', MAY 23, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Records Fall As rackmen Recapture Conference Crown Varsity Takes 60 Points Over Hoosiers' 44 Watson scores 15 Points; Osgood Breaks World Record Ia Hurdles (Continued from Page 1) and high individual scoring honors for the meet. Watson holds the Con- ference record of 50 feet 10 3/8 inches which he set in the preliminaries Fri- day. The Ohio State forces accounted for the other two Big Ten records which went by the boards. Mel Wal- ker, Big Ten and world title holder in the high jump, outleaped his team- mate Dave Albritton, coholder of the world outdoor record, to break the 6 foot 6 inch mark by 5/8 of an inch. The old recrd was first established by Russell of Chicago in 1925 and tied by Walker as he won the Big Ten title last year. Breaks Own Mark Charlie Beetham, chalked up a 1:52.2 half mile to break his own conference record of 1:52.5, which he set last year at Columbus. Beetham tailed the field until the second turn when he moved up with no apparent effort to take over the lead from Trutt of Indiana who had led almost from the gun. Beetham moved out aroun the last turn, staved off a half-threat from Trutt, and finised going away. Trutt faded after his last effort to pass ,Beetham and fell victim to a stretgh drive from Squire of Ohio State. lickle gave the Bucks three out of a possible five places as le finished on the heels of Trutt for fourth spot, and Bennie Starr, sur- viving Wolverine, pulled up from last spot to place fifth. Gets His First Sam^ Stoller, Michigan's "Croon- ing Cannonball" claimed his first Conference sprint title as he zoomed down the soggy cinders under forced draft two yards ahead of his stocky arch-rival, Bob Greive who put in a weak bid at the 80 yard mark but soon relapsed into second position where he had his hands full to stave off Bob Collier of Indiana. Greive finished inches ahead of the Hoosier place. Don Lash put on the type of per- formance that earned him the title of the "Indiana Iron Man" as he brought home his daily double in the mile and two mile and ran sixth in the half-mile. Lash swapped the lead back and forth with his team- mate Jimmie Smith in the early stages of the race. Chuck Fenske of Wisconsin stuck tenaciously on Lashe's heels the whole route but was unable to match the kick of the Hoosier distance ace. Tie For Second In the two mile grind, the Indiana distance triumvirate followed their usual strategy, Smith and Deckard taking the lead and alternating in first and second place while Lash laid back among the tailenders with the ever-present Fenske at his shoulder. In the last lap Fenske made as if to pass the loafing Lash, whereupon. Lash unleashed such a burst of speed as has heldom been seen on any track. Starting from 50 yards back of the leaders Lash zoomed down the track past Smith and Deckard. Michigan pole vaulters Hunn and Kingsley came through to tie for sec- ond behind Al Haller of Wisconsin. Fred Martin's qualifying mark of 182 feet 3 inches just failed to take first for the Wolverines as Pettigrew of O.S.U. sailed the stick 185 feet 8 inches on his last effort of the after- noon. Buy now 0 Now is the time to start your garden for summer. See these exceptional values in garden implements: 50 ft. Garden Hose..$3.00 Spading fork....... $1.10 Garden Rakes ........ .95 Lawn Rakes..........85 Lawn Mowers .... $4.75 up Plant now - Make this year's yard your best. Have that feeling of sat- isfaction given by a smooth, green, velvet lawn set off by smart shrubs or flowers. All kinds of Lawn Seed- White Clover, Blue Grass, Get Farrell Trophy M ichigan State Track Summaries j WJR Soa )enied Pla ce e One Mile Ru'n-Won by Lash,-Ind.; Br second, Fenske, Wis.; third, Smith, Br In Conferenc d; fourth, Deckard, nd.; fifth, Brelsford, MVich. Time-4 minutes 14.4 Harry seconds. ' Harry A nnouncers ked, But Track oadcast Goes On Wismer, youthful radio com- fnr WJM Dt fnit was n O rronin Holds Lead HWestern State Game Over Ma jor H itters Cancelled For -Year The ties for second place in the American League and third place in Rain today caused the cancellation the National League batting races of the baseball game between Michi were broken yesterday, with Lyn Lary gan and Western State Teachers a of I n d r ,-n in ti - nn gananWetrSaeTacrs Big Ten Faculty Advisers 440 Yard Dash-Won by Halcrow, hani yesterday for the track pro- of the former. Chi.; second, Hicks, Ind.; third, Bir- ceedings out at Ferry Field and gave Standings of the Turn Down Application leson, Mich.; fourth, Howells, O.S.U.; a good exhibition of stamina and per- three in each league fifth,dBeetham, O.S.U. Time-47.8 serverance as he sloshed through the t egularMeeting {seconds. rain and mud to give those listening Player, Club (Continued from Page 1) 120 Yard High Hurdles-Won by in an accurate description of the pro- edwkCards Osgood, Mich.; second, Kellner, Wis.; ceedings.ary, In ds 27 meeting of the year, will bar track third, Lamb, Ia.; fourth, Brunton, Using hand mikes, Wismer and Lary, Indians ..21 athletes from participating in meets Ill.; fifth, Seitz, O.S.U. Time, 14 sec- Duncan Moore, kept their voices clearB such as the Millrose games and other onds. (Betters world record. Old rec- and their enthusiasm undampened Arnovich, Phillies 27 meets sponsored by Madison Square ord 14.1 seconds, feld by Forrest despite a downpour which turned Hassett, Dodgers .26 Garden during the winter. Towns, Georgia in 1936). away some 5,000 expected fans. c ie pos e siui i leaders (first ) AB 82 110 93 101 109 105 R H 16 36 26 47 22 39 17 42 18 43 16 40 Sam Stoller, varsity dash man and Olympic star yesterday won the 100-yard dash and the Steve Farrell trophy in the Conference meet. The Farrell trophy is pre- sented each year to the outstand- ing dash man of the Confer- -ece, and has been in the custody of Jcsse Owens for the last two years. Sam's time of 9.8 in the cen- tury was fast considering the wet track. M11ig'o Gets Suspended And Fiined For Brawl ST. LOUIS, May 22.-(UP)--Van Lingle Mungo 's temperamental out- bursts got him into the deepest hot water of his career today. The Brooklyn Dodgers' fireball right- hander was fined $1,000 and suspend- ed for three days for a before-dawn fist fight with his teammate, Jim Bucher. The fine is one of the largest ever pinned on a player in the National League. The suspension, effective immedi- ately, expires Monday night. A wider implication of this, how- High Jump-Won by Walker, O.S.- Between events Wismer interviewed ever, is a direct slap in the face to U., 6 feet 6% inches; second, Albrit- such visiting celebrities as Bernie the A.A.U., as the passage of this mo- ton, O.S.U., 6 feet 5% inches; third, Bierman, Minnesota football coach, tion would bar Big Ten athletes from Diefenthaler, Ill.; 6 feet 1/8 inches: Bo MMillan, grid mento of Indiana competing in any meets under the tied for fourth and fifth, Spurgeon, Harry Struhldreher, Wisconsin coac. auspices of this group. Ill., and Wiechmann, Wis., 5 feet 7% Harry__ New Sports Discussed inches. (New Conference record. Old Due to the increased business taken record of 6 feet 6 inches by J. E. Rus- ord: old record of 1:52.5, by Beethami up by this group, a new committee sell, Chi. in 1925). in 1936.) was appointed to confer with the ath- 100 Yard Dash-Wou by Stoller, Broad Jump-Won by Watson, letic directors of the various Confer- Mich.; second, Grieve, Ill.; third, Col- Mich., 24 feet 4 2inches; second, ence schools on carrying out more lier, Ind.; fourth, Lewis, O.S.U.; fifth, Hubbard, Minn., 24 feet 3/4 inches; effectively and efficiently the aims