THE MICHIGAN DAILY TITSDA"V, MAY 18, 1 . ... .. .. ... .. . .... ... THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan inder the author ity of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it4 or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. .eEntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 ;tEPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING SY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON .NSAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES - PORTLAND - SEATTLE Board of Editors MANAGING EDITOR.............JOSEPH A. MATTES George Andros Jewel Wuerfe e Richard Hershey Ralph, W. Hurd Robert Cummins NIGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton, Irving Silverman, William Spaller, Tuure Tenander, Robert Weeks. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George J. Andros, chairman; Fred DeLano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl SGersta cker. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman; Elizabeth M. Anderson, Elizabeth Bingham, Helen Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty Strickroot. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER:............ ERNEST A. JONES BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill Newnan, Leonard Seigelman, Richard Knowe, Charles Coleman, W. Layne, Russ Cole, Henry Homes, Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, -Betsy Baxter, Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp. Departmental Managers . Cameron Hall, Accounts' Manager: Richard Croushore, National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J. Wilsher. Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local Advertising Manager; Norman Steinberg, Service Manager;-HerbertFalender, Publications and Class- ified Advertising Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: MARSHALL D. SHULMAN Gret iGarbo 's. The Boilermakers . . THE 10 YEAR no-strikes contract, signed by the Screen Actors' Guild, culminates nearly a fortnight of activity on the part of the actors themselves but does nothing to end the struggle of the Federated Mo- tion Picture Crafts to obtain a closed shop. The actors gained for themselves what was de- sired-a closed shop. Whether the signing of the non-striking pledge was a mistake on the part of the Guild remains to be seen. On the sur- face it would seem that the move was a too hasty one, entered into by an organization thak has had limited experience in the field of trade unionism. The real question arising out of the Hollywood controversy, however, is the issue of support of the technicians' and craftsmen's strike, being conducted by the FMPC, by the actors. In the early stages of the technicians' walkout, much heated discussion was evident in the meetings of the Guild relative to supporting the strike. The upshot of the situation was the presenta- tion of its own demands by the Guild. It seems clear that the victory won by the Guild was greatly aided by the strike of the technicians-the painters, boilermakers, scenic artists, hairdressers, make-up artists, utility workers and stationary engineers. The employ- ers were confronted with demands from all sides and presumably gave in where it would hurt the least and the interest shown by the star actors in behalf of the extras and the "bit" players is commendable. Increased wages were obtained for the members of both latter categories, largely because of the insistence of the featured actors whose salaries are in the higher brackets. Now the actors, completely unified because of their other victory m the matter of the closed shop, are walking through the picket lines of the technicians, who are still on strike pending recognition of their demand for a closed shop. They are not cooperating with the craftsmen de- spite the many requests for support that have been made. It seems a queer turnabout for the stars to insist upon aiding the weaker ones in their own group and then refuse to aid those with whom they are to a great extent allied. This may sprove to be a grave tactical error as far as the Guild is concerned, for surely the craftsmen will not support the Guild in any undertaking if the Guild now refuses to stand back of them. The Guild, in agreeing not to strike, has signed away its most effective weapon and, in refusing to support the present strike of the FMPC, has disassociated itself from a powerful ally in any other venture it may choose to undertake. Nor can the Guild readily say that the reason for their non-support was the suddenness with which the strike was called. Certainly no active trade union can refuse to act a week after a strike has been called on the ground that they were not informed of the strike at the time of its inception. A greater reason than this will have to be advancer'd to exp1lin what gnnears to THE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of ' 1he Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all ltters of more than 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the critera of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. The Peace Of Death To the Editor: On Sunday, May 9, Mr. Cobey, Jr., wrote a love letter to Miss Franking, who I understand, was playing first base on Palmer Field. Since Mr. Cobey is a member of the R.O.T.C., the love in the letter was not for Miss Franking but for Peace with a capital P. We all know that soldiers rarely appreciate the human individual--even when a charming co-ed, possibly mother of soldiers or mother of possible soldiers-when Peace is at stake. Mr. Cobey writes that the R.O.T.C. boys do not roar and fume about Peace. Of course not. To do so would be both unShakespearean and against orders. Strange as it may seem, says Mr. Cobey, the R.O.T.C. boys are not militarists. They aren't even pretending to be heroes; and Mr. Cobey is "willing to wager that there isn't a single man in the unit that would relish having an arm or a leg removed by a shell." We all know that the R.O.T.C. boys are not militarists-hardly a one is an expert in military matters or imbued with the spirit of militarism. Of course not. The R.O.T.C. boys are auto- matons. And of course they cannot even pre- tend to be heroes. Of course not. Because they indeed are automatons of a negligible efficiency Furthermore-and now I am speaking as an intellectual-we see no reason why the R.O.T.C. boys' should relish losing an arm or a leg by means of a shell: That should be undue partial- ity. We are not capable of guessing an auto- maton's preferences, but, if you will allow me- I suggest the newest thing out: An extra special poison gas-made to order. If you obey me, dear automatons, you will succeed in eliminating partiality either as toward your limbs or toward the various kinds of shells (sea shells, nut shells, egg shells, cannon shells, or tortoise shells). But seriously. Automaton or no automaton, I object to anyone being gypped. If the R.O.T.C. boys are shouldering twelve extra hours without; receiving credit for most of them, then I must state very definitely that either Mr. Cobey has made a very inefficient report, (as he has ac- tually done, moreover, by omitting the element of time for the 12 "extra" hours) or else that, the R.O.T.C. automatons are being gyped. The official Announcement, under the heading "Military Science and Tactics," says: "Academic credit is given for this work." Furthermore, to make sure that the automatons get at least a handful of credits for graduation, the Announce- ment state that: "Elections are for a period of four semesters . . . Once-elected, a group becomes a prerequisite to graduation unless the student is formally discharged from this obligation. While taking the advanced group (last four se- mesters), members of the R.O.T.C. receive pay- ment of commutation of subsistence from the government, which amounts to about $200.00." I did not find an official limit to the number of R.O.T.C. credits obtainable toward graduation. Most of, the courses are for two hours' credit. One-eighth of your total credits, dear automaton, should not be at all too many. Indeed, you leave the University an eighth of a soldier-and, I am afraid, not much more. But I also object to someone trying to gyp me. I deny that R.O.T.C. boys are R.O.T.C.-ee- ing in order to preserve Peace. I believe the lend of R.O.T.C. Peace that is being prepared for it scarcely better than the Peace of death-or the kind of peace that shall not be disturbed while the silent guns and gases do the killing. -Louis Deutsch. 'Aiding' A Worthy Cause To the Editor: Kindly publish in the next ''Forum" the fol- lowing, answer to Dr. Bernard Heller's statements which were printed in last Saturday's (May 15th) issue of The Daily. If "Poland's Jewry fares no better than Reich's" then how is it to be explained, that a goodly portion of the 60,000 Jews that were obliged to leave Germany found refuge in Poland; and that in general Poland accumulated the highest percentage of Jews? Of course, "one third of Poland's 3,000,000 Jews live at a subsistence level," but so does the one- third of America's 3,000,000 Jews. All the statements are either so exaggerated or incorrect that they really do not deserve refu- tation. Of the Jewish "parochial" schools in Poland, as Rabbi Heller refers to them, I had better not speak at all, so as. not to embarrass him. The Jewish question in Poland is too compli- cated to be discussed in this or any daily paper. Poland alone is not responsible for the situation as it is now. The world's chanceries know all about it and there is no danger of an immediate world catastrophe on account of it. The Jewish question in Poland is primarily an economical one and it has been poisoned, not