FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. MAY 21. 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Heller Answers Pawlowski Scores Polish Pogroms; R.O.T.C. Is Defended E 11 w ' . teo.., Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan inder the author ity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES * PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR...........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR ....................IRVING SILVERMAN William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS: Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Oilman, Horace Gilmore, Saul Kleiman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsey Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman; Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Betty Lauer, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Har- riet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voorhees, Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER..................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Na- tional Advertising and Circulation Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; Robert Lodge, Local Advertising Manager; William Newnan, Service Man- ager; Marshall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ROY SIZEMORE w ll l IIA I Democracy's Safety Valve .. . THE RECENT RESIGNATION of Largo Caballero from the head of the Spanish Republican government clears up a controversy which recently has been used more and more by fascist sympathizers and conserva- tives to cloud the real issue of the civil war. The latter have claimed many times that the Republic was dead, and that regardless of which side was victorious the result would be a dicta- torship, either of the right or of the left. It now appears less likely that such a result is to be anticipated, and that the system of parliamen- tary democracy is continuing to function success- fully in spite of the pressure of war. When Caballero was no longer able to command a ma- jority in the Congress of Deputies, he promptly resigned in accordance with parliamentary pro- cedure, and President Azana called upon Dr. Juan Negrin, a former colleague of Caballero, to form a new ministry. An interesting point in connection with this change is the demonstration of the safety-valve efficacy of the democratic form of government in time of crisis. A shift in leadership personnel can be utilized to reconcile opposing factors with- in the government's following and ensure ma- jority support with a minimum.of efficiency loss. This resilience has been pointed out by Capt. Liddell Hart as one of the decisive factors in the victory of the democracies during the World War. In the countries where the people were unable to give articulation to their wishes by pa- cific and democratic means, in Germany, Rus- sia, and Austria-Hungary, recourse was had to violent revolution, which in every case played a decisive part in bringing about the collapse of military resistance. On the Fascist side in Spain, Gen. Franco has already encountered actual revolt as well as strenuous opposition to his policies. Many of his supporters are not Fascists; a large number are Carlists or orthodox royalists who have little in common with the Falangista; there are many others who object to the presence of German and Italian "allies" in Spain. An increasing num- ber of desertions from the rebel ranks is attrib- uted largely to this dissatisfaction. Moreover the German and Italian leaders themselves are divided in policy; the Italians support the Cath- olic group in the Insurgent army to which the Germans are opposed, while the actual sol- diers of both countries, many of whom have been shipped to Spain against their will, are not likely to be among the most ardent supporters of the rebel cause. The absence of any effective means of coping with wide-spread dissatisfaction in a dictatorial form of government, which must depend on discipline alone in order to maintain itself, may prove to be the deciding factor in the present struggle. The termination of the war may well come as a result of the collapse of the rebel "in- side" front rather than of a Loyalist victory in the field. 'Unrequited Love' To the Editor: I wish to cite some samples of what Prof. Paw- lowski termed the Poles "unrequited love" for the Jews. The facts have been reported by Otto Tolischus, correspondent of the New York Times. "The results of the recent uprisings against the Jews in Poland covering the period of approxi- mately one and one-half years since the death of Marshall Pilsudski are: 118 Jews killed and 1350 wounded; 137 Jewish stores bombed; 35 Jewish homes burned down; more than 100 Jewish stu- dents injured during the last three months in University rioting, twenty of them for life. Pre- mier Skladowski revealed to the Siem only re- cently that in the province of Bialystock alone there had occurred during the last year 348 as- saults on Jews, including 21 mass riots or po- groms; 99 cases of Jew baiting and 161 cases of window smashing, although he gave the total casualties at only three Jews killed and seven severely wounded." I shall refrain from any personal comments on the motives and aims of these attacks which the government protests it does not approve but thus far has not stopped. I shall but quote the words of some of the leading political figures of Poland. Senator Petrazyski on March 5 uttered the following on the floor of the Parliament. "I