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May 29, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-29

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The Weather
Fair and warmer today;, to-
morrow local thundershowers
and somewhat cooler by late
afternoon or night

C, r

3k igan


An Obituary
For Henry ...



UAW To Push
At Ford Gates,
Officials State
Martin Denies Company'sI
Charge That Riot Was
Staged ,By Union
Bennett To Identify
Men In Photographs

Beaten By Ford 'Service Men,'
Tony Talks From Hospital Bed
I ,

Ex-Ford Worker Relates
How He Was 'Slugged'
From Behind
"Two cars drove up as we walked
over near Gate 5 to pass out hand-
bills for the union. Ten service men
got out of the cars. They didn't ask
any questions. 'They began beating
the men and kicking the women."
So said Tony Marinovich yesterday
as he rested in the University Hos-
pital, slowly recovering from the un-
consciousness into which he charged'
Ford service men beat him Wednes-

DETROIT, May 28.-(/') -The Marinovich, who said he had done
United Automobile Workers convoked "satisfactory work" for seven years
,a e.h p at Ford's Dearborn plant, had been
a "strategy session" tonight to plan a active in the UAWA before he was
renewal of its riot-interrupted dis- discharged March 26, 1937, "without
tribution of Union literature at gates being given any reason."
of the Ford Motor Company. Eight girls and eight men, Marin-
Homer Martin, UAWA president, ovich among them, were standing on
the pavement at Gate 5 (Franken-
t d'pr "~irCIYC' 'ans " F rd Comnnn an ,_- - ,si... _...,i..!

termed nunene p ui umjiy
assertion that Wednesday's battle
between unionists and Ford employes
was "staged' to "cover up failure" of
the Union in its organizing campaign.
He met with members of the "Ford
organizing committee" headed by
Richard T. Frankensteen, organiza-
tional director, and Walter Reuther,
West Side local president, to make1
arrangements for another visit by
handbill carriers to the huge Ford
Rouge plant in suburban Dearborn.!
To Recommend Warrars
Frankensteen and Reuther were
among 18 persons injured as Union
representatives- were ejected forcibly
from company property.
Duncan C. McCrea, Wayne County
prosecutor who has said he would
recommend warrants if Ford men in-
volved in the fracas could be identi-
fied, announced today he had re-
quested Harry H. Bennett, Ford per-
sonnel director, to produce any com-
pany employes appearing in newspa-
per photographs of the fighting.
Mc Crea specifically mentioned
three persons in one photograph
made as the unionists were beaten
and chased off a company bridge.
"Company officials' first denial that
service men were responsible said
American Federation of Labor men
did the attacking. That was changed
later to loyal employes. Today they
say newspapers are. We think the an-
swer of one Detroit newspaper, 'non-
sense,' is adeqtiite."
40 Per Cent Working
Only 40 per cent of the 89,324 em-
ployes of the Rouge plant were at,

steen and other organizers were beat-
en up at Gate 4) when the "thugs
and ex-convicts who form most of the
service department" began the fight
in which the men were bruised and
one woman was hit in the stomach,
the naturalized Jugoslavian worker
One of the assailants, Marinovich
declared, said, "Here's one I know~"
and knocked him to the ground.
When the service men stopped beat-
ing him, he stood up; someone
grabbed him by the neck, asked "Is
he dead yet?" and knocked him down
again, Marinovich continued.
Rubbing his bruised head, Marin-'
Goebbels Hits
Catholics Again
In Angry Talk'
'Decadence Of Morals' Is
Charged Among Catholic
Clergy InGermany
BERLIN, May 28.-('P)--Propa-
ganda Minister Paul Joseph Goeb-
bels charged tonight that a "general-
decadence of morals" exists in Ger-
many among "Catholic seminaries
and in wide circles of the Catholic
The fiery ruler of Germany's press
in a wrathful address against church

