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May 28, 1937 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-28

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The Weather
Fair today and tomorrow;
somewhat warmer.

, i [17, . r

ifl ian


Ford's Gestapo
Goes Into Action ..

VOL. XLVII No. 173





House Revolts!
Against Salary
Paid Hopkins
Republicans Watch Action
Gleefully As President's
Power Is Opposed
Relief Money Is
Subject Of Dispute


wN RA Would Prove 'Mixed
Blessing,' Prof. Elliott States'
)osal Before Congress one would expect that a fair number
--A1 C.., A tl Ul- WT of women workers would receive more

Martin C

Aalls ItalylsAccused

New Council President

a err

w oui net4 4u-nr. Week
And Minimum Wage
The ghost of the old National In-
lustrial Recovery Act now raising its
head to worry Congress in the shape
of a "new NRA" which would set a
limit to hours and fix a minimum
wage may not prove to be an unmixed

than the required minimum, for the
tower limit to wages was set quite
"It may be well at this time, too,
to recall the fact that under the old
NRA, for the most part, gains in
money earningswere offsetgby in-
creases in prices of goods and serv-
ices purchased with these earnings.


Gleeful Republicans watch
cratic leaders struggle tod
House revolt against Harr
kins' $12,000 salary and
Roosevelt's power to sel
The chamber, amid a tr
hub-bub,, voted tentatively
the salary to $10,000. At
stage of the debate over n
$1,500,000,000 relief app
the House had voted to
$505,000,000 of the huge sun
specific projects as flood co
lic works and highway con
This would tie theF
hands and prevent him fr
ting the money to relief p:
he deemed advisable.
So uproarious was the
that administration leade
acted to prevent the legisl
taking final action on the1
their present temper. They
ed in getting the bill laida
the members can "cool off
Majority Leader Raybu]
Tex.) disclosed he had to
President Roosevelt "within
and hinted of a possible co
on the earmarking amendn
Final passage of the mea
ably will be deferred until
Representative May (D
started the movement to
kins' salary. Despite theC
by Representative Maveri
Tex.) that the proposal"
Hopkins and President R
the House adopted the ame
a teller vote of 137 to 114.
Shouts of "no" halted b
speech but he continued:
"I want to call attention1
you shout like that you are
a mob."
Wallace Pla
Back Of

2 7.-(A)--
ied Demo-
ay with a
y L. Hop-
ect relief
to slash
an early
iext year'sI
m for such
ntrol, pub-
rom allot-
)rojects as
rs hastily
ators from
big bill in
y succeed-
aside until
rn, (Dem.,
lked with
the hour"
sure prob-
em., Ky.)
cut Hop-
ck (Dem.,

blessing, Prof. Margaret Elliott of the Consequently, as the Brookings In-
economics department said yesterday. stitution's study of the NRA points
Although elimination of child labor out, average real wages per hour
in interstate industries as provided in were but slightly affected," Professor
the bill would be generally welcome, Elliott explained. ,
Professor Elliott continued, the in- It should also be borne in mind,1
stitution of a national minimum wage she continued, that if prices are ad-
and maximum hours raises important vanced to cover increases in costs
issues relative to wages above the due to shorter hours or wage raises,
minimum, prices and general employ- (Continued on Page 2)
"I[f one may judge from the ex-' Pea e
perience of Australia, setting a gen- 'e Cou il
eral statutory minimum wage tends
o reduce the differences in earnings A vised To Use
of skilled over those of unskilled
workers," she said. "In that country1 (,T)
the saying that 'the minimum tends Inside F'Force
to become the maximum' has some
basis in fact.
"On the other hand," she explained, Advocates Must Attempt
"studies of the effects of statutory
minimum wages for women in the To Understand Problem



Jnited States indicate that in in-
duxstries where such regulation has
been in effect, a substantial propor=
tion of workers have received wages
above the minimum."
Professor Elliott said, however, that
Faculty Heads
Commend Free
Text Book Planj
Deans Bursley, Lloyd Urge
Cooperation; Professor
Walter Draws Plan

Of War, Eby Declares
Peace advocates must exert pres-
sure from the "inside" of youtht
groups, the labor movement, organ-
ized Protestantism and the public
press, Kermit Eby, Ann Arbor High
School social science teacher, told
members of the Peace Council last1
night at Lane Hall at the last meet-
ing for the semester.
Equipped with facts about the na-
tion's foreign policy and military ex-
penditures, peace workers should di-
vert the reading and thinking habits
of young people from the traditional,
superficial approach to a real under-
standing of the problem of war, Eby
declared. .
ri: 7 ? CC -I- 770 ., . ...'

