The Weather Ge'nerally fair and somewhat warmer today; tomorrow, cooler towards evening. C" 41V SAitr igan ~g~uitr Editorials Time Drags On ... Looking Forward-. VOL. XLVII No. 175 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 30, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS New Campus Model of 'Life' Gets Approval Joan Hanson To Be Editor Of Bi-Weekly Panorama During Initial Year Lodge Is Appointed Business Manager Plans for a new campus bi-weekly magazine to be called "Panorama" and to be modeled after the picture perodical, "Life," were approved by the Board in Control of Student Pub- lications Friday night. The new publi- cation will make its first appearance next year and will be edited by Joan V. Hanson, '40. Prof. Edson R. Sunderland of the Law School, secretary of the Board, announced that only two members Any student interested in trying out for either the editorial or business staffs of the new publi- cation, Panarama, is asked to meet at 3:30 p.m., Tuesday in Room 200, Student Publications Building. of the staff have been appointed as yet: Miss Hanson, who is a member of Collegiate Sorosis; and Robert Lodge, '39, local advertising man- ager of The Michigan Daily, who will be business manager. A Camera Club which is to supply the new magazine with photographs will be formed early next year, ac- cording to Lodge. The club will also have a special section of the periodi- cal devoted to it. To Feature Pictures "The purpose of the new maga- zine," Miss Hanson said, "is to have in pictures a record of campus activi- ties in order that they may be more easily remembered. We plan to have accounts of the May Festival, J.G.P. and Lantern Night among other things next year. There will be no flagrant r ganda-we will let the 18 w +heir own conclusions. We plan to get unusual shots,' such as the inside of the Carillon tower elevator shaft." Lodge pointed out that depart- ments will be given over to sports, meetings, activities, concerts, edi- torials and some of the weekly dances. He added that each issue will average about 40 pages with a circulation of 2,000 The price has not yet been determined. Osoood Entry Threatened By Sprained Ankle Captain Bob Osgood, Michigan's crack high hurdler, was in University Hospital last night as the result of a sprained ankle sustained when he tripped in descending a hill on the Michigamua picnic yesterday after- noon. Whether Osgood's injury will prove of sufficient seriousness to bar him from competition in the National Col- legiate track and field championships at Berkeley, Calif., June. 18-19 and the Big Ten-Pacific Coast meet the following week, could not be deter- mined doctors in charge of his case stated last night. Osgood set himself up as a fa- vorite to annex the National high hurdle crown last week as he scis- sored over the barriers in 14 seconds flat to set up a new world record for the race and claim his second Big Ten title in that event. In the Olympic trials last year Os- good did not compete in the high ;urdles but limited his efforts to the 400 meter hurdles winning the col- legiate title and missing the Olympic team by a stroke of bad luck when he fell on his last hurdle in the final trials at Randall's Island, New York. Earhart Plans West To East Globe Flight MIAMI, Fla., May 29.-4')-Amelia Earhart announced tonight she would take off "soon" on a second attempt to encircle the globe-this time fly- ing from west to east in the equa- torial zone. Advance of summer since her first flight, ended by a crack-up at Hono- lulu in March, prompted Miss Ear- hart's decision to reverse the original order of her world-girdling venture. Fair Trade Bill Will Increase Cost To ConsurnerSays Taggcari Provisions Termed Similar industry will sell, Professor Taggart To N .A 'ithot Fomerpointed out. To NRA Without Former ,In effect a monopoly is brought Federal Restrictions about, he explained, for the bill sets up no criterion as to how the price By ALBERT P. MAY10 should be fixed, designates no offi- There will be a fly in the con- cial to supervise the price fixing and Thmer' oite ti e -flyn ed con-consequently leaves it up to the in- sumners' ointment if the so-called Fair 7 Trade Bill fixing prices on the basis of the costs of the most efficient and most inefficient producers passes the State Legislature, Prof. Herbert F. Taggart of the business administra- tion school said yesterday. Penalizing efficiency in production, he said, the bill if made law would lead to an over supply of goods in certain industries. Old inefficient en- d yustry itsei toc determine its own price below which it would be unlaw- ful to sell. "Public interest which is always best served by the production of the largest number of commodities at the lowest prices won't be considered, and prices will not be set by government authority but by the members of