FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1937
Edited and managed-by-students of the University of
Michigan under the authoity of the Board In Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
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$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS,: Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, -Saul Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert Mayo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsey
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.s
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Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
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Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Har-
riet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and
Virginia Voorhees.
Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Philip
Buchen, Contracts' Manager; Robert Lodge, Local
Advertising Manager; William Newnan, Service Man-
ager; Marshall Sampson, Publications and Classified
Advertising Manager.
Ford's Gestapo
Goes Into Action .
(,41VHERE IS THIS Harlan County
you hear so much about?" might
well be the comment of the newspaper reader
who has been patient enough to wade through
the inside columns of the newspapers to gather
some of the important facts in connection with
the ssault made upon officials of the United
Automobile Workers by Henry Ford's Service De-
partment in Dearborn Wednesday.
For sheer brutality, the so-called "loyal em-
ployes" of Ford have surpassed even the dreams
of the exponents of law and order on the
lower side of the Mason and Dixon line. There
is absolutely no justification for a detachment of
thugs to jump on a man, knock him down, and
then hold him on the ground while another
detachment kicks him because he sets foot on
private property.
It might be a little more judicious, we feel, to
ask the trespasser off the property. Of course
some of the men were asked off the Ford property
but they were struck in the back when they
turned to comply. The Rev. Raymond Prior
Sanford, a member of the Committee for Church
and Industry of the Chicago Church Federation,
a witness of the attack on Richard T. Franken-
steen, director of the UAW Ford campaign, said
in part:
"First Frankensteen was held by each arm
while other men kicked him in the stomach and
groin, after which an increasing number of
men fell upon him and finally knocked him down
on his back at a point near the east exit from
the platform.
"While he was lying on his back, sluggers
took him by either foot and spread his legs apart
while others kicked him in the groin. Others ht
him on the head and shoulders. One put his
heel in Frankensteen's abdomen and put his full
weight on it."
Such action, provoked by the alleged remak
"We thought Lincoln freed the slaves" defies any
As to the identity of the perpetrators of the
attack upon the union men there can be no doubt.
Eye witnesses declared it remarkable that the
ordinary employes of Ford could maneuver so
cleverly through the crowd and advance on their
quarry so expertly, armed with guns and hand-
cuffs. Several men who interfered with reporters
near the scene of the attack dater admitted that
they were service men. Bennett's statement
that the fight started between UAW men and
a Ford employe, who is a member of an AFL
welders' union becomes meaningless in light of
the statement of the AFL local president to the
effect that no AFL welders are employed by
Ford. Do all Ford employes go to work with
guns and handcuffs?
It is evident in those pictures of the fight which
were rescued from the attempts of the service
men to destroy all photographers' plates that the
men were not workmen. We are assured by com-
petent sources that the service men smashed
many of the pictures and drove reporters off the
tion to give a thorough and complete coverage
of the Ford unionization drive, have been
strangely inadequate in their descriptions of the
melee. One newspaper buried on Page 26 the
fact that its reporters had been accosted by Ford
service men on the public highway and told to
"get out of here, buddy, and don't try to put an<s
thing in the paper. i isn't healthy."
This shift in emphasis was matched by the
other newspapers' incomplete treatment of the
episode. Nor can all of this be explined by the
exclusion of reporters by Ford after the fight
was well under way. No word of this treatment
of reporters appeared.
The law was strangely inactive Wednesday
also. Of course the Dearborn Police deserve to
be commended because they cautioned the Ford
men when it became apparent that women were
beaten in a manner too severe for even the police
to stomach.
The Reverend Sanford, whose testimony has
been corroborated by other eye witnesses, said
that "so violent was the attack on the girls
that one of the three mounted policemen on the
other side of the fence pleaded repeatedly that
the girls be not dealt with so violently."
Harlan County has moved northward.
Composition Recital
by students in the Department of 'Composi-
tion of the University School of Music will take
place in the School of Music Auditorium this
evening at 8:30, under the direction of Professor
E. William Doty. Previous to this year students
have heard their compositions performed in
closed recitals or at informal gatherings, but until
now there has been no formal public recital
sponsored by the Composition Department.