Hired Thugvs War InSpain
Claims Principle Fordism' Statement Made In 'White
Is Fascism; Investigator Book' Charges Violation
Finds Assault Evidence Of International Law
Union Head Asserts League Of Nations
'Outrage' Aids Drive Group Gets Copies
DETROIT, May 27.--()--Homer GENEVA, May 27.-- (A) -The
Martin, president of the United Auto- Spanish Government today published
mobile Workers of America, declared a "white book" directly accusing Italy
tonight that "the principal Fordism of prolonging the war in Spain and
of the Ford Motor Company is Fas- charging her with the "most scand-
cism" and charged that "paid thugs alous violation" of international prin-
and mobsters" were responsible for ciples in Europe since the World War. HUGH RADER
the beating of Union members at the The government's representatives - _ __ _
gates of the Rouge plant. handed copies of the "White Book" to
Martin issued his statement after members of the League of Nations Istry Parley
an official investigator said that evi- Council before the- special assembly,
dence justifying warrants against the adjourned until September 13 for the O
attackers in yesterday's riot has been annual League session. O en Seventh
obtained and they would be sought The volume, a compilation of docu-
if the participants could be identified. ments, cited extracts from what were An"ul Qessi n
John Gillespie, former Detroit Po- purported to be army orders issued An ual es io
lice Commissioner and now on the by Italian officers anent the conflict
staff of the Ford service department, in Spain.
which polices the company's prop- Italy Charged With Violations Itepresentatives From 60
erty, conferred for an hour this eve- The book charges Italy has acted, Institutions Are Present;
ning with the Union president. as a "truly belligeient power" and has'I
Gillespie would not discuss their violated Article Ten of the League of Press, Public Barred
session but Martin said it concerned Nations Covenant. That provides for
the strike-closed Ford assembly plant respect and preservation of the terri- The three-day Conference on In-
at Richmond, Calif. The union chief torial integrity and political indepen- dustrial Relations opened its seventh
said "we anticipate that the Rich- lence of League members against ex- annual session at the Union yester-
mond strike will be settled in the near ternal aggression. day morning bringing to Ann Arbor
future-within the next few days." The documents, allegedly taken representatives of approximately 60
Martin said he told Gillespie that from Italian soldiers fighting with industrial institutions throughout the
the Union would distribute "Union- the Insurgents in Spain, show what United States.
ism not Fordism" handbills and that purports to be a "secret" and "most The conference, closed to the gen-
"the 'blackshirts' of Dearborn are not urgent" order from the Italian War eral public and the press, will close
going to stop the organization of Ford Office to the corps commander of the tomorrow noon.
workers." general staff. Howard To Speak
The riot, in which 18 persons were This order, bearing a Rome date of Among the speakers at the sessions
(continued on Page 2) January 6, 1937, and alleged to have of the conference are Prof. Earl Dean
been signed by the executive quarter- Howard of Northwestern University
W a .ner W arns master of the general staff, states as who spoke yesterday afternoon on
W, e r its object "volunteers for any des- "Collective Bargaining"; Prof. E.
C i a tination."oWight Bakke of Yale University who
Catholic N azis I Another Order Issed will discuss this afternoon "British
Another order, purportedly from Experience with Unemployment Com-
7r' the command of the second brigade pensation"; Henry L. McCarthy, re-
W ill Lose Jobsof the Italian "Black Flame" volun- gional director in Chicago for the
teers, recites that many officers en Social Security Board and formerly
route to different garrisons had asked chairman of the Regional Labor
Goebbels To Give Answer Spanish Insurgent authorities to sup- Board in Chicago who will speak to-
ply them with various pieces of equip- day on "The Prevention and Adjust-
To Cardinal's Accusation ment
This document further says that ment of Industrial Disputes."
Of Persecuting Cergy although everyone could not equip Others participating in the confer-
B27.-(I)-Nazis who themselves because of "the haste with ence are Albert Sobey, director of
BERLIN, May 2which we left" that it was not proper General Motors Institute of Technol-
work for the government will lose that requests be made to Spanish ogy; A. B. Gates, director of training
their jobs if they sit quietly in church military authorities for what was of the Eastman Kodak Company;
and permit the clergy to "insult" the lacking. Stephen M. DuBrul, economist with
H rDisposition of the property and ef- General Motors Corporation; Clar-
Hitler regime. fects of men killed in action or taken ence J. Hicks, chairman of the Board,
District Governor Robert Wagner pioe a oee naohrdc Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc.;
of Baden delivered the warning in prisoner was covered in another do-Idut'aRetinCoslrIc.
adedreoNaziardteadringofument. Harold B. Bergen of McKinsey, Well-
an address to Nazi party leaders of ington and Company; G. Powell
that province today. Hamilton of the Equitable Life Insur-
The threat of discipline for disloy- Two A FL Unions fance Society; The Rev. Frederic Sie-
alty was the latest development in , - denburg, dean of the University of
the wake of George Cardinal Mun- Enter Ford Fight Detroit; Alexander Sachs of the Leh-
delein's speech in Chicago, in which' man Corporation of New York City;
the American prelate called Chan- To Enlist Workers and D. W. Weed of the General Elec-
cellor Hitler "An Austrian paper tic Company.
hanger" and charged the Nazi press RICHMOND, Calif., May 27.-(P) Faculty To Participate
with propagandizing recent trials of -Two American Federation of Labor Members of the University faculty
Catholic Monks and lay brothers on Unions moved today to invade a who will participate in the conference
immorality charges. chosen field of the Committee for In- are President Ruthven; Dean Clare
Propaganda Minister Paul Jo- dustrial Organization by bidding E. Griffin of the School of Business
seph Goebbels is to answer Cardinal workers of the strikebound Ford mo- Administration; Dean Clarence S.
Mundelein in an address tomorrow tor plant here to join the A.F. of L. Yoakum of the Graduate School;
night. Mass meetings were called for to- Prof. William Haber of the economics
In another step today the gestapo morrow by the Automobile Mechanics department; Prof. Charles F. Remer'
(secret polce) ordered 200 Catholc Union and the International Associa- of the economics department; and
church papers to cease publication, tion of Machinists, both A.F. of L. Prof. John' W. Riegel, director of the
charging that they carried false state- affiliates, to give Ford employes the Bureau of Industrial Relations.
ments about the Nazi girls' league and opportunity to vote on application.-
attacked Nazi institutions in general.1 E. H. Vernon of the AutomobileM e i. .
The "Schwarze Korps" organ of Mechanics Union said the Automotive i Xltan Town
the "SS," picked bodyguard for Hit- Employes Association of Richmond,
ler, turned its fire on Pope Pius. described as a company union, had Buried In Inud
The paper attributed to the Pope requested A.F. of L. connections. He
a statement to German Catholic Pil- said he "understood" the Association ~
grims to the Vatican May 19 that: had 1,200 to 1,400 members among As Dar B u rsts
"I am happy to see you here, while the 1,800 affected by the strike which
at home there is waging a bitter, un- began yesterday.
n~xor~r rrv AX At 7-P


