The Weatier Cloudy, snow flurries, colder southeast portion today; to- morrow fair and continued cold. LY 4hp an trl Editorials Unemployment And Unions ... An Up-And-Coming Campus Custom.. VOL. XLVII No. 102 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1937 e PRICE FiVE CENTS Federal Jury Rules Townsend Is Guilty In ContemptCase Louisville, Hard Hit ByFlood, Rallies Forces In Re-Building Maximum Penalty Would Include Fine Of $1,000 And Year In Prison 'Work Will Go On,' Pension Head Says Sentence Delayed Pending Motion For New Trial On Walkout Action WASHINGTON, Feb. 24.-(P)-Dr. F. E. Townsend, staring straight ahead without a flicker of emotion on his lean, angular face, heard a federal jury declare today that he was guilty of contempt of the House of Representatives. The verdict made the old age pen- sion man liable to a possible jail sen- tence for his sensational walkout last May on a House committee in- vestigating the Townsend movement. Te maximum penalty is $1,900 fine and a year in jail. Verdict Not Unexpected "The verdict was not unexpected," Townsend said. "We have some rea- son to expect such a verdict here, but expect to win eventually. In any case my work will go on. This will make no difference." Justice Peyton Gordon allowed the 70-year-old doctor three days in which to file a motion for a new trial and delayed passing sentence until after action on the motion. Elisha Hanson, Townsend counsel, said that if the motion were over- ruled the case would be appealed on the grounds Justice Gordon erred in excluding evidence of the "justifica- tion" for Dr. Townsend's walkout. Calls Questioning 'Unfair' Townsend, in leaving the commit- tee room, had called the questioning "unfair." It took the jury, which included a 5-year-old housewife and a 63- year-old unemployed man, only 50 minutes to reach a verdict. The jur- ors heard only two defense witnesses, Townsend himself and Rep. Tolan (Dem., Calif.) a Townsendite and member of the investigating commit- tee.. Townsend denied the assertion yes- terday by a state witness, John B. Kiefer, former Townsend aide, that the "walkout" was planned "as a strategic move" before Townsend was even summoned by the committee. Brown Remains Noncommittal On Court Plan Sen. Prentiss M. Brown, Michigan Democrat, is on the fence in regard to the President's court proposal and is unable to indicate on which side he will finally alight. "I am entirely frank when I say that I have not made up my mind," the Michigan Senator responded to a Daily query on his attitude. Sen. Ar- thur H. Vandenberg, Michigan Re- publican, has been one of the more outspoken critics of the court pro- posal, which will allow President Roosevelt to appoint as many as six new Supreme Court justices. "I want to assure The Michigan Daily, as I have assured the law fac- ulty of the University, that this mat- ter has received, and will continue to receive, my closest attention," Sen- ator Brown wrote. He has determined to put himself "in the frame of mind that we tell juries to be in until practically all the discussion is closed and I intend to speak about it at some length my- self. My personal attitude is one of inquiry and hope that we can meet what I consider to be an unfortunate situation in some better way than so far proposed." Bates To Address Forum About Court Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School will give his interpretation, of the "President's Proposal on the Su- preme Court" at the opening program of the second series of Sunday For- ums in the Union ballroom at 4:30 p.m. The discussion, conducted by the Union, features lectures by noted Tryouts For Daily Staffs Report Today Second-semester freshmen inter- ested in working on The Michigan Daily editorial, sports and women's staff are invited to report at 4 p.m. today at The Daily offices in the Stu- dent Publications Building. For the remainder of this semester, tryouts on all three staffs will become I acquainted with Daily organization and style. Those retained after ap- pointment in May will become re- porters during their sophomore year. Positions available for staff mem- bers during their junior and senior years are salaried. No sophomore or freshman staff members are paid. Six Freshmen a Given Awards In Hopwoods Story Receiving First l Award To Be Printed In Prize Collection Awards totaling $150 were awarded to six freshmen students of the lit- erary college yesterday for prize- winning manuscripts submitted in the annual freshman Hopwood con- test. Awards of $50, $30 and $20 were made to Harvey Swados, Dennis