The music to be heard comprises songs, piano
pieces, and movements for string chamber groups.
As a representation of the work of the entire
department, the program necessarily is highly
varied in respect to the style and merit of the
individual numbers. In some cases the composi-
tions have been submitted in fulfillment of cer-
tain requirements for a degree in musical theory,
a few of the students are composition majors,
and in some cases the work is elective. Eight of
the students are graduates and two are under-
In addition to the work of these students,
the program also contains one of the songs of
Richard Bennett. Mr. Bennett is a native of
Kalamazoo and has been a student in the Liter-
ary College, although at present he, is not en-
rolled in the University. During the past two
or three years in which he has been interested
in Composition he has composed some forty or
fifty songs, in addition to a number of piano,
chamber, and choral works. A number of these
have been sung in various places in Michigan
and in the East, and one of them, "The Lord's
Prayer," this year brought the composer first
prize in a competition sponsored by the Mich-
igan Music Teachers' Association.
In Ann Arbor Mr. Bennett's compositions ha
been performed at numerous recitals and gath4'
erings, and particularly at a Bennett recital
which occurred last March. Four of the songs
were sung very effectively by Miss Marguerite
Creighton, mezzo-soprano, in her graduation re-
cital last Monday evening. Appearing as the
last group on the program, following four of
the best-known songs of Brahms, Mr. Bennett's
songs-"Mein Vaterland," "Sea Fever," "The
Pond-Weed," and "The Lord's Prayer"-formed
an artistically satisfying conclusion to the pro-
gram, with no drop in interest. There was no
hint of either lack of maturity or lack of orig-
The composer seems to be at his best when he
is expressing a particular mood. His accompani-
ments are usually "atmospheric," and an in-
tegral part of the composition, rather than sub-
ordinately accompanimental. The vocal lines
follow sensitively the import of the words of the
poem, without losing all vocal characteristics
and becoming merely a heterogenous collection
of wierd and unsingable intervals, as is fre-
quently the case in modern song writing. In
"Mein Vaterland" there is a decided lyric feel-
ing with a touch of Brahmsian stateliness. This
song, incidentally, was accepted by Arthur Car-
ron, Metropolitan tenor, for inclusion in his re-
cital programs for next year.
The recital program follows:
"Allegro Moderato" from String Quartet
in D ................... .......McCollum
"Adagio and Scherzo" from Piano Sonata
in D flat .................... Hasenmuller
Songs: "The Morning Glory" from
The Shih King .................. Bennett
"Flower Shadows"...............Nelson
"Andante" from Piano Sonata in D minor. .Ellis
"Allegro Non Troppo" from the String
Quintet in C ........................ Reid
Suite for Piano (The Pool-Madame Garter
Snake-The Dragon Fly--The
Polliwog) ........................Kolhaas
"Lento" from String Quartet in G ........Oakes
"The Congo," (Two-piano arrangement of
a tone poem for orchestra) ...........Park
"Finale" from String Quartet in D
minor .......................Steunenberg
A Capella Choir
made its initial appearance last Friday night
at Zion Lutheran Church, will present a program
this evening at 8:00 in Trinity Lutheran Church.
The Choir, composed of thirty members of the
NOT FROM THE HILLS of Kentucky or the
mountain fastnesses of Tennessee comes this
tale of vendetta and vindictive feud, but from
those two strongholds of Michigan civilization,
the Delta Gamma house and the Theta Delt
castle. It wages fast and thick and although
no blood has flowed we're waiting for the news
to break.