approach the Jewish problem in all serious- ness as I am fully aware of the difficulty in the solution of this problem. But the problem can and will surely be solved in the international field in connection with the problem of colonies. The necessity of replacing the positions held by the Jews in the cities by the unemployed and, small peasant, by the unemployed worker and in- tellectual is in line with the historic development of the Polish state. No power, not even the Jews, will be able to stem the tide of history. I have already spoken of the sociological laws which commands the recession of the immigrant nation when the native population reaches eco- nomic maturity. History illustrates this law. In our own time, the Europeans are losing their importance, influence and power in their colonies in the measure as the helpless natives progress in their development. The same law applies to the Jews of Poland." 'OPPOSES' TERRORISM; ADVISES EMIGRATION On March 8th Senator Kornte followed him with a speech in which he said "We are, pro- verbially, inclined to avail ourselves of the serv- ices of foreign elements. As a result, the most important branches of commerce, industry and handicraft have come into the hands of the Jews. I am an opponent of terrorism. We must, however, see to it that these important spheres of life shall come into Polish hands. Through an understanding with the Jews, we must work out a plan of emigration, as only in this way will the Jewish question find a solution. We are fully aware of the present emigration diffi- culties but these things can be overcome. Until recently, Polish poverty used to emigrate. But why should emigration be continued only at the expense of the Polish element? It must be a principle that the Polish peasant or worker shall not emigrate." As a keen admirer of the ethics of the Nazarene I am happy that Prof. Pawlowski did not desig- nate the Endeks love for the Jews as Christian love. For I cannot conceive its compatibility with the treatment accorded a people which has lived in that land for centuries and were always at her side in her struggles for libera- tion. (In 1794 a Jew by the name of Berek Josele- witz rallied a regiment of light cavalry amongst his fellow-Jews to fight under Kozcinszko. That regiment perished almost to a man defending Warsaw. When the Poles rose against Russian tyranny in 1830 Jews rushed from distant vlllages and hamlets and organized themselves into sep- arate military units and with the Polish Eagles and the name of Jehovah inscribed in Hebrew on their banners, they fought and fell, just as they did for all lands in which they found a domicile. Amongst the statesmen who repre- sented Poland at Versailles and the League of Nations was the Polish Jew, Prof. Simon Ash- kenazi. He played a great part in obtaining for Poland what she did). PRAISES PATRIOTISM; , REACTION SCORED That the Jews of Poland have been patriotic is testified by the tribute of the Consulte General of Poland, Mieczyelaw Morzycki who said "The Jews have served us better than many Poles." Whether they will continue to be patriotic will depend on whether they will be accorded equality and justice. That the situation is not hopeless and that some Poles are beginning to see- through the smoke-screen of nationalistic aspirations is indi- cated by the following resolution which was adopted by the Central Committee of the Polish Socialist Party at its annual congress in Radom which states, "The reaction seizes ever more upon the slogans of brutal anti-Semitism, seeing therein one of the last resorts of supporting the rule of the propertied classes. To arouse an- tagonism and murderous civil strife between Polish and Jewish workers is the aim of the anti-Semitic instigators. The workers, however, will not permit the methods of the Black Hun- dreds of Czarist Russia to be transplanted into Poland. The Socialist movement remains faith- ful to its standpoint of absolute equality of the4 entire population of the country regardless of nationality, race, creed or origin and will cate- oricailv cnmhat all exploiters and all kinds of reactionaries, Polish as well as Jewish, on its road to the new order." Prof. Pawlowski's love of his fatherland is admirable. I do, however. think that a univer- sity man's patriotism for his present or former homeland ought to be of a higher type than the maxim "My country right or wrong" expresses. -Dr. Bernard Heller. 'Loue' Hits Pacifists To the Editor: For four years I've been reading the Forum column of The Daily, and many times I've been tempted to answer articles which have appeared in it. At last, however, the temptation to express myself is too strong to be denied, and I make my one and only contribution to The Daily. During the past four years the subject of R.O.T.C. in connection with peace and war has been sporadically discussed-mostly by enthu- siastic pacifists whose ideals are as fine as their methods are objectionable. Once and for all will anti-militarists forget their emotions and realize that the R.O.T.C. students are notapotential Napoleons, nor are they boys who think that war is a charming game played with cute toys. In fact many of, them who have had an opportunity to see what a war may mean are pacifistic in the true sense of the word. They may fight if the time comes be- cause they have taken an oath to defend this country, but most of them will affirm they don't like or want war, some will admit they are afraid (and