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SUNDAY, MAY 16, 19037





ldited ando managed by students of the University of
m ichgan under the autho ity of the Board in Control of
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Ptblishaed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
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Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
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Meniber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Reresetative
Board of Editors
George Andros Jewel WerflHARichard Hershey
-Ralph W. Hurd Robert Cummins
IGHT EDITORS: Joseph Mattes, William E. Shackleton,
Irving Silverman, William Spaler, Tuure Tenander,
Robert Weeks.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: George . Andros, chairman
Fred Delano, Fred Buesser, Raymond Goodman, Carl
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Jewel Wuerfel chairman;
Elizabeth M. Anderson, Eliabeth Bingham, Helen
Douglas, Barbara J. Lovell, Katherine Moore, Betty
Business Department
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Ed Macal, Phil Buchen, Tracy
Buckwalter, Marshall Sampson, Robert Lodge, Bill
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Women's Business Assistants: Margaret Ferries Jane
Steiner, Nancy Cassidy, Stephanie Parfet, Marion
Baxter, L. Adasko, G. Lehman, Betsy Crowford, Betty
Davy, Helen Purdy, Martha Hankey, Betsy Baxter,
Jean Rheinfrank, Dodie Day, Florence Levy, Florence
Michlinski, Evalyn Tripp.
Departmental Managers
3. Cameron Hall, Accounts Manager; Richard Croushore,
National Advertising and Circulation Manager; Don J.
Wilsher, Contracts Manager; Ernest A. Jones, Local
Advertising. Manager; Norman Steinberg,sService
Manager; Herbert Falender, Publications and Class-
ified Advertising Manager.
And LI Conclusion,
MayI a.
T ODAY'S EFFUSION terminates
three and a half years of writing
for The Daily. This being such a momentous
occasion, therefore, perhaps you will pardon me
just this once for shedding the pontifical cloak
of the editorial "we" in order to gather together
in a few infamous last words some personal ob-
In thumbing through the editorial pages of the
last few years, I observe a decided trend toward
a" greater awareness of fundamental social
changes. This has brought some criticism. The
paper has been accused of having connections
pwitha certainRussian capital, of being propa-
gandistic, socialistic, and once I was called, by
a dean, a conceited pup.
The same thumbing-through convinced me
that much of this criticism had some validity.
There are many editorials that would never have
appeared if there had been a night in which to
think it over. Many contradict each other. I
don't know yet precisely what our attitude has
been on the question of neutrality, and I have
sometimes been tempted to reverse our stand on
the court question, among others.
But I am less tolerant of the criticism which
sought to dismiss the page with an ism. I suspect
most of the people who have done this. It seems
to me that they underestimate the strains in our
social structure, and that their attachment to an
antiquated social order is primarily emotional.
By this I do not mean to imply that I know
of a better economic or social system, that I ad-
vocate a socialist state. I do not know yet what
changes are necessary, but of the fact that a
change is imperative, I have no doubt. The way
to discover what these changes should be is
through reasonable, unemotional investigation
and courageous action. Some people call this
liberalism, but the name does not matter.

The most significant evidence I have seen
of this social change is the recent rise of or-
ganized labor. A trip through the factories in
Flint where sit-down strikers were creating new
limits to the concept of private property made
me realize with something of a shock that the
rise of labor is a profound social movement, far
too much so to be answered in terms of personal-
ities, leadership, or structure. Those who do not
recognize the rise of organized labor to be a fact
are content to condemn the labor movement be-
cause they distrust John Lewis, because they dis-
like the smell of workingmen on street-cars, or
because they, fear that the sit-down strike makes
the title to their own home somewhat tenuous.
Their attitude is, I think, illiberal because they,
neglect to investigate 'the more basic aspects
of the labor movement without prejudice.
The job of unprejudiced investigation of prob-

