THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, E 25, r E ICHIGAN DAILY I M-V L ,D --m M -9- 2 & 1q% Member 1937 Pssociated Colle6icte Press Distributors of C0 C6icit 6West Published every .morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The 'Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use 'or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4 00; by mail, $4.56. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES - PORTLAND SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR ................ELSIE A. PIERCE ASSOCIATE EDITOR..........FRED WARNER NEAL ASSOCIATE EDITOR .......MARSHALL D. SHULMAN George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Hershey Ralph W.-Hurd Robert Cummins - Departmental Boards Publication Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Chairman; James Boozer, Arnold S. Daniels, Joseph Mattes, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. Reportorial Department: Fred Warner Neal, Chairman; Ralph Hurd, William E. Shackleton, Irving S. Silver- man. William Spaller, Richard G. Hershey. tditorial Department: Marshall D. Shulman, Chairman; Robert Cummins, Mary Sage Montague. Sports Department: George J. Andros, Chairman; Fred DeLano and Fred Buesser, associates, Raymond Good- man, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton Hepler, Richard La- Marca. Women's :Department: Jewel Wuerfel, Chairman: Eliza- beth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Margaret Hamilton, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moorw Betty Strickroot, Theresa Swab. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ...............JOHN R. PARS ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGER .. WIL;IAMb BARND'lT WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER;....IJEAN KEINATH Business Assistants: Robert Martin, Ed Macal, Phil Bu- chen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Newton Ketcham, Robert Lodge, Ralph Shelton, -Bill New- nan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman. W. Layhe, J. D. Haas, Russ Cole., Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries, Jane Steiner, Nan~cy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet,. Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman; Betsy Crawford, Betty' Davy, Helen Purdy. Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers Jack Staple, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore. Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager: Don J. Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service { Manager;- Herbert Falender, Publications and Class- fied Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: IRVING S. SILVERMAN fee hour from 4:30 to 5:30 in the small ballroom of the Union. Each afternoon increasing num- bers of men students gather to discuss, over cof- fee and cocoa cups, the problems of school, or those embracing broader fields-economics, art, religion, politics, moving pictures, books, and basketball. Knowing the rest of the fellows at these informal gab-fests is entirely unnecessary. Oftimes the hour starts with a score of fellows who have never seen each other before, but by the end of the period they. have gathered into small intimate groups. It's a grand way to get to know that fellow who sits across from you in English, or to dis- cover others who, like yourself, collect stamps or butterflies. It's a handy place to denounce fascism, communism, or capitalism. It's a mar- velous place to wax indignant over the latest Garbo movie. Congratulations are due the Union for their coffee hour. Special note should be taken of the friendliness by which the hours are charac.L terized; the fact that any one may have a second, or even third, cup of coffee; of the fact that all this free. Thanks are due the faculty wives who lend a touch of charm to the arrange- ment by acting as hostesses. More and more men students should be finding out about the coffee hour. May it come to have a permanency in the Union's program. Because the campus needs it. THEI FORUM unemployment .nd Unions,. IN A RECENTLY published pam- phlet, "The Realities of Unemploy- ment," WPA Administrator Harry Hopkins re- ports unemployment figures in this country since 1897 in the United States.' His figures, which show that for the past 40 years there never has been less than 600,000 members unemployed in four key industries, would seem definitely to establish the work of organized labor as an effec- tive method of bringing about satisfactory na- tional economy. Mr. Hopkins points to our persistent unem- ployment, which even in the booming 1920s reached 3,000,000, and shows that industry must raise wages if