to hear the Secretary (of War) enunciate a new policy for the War Department-that of educator, trainer in cit- izenship and popularizer of war. Secretary Weeks lamented that the law prevented the R.O.T.C. from being superimposed upon the entire educa- tional system of the country. He suggested re- course through indirect action: the R.O.T.C. would be popularized artificially if it could not be super-imposed. Thereafter, popularizing methods up to and including sex appeal hit the R.O.T.C. And War Department Training Manual 2000- 25 set forth the "citizenship" course. "According to the manual, big corporations in America are excellent because 'railroads, telegraph and tele- phone companies conduct their affairs to the benefit and profit of the nation.' " "Property is the base of civilization." The abundant wealth of our country "has been distributed to the enrichment of her entire pop- ulation." "Pacifism is baneful." "It promotes distrust of country, debases the spirit of nationalism, is destructive of patriotism and cooperates with destructive forces for the overthrow of national institutions." (P.S.: Before you resign from the R.O.T.C., you had better check these statements for your- self.) But "citizenship" training entails still more dogma. Second Louie is correct on the pacifist's "Destructive Idealism." The citizenship course states that this is "an attempt to undermine the nation from within, more serious than thei-threat of armed forces from without." So what, O Louie, is left good about the R.O.- T.C.? You yourself quite correctly refute the false notion that the R.O.T.C. is "an important ele- ment in our national security." In this you are correct, even if "at the University of Illinois over a million dollars' worth of military equipment . . ,_4 _.-, . 1~ + un m r, o -on UNDER qm THE CLOCK ith DISRAELI T HE BANNER LINE of the first page of the Chicago Tribune yesterday announced that the picketer slain while on the line at the steel strike in Indiana Harbor was a RED. We hope that the company police in Governor Townsend's state of this land of the free feel a little better about this unfortunate incident. After all, that wouldn't be as bad as if it had been a Republican. Disraeli at least is much relieved about it all now that the chap's politics are settled. And he suggests that the Russian government papers take notice, so that when Stalin's next "purge" comes, the Bolshevik banners can run something like: FIND MURDERED MAN WAS DEMO- CRAT, $0 IT'S ALL RIGHT. * * * * JUST AS AN ADVERTISEMENT to those who plan on school at Michigan next fall, we feel that no matter what stands in a prospective student's way he should, try to overcome it just to have the acquaintance of Minnie S. The University received a card yesterday from the earnest Minnie addressed thusly: Registrar, Director, Secretaries, Asst., Pres. and Faculty members and families. Ann Arbor, Mich. On the back of- the card was the following message: Hollywood, Calif. Registrar, Director, Sec., Pres. and Mrs.-, Faculty members, wives, husbands, Ann Arbor, Mich. Gentlemen : Please send me a bulletin of your Univer- sity. Yours very truly, Minnie S. Minnie no doubt feels that there is nothing like getting your man, woman, child, mother-in- law, goat. YESTERDAY for the first time in the history of the awards, Hopwood winners were noti- fied beforehand that they had won a prize. That was done because contestants had complained that the strain was too much for them. Formerly it meant sitting through a lecture for an hour or so, waiting with your heart going like Andy Gump's Adam's apple. For many it meant work- ing up to a great big letdown. Disraeli asked one of the winners if it had made any real difference. The ieply was some- thing like this: "Before it was like sitting in a room with someone you loved, waiting for her to say she loved you. Then you either swooped down and carried her off or you were borne off yourself-not by her. Today it was like loving a woman in another room, suddenly discovering that she loves you, then you have to wait until they let you out of your roomsb you can go to her. But all the time you know she is waiting. No doubt the gal he meant was something hypothetical-like Dame Fortune. - , Russian Performance (From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch) THE STORY is familiar about Emerson trying to force an obstinate heifer through a barn door. Unused to such physical exertion, he was breathing hard and getting nowhere, though resolutely sticking to the task. Along comes the servant girl, sizes up the situation at a glance, thrusts a finger into the calf's mouth and with this maternal gesture gently leads the animal to its stall. The philosopher, back in his study, entered this note in his diary: "I like people who get