Flanagan and Stanley Mitchell Swin- ton, respectively, for work in the field of prose fiction. In the field of poetry, prizes of $40 were awarded to Barbara Stroebel and Frank M. Con- way. H. Gordon Green received the dis- tinction of being the only duplicate winner in this year's contest by gain- ing third prize in poetry of $20 as well as the only award made in the field of essay, $50. The Freshman Hopwood Commit- tee expressed the opinion that Green's essay, entitled "My Father and the University," was "the most promising writing in all of the contests." Swados' story, entitled "Amateurs," will be included among Edward J. O'Brien's "Best Short Stories of 1937." O'Brien read the story in "Contemporary," campus literary quarterly, when he was in Ann Ar- bor recently on a visit to the Univer- sity. According to Prof. Roy W. Cowden, director of the Hopwood Awards, there were 52 manuscripts in this year's contest submitted by 42 stu- dents, somewhat smaller numbers than last year. The Freshmen Hopwood Commit- tee is composed of Prof. Philip L. Schenk of the English department, chairman; Allan Seager and John F. Weimer both of the English depart- Iment. Heavy Fighting Marks Loyalist Drive For Hill Claim Victory After Two Charges Are Repulsed By Defenders MADRID, Feb. 24. -MP)- The flower of Spain's rival armies battled tonight for possession of strategic Pinzarron Hill in what a government officer said was "perhaps the heav- iest" battle in the nation's history. Twice government militia men charged up the slopes and twice they were thrown back by heavy machine gun and rifle fire. Then they gained a foothold on the sides. "The hill is practically ours," said a Spaniard who commands the gov- ernment forces in that sector, south- east of Madrid. But he did not say the insurgents had been driven com- pletely off the top. From that summit the insurgent artillerymen have commanded a sec- tion of the vital Madrid-Valencia highway, the main road still linking Madrid with the government head- quarters on the Mediterranean. Casualties in the .Tarama fighting, Disaster Loan Corporation Opens To Assist Home Owners And Merchants By VIVIAN LERNER LOUISVILLE, Ky., Feb. 24.-(Spe- cial to The Daily)-Heriocally wag- ing virtual war against the terrific, damage occasioned by the flood in the Midwest; Louisville inhabitants are gradually restoring the city to its former status in a thocoug:i rehabil- itation program. One of the first steps taken to achieve this goal was the formation, of the Disaster Loan Corporation, which opened at 9 a.m. Monday ,to receive loan applications, operating under the supervision of the R.F.C. It received authorization under the recent Barkley-Bulkley bill, granting $20,000,000 for flood rehabilitation. These loans are being extended to business organizations and home owners whose property has been ruined by the recent disaster. "The purpose of this corporation," said Mayor Neville Miller in an in- terview, "is to extend funds to those individuals who have no securities of any nature, and who are unable to meet the requirements of ordinary lending agencies." These loan exten- sions are made in accordance with the ability of the borrower to repay, he stated, and securities will be re- quested only in instances where the applicant is able to give them. It was estimated that the greater ma- jority of loans would range between $100 and $1,000. To the city signs which read, "Byl courage, by faith, by working togeth- er, we'll build a greater- Louisville," Mayor Miller added emphatically, "My aim is to make Louisville the best town in the Ohio Valley." Federal funds will be asked for, he said, in addition to those now avail- able. "At least $600,000 will be neces- sary to rebuild the schools of the city," said the mayor. Flood refugees are still crowding the relief lines, where the American Red Cross provides them with food and clothing. Many of them carry all their remaining possessions with them. "It will require at least from eight to 12months before Louisville-can get back to normal," said E. J. Day, general foreman of the rehabilitation project. Varsity Sextet Drops Opene To Gophers, 3-1 Minnesota Scores Twice In Last Period After Wild, Heated Contest Noted Lecturer Here Capt. .D. Craig Lectures Today On SeaDivig Noted Ocean Adventurer To Illustrate Talk With f Motion Pictures; Capt. John D. Craig, noted deep sea diver and photographer, will givej the sixth of the current Oratorical1 Association's lecture series at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. He will lecture on the