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May 19, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-19

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FOUR W~f. ...... .MAY...,.193


icies during his stay in the position of Chancellor
of the Exchequer. A strong free trade man, the
tariff question was destined to loom large in his
later political life.
Snowden was one of Labor's leaders, along with
Ramsay MacDonald and J. H. Thomas, who
bclted the party in 1931 in order to join the
National Government cabinet. For this action
the Labor Party could never forgive Snowden. It
considered him a "traitor," just as it considered
MacDonald and Thomas "traitors." For Snow-
den, however, it n-#st be said that he he at least
had the courage to get out of the National cab-
inet when he saw that he and his comrades were
becoming nothing more than dummies for the
Conseivatives who dominated the cabinet. Snow,.
den saw that the whole business was a sham and
he resigned rather than support the tariff pol-
icies of the Conservatives, charging that support
of any policy in contradiction with the policy
of the individual's own party was not to be ex-
pected in view of the understanding reached at
the time of the National cabinet's formation.
From the moment of his retirement until his
death, Snowden was a vigorous critic of the ex-
Labor men who remained in the National cabinet
and it was later learned that he had been crit-
ical during his days in the cabinet. Snowden at
least realized his mistake and did not continue
the farce supported by MacDonald, who com-
promised most of his ideals to remain in the

Egypt Grows Up
EGYPT had a high degree of civilization and
culture 50 centuries ago, when the territories
of the present world powers were neopled only
by barbarians. For almost 2,000 years, the an-
cient land lived under the yoke of what any
Egyptian with a historical sense must view as
upstart nations. Only last year did the latest
suzerain, Great Britain, grant a substantial
measure of independence, and only within the
last few days has the end of a symbol of sub-
servience, the so-called "capitulations," been ne-
Originating in the days of Turkish rule, these
treaties granted foreigners immunity from trial
in Egyptian courts, exempted their property from
taxation and granted numerous other privileges.
A strong nationalistic movement has been rising
in Egypt, to the great embarrassment of British
administrators, and the capitulations could no
longer be tolerated. The method Egypt chose to
get rid of them offers evidence of her right to
sovereignty. She took the peaceful course of
negotiation, and an agreement just reached at
Monteaux, Switzerland, provides for gradually
abolishing the restrictions over a 12-year period
and supplanting the foreign Judges who now sit
in cases involving non-Egyptians.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authoity of the Board in Control of
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University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
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Entered at the Post Ofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
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Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
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College Publishers Representatl
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel Wuerfel Richard Tershey
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NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes. William E. Shackleton,
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bt Weeks.
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BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, PhilBiuchen, Tracy
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ifled Advertising Manager.
Put The CCC
Where It Belongs...
T HE ONE.PROJECT of the Roose-
velt administration that has met
with almost universal approval is the Civilian
Conservation Corps. With nearly 300,000 young
men, war veterans and Indians receiving needed
relief and employed in useful outdoor work, th
camps have been popularly acclaimed and liked
throughout the land, and deservedly so.
President Roosevelt now asks that the corps
be estab'lished upon a permanent basis. Fears
that the corps woul become a private army that
need 6641y exchange shovels for guns to become a
foriidable for1e&in support of despotism have
been largely allayed.
Before whole-hearted support can-be accorded
to the project however, there are two issues of
a fundamental nature that must be thrashed out.
The first is the extent to which the organization
has come under control and supervision of the
ary. "Obviously the army has played a vital
part in making the CCC so great a success. It
built and equipped the barracks, fed, clothed and
housed the men. Its work in that direction is
now finished. The camps are now operating
efficiently and the economies which an army
administration is able to maintain can be car-
riej; out, we believe, as competently by civilians.
Arguments now proposed for continuing the
co peration with the army are that it can man-
age the problem of physical safety better than
any other agency, that the discipline imposed
by army officers is more desired than any other
kind. To the great credit of the army, the
disciplinary problem of the camps has been
admnirably handled. It has been proven that the
discipline imposed is not of a military nature.
It has been well or badly enforced according
to the individuality of officers, with much more
of it good than bad. But if it is merely a
matter of personality, it is apparent that non-
army men can handle the job equally as well.
Thus it appears evident that neither argument
for continued army control, efficient organiza-
tion nor effective discipline, is valid any longer,
and Congress could definitely settle the issue by
severing completely all connections between the
CCC and the War Department.

