THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1937
' - 1 11 -.. 111 1 V 11 1 V 1 a . J. a a a.a +.
Worrell Blasts 'Merchant Of Venice';
Student Praises It; Tennis Coach Hit
% ,- -
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authoity of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
;Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
.Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All
rights of republicatin of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
H.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Rfresetative
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS: Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Oilman, Horace Gilmore, Saul Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert Maylo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: IrvBn Lisagor, chairman; Betsey
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin. Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman;
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holden. Betty Lauer, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis
Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson; Jenny Petersen, Har-
riet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and
Virginia Voorhees.
Business Department
Departmental Managers
rEd Macal,.Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Na-
tional Advertising and Circulation Manager: Philip
Buchen, Contracts Manage'r; Robert Lodge, Local
Advertising Manager; William Newnan, Service Man-
ager; Marshall Sampson, Publications and Classified
Advertising Manager.
Second Wind
For The AFL.. .
country is now as common an
expression as the customary greetings we ex-
change. But beneath the struggle to organize
and establish a genuine labor movement in
America lies a story of bitter antagonisms, of
Against the ascendant CIO, leaders of the
decadent hierarchy which allowed the American
Federation of Labor to sink into impotence, hurl
the stock epithets of "paid from Moscow and
"Red, Red." Such men as John P. Frey, Joseph
Ryan, Mathew Woll, long at the helm of the AFL
have devoted valuable time, which should have
been used conducting an organizational cam-
paign, to the self-destructive penchant for smear-
ing the red herring across the trail of a genuine,
democratically controlled system of unions-the
CIO form of industrial unionism.
So tragic has the retreat of labor from the
AFL been that this week an ostensibly militant
campaign for organization by the older of the
two labor groups was declared in progress. News-
papers, like the New York Herald Tribune which
are not usually friendly to labor groups came
forth with what seemed to newspapermen an
overplayed story on the new life in the AFL.
At the same time the AFL announced its
drive, Heywood Broun, the witty columnist and
Newspaper Guild President, signed a letter with
other international officers of the Guild, declar-
ing that they could not participate in American
Federation of Labor activities. Their withdrawal
was based, they said, on the inability and failure
of the Federation to organize the great masses
of unskilled labor and on the second sin that
racketeering at the top levels of the craft unions
had not been completely eradicated. On the
agenda of the national convention of the news-
papermen's union is the question of CIO affilia-
tion which from most indications today promises
to become a pleasant reality.
Failure to organize by the AFL is substantiated
by the overwhelming numbers that broke away
to' join the Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion. First we must recall the original ten unions
in the mass production industries which estab-
lished the CIO. Their numbers include the
powerful United Mine Workers, the Interna-
tional Ladies Garment Workers Union, the rub-
ber workers union, the automobile workers union.
In recent months the aluminm workers union
has joined with the steel workers and oil field
workers unions to place their confidence in the
Committee for Industrial Organization. In ad-
dition workers on one of New York's large sub-
way systems voted 10,638 out of 11,585 for affil-
iation with the CIO in what appears to be a
general exodus.
As for racketeering and insincerity the AFL
has tolerated at its leadership such men as Jo-
seph Ryan who has built a gangster's heaven
for himself in the International Longshoreman's
Association, Francis Dillon who led the 1934 auto
Donald Shylock
To the Editor:
Mr. Henderson's Merchant of Venice is in-
credible. The Donald Duck diction, the Noel
Cowardscuffling, the marathon speed and un-
intelligibility, and now Mr. Henderson's own
hypnotic reassurance: all are strange and un-
real. Surely nothing paid for was ever so bad,
except possibly the traveling Chatauqua as it
neared a well-deserved end. Like a bad dinner
which will neither up nor down, leaving one a
conscious corpse, neither living nor dead, replete
but disgusted, this Merchant of Venice will linger
in the mind to parody and poison the immortal
Consolation can be found only in sympathy
for the professional players involved, and in the
saving speed which brought the "performance
to a close after only two hours.
-Prof. W. H. Worrell,
(Of the Oriental
Languages Dept.)
