JUNE 2, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE JUNE2, T'37PAGEFIT Th ePrimrose Path With her hair let down to facilitate the proverbial "good cry" Miss Prim- rose adds to the general dolour of the situation on campus and sighs a weepy farewell column into the ears of those who will listen ... the best thing she has done for the campus in many moons, she did this week-end when she wept a Huron-full of tears, and, draped in black, zoomed around the place With little of her usual verve . .. her black veils blowing, she visited the usual haunts in search of cheer from those who are as yet not down in the "blues", Friday night the Theta Chis had an eventful spring formal dinner dance, which warmed the well-known cockles of Miss Primrose's heart by its very levity ... the old oil can tradition that has even permeated the faculty as was seen last week-end at the mighty Key Dance, numbers the Theta Chis among its supporters as a "good thing" . .. They varied the requirements. a bit however, and presented a shiny oil can to Jack Briner NOT for being the most loquacious lubricator, but for putting the most noise into his renditions ... Dick Shroth and Margaret Peckham watched it all eagerly . .. Eleanor Skiles and Howard Johnson dropped in late just as Miss Prim- rose was sweeping out in her novel outfit . ..Carl Post and Dorothy Webb enjoyed the music, and seemed to have forgotten all about the coming ordeal . .. At dinner Nancy Saibert and Jack Thompson seemed to be able to sit 'up and take nourishment as the old saying goes ... Tom Koeppelman was with Betty Notley and the two of them were grinning like Cheshire cats when Miss Primrose, peering through her weeds, caught sight of them . as were Margaret Lowry and Reed Prugh . .. Through her tears as she left the dear old Theta Chi house for the last time Miss Primrose glimpsed Grete Holst and Walker Graham dancing all too gaily . And All He Said Was 'U.g' .. . Saturday afternoon brought along with it a really high spot in the Michigamua Peace Paddle . . . up the Huron it was with all the mighty tribesmen puffing, and now and then one of the squaws doing the work . Jean Lillie paddled super-man Tom Kleene upstream (be impressed, people) ... he was nursing a quart mug marked "For Household Use Only" and with an expressive "ugh" refused to let Miss Primrose, who was then doing her duty by raising the Huron's water level. with her tears, peek into the interior ... One of the "Young Bucks" in the person of Joe Rinaldi fell into the thundering stream and proceeded to make known to all that he was a bit lax in the old Indian art of "schvimmen' " . . . whereupon Hubert (Tangle Tongue) Bristol, as one of the "Fighting Braves," pulled him out ... Tom (Slumbering Souse) Sullivan churned up the river to the picnic grounds with Harriet Hathaway . .. Harriet Shackleton and Jack (Rudder Nose) Kasley, Helen Purdy and Jake Townsend enjoyed the trip down- stream best .. . At night they all had a dance at the Phi Kappa Sigma house and braves, bucks and sachems joined in the building of a huge bonfire in the front of the house to celebrate the great'occasion ... Unbraiding her hair on the way to the Union Miss Primrose attempted to lose that squaw look by applying powder to her already noticeable pallor when she arrived . . . Sally Connery and Dorothy Bernard were waiting calmly for their dates and gazed in wonder as Miss Primrose wheeled past ... Upstairs Sally Thomas and Harry Clark were listening appreciatively to a smooth rendition of "Smroke Dreams" ... In the other room Miss Prim-. rose heard Sara Clancey shout across the hushed room "How about doing history tomorrow?" and she dashed away disheartened again . . . Helen Kipf, whose pet alligators were the topic of conversation at the moment, was astounding Jerry McCarthy with a few ghastly tales . .. Also with that faintly worried "must hit the books" look she saw Roberta Leete with Jerry Martin ... Betty Walker and Rowland Bolton danced nonchalantly along to the mournful notes of "Stormy Weather" . .. Isabel Bruyere and Henry Huntington, and Vera Gray and Fritz Radford were among those present as Miss Primrose noticed, peeping coyly but sadly through her black garb ... Ring Bells, Blow Horns .. . On Decoration Day bright and early in the morning the Gamma Phi Betas and company wended their way out to the Huron Hills Country Club for their breakfast dance . . . Barbara Spaulding was out for the dance with Bruce Bassett . . Betty Lindegren ran around with a balloon on her hair and danced with Joe McCulloch as smoothly as ever with the added handicap of her headgear . And so, never let it be said that Miss Primrose doesn't know when to leave with naught but pleasant memories ...,away, away she must fly before the bugbear of exams (how she's avoided that horrid word up until now) gather into their amazingly multiple and equally gruesome folds the here- tofore carefree students .. List Of Patrons Of Senior Ball Is Announced Extended Sale Of Tickets To Continue This Week At Union Desk