Still another question is the purpose of so
large a permanent non-military organization.
If the primary purpose of the CCC after it is
made permanent, is not relief but conservation,
then there can be no question as to who should
have full responsibility for it. It belongs in the
Forest Service.
Labor Again
Loses Snowden.
death of Philip Snowden, Vis-
count of Ickornshaw, the passing of one of the
great leaders in the history of the British Labor

Editor's Madbag Is Still Filled

Our Page Is Obscure
To the Editor:
How you could put a letter such as Mr. Ros-
ten's "Letter to the Dead" above such inane
facetiousness as 'Tossing the Gauntlet," is more
than I can see. Why you didn't give Mr. Rosten's
letter greater prominence than the obscure
fourth page, is still more than I can see. I guess
it was in your "letter department," so it was
automatically put in with "Letters." To me Mr.
Rosten's "letter" was more important front page
news than the fact that the Regents gave so-and-
so much to such-and-such a department.
For if the majority of students (who are after
all the backbone of tomorrow's civilization) don't
wake up from the kind of "laissez-faire" atti-
tude Mr. Rosten so rightly condemns, then there
will be no University to which the Regents can
donate their money. In fact there will be no
Regents. For in a Fascist state only the dictator
"has the say." In a Fascist state a "state uni-
versity" would not mean a place for those whq
want a richer intellectual and social life to have
freedom in libraries, laboratories, classroom, or
extra-curricular activities, to have a chance to
have a comparatively unbiased view of the world
about them. A State University would be in-
stead a place where one man's (the dictator's)
opinions would be drummed into the senseless
heads of those Mr. Rosten terms "dead." There
would be no case of "Who For Whom" or "Whom
for Who." It would be "All for One," the dicta-
tor. Anyone who did not agree to this and dared
to voice his opinion would find himself in a
concentration camp, or in prison or in the electric
This is not an exaggeration; in fact it is a great
understatement of what is being done in Fas-
cist countries today. For this reason I do wish
you'd reprint Mr. Rosten's article, for he ex
presses so well in so few words the meaning of
There would be one great difference, however,
if Fascism came to America. Such men as Ein-
stein, Thomas Mann, or Bruno Walter and the
millions of others who have in a lesser way
helped to make the world a place where life is
worth the living, were not entirely lost; for they
found there was still a place in the world where
humans lived. This place was and is America.
After the heart-breaking drama they witnessed
in the moral destruction of their own country
they at least found a temporary refuge in Amer-
ica where they are not treated like hunted an-
imals. But if Fascism came to America, where
would those who dare to express their opinions
go? This is the thing that makes the idea of Fas-
cism in America even more terrible than is the
nightmare of Germany, Italy and Spain today.
It is the type of student who "doesn't give a
damn" and thinks all discussions relating to the
horror or meaning of Fascism "highbrow an
beyond him" who is a potential dictator's best
friend. Hitler never could have gained a strong-
hold in Germany if the people hadn't become
so oppressed that they were passive and voiced
almost no objections. The same applies to Italy.
The people didn't quite know what they wanted
and Mussolini did. The people as a whole
thought politics was "highbrow."
Again I urge you to reprint Mr. Roste's
letter for he explains this so well and so suc-
cinctly that I do not see how anyone can fail
to be moved by it. He realizes, as so few do, that
the problem is not "highbrow" or political. It is
a problem that each person in the United States
will have to face sooner or later, and the sooner
each person realizes the meaning of the horror
that is Fascism, the less chance there is of that
horror becoming reality. -M.L.
A New Protest
To the Editor:
Well, things have been running along smoothly
for most of us of '39 since last fall when the
Economics Department so honorably read our
protests concerning the first blue book in Ec. 51,
and then gave us reasonable exams thereafter.
Although I am getting away from the topic of the
moment, I do want to let that department know
that most of us appreciated it and that we are
quite happy in Ec. 52.
But we are experiencing difficulty in another

