The Weather Mostly cloudy and cooler, showers, in extreme east today; tomorrow fair and cool. Alm-W, Lit lgaup fm.wDaitj~w Editorials Words To The Young... VOL. XLVII No. 169 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 23, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Free Books May Be Offered Needy Students Next Fall Alumni Support Expected For Project; President Is Enthusiastic Accept Books Till After Final Exams Lending Library Of 'ITexts Donated And Purchased With Fund Is Probable Free textbooks will be provided for needy students 'next semester if the plan completed by President Ruthven and a committee of four faculty men succeeds. The plan, modeled on the Loring W. Andrews library of Yale, provides for a "lending library" of textbooks, which is to be maintained by dona- tions of books from students at the end of each semester and augmented by purchases of new books with money contributed by alumni, Upon receipt of a written order from a student's academic counsellor, or from the University loan commit-. tee, the librarian will be authorized to give the students the textbooks he desires. He may usecthese booksfor the duration of the course and must then return them. Working Since Fall The faculty committee which has been working on the plan since last Fall consists of Prof. Erich Walter of the English department, chairman, Prof. A. D. Moore of the engineerin school, Dean Edward H. Kraus of the literary college and Dr. William W. Bishop. Donations of books will be accepted at all libraries until after final exams it was announced. A further collec- tion will be made at the end of the summer session and the library opened next fall. "I do not know whether enough Alumni help will be forthcoming by next fall," Professor Walter said yes- terday, "and this means that the nu- cleus of the library will have to con- sist of books turned in by students." When questioned about the scheme yesterday, President Ruthven indi- cated that he was very enthusiastic about the plan. "There is a very good possibility of alumni contributing to the library fund in the future," he said, explain- ing that there would be no necessity for applying to the State for aid. Not Cooperative He emphasized ,that the project is not comparable to a cooperative book- store since there would be no sales attacked to the plan. "It is rather an adjunct to the loan fund," he said. He pointed out that the awarding of books would be made on a basis of need only. "There will be no remun- eration for students whobdonate books at the end of their courses, and there will be no fee for the students to whom books are lent,"he added. When asked whether there is the possibility that the library will reach the stage where books will be provided free by the University for all stu- dents, President Ruthven said that he hoped not. "I believe students should own their books and retain as many of them as they possibly can. 1937 Ensians Are Distributed After Accident In spite of the breakdown of the truck that was carrying the new 1937 edition of the 'Ensian from Fowler, Ind., to Ann Arbor the books arrived safe and sound at 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon for distribution. The books had been scheduled to arrive at 7 a.m. yesterday morning, thus causing the 'Ensian business staff a great deal of anxiety. At 3 p.m. yesterday afternoon the staff re- ceived a telegram which said that the truck carrying the year books had' crashed into a train and that 500 copies had been destroyed. The staff began to suspect trickery when they saw several members of The Daily editorial staff with a glint of merri- ment in their eyes. Suspense was ended when the books arrived unharmed at four o'clock. As soon as word got around that the copies were ready for dis- tribution the Publications Building was beseiged by a mob of impatient students. Members of the business staff formear1 ,hriuad tob ring the Delbert Clark Reviews Eaton's 'John Drakin' Delbert Clark, manager of the Washington bureau of the New York Times and a regular contrib- utor to the Times Sunday Mag- azine, has reviewed "John Drakin," a posthumous novel by G. D. Ea- ton, for this issue of The Daily. First "G.D.E." and then Mr. Clark and his Daily Sunday sup- lement staff resigned from The Daily in 1923, provoking a contro- versy that drew editorial comment from the nation's leading newspa- pers. In his review, which will be found on page 4, Mr. Clark relates some of the events connected with "G.D.E.'s" stormy career at Mich- igan. Separate C C C Bureau Needed, Marsh Declares Forestry