'F ', MAY 28, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE I ', MAY 28, 1937 PAGE FIVE Large Audiencel Attends Opening Of Third Play Many students, townspeople and members of the University faculty at- tended the opening performances of "The Laughing Woman," third pro- duction of the 1937 Dramatic Season, given last night in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre of the League. Dean Alice Lloyd and Miss Jean- nette Perry were included in the audience, as were Prof. and Mrs. A. B. Moehlman, Prof. and Mrs. Rene Talaman, Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Ritter- shofer, and Mrs. H. H. Cummings. Prof. and Mrs. A. E. White, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McKinley, Mrs. Byrl Bacher, Miss Ethel McCormick, Prof. and Mrs. Earl V. Moore, Prof. and Mrs. H. 0. Whittemore, Prof. and Mrs. Joseph Bursley, Dr. Margaret Bell, and Miss Ethel McCormick also attended. Although there was a small pro- portion of students present, a few were there, including Hope Hartwig,. '38, Betty Strickroot, '38, Alice Grif- fiths, '39 and Ralph Danhof, Grad. In spite of the fact that skies were dark and rainy weather threatened, spring outfits predominated and there were the usual array of multi- colored spring prints. White was. also a favorite. R ID E R'S " ® 302 S. State St. Pen & Typewriter Service Wall y's Wedding' Gown as This sketch of the bridal gown which Mrs. Wallis Warfield has de- cided upon for her marriage to the Duke of Windsor was radioed to New York from London. Created by Mainbocher, it is of Wallis blue with long sleeves and skirt. CORRECTION Through an error of The Daily, a picture of Mrs. Ruth Leninger Dob- son, winner of the 1936 Hopwood Award for novels, was used in place of Maryanna Chockley, who led the Lantern Night procession last night at Palmer Field. Several Groups To Give Dances This Week-End Spring Formals, Breakfast Dance Included In List Of Ente rtainment Even in the face of approaching exams, several fraternities ,sororities and other organizations are holding dances this week-end.' Alpha Xi Delta is giving a spring formal from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. today, in the Ethel Fountain Hussey Room, at the League. Mrs. Edith Al- len, Mrs. E. J. Hull, Mrs. Hugh Keeler and Mrs. Day Peckinpaugh will act as chaperons. Max Collins orchestra will play. Prof. and Mrs. R. C. Fuller, Prof. and Mrs. Robert W. Frenchand Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Miller of De- troit have been invited to attend as chaperons for the spring formal dance to be given by Kappa Sigma fraternity from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. to- day. Lutheran Concert Seniors Wearing Scabbard And Blade Marjorie Merker To Be Held Tonight Caps, Gowns Lea To Hold Picnic Today Wins Golf Medal Paraden Scabbard and Blade will hold a_ The Lutheran student A Capella er in 5 to 10 p.m., tocay, Marjorie Merker, '39, turned in a choir, chorus and quartet willgive its Huron-Dexter Park, which will be score of 217 for 36 holes to win the second concert at 8 p.m. this evening One hundred and four seniors in followed by a dance at the League. women's golf medal tournament. Mary at the Trinity Lutheran Church. caps and gowns, carrying their tradi- Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Frederick C. Jane Mueller, '38Ed., had the second The choir, composed of 29 mem- tional lanterns, led the Lantern Rogers, Major and Mrs. Kelly and lowest score of 236, and close behind bers, is under the direction of Mr. Night march last night from the li- Capt. and Mrs. Walter B. Fariss will her came Louise Nack, Spec., with a William Rozenboom. They will of- brary steps to Waterman gymnasium. chaperon. Among the guests at the score of 238. Marjorie Tate, '39, fer: "A Song of Praise" and "'Tis The procession which consisted of picnic and dance will be Major and turned in a score of 242 for fourth The Holy Hour" by Beethoven, representatives of each of the classes Mrs. Tattnall D. Simkins, Capt. and place. "Praise Ye The Lord" by Palmer and marched four abreast to Waterman Mrs. Rosswell E. Hardy and