so much by the Polish nationalist (or "fascist," as Rabbi Heller calls them) but by meddling of the American Jewry. To the largest extent, the whole question is a case of unrequited love: the Jews were really persecuted in Russia and are really persecuted in Qermany, but they love Russia and Germany just the same; Poland for ages offered hospitality and even privileges to the Jews, but gained hatred in return. So it is a psychological question as well, and psychiatrists have a name for it. Dr. Heller's interview and the picture-lectures all over the country, one of which we have had (at the Natural Science Auditorium) on May 10th, are in connection with the drive for funds ontemporary A Last Review By GIOVANNI GIOVANNINI I7 HE LAST ISSUE of Contemporary merits spe- cial attention for a number of vigorously critical essays and reviews. Mr. Kirschbaum's analysis of Auden's recent poems is more than an excellent review, it is an illuminating essay on the difficulty of the "socially minded but in- tellectually frustrated" poets of the modern scene. In a review Miss Folkoff (whose poem by the way is unusually good) presents an admirable exposure of the method of Gide's much discussed attack on Russia; but a question which Miss Folkoff does not answer remains, in what light shall we now view Gide's new eulogies of the U.S.S.R.? The other reviewers, however, are not always as careful. Mr. Martin, for instance, in reviewing Silone's novel goes out of his way to say, "It is significant that such a novel should be written by an Italian anti-fascist. The im- plicit conclusion is that Fascist Italy is sterile, that its literature must be written by revolu- tionary exiles,"-a type of logic which makes the reader very melancholy. Mr. Warshow in "Peace, It's Wonderful" justly questions the value of any peace movement un- less it is tied up with a clearly defined social and economic program. Rightly contending that strength is found in a well grounded intellectual attitude, Mr. Warshow pungently criticizes the luke-warm emotionalism which haphazardly brings together a mass of people for an hour a year. It is precisely this emotionalism, unpro- tected and vague, which is tapped by pro-war criers when the occasion arises, and which at present is a sort of salve to many who think they are doing their bit by listening to a speech against war. But it is cheering to note there is a critical attitude, and a highly commendable one. Contemporary is featuring Mr. Neal's "The College Newspaper," an attempt at defining a delicate thing, the ideal campus paper. The ideal is based on the fulfillment of mutual obliga- tions of the paper and the school authorities. Mr. Neal is aware that both parties can abuse power; still he believes that in the long run complete freedom in reporting will be best, and that censorship is insidious; the instances he gives of such practice seem to indicate he is right. But who is to judge of bad reporting? Mr. Neal argues that the Board in Control can always fire a bad reporter or editor; but he also says, the members of the Board in Control "know nothing whatsoever about newspapers, and in most cases even less about college news- papers." Well, the ideal campus paper is a deli- cate thing, and no one wonders if Mr. Neal assumes it is tough-grained. THE EDITORS of Contemporary deserve praise for giving generous space to the problems of education. This issue contains a reply to Mr. Macklin's "Preface to a Program." Mr. Cham- bers charges Mr. Macklin with ignoring the dem- ocratic society as part of our educational prow gram, neglecting to state the means to his end, misunderstanding the historical approach, hav- ing succumbed to "the metaphysical pathos of the idea of oneness" in education, etc. , In short, Mr. Macklin has failed miserably. But actually what Mr. Macklin advocates is no "new authori- tarianism" (what fears we have); nor does he advocate the discarding of science and history; what Mr. Macklin recommends is an approach based on philosophical training, giving the stu- dent not a headful of facts, but a highly critical mind ready to meet the problems of a society democratic or otherwise. Instead of overhauling the system as he should, Mr. Chambers recom- mends a system geared to the "needs of present society." This sounds very much like "accom- modating one's self to the situation," the sort of conformism which is basically vicious. We know Mr. Chambers does not really subscribe to this; but we wonder if Mr. Chambers really thinks democracy can be taught "as it is" by a genetic approach to it; one may as well teach morality by a course in the history of custom. Mr. Cham- bers, like Mr. Macklin, desires a basic unity in our system; yet Mr. Chambers ardently believes he will achieve unity by the system as it stands, provided it is given a few injections; the result