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May 22, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-22

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The Weather

Mostly cloudy and cooler,
showers, in extreme east today;
tomorrow fair and cool.



Hic, Hic...
Oh,. Justice
What Things .



I !

Support Given
To Roosevelt's
Relief Budget
House, However, Defers
Final Action On Work

Lumber jacks Strike
For Baths And Things
IRONWOOD, May 21.-(P)-Upperl
Michigan lumberjacks in the Maren-
isco area are striking for shower
baths, single beds and free meals for
men looking for work-among other
Old-timers in these parts shook
their heads sadly today-things nev-
er were like this when Paul was
Paul, was that legendary Bunyan
fellow, than whom there was no
mightier he-man pine tree toppler in
all lumbering history. He'd prob-
ably blush with embarrassment, they
admitted, over his sissy successors.
For colossal Paul, who had his lum-
berjacks cutting timber on the same


To Monday

Plan To Forestall
Further Requests
WASHINGTON, May 21.-()-
President Roosevelt's request for $1,-
500,000,000 work-relief fund for the
next fiscal year won overwhelming
support in the House today but went
over until Monday for final action.
Shouldering aside attempts to slash
as much as one-third from the total
in the name of economy and efforts to
increase it to $3,000,000,000, the House
stamped its approval on the Presi-
dent's estimate by a vote of 210 to
Before adjourning for the week-
end, the House also adopted an ap-
propriations committee amendment
aimed at forestalling requests for ad-
ditional relief appropriations for the
year, which begins July 1.
It also approved provisions stipu-
lating that $415,000,000 of the total b'
earmarked for highways and streets;
$630,000,000 for public works and rec-
reational projects; $380,000,000 for
so-called "white collar" projects and
$75,000,000 for the National Youth
Appeals for economy and elimina-
tion of "racketeering" from relief
mingled with warnings from advo-
cates of a larger fund that "millions
will be scouring this country for
something to eat within six months."
Administration leaders succeedd,
however, in holding their forces in
line. They were spurred by a last-
minute appeal from Harry L. Hop-
kins, Works Progress Administrator,
who addressed a gathering of promi-
nent representatives earlier in the
Honor Guards
Ar e Announced
120 Selected To Escort
Procession On March To
Ferry Field
Names of 120 guards of honor and
color bearers for Commencement Day
were announced yesterday by Prof.
Lewis M. Gram, chief marshal and
head of the civil engineering depart-
It is the duty of this guard to escort
the Honor Section in the Commence-
ment procession from the campus to
Ferry Field. Each marcher will carry
a pennant decorated with the colors
of his school or college. The Honor
section is made up of the faculties of
the University, Regents and other of-
ficials and recipients of honorary de-
Dr. George A. May will be in charge
of the procession on Commencement
Day. A drill meeting has been an-
nounced for 4 p.m. May 25 in the
Those who will serve as honor
guards and color bearers are:
Color Bearers from the literary
college are Fichard Hinks and Fred-
erick Buesser. Honor Guards: San-
ford Ladd, Homer Lathrop, William
Fleming, John Park, G. Stewart John-
son, Roswell Curtis, John Otte, John
Cochrane, Joseph Hinshaw, Fred
Stiles, Franklin T. Dannemiller, Rob-
ert Friedman, Donald Cohn, Jack
Merrill, Harrison Church, Louis Gold-
smith, David Barnett, Charles
Haynes, Raymond Goodman, Arnold
Gross, George Cosper, Fred Delano,
William Bates, Howard Davidson,
Thomas Ayers, Robert Reinhart,
Louis Belden, William Barndt, Allan
Saunders, Edward Perkins, Lyman
Chester Thalman, Gilbert Tilles,
Robert Knight, Donald Effler, Charles

F. Parker, Nathan Munro, Shirrel
(Continued on Page 2)
Former Varsity Star
Drowns In St. Clair
SARNIA, Ont., May 21.--P)--Nel-
son Drouilard, 20, of St. Clair, Mich.,
was drowned tonight when a sailboat
overturned in the St. Clair River. His
companion, Richard McCrady, also of
St. Clair, swam to the shore.
The two had set out for the Cana-
dian shore from St. Clair when a
brisk wind capsized their craft.
(Droulard was graduated from the