Lieut. Pauline Tolhurst, '40, was awarded "Beautiful Saviour" by Christiansen. gymnasium accompanied b.J the Var- and Mrs. Wimer. the Hanley Trophy, The chorus of 15 voices will sing, "0 Rest In The Lord" by Mendel- ssohn; "Blessed Is He" by Gounod,j "The Lord's Prayer" by Rickett and "Landsighting" by Grieg. The quar- tet will sing "Prayer From The Cru- saders" by Protheroe and "Twenty- Third Psalm" by Koschat. Wedding Plans Of Miss Koch Ar'e Announced Katherine Koch.'2dagtro i1L1141C1111 i1~1, c) , uk r11 1 V To Give Spring Formal Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Walter Koch of A spring formal dinner-dance will Hendersonville, N.C., and formerly of be held by Phi Sigma Sigma sorority Detroit, is to marry Charles Nash from 7:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. today Blunt, son of Mrs. William Williams at the Washtenaw Country Club. Al Blunt of Port Huron and New York,c Cowan's band will play. The chap- June 19 at the St. James Episcopal erons will be Mr. and Mrs. Harry Church in Hendersonville.t Goldberg from Gladwin and Dr. and. Chur onthnertoilie l Mrs. Hirsch Hootkins. From 9 p.m. tnMembers of the two families will be to mdnihttomrrow Ph Sima he only guests and the Rev. James to midnight, tomorrow, Phi Sigma Burke will officiate. Following the7 Sigmhi will hold a radio dance. The Brewl fiit.Floigte Siganwill old athedio same.sTheceremony, the couple will take a wed- chaperons will be the same as for ding trip through New England. After the dance tonight. i July 4 they will be at home in De-t Theta Chi fraternity will give a' troit. :osed dinner-dance from 7 to 9:30 iss p.m. today. From 9:30 p.m. to 1 phMisoroiyh was eleclited to I a.m. thedance wil be open. Chaper- pha Phi sororit n as ailteec ted to ons will be Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Legg Phi Beta Kappa during her stay at and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Whitmer. the University. She also was presi- andMr.andMrs R.M. hiter. dent of the Women's League during Westminster Guild is holding. a her senior year; and after graduation closed formal dinner-dance from 7 she worked for a time as assistant to p.m. to 12 today at the Huron Hills the director at Mosher-Jordan. Country Club, in honor of the seniors Mir. Blunt is a graduate of Andover in the group. William Morse, '38, and the Sheffield Scientific School of will act as toastmasted for the pro- Yale. sity band. Maryanna Chockley, '37, chosen by the Womens Athletic As- sociation as the "most prominent woman on campus," led the seniors. She was followed directly by Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Rueger, Lois King,] and Kate Landrum who wore the blue jackets of the senior class. The procession swung into the for- mation of a huge block M outlined by the seniors in the middle of the gymnasium floor. Following the sing- ing of "The Yellow and Blue," the seniors passed their lanterns over to members of the other classes signi- fying the passing of the classes. After the Lantern Night ceremony, boxed suppers were served in Bar- bour gymnasium. At 6:45 p.m. the freshmen presented their pageant "Rip Van Winkle" to a crowd of nearly 1,000 people. Although the project was scheduled to be produced on Palmer Field, uncertain weather conditions made an outdoor produc- tion impossible. The pageant, which was directed by Sarah Pierce, Grad., depicted the family troubles of Rip, Dame Margaret, and their 10 chil- dren. The yellow and blue flag, given to the class having the most members in the Lantern Night march, was awarded to the seniors. Barbour Scholar Plans To Sail Ilone Monday Miss I-djen Ho, Grad., who com- pleted the requirements for the de- gree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics at the University this spring, will sail from New York Monday on her way home to Soochow, China. Miss Ho graduated from Ginling College, Nanking China, in 1930, af- ter which she taught for one year in Olivet Memorial High School, Chinkiang. From 1930 to June 1933 she studied at Mount Holyoke Col- lege, South Hadley, Mass., where she received her master's degree. For the last four years Miss Ho has been awarded one of the Levi L. Barbour Scholarships for Oriental] Women to enable her to study at the University. ,<<>, '< - :. ', ,, , '' ' " r . ' \ ea 4y V Y. \ Ss --- . ... one of over 25 swagger styles . . $ 395 ii t ,' f f . '' , r, <, r t r , j E . ,. : , i i . ;:i- >t' +y . 