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May 29, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-29

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6 Resignations,
Gifts Accepted
By University
Bigelow, Bates To Leave
Chemistry Department;
Ushenko, Ross To Go
(Continued from Page I
ceived from the Errin Mendelssohn
trust to continue the study of mun-
ology under the direction of Prof.
Reuben L. Kahn of the bacteriology
A McKesson oxygen tank for use
in the University Hospital was ac-
cepted from Dr. Harry A. Towsley of
Ann Arbor, and a drill for use in
the metal processing department was
accepted from the Barnes Drill Com-
pany of Rockford, Ill.
Zeta Psi fraternity presented the
University with a volume containing
a complete set of catalogs of the Uni-
versity from 1843 till 1866. Also in-
eluded in the volume are copies of
the University Palladium for 1860-61
and 1861-62.
A statue of the boxer by Roaul
Gene Josset, a French sculptor, as a
gift of Samuel A. Harper of Chicago
was accepted by the Board, and a
gift of the Bryant Walker and Charles
A. Davis papers were accepted. They
were presented by Dr. Alfred C. Lane
of Tufts College.
Mrs. William L. Clements of Bay
City presented the William L. Clem-
ents Library with a replica of the
Romney Germain portrait to be hung
beside the Shelvin portrait in the
The Regents changed the name of
the Student Christian Association to
the Student Religious Association.
It was voted to use part of the
funds of the Men's Dormitory Com-
mittee to construct ornamental gates
between the new addition of the
Union and the new men's dormitories
in honor of former Regent James
Murfin. They will be known as Mur-
fin Gates.
Permission was granted by the Re-
gents for the use of funds given by
the American Council of Learned
Studies to make available 10 schol-
arships of $35 each for the Summer
Session work in the Institute of East-
ern Studies. Six $75 scholarships
will also be available for study of far
Eastern languages.
Sabbatical leaves for next year were
granted Prof. Cecil C. Craig of the
mathematics department and Prof.
Carlton B. Peirce of the roentgenology
Prof. Earl Williver of the business
law department, and Prof. Henry
Kohler of the mechanical engineer-
ing department were granted leaves
of absence for next year, and Prof.
William A. Paton of the economics
department was given an extension
of his leave of absence.
Dr. William Bishop, University li-
brarian, was granted a leave of ab-
sence until Dec. 31, 1937 to study
libraries in China, and Prof. Camer-
on Haight of the surgery department
will be given an extra month's vaca-
tion to work in thoracic clinics
Prof. Charles W. Edmunds of the
materia medica department, and
Prof. Dow V. Baxter of the forestry
school were appointed to the ex-
ecutive board of the Horace H. Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies.
Their terms will expire July 1, 1942.
Prof. Lewis M. Gram of the civil
engineering department, Prof. Ar-
thur E .R. Boak of the history de-
partment and Charles B. DuCharme
of Detroit were appointed as mem-
bers of the Board in Control of Ath-
letics. The terms of Professors Gram

and Boak expire May 31, 1941, and
Mr. DuCharme's term expires May
31, 1940.
Mrs. Edward H. Kraus, Mrs. Har-
ry B. Earhart and Mrs. Helen B.
Jay was reappointed on the Board
of Governors of Dormitories, and Mrs.
Edward Bragg was appointed to
succeed Miss Ruth Jennings. Miss
Jennings and Mrs. Kraus are on the
board of Adelia Cheever house, Mrs.
Earhart is on Betsy Barbour resi-
dence and Mrs. Jay is on Helen New-
berry residence.
Roosevelt To Push
St. Lawrence Treaty
NEW YORK, May 2%-(;P)-Pres-
ident Roosevelt, in a telegram re-
leased today by the NationalrSeaway
Council, declared his intention to
"do everything within my power to
bring about an agreement" which will
start construction of the Great Lakes-
St. Lawrence Seaway "at the earliest
possible date."
Officials of 'the council interpreted
the message to mean that the Presi-
dent was prepare~d to bring to a
head long-pending negotiations for
a new seaway treaty between the
United States and Canada. They re-
called that Mackenzie King, Premier
of Canada, visited Washington in
The President's telegram was sent
in answer to resolutions adopted by
the council in Washington April 29
renewing its approval of the project
and pledging its cooperation to se-


SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1937

Final Examinations Will Be Held June 3 To 12

For College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; School of Educa-
tion; School of Music; School of Forestry and Conservation; School of
Business Administration; and Graduate School, as compiled by Prof.
Harry C. Carver of the mathematics department.

