THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, F EB. 25, 1 German Consulate Burned As Loyalists Flee City Of Malaga Alpha Alpha Gamma ted to the national council of Alpha Alpha Gamma from each of its chap- Sponsoring Exhibit ters. It includes architectural draw- ings, sketches, wood block prints, wa- An exhibit of drawings and archi- ter colors and other allied work. These tectural work by members of Alpha drawings from the local chapters are Alpha Gamma, national honorary ar- then arranged and sent on display all chitectural society for women, is on over the country. The exhibit is display this week on the third floor of coming to Ann Arbor from New York the College of Architecture building. City and will be sent next to Min- The exhibit comprises work submit- neapolis. - Associated Press Photo Fleeing before advancing Fascist insurgents who captured the important southern seaport of Malaga in a major victory of Spain's civil war, loyal government troops set fire to the German consulate and the Larios palace. Here are the ruins of the two buildings. The German consulate, it is believed, was burned because of avowed Nazi sympathy for the insurgent cause. Blakeman Finds Most Students Return To Religion Of Parents Rv. PROBER4' T !I'TT 11'NTP . olps; wp fhink if mprifc hoinQ" ea.llu-rl Problems brought to us seldom look a religious transaction." like religious ones, Dr. Edward W. Must Break Up Problems Blakeman, University counselor of Counseling in religion, Dr. Blake- man went on to explain, like all other, religious education said yesterday. counseling, is interpretation. "It is our "They are usually called 'loss of in- office to break up the complex prob- terest,' 'feeling low,' 'what's the use?' lems of the student into minor is- or 'hard luck.' sues which can be solved by the stu- "The initial interview will usually dent independently. In the pro- establish a basis of confidence be- cess of growing up, impulses, habits, tween the student and the counselor," and daily schedules get tangled," he Dr. Blakeman continued "and if a said. "False attempts, minor errors bull-session type of acquaintance fol- of home training, play-ground dis- lows and a few differences of opinion ciplines on a tangent with private emerge we are usually on our way to longings or desires, run a fair chance self-discovery. We don't have a of becoming a maladjustment even in prayer meeting," Dr. Blakeman said the natural course of events in the with a twinkle, "but when a solving life of any normal person. When of personal problems comes about and these relatively simple matters inter- a fresh freedom or new purpose en- ! fere with the freedom of thought and Classiied Directry Place advertisements with Classified PLEASANT front double room in Advertising Department. Phone 2-3241. graduate women's house on 609 The classified columns close at five E. University. Phone 2-1854. Cam- o'clock previous to day of insertion. I388 Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance lie per reading line ROOMS FOR RENT: Two comfort- for one or two insertions. 10c per read- able double rooms for upper class- (on basis of five average words to line) al oberosfruprcas ing line for three or more insertions. men. Phone 2-1767. 928 Forest. Minimum three lines per insertion. 276 Telephone rate - 15c per reading line _ _ for two or more insertions. Minimum LAUNDRY three lines per insertion. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at a low price. 6x LOST AND FOUND _______________________WANTED SILVER and blue enamel pendant -WANTED lost week ago Sunday. Phone WANTED: Someone to share apart- 2-1968. ment with Senior Engineer. Church - - St. 500 block. Shower, telephone, LOST: Red hat. Monday night near $15. Call 7376 afternoons. administration building. Call 395 2-2543. 394 POSITION as porter, house man or FOR. RENT chauffeur, can give references. FOR RENT: Warm and pleasant Phone 2-3157. 284 single room. 515 Walnut. 395 CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, A SUITE with private bath and $5, $8, $25. LADIES' FUR COATS shower for 3 or 4. Steam heat, TYPEWRITERS, OLD GOLD, and sunny rooms. Phone 8544. 422 E. musical instruments. Phone Sam. Washington. 389 6304. 78x FURNISHED APARTMENT accom- modating 2 or 3 persons at 1227 S. University. Recently decorated. LEARN Two large rooms and bath. Phone TO DANCE 2-3801. 378 Social Dancing taught daily. Ter.ace Garden 1328 Washtenaw. Large three-room Dancing Studio. Wuerth Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695 unfurnished apartment. Now avail- 2nd Floor able. Phone 4901.377 action which are demanded by a university person who is learning to think, we have a major, not a minor maladjustment. New Conceptions "There are, of course, many prob- lems brought to us that deal more directly with the orthodoxconception of religion,": Dr. Blakeman said. "Foremost among these," he con- tinued, "is the student who comes in 'contact for the first time with a companion who is a non-believer. Not a few are seriously disturbed by initial contact with likeable pagans. That such a person can be a normal college associate seems to invalidate the traditional faith. A new hier- archy of values must be attained by college men." Another category of religious- problem students are those who. are beginning to question the religion .of their family, the religion upon which they themselves have been reared," Dr. Blakeman continued. Such stu- dents," he said, "I advise to conform and reexamine the tenets of their family. Every youth who respectful- ly questions his parents in a polite, obedient manner, will find a solution and come to a clear faith," he added. "Such a preceedure enables one to grow in knowledge and sincerity. Oddly," Dr. Blakeman continued, "I find that those young folks who. have criticized home concepts and beliefs come back to the religion of their parents in four or five yeur.." Sluggards Not Troubled It is the man or woman with strong endowments of mind and body who has problems, Dr. Blakeman said in conclusion. "The dull individual, the sluggard, the lazy mortal have the minimum of difficulties," he said. "Counseling aims to discover the leader in the normal, dynamic, and well endowed student and counseling in religious education is an attempt to point toward the perfect life and so interpret the stages between the stu- dent's present station and that des- tination that the performance will be enjoyable, inviting and worth the throw." The incumbent of his office since its inception in 1933, Dr. Blakeman is believed by the counseling office to be the only counselor of his kind in the country, though many chaplains and deans perform somewhat similar duties in other universities. III u~~u~~k AU III - i %UUEi, ~11 r. RATE DRUG Ann Arbor's Busiest Little Drug Siore W 'Rl,, SAT. 21S SOUTH STATE ST., GOLDMAN BLDG. E EK- END SPECIALS - PHONE 9392. FEB. 25-26-27 11iViVh3.) y. Ti; .,.!, --- Cigarettes $1.15 Carton plus tax 2 packs for 25c plus tax Includes Luckys, Camels, Chesters, O.G.'s, Raleighs $1.00 DREN E 79c Briggs Barrel Per pound - $1.29 III.__________________________________ Ilii' mmmm III III 75c NOXZEMA i W0e Cashmere Bouquet SAP 3 for 25c 89c Dozen I fit 111 $1.00 Louis Phillipe LI PSTICK 69c -uE i1' i III. III Full Pint MILK of MAGNESIA 29c 55c a Quart -l $1.00 PACQUINS HAND CREAM 69c BEER 3 bottles 25c Properly Chilled! IIII IL r $1.5 mommm III III irnrlAI 111 l! n ltf-!!-k - - - - *R -tltl I