ovich said that his friends told him
he was hit from behind and that his
assailants "slugged with steel" im-
"I was unconscious then," Marino-
vich said, "when I staggered to my
feet two mounted policemen told us
to move on.
"We've got a 'right to organize and
I'm going to see that my children are
free when they go to work in a plant.
And if Harry Bennett thinks he can
keep us from exercising our right to
collective bargaining, he's nuts," Ma-
rinovich declared.
Commenting on Ford policies with-
in the plants, Marinovich stated that
if service men see two workers talking
together, the workers can be fied.
"Another thing, if a man is injured
in the plant, they won't give him a
job as gate-guard. They give it to
some outside man. They wouldn't
make me a gateman, because I
wouldn't hit another man for any-
thing," he !said.
CCC Extended
3 More Years
In Compromise
Joint Committee' s Draft
Must Still Be Ratified In
House And Senate'
WASHINGTON, May 28.- ()-A
"compromise" giving the CCC a
three-year lease of life appeared to-
day to have settled an acrimonious
dispute in Congress.
President Roosevelt had asked that
the Civilian Conservation Corps, one
of his favorite agencies, be made per-
manent. The Senate agreed, but the
House objected.
Contending that Congress should
keep a check on depression-born
agencies, House members voted a two-
year extension. Today a conference
committee representing both cham-
bers agreed on the compromise,
which now must be ratified in the
Senate and House.
Three more years of life for the.
agency which has given jobs and cit-
izenship training to nearly 2,000,000
youths since 1933 would extend it to
June 30, 1940, near the end of Mr.
Roosevelt's second term.
Rebel Planes
Kill 200 People
In Dawn Attack
VALENCIA, Spain, May 28.-(14)-
Insurgent General Francisco Franco's
warplanes roared in from the sea in a
surprise dawn attack today, killing an
estimated 200 persons, bombing ships
in the harbor and demolishing build-
Seven members of the crew were
killed and eight injured when bombs
dropped by the air raiders struck the
cabin, a merchant ship flying the
British flag.
The British freighter Pinzon, an
chored in the harbor was struck by
another bomb which failed to ex-
plode, causing slight damage to the
ship's bridge. There were no casual-
The British embassy here said the
Pinzon was "the only British ship"
damaged during the air raid. The
cabin is not listed in Lloyd's register
and its ownership and nationality re-
mained a mystery.
(The admiralty in London ex-
pressed belief the ship might be the
Spanish freighter Kardin, known to
I be in Valencia harbor).

By University
Bigelow, Btes To Leave
Chemistry Department;
Ushenko, Ross To Go
$7,600 Received
As Regents Meet
Resignations of six faculty mem-
bers and gifts of $7,655 were accepted
by the Board of Regents at their
monthly meeting yesterday.
Prof. Samuel L. Bigelow of the
chemistry department will retire
from teaching Sept. 23, 1937.
Prof. John R. Bates of the chem-'
istry department has resigned from
the faculty to go with the Houdery
Processing Corporation of Philadel-
Prof. Andrew P. Ushenko of the
philosophy department has resigned .;
to go to Princeton University as a
member of the philosophy depart- t
ment there. His resignations will beL
effective at the close of the Summer 1
Session, Aug. 20.C
Prof. Francis E. Ross of the ac-~
counting department has resigned to
go with Ernst and Ernst, public ac-
Nelson ResignsS
The resignation of Prof. Erwin E.e
Nelson of the pharmacology depart- t
ment was accepted. He will go tou
Tulane University at the end of thisI
school year.
Prof. John Rushton of the chem-
ical engineering department has re-t
signed to accept the position of head
of the chemical engineering depart-c
ment at the University of Virginiad
The largest gift received by the Re-..
gents came from the American Pe-r
troleum Institute. The" Institute gaveI
$3,000 to be used to reconstitute thec
subsidyw for chemical research for!
1937 and 1938. Two fellowships oft
$1,000 will be given, and $1,000 will
be used for assistants and equipment.(
An anonymous gift of $1,000 wast
received to be credited to the Angelusf
Astronomical support fund.
Gift For Dorms
A gift of $1,000 from Elvin McCaw-
ley of Detroit was received by the,
Regents to create a nucleus of the,
dormitory resident aid fund. The in-
terest from this amount is to be
awarded annually to select men resi-
dents of dormitories to help them live
in a dormitory. However, the Re-
gents may at any time use this money
to build new dormitories.
The Regents received a gift of $30
from 'President Ruthven to be placed
in the Alexander G. Ruthven loan
fund in the Museum of Zoology.
A gift of $1,125 from the Geological
Society of America, Baltimore, Md.,,
was accepted. These funds will be
used for study in the upper jurassic
marine faunas of northern Mexico.
Fifteen hundred dollars was re-
(Continued on Page 6)
Murphy Gives
Peace Progfram
For Industry
Industrial peace in America will be
achieved when industry and labor
cooperate and government exerts a
positive influence over these efforts,
Governor Frank Murphy of Michigan
said here tonight in an address be-
fore the National Conference of So-
cial Work.