side of a hill one winter
their right legs became

until finally
longer than

their left ones, never was bothered
that way-he wasn't one to be dainty.
Miss Winwood
Named To Play
Peggy Wood Is Replaced
In Las Minute Change;
Relative Is Ill
Peggy Wood has been replaced by
Estelle Winwood in the role of "Por-
tia" in "The Merchant of Venice,"
the second presentation of the Dra-
matic Season which will open at 3:15
p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre it was revealed yesterday.
Miss Winwood is the original "Por-
tia" in Robert Henderson's Hollywood
production of "The Merchant." Miss
Wood, famous stage actress, was en-
gaged several weeks ago when it was
discovered that Miss Winwood had
a Hollywood contract to play the part
of Napoleon's mother in M.G.M.'s
"Countess Waleska," with Greta Gar-
bo and Charles Boyer. Mr. Hender-
son, director of the Season, said Miss
Winwood would return to Hollywood
immediately after the run of "The
Mr. Henderson further explained
that Miss Wood was released because
of an illness of a member of her
family in Chicago. He stated that it
was fortunate that Miss Winwood
was able to leave Hollywood long
enough to appear in "The Merchant."
Miss Wood, however, immediately
before leaving Ann Arbor early yes-
terday afternoon, and as Miss Win-
wood arrived to go into rehearsal,
told The Daily, "My personal-difficul-
ties corresponded astonishingly well
with Mr. Henderson's plans." She
said she was sorry to leave Ann Arbor
but further explained that "Every-
thing turned out to the satisfaction
of all concerned." She pointed out
that she was receiving her full pay,
although not appearing at all in the
Mr. Henderson said he had con-
(Continued on Page 6)
Technic Receives
Honorable Mention
The Michigan Technic, engineer-
ing college publication, was awarded
honorable mention yesterday in a
nation-wide undergraduate technical
journal contest sponsored by the
Tech Engineering News of the Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology.
The Purdue Engineer of Purdue
University won first place. Journals
were judged on a basis of general
appearance, merit of scientific and
engineering contents, make-up, com-
position, circulation, illustrations and
art work.
All next years's orientation advisers
will meet at 4:15 p.m. Monday in the
Union, Paul M. Berkley, '39, chair-
man of the Orientation committee,
announced yesterday.

Campus Posts'
Election To Be
Held Tuesday
Offices On Men's Council,
Boards [n ContIrol And
Union To Be Filled]
Voting To Be Held
For AllColleges
General campus elections for the
Men's Council, the vice-presidencies
of the Union, the Board in Control of
Athletics and the Board in Control
of Student Publications will be held
from 1 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Miller Sher-
wood, '37, president of the Men's
Voting places will be located in An-
gell Hall, the engineering school, the
architecture school, the music school,
the Law School, the dental school, the
medical school, the pharmacy school,
the business administration school,
Natural Science building and the ed-
ucation school. Exact rooms have not
yet been determined.
Nominees for the vice-presidencies
'38, Bruce Telfer, '38, and Murray
of the Union include Hugh Rader,
Campbell, '38 from the literary
school; from the engineering school,
Carl Clement, '38E, and Jack Mac-
Leod, '38E; from the dental school,
Herman Hubinger, '38D; from the
Law School, Charles Rogers, '38L, and
Frank Stone, '38L; from the medical
school, Kenneth Beach, '38M, Mar-
tin Biery, '38M, Edmund Bott, '38M,
and Kyle Black, '38M; and on the
combined curriculum, Graham Bene-
dict, '38F&C. One man will be elect-
ed from each group.
Nominees for the one position on
the Board of Control of Athletics are
Harold Davidson, '39, and Leo Beebe,
Three positions are open on the
Board of Control of Student Publi-
cations. The nominees for these po-
sitions are Herbert Gibbs, '38, Walker
Graham, '38, Richard Croushore, '38,
Herbert Falender, '38, Frank Cool-
idge, '38, Arthur Lundahl, '38, Rich-
ard Klein, '39, David Straus 38,
James Warren, '38, and William
Shackleton, '38E.
For the three positions from the
iterary college on the Men's Council,
(Continued on Page 2)
800 Expected
To Take Part
In Swingout
Ceremony Begins At 4:30
At Main Library Steps;
600 Gowns Ordered
More than 800 seniors from all
schools and colleges on campus are
expected to turn out at 4:30 p.m.
tomorrow for the annual Swingout,
which will start in front of the Li-
brary steps, according to Frank T.
Dannemiller, '37, chairfan of the
Swingout Committee.
All June graduates have been asked
by the committee to attend this af-
fair to officially signify their ad-
vent into the world and exit from
college life. A short, symbolical cere-
mony depicting Swingout as it or-
iginated on campus will be given at
Hill Auditorium after the march.
Campus stores, which are handling

the cap and gowns, report that more
than 600 have already been ordered.
Stores will be able to supply robes,
necessary for the ceremony until to-I
night at an extra charge of 25 cents.
Dannemiller secured the promise ofI
the Interfraternity Council at its last
meeting, Wednesday, to cooperate.1
Members of Sphinx, junior men's'
honorary group, will police the line
of march.