As You Like It
To the Editor:
Mr. Leon Ovsiew went to the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre with the idea of reviewing a play.
It's too bad he wasted his time. Mr. Ovsiew did
a nice job of picking the presentation of the
"Merchant of Venice" apart but he forgot to
put the pieces together again.
The review published in The Daily Sunday
rnorning was a distinct insult to the dramatic
artists who are visiting Ann Arbor. Mr. Ovsiew
let personal prejudice enter into the article and
I do not feel it should be regarded as a valid
Other Shakespearean productions, "Hamlet,"
Othello," and "Twelfth Night," have been given
here. I feel they were accepted by the majority
of the theatre-goers as enjoyable plays, well-
acted. I fear Mr. Ovsiew is too analytical of
mind to truly appreciate a dramatic offering of
this sort..
The slight praise which Mr. Ovsiew does give
Mr. Hughes has little weight when he says that
modulation of the tempestuous speeches would
improve his portrayal of Shylock. It is the very
forgetfulness of place and self which makes Mr.
Hughes so effective in this role,
Miss Winwood brought the. youth of Portia to
us in a delightful gaiety which did not seem
overly spread with giggling frivolity.
Mr. Ingram gave a vigor to his part that
pleased the audience.
The sub-plots seemed to be woven into the
major theme so smoothly that the continuity
was unbroken.
All in all, I was very pleased with the per-
formance. I wish some true dramatic critic would
publish a review which shows its worth and
its wealth of dramatic character for those who
could not attend any of the performances of
"Merchant of Venice."
I would like to see a play directed by Mr.
Ovsiew. I am sure it would be the most flawless
of all productions.
-An Appreciative Theatre-Goer,
Three Square Inches
To the Editor:.
Four years at the University of Michigan have
given me much to think about. Social problems,
political and economic equality, racial discrim-
ination, have all come before me in vivid, clear
Most of that which I have learned has been out
of classes rather than in them. When one works
his way through four long academic years, with
no other income, except that which he, himself
earns, he soon learns that college is not X11
J-Hops and sorority Teas.
College, to me meant a strugle for existence,
a continual fight to get three meals a day and
a place to park your stuff. College meant realiz-
ing that there were other fellows with troubles,
and that the less you cearn, the more you learn
about your fellow unfortunates.
Finally, after the four years are almost com-
pleted, the student-worker decides to "splurge"
and buy something to remember "college by."
Five dollars or so for an 'Ensian, three dollars
for his pictures, (You can get them for a dollar,
but not at the "approved photographers") and
you're "broke" for the next three weeks. But the
student-worker figures that it's worth it.
Weeks pass. Ballyhoo after ballyhoo is issued
by the 'Ensian staff, and the student looks for-
ward to a real souvenir of his college days. For
the student who hasn't yet bought the book,
the staff notifies the parents that their son has
not yet bought their product, and suggests that
he might not have the money for it. Embarrass-
ing for the student, but the staff sells more copies,
so what do they care?
Finally, the 'Ensian arrives. The student
searches thoroughly through the massive,
weighty book, looking for people he knows, and
the things which he has seen during his four
years here. With a sudden but definite conclu-
sion, he realizes that he'd been a sucker.
He finds that 99 per cent of the text carries
pictures of dances he never went to, initiations to
fraternities on the other side of the social fence,
and beautiful views of mortgaged fraternity
houses to which he was never invited.
ROTC staffs, elite societies, even beautiful pic-
tures of beautiful coeds in beautiful gowns, for
pages and pages, but only about three square
inches in total are allotted to his picture and the
two friends who could afford to pay the "author-
ized photographer."
Finally, the "sucker" realizes that for beau-
tiful girls, he could have bought a movie mag-
dred" of the campus; and as such, accentuates
the barrier between those who have, and those
who have not. As a picture of "those who have,"
it is a direct insult to the student who has
worked for his campus, who, holding no puppet
offices, has sweated in the desire to alleviate
the social inequality rampant here, visualizing
a fraternal equality not symbolized by the social
parasites who bear that name. Because the
scion of a too-too-well-to-do tribe has gotten
into the habit of making itself conspicuous, does
not mean that he should be more entitled to go
down in the distorted history of the institution
other people have worked for and attended.
