The Weather Mostly cloudy, cooler today; tomorrow showers, warmer. VOL. XLVII No. 172 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1937 Editorials Second Wind For The AM,.. . PRICE FIVE CENTS 80 000 S t e e 1 New Bills To Have Little Effect iiir On UInion Work. flickinsnnSa " V mvien un trme Against Three ig Concerns Steel Workers Organizing Committee Calls Walkout To Back Contracts Union Sound Truck Announces Action YOUNGSTOWN, O., May 26.-(') -The Steel Workers Organizing Committee called a strike of 80,000? steel workers tonight to back up its demand for signed bargaining con- tracts with three independent steel companies.I Philip Murray, John L. Lewis' lieu-' tenant in the steel industry, orderedf the -great walkout which took effect with the changing of shifts at 11 o'clock tonight in Ohio, Pennsylvania,; New York, Illinois and Indiana plants of the Republic Steel Corp., Youngs- town Sheet & Tube Co., and Inland1 Steel Corp. Picket Lines Form Early .- Picket lines took torm in the Ma- ' honing Valley district early tonight. Union sound trucks cruised through industrial areas with loud speaker equipment carrying word of the scheduled strike and notifying mem- bers of different locals where to re- port for picket assignments. Canteens to serve pickets with cof- fee Ind doughnuts were set up in union halls near the mills. John Mayo, sub-regional SWOC di- rector, said the union would havet 8,000 or more pickets operating in thet district, 2,000 on each of four shifts of six hours each. Company guards watched the pick- ets from within the entrances. Theyl remained on the concern's property. Strike Biggest In 20 Years The decision to call the nation'st most far-reaching steel strike in nearly 20 years was reached at a con- ference here of SWOC delegates from the five states. Murray, head of the orgaization1 which wQn an agreement from United States Steel Corporation but met dif- ficulty in its efforts to obtain signed contracts from the independents, said: "It is the purpose of our organiza- tion to conduct the strike peacefully and in a law-abiding way. "We were advised by delegates, par- ticularly those of Republic Steel Corp., that stores of munitions are located at each of the plants, including ma- chineguns. "We are having this brought to the attention of state officials and the proper agencies of the federal gov- ernment. The day of gunmen i< ended." Holland Retainsk Present P a r ty As Nazis Lose Communists Show Gain; Government Forces Are Swept To Victory AMSTERDAM, May 27.--(Thurs-l day)-U-)-Partial returns in thef Dutch Parliamentary election early today indicated a government victory with a sharp setback for the Nazis under the leadership of Anton Adrian Mussert. Results declared in 440 out of the total of 1,056 distriets gave the par- ties supporting the government of Premier Hendrik Colijn easy major- ities with more votes than in the last election. Up to midnight, the Nazis only polled 50,000 votes while the Com- munists obtained one or two gains. The balloting was held yesterday, 100 seats in parliament being at stake. Complete final results were not expected before late today. Mussert, 43-year-old former engi- neer, who pledged better conditions for the small peasantry and benefits to labor in his campaign, declared: "This is the day of Colijn, but our day will come." In his final pre-election speech he said he hoped to win eight or 10 seats in the election and promised a pro- gram of "purification" for the coun- try when and if his strength reaches 40 seats. Dickens May Live But Will Be Blind . a v 1%-/ v a v N v f t v w a v !p --r 4L "L, R RV !v 1 V R.7 L/ a s k-, XA/ 7 V By ALBERT MAY0 New labor legislation setting min- imum wages and limits to hours will not seriously affect the drive to- wards unionism, in the opinion of Prof. Z. Clark Dickinson of the ec- onomics department. Though unions will find them- selves minus one of their strong sell- ing points, he continued, they can still advertise that they are out to raise wages above the legal minimum and can still point a finger to working conditions which need to be improved. Then, too, he explained, organizers can say that membership in a union is essential to keeping up the legal minimum wage. The main problem of unionism at present, Professor Dickinson said, is not so much in what the effects of labor legislation on unions may be but in inter-union conflict. CIO May Gain He suggested that the C.LO., though having for one of its aims increased wages to be attained obviously at the expense of employers, might con- ceivably actually gain its objective at the expense of skilled workers- and the A.F.L. Up to now, Professor Dickinson said, each of the two great unions has attained its victories without the other being the victim. It does not seem, he believes, that both unions can continue to push their programs without interfering with each other. Professor Dickinson agreed that there was some resemblance in the current A.F.L.