THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1937 ATE' WTIOw Bombarding Of Aul Emorean' diplomats maneuvered a general view of which is shown h German honor," claim the move w Sanish ofticials isaid 19 persons were EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS neria Causes Grave International Crisis Fresco Project Finished Here By Architects Work Completed Monday By New Group Is First Belonging ToUniversity First fresco work to belong to the University was completed above the inner west entrance of the architec- tural building Monday night by four students of the College of Architec- ture under Prof. Jean P. Slusser. The fresco, which was undertaken as a project of a newly-organized class in fresco-painting of the Col- lege of Architecture, represents a group symbolizing the activities of the College of Architecture. It in- cludes six figures, drawing, history, sculpture, design and architecture. Each figure is doing a phase of work characteristic of the activity it repre- ents. The men who did the mural,. besides Professor Slusser include Don- i rapidly following the bombardment of the Spanish part of Almeria, ald B. Gooch, Grad., Alfred Castagne, ere, by German ships. The Germans, saying that they were "avenging Arthur Serth, and Edgar Yeager, who as in retaliation for bombing of a Nazi battleship by Spanish war planes. is being represented this summer in killed in the shelling of Almeria. the American art group of the Paris - Exposition. The fresco, according to Professor i P. Slusser, was completed in three days' R' Pus a --®" .J" . orth of A ir intensive work over the week-end. Nine feet by five feet of the plaster T 1 Cwork of the regular wall was removed R o ite .nsoundSa S pringer and fresh plaster applied. While this (7__ _fresh plaster was still wet, the paint- _ing was done, with a water-color Idea Called 'Economically operation and yet carry the load that method, and as the plaster dries, the 1 tu. 1 - Would( be necessary in such an en- work will be preserved in permanent unsoun(; Blind Flying g deavr he said, form. The designs have taken more Wouid Be Necessary "The only way that fuel can be than thre s t w out. The gotten to the refueling station that is project has been under way since By ROY SIZEMORE planned by the Russians is to fly it spring vacation. Establishment of an air route from in," Mr. Springe pointed out. This is the first fresco in the Uni- Russia to the United States via Lhe Considering the project from a Thost erfessr mur dsgnsd. North Pole was deemed "economically competitive standpoint, it is obvious the Library and the League, these impractical" yesterday by Burdell L. that England is not going to stand were not done in Ann Arbor or under Springer of the aeronautical engi- still while other air lines are being the same process. Frescoes, he said, neering department. es:ablished, he said. Great Britain is the sneo essldesorsof ar, "Although such a route is geo- already negotiating for Atlantic serv- and one of the most permanent graphically the shortest direct way, ice and ,as.a matter of fact, the Ber- Known to the ancients, they have had it would seem, from a practical point muda lap of the route was scheduled a revival recently following the suc- of view, better for Russia to make ar- to go into operation last month, M. cesses of Diego Rivera and the Mex- rangements with China and form an Springer declared. ican artists, and under government intermediate link with the Pan- Establishment of a permanent base support. American Air Lines," Springer said. near the North Pole would probably The fresco class was first organ- According to reports of polar ex- constitute a problem, for polar ex- ized this semester, Professor Slusser plorers, good visibility is possible only plorers have advanced the opinion stated. Several similar courses have two months of the year, in the Arctic that an ice floe might float over the been offered' in Eastern and Pacific region, Mr. Springer pointed out. entire Arctic Circle in three years, Coast universities, but none in the This, of course, would necessitate Mr. Springer said. Middle West. The class meets once blind flying most of the time and Even if the techncal difficulties a week, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on even in this country where aids are were solved, there still would be the Saturday for study and actual prac- fairly