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May 25, 1937 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-25

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The Weather
Increasing cloudiness, possi-
bly showers today; tomorrow
occasional showers.




The Church
And State .. .

VOL. XLVII No. 170



Roosevelt Asks
For Minimum
Wage To Assist
Socil Advance
Recommendation Comes
Two Years After Court
Invalidation Of NRA
Congress Swiftly
Acts On New Plan
WASHINGTON, May 24.--()-
President Roosevelt recommended to
Congress today, two years after the
invalidation of NRA, new minimum
wage and maximum hour legislation
to "extend the frontiers of social
Legislation to carry out his pro-
gram was swiftly introduced in House
and Senate. Almost immediately
hearings were arranged in both
houses in view of a "ope expressed
by the Chief Executive that it could
be passed at this session.
At the last minute, provisions of the
legislation fiing the maximum work
week at 40 hours and minimum wages
at 40 cents an hour were stricken
out, leaving the maximums and min-
imums blank. These figures were
used, however, in all preliminary dis-
The new wage and hour legislation,
although designed primarily for the
same purpose as NRA, would provide
a far different machinery and pro-
Administration would be in the
hands of a government board en-
tirely, there would be no relaxation
of anti-trust laws to permit price
fixing or trade practice agreements,
and the laws would not apply to
small, intra-state businesses.
The law would be confined to fixing
minimum wages, and maximum
hours, abolishing child labor, and out-
lawing "oppressive labor practices"
such as use of strike-breakers and
labor spies.
Designed to become effective four
months after enactment, the law
would immediately bar from inter-
state commerce goods produced by
child labor, by employers using labor
spies or strike-breakers, or violating
the maximum hour or minimum wage
requirements to be established.
Thus, if the law, should eventually
establish a Miaximum 40 hourdweek
and $16 pay minimum, all industry
m.gaged in interstate commerce
would have to comply. But this would
be only the "minimum" of the mini-
mum standards.
A labor standards board, composed
>f five members, would be created to
study conditions in each industry and
fix for them maximum hours and
minimum wages. Certain standards
would beset up by Congress beyond
which the board could not go.
Minimum wage standards could not
be made higher than $1,200 a year.
Mathematical Plan
Turns Quiet Night
Into Near Turmoil
Visions of a beautiful mathematical
theory to explain social relations, set
forth by Dr. Karl Menger, Austrian
mathematician, proved an explosive
bomb that sent mathematicians, eco-
nomists and sociologists into near
turmoil yesterday.
It all started rather quietly when
Dr. Menger began to explain his
scheme providing for the separation

into groups, of persons with different
attitudes. The purpose of this. dis-
tribution is to permute all classes to
determine which elements of society
can live with others.
But it ended otherwise. Prof. Rob-
ert Angell of the sociology depart-
ment started the ball rolling with a
question on Dr. Menger's choice " of
words. Prof. Louis Karpinski of the
mathematics department came to the
rescue of Dr. Menger, suggesting that
the beauty of mathematics lay in its
ability to cast aside all obstacles, con-
centrating only on the abstract.
"For example," Professor Karpin-
ski pointed out, "in determining tra-
jectories, an ideal situation of a bul-
let travelling in a vacuum is postulat-
ed. When complications arise, they
are treated in more detail."
Prof.. Charles F. Remer of the eco-
nomics department, who introduced
Dr. Menger, extended a plea to mem-
bers of other departments present to
select speakers from other fields, "so
that we can all get together and meet
each other on friendly terms."
A tally after the meeting gave the
decision to the mathematicians by a
narrow margin of one, with seven