Four years . . . and after four years of finan-
cial discrimination . .. it has to be pictorially re-
corded for me in my souvenir of the struggle.
Pat Ball Players'
To the Editor:
In an article in today's Daily "Coach" John-
stone of the tennis team states that Michigan
lost the Conference net meet with "pat ball
players," who "weren't prepared to play a driv-
ing game because they did not practice it suffi-
ciently during the season."
These boys practiced all winter long under the
watchful eye of "Coach" Johnstone, and if they
were not practicing a driving game, he had ample
opportunity to do something about this before
the Conference meet. It seems just a bit late
now for him to put the fault on the players,
when the remedy lay in his own hands-provided
he is a proper coach.
Johnstone further states that such players as
Bickel and the Ball brothers were "developed"
by Chicago and Northwestern. , With all due -
credit to the coaches at those schools, Johnstone
overlooks the fact that such players held high
rankings before they went to college. Good play-
ers will not attend a college which holds no
attraction for them in the way of opportunities
to improve (e.g. good coaching)-and perhaps
this is the reason Michigan failed to win the
title, rather than that the boys played pat ball
At any rate, it is hardly the right of the man
responsible for the way our team played, to
criticize now that it is all over. I am sure that
this is the feeling of all tennis fans on the
campus. -Leonard D. Verdier, Jr. '7L
A Pandora's Box
-Will Its Evils Plague Us?-
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
IS THERE something sinister to the country's
future in the industrial strife which for the
past few months has been waged from coast to
coast? Has John L. Lewis, whose CIO forces have
been making almost unbelievable advances in the
organization of the country's workers for collec-
tive bargaining purposes, opened a Pandora's
box and released a hearde of evils that will plague
us for generations to come? Just what is the
meaning of the happenings on the industrial
front that have crowded fast uppn one another
since last December when the operations of one
of the nation's largest corporations-General
Motors-were paralyzed by a sit-down strike?
Before attempting a reply to these questions,
let us recall that, in the past 40 years, there has
occurred a revolution in the organization and
methods of industry comparable in significance
to that which followed the invention of the
steam engine in the eighteenth century. Tech-
nological advances have made possible our great
mass-production factories and these in turn
have given rise to giant corporations operating
on a nation-wide scale. In Berle and Means'
work, "The Modern Corporation and Private
Property," it is stated that 200 corporations, each
with assets of more than $90,000,000, control 49.2
per cent of all non-banking corporate wealth,
while the remaining half is owned by more than
300,000 smaller companies.
Th ird Play Opens Today
TWO SEASONS ago when Richard
of Bordeaux was produced in New
York with Dennis King, we first had
a chance to become acquainted with
a play by Agnes Macintosh, that
Scotch woman who prefers to hide
behind the name Gordon Daviot.
Her tragedy of the weakling Richard
II was "an interesting play written
with a nice command of language, a
sensitive knowledge of character, and
a shrewd eye for theatrical effect."
Her play The Laughing Woman will
open tonight at the Mendelssohn
theatre as the third offering of the
1937 Dramatic Season. It is based on1
H. S. Ede's The Savage Messiah which
tells of the happy life of Henri Gou-
dier, the sculptor and Sophie Brzeska,
the writer who lived together for a
few years in unequal and helpless
acrimony in the midst of London's
art life.
In summarizing the play, Brooks
Atkinson of The New York Times
said: "The Private life of Henri Gau-
dier and Sophie Brzeska was more in-
teresting than most, for he was a
raging genius and she a woman of
volatile emotion and notable integ-
rity. In the play he appears as Rene
Latour and she as Ingrid Rydman;
otherwise the story closely follows
The Savage Messiah narrative. They
mneet on the continent; she is middle-
aged, and cautious, he is young, en-
thusiastic and overwhelming. They
live together, first as brother and
sister, in London, and later as man
and woman. They live on nothing;
they quarrel violently, create social
brawls, and finally his genius begins
to win recognition at the moment
when the war breaks out and artists
,o to the front like any common
The play will have, five perform-
ances in Ann Arbor. Opening tomor-
row night, it will continue Friday
night, Saturday matinee and night;
and Monday matinee and night. The
second bill of Noel Coward plays will
open next Tuesday, June 1.