-C.I.O. fight to the great struggle in the 1880's which saw the A.F.L. crowd the old Knights of Labor out as the dominant labor union. Resemblance Is Superficial But the resemblance is only super- ficial, he said, for the C.I.O. is much more aggressive and practical than the' Old Knights of Labor organiza- tion which appealed to professional and salaried people. It was essen- tially what was called an 'uplift] union,' Professor Dickinson explained. It is much too early to prophesize that the A.F.L. will crumple into in- significance as the old Knights did, he continued. Though there are no indications at present that a com- promise between thenvying unions is likely to take place, he said, the mu- tual advantages that would result from amalgamation may work to Freshment Plan Parade, Picnic Over Saturday Rain or shine, Freshmen will meet at 3:30 p.m. Saturday on the steps of Mill Auditorium for their march down to The Island for the 1937 Freshman Picnic, Don Barnes, '40, chairman of the committee, an- nounced yesterday. The parade will be led by a freshman band. Riksen Brothers will have a stand in the pavilion of The Island to sell weiners--cooked or raw, Barnes said. Those who get into the spirit of a picnic can cook their own over the fires; those who don't can buy theirs in a "ready-to-eat" condition, or they can pack their own ready-made lunch. Baseball and other games will be held during the afternoon, Barnes stated and at 7 p.m. under the chap- eronage of Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. Bursley, the Sing will begin. A spe- cial feature will be a song written for the class by Jane Nussbaum. Those who can't join the picnic at 3:30 p.m. are free to come at any time, he added. This is the first time in several years that any class has attempted a picnic. If it succeeds another may be tried next year, it was said. Heads Lantern Night MARYANNA CHOCKLEY bring about conciliation between the C.I.O. and its parent union. Though the craft union members have shown that they can work to- gether, it is somewhat doubtful that the rank and file of the industrial unions can do so, Professor Dickin- son explained. It is a curious thing, he continued, that some of the member unions of the C.I.O. are some of the oldest craft unions. He indicated that though it is probable that the labor movement may go in the direction of con- solidating more and more of the skilled workers with the unskilled, the unions may come to be run by an "aristocracy" of skilled men. Tung Oil Crown Goes To Cissel For 'Gabability' Cooley Cane Presented To Donovan; Marsh And Cousins Get Gavels Prof. James H. Cissel of the College of Engineering was adjudged "The Gentleman With the Oiliest Tongue," and presented with the Tung Oil Crown last night at the eighth an- nual banquet of Sigma Rho Tau, en- gineers' speakers group. The "Cooley Cane," awarded to the outstanding member of the society during his four years on campus, was presented to F. William Donovan, '37E, runners-up Cerdric E. Marsh,. '37E, and Robert T. Cousins, '37E, re- ceiving Tungwood Gavels. Members who had been outstandingly active during the past year were also"hon- ored at the banquet. Lawrence G. Lenhardt, commis- sioner of public works for the City of Detroit, was the speaker of the eve- ning,.choosing as his topic, "Human Relations in Engineering." Mr. Len- hardt urged the group to continue its good work, declaring that they should come to the defense of a badly maligned profession-that of engi- neering. He said that the reasons! for this were that engineers acted as technicians rather than as engi- neers, that the engineer does not know how to express himself well, and that there are certain limitations to the curriculum of the modern tech- nical school. Mr. Lenhardt cited many instances from his experience in public rela- tions to emphasize the need for en- gineers with a broad education, able to deal with laborers, city councils and officials in Washington, for, he said, "The human angle can make or break all the text-books ever written." Band To Head Lantern Night Parade_ Today All Women In University To Take Part In March To Palmer Field Maryanna ChockIey T Head Procession To the accompaniment of music of the Varsity Band and led by Mary- anna Chockley, '37, former chairman of Judiciary Council, women of the four classes of the University will