Members T
Unless 'P

tI Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley Richard M. Samuels, '38, was
.oosevelt," and Dean of Women Alice Lloyd add- ed chairman of the Peace C
ndment by ed their commendations yesterday to for next year and Charles C.1
the student book loan plan to be put '40, was chosen secretary-trea
Maverick's into effect next semester, at the dinner meeting last nigh
"I hope all students able to cooper- Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,(
that when ate in the ~plan will do so," Dean selor in religious education, out
acting as Bursley said. "I think it is very his plan for next year's Co
rnuch worthwhile. It should prove an called for a delegate body repr
interesting and worthy project." ing four views on peace; the relig
Dean Lloyd also expressed hearty pacifists, those who believe i
tces approval of the project, and declared plomacy and internationala
ion that it deserved the full' cooperation through such organizations a
io0n of all students. "From what I know League of Nations, those who
of the plan, I believe it will work out the social order must be chang
AAA very successfully," she said. attain peace and the group who
The plan, designed to give aid to siders preparedness and largea
students in financial straits, was forces the only guarantee ofr
drafted by a committee consisting of
o Fight Prof. Erich A. Walter of the English ra
,adepartment, chairman; Dean Edward Presb terianS
'enalty H. Kraus of the literary college; Prof. y .
n Says Arthur D. Moore of the engineering Elect Fo 1
college and Dr. William W. Bishopie t o
27.-(/P)- director of the general library. It
Adminis- calls for student contributions of text A
American books to a fund which will be offered
New AAA for the use of those who have diffi-
opposition culty in obtaining books otherwise. COLUMBUS, O., May 27.-
ups in the The books will be available at Angell The Presbyterian - Church in
ure. Hall Study Hall, according to present United States of America elevat
f the prin- plans, upon presentation of an order
bill," Wal- which the student may obtain from William Hiram Foulkes of N
)efore the the loan committee. Only students N.J., to moderator of its 149th
ittee, al- genuinely in need of assistance will be eral assembly which convenedt
e . .. can eligible for aid from the project. Dr. Foulkes, pastor of the old
onality ... The plan is modeled on the highly Church in Newark and a mern
,uccessful Loring W. Andrews lending the Presbyterian board of f
ive repre- library at Yale University. missions, was given 563 votes
l Grange, ' 872 commissioners.
ganization, Hooded Neophytes Dr. James A. Kelso. Presid
ip of 800,-r
p 1n8i0,-/ Western Theological Seminar
includi n G C