Benson Doubts Success Of New
Regional Government Unit Plan

Bill Would Set Up Seven
Districts To Facilitate
Long TermPlanning
A regional government unit that
might replace the states in form and
function is not likely to evolve out of
a new planning bill sponsored by the
Roosevelt Administration and Sen-
ator George W. Norris of Nebraska,
Prof. George C. S. Benson of the
Bureau of Government said yesterday
in an interview.
The bill, taking its cue from the set-
up of the Tennessee Valley Authority,
would set up seven regional districts
to facilitate long-term, multipur-
pose planning in power development,
irrigation, soil conservation, refores-
tation and naviation.
Would Supply Foundation
It would also supply the foundation
upon which eventual spending and
administrative duties could be carried
out, an d, according to its backers,
would thus build a unit of govern-
ment which could cope with prob-
lems that have gone beyond state
The bill backed by Senator Norris
probably will not pass in any case,
Professor Benson said. But even if
it does, he continued, it does not seem
to envision an ultimate goal of su-
perseding the states in importance
as governmental units.
"It is not probable that these re-
gional districts could evolve into defi-
nite units of government except as
they might tie in with the federal ad-
ministrative structure on a regional
McFate Names
Rest Of Staff,
For Year Book
Erle Whetsell Is To Edit
Student Directory; Betty
Gatward Appointed
Erle Whetsell, '39E, will edit the
1938 Student Directory, John McFate,
'Ensian editor, announced yesterday.
Betty Gatward, '38, was chosen 'En-
sian woman's editor.
Whetsell is a member of Delta Tau
Delta fraternity while Miss Gatward
belongs to Pi Beta Phi.
Benton Urmston, '38A, of Chi Psi
was chosen art editor.
Other appointments announced by
McFate at thessame timehinclude
Hamilton Morris, '39, in charge of
athletics, Phillip Clark, '39, who will
edit activites, William Hockett, '39,
features and David Laing, '39, schools.
In charge of the fraternity section
will be Edward Stern '39. Betty
Spangler, '39, will have women's ac-
tivities, while Nancy Dall, '39, will
take charge of the sorority section.
Photography will be under Bud Con-
sor, '39E, McFate said. Assistants in
the art department are Doris Bolton,
'39A, and Jean Smith, '40A.
In announcing the appointments
McFate urged anyone interested in
photography to come out for the
staff. He pointed out that the 'En-
sian furnishes all materials, the try-
out only needing his own equipment.
MUNISING, May 24.-(P)-The
strike of lumberjacks and other wood
workers, which started about a week
ago in Gogebic County, and since has
been spreading to other districts, was
felt here today when about 250 men
employed in three Cleveland-Cliffs
iron company camps in Alger County
walked out.

basis, for the states are not likely to
surrender their power," he said.
Federal administrative regions, as
advocated by the Natural Resources
Committee in its report on regional-
ism, could fit into the federal ad-
ministrative structure, Professor Ben-
son said, by consolidating the mor
than 100 different regional set-ups
used by the Federal government at
present into uniform administrative
Administration Disordered
As it is now, there are social
security districts, army corps districts,
WPA districts, Federal Reserve dis-
tricts, etc., which are not co-ter-
minous and which make the Federal
administrative picture disordered,
confused -and less efficient than it
might be, he indicated.I
Insetting up regional headquar-
ters for Federal functions, Professor
Benson pointed out, there might be
real advantages accruing in disburs-
ing Federal funds, accounting, and
other fiscal matters.
He emphasized, however, that the1
establishing of these regional "clear-
ing houses," though convenient for
(Continued on Page 6)
Trackmen Pick
Stevens Mason
As New Captain
S1peceeds Capt. Osgood;
Burke Named Managert
At Annual Banquet
The University of Michigan's un-
defeated Big Ten Champion track
team elected Stevens Mason, '38, off
Grosse Pointe, to succeed Capt. Bob
Osgood, it was announced at the an-1
nual team banquet at the Union last
night. William Burke, '38, of Chat-
anooga, Tenn., was selected to assume
the duties of Harrison Church, senior
Captain-elect Mason sprang the
upset of the Big Ten outdoor meet
last Saturday as he scissored over the
220-yard low hurdles to nose out Os-
good, who earlier in the afternoon had
clipped off the 120-yard high hurdles
in 14 seconds fiat for a new world
record. It was Mason's first win over
the veteran Osgood.
In the latter part of the 1936 cam-
paign Coach Charlie Hoyt began to
work Mason on the low hurdles and
this year he displayed a brand of
timber-topping talent which made
him constant threat to Osgood. Ma-
son also wrote his name in the record
books as 440 man when he turned in
a brilliant finish in the Big Ten in-
door meet at Chicago this year to
run a powerful second to his team-
mate Stan Birleson.
Also announced at the banquet last
night were the following 21 men who
will receive varsity awards:
Stanley Birleson, Howard Davidson,
(Continued from Page 3)
Extra Matinee Today
Of 'Merchant Of Venice'
Due to the demand for tickets for'
"The Merchant of Venice" now play-
ing at the Mendelssohn Theatre, an
extra matinee has been scheduled for
3:15 p.m. today. The regular per-
formances will continue at 8:15 p.m.
today with the two closing perform-
ances tomorrow at 3:15 and 8:15
The Civic Committee of the Dra-
matic Season announces, that in spite
of the record attendance, no one has
been turned away from a perform-