there is to be buying power for capacity production. He rightly believes that only greater production, which depends upon widespread demand and consequently widespread buying power, can solve our unemployment prob- lem. What Mr. Hopkins is actually calling for is the proper allocation of our national income, '.If products are to be bought, there must be buying power in the right hands. It must be in the hands of those who will use it for consumers' goods, not in the hands of those who will reem- ploy their incomes largely for capital goods. Reemployment of income for capital goods must be balanced in amount with that used in the purchase of consumers' goods. Under these conditions industry produces at capacity, and, as a consequence of capacity production, there will be no unemployment, and wages will be high enough to purchase all that is produced. The logical conclusion is that the work of labor organizations must be continued. If wages are to be raised, as recent wage scale readjust- ments and bonus announcements from strike- beleaguered and strike-threatened industries prove, it must be through the efforts of a mature labor organization. Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to, the campus. Future Of Campus Religion To the Editor: One reads with a considerable elevation of the eyebrow and a certain amount of irrepressible cynicism that "the first step in a program which may ultimately lead to the establishment of a Hall of Religion on the Campus was achieved" last week. Achieved, indeed! All of this appears in some way to be connected with Lane Hall as one might have expected. Having more or less failed as a restaurant the present plan seems the most likely thing to put it on its feet again, for it must be patent to all who have any knowledge of the present state of Christianity that any effort to call down the Holy Ghost upon Lane Hall can result only in the establishment of a discussion group whose intellectual and spir- itual labours will be sustained with some "slight refreshments." Without its promoters knowing it this new movement is likely to be little else than a wake-a sitting-up with the dead and slightly stinking corpse of Christianity. Tf fact that the head of the mechanical en- gineering department is at the head of the fac- ulty committee lately appointed to bring about the regeneration of religious feeling on the cam- pus is significant. Other members of the com- mittee include a sociologist and a Health Service director. One is inclined to feel that religion, whatever it may be, is neither mechanical, soci- ological, physiological, nor yet quite hygienic. Note is also made of the fact that the University already has a degree program in religion, but it fails to mention that the chief courses offered are, on the one hand, merely a branch of anthropology, and, on the other, given by a man who is admittedly an atheist. All in all, the present project seems somewhat profane and wholly hypocritical. Of course, the entire plan will necessarily be on a strictly non-sectarian basis, which will only harmonize the more with its absolutely non- descript character. It is impossible in the very nature of things that it should result in anything more than another dreary discussion group on the model of the Unitarians who make a merit of having a perfectly open, not to say vacuitous, state of mind-the blood of the Sacrament con- verted into nothing more than weak tea or pink lemonade. This may seem to imply that the destruction of Christian unity in the 16th century destroyed the real vitality of those Chris- tian ideals which illumine the material darkness of the Middle Ages with a constant, holy light. This appears to be precisely the case. The Pro- testant Ethics was ever more adapted to success- ful husbandry and commercial enterprise than to religious contemplation, and the Counter-Re- formation, like some baneful soporific, has lulled the Catholic fold into a profound intellectual and spiritual slumber from which a fearful Pope dares not run the risk of rousing it. Christianity scarcely ever existed in America at all: the rise to our type of greatness would have been impossible in a Christian environment. The church is dead, but one can at least respect its sepulchre and not endeavour to conjure up this hideous, festering ghost which seeks to clothe itself in holy garments. -R.J. Why Pay Class Dues To the Editor: For some time notices have appeared in the D.O.B. columns of the Daily regarding the pay- ment of Senior class dues. Being both a senior in the School of L.S. & A. and a naturally inquisi- tive person, I should like to know who author- ized this assessment as well as