* The Space-Stage
EDITOR'S NOTE: Robert Henderson,
director of the Ann Arbor Dramatic
Season, has sent the following article
to the Editors of The Daily.
THE ANN ARBOR production of
The Laughing Woman, save for
Tonio Selwart who created the role
of the young sculptor in the Broad-
way production this fall, differs red-
ically from tne New York perform-
ance. We are using not the New
York script, which was badly writ-
ten-with that peculiarsvanity which
is Broadway's-to shift the import-
ance from Mr. Selwart to the woman
star of the play. Instead, in Ann
Arbor we are presenting the original
English script, which enjoyed such a
success in London. Here the two
roles of Henri Gaudier, the sculptor,
and Sophie Brezka, the author, stand
equal. As created by Mr. Selwart
and Miss de Neergaard, I feel they
will stand as two of the most original
and compelling performances of the
The Laughing Woman further in-
terests me, technically, because it
furnishes an opportunity to use, in
the direction, the "space-stage." The
space-stage method is the reverse of
the influence of Gordon Craig, Rob-'
srt Edmund Jones and other disting-
uished designers who made the scen-
25y rather than the actors the im-
portant factor in a production. In a
space-stage production the audience,
to all intents and purposes, seescno
scenery at all, at least in the con-
ventional sense.
If, as in The Laughing Woman, the
settings shift quickly from various
poor rooms, to a dining room, to a
London street in a space-stage pro-
duction there are no settings in a
realistic sense; no broken plater, no
imposing Georgic columns, no street
lamps. There are a few properties,
a great many variations in stage lev-
els, fine stage lighting-all set against
a black velvet cyclorama. In other
words, all of the emphasis is shifted
onto the actors.
*'* *
Walks To Be Improved
HAVE OFTEN FELT, as have many
directors, that many plays on a
bare stage in rehearsal have been
:nore moving than in actual produc-
tion when cluttered up with manifold
settings. Such important personali-
ties in the theatre as Zoe Aikkens
end Alice Kauser agree with me that
the present curse of the New York
theatre is the scenic designer, who
both financially and artistically,
swamps many a fine play with set-
tings so vast and imposing that the
poor actors and the even more un-
fortunate script itself has no chance.
, Actually the use of the space-stage
method, which attempts to reduce
wcenery to a very minimum and con-
centrate all attention on the actors
themselves, isafar from economical;
for all the platforms and levels used
in the creation of the space-stage
(all elaborated padded to deader
sound) use more lumber and can-
vass than any usual amotnt o_
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members Of %b
Umiverslty. Copy received at the aoe of ~theA Aastaat totbo Preie"
umtil 3:30; 11:00 a. .on Satiarday,
VOL. XLVII No. 172
THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1937
In view of the fact that the regular
payday for May, May 31, is a holiday
and Saturday, the 29th, is a half-
day, May salary checks will be ready
for distribution on Friday, May 28.
I Shirley W. Smith
Commencement Tickets: Tickets
for Commencement and the Alumni
Luncheon may be obtained on re-
quest, after June 1, at the Business
office, Room 1, University Hall. The
Commencement Week programs will
also be ready on June 1 or soon
thereafter. Inasmuch as only two
Yost Field House tickets are available
for each Senior, please present iden-
tification card when applying for
* Herbert G. Watkins.
Seniors: The firm which furnishes
diplomas for the University has sent
the following caution: "Please warn
graduates not tostore diplomas in
cedar chests. There is enough of the
moth-killing aromatic oi in the av-
erage cedar chest to soften inks of
any kind that might be stored inside
them, resulting in seriously damaging
the diplomas."
Herbert G. Watkins.