Campus Posts
To Be Decided
Men's Council, Athletics
And Publications Board,
Union Offices Vacant
Election To Last
From 1 Till 5 P.M.
General campus elections for po-
sitions on the Men's Council, the
Board in Control of Athletics, the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications and the vice-presidents of
the Union will be held from 1 till 5
p.m. today..
Voting places, as announced yes-
terday, will be: literary college, Room
16, Angell Hall; education school
Room 2436, University High School;
the engineering school, 348 West En-
gineering Building; the architecture
school, Room 347, Architecture Build-
ing; dental school, first floor corridor
of the Dental Building; medicalj
school, first floor corridor of the West ,
Medical Building; forestry school,
Room 2039, Natural Science Build-
ing; business administration school,
Room 109, Tappan Hall; pharmacy t
school, Room 250, Chemistry Build-
ing and the Law School, the lobby of,
Hutchins Hall.
Identification Cards Needed
Miller Sherwood, '37, president of
the Men's Council, said yesterday
that identification cards will be nec-
essary to vote.
Nominees for the vice-presidents of
the Union are Bruce Telfer, '38, Mur-
ray Campbell, '38 and Hugh Rader,
'38, from the literary school; from the
engineering school, Carl Clement,
'38E and Jack MacLeod, '38E; from
the dental school, Herman Hubinger,
'38D and Walter Cramer, '38D; from
the Law School Charles Rogers, '38L
and Frank Stone, '38L; from the
medical school, Kenneth Beach,
'38M, Martin iery, '38M, Edmund
Bott, '38M and Kyle Black, '38M;
and on the combined curriculum,
Graham Benedict, '38F&C, and
Richard Meek, '38F&C. One man
will be elected from each group.
Athletics Board Nominees
Nominees for the one position on
the Board in Control of Athletics are
Harold Davidson, '39 and Leo Beebe,
Three positions are open on the
Board in Control of Student Publi-
cations. The nominees for these po-
sitions are Herbert Gibbs, '38, Walker
Graham, '38, Richard Croushore, '38,
Herbert Falender, '38 Frank Coolidge,
(Continued on Page 2)
Russian North
Pole Explorers
Drif ting Away

Non - Affiliate
Steel Factories
United Auto Workers Fix
Final Plans For Ford
Union Campaign
Steel Men Moving
Toward Showdown
(By Associated Press)
The Steel Workers Organizing
Committee signed contracts with two
yesterday and moved toward a show-
more independent steel producers
down with others.
The agreements, recognizing the
SWODC for its membership only,
were with the Crucible Steel Com-
pany of America, employing 18,000,
and the American Steel Foundries,
employing 7,000. Both firms have
plants in four states.
Van A. Bittner, SWOC regional di-
rector at Chicago, where the Ameri-
can Steel Contract was signed, said
it brought to 149 the number of
firms that have signed agreements,
and that 300,000 wage earners were
To Discuss Contract
Bittner will meet tomorrow with
officials of the Inland Steel Corpora-
tion to discuss a proposed contract.
Authoritativc srne nt Pit bh4