truthfully, who isn't?) and all would be willing and glad to support and id a sensible, worthwhile peace program. We n the R.O.T.C. advanced corps particularly have learned just enough about it to know that we want none of it. I feel sure that both army officers and students here would abet an edu- cational peace movement. There are too many so-called pacifists who loudly cry, "Peace, peace," when it is here and who would be among the first to swallow absurd propaganda stories, don pretty uniforms, roman- tically kiss their sweethearts goodbye and march off with quickened step and beating hearts to the blare of trumpets and roll of drums. It takes real courage in time of war to stick to one's convictions and refuse to go when faced with sneers, insults and injury. So may I suggest with this parting shot that all would-be peace agitators spend less time shouting and more time on an educational pro- gram (lectures, pictures, literature, etc.) for peace, so that if another senseless war comes, and they are all senseless, the pacifists will have a solid aggregation which will command the notice and respect of those who play that hor- rible game far from the field for glory, money, or fame. It will take a long time, but who said Rome was built in a day? And solet's stop this silly argument about the R.O.T.C. whose effect on the national military situation is slight and whose only aim is to supply a few potential offi- cers not wholly untrained should they be needed. -Second Loue. Lift To the Editor: On the morning after the Hindenburg crashed, The Daily printed an interview with a professor in which it was stated that helium weighed twice as much as hydrogen. The wording was such as to produce the impression that helium had only half the lifting power of hydrogen. In fact I have seen some newspaper accounts in which that statement was made. I think that in all fairness any misunder- standing should be cleared up. Actually helium has approximately 92 per cent of the lifting power of hydrogen. Hydrogen has a specific gravity of 0.0695 while helium, with approxi- mately twice the weight, has a specific gravity of 0.14. Air of course has a specific gravity of 1.0. A little mathematical calculation will show that helium has about 92 per cent of the lifting power of helium; and not 50 per cent as so many claim! -Anderson Ashburn. Spanish Sparks -Or Playing With Gunpowder- (From the Christian Science Monitor) SO FAR stray sparks from Spain's flames have been damped by cool good sense. Early fears of a general European conflagration have faded as one "incident" after another has been smoothed over. It is unlikely that the latest flare-up, involving the British destroyer Hunter, will cause serious trouble, even should Valencia reports that the vessel was struck by a torpedo from.a German submarine (presumably in rebel hands) prove true. The possibility that the ship hit a mine and the improbability that there was intentional attack will give the British Government good grounds for restrained investigation and protest. The incident is likely to pass as have several others involving British ships and at least one in which an American ship was fired on. The world is much less ready to start a fight than when "Remember the Maine" swept America into war or when the ultmatum after Sarajevo pushed Europe over the brink of catastrophe. Yet the success so far in stamping out Span- ish sparks before they could light an interna- tional conflict should not lead to any compla- cency. Several escapes have been extremely} fortunate. The international civil war within THEATRE By JAMES DOLL Noel Coward Cycle The 1937 Dramatic Season, Robert Henderson, director, presents Helen Chandler and Bramwell Fletcher in To- night at 8:30, a cycle of short plays by Noel Coward. Directed by Robert Hen- derson. Scenery painted by Herman Boothe. The first group: Hands Across the Sea, Still Life and Ways and Means. At the Mendelssohn Theatre. Last per- formances this afternoon at 3:15 and tonight at 8:15.t THIS first bill with its emphasis onr comedy, is definitely a success. It opens with Hands Across the Sea which is, as far as plot goes, an amus- ing anecdote about Lady Maureen Gilpin (Piggy to her friends) who having made a trip through the FarC East, is in the predicament of having1 to return the hospitality of various colonials whose names she has for-Y gotten.f But the play is more than farcicalt treatment of Smart People in an em-1 barrasing social situation. It is real- ly a bitter satire against the' very group of people associated with Noel Coward sophisticated comedy. Any question about this meaning could be settled by referring to Mr. Coward's discussion of these people in his recently published autobiog- raphy, Present Indicative. *In the five scenes of Still Life we have the chance meeting in the re- freshment room of a railway station of two people-each already married -and their subsequent brief and un- happy love affair. It is played against the comedy sub-theme of Myrtle Ba- got, the refreshment stand owner and her Albert. In the lobby of the National Theatre where the Coward series played in New York, an American Myrtle Bagot, remarked to a friend: "That play don't mean nothing to me. It happens every day." That, of course, is the chief merit of Still Life. It makes drama of the com- monplace-both in the main plot and in the comedy background. Ways and Means is about a couple stranded and broke in the midst of the luxury of the Villa