the trade itself," Professor Taggart said. Another serious weakness in the bill terprises that had been forced out is the definition of costs, he con- of business through strict competi- tinued. Like a chemical formula that tion with more efficient firms would gives the elements but not the pro- start producing again, and many new (continued on Page 2) plants would come into the field, in- --__tnd_____ge_2) duced by the relatively high price P r which would be set on the basis ofth c s o a p d e , e x hecosts of all producers, he ex- I p i g P re plained. Heads Chosen- The consequence, of course, is that C o e the consumer will have to pay a price uPl n e . for his goods that is considerably Plan M eetiny higher than the price he would have had to pay formerly when buying from the most efficient firms, he said. Danhof Asks Secretaries With precisely the same defects as the price fixing codes of the old NRA, To Submit Their Records the present bill does not even have To Dr. Blakeman the redeeming feature that the NRA ____e___ had of providing for any check at Members of the faculty advisory all on the cost surveys and the de- termination of the price at which an and student executive committees for _--the 1937-38 Spring Parley were an- nounced yesterday by Ralph Dan- City Churches hof, general chairman of this year's parley. 'W i 11 Observe A luncheon meeting of both com- mittees will be held Thursday at the a Day Union to start plans for next year, Memorial' Danhof said. The members of the faculty com- mittee are: Prof. Robert C. Angell of' Brashares Will Speak On the sociology department, Dean Wil- 'Unrewarded' ; Unitarian her R. Humphreys of the literary school, Prof. Charles F. Remer, act- Lecture Is Cancelled ing-chairman of the economics de- partment, Prof. Warner G. Rice of Patriotic services as a part of the the English department. observance of Memorial Day will Prof. John F. Shepard of the psy- be a feature in several of the chology department, Prof. Jean Paul churches of Ann Arbor today. Slusser of the fine arts department At the First Methodist Church; the'and Prof. -Preston Slosson of the his- Rev. Dr. C. W. Brashares will speak tory department. on "The Unrewarded" at 10:30 a.m. Thesstudent executive committee The Rev. Dr. Lemon will preach !consists of: Barbara Bradfield, '38; at 10:45 a.m. at the meeting of the Charles Dolph, '39; Ralph Erlewine, First Presbyterian Church on "For- 39; Douglas Farmer, '38; James give Us Our Virtues." Special music Hammond, '40; Doris Kaphan, '38; t(Continued on Page 2) League Fails To Denounce Aid To Rebels Loyalist Delegate Presses For Resolution Indicting Fascist Intervention Bombing Of Open Cities Condemned GENEVA, May 29. - (P) - The League of Nations Council today side- stepped the Spanish government's plea for denunciation of alleged for- eign intervention in the Spanish civil1 war. It appealed, however, to all League members to support removal1 of volunteers from the conflict. A resolution adopted after long< discussion and a behind-scenes dis- pute expressed hope for "rapid suc- cess" of the 27-nation non-interven- tion committee's efforts. Bombard-i ment of unfortified cities was con- demned.( Condemn War Methods The resolution said, in part: "The council, profoundly affectedk by horrors resulting from application( of certain methods of warfare, con-( demns recourse in the Spanish strug-( gle to methods contrary to interna- tional law and bombardment of open cities; hence emphasizes its apprecia- tion of efforts made by non-official institutions and certain governments with a view to place the civilian pop- ulation, especially women and chil- dren, in shelter from these terriblet dangers." Formal recognition was not given the Madrid-Valencia regime's con- tention that territorial aggressiont had been committed in Spain. The Spanish government charged Italy with suchaggression and declared Germany guilty of the same offenset in smaller degree. Government Delegate Protests t The Spanish government's delegate, Julio Alvarez del Vayo, lost a last- minute struggle for a resolution that would have implied, at least, Fascist intervention in the civil war. The approved document, however, said: -"The council n #t development of the situation in Spain does not appear to be of the character #to warrant belief that measures tak- en by governments following the council's recommendations have had so far the desired effect." The League council last December recommended cooperative a c t i o n through the non-intervention com- mittee for isolation of the civil war. Practically all European nations, in-1 cluding Italy and Germnay, aret bound by an accord reached later fors preventing movement of foreign help into the war zone). Midwestern Police Hunt Brady Gang INDIANAPOLIS, May 29.