Elliott, Ind. Time-9.8 seconds. third, Kobak, Chi., 23 feet 10% and purposes of the Conference. The Shot Put-Won by Watsn, Mich., inches; fourth, Stoller, Mich., 23 feet committee is headed by Prof. Thomas So t, 10% inches new Conference 51 inches: fifth, Schmidt, Wis., 23 a0 eet 10 inhe (nw Cnfee eet1 French of Ohio State, with Prof. record set in yesterday's trials; old feet,1% inches. Ralph Aigler of the Law School and record of 49 feet, 11 inches by A. C. Javelin Throw-Won by Pettigrew, Prof. O. Floyd Long of Northwestern Kamm, Ill., in 1934); second, Krezow O.S.TJ., 185 feet 8 inches; second, standing as ass wiates. iski, Minn., 48 feet, 2% inches; third, Martin, Mich., 182 feet 3 inehes; The qu un of -omlpetilion be Christianson, Wis., 46 feet, 31 third, Rudolph, ii., 181 feet 7%2 tween the United States Mlitary inches; tied for fourth and fifth, inches; fourth, Lamb, Iowa, 178 feet Academy and Big Ten schools was re- Frary, Ill. and DeHeer, Ia., 46 feet, i mches; fifth, Ogilvie, N'w n., 17i ferred to the committee. 3% inches. feet. New types of student athletics that, 220 Yard Dash--Won by Collier, are being participated in were brought !Ind.; second, Elliott, Ind.; third; up before the committee. The ques- Lewis, O.S.U.; fourth, Grieve, Ill.; Mrs. Ha fItmlt'sI F iamus tion to be decided is whether sports fifth, Ashley, Ill. Time-21.1 seconds. SOU I[fERN FRIED such as bowling, softball, and polo Discus Throw-Won t:y Watson, Cl- CKEN should be regulated by the Confer- Mich., 153 feet 9! inches; second, I ence with competing teams in these #Townsend, Mich., 145 feet 8 inches; sports. I third, Frary, Ill.; 143 feet 1%Y4 inches; Served cEvery Sunday To Study Delinquency fourth, Burnett, N'w'n., 141 feet 9 from 12:30 - 2:30 The question was referred to the inches; fifth, Kusz, Ill., 138 feet 1% ::::: athletic directors who will study the inches. Homecooked food for family definition of a college sport and pre- 880 Yard Run-Won by Beetham, gatherings daily. sent a report in the December .meet- O.S.U.; second, Squire, O.S.U.; third, ing. Trutt, Ind.; fourth, Blickle, O.S.U.; MRS.HAMPTON'S TEA ROOM An important feature of the meet- fifth, Starr, Mich. Time, 1 minute 605 Forest Phone 2-3836 ing was the plan, finally referred to 52.2 seconds. (New Conference rec- committee, of requiring athletes to make a certain amount of progress towards getting a degree in consid- ering their eligibility. At present a man can participate in a fall sport and then drop out of school until the following fall, thus participating for three years without progressing towards a degree. A committee is studying the defi- e o it FOR rI' I i . i I ,'. , lw! j i ;, urself a Treat - 14 NICI KELS j nition of delinquency as refers to el- igibility rules, trying to formulate a common understanding among the ten Conference schools, and thus erase existing variations. GRADUATION Personal Stationery And Visiting Cards RYTEX, ENGRAVED and HYLITE SEE THESE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES AND ORDER E TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. STUDENT SUPPLY STORE 1111 SO. UNIVERSITY AVE. PHONE An Apology-- ED EARLY E 8688 Ilui -- - I Fashion i Calls For ri pes!S When speaking of stripes, our flannel chalk stripes are in a class by them- selves because of their ex- ceptional ability to hold a press, extraordinary light- ness, and distinction which they lend to the wearer. Spend a few leisurely moments viewing our sum- mer fabrics - fresh from the looms of England. 1 :r p?5 w f { t ,,, delayed. The Michiganensians are here now! There will be distribution on Monday from 9 to 12 and 1 to 6. The 'Ension regrets the inconven- ience its subscribers were put to Saturday. Due to conditions beyond our control, your yearbook was I I The MICHIGANENSIAN III III __._ IIIIH B