Governor Murphy will head the pa- tron list for Senior Ball to be held from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. June 18, in the Intramural Building, according to Roswell Curtis, who is chairman of the patrons committee. An extended ticket sale will begin today at the Union desk, according to Cedric Marsh and Alexander Neill, co- chairmen of the ticket committee. Tickets priced at $4 will be available to all students at any time through- out the week. Others on the patrons list will be: Regent and Mrs. Junius Beal,CRe- gent and Mrs. Franklin M. Cook, Regent Esther M. Cram and Mr. Cram, Regent and Mrs. Charles F. Hemans, Regent and Mrs. James O. Murfin, Regent and Mrs. David M. Crowley, Regent and Mrs. Richard R. Smith and Regent and Mrs. Ralph Stone. Ruthvens Will Attend President and Mrs. Ruthven, Vice- President and Mrs. Shirley W. Smith, Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Dean and Mrs Henry M. Bates, Dean and Mrs. Sam- uel Dana, Dean and Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Dean and Mrs. Clare E, Griffin, Dean and Mrs. Edward I. Kraus, Dean and Mrs. Herbert C. Sadler, Dean and Mrs. Albert F ur- 'tenberg, Dean and Mrs. Clarence Yoakum and President and Mrs Charles A. Sink will also be patrons for the ball. The list of patrons also includes Dean and Mrs. Wilber R. Humphreys, Dean and Mrs. Alfred H. Lovell, Dear and Mrs. Walter B. Rea, Dean and Mrs. Peter Okkelberg, Dean and Mrs C. T. Olmstead, Dean Byrl Bacher, Dean Jeannette Perry, Col. and Mrs. Fred C. Rogers, Prof. H. C. Anderson, Prof. and Mrs. Joseph Hayden, Prof. and Mrs. Morris Tilley, Prof. anc Mrs. Robert Angell, Prof. and Mrs. William McLaughlin, Prof. and Mrs. F. N. Menefee, Prof. and Mrs. A. D. Moore. Families Of Committee Included Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Tapping, Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Moser, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Hinshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Johr Otte, Mr. and Mrs. Roswell Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Keeler, Mr, and Mrs. N. H. Anspach, Dr.. anc Mrs. F. G. Buesser, Mr. and Mrs W. F. Goodrich, Mr. and Mrs. Jam( Lyon, Mrs. Bertha Neill, Dr. and Mrs R. D. Bunting and Dr. and Mrs. Frani C. Wade. Jan Garber's orchestra, who player for the 1936 J-Hop, will play fo: the dance this year. The dance will be held in the Intramural Building instead of the Union, because of th increased ticket sale for this year' dance. Cottons A re Smai't 9 ' 1J f , Just the thing for clness dur- ' rinted cotton frock with its Peter Pan cellar and short puffer sleeves. I n Fo nme PncllandsFort Sufemser r [wo Weddings Members Of Faculty Present At Opening Are Announced Of 'Tonight At 8:30' As June Events ,\A"I v fa ii r cirs, a-tended iily cly lllti uC1G the opening of the second series of "Tonight at 8:30" by Noel Coward Two former University students were married recently . last ntht at the Lydia Mendelssohn Josephine Kennedy, daughter of Theatre. Mrs. Oakley W. Chase of Ann Arbor, became the wife of Dr. William W. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Maier were seen Burd, '31D, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal-Ientering the theatre. Mrs. Maier was ter H. Burd of Ann Arbor, at an in- dressed in a summer suit of all white. forma ceremony held in the Church She chose a white turban to match forma cremonyhld inthewhich was trimmed with clusters of of Christ (Disciples),white flowers. Mrs. Ruthven also The Rev. Frederick Cowin read the attended the play, and Prof. and Mrs. Kervicebefore about 25 guests. Luan Thieme and Dr. and Mrs. U. Wile Ruth Kennedy, sister of the bride, were also seen. was the maid of honor and Alden Other members of the faculty who White of Detroit was asked to as- attended were Prof. and Mrs. Walter sist as best man. Following the wed- B. Pillsbury, Prof. Carl Guthe aie ding a reception was held at the Prof. Arthur Cross. At intermission, home of the bridegroom's parents.-IMr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Quirk, Jr., Mrs. Burd is a graduate of the Ann paused to discuss the play as did Mr. Ai bor high school, and Dr. Burd, who and Mrs. Charles Koella and Prof. is affiliated with Psi Omega, received; and Mrs. Herbert Kenyon. his degree from the University college Actors of the other plays also at- of dentistry. tended last night's play. They were Helen Schiarra, daughter of Mr. Beatrice de Neergaard who played in and Mrs. Albert Schiarra of Boston, "Laughing Woman," Ainsworth Ar- recently married Chester D. Barnes, nold and Arthur Davison. Elena Mira- jr., '36, son of Mrs. Chester D. Barnes mova, who will play in "Tovarich" of Ann Arbor. Marie Schon of Bos- ton was the maid of honor Mrs. Barnes is a graduates of Mass- achusetts General Hospital and Mr. Hold your heads high Barnes, who is affiliated with Theta Xi fraternity, attended this Univer- Jn lie n sity. -ue -auaes.