Chief Says Job Of Corps Is Too Varied 'o Be Limited By ELLIOT MARANISS If the CCC is made permanent i" should be placed in an executive bu- reau apart from any existing depart- ment, R. E. Marsh, chief of the re- search division of the U. S. Forest Service, said in an interview yester- day. "The work of the corps has not been restricted to forestry projects," he pointed out. "Much of it has dealt with soil conservation, Indian proj- ects, "and other problems, so it can- not be said to belong exclusively to any one department or bureau. The logical thing would be to put it under the jurisdiction of an indepen- dent agency that would act as the coordinating body of its various func- tions." Here to attend the land utilization conference, Mr. Marsh pointed out, when asked about the army control of the CCC, that the army has care- fully avoided militarizing the corps, and has limited its activities to or- ganizng the camps efficiently. He said, however, that there is no doubt that the work could be performed as effectively by civilians. "One of the main objections to the bill recently passed by the House, which extends the existence of the (Continued on Page 2) Fuller Decries Judging Union By Individuals Union Called Cooperative Effort; Organizers Seen Militant, Ford Passive Labor movements, as democratic institutions, should not be thought of in terms of the characters of John L. Lewis, Homer Martin or any other single leader, Richard C. Fuller of the sociology department and Milton Kemnitz, Grad, agreed in an inter- view yesterday. "One of the greatest obstacles in the path of unionization," Mr. Fuller warned, "is the misconception re- sulting from the association of a single man with his union. With only a little imagination, the public tends to think of the leader as an agitator and rabble rouser. Thus in the hands of a demagogue, the movement is easily discredited." Newspaper accounts, in dealing with personalities, overdramatize leaders, rather than the workers in the union, Mr. Kemnitz said. "Ford, for a great many people, symbolizes an industrial individualistl who controls a key position in society. A goodly section of the American people still have faith in this ideal,,, lie said. "His leadership is passive." "Labor leaders, on the other hand, depict the militant, aggressive type ' of person whom many are beginning to regard highly now, and who stand for an ideal of cooperative effort in 1,000 Seniors To Take Part In swingout Annual Ceremony Will Be Held At 4:30 P.M. Today In Front OfLibrary Carillon Will Give Signal For Event Almost 1,000 seniors from all the! schools and colleges on campus are expected to take part in the annual Swingout, traditional senior ceremony signifying the seniors' exit from col- lege life, at 4:30 p.m. today in front of the Library steps, if it does not rain. The Swingout committee has de- vised a new method of letting the seniors know whether the event will take place or be postponed until 3:30 p.m. tomorrow. If the committee de- cides to hold the event, Prof. Wilmot Pratt, University carillonneur, will play the march, "Varsity," to signify that the graduates-to-be will march. If the weather is adverse, Professor Pratt will play "Laudes Atque Car- mina" on the Baird bells. Dannemiller Directs As a last minute instruction, Frank- lin'T. Dannermiller, '37, who is chair- man of the Swingout Committee, an- nounced that members of Druids, Michigamua, Vucans and Sphinx, campus honor societies which are to police the line of march, are asked to meet in front of the Library steps at 4 p.m. Each of the classes from the various schools will have a number and its name staked at some place in front of the library designating where its section of the march is to form. The numbers are: literary school-1; en- gineering college-2; medical school -3; dental school-4; pharmacy-5; architecture-6; library science-7; music-8; business administration- 9; education-10; law-11; and for- estry-12. Diagonal Is Center Using the diagonal and the library steps as a center, the literary school seniors will line up on'the State Street side of the diagonal. The engineers+ will come together directly in front of the steps. Facing the library, to the engineers' left, the dental school, (Continued on Page 5) Sadler To Talk On Psychiatry Before Lecture, Physician Will Speak At, Luncheon Wedensday In Union For Faculty Faculty members will have the op- portunity of hearing Dr. William S. Sadler of Chicago speak upon the general theme of "Social Implications of Psychiatry" at a luncheon given in Dr. Sadler's honor by a