better. The largeness of this group is disconcert-
ing. Why are most of the students thrilled by a
dance: a home-run, or the minute details of how
the fateful Edward meets the faithful Wally,
but left cold by fundamental social movements?
They are the pride and joy of our democracy,
the educated middle-class, and if they have no
interest in labor and foreign policy, then enter
the demagogue!
I think part of the reason is the University
itself. A state university has of course certain
inherent limitations. It cannot afford to stim-
ulate too great ai interest in the social scene.
Its philosophy of academic integrity must be
tempered by the principle of expediency. To be
alert and thinking about social or economic prob-
lems is potentially dangerous to the budget, if
reported; to be quiet is good; to be inert is
An insufficiency of funds has meant the loss
of some of our better faculty men to universities
with which we cannot compete. Students cannot
help feeling a lack of morale in certain branches
of the faculty, which has as little as we to say
in the determination of the educational policy.
These factors combine to create a depressing
atmosphere, not conducive to an aliveness on the
part of students to the world beyond the beau-
tiful hills of the Huron Valley. There is little
apparent local response to the currents sweeping
a large section of the American people. I am
afraid that if there is ever to be any such stimu-
lation of student interest in material and spir-
itual problems confronting our society, it will
have to come unaided from the students them-
selves vMM.D.S.
Tomorrow Night At 5::30
ANN ARBOR will see the first of the two bills of
short plays by Noel Coward tomorrow night
at 8:15. As in London and New York they will
be played-as will the second bill opening on
Tuesday, June 1-under the title Tonight at 8:30-.
There were different arrangements of the three
plays for a single bill in each of those cities and
the arrangement will be different in Ann Arbor.
In the three opening tomorrow night, the em-
phasis is on high comedy in the style of Private
Lives. In the second bill two of the plays are
with music: Family Album and Shadow Play.
The third is Fumed Oak. Tomorrow night will
bring Hands Across the Sea, Ways and Means,
and Still Life.
They will be played, principally by Helen
Chandler and Bramwell Fletcher. Miss Chan-
dler has played a number of parts in New York
requiring charm and delicacy of touch and the
reviewers have always admitted that she had
those qualities which are also so necessary for
the plays opening tomorrow.
Immediately following are excerpts from an
article from the "London Letter" sent to The New
York Times by Charles Morgan after the opening
of three of the plays in London last season.
"Three days ago, a little after midnight, the
tolling of church-bells brought to the high win-
dow of my writing-room news that the King
was dead. During the following day theatres
were closed. Since then some have reopened, but
all first nights, including that of Mr. Cochran's
revue, have been postponed until after the fu-
neral. Yesterday Kipling was buried in Poet's
Corner in Westminster Abbey, the only writer,
except Thomas Hardy, to receive that, the high-
est of all honors, during the present century.
It has been my peculiar fate, by the chance
of years, to have lived, so to speak, at the ex-
tremes of epochs. Never has time been so swiftly
transitional. If I survive to a respectable age, my
grandchildren will hear incredulously that I lived
in a world before motor cars, that I watched
Queen Victoria's coffin arrive in London, that as
a child-inspired, I dare say, by Kipling's ex-
ample-I wrote a poem on the relief of Mafeking,
and that, when it was my turn to go into action,
my weapon was a sword. King Edward VIII, be-
ing of an age with me, has corresponding mem-
ories. No wireless, no films, no telephone, no

airplanes, no noise, no hurry and ladies who still
loved camellias-what a world to have lost!
, * *
"In exchange for it we have three more plays
by Mr. Coward, not yet discussed in these col-
umns: "Hands Across the Sea," "Fumed Oak"
and "Shadow Play." "Shadow Play" is musical
-a piece in which a quarreling husband and
wife are saved from disaster by memories of their
past. These memories are treated in dance and
song, which is perhaps Mr. Coward's way of
escape from the naturalistic convention when he
has to express emotions that cannot be natural-
istically communicated.
"Dance and song are, in brief, his subtitles
for poetic freedom, and a brilliant substitute they
might be if the words and music were in their
nature poetic. But his are not and, oddly enough,
do not attempt to be poetic. If he had in him a
spark of Schiller and Schubert, he would be on
his way to the establishment of a new dramatic
form; but he has not or, if he has, he does not
allow it to appear. Perhaps I am seeking to im-
pose too much on him. Perhaps there is, in his
mind, no intention whatever to discover a poetic
liberty. But "Shadow Play" is something more
than fashionable entertainment; its author,'
though surprisingly content with swoony songs
that have no merit outside a dance hall, gives
an impression that he is struggling toward a new
theatrical form.
"In 'Fumed Oak,' the tale of a suburban clerk
who rebels against a nagging wife and mother-

