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May 18, 1937 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-05-18

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I f ,


The Primrose 'Path

"Off to the hunt!" cried Miss Primrose ... galloping into her flowered
organdy formal and laying on another circle of green eye shadow to her
h'eady dazzling lenses . .. She swept several dozen fraternity pins . .. the
rieWard of a long and successful campus career . . . into her evening bag
ndl dashed out the front door . . stopping long enough to collect "her
Hero" wh6 was lounging in somewhat wilted fashion on the door stoop .. .
having been waiting patiently in the usual masculine fashion for at least
an hour . . . They plodded off on swiftly falling arches to a round of
fraternity parties ...
Steaming up Hill Street they came suddenly upon the Psi U hovel ..
lurking in the shadows . . . Strains of music issued from the door . .
along with clouds of smoke . . Miss Primrose hesitated on the threshold
but "Her Own" pressed boldly on . .. Into the shadows of death, into the
mouth of hell . . . he muttered under his breath . . . Once inside they
pee'red through the smoke screen which appeared to be issuing from
the fire place . . . (What . . . No boy sprouts among the Psi Up's!) . . .
Jim race .. former African Headhunter ... refused to apply his talents
to relieving the congestion where the fire was supposed to be . . . Mary
Aandolph and Chuck Coe went coughing by . . . with Marian Dailey and
Sandy McPherson . . . Betty Crandall with flowers in her hair (and
Bill Lord) was putting her whole sole into the dancing . . . The walls of
the house were black with stags, Miss Primrose noted with a thrill of
pleasure . . . and she dropped her left eye softly at a tall blond youth
with curly eyelashes who answered to the name of Paul . . . with no
results . . Doris Bolton floated by on the arm of Fletcher Platt . .
right arm . . . John Closterhouse of the flaming locks rose up through
the smoke like a fiery brand brought to life by Jim Hammond . . .
Miss Priirosti Likes Them Dark.*
Mary Lavan and Marshall Rogers ... Ruth Calkins and Jack Chapman
.. .Jane Nussbum and Guy Howard were all here and there . . . Arthur
Kleinschmidt was escorting Cherie Nan Moffet of Detroit about the mansion.
depths and windings of the Primrose Path - . .
By this time Miss Primrose had smoke in her eyes so she set out to
conquer greener pastures . . . namely the Chi Phi-Ethel Fountain Hussey
dante . . . Helen Jesperson was looking angelic in a white formal with Bob
Hammond . .. Miss Primrose decided tall, dark 'n' handsome Don Effler
was a perfect foil for the blond flame of Helen alias "Happy" Rowe . . . Also
among the first noted were Frannie Sutherland and John Treadway ... Elea-
nor Skiles and Fred Vogt, deeply engrossed in a rousing game of rabbit ...
Probably their own contribution to the party . . . Dean and Mrs. Rea
were flying about lending official atmosphere . .. Also Dr. Brace and Miss
Ethel McCormick . . . Betty Riddell was with Wally Wendell . Betty
Bird . . . another one of the fiery planets . . . was with Ros Curtis . .
Ruth Washburn was the picture of spring in her pink chiffon formal
dancing with Jdhn Lorenzen . . . Leah Russell was taking Bob Canning
for a ride . .. Margaret Lindberg flitted past with Carl Johnson .
POl te" Planks Hold Fascintion .. .
The Ylished plahks of the A.T.O. house had fascination for Ted
Fraser, that 'smoothie dancer who leads with his chin . . . Miss Primrose
caught a glimpse of him in full sail on the floor with Nancy Saibert
. . . Bill Shaw's curly blond pate was seen looming above that of Betty
Davis . . . George Jones and Ruth Dillman were seen crushed against
the wall and Stella Dawson and Don Wangelin swooped by in a gust
of wind . . . Esther Johnson . . . Kappa Venus . . . with arms . . . glided
across the floor with Don Siegel . . of the Parrot Squawks fame . . .
The Sigma Chis and their sweethearts were throwing a slight enter-
tainment under the home roof . . . "Rosey Cheeks" Hugh Rader squired
Mary Lou Hulbert . . . Barbara Telling and Carl Jones . . . Herb Gibbs and
Mary Skinner are here, murmured Miss Primrose to herself, snapping her
aspergum to avoid going into her 53rd faint . . . and for pity sakes
there is Dorothea Wassell and Bill (accorcian player extraordinary) An-
derson . . . Peggy Cleland . . . looking exotic as ever tripped through the
door in the arms of Dair Long . . while Jane Steiner and Stan Crego veered
to leeward just in time .
Theta Delt Mansion Mobbed As Usual.. ..
The usual mob was hanging out at the Theta Delt mansion.. . Margaret
Hamilton and Hubert Bristol were milling about jocously in the throng,
poking their elbows in the ribs of all and sundry . . . Betty Gregory looked
out from beneath a combination of spring flowers at Ed Higgins . . . JuneI
Laing . . . just an old delegate . . . drooped' over the shoulder of Roy
Fraser . . . Nelson Persons and her southern drawl was accompanying BillI
McHenry's rich basso profundo . .. Betty Whitney had Bruce Telfer by the1
forelock . . . yes, and last but hardly least were those illustrious stags . . .
Vincent Moore and Jack Kleene . . . and also Helen Higgins and John
Jordan, purveyor of the pigskin . . .
Aspergum notwithstanding . . . Miss Primrose then passed away and
had to be carried to her downy couch for the rest of the night . . .By
Sunday, however, in spite of the onslaught of mammas and papas which
took the campus by storm . . . she was out again giving an eagle eye to the
big parade . . . Bamby Boucherle and Dick Goldcamp were out with Mr.
and Mrs. Boucherle . .. Betty Gatward with Frank Dannemiller and Mrs.
Gatward . . . Margaret Dodds and her mamma . . . Marian Holden and
hers . . . were taking the air ..
Several non-weather prophets took it into their heads to seek the
great out-of-doors Sunday morning . . . Addie Ely and Greg Maxwell
decided to rough it on bikes in preference to ruining the picnic spirit by
taking a taxi to the island where others of their clan were planning to
consume much food and fresh air . .. Hope Hartwig and Bob Cooper ---