Governor Murphy outlined a three-
point program for government as-
sistance in settlement of industrial
To assume a positive role, he said,
the government should (1) be a fact-
finding agency; (2) function as a
mutual friend and intelligent mod-
erator, and (3) be prepared to take,
its place as an active participant with
labor and employer in finding a solu-
Miss Frances Perkins, secretary of
labor, will speak at a section meeting
tomorrow morning, and Judge Flor-
ence E. Allen of the U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals at Cleveland will close the
gathering at a luncheon.
Governor Murphy said industrial
peace "will be achieved only when in-
dustry and its leaders realistically
face today and tomorrow and forget
the past which trained them to resist
instead of to cooperate; when labor
and its leaders courageously assume
the great responsibilities which are
theirs; and when government prop-
erly extends a positive, enlightened
and 'constructive influence."
_ crrVTDY X ma rIPoIPmr V ARTF.

Chicago's Police Battle
Marchers In Steel Tie-up;
CIO MapsUtilities Drive


work today as a four-day Memorial! critics of his government threatened
day holiday started. Bennett said' four to summon high churchmen to testify
less working days than usual were under oath if they continued their
planned for the plant during June, "slander" of Nazi justice-(criticism
and that in all probability, "if sales
keep up," there will be no seasonal of publicity given to German trials
lay-off there. and several convictions of churchmen
A normal seasonal curtailment of on immorality charges).-
production, Bennett said, caused 200 He proclaimed that his speech was
workers to be laid off at the Ford in answer to the American Cardinal
Company's Somerville, Mass., plant. Mundelein's charge that the trials
He added the company's policy was to were marked by distorted propaganda
put them back to work as soon as pos- and the Cardinal's reference to
sible. Approximately 100 union men paperhanger." Hitler as an "Austrian
who said they had been discharged paperwnger w"
(coninud onPag 6)Avowing that his answer was
(Continued on Page 6) against these charges of "distortion
of justice and law for egoistic ends,"
Country's Leaders ' he declared that the clergy had failed
to interfere to halt alleged improper
Deplore Beating practices and cited the blood purge
of 1934 as evidence the Nazis do their
Of Ford Workers housecleaning-(some of the execu-
tions of 1934 were announced as in-
tended to stamp out improper sexual
DETROIT, May 28.-(Special to practices among a few followers of
The Daily)--Strong public feeling the Nazi regime).
against the beating of United Auto "If you ask why trials of similar of-
Workers organizers in Dearborn Wed- fenders in other walks of life are not
nesday was registered here today by public, I reply-because no other call-
leaders from throughout the county. ing or profession hitherto has pre-
The Michigan Conference for the sumed to condone such swinish con-
Protection of Civil Rights disclosed duct, and because in no other calling
Proecton f ivi Riht dicloedwas immorality so rampant as among
telegrams which it had received from waseimmdrisson,"mpantodamn
college professors, state legislators audience of 20,000.

Officials Plan To Organize
350,000 Gas, Electric
And Steam Workers
100,000 Already
Members Of CIO
Travis Announces Plan
Will Include Michigan
Power Employes
NEW YORK, May 28.-(P)-March-
ing on into a new branch of the na-
ion's industry, the C.I.O. through its
United Electrical and Radio Workers
Union, tonight announced a drive to
complete organization of the 350,000j
workers in the public utilities field.
A squad of union officials will leave
Monday for a tour of the Eastern and
Southern sections of the country cov-
ering all the large cities, with the ex-
ensive network of the Common-
wealth and Southern Corporation in
Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama,
Georgia, Florida and Louisiana as
their first objective.t
At the same time, it was announced,r
organizers from the west would start
out over the rest of the country,r
working south from Cleveland, O.,
meeting with the eastern group inf
Kansas City in about two weeks to
coordinate their campaigns. -
Of the nation's 350,000 workers int
the gas, electricity and steam power1
industries, the union said, about 100,-
000 are now members of other CIO0
unions, and of the 80,000 electrical
and radio workers union members,I
about 15,000 are from the utility field.1
Plans for the drive were completedf
at a conferencedbetween President
James B. Carey of the union, Director
Albert Stonkus of its utility division,1
and Chairman John L. Lewis of the
CIO, who had just completed negotia-
tions involving 14,000 subway em-
ployes here.
Outline Michigan Drive
FLINT, Mich., May 28.-()-Rob-
ert C. Travis, organizer for the United
Automobile Workers of America an-
nounced today that John L. Lewis,
chief of the Committee for Industrial
Organization had sanctioned plans to
organize public service and power em-'
ployes in Michigan.
He said application for a charter
for the public service and power em-
ployes union had been made to Lewis.
Travis said the membership cam-
paign would start in Flint, Saginaw,
and Bay City, where Consumers
Power employes struck last week. The
campaign will be expanded gradually,
he said, to include other public util-
ities workers throughout the state,
such as bus drivers and waterworks
employes in addition to power com-
pany workers.
Nine To Attend
Detroit Crime
Meeting June 1
President Ruthven, four members
of the faculty and four local resi-
dents will participate in the fourth
annual Central States Probation and
Parole Conference June 1 through
June 4 in Detroit. Prof. Lowell J. Carr
of the sociology department, member
of one of the committees in charge,
announced yesterday.
They are: Prof. Arthur E. Wood
of the sociology department, Prof.
William D. Haber of the economics
department, Prof. Robert W. Kelso
and Professor Carr.
The conference, with representa-
tives from 40 states will convene to
serve as an exchange for technical
opinions and a medium for communi-