UAW Pledoes
Not To Renew
Power Strike
Negotiations To Continue,
Progress Is Reported;
Take UpWages First
$160 Monthly Wage
Is Strikers Demand
SAGINAW, May 21.-(P)-Repre-
sentatives of the Consumers Power
Co. and the United Automobile Work-
ers of America resumed their negotia-
tions here today, with a warning that
they might be protracted and a prom-
ise that there would be no recurrence
of Wednesday's power strike.
A wage scale was the first of the
disputants' differences to be taken
The union, demanding a minimum
wage of $160 a month, claims the av-
erage now is $90 a month. The com-
pany says the average is $1,675, or
nearly $140 a month.
Dan E. Karns, vice-president and
general manager of the company, said
the negotiators "have made satis-
factory progress" when the confer-
ence recessed late today until Tues-
day morning. He said the adjourn-
ment was requested by Wyndham
Mortimer, first vice-president of the
The conferences had been in pro-
gress for two weeks when union em-
ployes in the Bay City, Flint and
Saginaw divisions struck Wednesday'
leaving thousands of residents in 13
counties without power or light serv-
ice for nine hours. Gov. Frank
Murphy brought the conferees to-
gether yesterday at his office, and ex-
acted a promise that the negotiations
would be continued until an agree-
ment is reached.
33 Authorities
Discuss Plans
For Land Use
Final Meeting Of Group
To ,He Isar institute
Sponsored By University
The venturein CheboyganrCounty,
the northern tip of the Lower Penin-
sula, was the main topic of discus-
sion yesterday as 16 faculty men and
17 experts from various sections of
the country pooled their experience
in a round-table conference on the
possibilities and methods of research
in land utilization.
The conference, which is sponsored
by the Social Science Research Coun-
cil and the University Institute of
Public and Social Administration of
the Graduate School, will conclude
this afternoon. The round table ses-
sions are being held in the Univer-
sity Museum seminar room.
Prof. Ernest M. Fisher of the bus-
iness administration school, who has
been on leave from the University for
two years as director of the division
of economics and statistics under the
Federal Housing Administration, will
preside at the morning meeting which
starts at 9 a.m. today.
At the final meeting at 1:30 p.m.
today the application of the results
of research will be discussed in con-
nection with the problems of plan-
ning, land use adjustment, conserva-
tion, development, resettlement and
Jacob Crane, Jr., consultant for the
National Resources Committee, will

President Ruthven explained' the
(Continued on Page 2)
Civil Rights Group
Pushes Liberal Laws'
An Arbor citizens were invited last

Chicago Is Nearing Title
As Result Of Semi-Final
Round Victory
Woolsey Defeated
In Singles Match
Dean Only Wolverine Left
In Singles; Doubles Are
To Be Played
Chicago's varsity tennis team
moved a step closer to the 1937 Con-
ference title as a result of the semi-
final round played in the singles di-
vision yesterday at the Palmer Field
courts. The Maroons took three of
the matches to give them a total of 11
points to date, three more than. the
second place Northwestern squad.
Michigan's chances received a de-
cided set back when Bill Woolsey lost
a heartbreaking three-set battle to
Batzle of Wisconsin, 1-6, 6-3, 2-6, to
leave Jarvis Dean the only Wolverine
to pull through the 'singles. Jarvis
trimmed Tim Twerdahl of Illinois,
6-1, 6-1, to reach the finals of the
third flight. He meets Russel Ball of
Northwestern today.
The Wolverines are basing their
remaining hopes in the doubles, which
were halted by rain yesterday. Jesse
Flick and Jp r'.la Dean meet George
Ball and Dick Rugg, the Wildcats
semi-finalists in the second flight,
and Neil Levenson and Bill Woolsey
play the Ohio State James-Nist team
in the third flight,
Norm Bickel established himself
as the probable Conferencehindi-
vidual champion when he went three
sets with George Ball before coming
through on top, 2-6, 6-4, 7-5. Both
men played cautiously, fearing to
give the other many chances and
consequently netting a good number
of shots. While Ball was stronger
in the early part of the match, Bickel
improved and outsteadied his op-
ponent to win.
In the other first flight match, Bob
Neihousen of Ohio defeated George
(Continued on Page 3)
40-Hour Week,
Minimum Wage
Bill Is Outlined.