Last winter, just before Christmas vacation,
the Theta Delts were awakened early one morn-
ing by a promenade of plumbers, carpenters,
beer merchants and sundry gentry with things
to sell. The rest of the day was a procession
of honking taxis, moving vans, Greyhound buses,
tramways and kiddie cars. Salesmen of all de-
scriptions showed up with everything from egg
crates to book samples in hand. It was a weak
doorbell at the castle when the day ended and
when the boys gathered around to track down
the funny people who had made the world beat
a path to their castle's door. They were par-
ticularly irked by the exterminator who had of-
fered to spray the place with great care. Sus-
pects were narrowed down until only the Delta
Gams were left, though none of the boys would
admit to himself or the others that the Hill Street
Hellions were laughing at them. Resentment
was nursed along all winter and it may be that
it still is, although the Theta Delts have been
grinning around lately and today Disraeli re-
ceived the following communication:
Sunday afternoon was the scene of a
charming spring tea in honor of the Theta
Delta Chi sorority. The president and vice-
president, Dona Wisher and Edwina Thomp-
son respectively, presided at the table. They
were gowned in twin dinner dresses of con-
trasting baby pink and powder blue with
tiaras of spring flowers. Rosanna Frazier in
a striking thistle hostess gown received the
guests. Current chatter is more than a
rumior tha Joan Winder was wearing a gor-
geous solitaire, reminiscing with Bobb.ie Gar-
rels. Among others spotted at the tea were
Alice Bentley, Bertha Geyman and Harriet
Bristol. In the dining room seated around a
small table decorated with a bouquet of
pansies and baby breath sat Roberta Weeks
wearing a devastating new Paris creation
coiffeur chatting merrily with Jacqueline
Reed weaing a soft yellow knit suit, Wil-
helmina McHenry and Carlotta Clement.
The pleasant afternoon was terminated by a
duet sung by Edna Higgins and Brucia.
(Honk) Telfer accompanied by Frederica
Schairer at the piano.
While we were going down to see Miss Prim-
rose to get the dope on the new bold stripe,
no-cuff trousers Janus Willoughby was said to
be wearing at that same tea and the new rough
Harris tweed spring suiting with the lightweight
flannel shirt and woolen tie H. E. Higgens was
sporting, we noticed the swell, smelly briar
pipes that all the Delta Gams are said to have
been smoking lately. Miss Primrose was busy
herself answering inquiries between faints about
some sort of tea that wasn't given Sunday at the
Delta Gain aboding.
It seems that there are a thousand curious and
disappointed men in town with nicely engraved
invitations to that tea phoning around to find
out what it was all about. They got them last
week and they seemed authentic enough with
the crest of Xi of Delta Gamma engraved on
them and announcing that a tea was being held
from 4 to 6 p.m. But come late Saturday night
many of this thousand heard over the telephone
in the unmistakable Delta Gamma tones some-
thing like this, "No, there really is no tea tomor-
row. You see, it's just a joke someone played on
But that wasn't the end of it, because on Sun-
day afternoon those who couldn't be reached
the night before began showing up at the Delta
Gam doorstep. For the gathering congregation
of eager tea drinkers whose force was slowly
besieging the house there was apparently only
one remedy. An old sign was dug up and hur-
riedly tacked on the door and the boys left,
doubtful but convinced that it was not worth-
while to chance investigation. For the sign said
the house was quarantined for ."Mumps."
*~ * * *
T HERE must be something odd about the 3,000
odd co-eds who took part in Lantern Night
last night, if as The Daily announced yesterday,
they had to have Bill Pratt play Varsity to tell
them that it was raining and something else if
it wasn't. The Diz is not a clever fellow but he
usually just holds his hand out in an inquisitive
gesture or watches the crease in his pants dis-
appear. But then ...
Lehman Comes Through
(From the Christian Science Monitor)
C OVERNOR LEHMAN'S veto of the Dunnigan
G stage censorship bill is a timely example of
that eternal vigilance which is the price of free-
dom. It is a reminder to well-meaning people
that they cannot have their cake of civil liberties
and eat it too. This measure would have per-
mitted one man, without recourse to the laws of
the courts, to revoke the license of any theatre,
which in his opinion had staged an immoral per-
formance. Such censorship would have had the
worthy aim of cleaning up the stage, but it
would have risked all the abuses of government
by men instead of laws.