cation with the public of the neces-
sity of adequate crime prevention,
parole and probation legislation.
"The state of Michigan is a happy
choice for the convention," Professor
Carr explained. "It may be in a good
position to influence the state legis-
lature which has been so reluctant
at passing on an efficient crime pre-
vention program."
Among the national authorities who
will address the group are Governor

Latest Developments
On National Labor Front
1. Fifteen demonstrators and
five policemen were injured in a
battle before a South Chicago steel
2. Leaders of a five-state steel
strike involving 70,000 workers an-
nounced they would not compro-
mise their position and asked the
government to investigate their
charges of "unfair labor practices."
3. United Automobile Workers
of America chieftains announced
plans for another attempt to dis-
tribute handbills at a dearborn,
Mich., factory of the Ford Motor
Company, where a riot occurred
HIrs. Warfield
Is Denied Title;
Baldwin Quits
LONDON, May 28.--(P)-A decree
of King George VI, published tonight,
recorded an overwhelming defeat for
the Duke of Windsor in his fight to
make his bride-to-be, American-born
Wallis Warfield, "Her Royal High-
The King specifically forbade the
future duchess to use the royal title
after her marriage June 3. More
than that, his decree showed that the
Duke himself, since his abdication as
king last December ,h s not enjoyed
royal status until yesterday.
From yesterday he became "His
Royal Highness" only by special dis-
pensation of the brother who succeed-
ed him on the throne.
Duke Forfeited Title
It was disclosed such action by the
King was necessary because the Duke
actually had forfeited his royal status
when he abdicated and renounced all
rights of succession to the throne for
himself and his heirs.
The King's decision-or that of the
British government-was published
in an announcement in the official
court organ, 'the London Gazette:
The Gazette announced that let-
ters patent issued by Queen Victoria
70 years ago declared that the title
"Royal Highness" should be used only
by near relatives of the sovereign
who were in line of succession to the
Got H R.H. Yesterday
This ruling meant that the former
King Edward VIII was without right
to be styled "Royal Highness" from
Dec. 10, 1936, until yesterday since he
had stepped out of the line of succes-
The King's decree set the final seal
of victory on tht fight of Stanley
Baldwin against Edward and Mrs.
Warfield. It was Baldwin who blocked
Edward's attempt t, make the Balti-
more woman his queen, the "Royal
Highness" ruling was almost the final
act of Baldwin's regime, which ended
today with his resignation as Prime
Unitil tonight even persons close
to the royal court and to the self-
eixled Duke of Windsor had not been
aware that for more than five months
he had not been entitled to be called
'his royal highness."
20 Engineers
Are Awarded
Announcement of the recipients of
twenty scholarships from three funds
was made yesterday by the Deans
of the engineering college.

Three Simon Mandlebaum scolar-
ships in the engineering college were
awarded by the scholarship commit-
tee to Paul Zuris, Frederick C. Osberg
and George Henry Hanson. All of the
recipients are sophomores.
Two students received half and 11
students full Cornelius Donovan
awards. Those given full scholar-
ships were: George N. Stuart, Jr.
'39E; Robert E. Valk, '38E; Donald
M. Yenni, '38E; Robert Somers, '38E;
William H. Buchanan, '39E; Leslie M
Harris, '38E; Joseph August, '38E;

