THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 23, Russia And orld_( QR h g(,{y|\JQ Alexandre Push kin, 'Russian ielebrate Centennial Of Poet Pushkin Byron Disparaging Of Pushkin Not Of Long Duration In U.S.S.R sort of a pardon do you want?" With- by LILA PARGMENT (Of the Russian Dept.) Soon after the revolution, in the early stages of formation of the So-' Viet Union, there was a tendency in that country to disparage the artistic, and literary achievements of the past. They were regarded as the survival of bourgeois civilization, and, therefore,; suspect. As a consequence of this,I Pushkin, together with other clas-I sical writers, was ignored. But this attitude did not last long. In one of his lectures which the author of this article attended, Prince D. S. Mirsky,j one of the outstanding literary So- viet critics of today, said: "Now wej claim that the art of the past is our heritage. Whatever was progressive in the past is ours by right . . . Thet attitude towards the literature of the past is far from being negative. The classics are becoming more andt more familiar to us." Pushkin, more than any other clas- sical Russian writer, reflects this1 change. His works, even before the celebration of the centenary of hisI death, were being sold in millions ofi volumes, and during the last few months which preceded the celebra- tion, 12 million 500 thousand copies of Pushkin's works were pullished. TwoI circumstances have contributed to' this favorable treatment of the poet: 1. The Russian masses, having learned - - ~ - to read, rushed to get acq'iainted with expectations. His wife had little love the creator of their langu,"ge; 2. They for him. Fascinated by the court, have soon discovered that the poet, and soon a favorite of Nicholas, she although an aristocrat by his social had no respect for his genius, and in- status, was revolutionary in spirit and sisted upon drawing him into a whirl democratic at heart. Indeed, he drew of society which was far too expensive hi nspiration d som y de for his purse, and which was irksome from the people, was always closely to him. Her coquetry and indiscre- associated with them, and even went tions gave occasion for scandalous so far as to proclaim their superiority gossip. Jealous, sensitively 'proud, over the upper classes. Pushkin was goaded into blind fury, "Leave us, proud man,"-says an until at, last he challenged his prin- old gypsy to Aleko, a nobleman who,) cipal tormenter, D'Anthes, whose out of jealousy, has murdered the name was commonly linked with that dalughter of this gypsy. "We are of Natasha, though he was married wild people; we have no laws, we tor- to her sister. And by a bullet from ture not, neither do we punish; we D'Anthes' pistol he was mortally have no use for blood and groans; wounded on a winter's day early in but we do not want to live with a man the year 1837. of blood. Thou wast not made for The story is clearly and impressive- the wild life. For thyself thou claim- ly told. What emerges is a picture est license; we are shy and good- of Russia in the early 19th century- natured. Thou art evil-minded and the Russia of War and Peace, sprawl- presumptuous. Farewell, and peace ing, ill-organized, full of talent, and be with thee." glitter, and misery, despotically gov- It is Pushkin who, in the person of erned by a purblind aristocracy, surg- Aleko, speaks of the "lack of freedom ing here and there under the pressure in stifling cities," where "they bow of liberal and humanitarian ideas. down to idols, and ask for money Against this background Pushkin be- and chains." comes believable, though at best he Pushkin is a singer of freedom, po- remains a strange mixture of qual- litical as well as social. It is well ities-of sensual appetite and ideal- known what price he paid for his ism, of sensitive honor and oppor-I singing; he who spent many years in tunism, of dissoluteness and genius. exile, and later, although apparently Few readers who begin this account free, was constantly watched by the of him will be satisfied until they police and by the Tsar, who desired have traced it to the end. And when to be himself the censor of the poet. they have finished, they will wish to But all this did not prevent Pushkin plunge into Eugene Onegin, of which from continuing to plead the cause a new translation has just appeared. of the oppressed serfs. justice rebels against the horrors of serfdom. Like his "Prophet," he' makes use of his powerful style to "burn with his words the hearts of people." And these words, the beauty of which is an inexhaustible source of artistic delight to his readers, "burns"{ hearts, whether the great mast' speaks of the beauty of nature, of his tender feelings for his friends and for his beloved old nurse, or when, full of hatred and indignation, he protests against oppression. Pushkin's