things done." Few of us are philosophers but all of us feel as Emerson did. We all admire people who do things. And by that token, Soviet Russia is today enjoying the admiration of the world. This bus- iness of establishing a camp at the North Pole may be called an epic without invoking poetic license at all. All the preparations have been conducted in the manner of our best industrial efficiency. The best minds were chosen, spe- cialists who had won their rating in competitive action as well as in studious attainments. A work of the highest imagination, at first the dream of a poet-playwright, a twentieth-century Shelley, say, with the real Promethean fire, it in- spired a scientist and his staff to translate a charted dream into fact. Moscow has been a loud talker since the 10 days that shook the world. It has ,drenched the avenues of communication with advertisements of the millenium. But this North Pole adven- ture is written, not in words, but in deeds. Here is a challenge to the world's attention. Planting a city on the North Pole as the connecting link between Moscow and San Francisco-well, shadei of the Romanoffs, make your bow to your su- periors! injurious. I deny absolutely that military drill contains one feature which cannot be duplicated in every well-regulated gymnasium in the coun- try today." What then, O Louie, is good about the R.O.- T.C.? Good for "obedience, loyalty, initiative or respect for law"? A former West Point and Reg- ular Army man says that "a mass of evidence can be marshalled against military training in- culcating" said qualities. A New Jersey Com- mission is hardly necessary to reveal that "obed- ience to military authority is generally unthink- ing ... blind and superficial, not real." I learned the same fact from a few R.O.T.C. boys on our TH EATRE By JAMES DOLL The Centennial Opera WHEN it came to deciding on a play for Centennial Week, the com- mittee in charge selected Play Pro- duction to produce it. And since the group's most impressive productions have been those they did with the School of Music and the dance classes from the department of physical edu- cation, a musical by this combination seemed the logical thing. Best remembered have been the series of Gilbert and Sullivan operas. In these the emphasis has been on the rather less known ones. The five have been: The Gondoliers, Iolanthe, Ruddigore, The Pirates of Penzance, and The Yeomen of the Guard. How- ever, two of the most interesting productions of the three organiza- tions were The Chocolate Soldier and Midsummer Night's Dream for which the University Symphony Orchestra played the Mendelssohn music. Although the difficulties of the Sa- voy operas are not always realized, it iscertain that The Bartered Bride.- is, musically, the most ambitious work attempted so far by the group. It gives an opportunity to all the de- partments. The singing both for the choruses and the soloists, the dancing. and the music for the orchestra will provide a real challenge for these groups. The overture, for example was considered so interesting by Gus- tav Mahler who conducted the first Metropolitan Opera production, that it was played as an introduction t the second act so that late arrival should not miss it. Pitts Sanborn says in his notes foi the Metropolitan's program: "Th Bartered 'Bride is national opera folk opera, even more redolent of Bohemia's fields and groves than Dei Freischutz is of German forests. "Nevertheless The Bartered Brid is byno means folk opera in a cramp- ing sense. While distinctly of its na- tive soil, it also possesses the uni- versal qualities necessary to give it a: world-wide currency. We of othe countries delight in its C z e c h rhythms, its national dances, the characteristic contour of its melodies but we find also in the music more than local color and exotic charm the glowing humanity is there that transcends limits and boundaries." After its first performance at the Provisional Theatre in Prague, Ma 30, 1866, the inspired comedy wa seen at most of the important Euro- pean opera houses from St. Peters- burg to London. However, it was no seen in America until the Metropol- itan added it to its repertoire Jan- uary 19, 1909. The late Emmy Des- tinn, herself a Czech, sang Marie. Th strange, rich quality of her voice wa said to be suited to the glorious har- monies of the opera. It was revived in 1926 with Maria Mueller and ir 1933 with Elizabeth Rethberg, whc sang here in the May Festival thi year. Its next appearance at the Metro- politan was in the supplementary Spring Season inaugurated last year Miss Muriel Dickson who the seasor before had made a favorite impres- sion in leading parts with the D'Oyly Carte company sang Marie. Last Christmas it was put into the Met- ropolitan's regular season. At that