The Weather
Increasing cloudiness
by showers in west;
warmer today.
cl 00,4r
Sir igau
For The Theatre...
Lundahl Is Elected
As Interfraternity
Council President
Stage Menaced
By Censorship
Maintenance of a "free" theatre,
Insiders See
On out il
Cardinal Mundelin
IIncurs Nazi Wrath,
Supporters Of BothS
Roy Frazier Is Selected
ecretary-Treasurer For
Next Year
Head Is Named
By Representatives
Second Position Is Filled
By Outgoing Members
Of Executive Group
Arthur B. Lundahl, '38, of Moline,
Ill., was elected president of the Inter-
fraternity Council, and Roy Frazier,
'38, of Centralia, Ill., was appointed
secretary-treasurer at the last meet-
ing of the Council for the year last
night in the Union.
Lundahl was elected to the presi-
dency by representatives of frater-
nities on the campus, and Frazier was
appointed to his post by the outgoing
executive committee of the Council.1
Both Served Three Years
Both men have served on the
Council for three years. Lundahl is
a member of Phi Kappa Psi and
Sphinx, and Frazier belongs to the
Theta Delta Chi fraternity.
District chairmen elected to serve
on the executive committee of the
Council next year were Franges An-
derson, '39, Walker Graham, '38,
Hugh Rader, '38, Thomas McCann,
'38 and Lundahl.
Blakeman Speaks
To Peace Council
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, coun-
selor in religious education,told the
Peace Council last night in the Union
that the four types of peace advo-
cates. on campus should consolidate
their efforts next year and use the
Peace Council as a clearing house.
The four groups, Dr. Blakeman
said, are those who attribute war to
economic causes; pacifists who for!
ethical or religious reasons would not
participate in a war; supporters of
an international political organiza-
tion, such as the League of Nations;
and the group that believes prepared-
ness and greater armaments will in-
sure peace.
Murphy Stops
Power Strike;
Service In Saginaw,Flint,
Bay City Restored After
Key Plant Reopens
SAGINAW, May 19.- (AP) -Gov.
Frank Murphy intervened this after-
noon in a strike of Consumers Power
Company employes that spread in-
dustrial paralysis through the popu-
exempt from censorship of a state Say Ending Was Near
commissioner, is one of the major Before Resignation
problems confronting the, stage to- -reRsgai
day, it was pointed out by Miss Peggy
Wood who will play "Portia" in the Rumor Says More
"Merchant of Venice" which will be
presented next week in the Dramatic Justices May Quit
In discussing the New York Dunni- WASHINGTON, May 19.-(I)-In-
gan bill, which will subject all pro- siders took it fbr granted tonight that
ductions to the censorship of a single there will be a compromise-perhaps
commissioner, Miss Wood emphatical- soon-on the hotly disputed Roose-
ly stated her opposition. "It will sub- velt Court reorganization bill.
ject the theatre to the most perni- Speaking privately, men identified
cious racket of all times" she stated with each side of the battle said that
"and will turn the stage into a racket such an ending to the conflict was
which has no other source of graft." in the making even before the re-
Dunnigan Bill tirement of Associate Justice Willis
In further discussion of the Dun- Van Devanter.
nigan bill she pointed out that it will Meanwhile, Washington, excitedly
bring harmful influences to the stage. living the momentous days that it
She said that political influence will loves, exchanged rumors that more
be exercised to so great an extent, members of the High Court may fol-
as to revamp the character of the low Van Devanter into retirement.
stage and bring about a general de- Continued Speculation ,
gradation of the entire cast of dra- There was continued speculation
matic talent. Racketeers will become over Justice Van Devanter's succes-
as prevalent in the dramatic world as sor. In virtually all quarters, it was
in other parts of society, she empha- generally agreed that high on the list
sized. of possible nominees to the court
Miss Wood also said that she stood the name of Senator Joseph T.
felt that "attempts at the dictator- Robinson of Arkansa§, who as Dem-
ship of the arts is always a forerun- )cratic leader, has deftly guided New
ner of the dictatorship of other Deal legislation through the Senate.