'Schoolboy' Rowe
Comes To College
To See Field Meet
Lynwood "Schoolboy" Rowe, ailing
mound ace of the Detroit Tigers,
proved to be a strong counter-attrac-
tion to the Big Ten track prelimin-
aries yesterday as he watched pro-
ceedings from a vantage point in the
Ferry Field press box.
Accompanied by Tod Rockwell, De-
troit sports writer, the Schoolboy was
besieged all afternoon by autograph
fiends, reporters and camera-men,
but exhibited a lot of form by satisfy-
ing all demands with a minimum of
Suspended last week by Manager
Mickey Cochrane, who was displeased
with the big pitcher's attitude, Rowe
good naturedly clicked stop watches,
smiled, frowned and kidded the pho-
tographers and spectators who sur-
rounded him.
Although he showed no sign of re-
gretting his present position, Rowe
refused to comment officially on his
baseball status or future plans.
Adult Education
Institute Close s
Haber, Preuss, Donaldson
Address Group In Final
Day Of Conference
The Institute of Adult Education
closed its annual meeting yesterday
in the League with conferences and
lectures on Pan-Americanism, the
sit-down strike and modern American
Doubt as to the permanency of the
sit-down as an effective labor tech-
nique was expressed by Prof. William
C. Haber of the economics depart-
Sit-Down Two-Edged
"The sit-down is a two-edgedswea-
pon," he said, "which cuts just as
sharply against labor as it does
against employers. Unions are find-
ing it increasingly difficult to prevent
unauthorized sit-downs and it is
apparent that the very effectiveness
of the technique will prove to be its
outstanding weakness. It is already
disliked by labor leaders who see in

Watson Breaks Shot Put
Record As Team Leads;
Tennis Squad Set Back


Negro Star .Breaks Record
Of Conference As Varsity
Qualifies 17 Men
[Ilinois Is Second
With 10; Ohio Third
Osgood, Stoller, Birleson
Win Heats With Ease;
Finals Are Today
Big Bill Watson, Michigan's soph-
more Negro ace, stepped into the
>pot light of the Big Ten track cham-
ionships preliminaries at Ferry Field
'esterday afternoon as he fractured
;he Conference shot put record with
r toss of 50 feet, 10 3/8 inches and
ed the qualifiers in both the broad
lump and the discus.
The "one man track team's" ef-
lort with the iron ball added nearly
% foot to the old mark of 49 feet 11
.nches set by Chin Kamm of Illinois
in 1934. Watson also carded 153 feet
)% inches to practically cinch the
discus, title and seemed undeterred
y a still bothersome case of water
>n the knee as he sailed 24 feet 4/4
nches in the broad jump.
Starr Comes Through
Despite serious setbacks in the 880
Yard run where only Bennie Starr
ame through as per plan, Michigan
led the field in numbers qualified to
laim 17 spots in the finals tomorrow.
llinois pushed 10 men past the qual-
ifying rounds, Ohio State, 9, Indiana,
7, Iowa 7, Wiscnosin, 5, Northwestern,
, Chicago, 3, Minnesota, 2 and Pur-
ue 1.
Capt. Bob Osgood of Michigan
shared honors with Watson for the
afternoon's tp performance aie
led his heat in both the high and low
ihurdles placing ahead of Ken Seitz of
O.S.U. in the high and Brunton of
ellinois in the lows. Osgood never
extended himself in either of his
heats as he finished up well ahead of
the field. Capt. Jack Kellner, 1935
champion in the high sticks ran to
a dead heat with Brunton of Illinois.
Michigan's "titleless champion,"
Sammie Stoller, flashed off his blocks
nd down the track under full steam.
'or 90 yards of his century prelim
heat, then put on the covers to breeze
past the judges five yards in front of
Elliott of Indiana. The other fa-
vorites in the short sprint, Collier of
Indiana and Greive of Illinois, like-
wise were never pushed as they an-
nexed their heats.
Stoller Ahead
Collier also dominated the 220 as
he took his heat with effortless ease
in 21.5 seconds. Bobbie Greive, the
pre-race favorite to win the furlong,
pulled up to such an extent in his
heat that he barely managed to snag
the third and last qualifying spot.
Elliott of Indiana gave the Hoosiers
command of the 220 situation as he
won the heat.
Charlie Beetham, the Buckeye Fly-
er, initiated his campaign to collect a
pair of firsts today as he galloped
under the wire ahead of Michigan's
Charlie Miller in the quarter and
loafed along in his customary indif-
(Continued on Page 3)
Russian Airmen
Land Expedition
At North Pole
MOSCOW, May 2.-(MP-Daring
Soviet aviators today carried the
first aerial landing party to the North
Pole. An expedition of eleven men
having flown over the pole, was land-
ed safely on an ice floe about 20
kilometers (13 miles) from the top
of the world.

