PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1937 F4~GE FOUR WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2, 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY -~.l. . . ........ -i IMSCRO ." Edited and managed by students of the University of Michiganunder the authoity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It. or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All rights of republicatn of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions duringeregular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publshers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEw YORK, N.Y. 'CHICAGO BSTON SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES PORTLAND - SEAT LE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ..............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORtIAL DIRECTOR ............TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR...................IRVING SILVERMAN William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS: Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, Saul Kleiman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Szemore. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsey Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairxtan; Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Betty Lauer, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Har- riet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voorhees. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER .............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. ST NBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAER ........BETSY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARE 9ERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; Robert Lodge, Local Advertising Manager; William Newnan, Service Man- ager; Marshall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertising Manager, NIGHT EDITOR: JOSEPH GIES Whither John Bull?.... T HE GERMAN bombardment of Almeria, the withdrawal of Italy and Germany from the Non-Intervention Com- mittee and the British protest of Loyalist inter- ference with neutral shipping has brought the Spanish situation to its greatest open crisis as far as the rest of Europe is concerned since the outbreak of the revolt. Although Germany played the most spectac- ular part over the week-end, we feel that Great Britain is rapidly becoming the major key to the entire Spanish crisis. Germany, to be sure, deserves to be censured for its premature action in bombarding Almeria. No reports have been received that Germany attempted any diplomatic means of securing redress before her "reprisal" move. As the New York Times has pointed out, responsibility for the bombing of the Deutsch- land in the harbor of Iviza has not been clearly attributed to the Loyalists. Surely, under such conditions Germany should have entered into some negotiations before bombarding the Span- ish seaport. Further, a reprisal, according to international law, should be in proportion to the previous illegality and there appears to be much room for doubt as to whether the bombardment of Almeria was justified by the bombing of the Deutschland. In view of Germany's preylous ac- tivities in connection .with the Spanish revolt, however, any attempt at justifiable procedure on its part cannot be expected. Great Britain's protest against Loyalist inter- ference with her shipping seems strange when one pauses to consider that British commerce has suffered much more at the hands of the rebels. Franco's blockade outside of Loyalist ports prevented many British merchant vessels from reaching Spain. The ports of Barcelona and Bilbao were effectively cut off by the rebel blockade and British shippers were advised not to send goods to Spain. This advice came from official quarters despite the fact that Great Britain has not recognized the belligerency of Franco. Hence protests now against alleged Loyalist interference sound out of tune and add to the evidence that the National Government is pro-Franco. This latest step brings Great Britain right in line with Germany and Italy, the countries which have been aiding the fascist forces in Spain since the early stages of the revolt. Thus the reports that the only hopeful sign for Europe in the pres- ent crisis are the close relationships between France and Great Britain become almost mean- ingless. Great Britain can no longer be defi- hitely depended upon to align itself with anti- fascist countries should a European war result. At last the National Government appears to be showing its true colors. Great Britain has acted in a pro-fascist manner throughout the Spanish revolt although not taking any definite steps which would reveal its hand until now. What TIEATRE Bureau Of New Plays T HE SECOND PLAY competition