1 t V FOR DECORATION DAY - Those New _..I ... the shoes that are your most intimate campus companions, for you wear them most! Ghillies in White, Buck or Crushed Pig, with all-leather heels! Come pick yours! ' 5 C q J \ 0 n 0 o O .A, d'.: G O fGl a 8 0 LL Specials For Decoration Day Sale of Summer Silk DRESSES -Washable Satin, Shantung, Net, or Georgettes in sizes rang- ing from 11 to 52. 5 to $10.90 i gram which will be given after din- ner. Guests will include Prof. and Mrs. O. S. Duffendack, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Freund, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Lieman, Dr .and Mrs. Howard Mac- Clusky and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morns. Hold House Party Tau Beta Pi will give a week-endt house party starting tomorrow after- noon and lasting till Sunday after- noon at the Lakeland Hotel at Lake-, land. Dr. F. L. Everett and Prof. M.- B. Stout will act as chaperons. Dr. and Mrs. William K. Frowine and Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Mayer are to chaperon the Xi Psi Phi spring formal which will be held from 9 p.m. to midnight tomorrow. Gamma Phi Beta sorority will hold its annual breakfast dance from 9 a.m. to noon, Monday ,at the Huron Hills Country Club. Seni or Ball Ticket Sellout Announced A complete sell-out of general sale tickets for Senior )all was announced yesterday by Cerdric Marsh and Alex- inder Neill, co-chairmen of the ticket committee. The sale was restricted to members of the senior class. Any remaining tickets are held by other committee members. COLLEGIATE SHOE SHOP A Great Array of Super Values MON TH-END LORRAINE SHOP 121 South Main Street .0 I. tI GOODYEAR'S College Shops and Downtown Store SPECIAL Friday Saturday MAIN STORE C:OATS UNTRIMMED SPORT and DRESS 25 Discount SALE Our racks must be cleared for summer clothes, so here is the balance of our Spring Stock, at reduc- tions of more than ONE-HALF. FRIDAY and SATURDAY DRESSES-- - Crepes, prints, knits, sheers, jack- ets, capes, little suits for daytime. Laces, nets, chiffons, organdies , -. Q d U r , . ' 'r? t , /// I ; a--7 t s .. _ 4 J / //. / ,. a. DRESSES.. .for tennis .. for golf . . . for tea . . . for dates . . . for dancing. $8.95 to $22.75 SINCE MEMORIAL DAY is your last fling at fun until after exam worries are over, you'll be wanting to have a -really grand weekend. Do it up right by having the knock-out type of clothes for whatever fun you may happen to indulge in. S . . . srs . . . gs .. nnis . . BATHING SUITS . ..that are guaranteed to absolutely floor both life guard and escort. * $1.95 to $10.95 $11.00 for evening. Sizes 12 to 46 -16 to 26 SUITS SPRING SUITS and Fur Trimmed Coats 2 pc. tailleurs, swaggers, fitted three-quarter length. Sizes 12 to 38. , 1/2 Price DRESSES I 5. 3 Plus... Play Suits... Slacks and Shirt Shorts and Halte Smart Riding Tog Knits for Golf .. Sunbacks for Tei Play and Beach Accessories . . 0 O~ o0 $ .95 and $f.95 One Group of Values to $45 Stocks replenished from our other two stores. A complete assortment of sizes and types. Dresses for all occasions - exceptional values. Store Hours: Monday to Friday, 9 to 5:30. Saturday 9 to 6 P.M. COATS - Three fur collared, six plain, in sizes 12 to 20 - Values to $35. D RESSES - SCrepes, prints, knits, sheers, in $80 sizes 12 to. 46. SUITS- 2-pc. tailleurs-Swaggers. DRESSES -- Prints, sheers, crepes, knits. $5.00, Sees 12 to 46-Values to $19.75 SUITS- 2-pc. tailleurs in greys, browns- many sizes 12 to 20 - values to $12.95. 0 Blouses - Sweaters-Skirts. i ; .. t;;, 3 y' 2' .' b , \ f °' r '; ' . " n \ nt\ f '+ 'Y \ r -. J - + ' /.' " r . i .:, .. / _. r'l,: 4'J ° !~ . ' 1 f/ ,- %l , _ __( =Y-- Vii" ' k t_ \ FASHION ANNEX 50 Sport and Daytime DRESSES $5.95 $1.00 Blouses - Linens - Crepes. Sizes 3 2 to 40. A III ii il la ® G III