the purpose for which it is to be spent. During my past four years at the University I have been more con- cerned with the important things of college life and hence have somewhat neglected to follow the political fortunes of my class. I think, how- ever, it is a right of the taxed to know why they are being so assessed and the disposition of the proceeds so derived. If there are legitimately in- curred expenses by the Senior class why can't these expenses be met by the surplus of the J-Hop BENEATH **** #~#~##IT ALL --- By Bonth Willi'm APPARENTLY it always happens. Whenever any enterprising students attempt some manner of extra curricular publication, they sooner or later get drunk with the power of the press and go berserk, panning everything that comes to mind, and inevitably ending up in the soup. It takes some quite a while; it has taken the Parrot publication until its second issue. This week's offering is not scandalous or aw- ful, it's just a very poor attempt to be inter- esting, combined with a scheme to attract pub- licity through a sarcasm which is couched in bad taste. There are three very surprising things about the sheet under discussion. Number one is that Max Hodge, one of the two editors, is a soph- omore on the Gargoyle staff with an excellent chance of someday becoming managing editor. Neither Gil Tilles, present editor, or the omni- potent Board in Control of Student Publications look with favor on the enterprise. Number two is that facts and names could be so twisted and so nasty in a publication that' seeks to establish itself as a campus favorite. The Hash House News takes pokes at President Ruth- ven, makes scathing remarks about the League, slams the Gargoyle, and then swipes a story from its files. With all this lambasting 'you'd think it would be pretty funny: It isn't. Point number three is that Al, who has a pretty good thing in the Parrot, lets this kind of a publication represent him and his establishment. The Parrot has been accused of. a lot of things, but the character of its official organ is the worst condemnation of it I have ever heard. * * * * BENEATH IT ALL: Jenny Peterson put her foot down when Bob Weeks called her yes- terday afternoon to tell her he had decided to get a short haircut . . . Chuck Kennedy is the) victim of a bad attack of pleurisy in his Roches- ter stomping grounds and will probably have to rest in Florida for some time before assuming the responsibilities of the business world . . . Radio Station WJR has invited sports editor George Andros to participate in an All-Mich- igan hour along with the sports authorities of Michigan State and U. of D. . . . Ace Bailey, for- mer major league hockey star who was almost killed during a National League hockey tussle a couple of years ago, will be coaching the Toronto Varsity when that team engages Mich- igan in the Coliseum early in March . . . Matt Mann showed the best swimming films I have ever seen in the Michigan tap room yesterday afternoon. Al Green, last 'year's national low- board champion, demonstrates to perfection every dive in the book. Explanatory captions make the film invaluable as an aid to less accomplished performers . . . The whole host of Union aspirants dropped everything to at- tend a special dinner Tuesday night in the hope of showing President Herb Wolf that they were really on their toes. Herb crossed them up and caused a lot of beard mumbling when he got a headache and stayed home. * * * * FOR YOU FORM players who still think you can beat Leo I present a little plain and fancy figuring calculated by the office staff in their spare moments with the aid of an all sports book. I see by the papers where Rep. John Hamil- ton is going to expose the bookies in Detroit to- day before the state legislature, in hopes of having them legalized, so perhaps this little de- vice will be of more practical value than you think. On the bare chance that handbooks will con- tinue to operate much as usual, and for the spe- cial benefit of those who do their wagering at the track itself, I will carry on. Perhaps you know what a' rounded book is, perhaps you don't. At any rate, I will elucidate. When you look at the entries in a horse race just before plunging on that 'sleeper' in the third, you note the odds after each horse's name. Now those odds are 2, 3, 8, 10, or whatever the number may be, to one. For a perfectly rounded book, the sum of the odds (3-1, for example would be 3 plus 1, or 4) on every horse divided into a hundred must total 100 per cent. That may look a bit complicated, but take. an actual race as an example. Take this 6 fur- long sprint at Hialeah, I think it was the 5th race