time Lawrence Gilman of the New York Herald-Tribune said: "It is a masterpiece of humor and gaiety and beauty, too often and too long neg- lected in America . . . A perfect way tc spend Christmas would be to dine de- liberately at midday and sit befor The Bartered Bride from eight-thirty to eleven, with Smetana's prismati folk-dances and gorgeous droll rie and vibrant, lovely tunes to end the day in rich, luxurious content." And yet, after seeing the Metropol- itan production, one felt-as so often one does at such times-that a great deal was lost in the production. It seems to me that the Metropolitan i. limited to grand opera in the fullest sense of the term. The comedy and delicacy of effect possible in an opera like Smetana's was not at all realized Not only Mozart but operas like Mig- rion do not seem suited to those vast wastes. It is not possible to put over, comedy except in the broadest man- ner and even then it does not quite get across. The operas, too, are not seemingly studied as separate productions but have a sameness in the staging if not in the musical interpretation. The chorus steps back at rest and the ballet comes on for its turn. They exit and the opera goes on as before. The principals, too, do not fit into a general ensemble. There seems to be no broad interpretation covering the whole production. For that reason the opera is well suited to production in an intimate theatre like the Mendelssohn. Although not officially a part of the program of summer plays, it will ac- tually be a striking beginning for the Michigan Repertory Player's sea- son of eight plays. The Smetana opera will open Tuesday, June 15 and play Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- day nights of Centennial week with matinees on Wednesday and Thurs- day. DanaYoung Leave For Ohio Forestry Meeting (Continued from Page 2) Plans for Commencement: Commencement, Saturday, June 3:30 p.m. 19, Weather Fair Time of Assembly, 5:20 p.m. (ex- :ept noted). Places of Assembly:r Members of the Faculties at 5:30 >.m. in Angell Hall, Room 1223 Rhet- ric Library where they may robe. Regents, Ex-Regents and Deans at1 5:30 p.m. in Angell Hall, Room 1011, he Regents Room. Students of the various schools and ,olleges, as follows: Literature, Science and the Arts on Vlain Diagonal walk be.tween Library1 nd Engineering Buildings. Education on walk North side of t >hysiology and Pharmacology Build- ing. Engineering on Main Diagonal walk in Engineering Court. Architecture on Main Diagonal Walk in Engineering Arch (behind Engineers). c Medical on diagonal walk betweenF Chemistry Building and Library. Nurses on diagonal walk between Chemistry Building and Library (be- wind Medics). Law on East and West walk, West7 Af the intersection in front of Li- brary.t Pharmacy on East and- West walk, West of the intersection in front of ibrary (behind Law). Dental Surgery on North and South ,valk in rear of North wing of Univer- sity hall. 1 Business Administration on walk in ront of Physiology and Pharmacol- )gy Building. Forestry and Conservation on walk n front of Physiology and Phar- m.acology Building (behind Bus. Ad.). Music on diagonal walk from Li- arary to Alumni Memorial Hall, nearK Library. Giraduate on East and West walk West of Library entrance.l Honor Guard at Waterman Gym- nasium. Line of March, State Street to Ferry Field. Weather Rainy The sounding of the UniversityI Power House Siren at 5 to 5:15 p.m.R will indicate that the exercises have been transferred to Yost Field House.+ Students will proceed directly to the Field House and enter through the North doors. Members of the Faculties will enter through the north doors and take their places on the platform in the Field House. Regents, Ex-Regents, Deans and; Candidates for Honorary Degrees will assembly in the office in the North end of the Field House. Academic Notices Mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, College of Literature, Science and the Arts. The examination in mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 will take place Thursday, June 10, 9-12 a.m., according to the follow- ing schedule: Anning-35 A.H. Coe-35 A.H. Copeland-205 M.H. Elder-205 M.H. Ford-1035 A.H. Karpinski-1035 A.H. Myers-23~1 A.H. Education for Leadership (Union), "Foreign Relations" (League), "Crea- tive Art" (League), "The University and Alumni Relations" (Union). 6:30 p.m. Dinner, Michigan Union Ballroom. Topic: "The College Man and Religion in the Future." Thursday, June 17. 9:50 a.m. Fourth General Session, Hill Audi- torium. Topic: "Higher Education and Scientific Progress." 12:30 p.m. Luncheon, Michigan Union Ballroom. Topic: 'Achieving a Balance Be- tween Scientific and Social Progress." 2:50 p.m., Fifth General Session, Hill Auditorium. Topic: "The University and the Professions." 