subject "Div- ing Among Sea Killers." The lecture will be illustrated with his Motion Picture Academy prize-winning films. Captain Craig has achieved dis- tinction as an author, scientist, sol- dier of fortune and motion picture producer. At the age of 19 he set out to see the world and seek adven- ture. For ten years he traveled, start- ing to the gold fields of the Yukon, where he was snowbound for a winter, and ending last year marooned on a desert island in the South Seas. Dur- ing these trips he acquired much in- formation about the various coun- tries which later stood him well in his adventure-picture production work. Upon returning to Americaie was signed by an American film company. With his background of adventure and world travel he was shipped to odd spots to make background shots later to be "processed" into some big feature picture. Captain Craig made the scenes giving authenticity and atmosphere, and they were shipped to Hollywood to be used in produc- tions. One of his most recent and best known pictures is "Sea Killers" which took him down to the South Seas where he "went fishing with subma- rine cameras." Parts of this- film will be shown in his lecture here. Peace Council Will Hold Anti-War Day Michigan students' observance of the annual spring anti-war day April 22 was discussed by the Peace Council last night in the Union. A Peace Senate will be held near the end of March, to acquaint stu- dents with the purpose of the anti- war day. Ed Stone, Grad., is in charge of the program. The history and aims of the stu- dent anti-war movement will be ex- amined at the Peace Council's meet- ing next Wednesday. The Council - will invite representatives of all ac- tive campus organizations to attend. Hell Week Still Problem After Council Meets Interfraternity Group Is Unable To Find Answer To Old Question Seek Clarification Of '36 Resolution The annual problem play titled "What Is Hell-Week," starring the Interfraternity Council, was enacted at the meeting of that body last night in the Union. To define this abolished fraternity phenomenon in a manner satisfactory to all the members of the Council so that violations can be easily deter- mined, was the object but not the' result of the meeting. Dissatisfaction was expressed over, the resolution passed last year abolishing Hell-Week because the resolution was so vague that "there are 40 different ideas on how to interpret it." An effort was made to make more specific that part of the resolution passed April 6, 1936 which says, " . . . there should be no physical mistreat- ment of pledges, no indecent prac- tices, no interference with class work,; and all training activities should be confined to the chapter house." After one member suggested discard- ing the resolution, which he described as "one of the most beautiful jobs of railroading I've ever seen," the view was expressed by George Cosper, '37, president, that the resolution was fundamentally workable but should perhaps be made more specific. Specific proposals advanced to re- move the vagueness of the Hell-Week abolishing resolution were postponed until a meeting next Tuesday, because Cosper wished to ascertain what defi- nite proposals had already been made regarding Hell-Week. Rushing was also discussed at the meeting and five proposals made by* Jack Otte, '37, chairman of the com- mittee on rushing, were voted on. The one proposal passed on placed the be- ginning of the rushing period on Wednesday of Orientation Week, three days earlier than previously. It was decided to hold a banquet for newly initiated members March 23, at which the pledge class having the highest marks will be awarded a loving cup.j King Henry VIII Chosen As Next GroupOffering As its most ambitious attempt, Play Production will present to the cam- pus as its next offering of the year Shakespeare's "King Henry VIII." The play was chosen, Valentine B. Windt, director of Play Production explained, because the group has been encouraged to do one of the less usual of Shakespeare's plays and because it will involve in its complete pro- duction practically all of the students in Play Production. "The play is interesting," Mr. Windt stated, "because of the con- troversy existing on how much of the play was actually written by Shake- speare. It is believed to be Shake- speare's last play." Play Producion will be assisted in the presentation by thenSchool of Mu- sic and the department of physical education. The casting for the play which will be presented on March 31, April 1-3, has already begun, it was explained. With