faculty com- mittee Wednesday in the Union. He will lecture at 4:15 p.m. in the Na- tural Science Auditorium. The subject of Dr. Sadler's lecture will be "Religion and Mental Hy- giene." Dr. E. W. Blakeman said that the reason for the Religious Education Committee introducing a physician rather than a minister upon a relig- ious subject was that if religion is to become effective for developing the character in the education of stu- dents it will be necessary to enlist members of all the various profes- sions in the difficult task of re-think- ing religion in American life. The visit of Dr. Sadler brings to the campus a practicing physician with twenty years of experience in the city of Chicago. LAJI SJ FI~I1MtI"UU1 ~ Land Experts Finish Waste County PIan' Cheboygan Area Will Be Focus Of Government, University Research Conferenee Ends; Drew 33 Delegates Social scientists and government experts from all over the country colaborated in perfecting the pro- posed Cheboygan County plan for reclaiming portions of Northern Michigan waste land as the two day land utilization conference closed yesterday. The 33 delegates were agreed that the plan of the Michigan Committee for Research on Land Utilization was a long step forward in using Univer- sity facilities for the gathering.of in- formation upon which government agencies might take action. E. H. Wieking, chief of the Land Use Planning section of the Resettle- ment Administration, stated that the project was "splendid in focusing University resources on a specific! project and that there was a real need for further research of a similar nature to supplement the work oft government agency in this field." The afternoon session under ther chairmanship of Prof. John D. Black of the economics department of Har-t vard University was devoted to a critical analysis of the methods off carrying out the Cheboygan Countyt plan. Its sponsors expect that it will bring about an adjustment of the people to the land so as to ensure thei greatest possible amount of socialc satisfaction to them and to the com-1 munity.t Its major objective is to obtainc accurate facts through a field sta-s tion to be set up and then presenti them to interested local and state agencies for action. Cataloguing theseI facts now will serve as a check upon1 the success of these agencies in elim-r inating the conditions.E Research will be conducted to dis- 1 cover the most efficient way of co- ordinating the various state, national and local commissions already work-E ing in the county in order to focus effort more efficiently. Prof. P. E.1 Ellwood, chairman of the Depart-c ment of Architectural Landscape oft Iowa State College emphasized ther growing importance of county plan- ning boards in achieving this co-t ordination. Prof. I. G. Davis of the agricultural economics department of Connecticut State College pointed out that the] approach to this and to all other sim- ilar problems must be along the lines of the social 'sciences. Members of the Washington dele- gation reiterated that research should serve as the basis of a pro- (Continued on Page 2) Loyalist Planes Arrive To Aid Bilhao Defense HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron- tier, May 22.--(/P)-Fifteen Spanish Government warplanes flew to the defense of besieged Bilbao today as Insurgent armies shifted their at- tack with a drive on a sector south- east of the Basque capital. d n The Government planes had been forced down by weather Monday on French territory, but French authori- ties and officials of the International Non-Intervention Committee finally l permitted them to take off. Four French planes escorted them to the frontier. Trackmen Regai Osgood Sets Nei Kill M.S.C. Big 11 w Faculty, Meeting At Union, Declares Acceptance Is 'Inexpedient' Now Ind~ications Point I Title, Mark; ' Sets Hurdle Record tit / 1.1' " } 1}. ' 1 y. .111'"'^ "5., '.".Y: "::''": 1'. 1.. { :y}y. ." J 1"r 1 .;1 '" r. lwtiti\1 rt " ti y1 'i: " ' ':1:.":. 41 1Y':{1' ' ',+ 4 r y' :{;:::}1}:.^ , . i}:Sti'4,:titi plti ."ti{1":":"; }. "}. ti .. " {.. 1:; 1' " 1 . V ..151: .11.1 'I Outside' Curb No Action Taken Towards Forming Training Table For Athletes By BUD BENJAMIN Faculty athletic advisers of the Big Ten rejected unanimously yesterday in a meeting held at the Union an application of Michigan State College for admittance into the Conference. Concluding that although "the in- stitution was of unexceptionable kind and character for membership, it woul be inexpedient to increase the size of the Conference at this time."