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May 22, 1937 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-22

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17 Finalists; Chicago

Watson Wins
New Big Ten
Shot Put Title
Varsity Squad Dominates
Qualifying Field; Finals
Will Take Place Today
(Continued from Page 1)

Hoosier Sprint Ace I

ferent manner in the 880 until he
rounded the last turn where he turned
on just enough steam to put him
home an easy second behind his
teammate, Dick Squire, who set the
early pace and held it.
Michigan hopes took a thumping in
the half-mile as both Howdie David-
son and Clayton Grelsford ran out of
the money in the first heat leaving
the task of placing the Hoytmen on
the shoulders of Bennie Starr, who
squeezed out a fourth place in his
heat. Brelsford was nipped at the
tape by Don Lash. Mel Trutt took
the race ahead of Blickle of OSU and
Mehl, Wisconsin.
Steve Mason bolstered the Wol-
verine chances in the low hurdle
finals and finished the route five yards
ahead of the field after taking the
lead from the gun. Capt. Jack Rob-
inson of the Illini was obviously still
handicapped by a recently sprained
ankle and failed to qualify. Robin-
son beat Osgood indoors to annex the
conference title.
Michigan got off to an unexpected
start in the javelin as Fred Martin
led the otherwise mediocre field with
a 182 foot 3 inch throw. Tex Stan-
ton also qualified for today's final
throws. John Townsend was close on
Watson's heels in the discus but failed
to hit form in the shot and barely
squeezed into the finals by a one inch
margin over the next man below him.
The finals get underway today at
1 45 p.m. when the pole vaulters start
competition. The opening ceremony
will be at 2 p.m. when the Big Ten
track and field circus is declared of-
ficially underway.
Track Summaries
120-yard high hurdles (First two
in each heat qualified for finals):
First heat: Won by Osgood, (M.) ;
second, Seitz, (O.S.U.),sthird, Rob-
inson, (Ill.). Time 15.
Second heat: Tied for first, Kel-
Iner, (W.), and Brunton, (Ill.); third,
Albritton, (O.S.U.); Time: 15.1.
Third heat: Won by Lamb, Iowa;
second, Callinan, (l".); third, Hatha-
way, (N.U.). Time 14.8.
100-yard dash (First two in each
heat qualified for finals)':
First heat: Won by Collier, (Ind.);
second, Lewis, (O.S.U.); third, Skin-
ner, (Iowa); Time: 9.9.
Second heat: Won by Stoller, (M.) ;
second, Elliott, (Ind.); third, Ashley,'
(Ill.) ; Time 9.9.
Third heat: Won by Grieve, (Ill.),;
second, Smith, (M); third, Gunning,
(Ind.) ; Time: 10.1..
Shot put: (qualifiers) Watson,
(M.) 50 feet, 10 3/8 inches; Krezow-
ski, (Minn), 48 feet, 21/4 inches;
Christianson, (W.), 46 feet, 5 /2
440-yard dash: (First two in each
heat qualified for finals):
First heat won by - Beetham,
(O.S.U.), second, Miller, (M.); third
Richardson, (Ind.). Time 48.6.
Second heat: Won by Hicks, (nd.);
second, Billig, (Iowa); third, Squire,
(O.S.U.); Time 48.5.
Third heat:. Won by Howells,
(O.S.U.); second, Halcrow, (Chi.),
third, Teufel, (Iowa); Time 48.8.
Four heat: Won by Birleson, (M.) ;
second, Keitel, (N.U.); third, Orlo-
vich, (Ill.); Time 49.3.
220 yard dash (First three in each
heat qualified for finals)n:
First heat: Won by Collier, (Ind);
second, Shely, (Ill.); third, Frick,
(Chi.); Time 21.5.
Second heat: Won by Elliott,
(Ind.); second, Lewis, (O.S.U.); third,
Grieve, (Ill.); Time 21.5.
220 yard low hurdles (first two in
each heat qualified for finals):
First heat: Won by Teufel, (Iowa);
second, Lemen, (P.); third, Baldwin,
(Ind.); Time 24.2.
Second heat: Won by Mason, (M.);
second, Kellner, (Wis.); third, Rob-
inson, (Ill.); Time 24.0.