well established, this is the problem of getting business whi tice on mural painting. This year it greatest difficulty aviation must face. Russia might do n that country but has eight members. Protests Shelling Four Th4Iusand Visit Museums In Ten Months One hundred and seventy four groups, making a total of 4217 people, have visited the University Museums since last July 1 up till 'May 25, ac- cording to Miss Crystal Thompson, Director of the Department of Visual Education. These guests of the museums have been chiefly groups of students rang- ing in age from those in the primary grades to college students. A few clubs and associations have also vis- ited the museums in bodies. The vis- itors, who come from various parts of Michigan and Ohio, are conducted through the building by regular guides maintained by the Department of Visual Education which has charge of the correlation of exhibits and also of the extension work connected with the museums. -Give To The Student Book Fund- Julio Alvarez del, Vayo (above) Spanish delegate to the League of Nations ,asked for an extraordinary session of the League Council to consider bombardment of the Port of Almeria by a German warship. %CARBSU-RETOR ^ 4!YELLOwSO LE CKLW-1030 Kilocycles rNew way of burning tobacco -better, cooler, cleaner. Car- buretor-Action coolssmoke. Keep-u $ ) bottom of bowl absolutely dry. S2 Caked with honey. At dealers' noW. LATESTN DISCOVERY 0 UpDR S LATEIN PIPES 6:45-Vincent York's Orch. 7:00-Musical Mardi Ciras. 7:30- Trans-Radio News Bulletins. 7:35_-Melody Iterude. 7:45 -Mercy Hall Program. 8:00-Jack Denny's Orch, 8:15 -Crime Clinic. 8:30--Ed Fitzgerald Revue. 9:00-Field Museum Drama. 9:30--Recital Hall. ld:O0-ienary King Orch. 10:30-Bob Crosby Orch. 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 11:15-Charles Dorniberger's Orch. 11>:30-Jack Denny's Ore. MidOnight:-- appy Fel ton Orch. 1:00-Weather Forecast. WJR-750 Kilocyclels P.M. 6:00--Stevenson Sports. 6:15-Willie Morris. 6:30-The Allen Family. 6:45-Boake Carter. 7:30-Cavalcade of America. 7:30-Laugh with Ken Murray. 8:00-Andre Kostelanetz' Orch. 8:30-Palmolive Beauty Theatre with Jessica Dragonette. 9:00--Gang Busters. 9:30-Babe Ruth-Sinclair. 9:45-Jerry Cooper. 10:00-Poetic Melodies. 10:15--Wismer Sports. 10 :30-The Great Plague. 11:00--Headline News. 11:15--Gems and Jams. 11:45-Meditation. Midnight---Del Cortney Orch. 12:30-Musical Nightcap. WWJ-920 Kilocycles P.M. 7:00-One Man's Family. 7:30-Lady Esther Serenade. 8:00-Town Hall Tonight. 9:00-Your Hit Parade. 9:45-Musical Moments. 10:15-Evening Melodies. 10:30--Death Fighters. 11:00-Webster Hall Orch. 11:30-Lights Out. Midnight--Northwood Inn Orch. 12:30-Weather. WXYZ--1240 Kilocycles P.M. F 3' i f i I 3 7 1. E 1 1 1 3 Ili WALKOVER iL. he declared. ail in the United States, he said. In Another stumbling block is tedf- other words the project does not ap- ficulty in getting a flying boat ha pear to be a paying proposition but iyather one thattwould requiretghvt is equipped with ice-alighting gear ratene that would require gov such that it would be satisfactory for enent support. If Russia should succeed in estab lishing a permanent base then it 10:00-Harold True. might be an excellent location for 10:30-Dil Courtney Orch. 11:00-Harry Reser Orch. military base from which she could 11:30-Lou Breeze Orch. strike at any of the neighboring coun- 11:45-Maurie Sherman's Orch. it a d WHITE BUCK SPORT SUCCESS of '37 -5 . o** * -. Midnight-Tom Gentry Orch. ules. iii. bpringer saica. Man Or Mouse? They're In Same Biolooical Category, Dice Claims Ij AWA_ 'Rent Strike' Called In. Pontiac (Continued from Page 1) and "unfair" landlords will be com- piled and from which defenses will be arranged for "strikers" brought into court for non-payment of rent. There was no estimate on the num- ber of persons who refused to pay rent Monday. Barker said he had no figures on the number. Among the 15,000 tenants he expects to join in the movement, whose rent fell to- day. For most of them, he said, "rent day" comes sometime between the first and fifteenth, and he expressed confidence that they would refuse to pay, unless the committee pronounces their rental rate "fair." WALK-OVER has a knack for knowing what men want . . . Walk-overs hold their shape. BURTON'S WALK.OVER 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET [Classified ireet ory t CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any Place advertisements with Classified old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. The classified columns close at five $5, $8, $25. LADIES' FUR COATS, o'clock previous to day of insertion. TYPEWRITERS, OLD GOLD, Box numbers may be secured at no ~DA OD n uia ntu extra charge. DIAMONDS and musical instru- Cash in advance ric per reading line ments. Phone Sam. 6304. 