Monday. Here were the entries and the post odds: Dusty Dawn 5. Mucho Gusto 3. Tintagel 6/5. Goldey F 2. This is a particularly good example because of the size of the field, but the system works with any number. To see how close the odds come to making a rounded book, compute the percentage on each horse, add them up and you have it. Dusty Dawn 5-5 plus 1 is 6 into 100 gives 16.6% Mucho Gusto 3-3 plus 1 is 4 into 100 gives 25.0% Tintagel 6/5 or-.2 plus 1 is 2.2 " 100 gives 45.4% Goldey F 2 -2 plus 1 is 3 into 100 gives 33.0% 119.0% Aha, 19% crooked you say. But it's not really as bad as that. In most states the track's cut on wagering is 10%. and with that figured in, we have only a 9% discrepancy. The discrepancy is not really a matter of crookedness either. It merely means that the pre-race odds are figured as closely as possible and that all errors will be rectified in the mutuel machines before the pay- off. This little factor is what's beneath it all when THEATRE 'Peer Gynt' With Puppets By JAMES DOLL' IBSEN'S John Gabriel Borkman, Ghosts, and Hedda Gabler have been seen here recently. All these belong to the group of so-called social dramas but have, however, a poetic quality that takes them above their superficial realism. Of Ibsen's early plays in verse form, only Peer Gynt seems to hold the stage. Be- cause of the difficulties of production, the difficulty of finding the right cast and director, productions of it are not frequent. There should be op- portunities to see it more often be- cause it throws light on elements in Ibsen's later plays that are too much neglected. Besides it is one of Ib- sen's most interesting plays. The Theatre Guild did it about fifteen years ago with Joseph Shildkraut as Peer. Richard Mansfield produced a garbled version of the play in the early 1900's. These are the most pro- fessional productions of the play in Ithis country. The Tattermar Marionettes will present their version of the play (judging by the program it seems to be a full one) at the Mendelssohn Theatre for two performances, mat- inee and night, Saturday, Feb. 27th. It should be more interesting and imaginative with marionettes than with living actors. Paul McPharlin, one of the leading authorities on puppets, says: "Marionettes, so full of possibilities for the grotesque and fantastic, will be perfect interpreters not only of Ibsen's satiric intent, but of the colorful scenes crowded with trolls, Norwegian peasants and na- ture forces. They can show this play, planned for the large stage of an opera house, in all its sweeping size, by reducing the proportions of the actors and consequently increasing the visual effects of their back- ground." White Depicts Anthropology .Rise In Orient Great Chinese Interest b Said To Be Result Of Racial Aspects By JAMES E. DUNLAP Anthropology, although only intro- duced fairly recently, is a fast-grow- ing science in the Orient in the opin- ion of Prof. Leslie A. White of the anthropology department, who visit- ed Ann Arbor for a few days last week. Professor White, who is on sab- batical leave, left Ann Arbor last June and has just returned from a short tour of Japan, China, Suma- tra, Java, the Philippines, and Ha- waii. He spent more time at Peking than at any other place, and he ad- mitted that most of his opinions on anthropology in the Far East were based on his associations with the students attending Yenching Univer- sity, near Peking, and with the an- thropologists of that district. "However, from my brief contacts in neighboring countries I am in- clined to think that the same general conditions exist more or less through- out most of the Orient," Profesor White said. Although there are only three schools in China which give any at- tention to anthropology, the students of the science display a great interest in the subject and are very eager to' acquire any new anthropological in- formation they can, according to Pro- fessor White. It was at Chou Kou Tien, not far from Peking, that the "Peking Man" was found in 1929. From this site several of the oldest skulls ever to be uncovered were dug up and placed in the local museum for study. "Seven or eight skulls in all have been found to date, three of them coming to light just before I left," Professor White said. This Chinese work on the "Peking Man" has al- ready added considerable information in the field of anthropology. "Although these discoveries at- tracted a good deal of attention, the main interest of the Chinese in an- thropology seems to be almost solely from the practical angle; and they appear to be more interested in what a study of anthropology can accom- plish for their country than in the purely