fact the course would be enjoyed if it were not
for the incomprehensible manner in which our
blue books are corrected.
All that we of '39 desire is that we shall have
some sort of understanding between ourselves
and our guides in this great endeavor to obtain
a worthwhile education. Such as does not now
exist in this particular course, but such that
does exist between the student and the Eco-
nomics Department, and I do not believe that
this latter type does exemplify the general pol-
icy of our University.
I hope that others, too, will express their views,
so that this letter will not be considered a case
of "sour grapes."s-Sophomore.
Spanish Democracy?
To the Editor:
There has been a great deal of talk about the
defending of the Spanish democracy, endanger-
ed by a possible Fascist dictator if the Rebels
come to power after the civil war. The problem
is a very noble one to talk about, but Spain, un-
fortunately, never had democracy, except for a
brief period during the early days of the Re-
public, when a group of liberal intellectuals knew
exactly what democracy was and meant to bring
it as a substitute for a long corrupted Bour-~
bonic type of monarchy.
In 1931 when the Republic established her-
self, Senor Azana and a group of intellectuals,
greatly influenced by Anglo-American liberal
ideology, brought into Spain a type of democ-
racy never known before by the Spaniards. Al-
though it was accepted without hesitation by
nearly everybody, excluding the nobles, the
army, and few capitalists, each of the prevalent
political groups show an opportunity to use
democracy as an instrument for self-advance.
For the Anarchists, Communists, Socialists and
Syndicalists democracy meant a way through
which they could safely advance; similarly, the
group opposing radicalism had an ample oppor-
tunity to incubate opposite ideas under the safe
banner of democracy, bringing to light a real
Fascist party and a more self-conscious military
group, defending the landed class and the pres-
tige of the army respectively.
The ideas of the Republic, a liberal product,
felt not in liberal ground, but in a Spain divided
and subdivided in classes, political groups, and
regional differences. Nobody did see Spain in
toto, except few idealistic liberals of which Una-
muno, Gasset, and Azana are illustrious ex-
amples. The atomic state of Spain and the lack
of articulation between the numerous groups
destroyed both democracy in its pure impulse
and the Republic. Last year, just before the
revolution, anyone could predict that the active
Imoving toward radicalism, represented only by
a minority in power, was accelerating a revolt.
Friction was created with every opposite group,
and the liberal themselves, who made possible
their radical progress, were finally repudiated.
The liberal Azana became a toy of Communism.
Unfortunately the "democrats" of our Campus
indicate to be ignorant of Spain pre-revolution.
They probably were in those days influenced by
the popular idea that Spain was a country of
romance, with no possibility for a real tragedy.
Democracy was, so to say, a fertilizer in the
political soil, and instead of curing the national
disease of disintegration, it multiplied the cases
ad infinitum! Democracy died with the second
coming of Azana, and dead is now in Largo Cab-
The future hardly promises the rosy color of
democracy as some naive minds seem to think
in our campus. We must remember that the
Spanish civil war is not exhausted by the over-
worked and simple formula of "Rebel vs. Loyal-
ist." . The loyalist can justly claim representa-
tivesc of every possible political theory, and the
same is true of the rebels. This superficial co-
operation is only apparent. We have indications
of tendencies, particularly among the Anarch-
ists, to pull away from Largo Caballero; they
find his government too conservative and anti-
The sad fact is that Spain is breaking in small
parts. And this is, in my opinion, the real obstacle
to introduce democracy in Spain. The present
war will close with a rebel or loyalist victory.
But the victor will face not only a war enemy,