Genevieve Adams and Forest Jordan . . . who never quite recovered from
having an Easter chick named after him . . Betty Notley and John
Sloop . . great man of the South . . were among the consumers . .
until the rain started and ended the outing . . . anti sending Miss Primrose
scurrying for the hills and valleys of her trundle bed . . . where she has
since been confined with quadruple pneumonia . . . and will probably never

L arge Audience
Attends Opening
Play Of Season'
Bright Spring Prints Lenda
Color To Performance
Of TonightAt 8:30'
A large crowd of faculty, students,I
and townspeople last night attended
the opening performance of Noel
Coward's "Tonight at 8:30," starring
Helen Chandler a n d Bramwell

Tennis Facilities Offered By W.A. A.

Chatting in the lobby during inter-
mission were President and Mrs. Al- A
exander G. Ruthveh and Miss Alice
C. Lloyd, dean of women. Mrs. Ruth-}
ven was wearing printed chiffon
gown with aablack net jacket. Miss
Lloyd wuore 'a very becoming, yellowy, f
print. Prints seemed very popular
last night, for Mrs. Byrl Bacher
chose one in shades of tan and brown.
During Intermission
Other members of the faculty seen ~° - ~~- ~-
during intermission were Prof. and l
Mrs. Arthur W. Bromage and Dean!
and Mrs. Wilbur Humphries. Mrs. Underhand Serv
Bromage chose blue dotted chiffon
for the occasion. Dean Clare E. Grif- -.
fen, of the business administration N ow Sissy In
school, was seen talking to Mrs. Julia
M. Jamison who was wearing a green
print. Prof. and Mrs. Arthur E. .
Wood were also among the group. First Equipment Clumsy
Prof. and Mrs. Ralph W. Aigler When Sport Introduced
and Prof. and Mrs. John B. Waite hiFngland in -1874,
were seated together during the per-l
formance. Nearby sat Dr. Mehmety
Oga-Oglu, and Dr. and Mrs. Cameron By hELEN hENDERSON
Haight. Dean and Mrs. Joseph Burs- j Tennis has changed since women
ley and their daughter, Rebecca played in skirts that hung to six
Bursley, '39, were also there. Prof. inches from the ground (shockingly
and Mrs. ArthurL. Dunham were short, too!) and patted the ball gent-
seen talking with Prof. and Mrs. New- ly and slowly across the net. Those
a .y Students were the days when tennis was a
Many students attenied the first man's game and women were more
Manystudntsatteded he irst1k ~s+ 1 _1r~f: iv. rrn w. # iy r #'.e n