-/)- The widespread hunt for members of the Alfred Brady gang, accused of four slayings and numerous robberies, continued tonight. Midwestern au- thoritie pursued many "tips" but ap- parently had lost the trail of Brady,i James Dolhover and Clarence Lee( Shaffer, Jr., who now comprise the1 band. Indiana state police said a close watch is being maintained on the Marion county jail, the Indianapolis city prison and the Wayne county jail in Detroit, Mich., where friends of the gang members are imprisoned. Blamed for the killing of an In-, dianapolis police sergeant, an Ander- 3on policeman and a Piqua, 0., gro- cery clerk, the gang also faces charges of clayiftg Paul Minneman, .33-year- old Indiana state trooper. Income Tax Raise Asked By LaFollette Proposed Reforms Subject Low Incomes To Levy, Reduce Exemptions Bill To Be Added To House Proposal WASHINGTON, May 29.-(')-- Senator LaFollette (Prog., Wis.) in- formed his colleagues today that he would try to write a general income tax increase into the administration's suggested anti-tax evasion legisla- tion. A close friend of the President and ardent supporter of his general legis- lative program, the Wisconsin Pro- gressive has his own idea on taxes, and never lets an opportunity pass to impress them upon the Senate. Roughly, LaFollette's tax program, one that he has been urging for years, contemplates a general in- crease from the lowest to the highest brackets and the inclusion in the in- come tax paying group of thousands of low-salaried citizens who now are exempt. He would bring this about by re- ducing personal exemption, by in- creasing the normal tax rate and by rasing the surtaxes paid by those whose incomes run into the taller figures. Exemptions at present are $1,000 for an unmarried person, $2,500 for a husband and wife, and $400 for. each dependent, when there are children in the family below 18. The normal tax rate is four per cent. While the projected administration bill would be aimed only at removing the ambiguities and other faults of the present law, by which sharp- witted citizens avoid the payment of taxes, it would open up the entire tax question in the Senate. Slater's Trial To Be June 1 Before Payne Haskell Also Faces Trial On Same Charge Rising From Picketing Myron E. Slater, owner of the Col- lege Book Shop, charged in a warrant with using indecent language at a strike-demonstration April 8, is ex- pected to come up for jury trial Tues- day, June 1, in Justice Jay H. Payne's court. Raphael Haskell, '38E, arrested the same night during picketing of the City Hall, will appear earlier in the week in Justice Payne's court. The warrant, which Robert C. B. Campbell, Grad., swore out against Slater on April 22, reads: "One Myron E. Slater, late of the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Mich- igan, was then and there a disorderly person contrary to an ordinance .. . in that said Myron E. Slater did then and there use indecent and immoral language in a certain public place..." Edward Magdol, '39, night editor on The Daily staff, Arnold Kambly, '38, and Paul Christman, Ann Arbor resident, all arrested at the demon- stration, and Slater are charged with breaking the same section of the dis- orderly conduct ordinance, which states: "Any person who shall be guilty of using indecent or immoral language, or be guilty of any indecent or im- moral conduct or behavior, in any public building street, alley, lane or public place in this city, shall be punished as hereinafter provided." Ralph Neafus, '36F&C, and Joseph Bernstein, '39, have been found guilty of disorderly conduct in connection with the April 8 demonstration. They both were released on bond and have appealed their cases to the Circuit Court. Commerce Group Hits Labor Act WASHINGTON, May 29.- (/P)-The United States Chamber of Commerce urged Congress today to think, long and hard before passing the admin- istration's labor standards bill. The measure, on which hearings will start Tuesday, would bar from interstate transportation the pro- ducts of industries which violate minimum wage and maximum hour regulations, employ children or ig- 80 Years Tomorrow POPE PIUS XI * * * Holy See Rallies Church Aorainst German Attack Blesses Pilgrims As 80th Birthday Approaches; Celebration Planned CASTEL, GANDOLFO, Italy, 29.