n di-l
s the'
ged to
o con-1

Rader, Telfer
Elected Men's
Council eads
Luby, Lundahl Will Serve
On Executive Committee
For Coining Year
Judiciary Group
Is Also Announced
Hugh Rader, '38, of Detroit was
elected president of the Men's Coun-
cil, and Bruce Telfer, '38, of Chicago,
was elected secretary at the first
meeting of the new Council held last
night in the Union.
Rader is a member of Sigma Chi
fraternity and Michigamua and
served last year on the executive
committee of the Union. Telfer is
a member of Theta Delta Chi,
Sphinx and Michigamua, and also
served last year on the executive
committee of the Union.
Earle Luby, '38, and Bud Lundahl,
'38, were elected to servehon the ex-
ecutive committee of the Council.
Luby is a varsity football player, and
Lundahl is president of the Inter-
fraternity- Council. Both are mem-
bers of Michigamua and Sphinx, and
Lundahl is a member of Phi Kappa
Jack Thom, '38, Graham Benedict,
'38F&C, Carl Nelson, '39E, and Jo-
seph Mattes, '38, were elected to the
judiciary committee. Thom, a mem-
ber of Phi Gamma Delta, is president
of the Union and a member of Sphinx
and Michigamua, Benedict was elect-
ed to the Council from the forestry
school, Nelson is a member of the
Engineering Council and Mattes is a
member of Sigma Phi, Sphinx and
Frederick Geib, '38F&C, secretary-
treasurer of the Union, is ex-officio
secretary of the new Council.
Following the election, the new
Council decided that the freshman
would not be required to wear "pots"
next year,
Miller Sherwood, '37, is retiring
president of the Council and Thomas
Sullivan, '37, is retiring vice-pres-
Labor Relations
Measure Goes
To State House
Bill Will Outlaw Company
Unions And Grant Rule
To WorkerMaJority
LANSING, May 27.-P)-A labor
relations bill, in effect providing for
a "closed shop" in industry, reached
the House of Representatives today,
bearing the sanction of the chamber's
labor comxrittee.
The bill would outlaw company
unions, grant sole bargaining rights
to any labor union representing the
majority of employes in a plant or
shop, and restrict the power of the
courts to interfere in strikes through
injunction proceedings.
It would confer extraordinary pow-
ers upon the Governor to deal with
strikes or lockouts that he deemed
"incompatible with the public peace."
It would forbid any person, group or
organization to "order, advise, incite
or encourage" such a strike or lock-
out pending exhaustion of every ave-
nue for peaceful settlement. It would
guarantee to the Governor an oppor-

tunity first to consult with the con-
tending factions and, failing to
achieve a settlement there, to consult
with the State Administrative Board,
which would be recognized as a coun-
cil of state during the period of the
Science Bill Now Law
LANSING, May 27.-IP)-The basic
science bill, which kept the Legisla-
ture in an uproar for weeks, became
law today when it was signed by Gov-
ernor Murphy.
It provides for a central examining
board to determine the qualifications
of those seeking licenses to practice
the healing arts. Under its terms
examinations covering a broad range
of subjects would have to be passed
by applicants in any branch. The
measure was opposed bitterly by
chiropractic and osteopathic organi-
zations on the ground the board would
be dominated by the so-called "reg-
ular" medical profession. The new
requirements would not affect present


Secretary Wallace put the
tration firmly behind the
Farm Bureau Federation's
bill today despite strongc
from some other major gro
ranks of organized agricultu
"I am strongly in favor of
ciples and purposes of the 1
lace said, in testifying b
House Agriculture Comm
though he conceded "no on
safely predict the constitutic
of pioneering legislation."
Fred Brenckman, legislat
sentative of the Nationa
said informally that his or
which claims a membershi
000, and other farm groups
the powerful National C
Council, would fight thet
its "penalty" clause wered
The bill which would regu
and production, also prov
producers of "basic con
who did not conform toi
quotas prescribed by the
of Agriculture in times of
duction shall be fined 66 p
the current price.
Chairman Jones (Dem.,
the House Committee was
toward the measure an
man Smith (Dem., S.C.) of
ate Agriculture Committee
to oppose certain features.
"We've got a pretty goo
(soil conservation) in eff
said Jones, adding "shoul
program be tied up by inju
the lower courts) or be he
big strikes or lockouts that
find ourselves without af
Two Are Convi
In Jersey X
--Gladys MacKnight an(


n the
ed Dr.
J First
ber of'
by the
ent of
ry at

bill unless
late prices
vides that
er cent of
Tex.) of
id Chair-I
f the Sen-
was said
d program
'ect now,"
d the new
inction (in j
eld invalid j
he deemed
farm pro-
cted t
ay 27.--(P)
d Donald