march from the Library to Palmer Field at 5:30 p.m. today to commence the annual Lantern Night festivities. Lantern Night is an annual event given by the three lower classes for the Senior women, and this year for the first time men at invited to par. ticipate in all but the line of marc and the formation of the block M which is made after the procession reaches Palmer Field. It is during this ceremony that the senior women pas their lanterns to the lower classes, signifying the passing of the classes. In case of rain the entire proceed- ings will take place in Waterman and Barbour Gymnasiums, Mary Johnson, '38, general chairman and president of the Women's Athletic Association, announced. With clear weather the procession will still form at the Li- brary and march to Waterman Gym- nasium where the block M will be formed. If it is rainy, the girls will meet in Waterman Gym at 5:30 p.m. Box lunches can be obtained in the Correctives Room. Box lunches will be eaten on the field at 6:15 p.m. All sororities and dormitories will have a station where members may secure the food, Miss ,Johnson said. League House wom- en and men have previously ordered their lunches, which they must call for before procession begins. The League will furnish coffee, but Miss Johnson asked that individuals bring their own cups. The freshmen pageant, "Rip Van Winkle," will be presented at 6:45 p.m. in the natural amphitheatre. at the north east corner of Palmer Field. (Continued on Page 5) Student Labor Group Reviews Current Work Organized Restaurant Men And Aiding Students Get Jobs, Next Year's Aim The Student Workers Federation at its final meeting for the semester last night in the Union reviewed the year's work and decided to concentrate more on organization of restaurant workers and aiding students to find jobs next fall. A letter to Gov. Frank Murphy pro- testing Ford's action in yesterday's- riot and a letter to Washington com- mending continuation of the NYA but asking that NYA wages be raised to meet the rising cost of living will be sent by the SWF, it was decided. A chairman was appointed to form a committee to raise funds for the defendants in the current trials, in cooperation with the Michigan and Washtenaw Conferences for th Pro- tection of Civil Rights. It was re- ported that $25 from the Flint UAWA Local and $30.44 from members of the Progressive Club have already been contributed to the fund. The SWF was instrumental in ef- fecting a five cent raise in the hourly wage rate in the League cafeteria. Contracts were signed by student workers in the Michig Inn, Krueger's Restaurant and the Student Grill, and the current "civil liberties" cases are being fought by the organization. Jack Session, '40, said in his report of the year 's activities. Wally Hook Is Elected Sphinx Society Head Wally Hook, '39, was elected pres- ident of Sphinx, junior men's hon- orary society, and Phil Buchen, '39, vas chosen treasurer at a meeting held yesterday in the Union. Hook, a member of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, is president of the class of '39 and a varsity football player. $uchen is a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon, and a. member of the bus- iness staff of The Daily. +r-, e Arcr wrisnrr9V . nr. Ford'Serviee' enAttack, Maul U: Strike Second Walkout In Five Weeks Closes Factory In Richmond, Cal. CI( Presses Charge Of Discrimination Poll Of Workers Revealed 900 Set On Striking For Grievance Adjustments RICHMOND, Calif., May 26.-U -- The United Automobile Workers fired their "first gun in the war against Heny Ford" today with a strike which tied up the Ford assembly plant here for the second time in five weeks. The walkout silenced the big plant before 8 a.m., when the day shift was due to report. At that hour the place was swarming with pickets whc turned back company officials as well as office emnloves. Strike Will Spread Frank Siaoy, local president of the United Automobile Workers, said the walkout would spread to other Ford plants unless the company met the workers' demands for adjustment of griveances. He claimed "the Ford Company dis- criminated against our members for Union 4ptivity and attempted to foin a company union." Slaby indicated national recogni- tion of UAWA, an affiliate of the Committee for Industrial Organiza- tion, would be sought. "Local agreements don't mean any- thing," Slaby said, referring to a ver- bal settlement of the sit-down strike which closed the plant for 24 hours last month. 