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the Loan Committee in
Room 2, University Hall on Tuesday,
June 1 at 2 p.m. At that time the
Committee will consider requests for
loans for the Summer Session and the
school year 1937-38. All blanks for
this meeting must be submitted by
Friday, May 29.
J. A. Bursley, Chairman.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Faculty
of this College on Friday, May 28, at
4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West En-
gineering Building. Agendum: Elec-
tion of University Council member
and of Executive Committee mem-
ber; report on freshman-sophomore
questionnaire; a n d changes in
Members of the Michigan Wolver-
ine: Membership fee refunds may be
used for the purchase of meal tickets
for next week; the difference will be
paid in cash. The full cash refund
may be obtained by calling at the
Wolverine at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday,
June 5.
The above refund will be forfeited
after June 1, 1938.
Women Students from Cleveland
who are interested in volunteer social
work for the summer should call at
the office of the Dean of Women and
fill out application blanks as soon as
Student .Photographers: Anyone
who is interested in trying out for
the photographic staff of the 1938
Michiganensian is urged to attend
the meeting of the staff on Thurs-
day afternoon at 4 p.m. Students are
expected to furnish their own equip-
ment, but the 'Ensian furnishes all
Academic Notices
E.E.3 will not meet at 10 a.m.
Thursday morning, but will meet as
usual at 1 p.m. Thursday afternoon,
May 27.
torium, at 11 a.m. This will be the
only opportunity to take any or all of
these exams.
English 6, Report Writing: Last
semester students who have not yet
taken their reports out may get them
by calling at my office, Room 9,
University Hall, at any time during
office hours. J. Raleigh Nelson.
Intercultural Council: I
wish to announce the personnel of
the newly constituted Intercultural
Council. It is as follows:
China, Vung Yuin Ting, Utah
Tsao; Japan, Naomi Fukuda; Philip-
Pines. Gregorio Velasquez; Syria,
Ibrahim Khatib; Turkey, Muzaffer
Harunogu; Russia, Alexander Gol-
off; United States, James Eyre, Nel-
son Fuson, Josephine Montee, John
Luther, Katherine Taylor; Europe,
Emiliano Gallo.
The Council will hold its first meet-
ing in the University Council Room,
Thursday, May 27, at 4:15 p.m.
J. Raleigh Nelson,
Counselor to Foreign Students.
Student Recital: A recital of com-
)ositions written by members of the
student body of the School of Music,
nd performed by students, will take
>lace at the School of Music Audi-
:orium on Maynard Street, Friday
vening, May 28, at 8:15 p.m., to
vhich the general public is invited.
Student Recital: Tom H. Kinkead,
Theyenne, Wyo., will give a recital on
'he Frieze Memorial Organ in Hill
Auditorium, Friday afternoon, May
N8, at 4:15 p.m., to which the general
public is invited.
Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
Jniversity Carillonneur, will give a
'ecital on the Charles Baird Carillon
n the Burton Memorial Tower,
Thursday afternoon, May 27, at 4:15
Events Today
Mimes: There will be an important
neeting on reorganization Thursday,
Vay 27, at 4:30 p.m. in the Union.
All old and new members are asked
;o attend.
The German Journal Club will meet
[hursday at 4 p.m. in Room 319 of
;he Michigan Union.
Glider Club: The University of
Aichigan Glider Club will hold its
inal meeting of the year Thursday'at
:30 p.m. in Room 348 W. Engineering
Building. Four very interesting films
n Gliding and Soaring will be shown
ollowed by a short business meeting.
All members are urged to be present.
Phi Tau Alpha: The annual ban-
luet of Phi Tau Alpha, honorary
lassical society, willbe held in ,the
Miichigan League at 6:30 pm. on
Thursday evening, May 27. All mem-
ers are urged to attend.
The Institute of the Aeronautical
Sciences: There will be a meeting of
the Institute Thursday, May 27, at
7:30 p.m. in Room 1042. Mr. Spring-
r will make a report on his trip to
he N.A.C.A. laboratories. An addi-
ional speaker will be Prof. F. W.