^*---By Bonth Wiliams ~
AND SO, MY HEARTIES, I reach the end of
the columnist's trail, doff my hat thrice to
you who have borne with me, and gulp deeply
of the fresh air after having been so long beneath
it all.
Four years at Michigan have changed me from
a conscientious student with a definite set of
beliefs into a very unconscientious non-student
with no definite beliefs at all.
S * A *
IN THE PAST FIVE YEARS the University has
laid more and more emphasis on education,
it has become increasingly parental in its atti-
tude, and it has succeeded, I think, in raising the
general cultural standard of the student body
as a whole.
Each year I have studied a little less, each year
I have scoffed at restrictions that seemed utterly
absurd, and yet Michigan has educated me.
At least it has educated me in the way I wanted
to be educated. I learned a little English and a
little history, an inherent love of newspaper
work, the difference between scotches, and to
know a great many people.
IuIMLY I CAN RECALL, if I badger my brain,
that I once sat through some psychology
lectures, that I burned myself in a chem. lab., and
that for a time I possessed a volume of exceed-
ingly dry poetry from which a bored professor
read occasional excerpts. But other things, some
of which are now almost four years old, I remem-
ber as vividly as if they were yesterday.
The time Dean and Upti and I bought a bottle
of Jimmy Palace's best whiskey and I passed out
in a hedge on East U.-the first time in my lifeI
I'd ever been roaring drunk.
The time a band of 50 sophomores raided our
rooming house and two of us barricaded the door
and fought them off.
The first story I ever wrote for The Daily, the/
story of the interfraternity swimming champion-
ship which I remember was won by Psi U.
The second semester of my sophomore year
when I fell head over heels in love and have
never recovered.
The Minnesota hockey game of a year ago
when 7 Michigan heroes beat a great Gopher
hockey machine, 2-1 in overtime.
The poker games, which thank God, we still
have, when Furry, and Speeder, and Mac, and
the Champ, and I sat up all night playing five
card draw and seven card stud with the dueces.
The House party of two years ago.
The scores of nights from September until
June when I walked home from The Daily alone
in the wee hours and thought-about things; the
first three years when I thought about being
sports editor, and the last about next year
and what it holds.
* * * ...
OF THE TIME a year ago today when Bill
Reed called up at dinner time and said,
"Andy got the appointment-" And of how I
cured myself for ever that night'of a lifelong
fear when I got tanked to the eyes and rode
the roller coaster at Walled Lake ten times
in a row.
Of the time last winter when three days before
exams Chuck Kennedy and I took off for the
flood regions on the greatest adventure of all,
and how I got back in time to make my first
final Monday morning-and got the best marks
of my college career.
Of the trips I have taken: To Chicago where
I got the name Bonthron by racing a drunk up
and down the front of Harry's New York Bar;
to Purdue, where I had the worst blind date
this side of hell; to Minneapolis where the girl
was from hell; to Philadelphia, the most morbid
city in America; twice to Columbus, undoubtedly
the wildest football town in the world; to a brace
of Derbies in Louisville; to Northwestern; to the
Big Ten track meet, to Illinois.
All swell trips, and each one worth four times
as many cuts as I had to take to make them.

