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May 30, 1937 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-30

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SUNDAY, MAY 30, 1931

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By 4







Right Oh The Nose, Boys.. .
WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS Michigan athletes will undergo a
series of torturous experiences-physically painless, perhaps, but of
sufficient mental perturbation to cause many of them regrets for ever having
heeded the call to scholarship. In the heat of battle their minds often
operate with startling rapidity. They sometimes show distinct traces of
cleverness when the adversary is a full-bodied, tangible gent who grunts
when contacted. But in the classroom, confronted with a set of puzzling
queries, their thought processes go completely awry.
Stories of thick-headed athletes run into volumes, and many of them
describe sports heroes you actually know. The yarn of the ambitious gridder
who applied for admission to a leading Midwestern university is typical
of the intellect of a few. He emerged from the entrance exam required of
him, with a beaten expression on his face. A solic!.ous coach requested the
results, whereupon the long-visaged athlete beamed just a trifle and replied:
"Well, they asked me six questions, and I ain't very sure about five
of them, but for certain I hit one right on the nose. It asked for three
phosphates found in this state, and I wrote, 'lemon phosphate, choco-
late Phosphate and cherry phosphate.'"
The story admittedly stretches a point and is an example of the sampling
error in judging the mental alacrity of the athlete ilk. Actually, the boys
of the field are no less intelligent than the average student. If their
scholastic records are lower, in most cases they have due justification, for
the time and energy expended at sport precludes scholarly research into
their particular subjects. Of necessity they must absorb a maze of facts
on the run-in the distracting environs of foreign unions or hotels, or on
moving trains, where camaraderie runs high. Numerous class absences leave
tell-tale marks on the final results, for in some class-rooms confusing details
are often made more comprehensible.
The true numbskull arong athletes is usually weeded out in the
competitive process. But the man who participates in sports, yet
maintains ample average to remain eligible, overcomes a terrific
handicap. And for that reason I sincerely trust none of them
suffers mental paralysis when, the mimeographed sheets are passed
out next week.

Panthers Take
I.C.-4A Track
Pitt Noses Out Columbia
30.5 To 30; Michigan
State Fourth With 20.5
NEW YORK, May 29.-(P)-Scor-
ing in nine of the fifteen events while
their chief rivals concentrated their
efforts on only five, the University
of Pittsburgh's well-balanced track
and field forces today won their first
Intercollegiate A.A.A.A. team cham-
pionship with a total of 301/2 points to
30 for Columbia.
Not until the final race on the
program, staged before a crowd of 7,-
000 at Randalls Island Stadium, was
the title bestowed on the Panthers,
who have been trying to win ever
since 1918. That race, the 220-yard
dash, was won by Ben Johnson, Co-
lumbia's Negro flash who thereby
completed a "triple," but the shade by
which Edgar Mason of Pitt places
second ahead of Larry Scanlon of
Holy Cross in a postage-stamp finish
was also the shade by which Pitt
placed first ahead of the Lions.
Bitter Pill For Lions
It was a crushing disappointment
for Columbia, seeking to add its first
outdoor crown since 1879tohthe in-
door title it won last March, but a
well-earned victory for the Blue and
Gold of the Panthers. They placed
in five of the six flat races, missing
out only in the two-mile; in both
hurdles and in two of the seven field
With Pitt and Columbia staging the
closest battle since California edged
out Princeton, 26/2 to 26, in 1922, the
rest of the field was strung out .well
behind. In third place, with 23
points, came Cornell, winner last year,
followed by Michigan State, with
201/2; Rhode Island State, which
picked upall but three of its points
in the field, 17/2; Dartmouth, 16;/2,
Princeton 141/2; Yale, 13, and Man-
hattan and Marquette, tied for ninth
at 10 each.
0 Marquette Takes Pair
Eleven other colleges had totals
ranging down from the 8 collected by
Harvard to the 1 point each for Col-
gate and Brown.
Marquette, makingits first I.C.4-A
showing, won two titles, Ward Cuff
leol the spear tossers at 197 feet 5
inches ,and Ed Burke, indoor world's
record holder, placed first in the high
jump at 6 feet, 51/8 inches.