78x for one or two insertions. 10c per read -________ ing line for three or more insertions. FOR SALE (on basis of five average words to line) Minimum three lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line VIOLONCELLO for sale. Bargain. for two or more insertions. Minimum Box No. 25. 580 three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days --- ~~ from the date of last insertion. FOR SALE: 5 passenger sedan. Ex- cellent condition. $75 cash. Phone NOTICES 4740. 586 NEW and old books. Antiques. 202 LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. East Ann. 127x Careful work at a low price. ax -- -- LOST AND FOUND T'YPING: Neatly and accurately --- --------- done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill Street. LOST: Silver Swiss watch with name Phone 5244. 568 on back. Liberty Street to League. - --- -- -- Shell rimmed glasses in brown WANTED leather case. Library and Mosher. Reward. 215 Mosher. ?ASSENGERS to Oregon or Wash- ington. New Buick sedan. Leave FOR RENT By JOSEPHINE A. KIFT Although mice, when spoken of at all, are usually mentioned in a de- precatory tone, man and mouse fall into the same biological category, ac- cording to Prof. Lee R. Dice, of the Laboratory of Vertebrate Genetics. 1 Even mice have their own idiosyn- crasies, as experiments in the Labora- tory indicate. For instance, stated Professor Dice, in the stocks of the native wild deer mice have arisen a number of types of behavior abnor - malities which are classed roughly as "waltzing" and epilepsy. The "waltz-, ing" defects have no close similarity to any human tendency, although it has been discovered that in old age these defective mice become deaf, andi the waltzers stop waltzing, Professor Dice added. Perhaps, like deaf men, they can no longer hear the music. Epilepsy takes different forms due1 to different inherited factors, saidi Professor Dice. One type of mouse is goaded into a fit if smoke is blowni into its face (another human paral- lel?), while others go into a seizure keys or the ringing of a bell, he stated. He pointed out that deaf- ness, with advancing age, generally puts a stop to epileptic as well as waltzing propensities. Hairless, and also nude, mice arc bred by Professor Dice and his fellow work'ers in the Laboratory of Verte- brate Genetics, where, according to Professor Dice, is located the largest nudist colony in the state of Mich- igan. Some of the hairless mice are colored, but some are albinos, the latter a very peculiar-looking animal, the Professor mentioned. Like humans, these mice vary in in- dividual races, some being large, some small, and -some active and nervous in behavior, while others are more sluggish, stated Professor Dice. For statistical purposes, 2,000 or more specimens are prepared each year, their bodies and their bones meas- ured, and the skin preserved and an- alyzed for color content. Research indicates that there is much to learn from studies of the heredity of these smaller mammals, was the opinion of Professor Dice. Giftsfor the Grad,.uate EVERY MAN would be delighted with 4 I 9 when stimulated by the jangling of 1W7-a a gift from our tobacco department. May we suggest a Pipe, a half-pound of good tobacco, or a pipe rack (choice of 21 different designs)? In case he needs a humidor, cigarette case or lighter, we have a wide assortment to choose from . . . And in other de- partments, how about one of those n'ew candid cameras or a lifetime Schick shaver? Come in anyhow and 0 I take advantage of our expert and attentive service. BOASTING of the most complete toi- letries department in the city, you can't go wrong if you choose her gift here. Our experienced cosmetician is always on the job to listen to your own problem. May we suggest per- fume by Chanel or compacts, lip- sticks, and powders by leading cos- metic houses. Whatever your desire, our extensive assortment of domestic and imported toiletries will allow you a wide range of choice. a m . ......I* ........... j ukI B I' I