- the group voted down the proposal. No Action Taken Other business taken up in the meeting found the old training table question left with no action being, taken, while definite indications were given that star track athletes would find their future activities curbed by the Conference. On the latter point the committee stated that "the demand for the serv- ices of track athletes has of late be- come greater and greater. Non-col- legiate institutions," the report con- tinued, "repeatedly ask for men to come and run for them. This exces- sive competition is a threat to the el- igibility of the participants." The "expense" money provided for participating athletes in these games is often far in excess of their im- mediate need, the committee assert- ed, and action will have to be taken to thoroughly investigate this matter.- Draw Up Motionf A drafting committee was appoint-t ed to draw up a motion to restrict competition in track events to those held by educational institutions ort conferences of educational institu- tions with, a maximum number ofI meets for one athlete being 20 in aq year. This motion, which is almost cer-t tain to be passed in the December (Continued on Pace 7)1 Hillel To AwardE Shulman Prize At Union Today Prof. William A. McLaughlin of the French department will present the Hillel award for the advancement of religious thinking on campus to Marshall D. Shulman, '37, at a din- ner at 6:30 p.m. today in the Union. Results of Hillel's Jewish relief fund campaign will be announced. Reports will be made by Bert Levin, '39, chairman of the campaign com- mittee contacting independents; S. Leonard Kasle, '38, chairman of fra- ternity and sorority group; Mrs. Reu- ben L. Kahn of the faculty group, and Mrs. Samuel Bothman, chairman of the committee contacting Ann Arbor residents. Laird Declares Pinball CGames Will BeIllegral Pinball games will probably be ruled illegal in the near future by the city of Ann Arbor because of the unanimous verdict of the state su- preme court calling them unlawful, according to City Attorney William Laird. Heavily taxed by the city, the 125 machines are now licensed and brought in revenues approaching.$1,- 5,000 last year. A recommendation will be given the city council May 7 that the present ordinance be re- pealed if copies of the court's de- cision agree with newspaper reports, according to Laird. In making its decision, the supreme court called the machines "gambling devices" and said they definitely were not games of skill. Confiscation and destruction by city authorities was suggested. Ten Bid Four Conference Records Fall; Wolverines Score 80 Points To Win Bill Watson Winner In 3 Field Events Osgood Steps 14 Seconds In 120 High Hurdles To Shatter Mark Michigan reclaimed its Big Ten track crown from Indiana yesterday with 60 points to the Hoosiers 44 be- fore 6,000 drenched spectators at Ferry Field. The victory gave the Wolverines their 15th outdoor title in the 37 years of competition. Ohio State finished third with 42 points. Illinois nosed out Wisconsin for fourth place with 241/2. Wiscon- sin claimed 23 points, Iowa 91/2, Min- nesota 8, Chicago 8, Northwestern 3 and Purdue 3. Indiana got off to an early lead but Michigan's balance and power soon took command to put the Hoytmen safely out in front. Despite unfavorable weather con- ditions the meet yielded one new world record and four Big Ten stan- dards. The new world mark came unexpectedly as Michigan's Captain Bob Osgood flashed over the 120-yard high hurdles in 14 seconds flat to re- place the 14.1 mark set last year by GeorgiQ.'s Olympic champion Forrest "Spec" Towns. Osgood was never threatened as he took the lead from the gun and increased it with every hurdle until he finished, 10 yards CAPT. OSGOOD Michigan-Hurdles and Relay Chicag~o Trims Northwestern For Net Title Michigan Ties For Fourth With Iowa; Neihousen Is- IndividualChampion Bv ART BATDATT zsy x x.tsaiiaahead of 1935 Conference Champion The University of Chicago tennis Jack Kellner of Wisconsin. team regained the Conference title it Big Bill Watson, "the one man lost to Northwestern last year in the track team," proved his right to that final rounds of the annual Big Ten title again as he accounted for three tourney yesterday at Palmer Field. of Michigan's six first places. His At the same time, Bob Neihousen of qualifying marks in the shot put, dis- Ohio State, last year runner up for cus and broad jump all stood up in the individual title, upset the Maroon the final rounds to give him 15 pin ace and champion last year, Norm (Coudongeh 1pnts Bickel, to claim the title. He won 2-6, nued on