Zephyre on the Cote d'Azur. It seems they will have 'to appeal to their hostess for funds to move on to the next house- party. However, as with all these other plays, the success-for interest and entertainment value-does not depend on plot but rather on the characterizations and the smart lines and minor situations that deck it out. The bill as a whole proves-if there is still any doubt in anyone's mind- that Mr. Coward and Gertrude Law- rence are not the only actors who can make these plays entertaining. Mr. Fletcher and Miss Chandler suc- ceed very well indeed. They not only have the skill but their personal charm and ability to act well together are definite assets. The plays are acted with spirit and with full realizations of the com- edy values. But the ensemble of each of the plays is distorted by a single performance that is out of key with the rest. In Hands Across the Sea Judith Alden stomps heavily through her part, forces it too strongly, has ex- aggerated comedy emphasis. The pathos of the final moment of Still Life is not felt strongly enough be- cause Peggy French, in the part of the casual friend who prevents the two lovers from saying a final good-bye, plays for comedy rather than for casualness. If she had been more simple, thrown more lines away, rath- er than making her part a series of gags, attention would have been on the two characters who are at the center of the action of the play. In Ways and Means Philip Dakin as the burglar slows down the last of the play and so spoils the rush of comedy so well set by the Fletchers. Bertha Forman contributes three characterizations to the series, each very human, very different. The cockney refreshment stand owner in Still Life is just her dish. The bill is a gay and thoroughly entertaining opener and promises well for the season. The Merchant of Veniceopens tomorrow afternoon. It (will have a special performance Sun- day night. 'Let Freedom Ring' TONIGHT the Detroit WPA Federal Theatre's production of Albert Bein's Let Freedom Ring will open at the People's Theatre, Twelfth and Seward. When it was produced by the Actor's Repertory Theatre in New York it was enthusiastically recommended by (among others) Clifford Odets and Zona Gale. Mr. Odets said of it in part: "So far as a dozen excursions per- mit of judgment, this seems to be the all round most important play on Broadway at the present time. It is highly literate, deeply entertain- ing, hot with life, juicy with Ameri- can characters . . . Let Freedom Ring says more than the whole last sea- son's file of the Congressional Rec- ord here on my shelf. And without a word wasted; and with potent theatricality." Zona Gale in commenting on the play, said: "These hill people of the piece . . . leaving their loved moun- tains to go down to the mill-town where they can send their children FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1937 . VOL. XLVII No. 167 Noticesu To Departnent Heads and Others, Concerned: All time slips must be in the Business Office May 21 to ben included in the May payroll.U Edna G. Miller, 1 Payroll Clerk.t The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has re- ceived notification of the following positions:. Three interneships at the Chil-F dren's Village School. Kindergarten,r nursery and elementary throughe eighth grade. Internes would beI trained under a person trained in thet Merrill-Palmer school. Position be-c gins next .fall; duration one year.I Salary $400 plus maintenance. I For further information, pleasei call at the office of the Bureau of Appointments. The Bureau of Appointment and Occupational Information has re-I ceived notification of the following vacancies: Qualified Chinese students for l 1. Education. To experiment int the teaching of English in middlet schools, to prepare readers that will give a cultural and linguistic train- ing required for the study of science; may be a science man not necessarily a specialist or trained in educational philosophy but competent to handle science phase of his work. 2. General Education. 3. Curriculum making. American student for: 1. Commercial position in a Pres- byterian mission school in Alexan- dria, Egypt. Candidates must be qualified to teach shorthand, type- writing, and bookkeeping. Salary $450 per year plus room, board, and trav- eling expenses. Students desiring to make appli- cation for these positions or wishing further information, please call at the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall. Notice to All Freshmen: Freshman dues will be collected Friday, May 21 in Angell and University Halls. All freshmen are urged to pay their 25 cents on this date. Choral Union Members: Members of the Choral Union are reminded to return their May Festival music books at once; in any case-not later than 12 o'clock, Friday, May 21, and to receive their refunds. After noon on Friday, no refunds will be made. First Mortgage L o a n s: The University hasga limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann Arbor property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Of- fice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer- sity Hall. Girls' Cooperative House: All those interested in living in the cooperative housenext year should: 1. Fill out an application blank available at the office of the Dean of Women by Wed- nesday, May 26; 2. Come to the membership meeting to be held Sat- urday noon in the League. Academic Notices Qualifying Examination for Direct- ed Teaching: On