theoretical aspects of the sci- ence itself. China, with its complex mixtures of peoples, is an excellent place to study social anthropology; and it is social anthropology which today is getting the greatest atten- tion." Professor White left Sunday night for New York where he will work on some papers until September when he will return to Ann Arbor to assume his former position. Hillel To Commemorate Feast Of Lots Sunday A celebration in commemoration of the Feast of Lots this week is be- ing planned by the Hillel Foundation at 8 p.m. Sunday. A short play has been arranged and will be presented (Continued from Page 3) Sophomores College L. S. & A.: From Wednesday through Friday of next week class dues will be collected for the purpose of building up a fund to keep the class intact upon grad- uation. Please cooperate with mem- bers of the finance committee and avoid having to pay a larger sum in future years. Dues may be paid in the Angell Hall lobby or to the fol- lowing: Betty Lyon, John Thomp- son, Rebecca Bursley, John Bulke- ley, Waldo Abbot, Maurice Hoffman or Stuart Low. Attention Sophomore, Junior and Senior Women: Today will be the last day on which the tuberculin test can be started for those who received let- ters concerning this test. The test will be given today from 2:30 to 4:301 p.m. at the Health Service. Academic Notices Botany I: Make-Up Final Examin- ation for students who were absent from the regular exam last semester will be given on Monday, March 1, from 7-10 p.m. in Room 2003 N.S. This is the departmental exam and none other will be given. Mathematics 6, Tu. Thurs., 9 a.m., beginning today will meet in Room 340 West Engineering Building in- stead of 401 Mason Hall. W. L. Ayres. Economics 181: Final examination make-up will be held Friday after- noon, Feb. 26, 1 to 4 p.m. E.E. 7a, Building Illumination: Will meet today at 5 p.m., for those who cannot meet at the scheduled time, and also will meet on Saturday at 8 a.m., Feb. 27, for those who cannot meet today. Both meetings in Room 248, West Engineering Building. Concerts Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt, University Carillonneur, will give a recital on the Charles Baird Carillon in the Burton Memorial Tower, this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. Faculty Concert: Arthur Hackett, tenor; Wassily Besekirsky, violinist; and Joseph Brinkman, pianist, will appear in a miscellaneous concert Sunday afternoon, Feb. 28, in Hill Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. The public, with the exception of small children, is invited without admission charge. Lectures University Lecture: Prof. Niels Bohr, of the University of Copen- hagen, will lecture on "Problems of Atomic Nuclei" at 4:15 this after- noon in West Lecture Room, Physics Building. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture: Prof. Alexan- der R. Hohifeld, of the University of Wisconsin, will lecture on "Richard Wagner, Dramatist," (in English) on Monday, March 1, at 8 p.m. in Na- tural Science' Auditorium. The pub- lic is cordially invited. University Lecture: -Prof Alexan- der R. Hohlfeld, of the University of Wisconsin, will lecture on "Der Ir- dische Ausgang der Faustdichtung Goethes," (in German) on Tuesday, March 2, at 4:15 p.m., in Natural Sci- ence Auditorium. The public is cor- dially invited. Lectures in Mathematics: Prof. Otto Szasz, formerly of the University of Frankfort A.M., visiting lecturer in mathematics at the University of Cincinnati, will deliver a series of three lectures on topics in analysis. The first lecture will be given today at 4:15 p.m. in Room 3017 Angell Hall on "Transcendance of pi and e." The second lecture will be given on Friday, Feb. 26, at the same hour in Room 3017 on "Approximation of Continuous Functions." Oratorical Association L e c t u r e Course: Capt. John D. Craig, noted undersea photographer and deep sea diver, will speak on "Diving Among Sea Killers" tonight at 8:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The lecture will be. illustrated with his Motion Picture Academy prize winning films. Tickets will be available at Wahr's until 5 p.m. The Hill Auditorium box office will open at 7 p.m. Prince Hubertus Loewenstein, world reknowned authority on Modern Ger- many, will lecture on "Germany, To- day, and Tomorrow" on Friday, Feb. 26, at 4 p.m. in the Michigan League Ballroom. The lecture is sponsored by Liberal Students Union, League for Human Rights, Prof. Shepard's Committee, Peace Council, and Hillel Foundation. Tickets will be on sale at Wahr's Bookstore and the Marilyn Shop on E. Liberty St. Theosophical Lecture: "A Vital Ap- proach to Life," by Miss