Frosh Baseball Squad Strent SOTBULLETIN
LOS ANGELES. May 29.-(AP)-
Suthern Californi a'-, sensational
Lies In Pitchers And OutfieldersWi lliam"Sefton and Earle Meadows
soared 14 feet. 11 inches to an un-
official world pole vault record in
By HERB LEV games. Johnny Schuler, the gabby the thrill-packed Pacific Coast Con-
Most of the strength in this year's player from Royal Oak, ranks just a ference track and field champioa-
freshman baseball team was centered step behind Prochaska among the ships today.
in the pitching staff and the outfield, backstop candidates. t California nosed out the
according to Coach Bennie Ooster- Best of a very ordinary crop of in- co-favored Stanford Indians, 55to
baan. fielders is Virgil Scott of Hazel Park. 54, for the team championship.
The catching was better than av- Oosterbaan considers him as a good Whether Sefton and Meadows
erage, but not extraordinary but the varsity prospect although he has not could have hone 15 feet--could not be
infield candidates have been a big as yet determined at what spot he fits iianswered today. The standards were
disappointment, according to Ooster- best. net f ; hioncd for more than 14'11".
baan. As a whole2, the squad mecas-_______
At this point, four boys appear to v-h-es.hn e t.rs h
haveitthe best chances sto ash th_
varsity line-up next season. Bob
Annis and Russell Dobson are right-
handed hurlers, while Al Slawinski
and Charley Pink are outfielders.
Prospects Look GoodRl
Dobson, a lanky Ann Arbor boy, is
the more experienced of the twoAi
pitchers and appears ready for a After a session i the classroom
varsity berth right now. Annis, who you'll enjoy relaxation. Our roll-
comes from Linden, Mich., possesses
a blazing fast ball as his main asset ing hills and superb greens offer
and is developing a curve and change
of pace, which should stamp him as the answer to your summer sports
a great prospect.
Fred Trosko, triple threat football Relax on the o-
star from Flint, is a third outfield course of the..
candidate, who has stamped himself
as probable varsity material. Al-
though his hitting has been a bit
under par, especially against curve- I to ** a iball pitc0ing.
Still another outfielder who has
shown up well is big Forest Evashev-
ski, who like Pink is a product of
Northwestern High in Detroit. Un verSa ty of &eichi'an
"Evie" looks like a real long-distance a
slugger, butsunfortunately is far GOLF COURSE
had little experience at that position.
Prochaska Leads HitsFESFaut -
Charley Prochaska of Chicago is FStudents and-
outstanding among the yearlingT-
catching prospects. Besides being anTn i e
able handler of pitchers, and possess-
ing a fine throwing arm, Charley has _
been the leading hitter in the frosh -_- _ -

Mishap On The Track...


ROSS FAULKNER, sophomore quarter-miler, had never pulled on a pa
of spikes until he presented himself before Coach Ken Doherty as
freshman last year. Before the year was spent, he 'iad turned in a flat
for the event outdoors and gave every indication of being a luminary on t
Varsity cinder squad
This season he ran a close second to Stan Birleson in the first
meet against State. A sinus affliction,,which hampered him in that
engageihent, finally forced him into the Health Service for a stretch.
He was available again in the Conference indoor meet, in Chicago,
where he ran a leg on the victorious mile relay teamn. But his feet
went bad after that stint, and not until the Big Teh outdoor meet
did he compete again. But sinus and faulty arches proved too much
foi willing Ross, as he failed to qualify in a slow heat. The future
is doubtful, but the Upper Montclair, N. J. hope will surely be trying.
DOT'S AND DASHES-Mattt Patanelli, one of Michigan's nobler athlet
during depressing years, plans to settle in Mexico after graduation as
employe of an American farm implement company . . . Vic (The Beave
Heyliger, hockey mainstay and diamondeer, is eyeing a job with the Chica
Blackhawks of the National Hockey League .. .





It doesn't take much "jack" to buy
a Fine Suit of Clothes at VAN BOVEN'S
Two Groups of Real Values



includes fines worsteds, flan-

nels, and Shetlands. Former values ranged as
high as $55.00.



includes plaids, Shetlands and

gabardine. Former values ranged as high as

A special group of TOPCOATS
drastically reduced to $27.50.

including Reversibles
Former value to $55.

When the inevitably higher prices of next Fall are
considered, this opportunity to save on QUALITY
clothing bcomes doubly worthwhile.







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