Time of Exercise
Exam. (To be used only
Group in case no group
Letter letter is listed)
A Monday at 8
B Monday at 9
C Monday at 10
D Monday at 11
E Monday at 1
F Monday at 2
G Monday at 3
H Tuesday at 8
I Tuesday at 9
J Tuesday at 10
K Tuesday at 11
L Tuesday at 1
M Tuesday at 2
N Tuesday at 3
O Special
*P Special
Q Special
R Special


of Exam
June 7, 9-12
June 4, 2- 5
June 5, 9-12
June 4, 9-12
June 11, 9-12
June 3, 9-12
June 8, 9-12
June 11, 2- 5
June 5, 2- 5
June 8, 2- 5
June 9, 2- 5
June 12, 9-12
June 9, 9-12
June 10, 2- 5
June 7, 2- 5
June 10, 9-12
June 12, 2- 5
June 3, 2- 5
'oup was wrongly sched-

having quizzes only, the Time of Exercise is the time of the first quiz
Drawing and laboratory work may be continued through the
examinations period in amount equal to that normally devoted to
such work during one week.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted below
the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assigned exami-
nation periods should be reported for adjustment to Professor J. C.
Brier, Room 3223 East Engineering Building, before June 1. To avoid
misunderstandings and errors, each student should receive notifica-
tion from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance in
each course during the period June 3 to June 12.
No single course is permitted more than four hours of examination.
No date of examination :nmy be changed without the consent of the
Classification Committee.'.>
*This may be used as an irregular period provided there is no conflict
with the regular printed schedule above.

Time of
E.M. 1, 2;t

C.E. 2


*Correction-In the University Folder this gn
uled from 2-5 p.m., Thursday, June 10.


of Examination
June 7, 8-12
June 11, 2- 6
June 5, 2- 6
June 4, 8-12
June 11, 8-12
June 3, 8-12
June 8, 2- 6
June, 4, 8-12
June 12, 2-6
June 8, 8-12
June 9, 2- 6
June 12, 8-12
June 9, 8-12
June 10, 2- 6
June 10, 2- 6
June 3, 2- 6
June 7, 2- 6
June 8, 8-12
June 10, 8-12
June 5, 8-12

UAW To Push
Its Distribution
Of Literature
Martin Denies Company's
Charge That Riot Was
Staged By Union
(Continued from Page 1)
at Somerville marched to the Boston
Federal building to protest to the La-
bor Relations Board against what
they termed discrimination.
Bennett, declaring "We are not ne-
gotiating with any one" in a strike
at the company's Richmond, Calif.,
plant, said a company investigator,
Pat Smith, might fly to California
during the week-end "to see whether
the situation warrants shipping parts
The UAWA announced tonight that
a mass meeting orgiinally scheduled
for next Tuesday as a protest against
actions of Ford men in Wednesday's
encounter has been postponed until
later next week.
Workers Not Cowed
Martin said in a press conference
this afternoon that "Ford workers
were not cowed by Wednesday's inci-
"At the Union's Ford offices alone,"
he said, "new members have been
signed at the rate of one a minute
He declared the Union would re-
turn to the Ford plant some time af-
ter production is resumed Tuesday to1
distribute a special issue of the
United Auto Worker, the Union's of-
ficial paper.
"I understand some Ford service
men have suddenly left town-some
very prominent service men who had
nothing to do with the fight-but
whose pictures so unfortunately ap-
peared in the papers," he said.
Identify Ford Men
He said nearly all of the individuals
pictured in scenes of the fighting had
been identified as Ford Service men.
The names, wherever possible, will be
made r4ailable to Prosecutor McCrea,
he said.
Delegates jfrom General Motors
locals, he said, will meet here June
5 to review the agreement with Gen-
eral Motors. The delegates will de-I
cide whether revision is to be re-
Asked if he expected a closed shop
in General Motors, he said: "We ex-
pect a closed :Uop in the whole au-
tomobile industry."

Theatre Group
Will Give Play,
Olive Clark To Play Lead;
Mrs. L. J. Carr To Direct
Hampstead Players
"Threshold," an original play writ-
ten for the Hampstead Players by
Mrs. George B. Brigham. will be
presented June 7 and 8 in the audi-
torium of the Jones School, Mrs.
Lowell J. Carr, its director, an-
nounced yesterday.
"The play," Mrs. Brigham said, "is
a realistic one vividly dramatizing
the crushing hopelessness of a Cali-
fornia family on relief. Its central
character is an industrial worker who
must seek government aid after his
poor health has forced him to give up
his job on the line."
"About three years ago, the Hamp-
stead Players broke away from the
civic theatre group, deciding to en-
act original plays or those which,
under ordinary circumstances would
never be produced," Prof. Lowell J.
Carr of the sociology department ex-
plained. The present work was chos-
en in keeping with this ideal, he said.
Future plans of the players include
three presentationshfor the summer
vacation, all to be shown in Professor
Carr's amphitheatre. The first, an
old French farce, the "History of
Master Peter Pathelin," translated
and adapted for the English Stage by
Harold Whitehall of the English de-
partment, will probably be given in
July, Professor Carr announced. Ad-
mission to "Threshold" will be 25
LANSING, May 28.-(P)--Governor
Murphy and other high state officials
planned today to attend the funeral
of Burr Lincoln, state agricultural
commissioner, which will be con-
ducted here Tuesday morning.
Services will be held at the Lin-
coln home, 3101 South Cedar Street,
at 10:30 a.m. Burial will be in the Mt;
Hope cemetery, Lansing. Lincoln, a
close friend of Governor Murphy,
died unexpectedly in Flint yesterday.
Mrs. Hampton's Famous
Served Every Sunday from 12:30-2:30
605 Forest Phone 2-3836