Anita Hen- kel, national lecturer of The Theo- sponsored by the Student Theosophi- cal Club. The public is cordially in- vited. Exhibitions An Exhibition of Chinese Art, in- cluding ancient bronzes, pottery and peasant paintings, sponsored by the Institute of Fine Arts, at the Archi- tectural building. Open daily from 9 to 5 p. m. except Sunday through the months of February and March. The public is cordially invited. Oil Paintings by Karl Hofer in Alumni Memorial Hall are showing an extra week through Feb. 28, af- ternoons 2-5. Events Of Today Psychology Journal Club meets to- day at 7:45 p.m. in Room 3126 N. S. Building. Prof. J. H. Muyskens will speak on "Speech Efergence." Cercle Fraincais: There will be a meeting of the Cercle Francais this evening at 7:45 p.m. in 408 Romance Language Building. It is very im- portant that all members be present at this meeting. Members are re- minded that three successive absences cause them to be dropped from the club. University Oratorical Contest: A meeting for all students who might be interested in trying out for the University Oratorical Contest, will be held today at 4 p.m. in Room 4028 Angell Hall. Information regarding this contest may be had- from mem- bers of the staff of the Department of Speech and General Linguistics. Tryout for Fre'nch Play: Tryout for the French Play today, from 3 to 5 o'clock, Room 408, Romance Lan- guage Building. Open to all students interested. Engineering Council: There will be an Engineering Council meeting to- night at 7:15 in the Computing Room. Varsity Glee Club: New members and reinstated members meet at 4:30 p.m. today. All members meet at 7:30 p.m. today for full rehearsal. Basketball-Women Students: The graduate-faculty basketball team will have a practice today at 5 o'clock. Life-Saving Class: This group will meet this evening at 8:30 p.m. Please report promptly because our time is limited. Swimming Club - Women Stu- dents: The Swimming Club will meet at 9 o'clock this evening. Note change in time. Iotah Alpha: The regular monthly meeting of Iota Alpha will be held this evening, at 7:30 p.m. in the Sem- inar Room, 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. Pro- fessor Dow Baxter will show colored movies illustrating his talk, "On and Off Alaskan Trails." Ever.y men. ber is urged to be present. Parish Supper and Lecture: Each Thursday evening at 6:15 there is a parish supper and lecture for the members of St. Andrew's Church. The lectures are given by The Rev- erend Henry Lewis, on "Christian Fundamentals for a Confused World." Student Lenten Luncheon: A luncheon for all students is being held every Thursday during Lent in Harris Hall from 12:00 until 1:00. Independent Girls Living in Private Homes meet at 5:00 p.m. today for organizing an Assembly Group. Room will be posted. Carlyle Speaks To Us: Third lec- ture in a series on "Religion in World Literature" by Dr. W. P. Lemon to- night from 7 to 7:50 p.m. at the Ma- sonic Temple, 327 South Fourth Avenue.eStudents will be interested in this lecture. Art Study Group of the Faculty Women's Club: There will be a meet- ing today at 2 p.m. This meeting will be held in the Islamic Seminar in Angell Hall,. Room 4006. The Student Faces War is the sub- ject of a talk and discussion to be led by Professor McFarlan tonight in the Union at 8 o'clock. The meet- ing is open to the public. All students are especially invited to attend and take part in this timely and impor- tant discussion. The meeting is spon- sored by the Student Alliance. Coming Events English Journal Club meets Fri- day afternoon, Feb. 26, at 4:15 p.m. in the League. Prof.. Earl Leslie Griggs of the English Department will speak on the subject, "Humani- tarianism as a Phase ofthe Roman- tic Movement." The public is cor- dially invited. s Fencing: There will be an elective fencing class for women on Friday at 5:00 in Barbour Gymnasium. Tatterman Marionettes will present HenrikgIbsen's Peer Gynt, matinee and evening, this Saturday, February DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to ail members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I n Up-And-Coming ampus Custom . . A WISTFUL ARTICLE in this month's Gargoyle. points to the fact that the custom of afternoon tea is fast vanishing from the Ann Arbor scene. We won- der whether it has ever meant very much in this mid-western settlement. Be it or not, Tea is a delightful custom, and one that is perhaps sadly needed in the intense rush and bustle of twentieth century America-a quiet half-hour chat about this and that would do much to better our conversation, in which we Americans sorely need experience. The old claim of Europeans