things" and emphasized the necessity Of primary significance in the
for immediate action to be taken court bill situation was an undenied
against the bill. statement by Senator Logan (Dem.,
Arrived Yesterday Ky.) that a compromise which he
advanced yesterday had the approval
Miss Wood arrived yesterday after- of the administration leadership. It
noon from New York, where she has was on this proposal, incidentally,
been playing in "Miss Quis." This that the attempted coup turned.
production has just completed a six The President's bill calls for au-
week's run; she left directly to play thority to appoint an additional
in the Dramatic Season. Miss Wood member to the Supreme Court for
stated that this is the second time she every incumbent who has passed sev-
has appeared in the role of "Portia"- enty years of age, a maximum addi-
the first time was nine years ago, tion of six before Van 'Devanter's re-
when she played with George Arliss, tirement and five now.
who was cast in the role of Shylock. Get Heads Together
In commenting on this year's pro- Administration leaders got their
duction of the play, she said that the heads together and come to the con-
lines will be taken directly from the clusion that if the bill could be mod-
original Shakespearean copy, with- ified in advance of the committee
(Continued on Page 2) vote, ,enough senators might be swung
away from the opposition to avoid the
adverse committee report.
IRebiels ClamiSo, quite unexpectedly, administra-
tion supporters on the committee
a cnvoted for an amendment by Senator
ac Aro ud Logan (Dem., Ky.) under which one
additional appointment each year
~rt Blb a would be authorized
rgThe opposition was notwto be
(By Associated Press) The Logan Amendment was de-
Spanish insurgents sought last feated 10 to 8 and the adverse vote
night to clamp a giant nutcracker on on the bill as a whole followed quick-
the Basque port of Bilbao. ly by the same numerical margin.
East and slightly south of their ob- There were, meanwhile, two
jecive thy cnsoidaed osiios witches. Senator Pittman (Dem.,
jective, they consolidated positions Nev.) voted against the amendment
in the sector of the ruined town of and for the bill. Senator Hatch
Amorebieta, deserted by Bilbao's fly- (Dem.,N.M.) voted for the amend-
ing defenders. ment and against the bill.
BERLIN, May 19.-(AP)-Nazi news-
papers tonight attacked George Car-
dinal Mundelein of Chicago for hav-
ing "villified Der Fuehrer in a way
impossible to describe."
(The Cardinal in a speech yester-
day attacked German Nazi opposition
to the Catholic church as "malicious,'
called Prepaganda Minister Paul Jo-
seph Goebbels "crooked," and re-
ferred to Adlof Hitler as "an Aus-
trian paper hanger.")
Semi-official comment, carried by
Deutsches Nachrichtenburo (official
German news agency,) declared fur-
ther against Mundelein.
Davis Will Talk
On Proletarian
Novels Tonight
Progressive Club To Hear
Him At Last Meeting Of
Year, Hold Elections
Dr. Joe Lee Davis of the English
department will discuss "The Prole-
tarian Novel" at the last meeting for
the semester of the Progressive Club
at 8 p.m. today in the second floor
terrace of the Union.
Election of officers for next year
will be held and the executive com-
mittee will report on University rec-
At the last meeting of the Univer-
sity Committee on Student Affairs,
the Progressive Club was recognized
on the condition that the group will
not affiliate with any national or-
ganization for one year. The Club
had decided at its last meeting to
affiliate with the nation-wide Ameri-
can Student Union.
Gophers Down
Michigan Nine
By 4-0 Score
Minnesota's Gophers, behind the
six hit pitching of sophomore Howie
Schultz, took the opening game of
their two-game series with Coach
Ray Fisher's Varsity nine yesterday
by a 4-0 score. The two teams will
meet again at 4 p.m. today in the
contest that will betMichigan's last
Big Ten game of the current sea-
The Gophers, called the "hitless
wonders" of the Conference, failed to
live up to their reputation and un-
leashed an 11 hit barrage that in-
cluded a home run by Ray King while
the Wolverines were able to garner
but six singles.
King hit his circuit blow in the
second inning and the count re-
mained at 1-0 until the sixth when
Minnesota got to Herman Fishman's
offerings for five hits and three runs.
