PAGE SIB[ THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1937 PAGE SI~ THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1037 Adult Education Institute Goes' Into Fourth Day Strikes, Health, Sapnish . Situation To Be Topics At Today'sMeetings (Continued from Page 1) _ should make up our minds that life really does begin at forty." Speaking on the subject "The Crit- ical Age of Forty," Dr. Sundwall said that social and economic burdens fall most heavily upon those between the ages of forty and sixty, and therefore it is necessary that particular atten- tion should be paid to the problem of maintaining their health. He outlined a general health pro- gram for persons of forty or over, eiphasizing the fact that a proper mental attitude is the basic require- ment for good health. "Since 1900," he continued, "great progress has been made in human conservation." This is the direct re- sult, he pointed out, of the saving of infant lives and the comparatively recentacontrol of bacteriological dis- eases. "At the turn of the century," he said, "the average length of life was forty years. Since 1900, we have succeeded in adding twenty years to the average life." State health de- partments have been instrumental in bringing about this progress, he ex- plained. Traces Development Dr. Sundwall concluded by trac- ing the general history of the de-' velopmentnof disease control since the birth of Christianity. Lee A White of the Detroit News in his speech "The Authenticity of Ne'ws" at 2 p.m., yesterday, in an Adult Teachers Institute meeting, stated that as long as the press is hu- man it will be subject to human weaknesses, the greatest of which is the tendency to err. Training and practice on the part of the journalists will reduce this ten- dency to err, he continued. There are numerous types of in- accuracy in a newspaper, the most outstanding of which is the hoax, said Mr. White. This is usually the result of a sense of humor gone astray, carelessness, dishonesty or ignorance, he stated. Some people get great enjoyment out of giving the reporter wrong information and see- ing a falsehood printed in the news- paper he said. ,Gives Cause Of Errors Grea't calamities cause much inac- curacy in the printing of the news, continued Mr. White, as is evidenced by the varying stories printed in each succeeding edition following a flood or earthquake. The public asks for the approximate truth and the news- papermen in the beleagured area en- deavors to get this, he stated. The approximate truth is much better than the reports that are the result of Dame Rumor, said he. Another form of inaccuracy is "os- trich journalism" or inaccuracy by omission of any facts, Mr. White said. He cited the case of a Chicago hotel whose water was polluted. The news- papers did not print all the facts and as 'a result many people died, he stat- ed. Another inaccuracy for which the newspaper is responsible is typo- graphical errors, he said. According to Mr. White there are many inaccuracies for which the newspapermen are not responsible. Often men say things in interviews ,which they later regret after seeing them in print and then try to cover them up by stating that the reporter was inaccurate, he stated. Many times the public holds the press responsible for something that was quoted, continued Mr. White. Many distinguished liars impose falsehoods upon the trusting, confid- ing press, he said. Source Material Faulty A large number of inaccuracies of the press result from the inaccuracies in source material, said Mr. White. Who's Who, the World Almanac, En- cyclopedia Brittanica all have inac- curacies in them, he stated. Mr. White was twice managing ed- itor of The Daily. Prof. William Haber of the eco- nomics department and one of the formulators of the Michigan Social Security Act vigorously defended the Federal law. "This problem has been called one for the states to handle by them- selves," he pointed out, "but it has not worked out that way. Each one fears to take the first step lest it be ruined economically. As a result, be- fore the present administration, only one state had passed a bill concern- ing unemployment insurance." There are three main provisions of the act, according to Professor Haber. The first is a means of en- couraging state action in old age pen- sion laws. It provides that the gov- ernment will match dollar for dollar RutsWncese Highlights In Supreme Court Situation; Cause And Possible Successor i i DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Amphitheatre in the West Medical Building at 1:30 p.m.j The committee has arranged for ice -ream and lemonade to be furnished, )ut each member is to bring his or her own lunch. There will be a baseball game and )ther sports. All members and their t riends are cordially invited to at-f 'end and should arrange for their >wn transportation if possible. Limit- d additional transportation may be urnished, if needed. This will be the last club meeting for the year and it is hoped that all nembers will be present to enjoy the fun. Iota Sigma Pi: Mrs. C. C. Meloche vill be at home in honor of the Ini- iates of Iota Sigma Pi, on Sunday, Way 23, from 4 to 6 p.m., 3060 Dover Road. Phi Eta Sigma: There will be a dinner meeting of Phi Eta Sigma at the Union Sunday, May 23, at 6:30 p.m. Officers will be elected and a tentative program adopted for the coming year. Esperanto: The Esperanto Class will meet in Room 1035 Angell Hall I from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Friday. Technic's Last Issue Will Be On Sale Today A. D. Moore's 'Centennial Commentaries' Is Lead Article Of Month Featuring a two page picture of the campus as it is now, the Technic, engineering college