- Athena's Meetings Ended By Banquet Athena Forensic Society conclud- ed its activities for the year with a banquet at 5:30 p.m. at the League. The speaker of the evening was Mrs. Ruth Huston Whipple of Ply- mouth, a charter member of the so- ciety. She discussed the history, ideals and objectives of Athena. Miss Ethel McCormick, Social Director of the League, also addressed the group. Miss Marion Stowe, of the Depart- ment of Speech at Michigan State Normal College, presented a dramatic reading. Grace Gray, '37, was chair- man of the program. was dressed in a gold and black dress. The blouse was maGe of metallic links, and a matching gold turban was worn. TYPEWRITING MIMEOGRAPHING ..romptly and neatly done by experx- ,ced operators at moderate png. o. D. MORRILL 314 South State Stree - '' r.,. : .; =jN i _ _ 4= :; : ..'f3 r,:: Tentative plans for a propram of social activity for summer school students were outlined yesterday by Hope Hartwig, '38, president of thej League. The activities will include a sum- mer school reception for faculty C members and studests early in the term,Linformal week-end dances at the League and Union, dancing classes, a bridge tournament and a watermelon social. At the end of the semester there will be a formal in the League Ballroom. A summer League Council, consist- ing of a secretary, two dance chair- men, a tea chairman and a publicity chairman will be appointed soon, Miss Hartwig said, and its function will be to direct the program of activ- ities for the summer term. GRADUATION A Novel/y, Stc krung is a iii1osl ice l Jcomeif 1I. Mesh - Lace - Blackheeled Pointed Heel, or Sandal Foot with Mesh 'Toes. --We Have Them All -- SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE Michigan Theatre Bldg. A]l eyes are turned on you, so feel sure that you are at your best. A ZOTOS permanent given to you by our expert operators will give you confidence in your appearance. NO MACHINERY NO ELECTRICITY VOGUE BEPUTY SiLON 307 South State Street Phone 8384 I I Alumnae Mrs. Club Reelects . Irene Johnson Mrs. Irene B. Johnson was reelect- ed president of the Michigan Alum- nae Club at a recent meeting of the crganization. Other officers elected were Miss Linda Eberbach, vice- president, Mrs. Leigh Trosper, treas- urer and Mrs. Leigh Young, secretary. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Alec Dowl in Barton Hills. ., S o ,Z, & . \ I The Perfect Gift FOR GIRL GRADUATES of All Sizes 000 I' 'T j y 4 ( Y' 1 proclaim the cool now freedom of How Many Beads For A Silver Fox I :: . ; } ? ' J' i p " K 3i?. i : . .,:. t: ..L, _ 1 : 1 } ' *} ,,. ., I In zephyr- light','styles $3.95 and$495 N N A ,0 ~ ' tially the same. Tiiis is the world's oldest problem. It's as old as man, yet it exists today, varied perhaps in aspect, but essen- " " Wherever men live THE COMPLEXITIES of modern life have added many ramifications to the simple, direct contact of the moun- tain men. No longer is it feasible for a man who would trade to wander in search of a taker. He mut reverse the process and bring men to him or meet them half way. Where the Old Belle-Sharmeer Stockings IN INDIVIDUAL LEG SIZES ! Any girl . . esp'ecially a girl grad- uate ....adores f ne silk stockings. And fine silk stockings in her own leg size . . ah, there's a gift in a million! So why not decide; right now, to give the girl graduates on your list Be/le-Sharmaer Stock- ings. They actually come in leg sizes as well as foot sizes! Accurately and individually sized in both width and length for small,middling,tall and plump. You can't miss perfec- tion if you select Bele-Sharmeer. And they're here exclusively. $1.00, $1.15 to $1.95 *White Kid ' White Linen 'White Doeskin White Gabardine *'White Patent Leather '\ } C together and produce more than they need for their own use, exchange en- ters in. Though on the one hand we have a car, and on the other money, it is still but a civilized way of say- ing, "How many beads for a Silver Fox?" THE EXCHANGE OF GOODS and serv- ices for other goods and services, as expressed at present in currency, forms the basis of all business today as it did in the era when the American Fur* Trader wandered through the wilderness in search of beaver, mink, mouth, merchants of today must de- pend on effective advertising methods. In its DISPLAY and CLASSIFIED adver- tising service this paper offers not only an effective, but an amazingly inex- pensive basis for contact with poten- tial buyers. For with a paid circula- tion of more than 3,000 and a reading public exceeding 10,000, comprised of students, faculty, and townspeople, it reaches the group whose purchasing power has made possible the develop- ment of Ann Arbor. Fur buyer depended on word of " otter, and fox pelts. Now as then Adorably smart ... and youthful! These new Connies with their high pointed fronts, cross- straps...and big perfo- rations, For your nicest contact between buyer and seller is of prime importance and alone makes possible exchange. Her Foot Size Has a Number .. Her Leg Size Has a Name BREV ..... for smalls Duc i8SS .... for tails uru r for 'irnalls ,.. ...... ,. .SS... .. for-/~ I I i IIII 1l 1