TLE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,... 4 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of 11i news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All rights of republicati, n of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Repiresentative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON SAN FRANCISco SLos ANGELES PORTLAND - SEATTLE - Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ..............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR.................IRVING SILVERMAN William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS: Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman. Horace Gilmore, Saul Kleiman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore, SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor. chairman; Betsey Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'SDEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman; Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert. Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Betty Lauer, Mary' Alice MacKenzie. Phyllis Helen Miner. Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Har- riet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voorhees. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER....... BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Na- tional Advertising. and Circulation Manager; Philip Buchen, ContractsaManager; Robert Lodge, Local Advertising Manager; William Newnan, Service Man- ager; Marshall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: HAROLD GARN Was Europe Worthwhile?. 'The Merchant Of SVeni ce& -Shylock In A Red Wig- Robert Henderson, director of the Ann Arbor Dramatic Season, has sent the following article on "The Merchant of Venice," currently playing at the Mendelssohn Theatre, to the Editors of The Daily. With a response scarcely equailed since our production of Ibsen's "Ghosts" two seasons ago with Alla Nazimova and Romney Brent, the pres-~ ent production of Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre is receiving at each performance what is termed, in the words of the theatre, an ovation; or in practical terms of audience-response, from ten to twelve curtain calls as the final curtail rings down. It is, in our opinion-and in the most positive opinion of audiences that have not left a vacant seat in the Mendelssohn theatre since the festival opened-our finest production since "Ghosts." Its success in Hollywood, with the longest run of a Shakespearian production on the West Coast, is definitely duplicated in the Ann Arbor season. There, in Hollywood, the critics gave it such fullsome praise as calling it "the most brilliant of local offerings," "the best perforn-. ance of Shakespeare's comedy seen in Los An- geles to date," "a kaleidoscope of color, packed with verve, rhythm and excitement." Max Reinhardt came to see the production twice in Hollywood and wrote me a letter term- ing it the finest production he had seen in America; Baron de Meyer, the famous photog- rapher for Harper's Bazaar, came backstage after one performance and told Miss Winwood that in Paris, London or Berlin he had never seen a more colorful or exciting production of the play; other Hollywood celebrities, such as George Zukor, Edna May Oliver, Catherine Calhoun, Doucet, James Cagney and Dorothy Parker all added similar (and public) praise. The production closed at the height of its popuarity on the West Coast, in order to allow the principal actors of the Hollywood production to appear in Ann Arbor, but reopens at the Greek theatre in Hollywood after the local season and subsequently goes on a tour of twelve states this summer. Katherine Cornell and Guthrie Mc- Clintic, hearing of its unusual success, wired Miss Winwood their personal congratulations after the Hollywood opening; while Miss Cheryl Crawford, director of the Group Theatre, is negotiating with Robert Henderson to bring the production to New York this fall. The play, in its present versiop, is presented exactly in the order in which Shakespeare wrote it, with all of the lines intact except one short scene after Portia has gone to the trial between Jessica, Lorenzo and Launcelot Gobbo-a scene which is never, so far as I can find, played in any version. With all of the text intact, however, such is the pace of the production, our produc- tion of "The Merchant of Venice" plays in barely two hours and twenty minutes. The really im- portant compliment to the production is that audiences leave the theatre not tired or bored (in the theatre, another word for being "im- pressed with its art"), but stimulated-excited and stirred by the melodrama of Mr. Hughes' vivid Shylock and amused at the delicious fan- tastic comedy that is the real core of the play. Audiences like "The Merchant of Venice," in its present costume, as much as they would like, say, the new Noel Coward plays; and that is the true tribute to Shakespeare's spirit. The production, actually, is highly traditional; but, as often happens, actual Shakespearian tra- ditions, resurrected from the fog of the spurious "traditions" of Victorian productions, often seem today startlingly new and daring. Shylock in a red wig, the lustiness of the Italy of the fif- teenth century, a Portia that is gay and merry (and not the heavy grande-dame of most modern productions), the Princes of Morocco and Aragon -all these "innovations" in interpretations go directly back to Shakespeare's own methods of production. There may be those who cavil at the Prince of Morocco being