MayFestival 1
Fiery is the word for Iturbi. As
Phis ,is dashed off our head is still
;iddy with sweeping Spanish rhythms
vhich neither the inane humor of
?aul White's Miniatures nor the ex-
Alted beauty of Isolde's Liebestod, as
encores, could dissolve. And, after
the sublime drama of Friday night
ind the more classical formality of
he first half of the afternoon's pro-
;ram, some Spanish color and aban-
ion were highly pleasing. The "In-
termezzo" from Granados' Goyescas
md the three dances from de Falla's
Three-Cornered Hat were brilliantly
>layed and highly entertaining. The
Gaucha con Botas Nuevas of the
:nysterious Gilardi was probably bril-
iantly played, also, but its effect oni
is was nil. It has vitality, if that's
ill you want.
Although the Beethoven Second
symphony, which opened the pro-
;ram, is often spoken of as the sym-
>honic culmination of classicism, Mr.I
turbi played it with a lyric warmth!
and enthusiasm which made it seem
omantic-and satisfying. The second
'novement in particular was charm-
ngly done, and the Scherzo with
ightness and grace rather than a
lefinite attempt at humor-except for
,he sudden and extended sally on f-
sharp in the second part of the trio,
xhich Sir George Grove said made
im feel as though Beethoven were
,iolding his head under a stream of
,old water. The orchestra played
leanly for Mr. Iturbi, and responded
easily to his .elastic beat.
The soloist of the aiternoon was,
for a welcome change, a violinist-
-he 24 year old Joseph Knitzer, who
played the A major Concerto of Mo-
6art and the gypsy rhapsody, Tzi-
eane, of Maurice Ravel. Mr. Knitzer's
tone is sweet and resonant, his con-
:eptions mature, and his technique
fluent, although his intonation at
times appeared faulty.
And while we are on the subject of
soloists, we can not pass by without
mention of at least two members of
the Philadelphia Orchestra who are
soloists at every performance, and
superb artists in their own right. Al-
though these terms would apply to
almost every leading member of the
organization, the work of William
Kincaid and Marcel Tabuteau, flau-
tist and oboist respectively, is so su-
perlative that it demands first recog-
nition. In every aspect their artistry
quite probably has not its superior in
any orchestra in the world today.
The final concert of this year's May
Festival was brought to a close by
the performance of the concert ver-
sion of "Aida" last night. In the
title role was Elisabeth Rethberg,
"Amneris" sung by Marion Telva,
"Radames" by Arthur Carron,
"Amonasro" by Carlo Morelli, "Priest-
ess" by Thelma Lewis, the roles
"Ramphis" and "The King" by Ezio
Pinza and "Messenger" by Maurice
Gerow. Assisting these artists was
the Philadelphia Orchestra, the
University Choral Union, Palmer
Christian, organist and our. able con-
ductor of the evening, Dr. Earl V.
The soloists, with no exception,
sang their parts with great beauty of
tone and fine dramatic sense. Espe-
cially commendable was the perform-
ance of Arthur Carron in the role of
"Radames," Ezio Pinza's "Ramphis'
and Marion Telva's "Amneris." Mme.
Telva succeeded in accomplishing
that very difficult feat of conveying
the subtle emotions of such a char-
acter as "Amneris" and at the same
time observing the necessary dra-
matic restraint for a concert version.
Carron displayed the exceptional

richness of his voice in the final
scene of Act III and in his duet with
Amneris in the last act. Pinza mere-
ly confirmed our opinions of him
from the previous night.
The chorus, particularly the men's
voices, lacked unity and sureness
throughout the evening. In the
"Judgment Scene" from the last act,
the choral parts were so sluggish that
the dramatic importance of the scene
was impaired.
In spite of the fine performance of
the soloists, the concert failed to sus-
tain interest and to understand this
we must consider the merits of "Aida"
as an, opera. Like most Italian op-
eras, the music of "Aida" is not of
such worth that it can stand to be
viewed objectively as it must needs
be viewed in a concert version. The
best musical passages from "Aida" are
"Atmospheric" and therefore become
quite effective when combined with
the orinetal exoticism of the stage
setting; but when divorced from al
this pageantry and visual appeal, it
has little to commend itself. The most
effective feature of any concert ver-
ion of an opera is that it contains only
musical highlights and a minimum of
transitional material since it is th
muscal rather than the narrative ef-
fect which is desired. On that score
last night's performance was unduly