of the Bureau of New Plays for college students and recent graduates has just been announced by Theresa Helburn, Director. The terms and requirements were decided after a series of preliminary meet- ings between Miss Helburn, the Advisory Council -Walter Prichard Eaton of Yale, Chairman, Frederick H. Koch of the University of North Carolina and Kenneth Rowe of the University of Michigan--and the representatives of the seven major motion picture companies sponsor- ing the Bureau of New Plays. These last are: Marion Avery, Columbia Pictures Corporation; J. Robert Rubin, Metro-Godlwyn-Mayer Cor- poration; Russell Holman, Paramount Pictures, Inc.; Leda Bauer, RKO Radio Pictures, Inc.; Ed- win P. Kilroe, Twentieth Century-Fox Film Cor- poration; Charles Beahan, Universal Pictures Company, Inc.; Jacob Wilk, Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc. WHEN THE RESULTS of the first competition were announced last February, it was found that two out of the six awards, and one out of five honorable mentions, had been given to Mich- igan students. Arthur Miller, '38, won a scholar- ship of $1,250 for his play They Too Arise. It was produced by the Hillel Players at the Men- delssohn Theatre in March. Robert Wetzel, who was formerly on the faculty of the English de- partment was awarded $500 for Fool's Hill, a satire on university life. Theodore Kahan, '35, was given honorable mention. No other uni- versity won more than a single scholarship and . a single honorable mention. This was especially noteworthy in view of the fact that Michigan was fourth in number of manuscripts submitted. Awards of $500 will again be made to the authors of the six best plays submitted in the competition. At the discretion of the Bureau of New Plays, and on the basis of future promise and financial need, these awards may be in- creased to scholarship awards of $1250 or to fel- lowship awards of from $1,500 to $2,500. More awards may be granted if the material sub- mitted justifies it or, if in the opinion of the judges ,the material submitted does not justify the full quota of awards, the Bureau reserves the right to grant only as many as they recom- mend. The recipients of such scholarship or fellow- ship awards will be expected to submit at least two plays within the year's tenure of the scholar- ship or fellowship or within six months there- after, and in case of production of one or both of such plays, part of the scholarship or fellow- ship awards shall be considered as advance ou royalties to be returned to the Bureau of New Plays for the maintenance of awards. IT WAS DECIDED to open this second competi- tion October 1, close it December 15, and an- nounce the awards not later than March 15. This change in dates from last year's competition was made to allow students who may have written scripts this summer to revise them with profes- sorial criticism in the fall before submitting them in the competition, to obviate rushing professors in colleges at the last moment for letters of recommendation which must accompany the scripts, and to permit students new in the fall in playwriting courses likewise to enter the com- petition. Any undergraduate or graduate student now attending any American or Canadian university or college, or who has atended such an insti- tution at any time since September 1, 1931, whether or not the work for a degree was com- pleted, is eligible to compete for the awards. Plays must be full length, original, unpublished and unproduced by any professional theatre, and must have written recommendation by the head of the English or Drama Department or his au- thorized representative, of the college or univer- sity attended by the author. Miss Helburn says, "The colleges are showing a great deal of ifiterest already. The professors of playwriting report that their students are even. now planning what plays they wish to submit in this competition. A great many of the competi- tors in last year's competition who received en- couragement and advice on their manuscripts are working now on new plays which they ex- pect to submit in this second play competition." A committee of judges selected from a panel of leading producers, directors, educators, actors and critics of Theresa Helburn, ex-officio, will make the final decisions in the second play com- petition. Included in the panel are: Richard Aldrich, Delos Chappell, Max Gordon, Lawrence Langner, Gilbert Miller, Brock Pemberton, Row- land Stebbins, Arthur Hopkins, producers: John Gassner, critic; Harry Wagstaff Gribble, Worth- ington Miner, Antoinette Perry, Lee Strasberg, Edward Goodman, Philip Moeller, directors; A. M.. Drummond of Cornell University, Garrett H. Leverton, of Northwestern University, E. C. Mabie of the University of Iowa, educators. -J.D. Peace, But When? rTHE WORLD, for