Pawlowski of the Aeronautical En-
gineering Department. Plans for the
annual Institute picnic will be dis-
cussed. The meeting will be under
the direction of the new officers.
The !Athletic Group of the Michi-
gan Dames will hold a meeting Thurs-
day, May 27, at 8 o'clock at the Mich-
igan League. Plans will be made for
a hike and picnic. All members of
the Michigan Dames are cordially in-
Coming Events
The School of Education is spon-
soring an informal dinner in the
Ballroom of the Michigan Union on
the evening of June 30, 1937. This
date-is during the week of the Na-
tional E4ucation Association meet-
ings in Detroit, which occasion will
bring together many leading men and
women from all parts of the United
States, many of whom were formerly
students at the University. Others
who have been looking for just such
an opportunity as this to visit the
University of Michigan will be in-
vited. The dinner will be open to
students enrolled in the Summer
Session, to residents of Ann Arbor,
and specially to faculty members who
are in the city at that time. Mark
the date, June 30, on your calendar
and watch for further notice of the
place where tickets may be secured.
U. of M. Outdoor Club will have an
all-day canoe trip as its last func-
tion of the year on Monday, May 31,
leaving Lane Hall at 9 a.m. The total
charge per person will be $1.30. Make
your reservation by paying a $.50 de-
posit to Dorothy Shapland, in Room
2125 Natural Science Building (Tel.
Ext. 594) by Saturday noon, May 29.
All those interested are cordially in-
vited to come.
English 31,
f or Friday:4
will meet in]
from 4:30 to
section 10. Assignment
continue in "Paradise
Karl Litzenberg
The Esperanto Class
Room 1035 Angell Hall
5:30 p.m. Friday.
As industry and commerce have developed, la-
bor organization has lain dormant. This is graph-
ically shown by the fact that, when John L. Lewis
began his drive, only about 3,000,000 of 30,000,000
industrial workers were organized. The then do-
minant labor body-the AF of L-clung and still
clings to the ancient and outmoded craft union
principle, which has been proved inapplicable
to mass production industry.
The result of the failure of the labor move-
ment to match strides with business and industry
has been to create a lack of balance in our eco--
nomic life. Labor was not in position to demand
and obtain its fair share of the products it helped
to create. Wealth naturally tended to concen-
trate. At one extreme, millions of the people
were reduced to the poverty line and, at the
other, huge fortunes were in possession of the
few. It is a condition that caused former Ambas-
sador James W. Gerard to say, with a large
measure of truth, that America was ruled by 63
men. It is a condition that was one of the
great contributing factors to the depression. It'
is a condition that gave rise to demagogues like
Huey Long and Dr. Townsend.
The John L. Lewis theory is that the organiza-
tion of the country's workers into unions can
bring about a balance between capital and labor.
His method is the formation of industrial unions,
comprising all the workers in a given industry
regardless of trades and crafts. His objective, as
set out in a notable interview, published Feb. 16,
1936, in the Post-Dispatch, is to insure the work-
ers of economic security by compelilng a more
even distribution of the fruits of industry.
Ccncentration in History: Summer
classification programs for students
concentrating in history will be signed
by Prof. L. G. VanderVelde. Until the
final examination period begins, he
will be i nhis office, 314 Haven, Tues-
day at 11 a.m. and Wednesdayat
10:30 a.m. This notice concerns only
students concentrating in history
who are planning to attend the 1937 I
Summer Session.
Geology 11: Make-up exams (Blue-
books No. 1, 2 and 3) will be given
on May 28, in Natural Science Audi-
lerms College No
Threat To Religion
Colleges have not been the "de-
structive" force in regard to religious
thinking that most critics label them,
Mrs. Mary C. Van Tuyl declared yes-
terday at the meeting of the Psychol-
ogy Journal Club.
Mrs. Van Tuyl has been engaged
in a study of the religious ideas of
University students, and her report
yesterday was a presentation and ex-
planation of some of the results she
has obtained.
Over 800 autobiographical reports
were collected to make this study,
Mrs. Van Tuvl said. "Naturally the