Uram opened the inning with an
easy pop up to Fishman but Fossom
and King followed with singles that
put men on first and second. At this
point, Kundla hit a hard line drive
back at Herm that the chunky south-
paw leaped for but missed and the
ball traveled on out into centerfield
and Fossom scored the second Go-
pher run of the game, while Kundla
and King went on to second and
Pirsch then scored King and Kund-
la with a hard single and went to
third on shortstop Lee's single. Leo
Beebe, sensing the hit and run play,
(Continued on Pae3,
__ l !.UU, L
New Editors
Name Silverman,
Tenander AsDail
A ic' L I-~ L'I-u-- y#a
* * *
Helen Douglas Will Head
Women's Staff; Lisagor
Chosen Sports Editor
Wilsher, Steinberg
Get Business Jobs
Margaret Ferries And Betty
Davy Are New Senior
Business Managers
Tuure Tenander, '38, and Irving
Silverman, '38, were appointed yes,
terday as editorial director and city
editor, respectively, of The Daily by
the Board in Control of Student Pub-
Other staff appointments an-
nounced by Joseph S. Mattes, '38,
managing editor of The Daily, were:
Helen Douglas, '38, women's editor,
and Irvin Lisagor, '39, sports editor.
Don Wilsher, '38, and Norman
Steinberg, '38, were appointed credit
and advertising managers, respective-
ly, by Ernest Jones, '38, business man-
ager. Margaret Ferries, '38, and Mary
Elizabeth Davy, '38, were appointed
women's advertising and business
managers, respectively.
Member Of Sphinx
Tenander is from Fitchiurg, Mass.
He is a member of .Sphinx, junior
honorary society, president of Sigma
Delta Chi, national professional jour-
nalistic fraternity, and a menber of
the Committee on Men's Dormitories.
Silverman is from Buffalo, N. Y.
He is vice-president of the Indepen-
dent Men's Organization and a mem-
ber of Sigma Delta Chi,
Junior appointments to the men's
editorial staff of The Daily were also
announced by Mattes. The appoint-
ments are: Harold Garn, Joseph Gies,
Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, Saul
Kleiman, Edward Magdol, Albert
Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perl-
man and Roy Sizemore.
Junior appointees to the women's
staff are: Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank,
Jane B. Holden, Betty Lauer, Mary
Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen,
Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dor-
othea Staebier, Virginia Voorhees and
Betty Bonisteel.
The juniors of the business staff of
The Daily as announced by Jones in-
clude Philip Buchan, Robert Lodge,
Edward Macal, William Newman,
Marshall Sampson and Leonard Sie-
Anderson, a member of Alpha Sig- lous Saginaw Valley.
ma Phi, will represent district one , o
which is comprised of Acacia, Alpha Governor, We ha ic Mortimer, fit
Sigma Phi, Hermitage, Phi Sigma Goenr yda otmr is
Kappa, Sigma Phi, Theta Delta Chi vice-president of the United Automo-
and Triangle. bile Workers of America, asked the
andTrined ddstrikers to restore electric service ina
The secld district composed of Al- Saginaw, Flint, Bay City and scores
pha Delta Phi, Kappa Nu, Kappa Sig- of lesser communities.
ma, Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Trigon, Murphy announced he had "or-
Sigma Nu and Beta Theta Pi will be dered" representatives of the union.
represented by Graham, a member and the power company to meet at
of Theta Chi- his office in Lansing at 11 a.m. to-
District Three morrow.
District three, made up of Chi Phi,
Chi siDela Tu Dlta Kapa el'He said he would issue "{other or-
Chi Psi, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Del- ders" unless uninterrupted service is
ta Rho, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Sig- assured for the industries, including
ma Delta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sig- several General Motors Corp. units,
ma Alpha M1u and Sigma Chi will 1 which employ nearly 100,000 workers
have Rader, who belongs to Sigma in the strike affected area.
Chi, as its representative on the Strikers who held the key plant of
Council. the power company at Zilwaukee, be-
McCann, a member of Delta Kap tween Saginaw and Bay City, in-
pa Epsilon, will represent district dicated the men would heed the re-
four composed of Alpha Kappa Lamb- quest of Mortimer, highest ranking
da, Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Kappa officer of the union now in Michigan.i
Epsilon, Zeta Psi and Zeta Beta Tau. Homer Martin, president, is on a-
The fifth district will be represent- speaking tour to the west coast.