The judgments of men are influenced by their
ideas, their prejudices and even their whims.
'The Laughing Woman'
A Review
The 1937 Dramatic Season, Robert
Henderson, director, presents Tonic
Selwart and Beatrice de Neergaard in
Gordon Daviot's The Laughing Woman.
Directed by Robert Henderson. Scenery
painted by Herman Boothe. At the
Mendessohn Theater.
THE strange relationship of Henri
Gaudier, the sculptor, and Sophie
Brzeska, a writer, was told by H. S.
Ede in Savage Messiah. "Gordon Da-
viot" who is happily remembered for
Richard of Bordeaux (a good play)
attempted todmakea play from the
really dramatic material of their
lives. Whether the lives of these
artists could be made into an effec-
tive theatre piece is not known. It is
not done in The Laughing Woman.
Under the names Ingrid Rydman
and Rene La Tour, we have the cen-
tral situation presented as it was in
life. He is an artist in his teens-a
"genius"; volatile, happy-go-lucky,
carefree in spite of poverty and lack
of recognition. She is a woman in
her late thirties, intense, maternal,
After this situation is presented, we
have scene after scene of their tender
devotion to each other, their quar-;
rels (one in every scene), their play-,
ful camaraderie. Altogether it has the
dramatic interest of a straight line
on a blank piece of paper.
In the midst of this we have, for
variety and with the idea, perhaps, of
comedy relief, a dinner party scene
at which our artists misbehave as
artists from the Vie de Boheme are
always supposed to do at dinner par-
ties. While the scene is certainly a
relief, it by no means helps matters.
* * *
MISS de Neergaard and Mr. Sel-
wart do the best they can with
the material they have. It is hardly
their fault that they cannot bring it
to life or make it have the poignancy
that a series of love scenes must have1
if they are to hold an audience. They
play well together, especially in the
later scenes, but it's no use, circum-
stances being against them.
The other parts that come into
the play from time to time are almost
uniformly badly played. However,1
Bertha Forman, as usual, is convinc-
ing. Her comedy registers. But El-t
lis Baker forces her comedy so thatt
it is quite unfunny. Judith Alden
(not Peggy French as the program
says) is not at fault that she can-
not make her part have any value.
The author has not shown us anyt
reason why the character appears-t
except to take up time.-
The steps on which the various
trapping of artists in poverty arei
placed are quite out of place, it wouldi
seem, in a play that deals with thef
realism of cups and saucers, andi
other properties of every-day life.i
And it is hard to understand why the
"residential street in the West End
of London" is moved to Elsinor. t
It would be interesting to know
what particular reasons there were
for selecting this play since it seems
to lack at every point what thrilling
theatre should have.2
Labor Play Continues
"LET FREEDOM RING," the stir-
ring labor play by Albert Bein
currently presented by the Detroit
Federal Theatre at the People's.
Theatre, 8212 Twelfth Street, corner
of Seward, is proving so popular,
especially with the labor organiza-
tions of the city, that the manage-
ment of the Federal Theatre has de-
cided to run it one more week, clos-
ing June 6.
To date, a number of the local
labor unions, both of the A.F. of L.
and the C.I.O., have bought blocks
of. seats to see the Federal Players',
latest production. The evenings of
May 28, May 29, and June 4 have
been sold out entirely, thus closing
the theatre to the public for those
"Doctor Faustus,' Kimon Friar's
adaptation of Christopher Marlowe's
classic tale, has had its opening set
back a week and will not begin its
eight-day run until Friday evening,
June 11.
This department recommends Let
Freedom Ring as a stirring presenta-
tion of the beginnings of trouble in
the textile industry. It is well played
by the Detroit Federal Theatre whose
productions have been steadily im-
proving the last few months. In or-:
der to know one of the most interest-
ing new developments in the Ameri-
can theatre you should see at least
one of their productions before school
Let Freedom Ring has special
meaning in Detroit at the present
time and its production now carries
out the general policy of the Federal
Theatre to follow as closely as pos-
sible the interests and needs of the
various audiences all over the coun-
try. The response at each perform-
ance shows the live interest in the
subject of the play and also that the
Federal Theatre is building up an
audience as no other legitimate
theatre is able to do.