Push Court Fight
Despite Approval



History-Making Events
In Day At Washington
The Supreme Court upholds:
Federal old age pensions, 7 to 2.
Federal unemployment insur-
ance, 5 to 4.
State unemployment insurance
laws, 5 to 4.
Peaceful picketing under Wis-
consin Labor Code.
Meantime President Roosevelt
urges Congress to:
Establish minimum wage and
maximum hour standards.
Prevent the movement of child-
labor made goods in interstate
Ban inter-state shipments of
products of concerns which use
labor spies, or strikebreakers, or
deny collective bargaining rights.
Bishop Pledges
Aid To Student

£AUflh.1U11W',L A V L V, la s U VILOUrgi
said Inland would decline to sign an
agreement. B osProject
SWhile the SWOC, an affiliate of the
Committee for Industrial Organiza- The University Library will co-
tion, pushed forward in its steel cam- op er sity extent in the
paig, te Aerian Fdertio ofoperate to its fullest extent in the
paign, the American Federation of development of' the newly-drafted
Labor's executive council began a plan for lending books to needy stu-
series of secret conferences in Cin- dents, Dr. William W. Bishop, direc-
cnnati on means of meeting the chal- I tor of the library, said yesterday.
lenge from Lewis' group. "The library will supply the neces-
The Council accused. the CIO of sary housing and service, including
resorting to violence to tear down the keeping records," Dr. Bishop stated.
AFL and said the movement was "We have notified all the heads of the
"launched by men inspired by per- library units and they will begin im-
sonal ambitions d ymediately to receive books donatediI
Charles P. Howard, secretary of the for the purpose. We intend to accept
CIO but present at the AFL meeting books at the end of the present semes-
by virtue of his presidency of the In- ter and at the end of the Summer
ternational Typographical Union, a Session, and expect to have a surplus
Federation affiliate, predicted half of built up by fall large enough to start
the "loyal" AFL union would not con- tep yng"
tribute funds for a fight on the CIO. the plan."
______'_Dr. Bishop said donations would
FORD DRIVE IMMINENT probably not be sought from alumni
DETROIT May 24-V I N-(- The until the plan has actually been put
United Automobile Workers of Amer- into operation, and for this reason
Unitd Auomoile orkes o Ae-it was necessary to acquire as many
ica made final preparations tonight books from students as possible. The
for the oft-posponed for onizen library, he said, has taken steps to
Ford Motor Co. plant while inter- a proper search for books.
national officers sought to check the "I have observed the student loan
spread of "unauthorized" strikes in plan in operation at Yale," Dr. Bish-
Saginaw. op said. "It works out very well
Three General Motors plants in there, although they had the ad-
Saginaw were closed by strikes which vantage of a small endowment to start
threatened to cripple Chevrolet as- with. They have been fortunate in
sembly lines all over the Country. obtaining help from alumnifi, and
While 1,800 employes of the Chev- now have a fund of $23,000 available.
rolet parts division picketed two They buy about as many books as
plants in defiance of a union plea they are given every year, about 12
that they return to work, 500 em- or 1300."
ployes of the Chevrolet foundry serv-
ice plant walked out today. 'Hands Off S ain'
The parts division workers are de-
manding a wagehincrease fromd75 Called Intervention
cents to $1.04 an hour. The foundry ____
service plant employes are demand- I
ing a "closed shop." GENEVA, May 24.-(IP)-Unoffi-
cial Spanish circles tonight suggest-
.?, . ed that the present "hands off Spain"
tLidbergiis Third policy eventually be transformed into
Son Born May 12 one of friendly intervention designed
to end fighting on the Iberian Pen-
CLEVELAND, May 24.- (A') -A insula.
third son was born May 12 in England Under the plan, all of the great
to Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lind- powers of Europe would unite in tell-
bergh, whose first born was killed by ing both government and insurgent
a kidnaper. I armies that they must call a halt in
Miss Annie S. Cutter, an aunt of battle. The powers, if it became nec-
Mrs. Lindbergh, made the announce- essary, would stand ready to send an
ment here today. Both Mrs. Lind- international naval and air force to
bergh and the baby were in good Spain to back up the demands-pre-
health. The baby's name was not sumably working through the 27-Na-
known. 1 tional Nomintervention Committee.