some mysterious reason, is apparently moving towards war. It seems insane to those of us who can remember what war really was a few years ago; how useless it proved to be, how it settled nothing, but left everything in a confusion from which the world has not yet recovered. And it will unquestion- ably be even more terrible than it was then if it .comes again . . . I believe that peace is certain to come sooner or later. I cannot believe that human beings can permanently be so destitute of all common SituDown Strikes (A Statement by the National Committee of the American Civil Liberties Union.) THE NEW TACTIC followed by both strikers and the unemployed in occupying places of employment and public offices as a form of pro- test and pressure raises questions on which the champions of civil rights are sharply divided. The various arguments are here set forth in order to indicate the complex character of the issue and to define the relation of the American Civil Liberties Union to it. Many of our friends dismiss all these sit-down, and stay-in strikes as a simple issue of trespass, involving only property rights, with which the American Civil Liberties Union is not concerned. But a contrary view is expressed by many that other issues than trespass are involved. They point out that when the unemployed oc- cupy public relief offices or legislative halls, they are exercising what seem to them to be rights of access to a public place with which their interests are vitally concerned. They point out further that when sit-down strikers have occupied plants only during their working hours, repeating the tactic on subsequent days, no issue of trespass has been raised and no process of law has yet been invoked. The main issue arises, of course, when strikers continue to occupy plants after working hours. Injunctions have been issued against them. Ar- rests have been made for trespass. Legislative proposals attempt to make such forms of tres- pass felonies or go further by making failure to give several days' notice to strike a crime Civil Liberties Involved ....... Threats are frequently made of the use of pri- vate violence or of the military power of the state to eject such strikers. Issues of civil liberty are obviously involved in some of these methods. Occupation of company property by striking workers raises highly debatable questions in a field in which public policy is obviously yet to be determined. Sit-down strikers usually maintain that they are "not sitting on company property, they are sitting on their jobs," and assert a "property interest" in their jobs. They liken the procedure to a form of picket- ing ,maintaining that the law once held both picketing and trade unions to be illegal, and ar- guing that the law may come around to recog- nition under given circumstances of their right to remain peacefully at their places of work. How far the law may hold that labor relations are sub- ject to public regulation and therefore whether such a tactic might be recognized in any circum- stances is still, of course, a matter of speculation. Contrary arguments are commonly advanced against the tactic on grounds which in principle have some relation to the democratic process. It is pointed out that the sit-down tactic enables a minority of workers to deny rights to a majority and that, in a public service industry, a small minority may cripple service essentially to a whole community. They point out further thatt the tactic mnay be used by irresponsible elements against trade unions themselves. Negotiation Vs. Coercion... . . The chief concern of the Civil Liberties Union in relation to industrial conflict is to keep open the processes of discussion and negotiations as against coercion and violence. That is the heart of the civil liberties doctrine. The Civil Liberties Union has always opposed use of force or violence in industrial conflict on the side of employers or strikers and the use of excessive force by public authorities in making arrests. It is not always easy to draw the line between reasonable and unreasonable use of the power of the police, and each set of circum- stances must therefore be judged separately. Or- dinarily, ways can be found to enforce the law without paying the price of bloodshed for such tactics as the peaceful occupation of places of employment. It is obviously in the public interest to have the conflict between labor and capital handled by the process of discussion and negotiation rather than complicated by hasty and ill-advised use of the power of the police. The Civil Liberties Union will act only to keep open the channels of organization and negotia- tion, to maintain intact the right to strike and in particular cases to protest and take action against unnecessary force or violence, by whom- ever employed. Tax Dodgers (From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch) RESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S stinging attack on income-tax evaders in the upper brackets is both timely and welcome. It takes on emphasis and drama from his threat to name names and his account of the multi-millionaire who incor- porated his yacht and thus saved himself $50,000 a year in income taxes. Such a tax-dodging device, in the President's view, is "unethical, immoral or whatever one wanted to call it," to quote from the correspon- dent's account. Of course it is, but that doesn't stop the tax-evaders. So long as the loopholes, or possible loopholes, are there, the practices will continue. A subterfuge may be the very anti- thesis of all ethics and morals, but so long as there is a chance of its being legal, it will be used. Mr. Roosevelt does not rest with condemna- tion and publicity, of course, but announces he will ask Congress to plug up the loopholes in the tax laws. This is the real remedy. The government's efforts to compel full payment of income taxes have in many instances been thwarted by the complexity of the statutes and the openings left for sharp-shooting lawyers to save their clients money. What we need is a clearly understandable and lawyer-uroof set of THEATRE By JAMES DOLL The Second Coward Pill The 1937 Dramatic Season, Robert Henderson, Director, presents Misg, Jessie Royce Landis in the second group of Noel Coward's Tonight at 8:30 with Cha rles Romano. Comprising: Family Album, a Victorian comedy with music; Fumed Oak, an unpleasant comedy in two scenes; Shadow Play, a musical fantasy in many scenes. Directed by Robert Henderson: the music under., the direction of Stanley Butler, scenery painted by Herman Boothe. At the Mendelssohn Theatre. WEDNESDAY ,JUNE 2, 1937 -i WEDNESDAY ,JUNE 2, 1937 VOL. XLVII No. 176 Notices Commencement Tickets: Tickets for Commencement may be obtained on request after June 1, at the Busi- annual payments. (If premiums are paid monthly, no regular premium tnotices are sent and a receipt is sent only at the end of the policy year). Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary. ness office, Room 1, University Hall HIS second bill of short plays by Commencement Week programs will Noel Coward is even more enter- also be ready on June 1 or soon taining-as a whole-than the first thereafter. Inasmuch as only two was two weeks ago. The emphasis Yost Field House tickets are. available here is definitely on light comedy for each Senior, please present iden- with music. Family Album is subtle, tification card when applying for light, the music most skillfully blend- tickets. ed into the action. The atmosphere Herbert G. Watkins. throughout is the sort we associate with the pleasant aspects of the Vic- Seniors: The firm which furnishes torian era. Noel Coward seems to diplomas for the University has. sent suggest this nostalgia quite as well the following caution: "Please warn as, say Laurence Houseman in Vic- graduates not to store diplomas in toria Regima or E. F. Benson in his cedar chests. There is enough of the As We Were essays: the sons and moth-killing aromatic oil in the av- daughters in Papa's drawing-room erage cedar chest to soften inks of the evening of his funeral; the black any kind that might be stored inside costume of the bereaved; the Ma- them, resulting in seriously damaging deira; the old family retainer, the diplomas." 'Albrum' Has Victorian Setting Herbert G. Watkins. It's all there just as it is in a novel _rr_._ks of Anthony Trollope's; Orley Farm, perhaps. But into this background Summer Session registration for is music with Noel Coward's modern students in L.S.&A., Architecture, Ed- touch. And it is never out of keep- ucation and Music-registration ma- ing with the gentle satire and carica- terial may be secured from Room 4 ture. U.H. during the examination period.' ; .1 z e r s t 1 F r Shadow lay is more music than play, perhaps even more shadow than play. It seems to me the least inter- esting of all the plays in the series. However, it provides a medium for smart song and dance. Fumed Oak is a realistic comedy about the worm that turns. It was decidedly the hit of this second bill. The audience takes it for rollicking comedy which it most certainly is. 