-(/P)-Venerable Pope Pius with his 80th birthday only two May XI, days Will be fturmlshed by the student choir. The Rev. Henry Lewis will also con- duct a special Memorial Day service, speaking at the St. Andrew's Epis- copal Church at 11 a.m. today on "The Enlightened Patriot." The vet- erans of the several wars and their auxiliaries will be honored, "The History of Conscience" will be1 the subject of the lay-sermon de- livered today by Prof. Preston W. Slosson at 10:45 a.m. at the First Congregational Church service, con- s ducted by the Rev. Howard R. Chap- man, guest pastor.1 The talk scheduled at the Unitarian Church' at 11 a.m. today by Prof.1 James L. Adams, Meadville Theolo- gical School, Chicago, has been can- celled due to a funeral engagement' which Professor Adams must fulfillI in the East. Services at the Unitarian1 Church will be discontinued untilI July 11.I Foresters Hold Annual Field Freshmen Frolic, Revive Tradition Of Old Ati Picnic, By ANN VICARY ILife begins with '40, hot dogs and freshmen will be freshmen! The crack of bats on baseballs was accompanied by the discordant strains of "The Victors" and an occa- sional splash as Sam Perry, '40, dove into three feet of water to retrieve balls yesterday afternoon when the freshmen revived an old Michigan tradition in their Frosh Picnic. The band, which led the group from the steps of Hill Auditorium down to The Island, carried on valiantly, even the tuba player, when they found to their chagrin that they had turned the wrong corner and were rapidly being deserted by their followers. On The Island a seemingly inter- minable baseball game was in prog- ress. The players worked in shifts and varied their baseball with a little tree climbing and wading. As far as anyone could remember the women beat the men (through the courtesy{ off, in a vigorous utterance today sent special blessings to German Cath-1 olics to fortify them against a fierce new Nazi attack. The Holy Father said "very grave1 events are happening" in Germany- where last night the Nazi regime's movement against the Catholic church reached new heights of bit-1 terness in a speech of PropagandaE Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels, ] While preparations for the celebra- tion Monday of the Pope's 80th birth- day went on at his summer home1 here he addressed a group of pilgrims, including some from Germany, who1 brought greetings on his completion of four score years. He said: "The Holy Father, feeling himselff near to all his German sons, blesses with all his heart and affection not only those present here, but all others who are united by the same feeling of faith and devotion to their religion. Pope Pius, who has reached a, greater age than most of his prede-1 cessors and has had one of the long- est reigns in the recent history of the papacy-15 years-after a month at Castel Gandolfo appears in improved health, is sunburned and shows vigor in his work. $500 Religion Prize Is Given To Duffendack A fellowship of $500 and tuition for the coming year has been award- ed to Geil Duffendack, '37, by the C h i c a g o Theological Seminary, University of Chicago, it was an- nounced yesterday by Dr. Edward Blakeman, counselor in religion. The award, which provides for study in religion, is granted each year to five students selected from a list of about 25 seniors or graduates nominated by the university presi- dents in the Big Ten. Miss Duffendack, who is the daugh- ter of Prof. Ora S. Duffendack of the physics department, is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority and of Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi. She teaches a Sunday school class at the Presbyterian church and has been active in the Council of Religion. She is a member of the Stanley Chorus. University and City CelebrateHoliday A civic celebration and the dismiss- al of classes will mark Memorial day here tomorrow. Business will be suspended. Church services today will com- memorate Memorial day, and apa- rade, forming in front of the Armory at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow will end at Fairview cemetery where brief serv- ices are to be held. Mail will not be delivered except for perishables and special delivery letters, it was announced. Collections will be made on the Sunday schedule. Mayor Walter C. Sadler urged that flags be displayed. Salad Blamed By Police For Poisoning At Party UAWA Plans Second Drive On Ford Plant AfterHoliday Republic Steel Supplies Workers With Food By Plane; Other Mills Shut Both Sides Claim Workers' Support DETROIT, May 29.- (P)- The United Automobile Workers of Amer- ica, seeking to unionize the 150,000 Ford Motor Company employes, pushed plans today for another drive against the gates of the company's Rouge plant, largest industrial unit in the world. The plant was closed today for the Memorial day week-end, resumption of operations being sched- uled for Tuesday. A welter of contradictory claims surrounded progress so far in the at- tempt to organize the 89,300 persons employed in the Rouge plant in sub- urban Dearborn. Loyalty Pledges Received Harry H. Bennett, director of per- sonnel for the Ford Company, said unsolicited "pledges of loyalty" to the independent manufacturer who opposes labor unions have been re- ceived from approximately 60,000 of the Rouge plant employes. Sometime next week-presumably Wednesday or Thursday-the Union plans another foray into Dearborn to distribute