Justices Uphold Old Age
Pension Provision And
Employment Insurance
Divided Decisions
Make Future Hazy
Backers Of Compromise
Claim Material Gains For
Their Cause
WASHINGTON, May 24.--(R)-
The Supreme Court upheld the So-
cial Security Act today, giving its un-
sparing critic-the Roosevelt Ad-
ministration--an unbroken series of
far-reaching victories for the 1936-
37 term of the tribunal.
The verdict by a divided court,
promptly touched off a firecracker
string of contradictory statements on
the resulting outlook for the Roose-
velt Court reorganization bill, with
proponents of compromise claiming
a material gain for their cause..
Senator Robinson, the majorty
leader, however, asserted the battle
for the bill would continue, unaf-
fected by the decision, while oppon-4
ents of the bill contended it was dead.
One of the latter said the President
now has an admirable "out" for with-
drawing it.
Decision In Two Cases
The Court's decision on the Federal
Social Security Law came in two
cases and turned upon the constitu-
tionality of the taxes imposed to sup-
port the unemployment insurance .
and old age pensions provisions of
the legislation. The former was up-
held by 5 to 4 and the latter 7 to 2.
For the majority, Associate Jus-
tice Cardozo enumerated and flatly
overruled all the contentions raised
by counsel for the Chas. C. Steward
Machine Company of Alabama, which
had attacked the unemployment in-
surance levy as unconstitutional.
The tax, Cardozo said, was an ex-
cise uniformly imposed, despite speci-
fied exemptions from its operation.
Nor, he said, does its provision that
90 per cent of the tax be debated to
states having acceptable unemploy-
ment insurance laws of their own
constitute a form of coercion upon
the states, nor an unconstitutional
surrender by the latter of their con-
stitutional rights.
Cordozo Reads Opinion
"To draw the line intelligently be-
tween duress and inducement," Car-
dozo read, "there is need to remind
ourselves of facts as to the problem
of unemployment that are now mat-
ters of common knowledge.
"Of the many available figures a
few only will be mentioned. During
the years 19219 to 1936, when the
country was passing througha cy-
clical depression, the number of the
unemployed mounted to unpreced-
ented heights. Often the average was
more than 10 million; at times a
peak was attained of 16 million or
more. Disaster to the breadwinner
meant disaster to dependents.
"Accordingly the roll of the un-
employed, itself formidable enough,
was only a partial roll of the destitute
or needy. The fact developed quick-
ly that the states were unable to give
the requisite relief. The problem had
become national in area and dimen-
"There was need of help from the
nation if the people were not to
starve. It is too late today for the
argument to be heard with tolerance
that in a crisis so extreme the use of
the moneys of the nation to relieve
the unemployed and their dependents
is a use for any purpose narrower
than the promotion of the general
Burial Service

Is Tomorrow
ORMOND BEACH, Fla., May 24.--
(/)-The body of John D. Rockefeller,
Sr., was carried northward from Flor-
ida for the last time tonight, his life-
time of earning and giving at an end.
As in the past, devotional services
preceded his departure, but this time
his household heard words that con-
signed his body to the ages.
Eight of those who looked after
him in his declining years accompa-
1 iri himtnw~ri PnancirTmpla-