Page 7) 7-5, 6-2. S r o Northwestern moved back down to Today the runner-up position and Ohio State captured third. Michigan and Wisonsin tied for fourth. Iowa was I uSc sixth, Minnesota seventh, and Illinois eighth. Religion, TNovel. Despite the heavy rains of Friday night the courts were in good shape and all but the second flight finals BrasharesSayle were completed. That match, be- tween the Murphy brothers of Chi- To Speak; Peace Movie cago and the George Ball-Dick Rugg At u team of Northwestern was halted by estminster Guild rain and will be played at Evanston Science and religion, a world cor- smtet e m unity, cooperatives and the social Chicago and Northwestern com- novel will be the subjects of Ann Ar- pletely dominated the finals play in bor Churches today. both the singles and doubles. With a the exception of the first flightb the science Did to Reli ion" wiW singles, which went to Neihousen, all brashaessuerm ont10:30v..Cto- (Continued on Page 6} Basares' sermon at 10:30 a.m. to- day at the First Methodist Church. H ell The Rev. R. Edward Bayles will Expect Haskell 'speak on "Triumphant Religion" at the First Baptist Church at 10:45a.m. Trial In Local The adult Group of the May Forum will continue their discussion on "The Effective Church" in their meeting at Pilgrim Hall at 9:30 a.m. today. At 10:45 Rev. William H. Walker of De- troit will speak on "Toward Sodom" Raphael Haskell, '38E, arrested before the First Congregational during the picketing of the City Hall Church. on April 8, is expected to come up for At the First Presbyterian Church trial this week in Justice Jay . H. "The End of Quotes" will be the sub- Payne's court. ject of Dr. Lemon's sermon at 10:45. Arnold H. Kambly, '38, Paul Christ- Dr. Francis Skillman Onderdonk will man, Ann Arbor resident, and Ed- show a peace movie entitled "From ward Magdol, '39, reporter for The World War to World Community" at Daily, all arrested at the same strike- 6:30 p.m. before the Westminster demonstration, are still to be tried. Guild. Ralph Neafus, '36F&C, Tom Downs, Prof. George E. Carrothers will lead '39, president of the Student Work- the discussion at Stalker Hall at 9:45 ers Federation, and Joseph Bern- a.m. today on the subject of "Cooper- stein, '39, have all been found guilty atives. At 6 p.m. Prof. Howard Mc- of disorderly conduct on the night of Clusky will speak before the Wesleyan April 8. Neafus and Downs have Guild meeting on "How to Make Our filed a eals in the Circuit Conurt Lives Important." ony a sren -Brias Frdacto May Lead 1T Austr an Freedon1 By AIERT MAYI() The French-British accord for the independence of Austria that was concluded this week, may be the be- ginning of a less passive British middle Europe policy and the rise of Austria's hopes, Dr. Dwight C. Long of the history department said yes- terday. The informal agreement aimed at the Rome-Berlin 'axis' may fill the place left vacant by Italy in April as the active defender of an inde- pendent Austria, Dr. Long pointed out. At that time, he continued, Mus- solini indicated to Schuschnigg, Aus- tria nremier that he would not Troubles in Spain and Ethiopia and a desire to strengthen the front against non-fascist countries prob- ably led Italy to modify its hitherto adamant 'protection' of little Austria, he explained. But the Italo-German near eye-to- eye unity of interests seemingly reached in April is unnatural in so far as it concerns Austria, he be- lieves. For, he said, Anschluss, which Italy implies it will not militantly oppose, though it does not favor it, is considered a first step in the Ger- man Mittel-Europa scheme. This policy would unite the Ger- mans of central Europe and hopes to bring the nuronnina ontnriPne sna *LA\,SA tVj.jSU. 11 Ull., 'A.. AU ' ...'*%-V AL '. Bernstein, convicted last Thursday and released on $200 bond furnished by Prof. John F. Shepard of the psychology department, has also filed an appeal. Neafus' hearing in the Circuit Court is expected to come up this term, before October. The other appeals will be held over for the fall term. Concert Scheduled For Carillon Today VVm ma nf.P n t- ir -+ "- Council To Select Polls OnMonday Definite rooms have not yet been selected for the campus elections to be held from 1 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Miller Sherwood, '37, president of the Men's Council, announced yesterday. Rooms will be selected Monday, and the announcement of them will be made in Tuesday's Daily. Balloting will take place in Angell Hall, the en- gineering school, the architecture school, the music school, the law