played by a negro artist, even such a distinguished actor as Mr. Ingram. Some may feel, in scholarly superiority, that only a white actor and an English actor can read the poetry of Shakespeare. This is a personal prejudice; a prejudice that expressed itself with equal vigor whep Paul Robeson played Othello. Morocco is a Moor; his first line is "mislike me not for my complexion"; and the great service to the play is that a negro actor, such as a Mr. Ingram, lifts this part usually played with such pious dignity into the robust and swaggering braggadocio that the lines absolutely indicate. Again, the proof of this lies in the spontaneous bursts of applause that follow each of Morocco's exits in the Mendelssohn theatre. Personally, we feel that the two definite suc- cesses of the production, from a technical stand- point, are due to the fact that in the present "Merchant of Venice" Shylock is a true villain- hero, neither God nor the devil, and he stands not for the Jewish race but merely as a Jew, or more importantly a man; and secondly that the play does not end with the trial scene. The succeeding garden scene is filled with laughter and, for once, audiences do not reach for their coats when the final scene returns them to Bel- mont. In a word, both in Hollywood and Ann Arbor, audiences are more than "impressed" with this present "Merchant"; they are entertained, in comedy and in melodrama. They have a good time; they have two hours and twenty minutes of color and laughter and excitement. That, in my opinion, is the theatre that Shakespeare wrote for. UNDER THE CLOCK with DISRAELI - - WE THINK that the honor guard for Com- mencement exercises is composed of a bunch of pretty swell fellows. Especially the chap who was all concerned last Sunday lest any of the various societies show up in their usual un-Sun- day school condition when they were supposed to serve a police force forSwingout. He is 'an old Sphinx-the shifting sands prob- ably uncovered him when the Pharaohs were young-and his fatherly concern for the good be- havior of fellow students lest they stray the way of misdirected exhilaration is proverbial in it- self. At any rate, when the gay young Sphinxes rode the other night, he kept them amused with his colorful song and the swell gurgling noises he could make with only a bottle in his hand. He was so good that only after he had retired for the night did the riders realize again their own individuality. He certainly was a good influence because after he had gone there was not a drop of refreshment left. Anything that the Sphinxes did thereafter was their own vile natures cropping up-and don't worry, they'll get a bill for it, too. ** S STILL on the subject of Sphinx, it was a pleasure tofollow them when at three in the morning they tapped Bill Watson. The tall fellow stood in the center of a ring of extended congratulations, a strong, handsome figure. The cold moon shone across the huge chest of the man, along his long beautifully formed arm and on his lean, corded shanks. The boys shuf- fled around him in a flashing of moonlight on white shoes, water splotched tweeds and dirty sweat shirts and snap brim hats. It was as if some strange wilderness clan had seized a captive and danced around him in the wanton indignity of their crude customs. But everyone beamed and Bill beamed back. The boys hopped into their bus to be borne away to the Sigma Phi House, and Watson went back to bed, wondering what the hell Sphinx was all about anyway. The CIO battle with the AF of L flames furiously all over the country, but we thought that some sort of crisis was reached in Wash- ington this week. It seems that John L. Lewis, the dark maned lion of labor, wants to change the vacated University Club there into his headquarters. There is a lot of re- modeling to be done, but it happens that the CIO has not yet touched the building trades on organization. Lewis, of course doesn't want to use AF of L labor, but he also cannot sign up present members of Federation trades unions in his organization with the intention of using them on his offices. It seems that the AF of L could then expell the insurgents for belonging to a rebel union, then since they do not recognize the CIO at all, they could picket John L's headquarters for being unfair to organized labor! (OMETHING should be said about Ernest Hem- ingway who is over there in Spain covering what is no doubt the biggest and most important struggle since 1914. Hemingway has written some pretty hard and staccato fiction for years, having ended up with bull fights and game hunting in Africa when America ran out of gangsters there for a while. Now he has a job where all the harshness and horror is manufac- tured for him and he has seized it with all his strength. In the New Republic, for instance he has transferred the whine of bullets and the slow drip of coagulating blood, interspersed with the surge of fresh wounds. It all brings home to us with more force than we dreamed the very subtle point we tried to make to the recruiting agent, who approached us months ago. Gosh, it's grand to be in Ann Arbor in the spring. Adventure is a wonderful thing, but getting lost in the Arbore- tum is something of an adventure too. *, * * * COMING HOME from a late show at the Mich- igan last night a crowd of Bill Revelli's Fighting Hundred in full regalia and in fine fettle began to serenade Betsy Barbour and Helen Newberry to the mingled delight and derision of the girls. They were doing fine with Varsity and When Shadows Fall and all the