Any deviation from the above schedule may be made only by mu-
tual agreement between students and instructor and with the approval
of the Examination Schedule Committee.
June 3 to June 12, 1937
NOTE-For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the Time of
Exercise is the time of the first lecture period of the week; for courses

Surv. 1, 2, 4; Spanish
M.E. 3; Draw. 1, 2; French
E.E. 2a; Met. Proc. 2, 3, 4
Drawing 3; German

'Hail, Savage Spirit,' Greets
Missionary In New Guinea

"It's not very complimentary to be
greeted warmly as the returning
spirit of the great-grandfather of a
Papuan savage, but it often serves as
a good introduction.'"
That statement was made by the
Rev. Frederick Henkelmann, a Luth-
eran missionary, who had been work-
ing on the island of New Guinea, in
the South Sea, for the past eight
years among the most primitive
people known, some of whom are still
headhunters and cannibals.
In these dangerous surroundings
this introduction stood Mr. Henkel-
mann in good stead, he said, for the
superstitious natives believe that the,
few venturous white men who pene-
trate into the interior are tribal
spirits ,and they even see exact re-
semblances to their deceased ances-
Vast stretches of the interior of the
island have never been visited by
white men, but recent use has been
made of th airplane in the explora-
tion of this part of New Guinea, Mr.
Henkelman said.
He described the trip into the in-
terior as consisting of three weeks of
strenuous mountain climbing or a two
hour and 20 minute airplane flight.
During the gold rush of 1926, he
said, white men did not hesitate to
shoot natives, and consequently, the
Australian government placed a ban
on interior exploration. The ban,
however, has been recently lifted and
Mr. Henkelmann who has been study-
Appointment Plan
Declared 'Political'
LANSING, May 28.--VP)-A con-
troversial measure, described by op-
ponents as an attempt to make the
position of conservation director "po-
litical," reached the floor of the
House today, for debate next week.
The bill, submitted over the names
of 15 introducers, would make the
directors' office appointive by the gov-
ernor. The position now is filled by
the non-partisan conservation com-
mission. It was reported to the House
by the State Affairs Committee, with
recommendations that it be passed.
The House voted today to provide
staggered six-year terms in office for
members of the Mackinac Island State
Park Commission.
(Continued from Page 4)
is Yet To Be." Fellowship Hour and
supper following the meeting.

ing at the University during this se-
mester, is returning to the South Seas
in July.
Anthropologists, prospectors and
missionaries, are the chief groups
which attempt to contact the savages,
according to Rev. Henkelmann.
Foot parties progressing into the'
interior must proceed single file
through unexplored jungles and over
almost inaccessible mountains, with
an advance detachment cutting a
trail through the dense tropical ver-
Rev. Henkelmann said that the
savages either flee or prepare to fight
on the approach of missionary expe-
ditions. He much prefers the latter
attitude,'he said, because it is then
possible to contact the natives by the
friendship signs of smiling, smoking,
and eating. The process of language
learning comes next and after that
the transmission of ideas, he ex-

Van Wagoner
Favors Road
WASHINGTON, May 28.-(A)-
State Highway Commissioner Murray
D. Van Wagoner of Michigan, said
today he and Governor Frank Murphy
were not opposed on the proposal to
set aside funds in the $1,500,000,000
relief bill for road building.
Representative Clare E. Hoffman,
(Rep., Mich.), said in the House
Thursday Van Wagoner was seeking
the allocation of $150,000,000 for ex-
penditure on highways through state
departments and Murphy "doesn't
want any of it earmarked."
"If the Governor doesn't want any
of the money earmarked for roads,
it's news to me," Van Wagoner said.
Van Wagoner several weeks ago
urged money be designated for roads.
A meeting of the gasoline tax di-
version committee of the American
Road Builders Association, of which

Library Receives
N.Y. School Report
Two copies of the educational re-
port of the Board of Education of the
City of New York, "All The Chil-
dren," have been acquired by the
University Library, R. Webb Noyes,
who is in charge of the documents
section of the Library announced yes-
One of the copies of this report,
Noyes said, so in deman all over
the world that a second printing was
necessary for the 1936 edition, will be
on display at the circulation desk of
the General Library, or available for
inspection there during the week of
May 25-29.
The report, Noyes said, the first of
its kind to meet with such a great
measure of success, is just as much
for the lay reader as for members of
the teaching profession and presents
an extremely clear picture of the
school system.
-Give To The Student Book Fund-


H. B. GODFREY 410 North 4th Avenue
Moving in the City or State
We'll be pleased to give information and estimates.

he is chairman,
oner here.

brought Van Wag-

I - ,I






Today 0 00


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Dr. C. W.
"The Un-

and appreciate its
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