UnionAs GM Settles New Points Makes Chrysler Bid Chrysler MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 24-UP)-Min- nesota's hockey team conquered Michigan, 3 to 1, tonight in one of the wildest college games here in re- cent years. The victory gave the Gophers a 2-1 edge in their four- game series and the lead in the Big Ten. The first period was listless until Jimmy Carlson, the Norsemen's flashy center, took a loose puck from his own defense zone, dribbled through the Wolverine defense and shot it into the net at 13:00. Two rival defense men-Dick Kroll of the Gophers and Robert Simpson of the Wolves-clashed early in the second period and were given major penalties for fighting. Gib James; Michigan wing, went to the box a few minutes later for tripping. Playing a stalling game with only three men on the ice, and with Minnesota's entire team in the Wol- verine defense zone, Capt. Heyliger and Fabello got a clean break to tie the score. A minute after the third opened Carlson again stick-handled his way through the opponents and set upl Wally Taft for a perfect shot to break the tie. Midway in the session Loane Randall took the puck from center ice and, after circling the defense, took a hard shot at the Wol- verine goal. Ray Wallace, Minnesota wingman, skated in fast to take the rebound and score the final goal after eight minutes of play. The teams conclude their four- game series Friday night. The firsi two were played earlier at Ann Arbor. Tuberculosis Test To Be Given Today Owing to the small number of women who started the tuberculir test Tuiesav. the test will be giver To Meet - Associated Press Photo Richard T. Frankensteen (above), United Automobile Workers organ- izational director, composed the telegram sent to Walter P. Chrys- ler demanding recognition of the union as the bargaining agency for all Chrysler plants. Courts WilINot Lbong Tolerate SittingStrikers (By The Associated Press) Demands for higher pay and union recognition sent hundreds of recruits into the ranks of the nation's strik- ers yesterday. Approximately 25,000 persons were idle in labor disputes at more than 40 industrial and business firms scat- tered from New England to the Pa- cific Coast. Production was curtailed or halted in textile and paper mills; cigar and auto parts factories; laundries, ship yards, steel and iron foundries; and a huge airplane plant. Secretary Roper Comments In a dozen centers the employes participated in "sit down" demon-' strations. Commenting on this stra- tegy, Secretary of Commerce Roper declared: "Any sit down strike that under- takes to take over private property is a serious and fundamental thing and in my opinion would not be long endured by the courts." He spoke after Connecticut State Police removed 107 of these squatters from the property of the Electric Boat Company, builders of submar- ines for the government at Groton. The first actual eviction of seden- tary strikers had a peaceful sequel at Decatur,sIll. There SheriffsEm- ery Thornell led 25 deputies and po- licemen to the Century Wallpaper Mills to oust 47 men who had held the plant for two days in defiance of a court order. Strikers Surrender Plant But the strikers surrendered the plant and appeared in circuit court in answer to contempt citations. They were released on their own recogni- zance pending a hearing March 16. The company, employing 300 persons, announced production would be re- sumed. Several hundred "sit downers" ig- nored the management's request to leave the Douglas Aircraft Company's plant and "avoid trouble" at Santa Monica, Calif. The concern's $24,- 000,000 construction program-in- cluding $19,000,000 in Federal con- tracts-was at a standstill and 5,- 600 workers were jobless. Nine hundred persons were thrown out of work at the Illinois Watch Case Company at Elgin when 600 members of the Jewelry Workers Union sought recognition and a min- imum pay scale. The plant was pa- trolled by the strikers in a test of the "efficacy of a legal picket strike' BULLETIN SPRINGFIELD, O., Feb. 24.-()- A strike of 800 pressmen at the Crow- ell Publishing Co. plant ended late today when the company signed an agreement recognizing the Press- New Strikes In Detroit Continue Series That Has Swept District Majority Of Men Claimed By Union Agreement To Meetings Comes After Contact Over Telephone N DETROIT, Feb. 24.