magazine, closes its current publication season with a special centennial edition which will be on sale today and tomorrow. "Centennial Commentaries," by Prof. A. D. Moore of the electrical engineering department is the maga- zine's lead-off article. "Progress ... Scientific or Social?" by C. C. Furnas, professor of chemical engineering at Yale University follows Professor Moore's contribution with a discus- sion of reconciliation of new achieve- ments to society. Consideration of the problems that confront a young graduate engineer is the theme of "Training Schools" by Frank Dennison, '36E, who is de- scribed by an editorial note as Michi- gan's "favorite Texan." Other features in this issue of the Technic include, besides its regular departments, articles by Prof. J. C. Brier, Dr. Franklin L. Everett, Willis Hawkins, '37E, and a poem, Rod- man's Reverie, by R. S. Clark. SYRACUSE GIRLS BURNED SYRACUSE, N.Y., May 19.-(I')-- Syracuse University authorities to- day banned sun bathing by co-eds atop sorority houses and also declared slacks for campus wear taboo. With the retirement of Willis Van Devanter, 78 year old Supreme Court Justice from the Court (left), President Roosevelt was given his first opportunity to appoint a new justice. One of the men most frequently mentioned as a possible successor to Justice Van Devanter was Robert H. Jackson (right), 45 year old assistant attorney general. In the center, Senator Henry F. Ashurst, (Dem., Ariz.), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee which recommended by a vote of 10 to 8 that the President's Court Reorganization Bill be defeated. He is shown with Senator Pat McCarran, (Dem., Nev.), who opposed the bill. Practicality Is Called Building- Expansion Rule By Prof .Gram Idealism Does Not Enter literary college would take the form In University Growthof an addition to Angell Hall. In the case of a new unit such as the Director Points Out Graduate School the problem is a little more open. Then the problem By ROY S. SIZEMORE would be a case of determining where Practicality, rather than idealism navailable land is located and of fol- is the rule in the building expansion lowing the general lines of the of the University, Prof. Lewis M. University as near as practical. Gram, director of plant extension and" "The proposed School of Music will head of the civil engineering depart- be near Hill Auditorium which means ment, declared yesterday, that it will be built on the north end "There is a distinct problem in the of the same block. It was because case of each proposed new building of this plan that the carillon was put that must be solved from a stand- in the position it occupies. point of the most efficient use, con- Plan Center For Men sistent with the least cost," Professor "The area west of State Street in Gram continued. It has been im- the vicinity of the Union probablyj possible to establish a general plan will be developed as a center for ac- and work toward it as the ideal layout tivities of men students. Thus, those! because the University has gone far who live in the new dormitories will1 beyond even the wildest dreams of its be able to use the club facilities of founders. The general plan would be the Union. Following the same prin- much different if, knowing what we! ciples, any extension of the Medical do now, it were to be rebuilt." School will probably be located near Determines Location the University Hospital. Additions to the plant naturally. "Housing and recreational facili- E run in the direction of present ties for women are pretty well estab-1 University property which extends lished in the vicinity of Mosher-Jor-' generally northeast and southwest of dan Halls. Consequently any exten- the original 40 acres, Professor Gram sion of these activities might reason-! said. Location, then, is determined I ably be in this location," Professor by the purpose of the building to be Gram said. built, he pointed out. In time, Professor Gram declared, "For example, an extension of the University Hall will be removed be- engineering college would be placed cause of its danger as a fire hazard. in the vicinity of the present build- Cost Dictates Type ings at the expense of any ideal plan "Architectural types, too, have for the campus as a whole. On the been largely dictated by cost and ef- other hand, new facilities for the ficiency principles. Only in cases Muscle Shoals' Place In TYA Told By Offical Lundahl Is Elected Interfraternity Head (Continued from Page 1) ed by Lundahl. It is made up of Phi Beta Delta, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Hudson Describes Work Epsilon Pi, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kap- Done By Geographers On pa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, Sigma University Horse Show: The Horse Show will be held at the Fair Grounds on Saturday May 22 at 2:30 p.m. Stu- dents wishing to enter any event are asked to call Dorothy White at 2- 2591 or Jean Harley at 2-3281 (516). All entries must be made by Thurs- day, May 20. Lutheran Student Club: Reserva- tions for the Annual Senior Banquet must be in the hands of Doris Yoder 8347, or Marguerite Groomes 8534 by Thursday, May 20. Valley Development The story of how a government project found the facts first, and then! went to work to develop a wartime "whitetelephant," Muscle Shoals, as part of a huge program of power pro- duction, flood control, industrial re- habilitation and improved navigation was told yesterday by Dr. G. Donald Hudson, of the Land Classification Section of the Tennessee Valley Au- thority, in Natural Science auditor- ium. The geographers' contribution to the immense undertaking which af- fects some two million people was