VOL. XLVII No. 173
FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1937
In view of the fact that the regular
payday for May, May 31, is a holiday
and Saturday, the 29th, is a half-
day, May salary checks will be ready
for distribution on Friday, May 28.
Shirley W. Smith
for Commencement may be obtained
on request after June 1, at the Busi-
ness office, Room 1, University Hall.
Commencement Week programs will
also be ready on June 1 or soon
thereafter. Inasmuch as only two
Yost Field House tickets are available
for each Senior, please present iden-
tification card when applying for
Herbert G. Watkins.
Seniors: The firm which furnishes
diplomas for the University has sent
the following caution: -"Please warn
graduates not to store diplomas in
cedar chests. There is enough of the
moth-killing aromatic oil in the av-
erage cedar chest to soften inks of
any kind that might be stored inside1
them, resulting in seriously damaging
the diplomas."
Herbert G. Watkins.?
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the Voan Committee in
Room 2, University Hall on Tuesday,
June 1 at 2 p.m. At that time the
Committee will consider requests forI
loans for the Summer Session and the
school year 1937-38. All blanks fors
this meeting must be submitted byI
Friday, May 29.1
J. A. Bursley, Chairman. E
To All Students Having Library
Books :
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books drawn from the Univer-
sity are notified that such books are.
due Monday, May 31.;
2. The names of all students who]
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Tuesday, June 1, will be
sent to the Recorder's Office, where
their semester's credits will be held
up until such time as said recordst
are cleared, in compliance with thet
r'egulations of the Regents.l
The Following schedule will mark
the lifting of the Automobile Regu-
lation for students in the various col-r
leges and departments of the Univer-
sity. Exceptions will not be made for
individuals who complete their work1
in advance of the last day of class ex-I
aminations and all students enrolled
in the following departments will be1
required to adhere strictly to this
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts: All classes. June 12, 1937 at
5 p.m.
College of Architecture: All classes.
June 12, 1937 at 5 p.m.
School of Business Administration:;
All classes. June 12, 1937 at 5 p.m.a
School of Education: All classes.1
June 12, 1937 at 5 p.m.
School of Engineering: All classes.I
June 12, 1937 at 5 p.m. .
School of Forestry: All classes.
June 12, 1937 at 5 p.m.
School of Music: All classes. June;
12, 1937 at 5 p.m.;
College of Pharmacy: All classes.
June 11, 1937 at 12 noon.
School of Dentistry:
Freshmen, June 9, 1937 at 12 noon.
Sophomores, June 3, 1937 at 12
Juniors, June 5, 1937 at 12 noon.
Seniors, June 4, 1937 at 5 p.m.
Hygienists, June 7, 1937 at 5 p.m.
Law School:
Freshmen, June 7, 1937 at 5 p.m.
Juniors, June 8, 1937 at 12 noon.
Seniors, June 8, 1937 at 12 noon.
Medical School:
Freshmen, June 10, 1937 at .2 noon.
Sophomores, June 12, 1937 at 12
Juniors, June 12, 1937 at 12 noon.
Seniors, June 7, 1937 at 12 noon.
Graduate School:
Candidates for Masters degrees,
June 12, 1937 at 5 p.m.
Candidates for Doctors degrees,
June 5, 1937 at 12 noon.
Members of the Michigan Wolver-
ine: Membership fee refunds may be
used for the purchase of meal tickets
for next week; the difference will be
paid in cash. The full cash refund
may be obtained by calling at the
Wolverine at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday,
June 5.
The above refund will be forfeited
after June 1, 1938.
Women Students from Cleveland
who are interested in volunteer social
work for the summer should call at
the office of the Dean of Women and
fill out application blanks as soon as
Academic Notices
English 31, section 10. Assignment
for Friday: continue in "Paradise
Lost." Karl Litzenberg
questionnaire; a n d changes in
Fine Arts 192: Special Review Lec-
ture: Tonight, 7:30 p.m. sharp, 3024
Museums Building. Entrance at rear
door only.