Weather Man Smiles On Seniors
As 1,000 Stag~e Annual Swingout

MOSCOW, May 24.-(P)-Thirteen
members of Soviet Russia's Polar ex-
pedition who established a base on
an ice floe drifted away from the
North Pole tonight toward North
America-at a rate of about half a
mile hourly.
A severe Arctic bliz7ard carried the
explorers in a westerly direction while
three supply ships waited to take off
from Rudolf Island for the base.
Since the base was established Fri-
day night, the ice floe has shifted
from 87 degrees west longitude and
89.41 latitude to 58 longitude and
89.35 latitude up to last night.
The presence of 13 men at the
Polar base came as a surprise in
Moscow as an earlier announcement
said 11 men had landed there.
Dr. Otto J. Schmidt, leader of the
expedition, told the supply party at
Rudolf Island by radio that a Polar
storm and heavy, longhanging clouds
would make the 560-flight too haz-
A radiogram from Schmidt also
told of the first Communist Party
meeting ever held at the North Pole
as a blizzard lashed the red flag.
Band is rTo Play
At. Library 1.1oday
The 80-piece Varsity Concert Band,
under the direction of Prof. Williamj
D. Revelli of the School of Music,
will present an informal concert at
7:15 p.m. today on the library steps.
Bleachers will be set up.
According to Professor Revelli, the
band intends to make novelty num-
bers its strong point in this program.
Also included in the concert will be
the "Coronation March." by Meyer-

The weather man smiled on the
seniors Sunday and 1,000 June grad-
uates-to-be from all the schools and
colleges on campus turned out for
the traditional Swingout procession
which marked the coming com-
mencement ceremonies.
Contrasted to the black of the caps
and gowns, the bright shades of the
different-hued tassels from the vari-
ous colleges coupled with the spring
clothes of the spectators made the
Swingout one of the most colorful
scenes of the school year.
After forming in front of the Li-
brary steps at 4:30 p.m. and then
marching around the diagonal, the
parade, led by the 80-piece Varsity
Band, ended in Hill Auditorium where

hundreds-probably 1894. He re-
called the feuds that used to char-
acterize the day which formerly in-
troduced Senior Week.
Following Professor Moore, Al
Dewey and Gustav Collatz, presidents
of the senior classes of the literary
and engineering schools, respectively
gave short talks on the history of
senior class traditions and their sig-~
Next came a short ceremony sym-
bolizing the true essence of Swingout
as it used to be. The senior, junior,
sophomore and freshman officers of
the literary and engineering classes
were seated on chairs in the same
order as were the classes of old in the
University chapel. Then senior offi-
cers symbolically "swung" over
into the nosition occunied nreviously


Dementia Praecox Cure Near,
Psychiatry Convention Finds
By ROBERT FITZHENRY rect administration of insulin to the
The possibility that psychiatrists patient, usually in the morning, Dr.
have found what may be an effective Raphael said, producing a{ certain
treatment for dementia praecox, one systemic shock, even to the point of
,)f the most common mair mental coma. Later in the day a sufficient i


disorders of youth, was held out yes-
terday by Dr. Theophile Raphael of
the Health Service who recently re-
turned from the 93rd annual meet-
ing of the American Psychiatric As-
sociation in the Hotel Willam Penn
at Pittsburgh.
The cure is by insulin shock, a
method devised by Dr. Manfred Sakel
of Vienna in 1933, Dr. Raphael said,
and since its introduction into this
country last fall intensive test-cen-
ters have been set up throughout the
country and especially in the East
where New York and Baltimore are

l S*U.A y t U t y UaSAA'.JAlAAV
quantity of sugar is administered to
counteract the insulin and the patient
is returned to his original condition,
except that the sugar seems to pro-
duce a veracious appetite. This
procedure is continued for a period
lasting as long as three months, he
added, and in over 50 per cent of the
cases tested a "distinct betterment
was noted, in certain instances to the
point of actual recovery of remis-
sion." The reason for the favorable
reaction, according to Dr. Raphael,
is not definitely known. The treat-
ment involves a definite element of

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