Drave irya n tce
Of gruid Initiation
If ability to climb trees were any
criterion for judging big men on
campus, the number included in this
group would fall surprisingly short.
For only one of the 23 who partici-
pated in the Druid initiation last
night was able to make any headway
up the trunk of the sturdy oak in
front of Angell Hall.
The hooded society after suffi-
ciently chastizing the neophytes
around the traditional bonfire began
the long trek around campus which
terminated at the Union. Traffic
was held 'up as the procession crawled
across State Street on their hands
and knees.
The honorary initiates are Prof.
Carl Brandt of the speech depart-
ment and Coach Heartly W. Ander-
son. The initiated members are:'
Robert Bradley, Donald Brewer, Mur-
ray Campbell, Jack Coolidge, Robert
Cooper, Herman Fishman, Roy Fra-
zier, Walker Graham, William Grif-
fiths, Jack Gustafson, Merle Kremer,
John Kumisky, George Quick, Stark
Ritchie, Robert Simpson, Burt Smith
.Tohn Smithers, John Sneicher. Nor-

Pittsburgh and the only other can-
didate, received 308 votes. He, later,
had Dr. Foulkes' election made unani-
The new moderator will hold office
one year. He succeeds Dr. Henry B.


V1G yUX. G 0 ,G1911. L I~~
Master of Philadelphia. The ofie just and hostile fight against your
is highest in the church and carrys T religious conscience." nIUnion akes First
with it the chairmanship of the pow- The Pope "is speaking an objective ~
erful general. council.(untruth " said the S organ "If he Overture For Peace
Dr. Foulkes had declined candidacy once again charges the National So-
at three previous assemblies. He is (By Associaced Press)
widely known as a minister, public ligion and supporting atheist propa- The Union's first overture for peace
speaker, writer and administrator. ganda, he does nothing different from in the steel strike, keeping 70,000
He was born at Quincy, Mich., June what those he appointed as guardians workers idle in five states, went un-
26, 1877, the son of the Rev. William for his children in Germany have answered yesterday as the heads of
and Harriet A. Foulkes. been doing. three large firms affected by the
The Baden Governor's remarks ap- walkout met in New York to discuss
. parently were directed at both Cath- I other matters.
War Dept. Officials olic and Protestant church activity, Chairman Philip Murray of the
for the Protestant confessional synod Steel Workers Organizing Committee
Review ROTC Here has been involved in dispute against telegraphed Gi'dler, president of Re-
Nazi domination of its administration. publican Steel Corp., "You still have
Representatives from the United an opportunity to meet with and ne-
States War Department held an of- Terrorists Of Legion gotiate a signed contract ... with the
ficial parade inspection of the Admit Bombing Home Thousands of pickets paraded be-
University R.O.'I.C. unit yesterday at fore mills, suddenly quiet in the midst
Palmer Field. DETROIT, May 27,-UP)---Prose- of a near-capacity production period.
The newly organized Medical Unit I cutor Duncan C. McCrea announced A few scattered mills of the three af-
had its first inspection on Tuesday. today that Ervin D. Lee and John fected firms, Republic, Inland and
Colonel Roy C. Heflebower, represen- Bannerman, convicted Black Legion Youngstown Sheet and Tube, con-
tative of the Medical Corps of the members, admitted bombing the tinued to operate.
United States Army officiated at this home of William W. Voisine. Ecorse-

mEXi oJ uIiY, may 27.-l )--A
bursting dam today loosed a death-
dealing avalanche of mud, sand and
rock on the mining town of Tlalpu-
jahua, Michoacan State, causing a
loss of life which a mining company
official said was "conservatively esti-
mated at more than 100."
Residents of El Oro, about 15 miles
from the stricken town, in telephone
talks to Mexico City said the death
toll might reach 500.
The dam, high in the mountains of
the Tlalpujahuila Sierra of North-
eastern Michoacan, held 'back de-
posits gathered in the cyanide metal
processing operations of the Dos
Estrellas Mining Company, controlled
by French capital.

Birthday Fete Will Not
Disturb Quint's Routine
CALLANDER, Ont., May 27.-(IP)--
The Dionne quintuplets will be three
years old tomorrow but all the fuss

I practitioners.
A -

Royal Gifts
-T~ 1



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