account of numer- ous conflicts, it has been decided to offer this examination both in the morning and the afternoon of Sat- urday, May 22. The student may take his choice of times. The exam- ination in the morning will begin at 9 Plane Fleet To Leave Local Airport Sunday The nine plane fleet of the Ann Arbor Aviation Society will hop off from the Ann Arbor airport at 7 a.m. in the first of their scheduled series of cross-country training flights, it was disclosed yesterday. Twenty-two club members will par- ticipate in the flight which will pro- ceed from the home field to the Wayne County Airport where they will land for breakfast. From Wayne the squadron will fly to Flint from where they will return to Ann Arbor. Liter in the summer the club in- tends to make longer cruises over the airways of Michigan and as soon as the cross-country flying ability of the pilot-members warrants, a cruise of the entire state will be undertaken. The following members will make the short Sunday cruise: Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Rice, Ronald Hinterman, Vivian Lerner, Dorothy Carpenter, G. M. Downs, Rod Web- ster, C. Clayton, Leo Meyers, Dr. Thomas Blair, Donald Hartman F. H. Dick. D. E. Richardson, William Gates, Ray Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Reynolds, Daniel Aspirin, Dr., and Mrs. H. B. Britton and Don and William Baldwin. $ a.m.; in the afternoon, at 1 p.m. Comprehensive Examination in Ed- ucation: On account of numerous conflicts, it has been decided to of- fer this examination both in the morning and the afternoon of Sat- urday, May 22. The student may take his choice of times. The examina- tion in the morning will begin at 9 a.m.; in the afternoon at 2 p.m. Master's Degree in History: Can- didates for the Master's Degree in history are asked to register in the History Department office before Monday, May 17, for the language examination to be given at 4 p.m., Friday, May 21. Candidates must bring their own dictionaries. Copies of old examinations are on file in the basement study hall in the General Library. The examination is one hour in length. Exhibition There will be an exhibition of paintings by the National Member- ship of the American Artists' Con- gress sponsored by its Michigan Branch in Alumni Memorial Hall through May 21, afternoons from 2 to 5 p.m. Lectures Chemistry Lecture: Dr. H. I. Schlesinger of the University of Chicago will lecture on "New De- velopments in the Chemistry of the Hydrides of Boron" at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, May 24 in Room 303 of the Chemistry Building. The lecture is under the auspices of the American Chemical Society, and is open to the public. University Lectur: "Continuity of Style in Near Eastern Art" by Dr. M. S. Dimand, Curator of Near East- ern Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Sponsored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. Monday, May 24, 4:15 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. Lecture: Dr. Carl Menger, Profes- sor of Mathematics at the University of Vienna, will lecture on the sub- ject, "A Mathematical Theory of Human Relations," at 7:45 p.m., on Monday, May 24, in Room 304, Mich- igan Union. The lecture is under the auspices of the Department of Economics, and is open to the public. Events Today Esperanto: The Esperanto Class will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday. Scandinavian Club: The installa- tion banquet will be held in the Wom- en's League Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. The room number will be post- ed on the Bulletin Board. The University of Michigan Public Health Club will hold a picnic on Friday afternoon, May 21. The picnic will be held at the Huron River Park near Dexter. Everyone will meet at the West Amphitheatre in the West Medical Building at 1:30 p.m. The committee has arranged for ice cream and lemonade to be furnished, but each member is to bring his or her own lunch. There will be a baseball game and other sports. All members and their friends are cordially invited to at- tend and should arrange for their own transportation if possible. Limit- ed additional transportation may be furnished, if needed. This will be the last club meeting for the year and it is hoped that all members will be present to enjoy the fun. Lutheran Student Choir: All Mem- bers be at Zion Parish Hall this evening at 7:30 p.m. The concert be- gins promptly at 8 p.m. Coming Events English Journal Club meets Friday, May 21, at 4 p.m. in the Union. Elec- tion of officers is the important item of business. The program, open to the public at 4:20 p.m., will be a col- loquium on the subject, "Recent Con- tributions to the Theory of Criticism."- Mr. Baum will discuss Adler's "Art and Prudence." Mr. Luyckx will review Bateson's "Poetry and Lan- guage." Hillel Foundation: There will be a dinner Sunday night at 6:30 at the Union, at which the Hillel award will be presented to Marshall D. Schul- man and the reports of the relief drive committees will be given. Every- one is invited, and reservations for the dinner which will cost 50 cents be made by phoning the Hillel Foun- dation or S. Leonard Kasle. Phi Eta Sigma: There will be a dinner meeting of Phi Eta Sigma at the Union Sunday, May 23, at 6:30 p.m. Officers will be elected and a tentative program adopted for the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the laiversity. Copy received at the oMc at the Amsistant to the PresldA intfi3=; 11:00 n Saturday.