* *
e, Feeble Shots
z Women's Gane

Women Defeat
Ypsilanti Team
In Tennis Meet
The University of Michigan women
took an easy victory from Michigan
State Normal College at Ypsilanti in
a tennis meet yesterday afternoon at
the Palmer Field courts. Four singles
and one doubles matches were played,
with the Michigan women winning
every set, including two love sets.
Francis Alpert, '37Ed., winner of
last season's women's singles tourna-
ment, was No. 1 player for' Michigan.
Lillian Golbrath, of Normal College
lost to Miss Alpert, 6-4, 6-4.
Margot Holzauer of Ypsilanti
showed excellent form, but was de-
feated by Merida Hobard, '38, 6-0,
6-2. Margaret Veenboer, '37, won her
match from Olga Madar, 6-2, 6-1,
while Leone Cartwright lost to Jane
Quirk, '38, with the same score.
One doubles set was played, with
Dorothy Maul, '39, and Margaret Wa-
terston, '38, women's tennis manager,
teamed against Miss Madar and Miss
Holzauer. The Michigan women were
victorious, 6-0.
A return match is scheduled for
Wednesday, May 26 at Ypsilanti, Miss
Waterston said. She added that a
meet with the Ann Arbor Women's
Club will take place Wednesday of
this week at 4:30 p.m. at the Palmer
Field courts. A match with Michigan
State. College is tentatively planned
for Saturday.
Miss Waterston announced that
first and second round matches in
the doubles and singles tournaments
must be played this week.
Students Will Form
Intercultural Group
A series of conferences with the
aim of organizing an intercultural
council for next year are being held
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, counsel to
foreign students, announced yester-
"The time is ripe for forming a
plan for the more systematic ex-
change of ideas between the various
national groups on campus, 'ind be-
tween the foreign and the Ameiican
students," Professor Nelson said. Fif-
teen students, representing several
foreign countries and the United
States, are now working on the plan.
The intercultural council to be
formed, which will include both
American and foreign students, will
work with the counselor to formulate
a unified program.

Equipment Needed
For Sports Exhibit
In connection with the centennial
exhibit in women's sports to be spon-
sored by the department of physical
education for women, Miss Dorothy
Beise, instructor, has issued a call for
old sports equipment.
The exhibit will take the different
decades from 1890 on and show how
the more popular sports and costumes
have changed since then. As an ex-
ample she cited the change in tennis
racquets from the old-fashioned, big-
handled, long and narrow-faced
racket to the modern stream-lined
The equipment will be taken good
care of and immediately returned to
the owner following the exhibition
Miss Beise said. She requested that all
equipment be sent to her at Barbour
Schedule Of Baseball
Games Is Announced
The week's schedule for the wom-
en's baseball tournament was an-
nounced yesterday.
The Ann Arbor Independents will
tangle with Martha Cook and Delta
Gamma will play Alpha Delta Pi at
4:15 p.m. today at Palmer Field.
The Jordan Hall team will play
the winner of the Chi Omega-Gamma
Phi Beta game, which was postponed
yesterday because of the weather and
Kappa Alpha Theta will challenge
Alpha Chi Omega Thursday at the


performance. Lois Keddy, '36, stood
talking with Beatrice Schink, '38 and
Helen Stevenson, '38. Again the pref-
erence for prints was noticeable. Miss
Keddy chose a navy blue with gay
flowers and'Miss Schink had on black
with a white figure. Lucille Johns-
ton, '37, was standing with them.
Miss Jean Keller and Miss Ruth
Barrett attended the play with Bry-
mer Williams, Grad. Miss Keller wore
a brown print with a redingote and
Miss Barrett chose pink with a white
coat for the occasion. MargaretI
Guest, '37, also chose brown crepe.
Some of the- others seen during
the intermission were Ansel B. Smith,
'38L, Frank Stone, '38L, Robert Hen-
och, '38L, Betty Anne Beebe, '37 and
Nancy Quirk, '37.
Former Students Plan
XVT -7A . r, t .. _. f

or less glad of t -for vasntit a fact
that a woman was too weak to do
more than wave at the ball flying
swatter-like and send it in a beautiful
high-flown curve in the general di-
rection of her opponent?
Tell her that tennis is too strenuous
Sfor her today and she'll answer by
slamming hard drives all over the
court until you're tired out and then
she'll slip a sizzling volley off the
forecourt at an angle you couldn't
possibly reach with a canoe paddle.
Ever since Helen Wills Moody took
the limelight in women's tennis, the
game has been becoming more and
more like the man's game. Before
Mrs. Moody's time it was almost un-
heard of for a woman to make a
practice of going to the net. One
ranking player in the early 1900's
even used an underhand service and
got away with it?
Play Was Slow

national competition for women was
The serve, the two drives, forehand
and backhand, the lob and the volley
are the principle strokes of any game.
Fancy strokes like the top-spin or
the back-spin are effective if executed
correctly but otherwise should be
First Individual Spot
Tennis was the first individual
sport to be taught to women at the
University of Michigan. It was made
part of the curriculum long before
golf, swimming or archery. At pres-
ent the tennis classes are divided into
three types-beginning, intermediate
and advanced. Rudiments of the
strokes are taught as well as theory
and strategy of the game.
The increasing amount of mixed
play has contributed toward speeding
up the woman's. game. A glance at
the Palmer Field tennis courts any
afternoon proves that the Michigan
woman prefers to match her skill and
wits against a member of the opposite
sex. Mixed doubles play forces a
woman to develop her net game, for
when her partner serves, she must
take her place in the forecourt to
guard the net.
Women's doubles, mixed doubles
and women's singles tournaments are
Sigma Nu announces the pledging
of Vincent Vindler, '40, Detroit, and
Edwin Krieghoff, '38, Grosse Pointe.