German: Room schedule for final
German 1:
All sections in 103 Romance Lan-
guage Bldg.
German 2:
W. Lee. Physics, Willey, Gaiss, Dia-
mond, Whitesell, Braun.
2225 Angell Hall, Graf.
B Haven Hall, Striedieck.
1035 Angell Hall, Wahr.
C Haven Hall, Van Duren.
German 31.
Both sections in C Haven Hall.
German 32:
2003 Angell Hall, Philippson, Nord-
2225 Angell Hall, Graf.
1035 Angell Hall, Wahr,
C Haven Hall, Van Duren
B Haven Hall, Striedieck.
W. Lec. Physics, Gaiss.
History 12, Lec. II, Mr. Stanton's and
Mr. Slosson's sections in Room 103
Romance; all other sections in Na-
tural Science Auditorium, for the
final examination, Tuesday, June 8,
2-5 p.m.
Student Recital: A recital of com-
positions written by members of the
student body of the School of Music,
and performed by students, will take
place at the School of Music Audi-
torium on Maynard Street, Friday
evening, May 28, at 8:15 p.m., to
which the general public is invited.
Student Recital: Tom H. Kinkead,
Cheyenne, Wyo., will give a recital on
the Frieze Memorial Organ in Hill
Auditorium, Friday afternoon, May
28, at 4:15 p.m., to which the general
public is invited.
Events Today
Meeting of juniors and graduate
students in Social Service Curriculum
today, Friday, May 28, at 3 Harvard
Place, from 4 to 6 p.m. Plans for
the new University program in this
field will be discussed. Also, seniors
who were not present at the last
meeting are now cordially invited.
Lutheran Student Choir: All mem-
bers be present this evening, 7:30
p.m., at Trinity Lutheran Church.
The concert begins promptly at 8
Suomi Club will hold its last meet-
ing tonight at Lane Hall, 9 p.m.
Coming Events
The School of Education is spqn-
soring an informal dinner in the
Ballroom of the Michigan Union on
the evening of June 30, 1937. This
date is during the week of the Na-
tional Education Association meet-
ings in Detroit, which occasion -will
bring together many leading men and
women from all parts of the United
States, many of whom were formerly
students at the University. Others
who have been looking for just such
an opportunity as this to visit the
University of Michigan will be in-
vited. The dinner will be open to
students enrolled in the Summer
Session, to residents of Ann Arbor,
and specially to faculty members who
are in the city at that time. Mark
the date, June 30, on your calendar
and watch for further notice of the
place where tickets may be secured.
U. of M. Outdoor Club will have an
all-day canoe trip as its last func-
tion of the year on Monday, May 31,
leavingLane Hall at 9 a.m. The total
charge per person will be $1.30. Make
your reservation by paying a $.50 de-
posit to Dorothy Shapland, in Room
2125 Natural Science Building (Tel.
Ext. 594) by Saturday noon, May 29.
All those interested are cordially in-
vited to come.
University Horse Show: The an-
nual University Horse Show will be
held at the Fair Grounds Saturday,
May 29, at 2:30 p.m. Transportation
will be provided for entrants. Cars
will leave Barbour Gymnasium at
1:30 p.m. All students wishing to
enter, who have not yet done so,
should call Dorothy White at 2-2591
by Friday night.
Dames: All the members of the
Dames who would like transportation
to the annual picnic of the organiza-
tion to be held at the Island Monday
afternoon are requested to meet in
front of the League at 4 p.m. Hus-
bands and children of the club mem-
bers are also invited, and each party
is to bring its own lunch. Those
members planning to take their cars
to the picnic are requested to call
Mrs. De\Meerd at 22403 Monday.
The Albion College Alumni annual
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
> Wvwstta. Copy received at the oM.' e t Aitant*to the Pres*
atU 3:30; 21:00 a.m. an Saturday.