old stand- bys until Buffy White up on the fifth\ floor of Betsy dragged out her own little trumpet. Her swing tunes were too much for the band boys who slunk wheesily off while the applause of the girls turned to buffy and her wild chords from Dinah and Christopher Columbus. -Taft Scares The D.A.R._- (From the Nation) A REPUBLICAN President's son stood up be- fore the D.A.R. in annual convention as- sembled last week and told them without qualifi- cation that they could not get anywhere "by painting red networks of communism across every evening sky." Charles P. Taft, who gave the Daughters this shock, was one of the intimate advisers of Governor Landon in the last cam- paign and is respected and admired as a civic leader in Cincinnati, his home town. Hence he cannot be whistled down as a "red" or a bol- shevik. But he did not stop there. He also in- formed the Daughters that "the one who shouts communism is always discounted as a fascist at heart and vice-versa." He next denounced the "current efforts to identify pacifism with social- ism." a little game in which the D.A.R. has al- ways led the way. "Young people hate war with a deep hatred," Mr. Taft went on, "and they should. They cannot see why 'defense' means protection of foreign trade and foreign invest- ments." Then he told the Daughters a few sounc4 +,,,1- o ..n + Vi 0v .1fn, of w irh fav n- - THEATRE By JAMES DOLL 'Let Freedom Ring' A Review The Detroit Federal theatre, U.S.A. Work program WPA, presents Let Free- dom Ring by Albert Bein. Based on the Grace Lumpkin novel To Make My Bread. Directed by Austin Coghan. Scenery by Stephen Nastfogel. Fred Morrow, Project supervisor; Verner Haldene, Acting project supervisor. At the People's Theatre, 12th at Seward. Tonight through Sunday. No matinees. WITH a large cast of characters, treated both as individuals and part of various groups, passing through a number of years, Let Free- dom Ring tells of the exploitation of mountain-folk in the mills of the South and finally the beginnings of organization for a fight against the mill-owners. We see farmers -- especially the McClure family-forced to leave the mountains and come down to the mill-town where poverty and the general wretchedness is more ex- treme, even, than it was in their old home. The familiar story of how the man- ufacturer breaks all the promises made to the workers and the result- ing "labor troubles" are taken up in the second act. The organization of workers in the town, under the form- er black sheep son of the McClures mnakes up the third act. So the play begins with a personal problem-a single family under the guidance of the heroic mother, It then becomes a panoramic picture of general conditions in the mills and at the end it brings the individual back into the group. The playwright has succeeded in getting an immense amount of ma- terial into a single play. But in spite of many forceful scenes, effective on the stage, one cannot help feeling that material of this sort is better treated in print than in the theare. This is especially true if a cast is not available in which there are no flaws. The Detroit Project rises to their task and is all but completely successful. But there are too many small parts that detract from the general ensemble and hold up the sweep of the play. The principal parts are almost all played with the same expertness and sincerety that was evident in the Project's Paths of Glory three weeks ago. Louise Huntington as the moth- er, J. Richard Gamble in the moun- taineer 'grandpap' Virginia Barrie, especially, for her convincing little girl, Edward Mason and Jay Michael as worker and organizer, by the strength of their characterizations contributed to the general effective- ness of the production. Many other of the smaller parts were well done, but many more were not. The general impression was that the play came through well, and al- though not as finished as Paths of Glory, continues the mature work the Project has been doing. AS OTHERS SEE IT 'Back To 1929' (From the New York Times) Who has forgotten the many lugu- brious predictions, during all the years from 1931 to 1936, that the country would never again witness the level of employment reached at any time in 1929? Factory employ- ment is at that level now, in terms of Miss Perkin's most recent official figures. The Government's index of employment in March stands at 101 (on a scale in which 100 repre- sents average employment during the years 1923-25), and 101 is a higher point than that at which the index1 stood at the end of 1929. It is true, of course, that a still higher point will have to be reached in order to reflect a volume of employment com- paratively as large as that which prevailed at the end of 1929, in terms of the increase in the country's pop- ulation since that date. But if some millions of new workers have been added to the supply of labor, these potential producers are also actual consumers, needing to be housed and clothed and fed. There are more people to use goods, as well as more people to produce them. And there is no sound reason for believing that in a country with the resources and the initiative of the United States the level of employment reached even in the best month of 1929 constitutes a ceiling above which we cannot rise. The great paradox of American re- covery is the continuance of Federal relief expenditures at an extraordi- narily high level, despite, the im- provement which has taken place not only in employment but in other aspects of the economic situation. Consider