Watch Repairing:
State and Liberty

,+ .

Wedding IFor June 5th Tennis, as we know it, is not an
ancient game. Games were played in
Mrs. William Henry McManus, of France and England centuries ago
Detroit, announces the approaching that might have resembled the prin-
marriage of herdaughter, Eileen, '36, ciple of tennis, but it was not until
to Robert Alden Choate, '36L. The 1847 that a game with official rules
date has been set for 2 p.m., June 5, was introduced in England. The court
in the League chapel. was shaped like an hour-glass, the
A reception will follow the cere- net was very high, the racket was
mony in the Alumnae Room of th~eI clumsy, and play was slow. Never-
League. Miss McManus won a fresh- j theless, this was tennis' grandfather.
man Hopwood Award, was a chair- In 1881 the United States Lawn Ten..
man of the publicity committee of nis Association was founded, the serv-
Penny Carnival her junior year on ice lines introduced, the 'net lowered
campus and was a member of Seniori and the court made rectangular.
Society. After the World War, with the intro-
The couple plan to live in Detroit. duction of the Wightman Cup, inter-




i ---- _

3 Days - Tues., WedThurs.
sale. Values that will set all Ann Arbor buzzing with excitement. Be
thrifty and put in a supply, as high quality merchandise as this will
never again be offered at such low prices; way below wholesale. It is

for the wearer of this
crisp cool PALM BEACH
tailleur. It boasts of
PASSARELLI'Sfamed man-
nish tailoring and is
laboratory tested for
resistance to wear, wrin-
Ming and frequent laun-
derings. Sleeves quality
lined with Earl-Glo.
Kover-Zip fasteners.
Whites, naturals, pastels.
e lea si o .ack blted
patch pockets. Link button clos-
ng. Inverted center plea skirt.


r j



Spring, Clearance
Dresses - Suits Coats
Off Orign Prices
Many black and lighter Crepes - Prints - Knits.
Also groups of Evening Dresses. Sizes 12 to 46.
Values $10.95 to $35.00
Three-pc. - Swagger - Two-pc. - Tailors
Dressmaker types -Sizes 12 to 3 8.
Values $10,95 to $55.00

a well known fact that the
I lot of ladies pure silk
hose, full fashioned, $1.00
Value............2 for
Tailored or lace trimmed.
$1.00 Value. ...... 2 for
Assorted colors & widths.
Fine leather. Up to $1.25
Values. .......... 3 for
1 lot of bags. Unbeliev-
able values .............
A value no one can afford
to miss! $1.25 capes. As-
sorted colors & sizes. 2 for


Values up to $2.00.
2 for .................
Gloves in white and colors
Large assortment. Values
up to $1.50. 2 pairs for
All wool garments! Fine
assortment. Really re-
markable value .........


Laura Belle Shop handled only the best.





- I I

1 lot of umbrellas while
they last. '$1.95 value for
Fine linen handkerchiefs,
w i t h handrolled .h e m s
Exquisite workmanship.
Values to 85c...... 3 for
Collars to brighten up
your spring costume. Fine
assortment. 1.25 val. 2 for


The various braitches of service offered by this
bank are vital to the whole bank's service in the de-
velopment of prosperity throughout the entire com-
munity. Every department maintains dependable
personally directed services in preparation for the
time when you will need to use them. We are always
happy to have you inspect our facilities.

Fine qguality knit rayon
panties. Regular 89c val-
ue ............... 2 for

Silk slips in white and tea
rose. $1.95 value for..
Fine cotton, crepe, and
muslin pajamas & gowns.
Formerly sold for $1.95





Swagger - belted - Fitted.

Sizes 12 to 20.


IAll wool sweaters. Nice
styles and colors. $2.25
values for............
Two-way stretch girdles.
Don't miss this item. $1.00
girdles...........2 for
High grade brassieres for
formal and daytime wear.
$1.95 value for.........


(~ (
The White Linen
You'll be wearing with smart
Palm Beach suits this summer.
This four eyelet tie has perfora-
tions for trimming and coolness,
and a slim Cuban heel.


Values $16.95 to $39.75

1 lot of fine kid gloves-
some pigskin included, up
Ito $2.95 values for......











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