- (At) -The Chrysler Corporation agreed tonight to confer on collective bargaining with the United Automobile Workers of America, as union conferees ne- gotiating strike issues with General Motors reached tentative agreements on three more of their demands. Chrysler, with four divisions-Ply- mouth, Dodge, DeSoto and Chrysler -employing 77,000 persons in nine cities, is the second major automobile producer to deal with the union. A tentative agreement to begin conferences next Wednesday- was reached in a telephone conversation between Richard T. Prankensteen, U.A.W. organizational director, and Herman L. Weckler, vice-president and general Manager of DeSoto Mo- tor Corp. Weckler Chosen By Chrysler Weckler was one of two Chrysler executives named by Walter P. Chry- sler, chairman of the board, at New York to "speak for" the corporation. Frankensteen had telegraphed the union's request for a conference to. Chrysler himself. Homer Martin, union president, who has described relations with Chrysler as "satisfactory," said re- cently the UAWA will request recog- nition as sole bargaining agency for Chrysler employes. It claims a ma- jority of Chrysler workers are in- cluded in its membership, which Mar- tin says exceeds 200,000. Details of tentative agreements reached by Union and General Mo- tors negotiators this. afternoon on seniority, methods of pay, and speed of production were withheld. tOnly Three Points Remain C. E. Wilson, vice-president head- ing the corporations conferees, said only three points remained for dis- cussign-specific cases of alleged dis crimination against union workers,, the union demand for a 30-hour work week instead of the present 40-hour' schedule, and the question of min- imum wages. John Brophy, CIO director, who has participated in some of the con- ferences with General Motors offi- cials, said today calls for organizers to aid workers in small automotive and other industrial plants have swamped CIO leaders. Nearly a score of small sit-down and other strikes have affected such plants in Detroit in the past week. Brophy indicated the CIO may consider setting up a division to aid workers in miscellaneous industries. The group originally was designed to organize workers in mass produc- tion industries. DETROIT, Feb. 24.-(AP)-Several hundred employes of the Ferry-Morse Seed Company went on strike today, the latest in an epidemic of "sit- downs" in the Detroit area. A strike and shutdown caused a suspension of operations at a plant of the Timken-Detroit Axle Com- pany. Agreements had been reached in a number of strikes while a dozen other plants were idle because of labor disputes. Strike leaders said between 500 and 600 women quit work in the Seed Company's packing, checking and mail order department and were joined later by office workers. Others Leave Plant A'group of workers who refused to join the strike left the building. Women strikers, who said their aver- age wage was 26 cents an hour, de- manded 50 to 55 cents, while several men asked 85 cents. At the Timken plant workers said 600 night shift employes were un- able to leave the plant in the morn- ing because doors were locked and padlocks had been placed on gates. A companynotice said the plant was "closed untilfurther notice." Organizers for the United Automo- bile Workers Union said demands of employes include a 40-hour week, abolition of piece work systems and wage scales ranging from $1.25 an hour for skilled labor to a minimumi of 75 cents for all workers. r T 1 1 a i C t r 1 1 Union's Coffee Hour Anxieties Include 'Too Few Professors" By JAMES A. BOOZER you either coffee or cocoa. You help "Coffee Hour." The hour is 5 p.m. yourself to little cakes, and thus Th'e place is the small ballroom in laden, you look about for someone you the Union. And as usual, 20 or 30 know. men students have gathered into There is the rare chance that you small informal groups discussing know no one at all on this particular which professors give the hardest afternoon, so you worm into one of marks, which radio program is tops, the groups. That's the spirit of the or did you hear the one-? thing. Not that all the - conversation is "We are gratified to see many of superficial. Over there is a crowd the same faces showing up every day, of fellows engrossed in an economic and a mounting number of new ones," discussion, and from the serious coun- says Frederick Geib, '38, in charge of tenances in the group over by the the hours. window, politics or philosophy must If the men students can come in be in the air. Or it may be whether for only ten or fifteen minutes, Geib the American or National leagues will urges them to do so. Once they win the baseball pennant next sum- are there, he feels certain they'll be- me. come devotees of the custom of 4 P.m.1