Trade Policy
-Economic A ppeasement-
(Fitcm The lHcraid Tribune)
WXHEN Mr. Norman H. Davis sailed
for Europe in the latter part of
March, the air was filled with rumors
(of a great gesture toward peace and
a disarmament conference, with per-
haps something in the economic line
on the side. When he got back on
Saturday, the disarmament idea if
it had ever been seriously enter-
tained) was pretty well dead and
buried under the hard rocks of real-
ity, but the notion of economic ap-
peasenient had moved prominently
into the foreground. Even Mr. Davis
spoke guardedly of the "pressure to
give more freedom to economic
forces"; and though few today would
care to suggest another general con-
ference settlement, like that attempt-
ed in the Geological Museum in Lon-
don in 1933, the possibility-indeed.
the need-for action on several local
fronts is rapidly becoming apparent.
Beginning at home, Secretary Hull's
policy of reciprocal trade treaties is
running into statistics indicating that
it may be increasing American im-
ports much more rapidly than ex-
ports. The statistics are by no means
conclusive, but they are formidable
enough, to suggest that if the policy
is to be maintained as a beacon in a
tariff-darkened world the rest of the
voild will have to give us some more
active co-operation. Because the
British are still leading exponents of
the world market and because two-
fifths of American trade is with the
British Empire, this has focused at-
tention on the empire preferential
system and the possibility that the
imperial conference now sitting in
London may reconsider its rigidities.
But if revision of the imperial pref-
erence system could do much to in-'
crease trade among the sterling coun-
tries and the United States, the co-
operation of both American and
British commercial policy with the
small states of southeastern Europe
could do much to promote the move-
ment to the recreation of a DanubianI
customs area, by allowing a Danubian
preference system to operate outside;
the limits of the most-favored-nation
clause. There could hardly be a more
salutary development, not only forI
international economics, but for in-
ternational lolitics, than the appear-
ance of such a Danubian bloc, eco-
nomically and therefore politically,
more nearly able to stand indepen-
dent of the rival great powers now
struggling for control in the Balkans.
With an amelioration of trade rela-
tions between the United States and
the British Empire, followed by an
economic strengthening of the Dan-
ubian area, the way would be open
for a more hopeful beginning on the
trade relations between Germany and°
Italy, the two great autarchies, and
the outside world. It is true that
Mussolini has just vigorously reded-
icated himself to the autarchic prin-
ciple, and that the German exten-
sions of the-economic olive branch
have been highly tentative in charac-
ter; but it is also true that the rise
of world prices has put an increas-
ingly heavy pressure on both coun-
tries, and that the tendency of all
the vast effort at rearmament to
.un into only military deadlock leaves
them little alternative save to seek
co-operation in the economic field.
Throughout the depression year
the cry was for political peace and
disarmament in order to lighten the
economic burdens; but ironically
enough it is today actually the growth
of the great armaments into a fairly
effective balance which is supplying a
basis for economic appeasement.
"They are," Mr. Davis reports of the
Europeans in general, "afraid of wai
now," but there is a "growing realiza-
tion" that they must do something tc
open the stifled channels of trade. In
the London imperial conference we
shall perhaps read the first sigm
showing whether the time has come

for an attack in detail upon the
blockade ,or whether the nascent
hope is to prove another .illusion.
Hatchet Man
(Fronj the Herald Tribune)
0 UR CHINESE fellow New Yorker:
are noted for their composure ir
difficult circumstances and their
adaptibility to change. While their
philosophy has its roots in a time fai
beyond the beginnings of the Chris-
tian era, it has proved sufficiently
flexible to fit modern conditions, and
even to deal with the contemporary
racketeer problem.
"They must often change whe
would be constant in happiness and
wisdom," wrote Confucius, and with
this maxim of the ancient wisdom in
mind, the Chinese Laundry Alliance
dealt with members of a rival or-
ganization whom they described as
hatchet men and who sought to take
over their membership. Instead of
the former method used in Chinese
business disputes, in which there was
sniping from doorways in Mott, Pell
and Doyers Streets, with numerous
casualties-although out of all pro-
portion to the ammunition expended
-the Laundry Alliance took their
grievance to court. There, after nine
months of hearings before Referee
Thomas C. T. Crain, they won their
suit and their assailants were de-
feated. Incidentally, as a guide to
other industrial disputes, it is note-
worthy that hundreds of ballots were
taken of the membership of both
'peaniztinzto ,determine to wuhic-h