The expedition was headed by Dr.
Otto J. Schmidt, the picturesquely be-
whiskered director of the Soviet's
"Northern sea route," leader and
planner of many ambitious Arctic
The flight was made from Rudolph
Island, about 82 degrees north and 60
East (or about 560 miles from the
The successful landing brought to
a successful climax years of prepara-
tion by Soviet scientists and airmen,;

!it a threat to all their gains.
WASHINGTON, May 21.-(/P)- "The American public will not
The possible outlines of President port the sit-down. It shouldbe
Roosevelt's labor proposals, centering sidered as merely an experience,
around a 40-hour week, a $16-a-week a threat," Professor Haber state
minimum wage and elimination of Groups See New Period
child labor, began to emerge in defi- He declared that the impor
nite form today at the Capitol. thing about the sit-down is that
Representatives who keep in toucl another phase of a new period o
with labor developments said they ex- tensification of labor-industrials
pected Mr. Roosevelt to submit his tions. The Wagner Labor Rela
recommendations to Congress early Act, the extensive, unparalleled
next week. ganization drive of the CIO anc
They predicted that in addition to activities of the employers to st
theyaborestadadsth ichnpddotbanlythen their own positions, werec
the labor standards, which probably by Professor Haber as example
will be elastic, the legislation would: the awareness of government,
Create a three-man commission to and industry to the situation.
administer the proposed act and work Too much optimism should no
out details of its .application to i- expressed about Pan-American
dividual industries. Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the pol
Apply to firms engaged in inter- science department told the I
state business. tute. There is a tendency to as
Exempt service industries, such as democracy in South American
dry cleaners, and firms employing tions, he said, which actuallye
fewer than 20 persons, in form only.
Contain no fair trade practice "Pactomania," a Latin.-Ame
provisions. ! (Continued on Page 6)

it is
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d or-
d the
es of
ot be


Interview Can Make Or Break
Job Seeker, Jamison Declares

1nn411 Lu ul lu J fl
night by the local unit of the Michi-
gan Conference for the Protection of
Civil Rights to participate in the
state-wide meeting in Lansing today
to urge passage of social legislation.


'Ensian, Out Today, Describes
Informality Of Life On Campus

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in
a series of four articles covering vari-
ous aspects of job-seeking. Previous
articles have dealt with what person-
nel agents want in applicants, how to
find the job you're fitted for and em-
ployment agencies on campus.
The interview can make you or
break you as far as getting the job
goes, according to Prof. Charles L.
Jamison of the business administra-
tion school.
"The interview is the vital thing,"
Professor Jamison said. "More than
one man whose record in college is

You must subordinate the serious-
ness of getting a job to a somewhat
nonchalant attitude, but not to the
extreme of being flippant, he said.
Employment men like a jolly,
cheerful attitude, Professor Jamison
believes, for after all they probably
take college men with the idea that
some day they will become executives.
To be a good executive one must be
able to influence his subordinates and
a sullen appearance is not quite
the thing to influence men, Professor
Jamison continued.

A group of 10 persons has already
been organzed to drive from the
starting point of Huron and State
Streets to the capital city to petition
for the passage of a state Wagner
Act, an anti-injunction act, and anti-
race discrimination act.
The Washtenaw County Confer-I
ence will also urge the passage of a
bill to make all voters eligible to vote
for school board members. It was ex-
plained that such a bill would enable
all voters regardless of property qual-
ifications to elect school board mem-

The 2,200 copies of the 1937 'En-
sian, ready for distribution today,
represent an effort on the part of the
editors to present "living Michigan"
in its characteristic informality.
The books, now priced at $5.50, will
be distributed at 9-12 a.m. and 1-5
p.m. today at the Student Publica-
tions Building. Purchasers and sub-
scribers will take the 'Ensians to
Slater's Book Store to have their
names stamped in gold on the cover
free of charge.
ROc.-,inY-,nor wivth A. f'nnTOr inl j'_1I id n~n

with baggage at the railroad station,1
his participation in campus politics,
occasional studying and the finale,
his diploma, one of thousands, rep-
resenting "four years of specializa-
tion . . . mass production" according
to the caption.
Each school and college has a sec-
tion including all its activities, de-.
signed to be a yearbook within a
The satire section, "Slime, the
Weekly Newsmagazine," reviews the
year, picking as "fairest" Richard

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