Maroons Lead
Big Ten Foes
With 11 Points,
Wolverine's Chances Rest
Upon Doubles MatchesI
Scheduled For Today
(Continued from Page 1)t
Fleming of Iowa 6-2, 3-6, 7-5 to meet
Bickel in the finals this morning.
O'Connor of Iowa beat McCoy of
Illinois 8-6, 6-4, and Mary Wach-
man of Northwestern defeated Chi-
cago's Bill Murphy 6-2, 7-5. They1
meet for the second flight champion-
ship this morning.
In the third flight Russel Ball
downed Norbert Burgess, 6-1, 2-6,
James of Ohio and Chet Murphy of
Chicago meet today for the fourth
flight finals. James defeated Coyle
of Wisconsin 6-3, 0-6, 6-3, and
Murphy defeated the Purple's Dick
Rugg, 6-4, 6-2.
Nist of Ohio State defeated Rhodes
of Minnesota, 6-3, 6-1, and John
Shostrum of Chicago defeated the
Wolverine's Neil Levenson 6-2, 6-1 in
the fifth flight. In the sixth Baztle
of Wisconsin downed Bill Woolsey,
and Ollie Aldeman of Northwestern
beat the Midway's John Krietenstein,
2-6, 7-5, 8-6.
Point rankings of the various teams
after the conclusion of yesterday's
matches left Chicago in the lead with
11 points, and Northwestern second
with eight; Ohio State scored seven;
Michigan and Wisconsin, five; Iowa,
four, Minesota, two; and Illinois one.
Play will start at 9:30 a.m. today
with the semi-finals in the doubles,
followed by the finals in the singles.
The afternoon will see the finals play
in the doubles. An admission charge
of 25 cents will be charged for both
morning and afternoon rounds.
Medwick, Cronin
Tied In Bat Race
(By Associated Press)
Ducky Medwick, already setting the
National 'eague batting pace, ad-
vanced to a tie with Joe Cronin of
the Red Sox for first place in Base-
ball's Big Six in hitting yesterday.
The Cardinal clouter collected two
hits in three chances to boost his
average six points to .443, while Cron-
in slipped four points to the same
figure. Buddy Hassett, Brooklyn
first-baseman, caused the only other
change by hitting three-for-four to
raise his average 15 points and dead-
lock his rookie teammate, Gil Brack,
for third place in the National League,
each with .376.
Standings of the leaders (first three
places in each league):

Bob Collier, Indiana captain and
sprint star qualified in both the
100 and 220-yard dash in yester-
day's preliminaries. His time in the
century equaled that of Sammy
Stoller who won the second heat.
Collier placed fourth in the Con-
ference Outdoor Meet last spring.
Michigan Nine
Is. To -Engage
Western State
Wolverines Meet Strong
Teacher's Aggregation
This Afternoon There
Fresh from their 6 to 3 triumph
over Minnesota, Michigan's Varsity
baseball team departed this morning
for Kalamazoo where they will meet
Western State Teachers College this
A 14-man squad will make the trip
to face the strong Teachers aggrega-
tion which has victories to its credit
over Wisconsin, Notre Dame, North-
western, and Michigan State this
Three Wolverine regulars will not
make the trip. Don Brewer, junior
shortstop, is definitely out for the rest
of the year. Besides stone bruises
which have bothered him all year,
Brewer incurred a cracked thumb in
the Illinois game ending his diamond
activities for the season.
"Long John" Gee and Vic Hey-
liger are the other two stay-at-homes,
comprehensive examinations in the
School of Education keeping them
The players making the trip are
Capt. Kim Williams and Leo Beebe,
catchers; Smithers, Fishman, Burt
Smith, and Chuck McHugh, pitchers;
Steve Uricek, Walter Peckinpaugh,
Pete Lisagor, Dan Smick, and Bill
Lane, infielders; and Harold Floersch,
Bob Campbell, and Merle Kremer,
The Varsity will travel to Hillsdale
Tuesday for a game with Hillsdale
SOUTH UNIV. opp. The Den