handbills and a special edition of its official publication to Ford workers arriving or departing from the plant. Meanwhile the American Federa- tion of Labor sought to take the play from the UAWA in the strike against the Ford assembly plant in Rich- mond, Calif., by promising to put the disputants back to work at $8 for an eight hour day. News On Steel Front (By Associated Press) Supplies were carried to beleag- uered workers by air and water yes- terday to circumvent picket lines thrown by steel strikers. The Republic Steel Corporation, endeavoring to continue operations despite the widespread walkout af- fecting 72,000 men, chartered planes to drop food to non-striking em- ployes in the Warren and Niles, 0., plants and sent provender up the Lit- tle Calumet River by launch to the men in its mill in South Chicago. The other two independent pro- ducers engaged in a contract contro- versy with the steel woidkers organ- izing committee-the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. and the Inland Steel Corp.-have shut down. No Exceptions To Auto Ban, Dean Cautions No exceptions will be made in the lifting of the automobile regulation for students in the various colleges and departments of the University who complete their work before the last day of their class examinations, Walter B. Rea, assistant dean of stu- dents said yesterday. Those who are enrolled in the following depart- ments will be required to adhere strictly to the accompanying schedule, he warned. The regulation will be lifted for all classes June 12 at 5 p.m. in the Col- lege of Literature, Science and the Arts; the College of Architecture, the School of Business Administration, the School of Education, the College of Engineering, the School of For- estry, and the School of Music. The regulation will be lifted in the other divisions of the University ac- cording to the following schedule College of Pharmacy, all classes at noon June 11; School of Dentistry, Freshmen, noon June 9; sophomores, noon June 3; juniors, noon June 5; seniors, 5 p.m. June 4; Hygienists, 5 p.m. June 7. The Law School; fresh- men, 5 p.m., June 7; juniors and seniors, noon June 8. The Medical School; freshmen, noon June 10; sophomores and jun- iors, noon June 12; seniors, noon June 7; the Graduate School; candi- dates for Master's Degrees, 5 p.m. June 12 and candidates for Doctor's Degrees. nnn Jiro(, 5. may oinorrow of the umpire) under a set of rules which allowed only one-handed catches and left-handed batting for The forestry school will hold its the men. annual spring field day at Saginaw-==- Forest tomorrow, it was announced, yesterday by William Yost, '37, com- 40 Jantors Unte Under AF Of L mittee chairman, 40Jntr nt ne FO About 100 foresters are expected too compete in the various contests to F or H o e a e ,C n e s be held, Yost said. The student earn- ing the most points in burling, saw- ing, chopping, ocular estimation of By STANLEY M. SWINTON Pointing out that the average jan- trees, target shooting, canoe racing I Unionization of University janitors itor's pay runs about 40 cents an and tilting, cross country run, com- should result in higher wages, sick hour, Canter stated that either out- pass lines and stake driving will re- side work or an independent income ceive a prize. Last year Carl Blades, allowance and a two week vacation '36,wo a riserLst yer for bine with pay, in the opinion of Will Can- is neces&ary if one is to live on th 36,bwon a cruisers axe for being the ter, organizer and resigning chairman present pay. Also there is no paid best all around man. of the University janitors' union. Can- vacation at present and a man i According to George Vitas, '37',e sqitn i oiinbcueh docked if he leaves work even an hour member of the committee, the affair, ter is quitting his position because hedokdihelaswrkvnanhu whichbis onier ammfatculthy ad stu'feels he can more effectively express early because of sickness, he added. which is considered a faculty and stu- his opinions from the floor. "I came here eight years ago and dent get-together, has been an an- swas told I would be paid 40 cents nual event since the founding of the The union, which is affiliated with an hour to start in. In my opinion forestry department in 1904. The the American Federation of State, that connoted a raise later. For a group will leave the east end of the County and Municipal Employes, an year or so during the depression my Natural Science building at 10 a.m., A.F. of L. organization, represents 40 pay was lowered to 39 cents an hour remaining at the forest long enough of the 100 University janitors. Now, after eight years, I am stil to have a steak roast in the evening, In order to convince authorities getting 40 cents an hour," Cante sing songs and present skits, that the demands when officially sid. r 1 e sl r :s a y r. 11 !r i I i a .