the changes of the last three years. Using in each case the Gov- ernment's figures for the latest date available, and comparing them with corresponding figures for three years ago, we find: Factory employment ..up 25 per cent Factory payrolls ...... up 56 per cent Tnrii a mealnrn7>r -nn ii"d -"n nr Notices VOL. XLVII No. 171 WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1937 Commencement Tickets: Tickets for Commencement and the Alumni Luncheon may be obtained on re- quest, after June 1, at the Business office, Room 1, University Hall. The Commencement Week programs will also be ready on June 1 or soon thereafter. Inasmuch as only two Yost Field House tickets are available for each Senior, please present iden-' tification card when applying for tickets. Herbert G. Watkins. Seniors: The firm which furnishes diplomas for the University has sent the following caution: "Please warn graduates not to store diplomas in cedar chests. There is enough of the moth-killing aromatic oi in the av- erage cedar chest to soften inks of1 any kind that might be stored inside them, resulting in seriously damaging' the diplomas." Herbert G. Watkins. Student Loans: There will be a meeting of the Loan Committee in Room 2, University Hall on Tuesday, June 1 at 2 p.m. At that time the Committee will consider requests for loans for the Summer Session and the .chool year 1937-38. All blanks for this meeting must be submitted by Friday, May 29. J. A. Bursley, Chairman. Freshman, Sophomores and Ju-, iors in L.S.&A., Architecture, Educa- tion, Forestry and Music: Save your- self one dollar by leaving at Regis- trar's Office your address for July 1 to July 15, if this has changed since February registration. Your blue print, giving your full record, will be mailed shortly after commencement. This print must be shown your ad- viser before you register next fall. Blue prints to replace those lost dur- ing the summer will cost one dollar each. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. June Graduates: The University sends interesting and instructive bul- letins periodically to all graduates and former students. In order that you may receive these, please keep the Alumni Catalog Office informed at all times regarding your correct address. Lunette Hadley, Director The University Bureau of Appoint- inents and Occupational Information has received notice of a position for a man or woman to fill a teaching va- cancy. The candidate must have a major in social science with a minor in English. A Bachelor of Art's degree and two years of teaching experience in the above mentioned subjects are required although candidates with their Master of Art's degrees are pre- ferred. The beginning salary is $1,500 with six raises in consecutive years to a maximum of $1900. The position is in Wyoming and is to be filled by June 3. For further information, please call at 201 Mason Hall. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the examina- tion for eligibility listing for the po- sition as Special Assistant in the Divi- sion of Educational Research and Re- sults in the School District of Phil- adelphia, Pa. Application must be made in per- son or by mail to the Division of Ex- aminations, Administration Building, Philadelphia, Pa., not later than 4 p.m., D.S.T., June 21, 1937, on the special form issued by the Division of Examinations. Teacher's Certificate for state of Pennsylvania must be pre- sented along with documentary proof of an approved graduate degree or 40 semester hours of approved graduate courses with 30 hours of graduate or under-graduate work taken in at DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the Umiversity. Copy received at the oflice at the Assistant to the President wtU 3:'20 11 -W am&.amSaturday. 44,CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Bridge or Barricade?" is the title of an en- grossing article by Elmer Davis in the current issue of Harper's Magazine-an article which anyone desiring to keep well-informed on the present state of affairs in Europe should read and re-read. Mr. Davis presents his thesis that the Czecho- slovak republic, carved out of the old Dual Mon- archy by the artists of Versailles and now the one remaining full democracy in Eastern and Cen- tral Europe, will be decisive in the revived "Drang Nach Osten" of the third Reich. Hitler in his dream of a nazi-dominated Balkan peninsula and eventual penetration into the Ukraine and the rich granaries of this district must first face the sturdy democracy of the anti-Fascist Masaryk and Benes. Already the effects of the present German policy may be seen in the strength of the Cuza Iron Guard faction in Roumania, in Jugo-slavia, and, throughout the whole of that area of Eu- rope so frequently blamed for the starting of the World War. Czechoslovakia itself is the recipient of much of the Goebbels effort to consolidate Germany in the East. The German press, Mr. Davis writes. continuously prints fabricated stories that Czech- oslovakia, by reason of her defensive alliance with the Soviet Union, has become merely a springboard for Bolshevism and a Western air- port for those Russian planes which the German military experts have learned to respect after a few recent demonstrations in Spain. This attack, he continues, is aided within Czechoslovakia by the Sudetendeutsche Partei, organized among the Germans of Bohemia by Hitler's agent, Konrad Henlein. This party, which claims to represent a majority of the 3, 200,000 Germans within the boundaries of the nineteen-year-old republic, is