6:15 p.m. Alumnae Dinner, Mich- igan League Ballroom. 6:30 p.m. All-Class Dinner, Mich- igan Union Ballroom. Friday, June 18, 8:30 a.m., Break- fasts and Round Table Discussions by Professional Groups. 9:50 a.m. Sixth General Session, Hill Auditorium. Topic : "T h e University in Educational Progress." 12:30 p.m. Alumni Luncheon, Mich- gan Union Ballroom. 2:30 p.m. Closing Session, Hill Au- litorium. Topic: "The University md the Enrichment of Life." No tickets are necessary for ad- nission to the sessions in Hill Audi- I.orium. All dinners are $1.50 per )late except the Community Dinner vhich is $1. All luncheons are $1 cer plate. Luncheon and dinner ickets are now available in Alumni Vemorial Hall. The Intramural Sports Building vill be closed to activities Friday, Tune 11, at 6 p.m. Lockers must be -enewed for the summer or vacated on >r before that date. English 32, Sec. 4, which meets MIWF 10 in Room 3231 Angell Hal, will have its examination in 1209 Angell Hall. Latin 56, Latin Literature in Eng- ish: Students are requested to turn n their completed note-books at the ime of the final examination. Esperanto: The Esperanto Class will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday. Hopwood contestants are requested o call for their manuscripts at the EIopwood Room on either Thursday r Friday afternoon, June 3 or 4. Copies of the judges' comments or in- dividual manuscripts may be ob- ained at the desk. To The Members of the Faculty of The College of Literature, Science, and The Arts: The eighth regular meeting of the faculty of the Col- ege of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic session of 1936- 37 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, June 7, 1937, at 4:10 p.m. Agenda: 1. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of May 3, 1937, which have been distributed by campus mail. (pages 341-346). 2. Resolution on the retirement of Prof. S. 'Lawrence Bigelow. Commit- tee, Professors A. L. Cross, M. P. Tilley, and H. H. Willard, Chairman, 3. Election of five members to the University Council and two members to the Administrative Board for terms of three years. Nominating com- mittee, Professors Vernor W. Crane, chairman, 'C. A. Knudson, and D. L. Rich. 4. Reports: a. Executive Committee by Prof. Campbell Bonner. b. University Council by Prof. R B. Hall. c. Executive Board of the Grad- uate School by Prof. Louis I. Bred- Vold. d. Advisory Committee on Univer- sity Affairs by Prof. Preston Slosson. e. Deans' Conference by Dean E. H. Kraus. 5. Proposed Honors Degree Pro- gram in Liberal Arts (copy enclosed). 6. Announcements and new busi- ness. Edward H. Kraus. The Paul F. Bagley Scholarship in Chemistry of $200 is open to juniors and seniors majoring in chemistry. Preference will be given to those need- ing financial assistance: Application blanks may be obtained in Room 212, Chemistry Laboratory, and must be filed not later than June 4. The George Davis Bivin Foundation prizes in the Mental Hygiene of Child- hood: The University of Michigan announces the establishment, through a gift of the George Davis Bivin Foun- dation, Inc., of several prizes for grad- uate and undergraduate students for the encouragement of resarch and study on problems concerned with the mental hygiene of childhood. Awards of $20, $10 and $5 are of- fered for papers submitted by ad- vanced undegraduate students. A prize of $50 is offered to graduate students for a master's or doctor's thesis or a comparable special study. The following conditions govern the awards: 1. In order to be considered for the award for the current year, papers must reach the chairman of the com- mittee, 2509 University Elementary School, not later than 4 p.m., June 10, 1937. 2. Copies of all prize-winning pa- pers are to be sent to the Secretary of the Foundation. All rights to the manuscript, however, remain with the writer. 3 ,Awards may be withheld if, in the judgment of the committee, no papers of sufficient merit are con- ,~i~at3TAonmfta lra~v DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Vaversity. Copy received at the affic atthe Assaitant to the Prslde * at h3-30; 11:00 a*"Lo- Saturday. mond, Whitesell, Braun. 2225 Angell Hall, Graf. B Haven Hall, Striedieck. 1035 Angell Hall, Wahr. C Haven Hall, Van Duren. German 31: Both sections in C Haven Hall. German 32: 2003 Angell Hall, Philippson, Nord- meyer. 2225 Angell Hall, Graf. 1035 Angell Hall, Walhr. C Haven Hall, Van Duren. B Haven Hall, Striedieck. W. Lee. Physics, Gaiss. Political Science: Examinations Thursday afternoon, June 3: Course Instructor Room 1 All 25 A.H. 2 Cuncannon 2003 A.H. McCaffree 205 M.H. Kallenbach C.H.H. Kitchin B.H.H. Dorr (see. 1) C.H.H. Dorr (sec. 2.) B.H.H. 51 Cuncannon 2203 A.H. 52 Preuss 1025 A.H. Heneman 231 A.H. 108 Bromage 35 A.H.