Aside Lines
Lobby Coaching ...
T HE UNION LOBBY was jammed
with Conference notables yester-
day morning as faculty representa-
tives, athletic directors and coaches
gathered for their biennial confabs.
In one group buzzing with conversa-
tion were seen Bernie Bierman and
"Bo" McMillin, apparently wrapped
up in a serious discussion. They were
probably passing out "bear" stories
anent their gridders, and each wasE
probably absorbing the other's woe-
ful tale with inward skepticism.
Bierman, whom almost every Min-
nesota farmer affectionately calls
"Bernie," has Minneapolis agog with
the prospects of his 1937 eleven. The
Gopher juggernaut has power to
waste in everydepartment. McMil-
lin's popularity at Indiana is easily
manifested in the attitude of any
Hoosier encountered on the Bloom-
ington campus. They idolize the phil-
osophical little mentor.1
Heard And Overheard ... j
0UR CADDY informative passes on
the fact that Harry Kipke dropped'
more than a deuce on the 18th hole
of the University golf course yester-
day . . . Let's not get off on the
wrong foot, Kip . . . Strolling around
on the infield yesterday during the
prelims of the track meet, one could
watch the participants' faces and
realize the stamina required to com-
pete in a foot race . . . "Heart" is a
vital asset to a track man as the
stories behind many of America's
greatest runners will bear out . . .
Archie San Romani, the Kansan star,
was struck by a five-ton truck when,
as a boy, he was hurrying to the
butcher's for some liver, and doctors
gravely contemplated amputation of
his leg . . . Exercise was advised to
strengthen the limb, and the brave
Romani ran mile after mile, until he
became a sensational track star . . .
The story of Glenn Cunningham's
misfortune and subsequent courage-
ous recovery has become legend. He
suffered severe leg burns in a Kansas
schoolhouse fire, in which his broth-
er was cremated, and doctors had
consigned him to invalidism... Sim-
.ilarily with Percy Williams, the
Olympic sprint star, who was too
frail for active sport as a child...
Bill Bonthron also suffered badly
to run to bring "life" back to his
burned legs as a youth.
When Stan Birieson sped toward
the tape in the 440 prelim, he was
looking all around him, not wanting
to extend himself. . . T. Hawley Tap-
ping, Alumni secretary, standing near
the finish line wanted to know if
Stan was on a "sightseeing tour" .. .
Stan wisely explained that he saw
no reason to shoot the works in a
prelim, when bigger things awaited
on the morrow.

Frosh Golfers
Beat Reserves
In 22-14 Win

Boston ......000 000 020 00.
Detroit ......000 000 200 02-
Grove and Desautels; Coffm

A promising freshman golf squad
won its second victory in three starts
from the varsity reserves, 22-14, yes-
terday afternoon at the University
Golf Course.
The frosh had a 7-5 lead at the end
of the best ball foursome matches and
won five of the eight singles matches
while halving one. Sixteen men
Ed Hoagland, sophomore reserves
labeled himself as a varsity prospect
by turning in a sub-par 71 for medal
honors. Tom Tussing, N. Tonawanda,
N.Y., freshman, paced the yearlings
with a 74. Five other freshmen also
had scores in the seventies. Palmer
and Loar each shooting 76, and Riess,
Black, and Slater turning in 77, 78,
and 79 respectively.
In the best ball foursomes, Hoag- l
land and Harwood (V.R.) defeated
Riess and Palmer (F.), 2-5-.5; Evans
and Williams (V.R.) beat Seltzer and
Black (F.), 2.5-.5; Tussing and Slat-
er (F.) defeated McCarrens and Jen-
nings (V.R.), 3-0; Johnson and Loar
(F.) beat Yearnd and Griffiths (V.R.)
In the two-man competition Hoag-
land (V.R.) defeated Riess (F.),
2-5-.5; Palmer (F.) defeated Har-
wood (V.), 3-0; Tussing, (F.) de-
feated Jennings (V.), 3-0; Evans,
Black (F.) defeated Williams (V.),
2-5.5 Johnson (F.) defeated Yearnd
(V.), 2-1; Loar (F.) defeated Grif-
fifths (V.) 2-5-.5; McCarren (V.) and
Slater (F.) drew byes, 1.5-1.5.

In The Majors

promptly and neatly done by expox.-
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is the yardstick
of safe seeing

Player, Club
Cronin, Red Sox .
Medwick, Cards.
Bell, Browns .....
Lary, Indians ....
Arnovich, Phillies
Hassett, Dodgers
Brack, Dodgers

.19 79 14 35
.26 106 26 47
.23 97 17 42
.20 '90 22 39
.26 103 15 40
:25 101 15 38
.23 93 20 35








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