Notice to Seniors, June Graduates
and Graduate Students: Today is the
last day upon which you will have the
opportunity to apply for any degree
or certificate with definite assurance
that subject to academic qualification
it will be awarded to you at com-
mencement. There is still a fairly
large group who have not yet attend-
ed to this who should do so at once
if they want to be certain that their
degrees or certificates will be award-
ed at commencement.
Shirley W. Smith.
Student Accounts: Your attention

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of th.
Waiversity. Copy received at the Mos oat the Assistant to the Presidm
uWt 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1937 Swingojit: Seniors in all colleges
VOL. XLVII No. 165 are urged to order their caps and
l gowns without delay for Senior
t; ot S Swingout on Sunday, May 23. They
are available at Moe's Sport Shop on
To Department Heads and Others North University, Van Bovens, and
Concerned: All time slips must be in Rogers' on South University at only
the Business Office May 21 to be m- 25 cents in addition to the rental fee
cluded in the May payroll. for commencement. Your early co-
Edna G. Miller, operation will assist the committee
Payroll Clerk. in planning the event, and will as-
sure you of the proper garb for Swing-
May Salary Checks: In view of the out.
fact that the regular payday for May,
May 31, is a holiday and Saturday, June Graduates: The University
the 29th, is a half-day, May salary sends interesting and instructive bul-
checks will be ready for distribution letins periodically to all graduates
on Friday, May 28. Shirley W. Smith and former students. In order that

you may receive these, please keep
the Alumni Catalog Office informed
at all times regarding your correct
Lunette Hadley, Director.
University Lectite: Dr. D. Donald
Hudson, Land Classification Section,
Land Planning and Housing Division,
Tennessee Valley Authority, will lec-
ture on "A Geographer's Contribution
to the T.V.A." in Natural Science Au-
ditoritim on Wednesday, May 19, at
4:15 p.m. The lecture will be il-
lustrated. The public is cordially in-

is called to the following rules passed ______
by the Regents at their meeting of
Feb. 28, 1936: Exhibition
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than the There will be an exhibition of
last day of classes of each semester paintings by the National Member-
or Summer Session. Student loans ship of the American Artists' Con-
which fall due during any semester gress sponsored by its Michigan
or Summer Session which are not Branch in Alumni Memorial Hall
paid or renewed are subject to this through May 21, afternoons from 2
regulation; however, student loans to 5 p.m.
not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid

accounts at the close of business on
the last day of classes will be report- o
ed to the Cashier of the University, c
"(a) All academic credits will be o
withheld, the grades for the semes-
ter or Summer Session just completed
will not be released, and no tran
script of credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register h
in any subsequent semester or Sum- n
mer Session until payment has been
S. W. Smith, Vice-President
and Secretary,
The Bureau of Appointment and c
Occupational Information has re-
ceived notification of the following
Qualified Chinese students for d
1. Education. To experiment in l
the teaching of English in middlea
schools, to prepare readers that willk
give a cultural and linguistic train-c
ing required for the study of science;
may be a science man not necessarilyP
3 specialist or trained in educationalF
philosophy but competent to handlea
science phase of his work.e
2. General Education.
3. Curriculum making.x
American student for:
1. Commercial position in a Pres-
byterian mission school in Alexan-..
dria, Egypt. Candidates must be
qualified to teach shorthand, type-
writing, and bookkeeping. Salary $450e
per year plus room, board, and trav-1
sling expenses.
Students desiring to make appli-
^ation for these positions or wishingr
further information, please call at
the office of the Bureau of Appoint-1
ments, 201 Mason Hall.t
Foreign Students Attention: For-
ign Students who have not already r
reported to the Counselor to Foreign1
Students their plans for next year,1
must do so before May 28. This in-c
formation is required by the U. S. De-1
9artment of Immigratiorf. Students
may report during the following
lours: Mon., Tues., and Fri., 4 to 6c
p.m.; Saturday morning, 10 to 12.'
First Mortgage L o a n s: The
UJniversity has a limited amount of
funds to loan on modern well-located
Ann Arbor property. Interest at
°urrent rates. Apply Investment Of-
fice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer-
sity Hall.
Freshman, Sophomores and Jun-
iors in L.S.&A., Architecture, Educa-
tion, Forestry and Music: Save your-
self one dollar by leaving at Regis-
trar's Office your address for July 1
to July 15, if this has changed since
February registration. Your blue
print, giving your full record, will be
mailed shortly after commencement.
This print must be shown your ad-
viser before you register next fall.
Blue prints to replace those lost dur-
ing the summer will cost one dollar
Robert L. Williams, Assistant
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Choral Union are reminded to
return their May Festival music
books at once; in any case not later
than 12 o'clock, Friday, May 21, and
to receive their refunds. After noon
on Friday, no refunds will be made.

Exhibition of Sculpture by students
f Prof. Avard Fairbanks in the Con-
ourse of the Michigan League. Some
work by Professor Fairbanks is also
n exhibit.
Events Today
The meeting of the Progressive
Club originally scheduled for today
has been postponed to Thursday .eve-
ning, May 20.
The Peace Council will meet in the
Michigan Union, this evening at 1:30
p.m. Plans for Memorial Day will be
completed, and a program for the
oming year will be considered. Dr.
E. W. Blakeman will be guest speaker.
Research Club will meet Wednes-
day, May 19, at 8 p.m. in the Histo-
ogical Laboratory of the East Medic-
al Building. The following papers
will be presented: Prof. Clark Hop-
kiis, "The Michigan Excavations at
Seleucia on the Tigris"; Professor-
Emeritus W. H. Hobbs, "An Optical
Phenomenon of the Polar Regions
and its Relations to the Localization
of Discovered Land." The Council
will meet in the same room at 7:30
Interfraternity Council: Meeting
to be held on Wednesday, May 19, at
7:30 p.m. in the Council offices, Room
306 of the Union. Election of offic-
ers; all house presidents urged to be
Annual Phi Sigma Banquet: Wed-
nesday, May 19, at 6:30 p.m., Michi-
gan League. Address, "The Green
Folk," by Prof. Carl D. LaRue of
the Botany Department.
Athena: There will be a short busi-
ness meeting at 7 p.m. tonight in the
Portia room of Angell Hall. All mem-
bers are required to be present. Those
desiring to leave early for "Bartered
Bride" practice may do so.
Scabbard and Blade: Last meeting
of year in Michigan Union tonight at
7 p.m. New officers will be installed
Uniform required. Room posted.a
Coming Events
A.S.M.E. McVnbers: All members
who signed up for the Detroit trip,
whether riding in the bus or in pri-
vate cars, should be at the Engineer-
ing Arch at 12:20 p.m. Thursday,
May 20. This is important!
There is to be only one inspection
trip, all members going to the Dodge
Body Plant.
Tickets for the dinner will be given
out at the Hotel Statler after the in-
spection trip.
English Journal Club meets Friday,
May 21, at 4 p.m. in the Union. Elec-
tion of officers is the important item
of business. The program, open to
the public at 4:20 p.m., will be a col-
loquium on the subject, "Recent Con-
tributions to the Theory of Criticism."
Mn. Baum will discuss Adler's "Art
and Prudence." Mr. Luyckx will
review Bateson's "Poetry and Lan-
Engineering Council: There will be
an important Engineering Council
meeting Thursday, May 20, at 7:15
p.m., in the Computing Room. All
active and newiv 1ip ep~a momh r


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