(Continued on Page 6) Late today, all of Saginaw was,
without electric power except the hos-1
B e petals and police department. The1
firedepartment operated its ownl
Set For Today In Bay City, 80 per cent of the mer-
cantile and industrial establishments
and 35 per cent of the homes were.
In Local Court without current.
In Flint switches were pulled de-'
priving the Buick Motor Co. and
e1fendant Ar s.d Her Chevrolet Motor Co. of power.
Adult Education
Institute Goes
Into Fourth Day,
The main body of Government
troops fell back to Galdacano, only
three miles from the besieged seaport.
The Basque Government in a note
to the European "hands-off Spain"
committee in London protested "crim-
inal action" of "German aviation at
the service of the Rebels (Insur-
It charged the fliers were dropping
incendiary grenades on towns and
villages and machine gunning civilian
A Bilbao dispatch reported the
British government notified British
shipping in Bilbao harbor to leave as}
soon as possible in view of the In-7
surgent advance, saying it would be
impossible to guarantee them British
naval protection.
Sherwood, Bickel
Matched In Big Ten
Drawings late last night pit Miller
Sherwood, Varsity captain, against
Norm Bickel defending singles cham-
pion, in the first round of the Big
Ten tennis championships, which are
being played here today, Friday and
Saturday on the Palmer Field courts.
The Bickel-Sherwood match will be
played at 11 a.m. today, Bickel draw-
ing a bye because of Purdue's with-
drawal from the tournament. The
number one Michigan doubles com-
bination of Sherwood and Bill Mills
also drew a bye.
During Picketing; Slater
Joseph Bernstein, '39, arrested for
disorderly conduct during picketing
in front of the City Hall April 8, will
appear in a jury trial before Jus-
tice Jay H. Payne at 10 a.m. today.
Trial of Myron E. Slater, owner of
the College Book Shop, against whom,
Robert C. B. Campbell, Grad., swore,
out a warrant charging use of in-
dececent language at the same strike-
demonstration, has been postponed.
Frank B. DeVine, Slater's lawyer, will
be occupied with a case in the Circuit
Court today.
City Attorney William Laird and
Arthur C. Lehman, Bernstein's law-
yer, will try the case.
Ralph Neafus, '36F&C, and Tom
Downs, '39, president of the Student
Workers Federation, have been found
guilty in Justice Payne's court of
"loitering." Both of them have filed
appeals in the Circuit Court.
The Ann Arbor Ttades and Labor
Council will support Bernstein's case
through the Justice Court hearing.
If further aid is necessary, as in the
case of Neafus and Downs, it will be
provided by the Michigan Confer-
ence for the Protection of Civil Liber-
Bernstein's arrest and the issuing
of the warrant for Slater on April 22
came as the result of a demonstra-
Senate, House
Consider Civil
Service, Labor
LANSING, May 19.-(P)--Demo-
cratic leaders cracked the whip today,
striving to shove the administrative
legislative program through to en-
actment in an intensive three weeks
of activity.
No. 1 on the program was civil serv-
ice, the re-writing of which has been
entrusted to a "policy committee" of
Democratic House members. Author-
itative sources said it would go from
the hands of the policy committee to
the State Affairs Committee, which
would report it on the floor 'of the
House. The Senate measure was
drafted by a civil service study com-
mission appointed by the preceding
administration and headed by Prof.
James K. Pollock of the political sci-
ence department.