'Old-Fashioned Strike' Describing the new walkout as "an old-fashioned strike," in contrast with the sit-down five week&s..ago, union leaders said it developed after an overnight vote in which about 900 of the 1,800 workers agreed over- whelminglyto leave their jobs. Plant Manager Clarence Bullwinkel said he had "no information on the strike," but reported the plant "did not open" because "some of the work- ers did not report and we have to have a full crew to operate." The UAWA only yesterday opened two organizing offices for its Ford campaign, located in abandoned bank buildings just outside the Dearborn city limits. Work Disease Bill Is Tied Up In State House LANSING, May 26.---(IP)-A bill which would provide compensation for occupational diseases faced a new crisis in the House of Repre- sentatives today. The measure, which has split the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives into two warring factions, bounced back to the Labor Committee today and was quickly re- turned to the floor without a change in its wording, after correction of a technical flaw. The parliamentary maneuvering presented a new issue, however, with one faction demanding that the bill be forced to run again the gauntlet of debate "on general orders" before becoming eligible for a final vote., Michigamua Braves Scalp 25 In Annual Foray On Campus Listen to this tale of romance, Tale of Indian warrior bold. In the early moon of greenleaves Came they forth the stoic valiant; Forth they romped to paleface wig- wam, Wigwam one of friend great chief, Paleface mighty among his kind; Came he forth to take their token Of the warpath they would tread, Then to the mighty oak of Tappan Dashed the screaming yelling red- men; To the tree of Indian legend When the white men pale and trembling Stood around the mighty oak; Warriors choice of paleface nation Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet. Down the warriors, painted demons, Swooped and caught their prey like eagles, Loud the warcry stirred the still- ness, As they seized their hapless cap- tives, Forth they bore them to their wig- wam There to torture at their pleasure. There around the glowing bon- fires, Heard the words of mighty wisdom, Smoked the pipe of peace and friendship. Thus there came to Michigamua: Frederick Colombo, Douglas Farm- er, Frederick Geib, Gilbert James, Ernest Jones, Alfred Karpinski, Ed- ward Kirar, Earle Luby, Arthur Lun- dahl, John MacFate, Frederick Mar tin, Stevens Mason, Joseph Mattes, Irving Matthews, Charles Miller, Hugh Rader, Joseph Rinaldi, Irving Silverman, Goff Smith, Bruce Tel- fer, Tuure Tenander, John Thom, Earl Thomas, John Townsend, Rob- ert Williams. Ask Ford Investigation; Profits At New High BOSTON, May 26.-(/P)-Profits of Ford Motor Co. in 1936 reached the highest levels since 1930, the com- pany's Dec. 31 balance sheet filed with the Massachusetts Commissoner of Corporations and Taxation indicated today. Comparison of the report with that of the previous year yointed to a net profit of $26,426,698, equivalent to $7.65 a share on the company's $5 par captital stock. The indicated profit for 1935 was $3,565,617, equal to $1.03 a share. Balance sheets annually filed by the company with the Massachusetts Bureau are the only source of infor- mation on the profits of the huge motor company owned and controlled by Henry Ford and members of his family. House Gets Resolution LANSING, May 26.-(P)-Rep.' John F. Hamilton submitted a resolution in the House of Representatives to- night demanding a legislative inves- tigation of violence in Detroit today, during which United Auto Workers Union organizers were beaten by em- ployes of the Ford Motor Co. National Labor Relations Board Receives Formal Complaint From Union Fair Job Conditions Demanded In Leaflet Civil Rights Organization Protests To LaFollette Committee At Capitol DETROIT, May 26.- (P) -Ford Motor Company employes with swing- ing fists repulsed the first organizing move of the United Automobile Work- irs at the Ford Rouge plant in subur- ban Dearborn today, beating and chasing from company property four Union officials. Within two hours the Union an- nounced a formal complaint to be filed with the National Labor Rela- tions Board charging the company with coercion, intimidation and other- wise interfering with workers in their "constitutional right to organize." Omnits Leader Beatings The complaint will riot mention the beating administered to Richard T. Frankensteen, directing the campaign to. organize Ford workers, Walter Reuther, President of the West Side Local and two organizers. They were attacked by a group of men wearing work clothes as they tried to dis- tribute Union literature to Ford em- ployes. Frankensteen and Reuther climbed an overpass at gate 4 of the Rouge plant to direct distribution of Union leaflets as work