essentially a mis- sionary of the post-1933 German "kultur," but its influence has decreased recently. One reason for its lessening of influence has. been the program of the Czech government to correct many of the genuine abuses of the German minority; another was the participation in the government coalition, of the smaller, non- Nazi German political groupings. Nevertheless the weight of the Henlein following is consider- able and its program of Czechoslovakia as a sa- tellite of Germany, with the corollary of aban- donment of the. French and Russian alliances, has support outside of Germany and the Nazis in Czechoslovakia. There is a school of thought, according to Mr. Davis, in England-with a smaller following in France-which holds that Germany might be bribed with the gift of Czechoslovakia to cease casting covetous eyes at English and French col- onial possessions, though it must take consider- able imagination to paint a picture of a satiated dictator. It is trite to say that, by the very nature of his nosition, the dictator can never be least 4 of the following: (1) Educational Research (2) Statistical Methods (3) Educational Psychology (4) Curriculum Construction (5) Educational Guidance (6) School organization and Ad- ministration. Documentary proof of 5 years of approved experience in educational work including two years of approved teaching experience must also be pre- sented. Salary $3400-$4000. For complete details, call at the Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Orientation Advisors: All student advisors working on orientation in the League next fall please call for the orientation pamphlet in the Under- graduate Office between 3 and 5 p.m. on Wednesday. Student .Photographers: Anyone who is interested in trying out for the photographic staff of the 1938 Michiganensian is urged to attend the meeting of the staff onThurs- day afternoon at 4 p.m. Students are xpected to furnish their own equip- ment, but the 'Ensian furnishes all materials. Members of the Michigan Wolver- ine: Membership fee refunds may be used for the purchase of meal tickets for next week; the difference will be paid in cash. The full cash refund may be obtained by calling at the Wolverine at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 5. The above refund will be forfeited after June 1, 1938. Academic Notices Chemistry Colloquium will meet Wednesday, May 26, at 4 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Building. Dr. R. H. Gillette, Agricultural College, University of California, will be the speaker. Concerts Student Recital: A recital of com- positions written by members of the student body of the School of Music, and performed by students, will take place at the School of Music Audi- torium on Maynard Street, Fridp.y evening, May 28, at 8:15 p.m., to which the general public is invited. Lectures Metal Spraying Demonstration and Lecture: On Wednesday, May 26, the Metallizing Engineering Company will demonstrate their equipment from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Metal Pro- cessing Laboratory, Room 3313. Their representative will lecture and show movies of the process from 4:15 to 5 p.m. in Room 1042 East Engineering Building. University Lecture: Mr. Charles R. Sanderson, Chief Librarian of the Toronto Public Library, will speak to the students and alumni of the De- partment of Library Science and oth- ers interested at 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 26, in Room 110 of the General Library. He will speak on the func- tion of libraries in the world today. Events Today Psychology Journal Club will meet o Wednesday, May 26, at 7:45 p.m, in Room 3126 N.S. Mrs. Mary C. Van Tuyl will speak on "The Life History Method." Michigan Dames: The book group will hold its last meeting Wednesday, May 26 at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League. All members who have borrowed books please return them at this meeting. Coming'Events Mimes: There will be an important meeting on reorganization Thursday, May 27, at 4:30 p.m. in the Union. All old and new members are asked to attend. The German Journal Club will meet Thursday 'at 4 p.m. in Room 319 of the Michigan Union. Glider Club: The University of Michigan Glider Club will hold its final meeting of the year Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Room 348 W. Engineering Building. Four very interesting films on Gliding and Soaring will be shown, followed by a short business meeting. All members are urged to be present. Phi Tau Alpha: The annual ban- ,quet of Phi Tau Alpha, honorary classical society, will be held in the Michigan League at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday evening, May 27. All mem- bers are urged to attend.. The Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences: There will be a meeting of ' V, - if- rmhii.+- 111H:: -4 4 Aimliis 11 L seize Seize T owerOf Barbastro PERPIGNAN, France, May 25.-(/P) --Reportsd reaching the frontier to- night said a battalion of anarchists serving with the Spanish govern- ment armies on the Huesca front had revolted, marched to the rear, seized the town of Barbastro and there shot 100 persons. General Sebastian Pozas, com- manding government troops in Cata- lonia, was reported to have sent two battalions of regular army infantry from Lerida to quel the revolt and free Barbastro. Barbastro lies-about 30 miles south- east of Huesca on the road to Bar- celona. (An anarchist uprising in Cata- lonia early this month, centering in Barcelnna was sunnrtssed after mnre