through May 21, afternoons from 2
to 5 p.m.
Exhibition of Sculpture by students
of Prof. Avard Fairbanks in the Con-
course of the Michigan League. Some
work by Professor Fairbanks is also
on exhibit.
Events Today
Vasity Glee Club: Important re-
hearsal today at 4:30 p.m. in the
Glee Club rooms of the Union. All
members must be present. This is
our last Sunday rehearsal. Plans for
the balance of the year will be dis-
Girls' Glee Club: There will be a
meeting today at 2:30 p.m. in the
league. Have a general idea of
what your expenses will be for stay-
ing for the banquet. Please be prompt.
Coming Events
Pharmaceutical Conference: The
Sixth Annual Pharmaceutical Con-
ference, sponsored by the factuly of
the College of Pharmacy, will be
held on Tuesday, May 18, at the
Michigan Union, beginning at 2:30
At the afternoon session, Dean Ed-
ward Spease, of the College of Phar-
macy of Western Reserve University,
will discuss "The Relation of Phar-
macy to the Public Health." Dr. Er-
win E, Nelson, of the Pharmacology
Department of the Medical School,
will discuss the "Contributions to
Public Health by Federal Food and
Drug Control," and Dr. C. C. Young,
of the State Department of Health
at Lansing, will discuss "The State
Laboratories in Relationship to Pub-
lic Health." The evening session will
convene in Room 165, Chemistry
Building, at 7:30 p.m., at which
time Dr. Fred J. Hodges, of the Medi-
cal School, will discuss "Present-Day
Piinciples of Cancer Control."
All interested are cordially invited
to attend these sessions.
Research Club will meet Wednes-
day, May 19, at 8 p.m. in the Histo-
logical Laboratory of the East Medic-
al Building. The following papers
will be presented: Prof. Clark Hop-
kins, "The Michigan Excavations at
Seleucia on the Tigris"; Professor-
Emeritus W. H. Hobbs, "An Optical
Phenomenon of the Polar Regions
and its Relations to the Localization
of Discovered Land." The Council
will meet in the same room at 7:30
Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday,
May 18, 7:30 p.m., Room 1139 N.S.
The program, in charge of Dr. Elzada
U. Clover and Dr. K. L. . Jones, will
consist of reviews of current litera-
ture by LeRoy H. Harvey, Lowell F.
Bailey, M. E. Peck and V. B, Goin.
Economics Club: Prof. Bertil Ohlin
of the University of Stockholm will
discuss "Current Economic Tenden-
cies" before the club at 7:30 p.m. on
Monday, May 17, at the Union. Staffs
and graduate students in Economics
and Business Administration are cor-
dially invited to attend.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Michi-
gan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are
cordially invited. There will be an
informal 10-minute talk by Prof
Hans G. Beutler.
W o m e n Orientation Advisers:
There will be a meeting at 4 p.m
Monday, May 17, in the League
Everyone must be there. Unless you
are excused by me previous to the
meeting, your absence will signify
that you are no longer a member o:
the orientation committee.
Margaret Ferries.

Polonia. Circle: There will bea
meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m
in Lane Hall. This will. be our las
meeting for the semester. Blease
Delta Sigma Rho will hold their
annual banquet Saturday, May 22 a
6 p.m. All old members planning t
attend please contact Grace Gray
phone 6923.
Phi Kappa Phi: The Spring Initi-
ation and Banquet of Senior and
1 Graduate students into the Nationa
t Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi wil
t take place in the Ballroom of th
- Michigan Union at 6:30 p.m. on th
evening of Monday, May 17. Mem
f bers may notify the secretary, an
e place cards will be laid until noor
of that date. The speaker will b
Prof. Clark Hopkins, who will tell o
Y the "Michigan Excavations at Seleu
cia." Several musical numbers ar

(Continued from Page 2)

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
aiversity. Copy received at the fml of the Assitant to the Presee
wati 3:30; 11:00 a&m. on Saturday.