Clash Occurs Near Plant
Of Republic Steel Co.;
Union Bans Compromise
Peace Conference
To Be Next Week
Leader Of Strike Charges
Corporation Has Stores
Of Munitions
(By Associated Press)
Demonstrators battled police in
South Chicago last (Friday) night
while leaders of a five-state steel
strike affecting 70,000 workers an-
nounced they would not compromise
their position in any way.
Marchers and police clashed in
front of the south Chicago plant of
the Republic Steel Corporation, which
has continued to operate despite the
walkout called by the steel workers
organizing committee. Five parade
marchers who had formed were left
laying in the street. Officers fired
six shots into the air. One policeman
was injured. It was the third suc-
cessive night patrolmen had turned
back groups gathered near the mills.
Philip Murray, national chairman
of the steel workers organizing com-
mittee, an affiliate of John L. Lewis''
Committee' for Industrial Organiza-
tion, said union representatives would
participate in a proposed peace con-
ference next week but would not re-
lent on their demands.
The strike was called by the S.W.-
0.0. when officials of the Inland and
Republic Steel Corporations and
Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. re-
fused to sign agreements making the
S.W.O.C. bargaining agent for its
"This position is one in which no
compromise can be had," Murray an-
nounced after Gov. Martin L. Davey
of Ohio said he expected to call a
conference. "It's either sign an agree-
ment or not sign one."
Murray telegraphed government
officials asking an investigation of
his charge "the plants of Repblic
Steel Corp. have stored within them
all kinds of munitions of war." He
also charged the company with "un-
fair labor practices."
SoViets Begin
Probe Of Radio
Failure At Pole
MOSCOW, May 28.-MP)-Ten Rus-
sian scientists and radio engineers
tonight set abit trying to figure out
why the elaborate radio equipment
taken to the North Pole by a Soviet
pioneering party didn't work.
The academy of sciences named the
special commission to study the phe-
nomena which prevented the main
Polar party from receiving radio re-
ports from Pilot I. P.,.Mazuruk when
he landed only 25 or 35 miles away
and which almost crippled short
wave transmission back to Russia.
Some scientific sources expressed
the opinion the disturbances were
connected with the proximity of great
magnetic fields
Terrific "magnetic storms" of im-
mense power which occur in the Arc-
tic and Antarctic for reasons as yet
little understood were blamed by
members of the Polar expedition for
their perplexing radio problems.
This opinion was advanced by Eu-
gene Ferderov, magnetologist, who
with his aides has set up a miniature
magnetic laboratory for study of
shifting magnetic influences which
have played havoc not only with the
radio but all of their electrical equip-
The sun wa held responsible for
the the magnetic storms which are
occurring in sharply changing alti-

tudes and cause apparent blank spots
in the Arctic.
Frosh Picnic To Start
With March, 3:30 P.M.
The Frosh Picnic, an old tradition
that has almost disappeared from
the Michigan campus, will be revived
at 3:30 p.m. today when the fresh-
men gather on the steps of Hill Audi-
torium to mark down to the Islands.
A freshman hanl will lead the nn-


and clergymen.
Frank M. Hook, Michigan Con-
gressman from the 12th District said
in his telegram to the Conference, "If
newspaper reports are correct,. the
unlawful assault by Ford service men
upon Union labor should be con-
demned in no uncertain terms."
Ralph Rowell, Michigan State
Representative, wired, "Such mob
rule tactics,must be stopped at once."
Dr. John H. Gray, economist, of
Washington, D.C., said in his com-
munication "I and all other informed
and disinterested Americans protest
the attack on Union workers at the
Ford plant and protest vigorously the
failure of police to protect Union
workers "
Behind the busy front of Union
activity to resume distribution of
leaflets at the Ford plant next week
Union lawyers filed their chargest
against Ford Motor Company and
prepared to name actual assailants in

Student Loan Library At Yale
Started With Gift Of $1,000,

The Loring W. Andrews Memorial
Liberal of Yale University, on which
is modelled the projected student
book loan fund that will be intro-
duced here next fall, was established
in 1882 by a gift of $1,000, according
to the Report of the Librarian, a Yale
University Bulletin.
The library was endowed by Wil-
liam Loring Andrews, M.A., Yale, '93,
in memory of his son, Loring William
Andrews, B.A. post-obit., Yale, '83.
The original gift has been added to
from time to time by gifts from the
widow of William Loring Andrews,
and now amounts to more than $23,-

The total collection is estimated to
consist of more 'than 8,000 volumes.
The books at Yale are lent gra-
tiously for the use of students recom-
mended by the Bureau of Appoint-
ments. In the Michigan plan an

order from the loan
be necessary for the

committee will
student to ob-

tain books from the fund, and this
order will usually be dependent upon
the recommendation of a counsellor
or advisor. As in the Yale system,
books not returned, and books in-
jured or defaced beyond ordinary
wear wll be replaced at the expense of
the borrower. Loans wll be for one
semester only, however, although

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