The hikh command also was con-
fident that the quarreling of factions
that have insisted on having their
own way in the drafting of a labor
relations bill would be smothered,
A fight also was in progress over
two other House measures, one which
would repeal the requirement that
school and college faculty members
take an oath of allegiance to the
Van Devanler Joins John II. Clarke
Th Make 27th Resignee From Court
Situation To Be Topics gelman. Sports Juniors
At Today's Meetings The sports juniors o: The Daily
are Betsey Anderson, Art 'Baldauf,
The Adult Education Institute, in Bud Benjamin, Stuart Fitch, Roy
its third day of meeting yesterday Heath and Ben Moorstein.
its hir dayof eetng ysteday The Gargoyle editorial staff ap-
in the League, heard talks on health, pointments were also announced last
the social securities act, the expan- night by George S. Quick, managing
sion of the Japanese empire and the editor of the Gargoyle. Katherine M.
authenticity of. news. IJohnston, '38, was appointed women's
Toda, coferncesandtalk oneditor. Other staff appointments are
Today, conferences and talks on Kenneth August, '39, Marjorie Fitz-
strikes, health, the Spanish situation, gerald, '38, Max Hodge, '39, Jim Hol-
journalism and plays will be featured linshead, '39, John E. Mills,''38E, Dave
on the program. Rank, '38E, Carolyn Ross, '39, and
Japanese expansion in the Far East I Alfred Williams, '40.
is not a development of the last few The Gargoyle business staff ap-
pointments, announced by Samuel
1 years, but has been going on for many IKrugliak, '38, business manager were:
centuries, Prof. Robert Hall of the Waldo Abbott, Jr., Alice Bassett, Ke-
geography department told the mem- vin Hepp, John Mitchell, Marion Stol-
bers of the Institute at 11:15 a.m. ler, and Martin Wiener.
yesterday. Summer Daily
Japan's Growth Richard Hershey, '37, managing
Tracing Japan's territorial expan- editor of The Summer Daily appoint-
pion to the north and south and the ed the following : Mattes, associate
empire's inclusion of many racial editor, James Boozer, Pat Conger,
types, a process that has "continued Robert Fitzhenry, Joseph Gies, Hor-
throughout the period of Japan's ace Gilmore, Clayton Hepler and
written history," Professor Hall de- Charlotte D. Rueger as the members
Glared the Japanese "may be the peo- of his staff.
ple to blend Eastern and Western The personnel of the Michiganen-
culture." sian editorial and business staffs will
American concern over Japanese be announced later in the week by
expansion, which was stimulated in the respective heads.
the press in 1933 when the empire All of the staff organization plans
took over Manchuria, illustrates a re- I presented by the various managers
cent trend of turning some of itswere approved by the Board in Con-
attention to the Pacific. trol of Student Publications. Only two
No Financial Gain I of the staff appointments were made
"Japan," Professor Hall stated, I by the Board; there were Silverman
"has derived no financial gain from and Tenander. Authority was given
Korea, but holds it as the door toI to the heads of the various staffs by
continental Asia." the Board to make the other staff
The far-flung Japanese empire of appointments.
1621 islands extending from 2,000
miles in three arcs, has possessions
interposed among the three United u lai o et
States holdings, the Hawaiian Award At Banque
Islands, Guam and the Philippine
Dr. Sundwall told members of the The Hillel award to Marshall Shul-
Institute yesterday morning that, "We man, '37, will be made at a dinner
(Continued on Page 6) at 6:30 p.m. Sunday at the Union.
---- --The dinner will be sponsored by
When 78-year-old Associate Justice
Willis Van Devanter steps out of
his stately black robes on June 2, he
will be the first to retire and the
27th to resign from the century and
a half old United States Supreme
In the brief span of life of the
Court, as lives of government insti-
tutions go, 26 men have doffed their
judicial garments in voluntary resig-
nations. Justice Van Devanter's re-
tirement, however, is in accordance
with a law passed on March 1 of
this year allowing members of the
high bench who have served 10 years
to retire after the age of 70 and re-
ceive a pension of $20,000 annually.
yh action the conservative Jus-
Other Living Ex-Just ice
and California fair trade laws were}
also given by him.
While the Washington correspon-
dents and court experts of the coun-,
try participate in some harmless
speculation as to a liberal successor
there looms onto the governmental
horizon the rumor that the next to
retire will be Associate Justice Louis
D. Brandeis. -
In such an event the chances for
Gov. Frank Murphy's appointment
to the high court, making. him the
second member of the court from
Michigan, will be increased. The
only representative in the highest
chamber from the state was Henry
B. Brown who was sworn in on Jan.
6, 1891 and who resigned on May 28,
Another interesting fact in the his-
Amami I