The Michigan Dames will hold the
last general meeting Tuesday, May
18, at 8:15 p.m. at the League, with
the new officers presiding. The guest
speaker will be Rucha Reed, the styl-
All wives of students and internes
are coi'dlally invited.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship at 10:30 a.m. Dr. C. W. Bra-
shares will preach on "Let Us All
Sing Again."
Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Student
class under the leadership of Pro-
fessor Carrothers. Theme: "Should
the Average Man Expect Justice?"
6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting.
Mr. L. L. Finch will speak on "How
to Make a Home Christian." Fellow-
ship hour and supper following the
Important Day for Presbyterian
Students: Two events of great interest
will take place on this Sunday af-
ternoon, May 16.
At 4:30 p.m. the Corner-stone of
the new Presbyterian Church and
Student Center will be laid at an i-
pressive service at the new site, 1432
Washtenaw Avenue. Following this
service all members of the Westmin-
ster Guild and their friends will go
immediately to the Michigan League
where they will have supper in the
Russian Tea Room. The newly elect-
ed officers and committee chairmen
will be installed at a service to be
held in the League Chapel from 7:15
to 7:45 p.m.
Church of Christ (Disciples) Sun-
10:45 a.m., morning worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister. -
5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Mr. George Alder, Di-
rector of the Fresh Air Camp, will
address the guild on "Camping and
Character." If it is dry and. warm
the social hour and meeting will be
held at the top of the bluff across the
river northeast of the city. Phone
5838 if you desire transportation. If
the weather is unfavorable the meet-
ing will be held at the church.
First Congregational Church, Wil-
liam and State.
10:45 a.m., service of worship. Ser-
mon by Dr. E. W. Blakeman. His
subject will be "Religion n Univer-
9:30 a.m., senior high school group
under Prof. Earl Griggs.
9:30 a.m. Post Parley meetings for
all college students who are interested
in the Parley. The meetings will be
held in the lower room of the church.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson will lead
the discussion.
9:30 a.m., May Forum group on the
fective Church will meet in Pil-
grim Hall. Chairman, Dr. Van Tuyl,
leaders Professor Bradshaw, Mrs. C.
C. Meloche, Mrs. D. L. Gildersleeve
and Dr. D. C. Long.
5 p.m., Ariston League Forum, led
by Mr John M. Trytten, director of
Guidance in the University High
4:30 p.m., Student Fellowship, will
meet at the church at 4:30 p.m. They
will go to the island for a worship
service and fellowship together.
First Batist Church: 10:45 a.m.,
worship and sermon by Rev. R. Ed-
ward Sayles, on "The Recovery of
I Ideals."
9:30 a.m., the church school meets.
5:30 p.m., The high school group
meets in the Church Parlors.
Roger Williams Guild: There will
be no noon class on Sunday. 6:15 p.m.
Students will meet for evening serv-
ice and social hour at the Guild
f House, 503 E. Huron St.

Harris 1Hall: There will be a stu-
dent meeting at Harris Hall Sunday
evening, May 16, 7 p.m.
a Prof. Preston Slosson will speak on
, "Casuistry or Ethics as a Parlor
t Game." All Episcopal students and
e their friends are cordially invited.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
t Services of worship Sunday, May 16
, 8 a.m., Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m.,
Church School, 11 a.m., Kindergar-
ten; 11 a.m., Morning Prayer and
Sermon by The Rev. Frederick W.
d Leech.
l Lutheran Student Club: Pictures on
e the "Life and Times of Dr. Martin
e Luther" will be shown in the Zion
- Lutheran Parish Hall Sunday eve-
d ning at 7:45 p.m.
n The public is cordially invited. Sup-
e per and social hour at 5:30 p.m. All
f students and their friends are wel-
-- come.
e Confirmation services will be held
Sunday'in both Trinity Lutheran and


* * ::


THESE and a thousand others like them are
the memories that will come floating back
through the years when in time to come I re-
member my days at Michigan.
Two, however, will always stand out above the
rest. One, the remembrance of a brown-headed
girl with a sense of humor who by that time
will be Mrs. Bonthron, and the other, of this
* * *" *
I'VE HAD A SWELL TIME this last year. Writ-
ing Beneath It All has been a great experience
and a valuable one. I have followed no set rules.
I've written about anything and everything which
has come to mind and had surprisingly little
Most of my columns were just average, a few
were fairly well written, and more than a few
stunk. All that I can say is that if those of
you who read Old Bonth fairly regularly know
a little more about Michigan as 'a result, then
I have not labored in vain.
* * ~ "- *
IF THERE is one word that I might leave with
the campus ere I depart to fields that can
never be any greener, it would be to try to know
more about Michigan. Know the coaches; the
athletes, the professors, the real students, the
publications men, enough girls, the Parrot crowd,
and the Pretzel Bell.
Michigan is a composite of all these, and until
you know each and its relation to the rest you
can never hope to know or appreciate her great-
ness. So long.

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