'There is an underlying feeling of drab tragedy but that gives it stature rather than detracting from its en- tertainment value. Second Play Has Comic Appeal It's about a henpecked husband and his most unpleasant wife, brat daugh- ter, and itchy mother-in-law. Every- one in the audience-and Henry Gow, the husband-is happy when le turns on the three, tellsthem what he's been thinking about them all the years and ,leaves them fiat. To the realism, and the pleasant unreality of the underdog turned for a mon- ent into a domestic Napoleon, add an indescribable kind of stylization that Noel Coward adds to everything he does. It is most capitally played as for the most part all of the plays on the bill. Jessie Royce Landis, especially has distinction and distinctness in each of her three parts. She gets all the comedy possible out of the awful wife in Fumed Oak, and isn't the least bit afraid to make the, au- dience hate her at the same time. Small Parts Well Played Charles Romano is competent and forceful in the plays, but rather mis- cast in Shadow Play. The other actors fitted well into the scheme of things. In Family Al- bum John W. Austin was a most amusing and Dickens-like butler; Peggy French was effective in a small part; and Maury Tuckerman has a feeling for the comedy behind the sit- uation. In his brief dance in Shadow Play, Demetrios Vilan caught the slickness the play needs. The sole ad- vantage of Miss Ellis Baker in these plays would seem to be her striking resemblance to Joyce Carey who played the same parts in New York. She almost spoiled Family Album by her forced climax.' Better scenery would have helped the two musical plays on the bill. It moved awkwardly in Shadow Play and the decorative possibilities of Vic- torian elegance were not touched in the background for Family Album. Tennessee (From The Detroit News) If the state of Tennessee is reading the notices of itself printed in papers throughout the nation, it must be sweating for shame and embarrass- ment. Hardly have the headlines re- garding the nine-year-old bride van- ished when new ones equally sensa- tional appear regarding a "plow wife," a woman whose husband worked her to death pulling a plow. The land of supposed southern chiv- alry finds itself held up to public at- tention as one in which the status of women is actually worse than among barbarians. The judicious realize, of course that these degrading performances like the robberies and murders which so frequently give our cities a black reputation, are pulled off by a very small element of the population, and that the average enlightmnent of Tennesse citizenship is reasonably high. But in the absence of counter- acting accounts of feminine felicity- for normal existence is not news- the impression. tends to get abroad that abuse of women is characteristi of the whole state. If the better clas .,,r., anivnr n 1h - nnn l ic DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Uav rsity. Copy received at the omeU at the Assitant to the Pre.dw* ua 3: 3411.0 a.m. aSaturday. Asot. L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. June .Graduates: The University sends interesting and instructive bul- , letins periodically to all graduates a and former students. In order that you may receive these, please keep L the Alumni Catalog Office informe at all times regarding your correct t address. Lunette Hadley, Director. f Senior Engineers: We wish those who expect to remain in town a few days during the Centennial Week of l June 14-19 to assist in demonstrating the laboratories visitors. If you i have twoor three hours to help will you kindly sign one of the notices on f the bulletin boards or call at 22541. b Rights and Privileges of Policy-I holders of T.I.A.A. Of special interest I upon withdrawal from service. 1. No change of employment status i affects the amount of premium for a policy. Policies issued prior to 1936 provided for a higher premium a if a policyholder entered a commer- cial occupation, but the Association n has voted not to enforce this provi- t sion so that, regardless of shift in p employment, a policyholder always v receives the advantage of the low x premium charged when the policyt was issued. i Retirement Annuity Policyholders. II. If a policyholder is transferring to another institution, he should con- sult the officials of the new employ- er as to whether or not it will share r in continuing premium payments. o III. Upon withdrawal from a con- tributing institution, the policyhold- er has the following choices with a reference to his contract with this1 Association:. (a) He may continue premiums in full either annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly.I (b) He may ask that the premiumr be reduced. This privilege is avail- t able by .vote of the Board of Trustees t and is not a provision of the policy contracts. A reduction cannot be made retroactively so, arrangements should be made immediately. (The minimum premium acceptable is aE regular payment of $5 monthly, or an equivalent sum paid quarterly, semi- annually, or annually.) (c) He may make. no further pay- ment of premiuns, in which case the7 contract automatically b e c o m e s "paid-up." (Under a paid-up con- tract, the annuity will become pay- able as the original annuity was pay- able for such reduced amount as the