is, he never answers Mr. Macklin. Mr. Macklin definitely says that the historical approach to anything is essentially history and nothing more. Moreover, he contends that "to make the past contemporary is never to have perspective; is, in effect, to pluck out our intellect." Exactly how will Mr. Chambers make the historical approach otherwise without a basic philosophical, ethical, and logical training? How shall the student judge as to what is right or wrong about the "needs of present society"? Mr. Chambers discusses in terms of society, phenomena, problems, and sus- pension bridges; Mr. Macklin discusses in terms of man whose mind has been abused on the assumption that youth knows what it wants. Now Mr. Chambers like many others still assumes this; Mr. Chambers should be conscious that it is precisely this assumption which has aroused crit- icism of the system; by the historical approach he invokes, this assumption appears untenable. By discarding this assumption Mr. Chambers fears a "new authoritarianism, an historical fail- ure" (his fear is unfounded). And the upshot is, Mr. Chambers is too sanguine about the histor- ical argument; we firmly believe this argument has earned a rest. In conclusion, then, Mr. Chambers admits that the historical and sci- entific approaches have been mishandled; there- fore, is it not very possible that the mishandling is the result of the lack of training Mr. Macklin analyzes? Mr. Macklin has not been answered, and we hope the editors of Contemporary will continue being generous to this']important prob-' lem. Mussolini was quoted as saying last week that, "We have celebrated the empire's first an- niversary under the triple sign of glory, might and peace-peace for us and for all if they wish." THEATRE' . I 'Tonight At 3:30' By LEON OVSIEW For those who like their satire and irony touched with sentimental delicacy, their wit seasoned with just the slightest dash of ingratiating suggestiveness, their dialogue brittily verbose, and their plots utterly in-. consequential, Tonight at 8:30 should' prove deliciously satisfying. The audience at last evening's opening re- sponded almost eagerly to the not 3 too subtle persuasions of Robert- Henderson's otherwise skilful pro- duction. Ann Arbor is not used to° this sort of theatrical fare. Noel Coward's particular version of the Comedy of Manners formula has, none of the robust wit which is the lasting strength of Restoration com+ edy, but it cannot be denied that it, does possess a certain charm of1 manner and a superbly gifted obser-c vation. His is not a "fairyland inI which all is wit and whimsy," as Clifton Fadiman declares in the re-1 print which is incorporated into theI program; it is a world which does exist in the very upper reaches of ouri society. It is this world which Noelt Coward knows so supremely well, andt which he reproduces for us with al.{ realism which is the more valuable j artistically for its good-humored sa-1 tire. Tonight at 8:30 is a group of three plays: a comedy, a sentimental "slice- of-life" tragedy, and another comedy. The first. Hands Across the Sea is a beautifully directed scene of utters madness centering about the im- mortal device of mistaken identity; but as a dramatic picture of nosilyr confused and bewildered hospitality it is magnificient. Coward's dialogue is rarely better; it has lines you willt remember to tell at the next party.f This reviewer enjoyed it completely.t Still Life is Coward in the role of the realist: yet here too a delicious I low comedy enlivens a rather in- adequately treated bit of sentimental pathos engendered by a hopeless af-1 fair of illicit passion, which, in thef true Coward manner, has its begin-' ning in the merest of accidents. To this reviewer it seemed it least suref in its effect; even the remarkables dramatic craftsmanship of Coward cannot keep it from dragging. Ways and Means is again, thea comedy of dialogue. And it is mar-T velously funny dialogue, touched wtih the ironic spirit of one who would rather laugh at life than involve him- self in it. I think you will like these come- dies, and perhaps even the tragedy; if you will allow yourself to enter into Coward's mood of satiric imperson- ality, being sure to allow him tot weave it for you through the mediumt of his own incomparable dialogue. r L THE SCREENt r TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1937 VOL. XLVII No. 164 Notices Student Loans: There will be a sored by the Research Seminary in meeting of the Loan Committee in Islamic Art, Monday, May 24, in Room 2, University on Monday, May Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 24 at 2 p.m. At this time the com- p.m. The public is cordially invited. mittee will consider requests for loans for the Summer Session and the E school year 1937-38 as well as re- ExI lii tofl quests for immediate financial