greatest contribution to l Russian literature and the Russian language is that he freed the former from the theatrical . . . pompous style used by his predecessors, and the latter, from everything artificial and conventional. Through his powerful influence, he directed the literature from pseudo-romanticism into the channel of realism. Unlike his pre- decessors and some of his contem- poraries, Pushkin was not afraid to face life as it was-to face and to describe it. He was first to give to the Russian reading public truly real- istic works, both in poetry and in prose. "One may say-said Dostoy-C evsky-that if Pushkin had not ex- isted, there would not have been the gifted writers who came after him, at least they would not have displayed themselves with such power and clar- ity, in spite of the great gifts with which they have succeeded in ex- pressing themselves." That Pushkin, who from his very childhood expressed himself in French, used this language in speak- ing to parents and friends, and whose first verses were written in French, should become the creator of the Russian language and literature, is a rather interesting phenomenon. Even when a child, he rebelled against the banishment of the Russian language by the people of his class, which con- sidered Russian as good only for the I serfs,' and replaced it by French., Pushkin reacts against this stupid etiquette: he prefers his mother- tongue. Listening to the rich va- riety of old legends and tales, which his old nurse, a peasant woman, tells him, he discovers there an inex-I haustible wealth of beauty. Later, having mastered the Russian language to perfection, Pushkin breaks the conventional, artificial mould in which his predecessors have j cast it. He breathes a new life into it, and raises Russian literature toI such heights as it had never attained before, and here it has remained ever since. Another great contribution of Pushkin to Russian literature is the artistic galleryof characters whih he gave us. These characters, like Aleko, the hero of The Gypsies, and Onegin, the main character of Push- kin's most famous novel in verse, Evgeny Onegin, were the prototypes of -a great many others that made their appearance in Russian litera-I ture. Lermontov's Pechorin, in The Hero of Our Times, like Turgenev'sf Rudin, from the novel of the same * fl'r ~I -- -= ft SDE - SERVICE 4 WEST PAINT 300 East Washington Phone 2-1350 F FREE PARKING SPACE FOR CUSTOMERS r name, or Lavretsky of A Nobleman's hat ideals and aspirations; she has Retreat, are the direct descendants a strict moral code, which, rightly of Aleko and Onegin. "In Aleko," says or wrongly, she follows without weak- Dostoyevsky, "Pushkin had already ening. Tatiana is the most artistic discovered, and portrayed with gen- character of the positive type of Rus- ius, the unhappy wanderer in his na- sian woman in Russian literature. She tive land, the Russian sufferers of has not been surpassed, not even by history, whose appearance in society, any of the women in the rich gal- uprooted from among the people, was lery of portraits of the active, high- a historic necessity." Later, the same minded type given us by Turgenev. Alekos and Onegins will appear, un- Liza, the heroine of A Nobleman's der different names, in the works of Retreat, approaches her very closely. Turgenev, Chekhov and Gorky. In spite of his greatness, Pushkin As a contrast to Aleko and Onegin, was, until very recently, almost un- the weak-willed wanders wrapped known outside of Russia. This is due in "Byron's mantle," Pushkin gives to the fact that he is very difficult us the type of moral, positive beau- to translate. Russian poetry in gen- ty, the strong-willed Tatiana. Un- eral does not lend itself to transla- like her two compatriots, Tatiana tion X, PLAYI NG TO DAY? Enjoy your game on a course that is carefully kept, that has beautiful bent grass greens, and rolling fairways. FEES Weekdays _' Eighteen Holes . . .35c All Day . . 5Oc After 5 p m 25c Sundays Eighteen Holes 5c All Day ... . 75c After 5p.m. m25c Season Ticket -- $10.00 Municipal Golf Course' i , CENTURY OF BRITISH ROYALTY Following the sensational success off Philip Guedalla's "The Hundred Years," dealing with the historical high spots of the century since Queen Victoria's accession to the throne of England, Hector Bolitho has written "Royal Progress: 1837-1937" in which he depicts the history of the same pe- riod in the life of the British mon- archy. "When shall I see, my friends, my people free and happy, And serfdom gone, at last, at the will of the Tsar? When over Russia, of culture and of freedom, Will finally appear the beau- tiful bright star?" i I Like Gorky, Pushkin could have said: "I have come into this world to disagree." His profound sense of A BIG TEN RECORD! 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