accumulated premiums will purchase.1 To resume payments later, on a paid- up contract, it is necessary to rein- state it by the payment of all pre- miums in default with interest at 5 per cent per annum) IV. Leave of Absence. The provi- sions described above are, of course, available in case of absence on leave, either with or without pay, but no special privileges are granted to such absentees. T 1h e Association recommends, wherever possible, that both the in- sttution anl the staff member con- tinue payments in full on annuity contracts, during leave of absence. Life Insurance Policyholders. V. If premiums have been deduct- ed from salary and remitted by the institution, this procedure has been based on instructions from the pol- icyholder. If such a policyholder withdraws from the institution, he, of course, becomes responsible for the - payment of future premiums. If he - tion, it is suggested that he make in- quiry as to whether or not the new 3 employer will, on his authority, de- c duct premiums and transmit them to - the Association. Most institutions, The 1937 Celebration of the Univer- sity of Michigan: All of the sessions of the Celebration are open to alumni, members of the faculty, students, and the general public. The various ses- sions are scheduled as follows: \Monday, June 14, 6:30 p.m. Com- pnunity Dinner, Intramural Build- ing . Theme: "The Relation of the University to the State of Michigan and the City of Ann Arbor." Tuesday, June 15, 9:30 a.m. Second General Session, Hill Auditorium. Topic: "Michigan Today and Yester- day." 6:30 p.m. Dinner, Michigan League Ballroom. Topic: "The Fine Arts in Higher Education." Wednesday, June 16, 9:50 a.m. Third General Session, Hill Auditor- ium. Topic: "Higher Education in the World of Tomorrow." 12:30 p.m. Luncheons and Round Table Discussions. Topics: "Higher Education for Leadership (Union), Foreign Relations" (League), "Crea- tve Art" (League), "The University and Alumni Relations" (Union).s 6:30 p.m. Dinner, Michigan Union Ballroom. Topic: "The College Man and Religion in the Future." Thursday, June 17. 9:50 a.m. Fourth General Session, Hill Audi- orium. Topic: "Higher Education and Scientific Progress." 12:30 p.m. Luncheon, Michigan Union Ballroom. Topic: "Achieving a Balance Be- ween Scientific and Social Progress." 2:50 p.m., Fifth General Session, ill Auditorium. Topic: "The University and the Professions." 6:15 p.m. Alumnae Dinner, Mich- igan League Ballroom. 6:30 p.m. All-Class Dinner, Mich- gan Union Ballroom. Friday, June 18, 8:30 a.m. Break- fasts and Round Table Discussions by Professional Groups. 9:50 a.m. Sixth General Session, Hill Auditorium. Topic: "T h e University in Educational Progress." 12:30 p.m. Alumni Luncheon, Mich- gan Union Ballroom. 2:30 p.m. Closing Session, Hill Au- ditorium. Topic: "The University ad the Enrichment of Life." No tickets are necessary for ad- mission to the sessions in Hill Audi- orium. All dinners are $1.50 per plate except the Community Dinner which is $1. All luncheons are $1 per plate. Luncheon and dinner tickets are now available in Alumni Memorial Hall. The Intramural Sports Building will be closed to activities Friday, June 11, at 6 p.m. Lockers must be enewed for the summer or vacated on r before that date. -- Varsity Glee Club: Arrangements are complete for our appearance June 14, at the Community Dinner. There will be a rehearsal of all men who expect to sing in that appearance on the afternoon of June 14, at 3:30 p.m. n the Union. Please remember that wve are singing in summer formal and not tailcoats. The pictures taken of the spring trip are ready for distribu- tion. University Band Members: All men who are not playing in the com- mencement band are to return their equipment Saturday, June 5, 12-2 p.m. There will be a meeting of members of both bands at Morris Hall 5 p.m., Wednesday. This is not a rehearsal, no instruments. Everybody is ex- pected to be there. Academic Notices Mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7,,College of Literature, Science and the Arts. The examination in mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 will take place Thursday, June 10, 9-12 a.m., according to the follow- ing schedule: Anning-35 A.H. Coe-35 A.H. Copeland-205 M.H. Elder-205 M.H. Ford-1035 A.H. Karpinski-1035 A.H. Myers-231 A.H. Nyswander-231 A.H. Raiford-x-2035 A.H. Schneckenburger-3017 A.H. Wehausen-3017 A.H. History 12, Lec. II, Mr. Stanton's and Mr. Slosson's sections in Room 103 Romance; and all other sections in Natural Science Auditorium, for the final examination, Tuesday, June 8, 2-5 p.m. Students, College of Engineering: Correct Examination Schedule is posted on bulletin boards near Room 263 West Engineering Building. Disrgard all schedules printed in Michigan Daily. A. H. Lovell, Ass't Dean and Secv.