as- There will be an exhibition of sistance. All blanks for this meet- paintings by the National Member- ing must be turned in by Friday, May ship of the American Arti ts' Con- 21. gress sponsored by its Michigan J. A. Burley, Chairman Branch in Alumni Memorial Hall -__through May 21, afternoons from 2 L t DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of tbw Ua1versity. Copy received at the ofoe ac the AsslItaat to the PresiMd .tU 3:30; 1:00 a.n..o.Saturday. I Maytime AT THE MICHIGANP Splendid photography, resource- r ful adaptation and Jeanette Mc- Donald's most brilliant performance v of her career make this translation b of Sigmund Romberg's lovely op- i eretta one ofsthe outstanding hits of e the movie season. From start to finish, Maytime is as beautiful as its name; it has comedy, romance and pageantry in the standard Hollywood manner; it even has drama, but most & of all it has a melancholy nineteenth g century beauty that renders it ir- S resistible.a The story is simple and scarcely N novel; the prima donna who sacri- R fices the man she loves to marry the 2 manager to whom she owes her suc- f cess, but the splendid and restrained o acting of. John Barrymore as the i jealous husband makes it powerful s and convincing. Jeanette herself iso equally effective in the heavy and light scenes, and her singing, un- marred by the tendency toward toothiness which has annoyed some of her admirers in the past, is at itsV supberb best. Nelson Eddy is just a little out of1 character as the light-hearted Amer- ican in Louis Napoleon's Paris, but ing the more serious sequences, and espe-t cially in the opera scenes, he delivers9 magnificently. His rendition ofd "Sweethearts," chief item in the Romberg original score, is worth the walk to the theatre by itself. a Aiding in the staging of the made-r up opera with the unpronouncable name, was adapted from a Tschai-F kowski symphony, is the Don Cos- sack Chorus, which Ann Arbor au- diences will have no trouble in iden-. tifying.t .en Sho6ws Flint Aluni Club FilhisS Members of three athletic teams1 and three faculty men were guests of the University of Michigan Club of Flintat the Club's Spring Smoker< held last night.1 Moving pictures of the final springa football practice were shown and ex- plained by Coach Cliff Keen, who al- so brought several members of the fencing, wrestling and gymnastic The Bureau of Appointments andt Occupational Information has re- ceived notification of the following vacancies in Juneau, Alaska: o Junior and senior high school Eng-e lish. Salary for candidate with A.B.,v $1500; for M.A., $1600. Positions be-o gins next fall. Two years of exper- ience required. Extra-curricular ac- tivities pay extra. It is possible for the recipient of this position to re- eive up to $1810 per year.F Home Economics. Salary $1500.' Position begins fall. Two years ex-I perience required. Candidate must qualify for Smith-Hughes certificate Elementary position. Upper grade, Salary $1500. Position begins soon. rwo years experience required; fourv years training required.n Elementary position. Third grade.3 Salary $1500. Position begins in fall.0 Two years experience required; four0 years training required.F Students interested in applying fort hese positions or desiring further in-t formation concerning them, pleases all at the office of the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational In- formation, 201 Mason Hall. First Mortgage L o a n s: Thet University has a limited amount ofj funds to loan on modern well-locatedb Ann Arbor property. Interest at urrent rates. Apply Investment Of-a ice, Room 100, South Wing, Univer-n ity Hall.V Notice to Seniors, June Graduates,u ind Graduate Students: Wednesday, Way 19 is the last day upon whichv ou will have the opportunity to ap-F >ly for any degree or certificate withI lefinite assurance that subject to0 icademic qualification it will bea warded to you at commencement.I >'here is still a fairly large group who1 iave not yet attended to this whoc hould do so at once if they want toI >e certain that their degrees or cer-t ificates will be awarded at com-c nencement.F Freshman, Sophomores and Jun-t iors in L.S.&A., Architecture, Educa- kion, Forestry and Music: Save your- elf one dollar by leaving at Regis-7 rar's Office your address for July 19 o July 15, if this has changed sinceC February registration. Your blues print, giving your full record, will beI mailed shortly after commencement.i This print must be shown your ad- viser before you register next fall. Blue prints to replace those lost dur-d ng the summer will cost one dollarY each. i Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Swingout: Seniors in all collegese re urged to order their caps and{ owns without delay for Senior Swingout on Sunday, May 23. They are available at Moe's Sport Shop on Nforth University, Van Bovens, andt Rogers' on South University at onlya 25 cents in addition to the rental feet for commencement. Your early co- operation will assist the committeel n planning the event, and will as- ure you of the proper garb for Swing- out. Academic Notices1 Chemistry, Colloquium will meet Wednesday, May 19, at 4 p.m. in1 Room 303, Chemistry Building. Mr. Neville F. Miller will speak on "Re- lation of Adhesion Tension of Or- ganic Liquids against Ice and In-1 terfacial Tension of the Same Or- ganic Liquids against Water at 0 degree centigrade." Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: This examination will next be given on May 22 at 1 p.m. in the Auditorium of the University High School. Comprehensive Examination in Ed- ucation: This examination will next be given on May 22 at 2 p.m. in the Auditorium of the University High School. Lectures University Lecture: Carl Menger, Professor of Mathematics, University of Vienna, will lecture on "A Mathe- matical Theory of Human Relations' on Monday, May 24, at 7:45 p.m. in Room 304, Michigan Union. This lecture will be under the auspices of the Economics Department. The pub- lic is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. D. Donald uity of Style in Near Eastern Art" by Dr. M. S. Dimand, curator of Near Eastern Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Illustrated. Sopn- to 5 p.m. Exhibition of Sculpture by students of Prof. Avard Fairbanks in the Con- course of the Michigan League. Some work by Professor Fairbanks is also on exhibit. Events Today Physics Colloquium will be held in Room. 1041 E. Physics Building this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. Prof. Otto Laporte will talk on "Theories of the Structure of tht Universe." The Junior Mathematical Society will hold its last regular monthly meeting today at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. E. F. Barker of the Physics department will speak on "Matl ematics as a Tool for the Physicist.' Election of officers for the coming year will take place after the program. Refreshments will be served. Pharmaceutical Conference: The Sixth Annual Pharmaceutical Con- ference, sponsored by the factuly of the College of Pharmacy, will be held today at the Michigan Union, beginning at 2:30 p.m. At the afternoon~ session, Dean Ed- ward Spease, of the College of Phar- macy of Western Reserve University, will discuss "The Relation of Phar- rmacy to the Public Health." Dr. Er- win E. Nelson, of the Pharmacology Department of the Medical School, will discuss the "Contributions to Public Health by Federal Food and Drug Control," and Dr. C. C. Young, of the State Department of Health at Lansing, will discuss "The State Laboratories in Relationship to Pub- lic Health." The evening session will convene in Room 165, Chemistry Building, at 7:30 p.m., at .which time Dr. Fred J. Hodges, of the Medi- cal School, will discuss "Present-Day Principles of Cancer Control." All interested are corclially invited to attend these sessions. Botanical Journal Club: Today at 7:30 p.m., Room 1139 N.S. The pro- gram, in charge of Dr. Elzada U. Clover and Dr. K. L. Jones, will con- sist of reviews of current literature by LeRoy H. Harvey, Lowell F. Mailey, M. E. Peck and V. B. Goin. A meeting of the senior class presi- dents to discuss commencement plans has been called for today at 7 p.m., in Room 227, West Engineering Bldg. Phi Lambda Upsilon: Business meeting and election of officers this evening. at 7:30 p.m. in 'Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. Tau Beta Pi: Those playing golf at Barton Hills 'Tuesday can meet the regular bus at Stateand William at 1:38 p.m. There will be a special bus at the Engine Arch for the others, which will leave at 5:30 p.m. prompt- ly. The regular 10 cent fare will pre- vail. Sphinx: There will be a meeting at 10:30 p.m. today in the Union. Lutheran Bible Class will meet this evening at 7:15 p.m. in the League. Everyone is invited to come. Christian S c i e n c e Organization meets tonight at the chapel of the Michigan League at 8:15 p.m. Stu- dents and faculty members are in- vited to attend. the MichiganDames will hold the last general meeting today atd :15 p.m. at the League, with the new officers presiding. The guest speak- er will be Rucha Reed, the stylist. All wives of students and internes are cordially invited. Coming Events A.S.M1.E. M1embers: All members who signed up for the Detroit trip, whether riding in the bus or in pri- vate cars, should be at the Engineer- ing Arch at 12:20 p.m. Thursday, May 20. This is important! There is to be only one inspection trip, all members going to the Dodge Body Plant. Tickets for the dinner will be given out at the Hotel Statler after the in- spec tion trip. Weekly Reading Hour:"The Im- portance of Being Earnest" Thelast Weekly Reading Hour for the present