de- scribed by Dr. Hudson as consisting of inventorying the whole economy' of the Tennessee Valley. Airplanes were used in photograph- ing the drainage district, he said, and then maps were pieced together with, indices which reflected the living conditions of the inhabitants, the soil resources, the extent to which these resources were being developed, the consequences of new readjustments and population distribution. On the basis of the analyses of the geographers together with thor- ough investigations on the part of other scientists the Tennessee Valley is becoming the scene of wide-spread improvements that are carefully planned, Dr. Hudson said. Forestry Club Selects Officers For Next Year Phi Epsilon, Tau Kappa Epsilon and i1 Lambda Chi Alpha. The Interfraternity charity fund plan which will have each fraternity makea certain contribution to the Council at the first of each year for charity, was approved at the meet- ing, and will be submitted to the Senate Committee of Student Affairs! for consideration next year.. Frank Dannemiller, '37, chairman l of the committee for Swingout, urged all fraternity presidents at the meet- ing to get their seniors to attend the affair to be held this Sunday. George Cosper, '37, a member of Sigma Chi, is outgoing president of the Council, and John Mann, '37, a member of Trigon, is outgoing sec- retary-treasurer. Watch Repairing HAILER'S Jewelry State and Liberty t r iii . +^ ^ i Progressive Club: There will be a meeting at 8 p.m. in the Michigan Union, tonight, Thursday. Prof. Joe Lee Davis will speak on the "Prole- tarian Novel." Election of officers will be held. Joseph Bernstein, Secy. SEN IORS Order your Cap and Gown TODAY from VAN BOVEN, Inc. GOWNS FOR RENT and SALE I for Faculty and Graduate Students ALL SCHOOLS & COLLEGES Phone 8911 for Prices and Information Call Schlenker- 2-3265 ... Grass Seed, per lb. ...... 30c Fertilizers, per lb..,.3c & up Garden Tools, Household Tools Lawn Mowers, 17 sizes $5.95 up Grass Catchers........:..89c 5/8" Firestone Hose, Per 50 feet..........$3.00 Boydell Paints, Varnishes, and Enamels. Splint Clothes Baskets .... 59c Lawn Roller for rent- Call for and return....per day...50c SCH LEN KER HARDWARE CO. 213-215 West Liberty Street SINCE 1886 -i Li Iil' iu !III _ i w® I the donation of the states for this! purpose. "The principle behind this portion of the act is one of need." Professor Haber added. "All recipi- ents must show indigence." The second provision, a supplement to the first, is a system of compul- sory old age insurance which includes over half the working population. "Poverty has no consideration here," Professor Haber stressed. "All sal- aried employes, even Alfred Sloan of General Motors being eligible." The third provision, which, like the first, encourages state action, sets up an unemployment insurance system.1 The Federal Government levies a! payroll tax but refunds it to the states that have satisfactory unem- ployment, insurance schemes.- That the Social Security Act has been successful, Professor Haber! proves by the fact that 44 states nowj have old age pension systems and 45 have passed unemployment insur- ance laws. He stated, in concluding, however, that the law will be mod- ified soon, as it now takes too long to pay substantial returns and that it requires an unwieldy and econo- mically unsound reserve fund. where buildings have been gifts, have unusual expenditures been made in connection with the exterior as well as interior, attractiveness of the structures. This has naturally brought about a sharp distinction in the appearances of such structures as the Law Quadrangle, the Clements Library and the Rackham Graduate School and State constructed build- ings. This, I believe, explains the general dissimiliarity of campus buildings," Professor Gram said. Five officers were elected to serve the Forestry Club for next year dur- ing an election extending from Mon- 11 11 A model of the campus is now be- ing made for the centennial which will be interesting besides being help- ful in planing buildings whose loca- tions are not definitely indicated, he! said. The construction of the mini- ature University is under the direc-, tion of Prof. Ralph W. Hammett of the College of Architecture. White To Go To Meeting Prof. Alfred H. White, head of the engineering research department, will represent the University at the meet- ing of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education to be held June 8 through July 2 at Cambridge,j Mass.I day through yesterday. Herbert Fleischer, '38F&C, was elected president;-Lillian K. Starret, '39, secretary; John P. Johnston, '37F&C, treasurer; Frederick Geib, '38F&C, social chairman; and Daniel Cashin, '38F&C, editor of the Michi- gan Forester. Program On Carillon Wilmot F. Pratt, University Caril- lonneur, will play an all request program on the Charles Baird Caril- lon in the Burton Memorial Tow- er, at 4:15 p.m. today. TYPEWRITI Ni MIMEOGRAPHING, Sromptiy and neatly done by expoi,- Aced operators at moderate prwuo 0. D. MORRILL 314 South Scate bcreer Do you have typing to be done, or do you want typing to .do? Or, have you lost anything? In any case, your best medium is TheMichigan Daily Classified Column CAMPUS CUT RATE DRUG Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Ann Arbor's Busiest Little Drug Store 218 SOUTH STATE (Next to Goldman's Cleaners) PHONE 9392 SIX Genuine TAKAMINE Tooth Brushes 54c Advocated by your Dentist. HAIR HEALTH 60c Drene Shampoo 49c 50c Vaseline Hair Tonic ........... 37c $1.00 Vitalis....... 83c 75c Fitch's Shampoo 49c CASH Rufus-Winchester Company 1 Rad io$1 RATES LINE I I ici PEP SPECIAL! 50c Fitch's Scalp Ma5sa~er ....... I I I I 11 loc I ElI III 11