shifts changed in the industrial unit where nearly 90,- 000 are employed. About 50 Loiterers About 50 men, some in work clothes, were loitering on the bridge -above some street car tracks. One told the Union men, "You will have to get off here." Then a dozen men overpowered them, knocked Frankensteen down, and rushed them down the stairs to the tracks. Frankensteen, his face cut and bruised and his coat torn off, was treated at a physician's office. At Union headquarters later he said: "If Mr. Ford thinks this will stop us, he's got another think coming. We'll go back there with enough men to lick him at his own game." Reuther, his face bloody, attributed the attack to members of the Ford Service Department which polices the huge plant. One statement on the Union leaflet was "end the Ford serv- ice system." Reuther said, "Before the UAWA (continued on Page 6) Nazis To Take Church Quarrel To Polls Friday Goebbels Will Carry Attack Mainly Against Chicago Cardinal Mundelein BERLIN, May 26-(P)-The Nazi government, embroiled with both Catholics and Protestants in disputes which appeared tonight heading to- ward a climax, will carry its argument to the people Friday night. Dr. Paul Joseph 'Goebbels, fiery propaganda chief of the Nazi re- ;ime, will deliver a speech in which t was announced he would aim his ratorical guns primarily at George Cardinal Mundelein of Chicago. At the same time, the fight ofProt- 3stant Confessional Churchmen against Nazi domination entered a new, acute phase with the imprison- ment by the Gestapo (State Secret Police) of all five members of the ex- ecutive committee of the Confession- al's provisional church government. The five pastors, it was disclosed, were taken into custody last night but neither their names nor their where- abouts whether in concentration ;amp or preliminary custody, were re- vealed. The 'present membership of the committee could not be determined officially because the personnel changes frequently and church sourc- nion Organizers; Hits Coast Plant Garber To Play As $1,200 Burns While Seniors Hold Annual Ball By ROBERT FITZHENRY Michigan will pay Jan Garber and his orchestra $1,200 to play for the Senior Ball. Last week Ohio State payed Ozzie Nelson $1,400 to play for a University dance. Yale handed Rudy Vallee and his Connecticut Yankees $1,650 last February for some exclusive Vallee rhythm. The past year has marked a definite rise in the prices paid to dance or- chestras Walter B. Rea, assistant dean of students declared yesterday in an interview, and for this reason, he said, it is getting more difficult to secure desired talent. Dean Rea explained that many astern schools because of their cen - creases the total cost, he added. As an example Dean Rea cited the '36 J- Hop, for which $2,300 was paid to the Olson and Hines orchestras and $1,800 went for decorations. The Senior Ball Committee was considering both Benny Goodman and Russ Morgan for this year's assign- ment, according to Dean Rea, but circumstances forced the abandon- ment of both as possibilities. "Be- cause of his popularity in New York Goodman has cancelled all his mid- west engagements," he said, "while Morgan had a conflict with a Satur- day rehearsal for his Philip Morris Radio hour. "Morgan's case aptly illustrates our problem," he continued. "If we couldl Moore Believes Many Students Will Donate To Book Loan Fund More than one fourth of the stu- "One engineering freshman cannot dents in the University are willing to return to school next fall unless he contribute books for the projected connects with a summer job that will student book loan fund according to furnish him some money," Professor the results of a poll taken yesterday [ Moore said. "His home is located in in the engineering college by Prof. an' industrial district that goes flat Arthur D. Moore, a member of the in the summer time. If he locates committee in charge of the plan. a summer job in the larger area near- "More than 300 students were in- by, bus fare will use up the savings. cluded in the survey," a statement on Room rent and board will eat into the results made by Professor Moore his savings if he doesn't live at home said. "The totals indicate that from In many cases, the student who is the entire class, one book will be able to save a little and come back turned in for every three students. has to watch every dime he has." At this rate, the undergraduates of The first year should be considered the two larger colleges (literary and a trial run for the plan, in the opin- engineering) alone may turn in be- ion of Professor Moore, but it ap- tween 2,000 and 3,000 volumes within ;ears possible, he indicated, that a I